Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 11pm 20150310

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live from the cbs bay area studios this is kpix5 news. >> 9er fans calling it black monday today and tonight they are losing star players left and right and another has been arrested. >> once again tonight a 49er is accused of domestic violence. santa clara police arrested full back bruce miller late last week on suspicion of spousal battery. miller is 27 and has a three year deal with the 9ers. he has not been charged. that's up to the d.a.'s office. general manager trent baalke had this reaction saying, "the san francisco 49ers organization is aware of the matter involving bruce miller. we were disappointing to learn of these reports and will do our due diligence collecting all relevant information." >> it's a shame to hear. it seems like there's been a lot of bad news about the 9ers lately and it's a shame to see another player making bad decisions. >> doesn't matter if he's valuable to the team or not, make sure he's an upstanding citizen before you want him on your team. >> miller is the 11th 9er arrested since 2012, one of the highest totals in the nfl. the last 49er arrested is no longer with the team. ray macdonald had a pair of run- ins with the law last year. he was fired after his second arrest in december for sexual assault. recently macdonald's agent said the d.a. would not pursue charges. not a peep from 49ers owner jed york. we caught him heading out of levi stadium today. the 49ers told us he was not doing interviews, nothing, but remember what jed said the end of last season? >> the san francisco 49ers win with class. we haven't won and i don't think we conducted ourselves with the level of class that i expect of our organization. >> and the hits keep coming for the 49ers. on top of this tonight dennis o'donnell tells us the team is dealing with a mass exodus. >> the 49ers are enduring one of their darkest days in recent memory. take a look. these are the star players they're losing. pro bowler patrick willis is retiring at age 30. frank gore might back out of the deal with the eagles. he might go to the colts. either way the 49ers are losing the heart and soul of their offense. the defensive captain justin smith is leaning towards retirement tonight and pro bowl offensive lineman mike ipati has reportedly agreed to a deal with the division rival cardinals. all told the 49ers are losing four pro bowl football players on the heels of losing a popular head coach. coming up in sports ex-49er jeremy newberry explains which departure makes good sense. tonight a bunch of bikers are protecting a family from an escaped inmate. this man johnell carter has been on the loose for 72 hours. he's an accused child molester. tonight that's why the bikers rode in. >> reporter: the group is called bikers against child abuse. they've been working with this family and this victim for nearly a year and their efforts to protect her have intensified since friday's escape. the silicon valley chapter of baka is providing around the clock security for johnell barker's young victim -- johnell carter's young victim. he overpowered a deputy transporting him to an appointment at valley medical center. carter was scheduled to stand trial next month on five counts of child molestation for allegedly assaulting a 9-year- old girl, but despite the severity of those charges and a possible punishment that included life in prison the sheriff's office said he was a minimum security inmate. >> there's only one deputy guarding him. after this incident we are going to look into our policies and procedures, but our concern right now is capturing him. >> reporter: with search dogs on the ground and of a helicopter overhead, the police tried but failed to find carter friday night. they have now formed a task force, but in the meantime baca will guard the family till carter is once again behind bars. >> they're part of our family. so when these unique situations happen and they get nervous in the middle of the night and look out a window, they'll see people they know and that love them. >> reporter: the sheriff's department said they believe carter is somewhere in the san jose area. even before friday's escape he faced serious jail time. if convicted, a man of 15 years -- a minimum of 15 years and a maximum of live in prison. trouble they're oakland's highland hospital tonight, a barrage of gunfire reported about a block from the emergency room entrance. as many as 30 shots were fired in a gunfight. police blocked off a nearby street looking for evidence. tensions were already high because of an earlier shooting. about 5:00 one woman was killed, two others wounded in a shooting at 29th and chestnut. those victims were rushed to highland hospital. the two shootings may have been related. they're bold, young and looking for cars. it could be the same group of thieves targeting east bay auto dealers. kpix5's christin ayers says they had another busy weekend. >> reporter: early march 1st you see it happen, a busted window, seven young people, some wearing hoods climbed through it one by one and start ransacking the offices of brilliant dealership in fremont. the manager showed us the images and faces of some of the suspects captured on camera. they spend about five minutes inside before finding the key to one car. watch as the driver lurchs happen hazardly backward and forward and drives off. omar tahid thinks it's the same group that knocked over his dealership three times last week. they stole six cars friday night and saturday morning by also hitting nearby phantom motors and h and r automotive. >> once they get in they pretty much just ransack the place, go into any drawers or file cabinets, try to find where the keys and titles are stored. >> reporter: a few stolen cars have been recovered including this fiat found in oakland abandoned and totaled after a hit and run. >> people that are breaking in to take the keys in cars, they're oligarchals. they're under -- they're all juveniles. they're all under 18. >> reporter: omar found a student's backpack inside filled with homework. omar has increased security and updated his alarm system and is storing his keys at home, a fact he is openly advertising. >> i have signs all over the windows that when they come by and see in case they come in here, i don't keep the keys here no more. >> despite the backpack no arrests have been made in this case. another death on the caltrain tracks. it was another troubled young student. police say the 15-year-old palo alto high school student stepped in front of a train this morning. he is the third student in the district to take his own life since september. police are keeping a close eye on the tracks. there's a grassroots movement to change the culture. >> i'm trying to raise awareness mostly for the parents. we love our moms and we love our dads, but calm down. we'll do just fine even though we got a b minus on that test. >> a former high school teacher started the save the 2008 after a rash of suicides a few years ago. aim lucky break for seven people -- a lucky break for seven people stranded on a burning boat. take a look at this. you can see smoke pouring out of that 45-foot yacht yesterday between tiburon and angel island. two good samaritans heard the mayday call nearby, sprang into action, pulled all seven people into their smaller boat. >> smoke was billowing out a contain. right away our options -- a cabin. right away our options were really limited. it was either the passengers were going to be in the water or get on our boat. >> the coastguard is looking into what will wrong. only on kpix5 we discover -- went wrong. only on kpix5 we discover black market bars popping up all over the bay area selling alcoholic drinks like these. tonight we're there as federal agents move in. >> saving this raccoon just cost a bay area contractor his job. tonight hing its us why his boss fired him -- he tells us why his boss fired him. >> califo tonight the college frat boys linked to a racist chant could be expelled from university of oklahoma. the cell phone video has gone viral. it shows members of the sigma alpha else lon fraternity singing about lynchings. today the university president closed the fraternity. the students have until tomorrow night to get out. some could ulcer also be -- could also be expelled for violating a section of the civil rights act. underground bars are popping up all over advertising colorful slurpy drinks on social media, but what's really in them? we sent cate cauguiran to fight out. >> reporter: some of these are coolers. the black market bars are popping up all over the bay area and growing in popularity. summer coolers has 6,400 followers on instagram. it's appointment only. o facebook or instagram. you have to dm of them and tell them what you want and where and where to go. after ordering four vodka coolers we told them where to pick them up and sent in our production assistant. minutes later out she came carrying four mason jars filled to the brim. these are no shirley temples. under all the candies each jar is full of vodka. we tasted them before pouring them out. you need a license to sell alcohol and we checked and the house on mcintyre street doesn't have one. did they seem paranoid? >> they looked at me to see who was at the door. >> reporter: they didn't ask your age or anything? >> nothing. >> reporter: police took action and took us with them to check it out. >> looks like she's on the right. >> reporter: cited with a misdemeanor, 49-year-old dedra sibley. her mom told us it's all a big mistake. >> we don't sell alcohol in summer coolers. they're a complete fruit candy juicy. >> reporter: why would they be here? >> i'm trying to figure it out myself, ma'am. >> it appears to be selling alcohol without a license. >> reporter: john carr is with the bureau of alcohol beverage control that assisted in the operation. >> it's really quality of life issues because it disturbs the quiet enjoyment of the neighborhood. >> reporter: do you guys keep track of places like this? >> we really don't just because we have finite resources. >> the entire situation is of extreme concern. >> reporter: jody irons is with mothers against drunk driving. >> with the candies and the gummy worms and bright colors this seems to be very much targeted to the youthful drinker. >> reporter: post that on instagram and you have a recipe for disaster. >> with the prevalence on the social media we have to take a really good look to make sure our communities and roadways stay safe. >> since the police sting last week, the summer coopers instagram site has been redone and now features the kids drinking coolers and smiling. a construction worker frees a wild raccoon. what does he get from his boss? a pink slip. mark kelly live at the site in san francisco tonight. what happened? >> reporter: well, ken, the wild raccoon was found at this construction site. this is the sfmoma expansion. it made it its home a few months ago peering down the rafters watching him work. one of those workers decided he could not bear to see this wild animal trapped and euthanized. >> its calling was for me to let it go and that's what i did. >> reporter: todd sutton paid dearly for it. >> he didn't do anything for it. he was kind of trapped in our building. >> reporter: his company fired him accusing him of theft for supposedly stealing the cage itself from the job site. >> trapped in the cage, poor little guy looked pathetic looking up at me, let me out of here. >> reporter: surrounded by skyscrapers todd needed to find the nearest semblance of wilderness he could find. he came here to the embarcardero and let that wild animal free in a bush. >> i got that cage open and he scoots out pretty quick. he was free. >> reporter: that feel good for you? >> it felt good for me. >> reporter: kpix5 called the company, but they would not comment. todd has taken new work at a lower level job and is investigating legal action against his former employer, but todd is still standing tall, no regrets and he freed that -- and he'd free that raccoon again. >> to euthanize him for no apparent reason, i don't think hunters would believe in that. i just did what i thought was right. >> reporter: todd's lawyer is adamant this is not about the money. he calls todd freeing that wild animal a first amendment act. live in san francisco mark kelly, kpix5. >> we checked state law which says if the raccoon was doing damage to the property, say chewing wires or destroying insulation or what not, it is perfectly legal to trap and kill it. two 20 something women are in hot water after they etched their initials into the coliseum, yeah, that one. the women scripted a j and n into the ancient roman site over the weekend. then they reportedly took a selfie. police cited them for aggravated damage to a building of historic interest. the women have since apologized saying they didn't imagine it was something so serious. from reality tv star to real life role model. >> tonight the california state assembly named lisa vanderpump woman of the year for the 50 yet assembly district. -- 50th assembly district. the real housewives of beverly hills restauranteur received her resolution alongside assemblyman richard bloom of santa monica. bloom oversees district 50 and said in a statement, "ms. vanderpumpeloquently presents the intelligence and compassion we all look for, the self- confidence and resolve as we strive for gender equal." vanderpump tweeted this photo from the governor's desk teasing jerry brown. i am in your seat. where are you? >> actually she's from the southern california, beverly hills area. we've had better weather than they've had down there. >> it was warmer here this weekend and it will be warmer here next weekend as well. in between something we very much need. you can enjoy the sunshine more when there's rain in the forecast and we have rain in the forecast wednesday. the issue this morning was fog. the issue tomorrow morning will be fog, already cloud cover spilling into the financial district. it is foggy throughout the bay area. oakland is dropping down to 51, fremont 49, napa 46. did that late sunrise get you this morning? get you tomorrow, 7:28, not 6:00. rain will be coming down by the middle of this week. we were hoping a ridge of high pressure would push down to the south allowing something else to move in, a building storm from the north and west. that is what's going to happen. tomorrow night the ridge moves. by wednesday morning the front arrives. we're getting the tail end of the front, not much rainfall, but it's something. it will cut the allergens at a minimum and we're looking at the ridge building back in as soon as thursday. the rain will be coming wednesday. thursday here comes the ridge getting bigger and stronger. saturday we'll be pushing 80 degrees. it's a one-day deal. look at redwood city, less than .1-inch for you, less for san jose, a little more for santa rosa and perhaps 1/4 up in mendocino county. light to moderate rain moving in tomorrow night lasting through wednesday. fog tonight, cloudy skies by late day tomorrow, rain arriving in the north bay tomorrow. wet on wednesday for the morning commute. tomorrow another mild day despite the facts that we go cloudy. still warmer than average, san jose 73, los gatos 75, redwood city 70, cloudy day in is an ramon, 63, clearlake 83 degrees. saturday we're pushing 80 and a tiny chance of a north bay shower sunday. send us your weather information any time. if you do this, sign up for our weather watchers program. we have 50 people already signed up. we want you! watchers. the deal is you send newer weather pictures, high temperature for the day, is it windy, cold, frosty. we use that information on television with your flame on it. >> it's so nice to see rain in the forecast. >> it is a wonderful change finally. tonight apple's newest product is all in the wrist. that's next. you can find a new frontier. there's nothing stopping you and a lot helping you. technology that's with you always. this is our promise. it's never been better to wander because wherever you go, you'll find us doing everything we can, so you can. >> closed captioning for this newscast is sponsored by chase. all right, you apple fanatics, the company's latest product could be coming to a wrist they're you. >> that's right. the apple watch was revealed today. we got a sneak peek. it's a watch, but it can can pretty much do anything your iphone can. >> way built in speaker and microphone you can receive calls on your watch. >> you can preorder the apple watch on april 10th. the watches will be in stores two weeks later. basic models start at 349. >> wow. you might need a statue of liberty. you'll need a watch to figure out when the 49ers stop getting rid of people. set your watches for tomorrow because that is free agent tuesday, more on black monday at 49er headquarters, hmm... fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that parker. well... did you know auctioneers make bad grocery store clerks? that'll be $23.50. now .75, 23.75, hold 'em. hey now do i hear 23.75? 24! hey 24 dollar, 24 and a quarter, quarter now half, 24 and a half and .75! 25! now a quarter, hey 26 and a quarter, do you wanna pay now, you wanna do it, 25 and a quarter- -sold to the man in the khaki jacket! geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. report is next on kpix5. >> as we told you earlier in this newscast, patrick willis, frank gore, justin smith, mike iupati all about to leave the 49ers. gore apparently could be headed to the colts after reports had him signing with the eagles yesterday letting the franchise rushing leader walk a move that jeremy newberry says makes sense. >> they've got a very capable guy sitting behind them in carlos. i think frank is one of the toughest running backs i've been around in my life, but at some point a we get older as -- as we get old are as football players, this is year 11 for frank, you got to part ways sometimes if the price isn't right and 7.5 million in the next two is a whole lot for a 32-year-old back. clippers guard andre jones was fined 10 grand for this shove of green during his interview. he hardly got his money's worth. bobby knight got his money's worth, tony la ruse a watching the warriors -- larussa watching the warriors in phoenix. the suns went on a 9-0 run to end the half. eric bledsoe stepped in, tied it at 46-46, but steph curry scored 25 of his 36 in the 2nd half. a 17 point lead in the 4th, even bearing three's when the suns were running into them. warriors win their 50th game of the season, 98-80. up next detroit home on wednesday. sidney crosby had never won a game at the tank in his career. 3rd period the kid ruins the party with a goal. they go to a shootout and in the eighth round a backland against marc-andre fleury. sharks win 2-1 behind 39 saves from anti nemmi. the top four, so excited this guy goes over the mascot, a goat and pulled the horns. no. 3, we never get tired of deandre jordan's dunks, nearly eye level with the rim and the clippers beat the t wolves tonight. no. 2, justin melton attempting a blindfold dunk and dunk contest. safe to say he'll retire after that one. no. 1, a north florida band member quickly becoming an internet sensation because of his dancing. north florida is headed to the ncaa tournament, so that means he'll be making an appearance on kpix5 soon enough. my black monday blog, is this armageddon for the 49ers or does trent baalke have a plan? >> when will jed york break his silence? not a word. >> if you go to right now, read the blog and maybe that's where he'll (mom) when our little girl was born we got a subaru. it's where she said her first word. (little girl) no! saw her first day of school. (little girl) bye bye! made a best friend forever. the back seat of my subaru is where she grew up. what? (announcer) the 2015 subaru forester (girl) what? (announcer) built to be there for your family. love. it's what makes a subaru a subaru. david letterman is next with kevin spacey. >> people have been posting on our facebook page get on there if you want to talk about ( band playing "late show" theme ) >> dave: from a tiny uninhabited island of the south pacific, it's the "late show" with david letterman! plus paul shaffer and the cbs orchestra. i'm alan kalter. and now, the man who invented the standing map... david letterman! (cheers and applause) captioning sponsored by

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Fremont , California , United States , Los Gatos , Oklahoma , Oakland , Clearlake , Redwood City , Beverly Hills , Florida , Phoenix , Arizona , Angel Island , Santa Monica , Tiburon , San Francisco , Patrick Willis , Eric Bledsoe , Subaru A , Christin Ayers , Justin Melton , Lisa Vanderpump , John Carr , Jeremy Newberry , Santa Clara , Kevin Spacey , Paul Shaffer , Ray Macdonald , Jerry Brown , David Letterman , Todd Sutton , Frank Gore , Sidney Crosby , Justin Smith , Bobby Knight , Bruce Miller , Andre Jones ,

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