Slowdowns out the door. Were tracking slow speeds along 280. No reports of crashes or stalls but well check in with chp and get a closer look at that coming up in the next traffic report. If you are making your way through san jose along 101, speeds remain in the green moving right at the limit there and looking excellent over at the bay bridge toll plaza. Easy driving as you head on into San Francisco. Back to you guys. Thank you. A new report suggests several bay area courthouses pose a considerable safety risk should a major earthquake strike. Kpix 5s Jessica Flores is live in oakland with the details. Jessica. Reporter michelle, thats right. Actually, nine bay area courthouses would be unsafe during an earthquake and this building behind me the Alameda County Administration Building has two civil courts on the 3rd and 4th floors. It actually was ranked the second worst building in california for earthquakes and the worst courthouse for earthquakes is actually in Southern California in glendale. This is all according to a new state report in total the report found 56 California Trial Court buildings pose a risk to human and building safety in the event of earthquake. The report gives state lawmakers recommendations as to which courthouses urgently need funding for retrofitting. This is coming at a time also when the state has lost about 1. 4 billion in Court Construction funds. The report based the rankings on the location of the building and also structural characteristics. So among the high risk Court Buildings in the bay area you have Sonoma County hall of justice, Contra Costa County richard bay district, Contra Costa County Wakefield Taylor courthouse in martinez, and Alameda County fremont hall of justice and San Francisco hall of justice. The next step is a consultant will create a short list of 20 to 25 buildings where funding should be directed. Now, as for funding to retrofit the building behind me the Alameda County Administration Building it will cost about 64 million. A report is expected at the early 2018 updated report as to which buildings that they should be directing this funding. Live in oakland, im Jessica Flores, kpix 5. The mayor of santa clara is working to make sure the 49ers management feels the sting of breaking the law. They are now facing a 1,000 fine because a u2 concert at leave ran beyond a 10 p. M. Curfew rule. In a statement, the city said, quote, we will pursue all appropriate legal action and take steps to this doesnt happen again. We made a promise to our community. So we cannot aaffect their quality of life. Its already affected in terms of traffic, litter, garbage, et cetera. A 49er spokesman said they are not sure why the show ran beyond 10 p. M. But asked the city for a curfew extension in january and was rejected. A san jose man will spend a year jail after a street case. Two drivers were speeding down yerba buena road when one veered off the road. His car pinned 24yearold kiran pabla against a tree less than a mile from her home. Since the accident, the city has installed rumble strips and other safety northbound side address the speeding issue there. As the temperatures warm up, lots of people are expected to flock to bay area beaches this weekend but officials are warning beachgoers to be extra careful. Kpix 5s anne makovec is live at ocean beach in San Francisco where strong rip currents are expected. Anne. Reporter yeah. Not only are we going to see a lot of people heading to the beach because the weather is going to be so warm this weekend its also bay to breakers day here on sunday. That means allotted of people who end the race here at ocean beach might be tempted to take a dip. Unfortunately, a lot of those people are also going to be drunk. So there is some danger here this weekend when it comes to these rip currents. There is a sign here beside me. But a lot of people simply ignore it. Ocean beach is rank one of the most dangerous beaches in the united states. The biggest threat is those rip currents that can catch even experienced swimmers off guard. More than 80 of lifeguard rescues at the countrys surf beaches involve people caught up in rip currents. And there is not a lot of lifeguard coverage here at ocean beach. So the best advice you may have heard it before, swim parallel to the shore until you are out of the current and then swim toward the beach. Theres going to be a demonstration about that here today at ocean beach starting at 10 00. Live in San Francisco, anne makevoc, kpix 5. Syria sweden is dropping its investigation into rape claims against julian assange. In 2012 he took refuge in Ecuadors Embassy in london to escape extradition to sweden. He has been there ever since fearing that if he is arrested he might ultimately be extradited to the united states. Today President Trump embarks on his first foreign trypsins taking office. A five stop journey through the middle east and europe. He will meet with leaders of dozens of arab states and deliver an address to the islamic world. President trump is dismissing the appointment of Robert Mueller as special counsel as a witch hunt. He is investigate alleged russian interference in the 2016 election and whether any of the president s associates played an alleged role. The state is now taking legal action to save Affordable Care act funds. Kpix 5s jackie ward joints us now to tell us more. Reporter this lawsuit has been going on for years. But now, california and new york attorneys general are being called the leaders in a 16state charge that are trying to intervene in that federal lawsuit. The ags say they are trying to protect care for millions of americans. The issue stems from a lawsuit filed by House Republicans in 2014 seeking to block billions of dollars in payments to Insurance Companies to subsidize lower income americans. The lawsuit is still ongoing and the Trump Administration seems unlikely to fight to preserve the funding. They are asking the federal court to allow the states to directly defend the law. In a tweet, becerra says, thanks to the aca, over 5 Million People in california receive quality affordable healthcare many for the first time. Protect our care. If payment to Insurance Companies ends, becerra says coverage would drastically change for millions of americans. He also added that theres no way to predict the direction of the trump white house. So what happens if Congress Passes the new Healthcare Plan . This is moot. Earlier this month the health passed the American Healthcare act. Now the senate is writing its own version of the bill but that may take months it pass. Thank you. Time now is 5 07. The uc board of regents makes some Big Decisions on the future direction of the university system. And one of San Franciscos famous painted ladies is getting a modern upgrade. From the kpix weather center, good morning, everyone. Well, the heat is on. A day in which our temperatures will drop by 10 degrees. We are seeing some speeds drop along westbound 580. It looks okay here. Right near 680 but find out whats going on as you head out of tracy. Coming up. ,,,,, its not a weekend hobby. Ance . You have to live and breathe it for 50 years. Its the sound. And the fury. Its letting it all hang out there, and its hanging on for dear life. That is what amg driving performance means. And this is where it lives. The 503horsepower mercedesamg c63 s coupe. The birthplace of the grunge Rock Movement is paying tribute to the late chris cornell. Good morning, welcome back to kpix 5 morning news your time check is 5 11. This is our live weather camera. Isnt this beautiful . Its sutro tower. We are looking north towards Golden Gate Bridge. We have clear skies out there. Thats why were able to see with clear skies this morning. The marine layer is inching its way back into the forecast. Well pinpoint when the coast clouds up. The details in less than 4 minutes. The birthplace of the grunge Rock Movement is paying tribute to the late chris cornell. [ music ] a crowd showed up last night at Seattle Independent Radio Station kexp. The space needle went dark for an hour in remembrance of the soundgarden and audioslave front man. Cornells death has been ruled a suicide. Medical examiner said that cornell had hang himself in a hotel room in detroit on wednesday. He had been scheduled to perform later that night. The university of californias president s office is asking for more money despite a scathing audit that revealed a secret uc slush fund. The report from the state auditor found that uc officials overpaid executives and standard more than 100 million in a secret account. Yesterday, regents were asked to approve an 800 million budget for the office of the president. They declined. Im not completely comfortable moments after a lengthy discussion about an audit to have this budget before us right now. The board of regents will discuss a new Budget Proposal at their july meeting. A popular park with views of the painted ladies and the San Francisco skyline will re open to the public next week. Thats right. After a months long Improvement Project visitors to alamo square will see you in upgrades as well as a hightech addition across the street. Solar panels have been added to the roof of the oldest house on the block. And now that its finished, the 122yearold mansion can get 80 of its electricity from the sun. A little modernization. Looks good. All right. 5 13 right now. Lets check the roads. See how theyre doing. Jaclyn . Good morning. There will likely be big crowds near the painted ladies this weekend with bay to breakers a lot of folks like to congregate in the alamo square area. So please be advised there will be quite a few road closures on sunday with bay to breakers if we dont need to be driving in the city, i would say avoid it if at all possible. Right now we are tracking a couple of problems. We are tracking some delays if you are making your way out of tracy heading into livermore. Westbound 580, at grant line road, we do have some debris in the left lane causing many cars to swerve and slowing folks down. Right now your travel time from 205 to 680 about a 32, 33 minute ride as you approach the dublinpleasanton interchange and heres a live look you can see the headlights making their way westbound along 580 approaching 680. Emergency crews are out on the scene. Were also getting word of a new accident along 680 near sunol boulevard and 880 near marina. This is involving a dump truck that spun out there has a lane blocked so chp heading to the scene. Well have more on that coming up in the next traffic report. Right now ill send it over to you. We have clear skies at 5 14 at the coast and into the bay. This is the view looking out towards the transamerica pyramid. We see the top of it. Knee clouds to speakno clouds to speak of. We are looking towards the Golden Gate Bridge. Clear skies there, as well. 49 degrees trivalley. 50 santa rosa. 57 degrees very mild in san jose. The winds have been under 10 Miles Per Hour everywhere today. It looks like easterly in hayward which is more of an offshore push. Weather watcher this is kim who lives in benicia. He reports 60 degrees. He says its clear and warm and this weekend, theres the oakland greek festival and the Contra Costa County fair. Thanks for keeping us abreast of things going on around the bay area. The Contra Costa County fair this weekend is going to be sizzling hot. Go for the snocone. 93 degrees. Heres what you need to know about your forecast. Today, sunsational. This weekend, hot inland. Mild at our beaches. And tuesday we cool 10 degrees in our inland areas. So we have the situation with the marine layer in full development right now its a thin deck of low clouds. It will be pushing back onshore not so much today, heres your friday with the offshore flow. So a goodlooking beach day today. And really tomorrow as well once the marine layer burns off. By 8 a. M. In the morning, we have it hanging tight to the san mateo coast all the way to santa cruz. Backed off allowing you a good looking day on saturday at the seashore. Then sunday morning just in time for bay to breakers we have the thin overcast conditions all the way into ocean beach for the final the finish line and it looks like the clouds are very slow to clear on sunday at the seashore. Its all about the ridge of High Pressure continues to back into the bay area. Today making it a goodlooking beach day in santa cruz at 80 degrees. Same on saturday. But cooler on sunday. Surf is fair. But watch out for those rip currents. Today in san jose, across the santa clara valley, what i have done is crunched the numbers together to see what the computer models are forecasting. 86 in willow glen through cupertino. 84 in mountain view. Nearly 90 throughout the tri valley. You know pleasanton will hit 90, 91 degrees. Low 90s in throughout brentwood, tracy, oakley, also into orwood and discovery bay. 70s and 80s around the rim of the bay today. Typically we are 64 in San Francisco. So unseasonably hot day. You notice the numbers increase inland over the weekend. They begin to go downward over the weekend at the coast. Heres when we cool off between monday and tuesday 10 degrees drop in our temperatures, 70s by wednesday and thursday. Bay to breakers is sunday a moving party. It will be partly cloudy. An average temperature about 64 although at race time when they step off or start to run, in the high 50s. Thats a look at your forecast. Hey, michelle, it would not be a goodlooking day without another story about harry styles. Thats right. And thats because he is good looking, roberta. We get to start our friday off with a brandnew Carpool Karaoke featuring harry styles in the passenger seat with james corden on the late late show last night. [ music ] i went somewhere else emotionally. Quite emotional. [ music ] do you find it emotional because of the [ crosstalk ] like a cool way. [ laughter ] he is so cool. And that hair. Love it. The duo tried on some clothes fit for a rock star. Talked about their love for romantic comedieses. Harry styles wraps up his week on the late late show tonight. You can see it here on kpix 5. There was a surprise concert at berkeley last night. Deejay crashed the statistics departments graduation. Congratulations. And here is [ indiscernible ] [ music ] whoo [ applause and cheers ] that is a cool surprise. The hiphop star walked through the crowd rapping, all i do is win. He finished it off with a pep talk and says the world once refused to to believe in him and now he is on stage with kings and queens and a generation of geniuses. There is another viral video out of the california university. This one is from stanford. Do your bicycle do your bicycle adorable. Meet riptide the mascot for the crew team. He recently showed off his bicycling skills at practice. If you want to see more pups, he has his own instagram account. Just search riptide the golden retriever. And im dennis odonnell. Coming up, the Boston Red Sox come calling. Did pablo come with em . And Draymond Green gets an award and then he gets mad. Find out why next. And whats cool about your school . Email your nomination to us at coolschools kpix. Com and we may feature your school on the show. ,,,,,,,,,, heading through oakland, diamonds rubies moving at the limit there. No delays 20 minutes from 238 on out to the maze. But further south of here we are tracking a crash. Well have more coming up. Reporter the as next 28 games will be in the eastern time zone beginning last night against boston. Minus Pablo Sandoval who has been on the disabled list since april 25. Khris davis trying to break out of a two for 32 slump and this aint a bad way to start. After jed lowrie homered davis hit an 02 pitch over the Rickey Henderson sign. His 12th home run and if the as are going to turn it around they will have to start with davis. Bottom of the fourth, check out how far this chad pender home run goes and the dude in the bleachers made the catch. Thats a beauty. Sonny gray gets his first win of the year. As win 83. The league announced its all nba teams and golden state makes up 20 of the all league selection. Steph curry and kevin durant were named as second team. Draymond green was third team. But fellow all star Klay Thompson was left off. That didnt seem to bother klay too much but draymond had his back. Yeah, i think its bull [ censored ] you know, its some guys on the as far as averaging 20 points and dont have near as amount of wins as we have, you know, so how he could be left out, i dont understand it also, clay can defend also, klay can defend. Guess they have to find some way to punish us. The haters are going to hate, right . Warriors in san antonio tomorrow for game 3. Kawhi leonard did not practice yesterday. Thats not good news for the spurs. Im dennis odonnell. Have a great weekend. Lets check the play of the day. Pga tour first round of the byron nelson classic ernie els from just off the green on the par three 13th hole. Gets it on here on 13. Takes home the play of the day. Yeah. The big easy showing he still has that touch around the green. Ernie els the fourtime major champion nails the birdie and takes home the play of the day. It is going to be a gorgeous start to the weekend at many of the bay area beaches. But we have a warning for anybody trying to dip a toe in the water next. And unsafe county courthouses that could be putting you at risk in the event of an earthquake. Im Jessica Flores live with the details coming up. ,,,,,,,,,,, giving people options based on their budget is pretty edgy. Kind of like this look. Im calling it the name your price tool phase. Whatever. The election. And the woman who sparked the in the a potentially major turn in the investigation into whether the Trump Campaign colluded with russia before the election. And the woman who sparked a massive scandal within the Oakland Police Department Takes the stand at a hearing for one of the officers. So we certainly do know its going to be hot in our inland areas but the big thing is going to be exactly when the marine layer will push back onshore and the impact it will have on the coast. If you are headed over to the bay bridge toll plaza, well, youll be in good company. We are tracking a backup that looks like those metering lights are on. Well take a closer look at that and your travel times coming up. Good morning, its friday, may 19. Im michelle griego. Im kenny choi. A new report suggests several courthouses in the bay area could see pose a serious danger to people if a massive quake strikes. Kpix 5s Jessica Flores is live in oakland with the details. Jessica. Reporter kenny, nine bay area courthouses would be unsafe during an earthquake and one of those is right behind me. The Alameda County Administration Building actually has two civil courts on the 3rd and 4th floors. Its ranked the second worst in the state. The worst is actually in Southern California. In glendale. The state report found 56 California Trial Court buildings pose a risk to human and building safety in the event of an earthquake. The report gives lawmakers recommendations as to which courthouses urge gently need funding for retrofitting. The cost of doing the 12 highest building would be 320 million. This is at a time when the state already lost about 1. 4 billion in Court Construction funds. So other high risk Court Buildings in the bay area include the Sonoma County hall of justice, Contra Costa County richmond bay district, Contra Costa County Wakefield Taylor courthouse in martinez, Alameda County fremont hall of justice, and San Francisco hall of justice. Now retrofitting the Alameda County Administration Building alone would cost 64 million. A final report is expected in early 2008p im Jessica Flores, kpix 5. A danger for beachgoers looking to cool off near the coast this weekend. Kpix 5s anne makovec is live at ocean beach to explain. Officials are warning people to watch out for rip currents. Reporter you can see one of the many warning signs here behind me. Im going to step out so you can see the beautiful oceanview that were sorry, cant talk that we are waking up to this morning. Im distracted by the beautiful oceanview. Anyway, its gorgeous. But it is also dangerous. There is the possibility of rip currents all along our shores ocean beach is actually ranked one of the most dangerous beaches in the united states. The biggest threat is those rip currents that can catch even experienced swimmer off guard. More than 80 of lifeguard rescues at the countrys surf beaches involve people caught up in rip currents and there isnt a lot of lifeguard coverage here at ocean beach. So the best advice, you might have heard it before, swim parallel to the shore until you are out of the current and then swim toward the beach. But yeah, it is going to be a gorgeous weekend here. We are looking at temperatures around 70 in pacifica where they also have rip currents but well have a lot of people in particular on sunday because the big bay to breakers race ends right here. So hoping everybody is going to heed the warnings. Live in ocean beach, anne makevoc, kpix 5. [ crosstalk ] go ahead. We were saying roberta is warning dont turn your back on an angry ocean. You know what my favorite par of ocean beach is . The cliff house. You can sit inside and enjoy a mimosa and look out over the waves. Dont have to worry about the dangerous waves. I was just there yesterday and there was a group of kids maybe about five or six no parental supervision. Ah. I was just looking at them very close to the water and i hoped they wouldnt enter and they didnt. You can have the sneaker waves. But a lot of people want to got beach this weekend to cool off and even though experienced surfers will tell you its dangerous with the rip currents very close to the coast, and so anne makovec giving us some great advice out there this morning. Thanks, anne. We have established a weather camera there. And boy, its beginning to brighten up. The temperature right now San Francisco 54. Same right around ocean beach. 50 santa rosa. Mid50s in oakland. Looks like the marine layer just hanging off the coast. When it happens temperatures will go down. Well keep an eye on that. San francisco average high 64. Today were forecasting 74 degrees. Oakland should be at 68 instead low 80s. Should be in the mid70s in concord instead 90 degrees. 60s will be common at the beaches today approaching 70 in pacifica. Right around 70 to 72 degrees same on saturday but well start to see the return of the morning overcast conditions. 80s to 90s nearly in redwood city around the peninsula. We are talking 87 degrees in sunnyvale nearly 90 in cupertino and campbell. 86 in san jose. 85 in san rafael. Mid80s through terra linda. Occidental and healdsburg near 90 today. Its hot away from the bay. Very comfortable at the beach. We have the full forecast and well track the fog and when to expect it coming up. Lets send it to jaclyn. We are tracking some slowdowns. If you are heading over to the bay bridge toll plaza, be prepared. We have a bit of a backup there. Its stretching into the foot of the maze at this point. Speeds are in the yellow as you make your way across the top. Its about a 25minute ride from the maze into downtown San Francisco. Still looking okay if you are making your way through oakland along 880 in both directions. An accident near davis street. Chp just cleared that right at the limit there in the green. 680 crash on sunol boulevard no delays. We are starting to see a few slowdowns though northbound 85 at 237 one lane blocked speeds drop to 35 Miles Per Hour. Hats a check of your traffic; over to you. Thank you. President trump departs on his first overseas trip as president today amid a firestorm of controversy here at home. The first stop in his itinerary saudi arabia. He will deliver a speech aimed at improving relations between the u. S. And middle Eastern Countries then to israel, the vatican and finally belgium for a nato summit. Meanwhile, the investigation into alleged russian interference in the 2016 election is progressing. Senate lawmakers emerged from a briefing with Deputy Attorney general Rod Rosenstein yesterday with one of them suggesting the investigation has turned in a criminal probe. Democrats also said they were told President Trump had already decided to fire fbi director james comey then came to rosenstein to get his support. He knew that comey was going to be removed prior to him writing his memo. Yesterday the president denied claims that he asked comey to back off the investigation into his former National Security adviser michael flynn. Comey had been scheduled to testify publicly on the matter before a Congressional Committee next week. Members of that committee are getting mixed messages on whether that will happen now that Robert Mueller is in charge of the investigation as special counsel. California is trying to protect healthcare for californians. Kpix 5s jackie ward joins us with more. Reporter the house versus price case is pending in the u. S. Court of appeals for the district of columbia circuit right now. This dates back to the obama administration. Back in 2014, House Republicans filed this lawsuit as an attempt to block 7 billion in payments to Insurance Companies to subsidize poor people. State attorney general Javier Becerra and other attorneys general from across the country want a federal court to let states directly defend the law. Becerra says more than 5 Million People receive healthcare under the Affordable Care act. He said no parent should worry if he can afford to take a child to a doctor or hospital protect our care. Since adapting the aca, the state of california has reached a historic low when it comes to people without health insurance. In 2016 only 7. 1 of californians did not have health insurance. So jackie, how much would premiums increase if theres a loss of subsidy payments . Its not good. The Kaiser Family Foundation Projects premiums will increase by 19 across the country t would be even higher in states that have not expanded medicaid. Medical, though, is the largest Medicaid Program in the country. It covers more than 12 Million People. The woman at the center of a sex scandal spanning multiple Bay Area Police departments is now taking the stand against officers accused of breaking the law in exchange for sex. Former Oakland Police officer brian bunton allegedly received oral sex from a prostitute. Buntons attorney claims the sting was a lie and his note was an effort to keep the prostitute indoors in bad weather. There never was an undercover operation that night. The fact that he told her that there was because he wanted to keep her out of the rain and off the streets on a cold winter night. Our reporter in the courtroom said celeste guap was so nervous during the questioning that she had difficulty getting through her testimony. Ibm is reportedly telling its employees that work from home is no longer an option. Ill wagner of cbsmoneywatch. Com reports. Reporter stocks on wall street staged a comeback after their worst day of the year this week. The dow was up 56 points yesterday. The nasdaq was up 43 futures pointing to a higher open today. Four automakers i had to, subaru mazda and bmw agreed to a 553 million settlement over recalls of that kach that airbags. They could be compensated for things while they were taking the car in for recall repairs. Ibm was a pioneer inletting employees work from home but now the company is reversing course. Thousands of people will have to go to the office or leave the company. Ibm says working in the office will improve collaboration and pick up the pace of work. And Fidelity Investments checks 8 million of its customers account and found women did better than men by 4 . Women take a longer term view of investing and take fewer support risks. Reebok trying to cash in on a new male ramper trend. Reporter reebok has a hood, carbo pockets, a half zip opening. The male romper craze started way Kickstarter Campaign for a romper for men. The net still divided on whether a male onesie is a good look. Would you wear a male romper . You know, these onesies look good on babies. On men, not so much. Thats my opinion. Reporter i had a feeling would you say that. Maybe michelle will get one for me for christmas. [ laughter ] jill wagne r of cbsmoneywatch. Com, thank you. Not a chance. 5 41 right now. Murder charges are filed against the driver who plowed into pedestrians at a world famous tourist attraction. And after years of uncertainty, a huge sigh of relief for some bay area residents unsure if they would be able to keep their homes. Food. Water. Internet. We need it to live. But what we dont need are surprises, like extra monthly fees. I see you, fee, played by legendary actress anjelica huston. You got me, mark. We just want fast internet for one, simple rate. For all the streaming and the shopping and the newsing, but most of all. For the this. Responsible for plowing his car into pedestrians in times square killing one person and injuring 22 others is being charged with murder and mpted murder. A suspect is under arrest for plowing his car into pedestrians in times square killing one and injuring 22. He is being charged with murder and attempted murder. 26yearold Richard Rojas will face a judge today. This animation shows how the car sped down 7th avenue before police say it made a sharp u turn jumping the curb where he hits the first person. An 18yearold woman was killed in the crash and 22 others were injured. The vehicle had the a metal barrier and burst into flames. People are running, scattered everywhere falling. The flames coming out from under the hood of the car and somebody was getting pulled out from behind the car. Police say that rojas tested positive for marijuana, but not alcohol. Three people are recovering after a fire at the Google Developers conference. It broke out in one of the kitchens at the shoreline amphitheater in mountain view. The Fire Department told us one of the victims has life threatening injuries. But google tells us that the injuries are minor. The conference will continue as scheduled today. It starts at 8 30 this morning. You can live stream it online. A fiveyear ordeal is finally over for residents of a peninsula mobile home park. Skydrone5 over buena vista park. Hundreds of families got word yesterday that the Property Owner has agreed to a 40 million deal to keep the park open. The park sits on 4. 5 acres of prime real estate in palo alto. The owner had been threatening to evict residents in favor of a more profitable development. A ribboncutting ceremony is scheduled at the new dublin waterpark tonight. The 36 million facility has three pools, six slides and a water playground. The wave officially opens on may 27. I wish it will opening today. Right. Good day to go. Isnt it right after your birthday though . It is. Yeah a few days after. A Big Birthday Party after you. We need all that water to blow out the candles. [ laughter ] not as many as you no, thats true. Got me there. Call it experience. [ laughter ] both of you can celebrate your birthdays there. Lets have a big party. It looked like a lap pool, too. Didnt have enough lap pools in the bay area. I have found that out. Or indoor lap pools. You like the lap pools. I do. Just head to the ocean. I just like to float. [ laughter ] i know you do with a little adult beverage in your hand. I like that. [ laughter ] hows traffic . Right now, we are track your friday morning commute 880 through oakland. And you can see traffic on the right side of your screen, those taillights they are heading northbound 20 minutes to the maze. If you are making your way through the south bay we are tracking an accident northbound 85 approaching 237. One lane blocked quite a bit of debris left from that crash and it looks like we are waiting on a sweeper to come out there and clear that debris. Its going to be 30 minutes. Delays in that direction. San mateo bridge on the west side of the bridge there as you get closer to foster city, look like traffic is light. No backup over at the Richmond San Rafael bridge. Speeds are in the green westbound over to san rafael. Quick check of the Golden Gate Bridge traffic moving well in both directions. Bay bridge toll plaza this is the hot spot this morning. So if you are heading in this direction, give yourself some extra time. You will be in good company. Maybe grab that extra cup of coffee. 25minute ride as you make your way from the maze into downtown San Francisco. Thats a check of your traffic. Lets check the forecast now with roberta. Jaclyn, i dont know if you realize but one of our favorite things to do is climb the stairs going up to coit tower. All 463 stairs. You will have to go along with us on a day like today at the top of pioneer park Telegraph Hill you look out the visibility is unlimited. The sky is clear. Its seamless. Air quality today pretty good no problems not a spare the air day. This is the scene looking out at the Golden Gate Bridge this morning. The sun is beginning to make an appearance. Temperaturewise 49 degrees in livermore to 50 in santa rosa. In the 50s, winds under 10 Miles Per Hour. Well rotate to the northwest later today about 10 to 15 during the afternoon hours. Calm right now in novato back through petaluma. Morning to weather watcher linda reporting an air temperature in the high 50s to 60 degrees. She says were heading towards a scorcher today. We are. In fact, right there in Solano County through Contra Costa County is where well find some of the hottest temperatures today through the weekend. 90s inland over the weekend. Time for the festival and fairs. How about that . Today sunsational a big warmup today. Cooler at the coast. Marine layer is out there shallow deck of low clouds and fog trying to come back into the forecast. So im calling for futurecast. According to this model it suggest that is by 8 p. M. Tonight well start clouds will penetrate the coast. By tomorrow morning early, but then backing off. For the bay to breakers well have a thin overcast sky on sunday morning which is decent for running that 7mile foot race. And then we will have the clouds begin to clear during the afternoon hours at the shore theres a huge dome of High Pressure over the state of california. San jose tomorrow 80 degrees. Keep in mind heading to the beaches the water temperatures at 54 degrees. San jose average high around 74. But instead today we are forecasting 85, 86 degrees. Going with 86 towards the rose garden district. Alum rock alviso, as well. Nearly 70 in pacifica. 70s and 80s around the bay. Nearly 90 in napa and sonoma. Trivalley at 90 today. Hotter over the weekend. We cool down significantly by tuesday. Make today great day. Time now 5 51. Trash collection is about to get more expensive in one bay area city. ,,,,,,,,,, good morning. Youre taking a look at an accident involving a car that hit a tree. This is in the Oakland Hills area along via rialto near redwood road. Its currently closed in both directions. Emergency crews are on the scene. Chopper 5 over the scene. We will continue to monitor this accident and let you know when that road via rialto reopens coming up. People living in san franciscan expect higher garbage bills starting this summer. The citys Public Works Department is set to raise the rates by 14 in july. Landfill fees and a new labor contract by garbage workers contribute to the highers rates. The additional money goes towards a campaign to promote composting. A norovirus outbreak started in san jose and is moving into santa cruz county. At least 28 new cases were reported at a camp near boulder creek. This is on top of the nearly 370 cases in san jose. Authorities say that students have gotten sick at 14 different schools. The first cases were reported around may 4. Crews have been cleaning and sanitizing surfaces. Right now, San Jose Police are looking for any suspects tied to a deadly shooting. The call came in around 10 00 last night. Officers found the victim outside the weinerschnitzel restaurant on first street. The man was in his 30s. Police arent releasing details about what happened. There was no suspect information. Three people fell from a ferris wheel in washington state. A 69yearold woman went to the hospital. Two other people suffered nonlifethreatening injuries. Firefighters say that the door of the unit did not open. It just flipped over. After waiting for months for the festival to open and feature this ride, many locals were hard hit by the news. It brings happiness and we waited a year for it. This is the day my son has been waiting for, for one year. And and [ pause ] then this happens. Ha. Officials say that the 69 yearold woman is now in critical condition. An unsafe county courthouse that could be putting you at risk in the event of an earthquake. Im Jessica Flores live with the details coming up. And it is going to be a gorgeous weekend to spend some time at the beach but we have a warning if you are thinking of heading towards water. Next. ,,,,,,,,, what if there was a paint. Where each drop was formulated to be smarter. Even smarter than that. So if a color didnt go on evenly, it would balance itself out to reveal its truest, richest state. If a paint could realize the fullest potential of any color. You have to wonder. Is it still paint . Aura interior from benjamin moo®e. Only available at independently owned paint and hardware stores. First foreign trip but can he escape controversy here at home . Plus a brewing battle over obamacare funds. What cal this morning President Trump is taking his first foreign trip. Can he escape controversy here at home . Plus a battle over obamacare funds. What californias attorney general is doing to keep healthcare costs low. Good morning, its friday, may 19. Im michelle griego. Im kenny choi. First lets head outside live look outside this morning. Temperatures in the bay area about to heat up just in time for the weekend. Nice conditions out there as we take a live look at the bay bridge toll plaza and the Golden Gate Bridge. A lot people need their sunglasses. Hot, hot, hot. We are tracking a couple of hot spots if you are heading out the door right now. Northbound 85, as you

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