Detention center. Theyre asking asking people in the area to lock your doors and stay insidey are described as two hispanic males aged 33 and 28. Sheriffs office says when they escaped they were all wearing white or yellow. If you live near the marsh creek deception facility in clayton, you are being asked to stay inside and lock your doors. If you see something suspicious you are asked not to approach the men but instead call police. As for outside the home, wee at the mercy of climbing tempers and darren has the latest on that. Already felt the numbers go p today, brian. Straight into whats coming next and add a little perspective. Heres whatr weekend has been like so far. We far. We made it up to 103. Thats the conversation and its hot in in its own right. But you have to look at where were going tomorrow. And tuesday. Monday and tuesday. It is a big jump. D those numbers are now looking a little bit higher in the forecast now than they did yesty at this time. And that applies across the board. Were going to to do this for a couple of other other locations and it does get a little bit better by the time we get to wednesday you can see see what happens across santa rosa. 110 on tuesday is your numbers and we can see the forecast for san jose. Your nums now looking at 102 and by the time we get to tuesday, oaklandl be sitting in the mid 90s. Were 90s. Were going to have a lot more context on this heat wave but not to leave anybody out. Ts everybody elses daytime high oe wide map. Were going to be mid 90s on the peninsula and the east bay shoreline as well. Thet of the forecast in a few minutes. For now, brian, back to to you. Incredible. The fire watch, Siskiyou County confirmed two people were killed in the mill fire in northern california. The northern california. The victims identities havent been havent been released. They have have been battling the mill fire mill fire and mountain fire. Ths broke out on friday and thousands of residents in the cy of weed were force today leave. T least 100 homes have been burned been burned and several have been injured and for evacuees ts is all too familiar. Where my apartment is, is dit than where my property was that burned down in the bulls fire and they told me they didnt know if it burned down because i i havent been able to rebuild a to rebuild a house since 2014. Wow. Things warm even more, the state will be sending more Fire Fighting equipment to lakeo in sonoma county. The mountain fire has burned 8,000 acres and its 10 contained. One year age caldor fire burning in el Dorado Dorado National Forest force forced evacuations in south lake lake tahoe. But this Labor Day Weekend looks a lot different. D crews want to keep it that way. R Laura Haefeli has more. Reporter one year ago, soute was a ghost town. As the caldor fire burned towards tahoe. It was really, really sad. Reporter Labor Day Weekend h typically brings tourism to tahoe, was quiet after thousands after thousands were forced to. We heard the sirens come in. Y were going door to door. And we just couldnt tape any longer. Reporter fourth generation l kaline pots sat in after the traffic miles long packed with s leaving the lake. As i got out in time. Reporter one of the last pee to leave, former South Lake Tahoe mayor wallace. We got out about 30,000 peope in four hours. Zero loss of life. Zero problems. It was reay a blessing. Reporter and one year latere is welcoming visitors back. But the u. S. Forest service and surg Fire Agencies are warning visitors to be cautious this holiday weekend. Never ever ever outside of al camp site, have a camp fire. Als follow the fire restrictions. Reporter according to the u. Forest service, california has seen 500 forest fires this year of them were out within 24 hours 24 hours but with dry conditiond hot temperatures that could cha. Just be aware that you are ia National Forest. You need to know that your carelessness could cause us to lose everything. Reporter this year, the smoe filled skies are clear again. Ad those south lake wont forget theyre looking forward to puttg the caldor fire in the past. When you reminisce on what hd here, one year ago, what goes through your heart . I get a little upset. I thought there was no way i would i would ever walk back up to my. South lake tahoe is under whs called level 1 restrictions. Tht involves several regulations including no burning outside of designated camp sites. And a small fire in santa roa today. This is in open space ofk avenue. The fire burnedless nca. Now to a live look at bay ara highways where more than 600 dui dui arrests have already been made this weekend. According to aaa, 82 of labor day travelers will be driving. And they will find gas prices about 20 higher higher than they were last labor labodathe same time, police in pacifica told visitors visitors to expect delays on highway 1. Really . Because so many people are headed to the b. Same problem up at stinson beacn marin. Traffic so congested the Golden Gate National recreation said today that people should ry visit some other beach. Besides stinson beach. One of the people tried to gt to the coastline was kpix 5s d. Reporter it was sold out. Up out. Up and down bay area beaches, packed with people escaping from the inland heat this Labor Day Weekend. We found found this couple in the morning the morning setting up their tent at San Franciscos ocean beach. They came from the scorching hot vacaville. This is awesome. Its really great to be here. I feel good and i know were going to heat to leave knowing what were goig back home to. This is great. Were just eng it. Paradise for a few hours. For a few hours, exactly. Reporter more people floodig the city means more business fos waterfront restaurant beach chalet. All booked up by this weeken. Reporter no more reservatios and one of their busiest weekends. Post pandemic. Thats one of the reasons whe so busy because people want to be down by the water. Reporter the manager says ty dont have enough staff to hande the big crowds on friday. But theyre good now. Traffic was by moving on the Golden Gate Bridge bridge at times trying to get to to marin. And heres how downtown sausalito looked like. D with visitors. Retailers love it it and need it after two tough pandemic years. Sacramento, i have had peoplm fairfield. Chico. Reporter im driving to theh right now. And im stuck in the parade of turtles and were all just kind of inching along actually not even moving right now. Just lot of cars and a lotf people trying to get to the bea. Just got to have some patience d well get there soon. Some people parked their cars i long highway 1 and walked a mile dowo the beach. Its faster. One of the busiest weekends n years with the heat wave and we really appreciate everyone comig out. The parking lot has been flooded the past couple of daysd people are parking illegally but illegally but its been good for for our business. Reporter with the populatiof 486 people the town ballooned to ballooned to at least several thousand people. Hard to move and hard to find parking and in fact, by sunday afternoon, auths were telling people to stop coming to stinson beach. Hes autistic and we loves te ocean. He loves being in the waves. Its a sensory treat for him and it really helps him rege himself. I knows this television. Reporter and not feel o visn but i wish you can feel the ocean breeze and the cool air because after three hours and three cities and a lot of drivig and traffic, and a lot of sweating, this feels good. Ill leave you with a shot of stinson of stinson beach. Im da lin, kx 5. Coastal locations arent to y places seeing a bump in business in business because of the heatn walnut creek people are taking advantage of restaurants airc. Probably just hanging out. Tg to stay cool. Probably going to be ac room. You dont want to be for houe running your ac and just cookin. You dont have to worry about te stove so you can come out to res and enjoy the ac that were running. And not worrying about working yourself to do it. So weve got everyone has plenty of plenty of shade especially with all the street park park let. That you can sit in and just moe space. The flex alert in place unti0 tonight. You are asked to hold off running large appliances until then. And raise the thermostat inside your home to 78 degrees. Parks in the east bay are tag precautions as we enter high temperatures. More than a dozen regional parks will be closed today and tomorrow to cut down on the fire risk and the risk of of heat related illness. And east bay resident walking to a nearby park said the closure cat her by surprise. For me, i simply hiked to thk from my backyard. Like i could go up and over the ridge. I didnt realize the park was clod until i came over the hill. Boy. Got to be hot out therey lafayette. Other parks closer to to the bay will remain open along with swimming pools. Yay. We have posted a full list of list of the closures on kpix. Com. And still ahead rainbows on broadway. Pride marching through downtown oaklad today. And its only going to get hotter for the three day we. Darren peck is standing by withe details when we come back. Want a permanent solution to homelessness . You wont get it with prop 27. It was written and funded by outofstate corporations to permanently maximize profits, not homeless funding. 90 of the profits go to outofstate corporations permanently. Only pennies on the dollar for the homeless permanently. And with loopholes, the homeless get even less permanently. Prop 27. They didnt write it for the homeless. They wrote it for themselves. Welcome back. It happened today. Oaklands pride parade made a big comeback after a twor pandemic pause. The 12th annual event kicks off other pride celebrations next weekend. The anticipation of the events, oakd is getting 2400 more doses of the Monkeypox Vaccine from the. As kpix 5s Shawn Chitnis has tt story. Reporter for the first timee the pandemic, the lgbtq communiy here in the east bay came together again and spread a mese of unity. [ music ] [ music ] a show of pride along the strees of downtown oakland on sunday. E parade kicking off a day long celebration and giving people a sense of community once again. The energy in oakland is alws immaculate. So were just outside having a good time. Vibg everybody. Reporter a reminder of the t to selfexpression and owning your identity. Mixing with people. And just feeling comfortable in expressig ourselves as we are. Reporter this year, challens new and old remain for advocates. Folks are really doing o strr effort of getting the word out n we did with covid. Reporter monkeypox vaccinats were part of thefestival as supply continues to fall below demand but the effort to protece most at risk is improving overall. For Community Organizations doing outreach at oakland pride, their focus turns turns to school in the fall. As they work with trans and nonbiny youth in need. Being a person whos listenig that one person they can talk to to because we know that lowers their risk of committing suicid. Reporter one more challengeo take on this sunday, the heat. There will be a long line int of us as this day goes on. Reporter vendors grateful fr more opportunities to support their business during the pandemic, selling a cool treat that was a hit as people partien the hot weather. It is awesome to be to have e events back online. And people are out, back to doing the things they love to do. I feel like unity and just le bringing the community togethers really important. Reporter a renewed sense of, not to be taken for granted after two years without the chance to celebrate as one. Reporting in oakland, shawn chi, kpix 5 news. Oakland will have another cen with pride fest next sunday. Its almost hard to believe h the heat that we have had latel, and i know that you have told us us this for days, that its goig to get even warmer. Just getting started. Not only in the intensity honestly buzz its going to get a lot war tomorrow but now in the duratioe thursday is all of a sudden starting to you know, wave its hand and say, no, no, i think it on in. Get there in the 7 day forecast. First heres a look a. You noticed the warmup today ot at all. Livermore 105. These are 105. These are official numbersy going to be right about on this mark for daytime highs. Concord 103 and oakland 85 and santa rosa, you made it to 100. Before 100. Before i show you the daytime highs for tomorrow and e into the details about how its going to get hotter over the next few days. Just a little perspective on whats going on. W did he we get hit with whats at to be a fairly intense heat wav . Not just for us were for most on california. If you look at whats stacked against us in the the atmosphere right now, the cr codes on here show you a level f the atmosphere that when you ar, you look at to gauge where the temperatures are going to be. Is a little bit higher off the sur. Its about 850millibars but les not worry about that in terms of in terms of measurements of pre. Just knows this where we look tt the highs. Weve kept records os at that level of in atmosphere in pretty good detail going all the way back to 1979. And when you look at the record from 197p until now. The areas that show p p up in the fuchsia bullseye are are the hottest theyve ever been. At that level. So were probably going to see a lot of records fall for the daytime highs down here at in ground where we all live speaking of which, heres what it looks tom. Start out by taking a look up ad down 101 through the north bay there. Theres santa rosa 107 but look at the peninsula. Upper peninsula. Upper 90s tomorrow. R daytime highs. Look at the east bay. Mid 90s. It will go to 09 in oakland and San Francisco at 86. Were going to have to watct closely. Because if we just lose lose little bit of onshore flow you could go higher than that. T 85. But the contrast really shows up when we see what life s like up and down 880 which will be hot enough. Compared to what life is like up and down 680. Ts is the area weve been focusing on this whole time. The worst of of the heat is over here. Concod is going to be 110 tomorrow. Tuy will be hotter than that. Thurs, at this point, might be almost as hot as that. So its going to to be a little while. The heat advisory right now for the bay as we saw the temperatures are little more manageable here so the advisory stays in place alog the bay shoreline through tuesdy evening. That is the National Weather services messaging to you to say be aware. Temperaturs going to be hot enough you coule exposed to the kind of heat thas to Heat Related Health issues but everybody else when we switch the map in the fuchsia. S is the excessive heat warning. D they reserve that terminology for a much higher degree of concern. A much higher degree oy that the temperatures are going to be at a level if you are not taking it seriously, and taking precautions that you need, you are very vulnerable to Heat Related Health issues on this. O and we went into the details o on differences between heat exhn and heatstroke. The top two right now. If you feel faint, lightheaded or dizzy or anything anything like that, thats heat. If you are sweating a lot and yu are still in the heat exhaustion heat exhaustion category. When u feel those two you have time to fix the problem. If you get over over here you have a throbbing headache, or if you stop sweating completely, those are two big warning signs. You haved the heatstroke category and at that point its actually time to time to call 911. The statistic has been out there for years. Yu probably have heard it. Heat is the number one killer when it comes to the weather. Its not tornadoes, its not flooding. Is heat. Oftentimes because we dont take it seriously enough. O heres 7 day forecast. San francisco, oakland and san jose, san jose, two first alert days we may have to adjust that. As we get to thursday. You are see why when we look at in microclimates. Two first alert s monday and tuesday. We know about those. But look at thursday. We get another little spike and then it gets better as better as we get towards the weekend, temperatures come down to a far more manageable range as we get into the weekend. Ser, over to you. Just look at the triple digi. Sports sunday, u. S. Open ten, wide open. After a week in new york. And what did the giants do te phillies . Oh and they did up top and these guys, the giants, nine games back of the playoff spot with 31 games lefts might think its over but this weekend a home crowd saw the old old orange and black magic at te expense of a them that theyre chasing. All right, who wants it . Who wants it . They got after after it at mccovey cove today. S 4th inning and then wade jr. Found a hole. Good enough to score jd davis and you know what . Three batters later, they were really in business. Here is is bryce johnson. Singled for his first Career Major League hit. Wade scored and made it 30 30 San Francisco. 41,189 paid o see it. In the 6th, starter carlos row don was in trouble. S were loaded and r odon delivereh backtoback strikeouts to get out of the inning. Ten punches d yeah you bet he was pumped. But the bullpen, couldnt hold. 8th inning. 21 for jt realmuto. And realmuto. And a three run blast off of him and like that the gae was tied. Still 33 in the 9th. R flores up. Two outs, first pitch pitch he saw . Oh my gosh. How about a two run walkoff homer . S win it 53 and swept the series and they were at the dodgers on monday. All right, dont knock it unl you try it. Foot bag is hard enough but the orioles played hack key sack with a baseball. Baltimores where the as finisd up today and embraced with old teammate kemp and catcher robinson and picking up 3rd inning. As up 10 and langeliers looked to add more when he found the gap. That drove in two runs. Hes got 12 rbi in three weeks here in the bigs. Bottom of the 6th. Right place right time heres groundeo first, stab and throw to start a a double play. You think martinez was excited . He threw six shutout ink. 8th inning. Sd time of in time. Bound, pound. H brown. Swung on, gone. His second big fly of the day. 19th for the season and as win it 50. Avoided a sweep. As are back in oakland tuesday against atlanta. And nfl week away from to. Its a full slate of opening da. The headliner . 49ers at the chicago bears. Now number 54 fred warner is entering his fifth season with San Franciscos the leader of the defense. Off the field, warner had a big off. He got married to his girlfrieny and they spent their hon honeymoon in bora bora . Now a married man. You living living your best life right now . Right now . Absolutely. Couldnt be better. [ laughter ] thats it. S really it. All right, heres a guy who s to believe its raining. U. S. Open tennis in new york. Coco gauff played indoors under a roof and near court of her match her match with shuai zhang of china. Ran down the drop shot and got the crowd into it. Alrey won the first set. Later in the set, runs sid to side, no problem. Oh man to be young again. Won the point and pulled out the mutombo no, no, no. Finger wag. Won in straight sets sets 75, 75 and advanced to hr first u. S. Open quarterfinal. Now the las vegas aces semi. Seattle in black. Two seconds left. Down one. Sue bird. A Corner Pocket three and the stom took in lead. Big stars big moment, big shot. But vegas has a second left and young drove in in to tie the game. We got overtime. And then it was all las vegas aces from there. Chela gray. Were done here. She scord 29 points and 12 assists. Vegasn for a 21 series lead. The aces can close it out and enter the p round on tuesday night. You see, the great thing abot sundays is we got a lot going on. Ill tell you that. Not a whole bunch of vos and look that the. We got scores and and highlights. We go up tempo on the weekend. More coming up at 6 00 whiche look forward to. For now, well see you in a minute. Mr. Glen coming up. A tasty way to check out this time space wormhole i creat hows it work . Let me see your togo, and ill show you. Poof burt, you have my lunch. Introducing togos new pastrami cheese ste loaded with our world famous pastrami, sauteed mushrooms, roasted red peppers, and smothered with melty american cheese. The new pastrami cheese steak. Try steak or chicken, too. Now at togos well, in pleasanton residents pleasanton residents are cooling cooling off with the famous ice cream cones at meadow lark dairy. Cars are lined up around the block. Some are opting for the oldfashioned method and just walking up to the window. G to beat the heat and theres still time by the way. Meadow lark pleasanton open until 9 00 tonight. And wouldnt that be nice . Thats it at 5 00 5 00. Wl see you back here at 6 00 for an an hour of news. Do have news updates always on kpix. Com. Cbs weekend news is next. Well tonight, september scorcher. An historic heat wave intensifies in the west, threatening lives, melting records, and fueling massive wildfires. In the southeast a different danger. Details ahead. Also, new developments after an abduction caught on camera. I am Elise Preston in memphis, tennessee where the search is under way for a missing mother who disappeared while jogging. Plus, donald trump on the attack. The former president makes his first public appearance since the search at maralago. Taking aim at the fbi. The fbi and the Justice Department have become vicious monsters. And president joe biden

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