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Program, how is that impacted . The kids have to shelter in place until the fire is over. It is fine. When does does the camp go to a certain time at night . It ended at 4 00, they are just hanging out. All right. Lets get back to the live look. Cory, thank you for joining us. In the last few moments we saw the first Fire Fighting flames, they are making water drops now, some people have been evacuated along with their animals and the fire currently covers up to 10 acres. We will keep monitoring the fire, and have another look at the fire in just a few moments. And new at 5 00, it has been a gaping problem for muroga well over a year now but finally the town has a fix for that giant sinkhole, Julia Goodrich is live with where juliet jewel yet is live. Reporter where is the money coming from . To fill the sinkhole that has been here 16 months. Guess who paying for it right now . Moraga . It has become the town eye sore, unexpected 15foot wide by 20foot wide sinkhole, the town had a first birthday for the sinkhole. Today, work to repair the sinkhole agilgsy begins and some residents say about team. It has gone beyond the time to get something done. Reporter the hold up, emergency federal funding. We are finally finally got approval. Reporter at the mercy of the feds, once emergency funding was authorized, full speed ahead with one major road block. We would be putting up front of all the money to do with all expenditures and ask for reembursement at a later date. Reporter to the tune of 3. 1 million. Maragas public work director said they had to dip into reserve funds for the 3. 1 million to be reembursed at some point down the road by the feds. Until you get reembursed, is moraga extremely cash strapped . We are fshgs not only do we are, not only do we have the sinkhole, we had the canyon road bridge issue, for a temporary onelane bridge will cost a little over 2 million. Reporter for 16 months they dealt with traf sxk detour headache during construction there will be road closures near the sinkhole. I got completely diverted and got lost. The intersection is closed, our whole property right here turns into almost a freeway. Reporter residents are asking, when does the reembursement check come . The biggest was getting the approval, the check could come several years from now, the work hopefully completed in october. Police arrested the man suspected of kidnapping a baby boy in monterey county, then leaving the child with strangers in san jose. Officers say they caught up with 43yearold Raymond Gutierrez in salinas, the man is a transient, accused of stealing a car this morning with a 1yearold inside. Sandra osborne shows what led to a happy reunion in san jose. Reporter the woman who stays inside this rv said she was woken up early this morning with a loud knock, she said when she opened the window a man made a very unusual request, asking her to take a baby she has never even seen before. He said take this baby, i grabbed the car and there is a baby in it. Reporter police say the boys father put the baby in the car seat just after 4 00 a. M. As he was getting ready for work. He ran inside, only for a minute, he says, when he came out the car and his baby boy were gone. I said what baby . He said come here, i have a car, there is a baby. Reporter the car thief drove the stolen vehicle to san jose and tried to get the mama to take the child, the man nearby knew something was going on and jumped in. I didnt want to get involved because i was but i was like, once i saw the baby a second time, i didnt have a choice. Reporter collin said he questioned the man who he watched start breaking into another vehicle, this white van. Afraid for their safety, he took the baby and called 911. He was rnt concerned in the slightest, i could could tell he was spun out. Reporter the say the baby will be fine, the family was reunited. I will never forget. Feels pretty neat to be helpful, you know . Baby emilio will always be a part of me. Reporter in san jose, sandra osborne, kpix 5. Federal investigators confirmed an air canada jet was heading for a taxiway at sfo instead of the assigned runway when it narrowly missed hitting four planes, the National Transportation safety board says the jet went as low as 100 feet above the ground and flew over another plane on the taxiway before aboarding the aborting the landing and pulling out july 7. The ntsb plans to release security video, federal investigatorvise interviewed the pilot, his first officer will be questioned tomorrow. A showdown in the state legislature over whether to expand a program for regulating Green House Gases, Governor Brown is pushing hard for the bill but needs support from at least a few republicans. Kpix 5 political reporter melissa caen is following developments at the state capital. Reporter the senate is still debating cap and trade extension in california, this is governor jerry browns signature packageage of legislation, the process has been, to say the least, messy. Pitted democrat against democrat, republican against republican, and now it looks like in order to get the votes needed to pass this cap and trade extension, a constitutional amendment is going to have to be passed by both houses tonight to get those votes. We have a president who is basically abandoning the u. S. s commitment to fighting Climate Change and abdicating leadership, so california needs to step up and show we are a leader. Have any idea what the prices may be . Reporter the states commitment to environment is a source of pride for many californians but the push to extend the cap and trade program face serious resistance. There is Division Within the Environmental Community on the extension of cap and trade. Reporter the laws dates from 2020 to 2030, and some environmental groups think the bills dont go far enough. Some business groups thing the laws go too far. Cap and trade is one of the largest taxes to hit california. Reporter a legislative director of the National Federation of independent business. They recently passed the increased the gasoline tax, the highest tax increase in state history. Um, we just recently last year extended the income taxes, now we have the highest income tax bracket in the country. Reporter it caps the amount of Green House Gases prom industry and Companies Buy and sell credits within the cap. Here is how the money is spent in this years budget. 500 million for public transit. 375 million for high speed rail, and 363 million for clean vehicles. Which includeathize clean vehicle rebate project. People are getting rebates for buying a tesla. Reporter consumers pay for the credits in higher gas prices. Right now, about 11 cents a gallon. According to legislative analyst office, by 2021, cap and trade will add anywhere from 15 cents to 63 cents to the price of a gallon of gas. The office says raising the price of gas is part of the plan to get people to use less. We want to have more fuel efficient cars, we want to have more electric and hide rb vehicles and we are moving in that direction. Reporter in sacramento, melissa caen, kpix 5. Bay area counties and one Southern California city are taking a stand against big oil. Today marin and san mateo as well as Imperial Beach in san diego, all filing lawsuits against 37 of the Worlds Biggest Oil and coal companies, the suite claims the companies are adding to Climate Change, specifically, rising water levels causing coastal erosion, coming up at 6 00, kiet do with how the bay area counties want these Oil Companies to pay up. In washington, president Donald Trumps Team Continues an effort to explain a meeting last year between Trump Campaign officials and two people with reported connections to the kremlin. Mr. Trumps personal lawyer says donald trump, jr. Broke no laws by agreeing to hold the meeting. The lawyers also suggesting that the two russians were cleared by the secret service. But a spokesman for the agency says that is not true. He says no one was screened for that meeting because donald trump, jr. Was not under the agencys protection at the time. Republican push on health care has hit a new road block, cbs reporter, seth lemon, explains because one republican senator is out for Health Reasons and the leadership needs his vote. Reporter a vote on the Senate Republican plan to repeal and replace obamacare was supposed to happen this week, but it is delayed at arizona senator john mccain covers from surgery to remove a blood clot. We hope mccain gets better very soon, we miss him. He is is a crusty voice in washington, plus we need his vote. Reporter Senate Majority leader, Mitch Mcconnell can only afford to lose two republican votes, senator Susan Collins and rand paul have announced their opposition, and about a dozen others are on the fence. I think the longer the bill is out there, the more conservative republicans will discover it is not repeal. Reporter White House Press secretary, sean spicer, says the president is working the phones and inviting senators here to win support for the measure. Some states need this, some states need that, but we are getting it together and it is going to happen. Reporter undecided senators are waiting to see what the Congressional Budget Office says about the revised bills cost, and how many people will have coverage, it can take ted cruz propose to allow insurers to offer cheaper, bare bones plans, a letter was sent calling the plan unworkable in any form. Lawmakers expected to see cbo numbers money but with the vote delayed, analysts start taking more time to work on their calculations. Seth lem frn cbs news, the lemon for cbs nuse, the whouz news, the white house. They said over the next decade, the number of uninsured americans would increase by 20 Million People compared with current law. It happened in a matter of seconds. A womans little dog is snatched by a coyote and it wasnt just wandering about. The surprising spot where little bella was dog napped. Fair jump ers cost bart millions of jumper each year, the new crack down that is changing the way rioters board the train. Minutes. A shelter in place order has on the wester back to the breaking news, in the past few minutes a shelter in place order has gone into effect on the western edge of saratoga because of the bregs fire. Chopper brush fire. Chopper 5 is live, you can see all the smoke burning through dry brush and trees so far between highend homes and the mountain vineyard. We heard earlier that some people got an evacuation warning but now there is a shelter in place order, as we continue to watch the live pictures, we will stay on top of the story and bring you more information as it comes in. A dog was snatched and killed by a coyote from a front stairs of its own home on sunday, as the owner stood there helplessly watching. It happened three miles east of the lake near monterey boulevard in San Francisco. Our don ford spoke with neighbors who say coyote sightingerize nothing new. Reporter the 13yearold dog, a shih tzu named bella was killed. The owner says a coyotea raced up the steps and grabbed her doll while she was getting her keys to enter her house. Too upset to speak on camera, she said the attack was swift and completely unexpected. Once the coyote had her small dog, it took off down the side of the house. Right behind me is where the coyote jumped over a fence and where with the animal in its jaws ran down the alley. It is here where jody and her husband eventually found her body. Reporter folkerize shocked by the brazen attack but one neighbor says coyotes in the neighborhood are nothing new. My wife saw one during the middle of the day walking down over here, and it walked along darion following us. Reporter the coyote . And stopped in the middle of the intersection and i turned around and challenged it. Reporter neighbors believe they may be coming from stern grove, San Francisco animal care and control says there are approximately 50100 coyotes living in the city. While this attack is still being investigated, the nature of the attack, so close to a home, is different. For a coyote to come up on a is definitely not a good thing. Reporter the department is working with california fish and wildlife for guidance on how to deal with this situation, meanwhile, back on aptose street, folks are concerned. Boy, i mean, little dogs, definitely keep a close eye at night. They are good dogs, come up all happy, wag its butt more than its tail. Reporter i cant imagine here in this neighborhood. In San Francisco, don ford. Bart trying to crack down on riders who arent paying, the agency opened a new entrance of the Downtown Berkeley station where only riderwise clipper cards riders with clipper cards will have access. Reporter the first paperless inference for a bart station, the clipper card only gates in berkeley are part of pilot frogram, with the goal program, with the goal to make it smoother. Paper ticketvise more problem tickets have more problems, they get jammed, demagnetized, people have to go to the agents, get frustrated, cause lines. Reporter in the long run, bart officials hope it saves money spent on processing paper tickets. There could be another money saver too, 5foot tall glass barrier meant to keep fare vaders from jumping the gates, a problem estimated to cost bart 25 million a year. We have done similar high barriers at a couple of other stations and worked quite a bit. Reporter the fare gates are still pretty low. I think they can jump there. I feel like i could. Reporter higher gates could be coming down the line. For now focusing on the barriers around the gate. Reporter improvements at the southern entrance cost 1. 2 million and for now riders can use paper tickets to inference but only clipper tickets getting in. They are selling them at the downtown station monday and tuesday but eventually they plan on vending machines where you can buy the cards on sight. In berkeley, j am jessica jessica. Terrifying moment, two men broke in and robbed them at gunpoint on oak grove road before 9 00 this morning, police say a husband, wife, and child were inside when the two suspects came in and pulled out the weapons, they took money, personal property, before running away. Police say they may have jumped into a gold get away van. In a few months oj simpson could be a free man, he has been behind bars for nearly 9 years after he was found guilty of robbery and kidnapping charges. The 70yearold has served his minimum sentence. He has a parole hearing on thursday and one defense attorney believes he has a good chance of getting out of prison. If that happens, he could be released as early as october. For some inland cities today was the 10th day since june 1, above 100 degrees. Ver a hot this summer. Very hot this summer. Howhen we cool down, a when we cool down, how long, and when we warm up in the 60s. All new tonight, bike share stationerize rolling out stations are rolling out. One neighborhood says not so fast, why it is turning its back on bicycles. But first, the market closed mixed today, here is a look at closing numbers from wall street. Strummed guitar you cant experience the Canadian Rockies through a screen. You have to be here, with us. Strummed guitar travel through this natural wonder and get a glimpse of amazing. With a glass of wine in one hand, and a camera in the other, aboard rocky mountaineer. Canadas Rocky Mountains await. Call your travel agent or rocky mountaineer for special offers now. Another summer day, another amazing temperature spread. Like two parallel worlds that we live in in the summertime. We are talking about hot, then not hot, then hot again. That is you in walnut creek, you in antioch, you in napa, you wont be hot tomorrow. Then San Francisco, havent seen hot since april. And you havent this summer still 64 degrees. Concord at 96, actually 10 degrees cooler than yesterday. San francisco, 64 degrees, same thing past 25 days. San jose, sunshine, 83, perhaps the most comfortable spot, oakland, 72, beautiful for you in santa rosa, 86 degrees. Temperatures taking a tumble. Lets compare where we were yesterday to where we ended up today. Concord, 6 degrees cooler, the biggest change is napa, the cooler air did make it to napa valley, you went from 102 to 85 degrees. Baseball tonight, we are looking at giants taking on the cleveland indians, what a nice week, first take on the as, staying in town to take on the giants, sure they are seeing the sights. Couple clouds, not terribly breezy in San Francisco. 61 degrees, go giants. Mid to upper 50s overnight. San jose, 58. Concord, around 60. San francisco, fog will reforpd form. 53 reform. 53 the overnight low. Very typical summertime pattern, big strong ridge to our south, area of low pressure to our north, both of these, the clockwise flow around the ridge, counterclockwise flow, giving us a stronger onshore flow. Tomorrow we will not be hot inland, highs only in the 80s and this pattern will stick around the next several days. What we get as a result will be very pleasant summertime weather with everybody within 23 degrees of average, the heat inland is gone. Watch low cloud cover all the way to the east bay, perhaps making it to castro valley, hal meada starting cloudy. Sunshine by the afternoon but ocean breeze making it inland and temperatures not as hot. Highs tomorrow away from the water, 80s, another 10 degrees cooler. Moderate onshore flow the rest of the week, and that means near the water you never warmed up, you wont cool down, you dont need to. Highs tomorrow in San Francisco, 65 degrees, oakland, 68. Vallejo, cooler for you, 79. Livermore, much cooler for you, 86. San jose, 81. Pacifica, 62 degrees yet again. Your extended forecast calling for slightly warmer weather throughout the week, but most of the afternoon for the inland towns will be in the 80s, 60s to low 70s near the bay and seasonably chilly at the beach with Morning Cloud cover, low 60s for highs for you. That is your monday forecast. We will be back with more nouz. Cbs evening news is coming up next. Anthony mason is here with a preview. Up next, deadly flash floods kill at least 9 people in arizona. We will take you to the waters edge. Health care reform is on hold after john mccain undergoes surgery. How building robots could help build a better world. Those stories are coming up in a few seconds on the cbs evening news. Before we go tonight, want to take one more look at the fire that is burning in saratoga. The fire line moving closer to the vineyard we spoke about earlier, a shelter in place order has gone out for People Living near mt. Eden road, it is specifically for the smoke but they also want to keep the roads clear so fire crews can get heavy equipment up to the fire. Now so far the fire covers 10 acres and is burning on a hillside near the mountain winery, no homeerize threatened. The homes are threatened. The fire is burning away from the highend home s. Kids at the summer camp are kept in doors as it plays out. We have the crews arriving on the scene now, a live report coming up at 6 00. Captioning sponsored by cbs mason swept away. Holy mackerel. Mason nine members of family are killed by floodwaters darkened by the ashes of wildfires. The search goes on for the missing. Ceso tonight, a suburban Dallas Police officer is charged with the murder of a black teen leaving a party. And a minneapolis cop fatally shoots an australian woman after te called 911 to report a possible assault. Ere president channels his inner cowboy to promote goods made in the u. S. A. Not mentioned trump family products made overseas. And the Global Robotics challenge where some teenage participants just gettiner

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