,,,,,,,, the Energy Conscious whopeople among usle . Say small actions can add up to something. Humongous. A little thing here. A little thing there. Starts to feel like a badge maybe millions can wear. Who are all these caretakers, advocates too . Turns out, its californians its me and its you. Dont stop now, its easy to add to the routine. Join Energy Upgrade california and do your thing. Cities. Tonight investi now at 11 00, one car after another torched. Its happened in several bay area cities. Tonight investigators say a firebug is on the loose. Good evening im ken. And im elizabeth cook. There have been a number of fires this week. Lafayette, walnut creek and two in brentwood in the past 24 hours. Joe vasquez with the race to catch a possible arsonist. You can see one of the cars torched overnight. Fire officials are asking for the publics help in solving the series of suspected arson fires before somebody gets hurt. Theyve all been vehicle spires in costa county. Many next to houses. The media is reporting on five fires we had this week. Those fires we do believe to be related. Overnight in brentwood flames ripped through this honda in front of a home. At roughly the same time, 3 30 in the morning, a truck went up in flames in a driveway while the family was asleep in the back of the house. Our neighbor was leaving for work and rang our doorbell continuously. Got them safe. Along with those two overnight in brentwood there have been other fires in walnut creek, lafayette, and elsewhere. Police believe theyre tied to others. We believe there to be more than ten fires. Were not releasing the exact number. If you have information about these acts of arson contact Contra Costa County investigators. Were hearing from President Trump himself on his decision to fire the fbi director. There are a number of mixed messages. Veronica de la cruz shows us. President trump told Nbcs Lester Holt it was his idea to fire james comey. Hes a showboat. Hes a grand stander. The fbi has been in turmoil. You know that. I know that. Everybody knows that. I was going to fire him regardless. That directly contradicts the explanation by his top aides. They said he fired comey based on advice from attorney general Jeff Sessions and Deputy Attorney general rod rosen tine. Rosenstein. Because of the reasons the deputy general outlined to the president and to outline on the and to act on the recommendation. The president took the advice of the dep te attorney general. Deputy attorney general. Acting fbi director Andrew Mccabe contradicted the president s claim that the fbi lost confidence in comey. Is it accurate that the rank and file no longer supported director comey . No, sir, that is not accurate. I can tell you that i hold director comey in the absolute liest regard. He a absolute highest regard. He assured the committee that the investigation into russia will not be affected. There are growing concerns in fbi headquarters that the white house is trying to interfere with the the investigation. One federal with the investigation. One federal Law Enforcement official told us quote there is a whole lot of interfering happening. The person added this is a crisis. The Senate Intelligence committee asked to hear from james comey himself but he has not responded. Veronica de la cruz kpix 5. One of 20 attorneys general across the country sent this letter to rod rosenstein. They called the firing of comey a violation of public trust and are calling for an independent special council to investigate russian interference. Two men in the hospital after another shooting on one of our freeways. This time way up in wine country. Andrea is near 101 in healdsburg where the gunman is still on the loose tonight. The chp believes this began with an argument at a food truck during lunchtime. From chopper 5 you see the driver side windows of this white honda reduced to shattered glass. The car to car shooting happened on southbound 101 in central healdsburg near the west side road exit, leaving both men in the car wounded. They were responsive when the Emergency Responders arrived. The california Highway Patrol investigation began in earnest. We dont have any information on a suspect vehicle as of yet. Were looking for witnesses. The hunt for evidence on highway 101 though meant no one else could be on the road, turning the streets into snaking parking lots of congested traffic. While freeway shootings have become nearly commonplace this type of shooting was a first for rural heeldz brg. This time healdsburg. This type of thing doesnt happen in sonoma county. Were concerned. Cals rugby team rallying support for a player paralyzed from an injury on the field. Talz was injure Robert Paylor was injured early in the match. The starter got pushed to the ground during a rugby maul and never got back up. His teammates sent him a special message. We know if anybody can make it through this process its you. One more challenge. Something you can totally take. The teams head coach says after 30 years of coaching rugby he has never seen an injury this serious, but he knows that robert will pull through. Students, teammates, family members gathered at cal for a prayer vigil for Robert Paylor. Tonight a south bay couple is hoping an autopsy report will shed some light on their daughters sudden death. The basketball star died after passing out on the court this past weekend. Kpix 5s marie medina is live where many are reaching out to support the family, including steph curry. Kimberly was the captain of the Jv Basketball Team here. One of her last wishes was to have steph curry sign her shoes. This week her dad made that happen. Kimberly, shes one of a kind. Kimberlys number one fan, not just because hes her dad. She was that good on the court. They won championships. He was there as always watching kimberly play on saturday. She fell and hit her head on the floor. But he says his daughter fought to stay in the game, insisting she was fine. Minutes later kimberly passed out and suffered a seizure. I keep praying, hopefully, i hope she survives. She was one of my best friends. Doctors did everything, but they couldnt save kimberly. They also couldnt tell them why she died. Happy birthday to you kimberly just turned 16 last month. We will always remember her for the amazing person that she was. Her classmate at homestead high says its been an emotional week for them and kimberlys teachers. She was named most valuable player on the team. How happy was she when she got that . Yeah. Shes so happy. Her passion for basketball displayed in her room. And to hon dmor his daughter he honor his daughter he made one of her wishes come true. Her Warriors Gear and the shoes she wore her last game signed from one mvp to another. Speechless. You know . A dad giving your daughter one of her wish to come true is one of the best things that probably you feel. And autopsy results will be out in just a few weeks. In the meantime kimberlys dad is urging parents to have their kids checked if they dont feel well. Maria kpix 5. Governor brown is warning the loss of obamacare could cripple californias financial health. Now thats a lot of red. That is what would happen if the senate goes along with the house and passes that repeal of obamacare. Thats really bad news. According to Governor Brown california stands to lose 6 billion in 2020 and 24 billion by 2027 if the gop healthcare bill becomes law. The current Budget Proposal doesnt account for cuts to federal funding but he wants to boost the attorney generals budget by 6. 5 million to fight the Trump Administration on health care, immigration, and environmental issues. A top official admits he broke the law. Tonight a civil grand jury says he should be fired for treating himself on the taxpayers dime. Kpix 5s betty has their findings. Its reserved for the worst of the worst. Mark peterson secretly spent more than 66,000 of Campaign Money on himself including travel, hotels, restaurants, and movie tickets over a five year period. According to the grand juror findings the 30year prosecutor should lose his job because of quote willful or corrupt misconduct in office. He issued this statement saying he regrets and acknowledges the mistakes he made regarding the financing account. He agreed to pay a 45,000 fine to the fair political practices commission. Tonight the das office told us it has no comment at this time. In response to the grand jurys report the District Attorneys Union president called for an Emergency Union meeting tomorrow at 8 00 a. M. Betty yu kpix 5. Tonight the Mormon Church is breaking up with the boy scouts of america. Starting january 1st the church will end sponsorship for older boys in the varsity adventuring programs. It will affect as many as 185,000 teenagers. Younger kids will remain in the scouts. In the past the church has said it is troubled by the boy scouts acceptance of lgbt troop leaders. The two organizations have had close ties for more than a century. The Mormon Church says it plans to develop its own scouting program. Tonight california is about to get a windfall from volkswagen for that emissions cheating scandal. 66 million. Its part of a 250 million settlement that a federal judge in San Francisco just approved. The money will boost california projects to improve air quality and encourage the use of electric cars. Todays settlement involves three liter diesel engines. Another pr problem for a nay your a major airline. A wheelchairbound passenger says she and her service dog got the boot for an airport lounge. Mckayla was in tears, crumpled in pain when she was denied access to the Virgin Atlantic lounge because of her service dog. I physically cannot be here. In 2011 her spine was injured in an accident, leaving her wheelchairbound. Bluebell helps pull her. She cant sit for more than 30 minutes. Thats why she paid for the Virgin Atlantic lounge. But the lounge employee said no. And mckayla caught it on video. The Virgin Atlantic policy was with any Service Animal you neeld paperwork. According to to the american disabilities american with disabilities act, no documentation is needed. Mckayla said it was practically empty but she was refused empty. Im in too much pain im sorry. I cant wait any longer. You guys are unbelievable. Im done. The employee called a manager. But mckayla says after 20 minutes she had to lie down. Forced to go on the concrete floor at her terminal. This was death by a thousand cuts. It couldnt take it. Mckayla, amaried mom of four says she mckayla, amaried mom of four says she doesnt want money. We reached out to Virgin Atlantic for comment but did not hear back. Kpix 5. Firefighters in Southern California rescued this stranded horse by sailing it through the sky. San Bernardino County air rescue flew the horse out of the canyon after it fell 300 feet down today. They landed on the road back to safety. The horse, not injured. A couple from sacramento went to great heights to say their i dos. Jennifer mcgrau shows us the epic wedding album is going viral tonight. Its always been a bucket list for us. Climbing to new heights a sacramento couple marked two off their list by also tying the knot more than 17,000 feet up. They spent the past year training and the next three weeks living their wildest dreams. It was tough. They made the trek with Charlton Churchill who captured every treacherous step. Dealing with the elements and altitude sickness, nearly quitting the day pfr the wedding. We said we were going to go home in the morning. Instead theyd make it to the big day. I think i spent ten minutes on my Makeup Makeup with a compact mirror. James and ashley the first couple to exchange vows in a Wedding Dress and tux. The pictures are epic. Im blown away by how good they are. Thanks to charlton for capturing the moment and the idea to ever climb to such heights. I think that if youre going to do something this big and, you know, never be able to top it, thats okay. This isnt charltons first attempt. In 2015 they attempted it. There was a devastating earthquake in nepal and they had to turn around. He tells me hed love to go back. Next time it will be mighty expensive. Im Jennifer Mcgraw for kpix 5. People with hiv and aids getting more time. A study says modern drugs can add ten years to Life Expectancy. New study in the journal finds a 20yearold who begins treatment today for hiv will live to 78. Thats almost the normal Life Expectancy. The new drugs are better at keeping the virus from replicating and theyre less toxic with fewer side effects. If you are diagnosed today and youre able to get into care and you maintain and control any other illnesses that you might encounter your Life Expectancy is the same as if you were hiv negative. Patients of all ages tend to start treatment sooner thanks to improved screening methods. On sunday many of us will celebrate mothers day. It gives me the opportunity to hug my mom tighter this year. Recently she had a terrible accident, but it ended up saving her life. Oh its beautiful. Absolutely gorgeous. How often do you get to stop and smell the roses with your mom . Believe me, these days nothing is sweeter. From the moment i was born my whole life i felt my moms unconditional love. But recently a fear. A few months ago in downtown los angeles, she had an accident. It was a Beautiful Day and i wasnt really paying attention. Outside a parking garage a tree had buckled the sidewalk, cracking and pushing up a concrete slab. As my mom walked by her foot got caught and she tripped. So i hit the pavement really hard. And i knew at that moment that i had broken my arm. So badly my mom needed surgery to to repair two bone surgery to repair two bones in her forearm. I was completely shocked. Before the surgery, a routine preop chest xray revealed a spot on her lung. Turns out it was lung cancer. Thats not something you want to hear. No. Its very frightening. Who would have thought a terrible fall on the sidewalk in downtown l. A. Would have saved my mothers life. Because if my mom didnt fall she never would have gotten that xray. The xray that would turn up the lung cancer found at the earliest, most curable stage. Did they ever say oh my gosh thank god you tripped and broke your arm. Absolutely. I knew in my heart, wow. Whoever thought that breaking your arm could be a gift. But for me incredible gift. She was very lucky. Surgery anthony kim is director at usc medical center. He says most lung Cancer Patients never show symptoms. Most of the time lung cancer is a silent disease. By the time you have symptoms, not all the time, but by the time you have symptoms it can be a harbin ger that the harbinger that its advanced. They took out a part of her lung with a marblesized tumor. Her prognosis is good. We have no reason to believe there will be a recurrence. Knock on wood. Knock on wood indied because lung cancer is the indeed because lung cancer is the leading cause of death in women. Jorge is a medical oncologist at a cancer center. He says theres no easy, inexpensive way to screen for lung cancer. We cant screen with blood tests. Whats more surprising . While smoking is the number one cause of lung cancer, my mother does not smoke. Shes never even picked up a cigarette. I was in i couldnt believe it. I thought no, that couldnt possibly be me. Fortunately unfortunately my moms story is not that unusual. A lot of nonsmokers with cancer happen to be women. Many mom will be followed closely for a few years with regular check ups and plans to spend more time with her first grandchild, my son bo. That makes us all breathe a little easier. My mother and i are so lucky. Not everyone has such good fortune to take a bad fall and get an early diagnosis. Doctors tell me they want to develop better screening methods and treatments, but thats going to take money, more funding, so all mothers can benefit. So glad your mom is feeling well. Two surgeries. One on her arm and then they took out about a quarter of her lung. Theres an old saying. Sometimes things happen for a reason. Yeah. So, happy mothers day. Feeling very blessed. Happy mothers day. We are all so thankful your mom is doing better. All of us here. The mid50s outside in livermore. 54 in San Francisco. Santa rosa 51. Palace of fine arts looking gorgeous. The skies did clear over the past couple hours. A weak boundary moved through. It scoured out the cloud cover. Plan on a sunnier friday tomorrow. Overnight lows tonight san rafael 48. Mountain view 51. San francisco 49. Sun is up two minutes after 6 00. Heres the deal a broad area of low pressure bringing thunderstorms to the pefs. It will not pfs. It will pacific northwest. It will not bring rain here. That dictates other weather this time of year. A couple of years ago in the mid60s. It wasnt that chilly, just sticky in sfo. It San Francisco. That will not be a problem this summer. That breeze from the ocean has a little extra punch this may. It will keep us chilly. Despite the fact were mainly sunny tomorrow. Chilly because of the ocean breeze. Mothers day weekend still sunny, still chilly because of the ocean breeze. In addition some cloud cover on sunday and monday. Below average because the flow is from the ocean. Tuesday, not only chilly but also cloudy with a chance of showers. Tuesday maybe one of the only opportunities for rainfall for the entire month. Rain next week not a bad thing if youre suffering from allergies. Widespread sunshine tomorrow. Still chilly as long as the ocean breeze stays chilly. Scattered showers still likely next tuesday. Highs tomorrow for your friday. San jose 67. Sunshine in oakland only a high of 63. As we head towards mothers day highs in the 50s and 60s over the weekend. It will be nice for mom. Its always nice for mom with those scattered showers next tuesday. A chilly forecast but all in all not bad. Thanks, paul. Tonight. What happens when a small gator invades , why did the road . Sounds like one of those riddles. Why did the alligator cross the road . The answer . He didnt. He took a wrong turn north of tampa and ran right into this flock of intimidation. The towering sand hill cranes were having none of it. They stopped the baby gator in its tracks and calmly but firmly marched it back to its pond. The giants back home. Two home runs to show for tonight. The question was was it enough . And have you seen this man . A no show in houston tonight. A no show in houston tonight. Why it matters to,, this is violet. Shes been waiting for this moment for awhile. A moment other kids wouldnt think twice about. Her first bowl of cheerios. Because now that cheerios are gluten free, violet, and many others are enjoying their first bowl today. Sunday for the warriors who will play the San Antonio Spurs in its back to business this sunday for the warriors who will play the San Antonio Spurs in the western conference finals. Thats because james harden made two shots total in game six. He came up small. Six turnovers. Patty mills layup for 17 points. Spur lead. Lamarcus aldridge had 34 points in the first. Set up a date with a warriors in the western conference finals. Tears all around. The first time the warriors and spurs have met in the last three seasons. Game one sunday at 12 30 at oracle. Games three and four in texas saturday and monday. Well be there. The giants worst record in the majors activated Brandon Crawford and span from the disabled list. Youre thinking one thing. It looked like it. Span goes deep. Four hits. It was 21 giants. Span is back. Cincinnati tied it in the sixth and in the eighth Hunter Strickland served up the go ahead double on an 02 pick. Reds win it 32. Nfl hall of fame coach bill par sells has parcells has the nickname the big tuna. This is the gulf of mexico trying to reel in the monster blue fin tuna was 14yearold kayla. It took less than an hour to pull it in. On the other end was an 53 853pound sucker. The record as ken you know, is 1496 pounds. Double this size. Oh my goodness. Thats your record tuna caught two years ago in no have a skoe sha. Nova scotia. Wow a lot of tuna melts. ,, tomorrow morning at 430. D kenny choi late show with Stephen Colbert is next. Next newscast tomorrow morning at 4 30. Join our team for the morning to start your day. Have a great night. Announcer the following is a sponsored presentation for the yancey way to real estate success free lunch and dinner events. Get ready, in your area, to learn how to make money in real estate the yancey way. What youll learn to do here today took me from being an errand runner to literally exceeding my wildest financial dreams. Anyone can do it, and im gonna show you how to. So, are you ready . [ cheers and applause ] announcer you dont need any previous real estate experience or your own money to invest to profit in real estate the ya

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