our own reporter judd sovereign who happened to be at the airport when the whole thing happened. >> reporter: somehow they were able to get the people off and it's not far off the shore. they didn't have to go too far to get back on land. everyone here feared the worst. >> of the 108 passengers, about 45 were treated for injuries including broken legs and head wounds. the plane was put into commission with lion's fleet just last month. safety network says the airplanes have been involved in six accidents since 2002. one of them resulting in fatalities. a developing story right now in washington state. searchers are scrambling to recover two people missing after a pair of avalanches. one happened at the pass where two people are hurt and a third is missing on granite mountain. the second avalanche is at a ski area called red mountain. it struck a group of 13 people who were snow shoeing. two people were initially reported missing and crews are still look for the second. the -- looking for the second. the avalanches o curd as anyway snow -- occurred as heavy snow fell in the cascade mountains. in sacramento, the state's democratic party is meeting this weekend to discuss the party's future plans. but kpix 5's anne makovec says there are challenges. >> reporter: it's the largest gathering of democrats in california since the party's historic election victories last november. >> i'm having a great time. >> absolutely outstanding. >> reporter: california democrats are celebrating winning a two-thirds majority in both houses of the state legislature. and the passage of prop 30 a new tax measure giving them more money to spend on their priorities. >> imeducation. implement the in infrastructure. >> reporter: things might be smelling like roses for democrats here at the capitol but thsame capitol hill where congressional democrats are trying to retake the house of representatives. >> we need to win 17 and we'll have at least three times that many in play in order to do that. >> reporter: they lost the democratic majority in 2010 and pelosi lost her position as speaker of the house. >> but now we go back out there with plenty of opportunity. a more awareness on the part of the public as to how obstructionist the republicans are. >> reporter: a new challenge for democrats traying to be -- trying to be strategic about the finances, open primary where two democrats go head-to- head in the same district, little resources that could otherwise be spent on a more united front. >> the politics and campaign finance and all that, it's already -- pretty expensive so i am concerned. >> reporter: in sacramento, anne makovec, kpix 5. >> the convention runs through tomorrow at the sacramento convention center. president obama is turning the aid owe microphone over a guest speaker this saturday. francine wheeler lost her son in the sandy hook shootings four months ago. >> i've heard people say the tidal wave of anguish our country felt on 12 clash 14 has reseeded but not for you are. -- receded but not for us. for us it feels like it happened just yesterday and in the four months since we lost our loved ones, thousands of other americans have died at the end of a gun. thousands of other families across the united states are also drowning in our grief. >> mrs. wheeler appealed to americans to get involved before quote our tragedy becomes your tragedy. and that emotional appeal comes on the same day as the nra is sponsoring a nascar race in texas. cbs reporter anna warner on why some say the event should have been canceled. >> reporter: at the texas motor speedway, the logo for this year's race sits prominently on the glass. the nra 500. the national rifle association is sponsoring a major nascar sprint cup race for the first time. eddy is president of the texas motor speedway. >> demographically it's a great fit. any product that you have as a sponsor you look to see is it going to match up in this one certainly does. >> reporter: the texas race has historically involved guns. the driver who wins the time trials on the first day known as the pole winner gets a shotgun. the race winner receives two six shooters and celebrates by firing them using blanks. he says the nra deal was in the works prior to the shootings of 20 children and six adults at sandy hook elementary school last december. long before the current proposals in congress to strengthen background checks for gusenator chris murphy sees political ma fiving and the timing of the nra's first ever sponsorship of a major race. >> we're going to be debating a background checks bill next week that's supported by 90% of the american public but the nra opposes it. and when nascar fans turn on the tv this weekend, it's going to seem to them like nascar and the nra are in bed in a moment just on this race -- not just on this race but on the nra's agenda as well. >> reporter: in an e-mail the spokesman told us nascar has no official position on the gun n the business of bringing people together for entertainment. not political debate. >> andhonor the victims of the newtown massacre, nascar ran a specially painted car at february's daytona 500. that team will run a similar car tonight and it's sponsored by a sporting goods store that sells guns. one of the biggest gun shows in the country same to san francisco this weekend. the crossroads of the west took over the cal palace. the promoter is using the event to draw attention to proposed state legislation that would ban gun and ammo sails at the palace. also the pocket that federal legislation up for debate next week could make buying and selling guns at gun shows more difficult. more on the gun show coming up at 6:30. ling and just from the other -- and just on the other side of the mountain from the cal palace was a different kind of gun event. the congresswoman spear was on hand for a buyback at the san mateo county courthouse. people got $200 for assault rifles. one woman says she's been waiting for an opportunity like this. >> i've had these rifles in my home since my husband passed away. and i was always -- didn't know how to get rid of them and i was afraid to drive with them anywherement when i heard about the program this morning i said this is my opportunity. >> the county eriff estimated today and officials will have a final total on monday. a man in his 60s is jailed tonight charged with killing a younger man inside an apartment on knob hill. neighbors in the 1100 block of -- 1100 block of pacific near jones say they heard an argument about 2:30 a.m.. no other informationer or names have been earlessed. an arrest has been made almost three weeks after a kidnapping from a san jose home sparked an amber alert. an 11-month-old girl strapped in her car seat disappeared early march 25th when a woman drove off in her mother's suv. the girl was found unharmed about five hours later and miles away. san jose police say they have arrested 30-year-old carla hernandez. they arrested her on friday. she's facing kidnapping, child endangerment and drug charges. well, a bay area city honors a favorite son. how a soldier is being remembered for his sacrifice in iraq. >> pretending -- not to get choked up. i needed it. it just means -- it means a lot to all of us. >> and some bay area families picking up the keys to their future. the payoff today for hundreds of hours of hard work. >> good evening, roberta roberta gonzales in the kpix 5 weather center. we'll talk about the windiest day still to come. the frost and the rain as the news continues on kpix 5. look at them kids. [ sigh ] they have no idea what it was like before u-verse high speed internet. yeah, you couldn't just stream movies to a device like that. one time, i had to wait half a day to watch a movie. you watched movies?! i was lucky if i could watch a show. show?! man, i was happy to see a sneezing panda clip! trevor, have you eaten today? you sound a little grumpy. [ laughter ] [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible. soldier by renaming a post office. ntain view a south bay community turned out today to honor a fallen soldier by renaming a post office. the downtown mountain view post office was officially named after u.s. army lieutenant kenneth ballard. he was killed while serving in iraq in 2004. and is the only mountain view resident to die in that conflict. ballard's mother says her son would have appreciated it. >> he was a little boy from mountain view who grew up to be an american hero. and i think this dedication was befitting of him today. >> congress unanimously passed legislation to dedicate the post office earlier this year. ballard ultimately received three bronze stars and the purple heart for his service. well, the cost of bay area real estate makes it impossible for many families to own a home. kpix 5's patrick sedillo introduces us to a group of hard working volunteers who is making the dream of home ownership come true. >> reporter: this is the moment 36 families have been waiting for for a long time. owning their own homes in daly city. they helped to build with help from habitat for humanity. >> today is the culmination of 160 hours of bay area volunteer time. >> reporter: the peninsula is infamous for expensive houses. the median price? $600,000. keeps home ownership out of reach for most. the mortgage they will pay? >> $210,000. >> reporter: last year the high school students spent their spring break volunteethan washer and >> family put in the hours. and she can hardly believe they own their own zero interest, zero down condo and promise to pay it forward. >> get more familied involved and get more families applied to habitat. >> reporter: shannon explained what happened when her husband found out they were accep into habitat. >> he was the one that got teary and just started holding me and for him to get that choked up -- i knew that it just m-- i think it's a lot to all of us. >> reporter: in lieu of a down payment, each family put in is hundred hours of sweat equity. that means working on the houses themselves. they get to move in may 1st. reporting from daly city. patrick sedillo, kpix 5. >> they are being called the largest and most innovative habitat for humanity development on the west coast. all right a beautiful day for a cherry blossom festival but robertahas a forecast that will blow you away. that's next. hmm, it says here that cheerios helps lower cholesterol as part of a heart healthy diet. that's true. ...but you still have to go to the gym. ♪ the one and only, cheerios ♪ nom, nom, nom. ♪ the one and only, cheerios ♪ ♪sitir: being generated in california. when ordinary energy is put in the hands of extraordinary people, amazing things happen. the kind of things that drive us to do more to go further, to be better. we're dedicated to being a company you can count on because you've always been customers we believe in. your energy plus ours. together there's no limit to what we can achieve. who had been adrift for days in well, a pair of cruise ships came to the rescue of a cuban immigrant who had been adrift for days in the gulf of mexico. disney wonder and the carnival conquest picked up 21 people and gave them food, water and medical attention. the groups were trying to get to the u.s. mainland but will likely be returned to their homeland. the last few days have felt like summer really especially on the east bay. it's been gorgeous. >> then we have some very gusty winds that make it feel cooler than it actually is. again today we had highs into the 70s a gorgeous day for the annual cherry blossom festival leer in the city of san francisco. it's a 46th annual and today, boy, did the people flock out in numbers. over 200,000 people attended the festivities will continue again tomorrow for the very prominent asian celebration but the whole town is welcome. come on out to the festival. the cherry blossom festival. tomorrow afternoon, for the festival the winds will turn gusty again during the afternoon hours, right now, we're taking a look at our live kpix 5 weather camera. looking out to the bay waters where we were actually able to see white caps on the waters today. gale warning is in effect and air temperature not bad. it's currently 69 degrees in santa rosa but the winds are howling up to 21 adding to the afternoon chill -- no advisories as far as wind is concerned for our local bridges but boy, it's a double white knuckler commute over each bridge. at sfo currently vi. the winds are westerly at 41. gusts up to 49 miles per hour. so we have the wind. it will subside in the overnight hours. and then in some of the sheltered north bay valleys there's the possibility of some frost. sunny but turning breezy to windy tomorrow late day can then more wind and forecast in the seven day forecast. north and east bay valleys, this is where it will be the gustiest as far as your winds are concerned. all the way through monday evening. peak wind gusts tonight along the coasts up to about 36 miles per hour. tomorrow morning as you rise and shine 12-mile-per- pleasanton. then beginning to ramp up during the late afternoon hours. we'll see gusts up to nearly 40 miles per hour duringlate day hours tomorrow. the reason area low pressure that copious amounts of snow that is now going to slide down and bump up against the of high pressure causing the pressure gradient there for windy conditions and also there's a slight chance at some rain drops come sunday night into monday. there you hafuturecast. rain begins to move into the area in the overnight hours sunday through monday. nothing really measurable. but cooler air mass as a result. now tonight overnight we're talking about temperatures into the 40s but few 30s and those sheltered areas tomorrow's highs gradually coming down but cooler by monday. with the passage of this front. again, a couple of showers possible in the overnight hours to monday. and then by next friday, we're talking about highs -- >> wow. >> into the 80s when the giants return to town. >> looking forward to that. thank you much. all right vern is here and tiger making news. >> this fella -- i mean the plot continues to thicken. down at augusta with this guy. tiger woods -- you know you won't believe this. penalized before the day even gets started. and could the giants fight off another late inning push from the cubbies? sports coming up next. (woman) 3 days of walking to give a breast cancer survivor a lifetime-- that's definitely a fair trade. it was such a beautiful experience. (jessica lee) ♪ and it's beautiful ♪ (woman) why walk 60 miles in the boldest breast cancer event in history? because your efforts help komen serve millions of women and men facing breast cancer every year. visit to register or to request more information today. it was 3 days of pure joy. ♪ and it's beautiful ♪ it seems right now the masters is about tighter and the teenager. >> absolutely. yeah the teenager -- yeah yeah but tiger when he woke up this morning and found out -- it was -- why it was like a show stopper. i mean how do you recover from that? we'll have the giants and a's in the morning but we're going to lead off with the masters. thought he was 3 under par for the turn. he was then notified of a two stroke personality for an illegal drop. a viewer actually called in and complained. an illegal drop he took on friday at the 15th hole. in the old days the old rules, he could have been disqualified. now, 1 under par at the start of the round he had to make a move do it fast. but on the 8th he lipped out. he played the front nine at even par. angel cabrera the 2009 champion began the day two shots back but grabbed sole possession of the lead as it tackled in here at 10. he was 7 under par. a back to tiger. he would get back into the mix, back-to-back dish guys at 12 and -- birdies at 12 and 13. finished at 70 for his round. that's four shots back. cabrera took a turn for the worse here. issues there. and then issues one putt too many at 13. back-to-back bogeys dropped limb to 5 under par. i love this shot here. brandt snedeker. won at pebble beach tracking it at the 16th hole and he would tap in for his third birdie on the back 9 to tie day for the lead at 7 under par. let me join you. the birdie on 18 to join snedeker at 7 under par. now jason day, the he would have made it a trifecta at the top but he slipped at 17. he is one stroke back. so let's reset it for you. brand snedeker and cabrera will be the top pair going into the final round. scott sits alone one stroke behind the leaders and day and liarman tied at -- 5 under par. two shots back. tune in right here for the final round of the masters tomorrow. the par 5 postround show is right after. on to baseball, the only thing that could stop a's' slugger -- was a strained lehand. he is on the 15 day disabled list. tigers' justin verlander was in the way of the team today. 35,067. second sell oath of the gang. you can applaud anderson a 1-03rd inning lead but torii homer as a tiger. career number 298 for tiger. uh-huh by fielder, hey question. 2-1 tigers. fourth homer for the same innings, two on, more damage. johnmy peralta. he gets on it with a three run jack. first of the year. anderson gave up three homers in game. matching his career-high. verlander his usual self got norris here to end the 4th. six strikeouts and six innings of work and the a's lose, final of 7-3 and with it their nine game win streak isgiant nate schierholtz got the the gawrigley fi's pabvalue the 2012 world series mvp smashing the rbi single. 7th inning scutaro, pokes one down the right field line. madison bumgarner comes around to score. it's 3-0 giants and as the lead they would not blow although -- bumgarner did make a mistake here. that arrow smashed a two run job here to second. pinch hit home run in as many days. so it was 3-2. bases loaded in the 8th and one out. casino gets wellington to end it and the giants hang on to win. final of 3-2. now the lakers beat the warriors last night. but man, was it costly. kobe bryant, near the tail end of the game, suffered a torn achilles heel. and achilles tendon which will obviously sideline him for the rest of the season. and probably a majority of next season. i did this playing racket ball. it cost me full year. not that i'm a great athlete but boy bryant. he was 34 and only one year left on the contract and insists this will not be a career ending injury. >> players at this stage of their career you know they pop their achilles and you know the pundits say they never come back the same. so i can hear it already. and it's -- pissing me off right now. thinking about it. so -- >> this isn't the last game that you'll be playing? >> really? >> well no -- i'm not trying to be rude? >> really? >> i'm sorry, just trying -- >> it's inappropriate you ask that question from now on. >> okay of course upset. i mean boy -- conventional wisdom says boy the lakers stick a fork in him. turn them over. >> they might surprise all of us, we'll see you back in a half hour here on kpix 5. good night. [ captions by: caption colorado, llc 800-775-7838 email: ] hmm, it says here that cheerios helps lower cholesterol as part of a heart healthy diet. that's true. ...but you still have to go to the gym. ♪ the one and only, cheerios ♪ nom, nom, nom. ♪ the one and only, cheerios ♪ >> axelrod: tonight, a mother's plea. >> please help us do something before our tragedy becomes your tragedy. >> axelrod: the president asked the parent of a newtown shooting victim to deliver the weekly white house address. we have the latest on the gun control debate. splashdown in bali. a passenger plane crash landses in indonesia. we'll have the amazing survival story. >> arrests in the case of a california teenager who killed herself after her sexual assault was posted online. carter evans has the latest. and the youngest master. they've never seen anything like this 14-year-old in augusta but terrell brown tells us how slow play almost derailed him from his fast track. captioning sponsored by cbs

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Sandy Hook ,Texas ,United States ,Mountain View ,California ,West Java ,Jawa Barat ,Indonesia ,Pebble Beach ,Washington ,District Of Columbia ,San Francisco ,Mountain View Post Office ,Mexico ,Daly City ,Wellington ,New Zealand General ,New Zealand ,Iraq ,Colorado ,Sacramento ,Bali ,Jawa Timur ,Cuba ,Capitol Hill ,San Mateo County ,Americans ,American ,Cuban ,Francine Wheeler ,Angel Cabrera ,Carter Evans ,Terrell Brown ,Roberta Gonzales ,Madison Bumgarner ,Jessica Lee ,Anna Warner ,Brandt Snedeker ,Kenneth Ballard ,Chris Murphy ,Tiger Justin Verlander ,Carla Hernandez ,

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