Live from the cbs bay area studios, this is kpix5 news. Tonight, watch as a truck swerves onto a sidewalk, runs over a woman, and never even stops. Christin ayers is at the scene on willow pass road in pittsburgh. Reporter tonight, friends of the woman who was hit were here adding to the memorial where she died hoping the video that Police Release tonight brings them one step close tore capturing the hit and run driver. Surveillance video shows the pickup truck cruising past the gas station. Watch as it veers dangerously and hurdles into a woman pushing a shopping cart. Police blurred the video. But after the video, you can see a light pole snap. The truck, a 2001 or 2002 silver chevy like this one keeps driving leaving Michelle Brad to die. Tonight, friends of michelle watched the video in disbelief. Doesnt he have a conscience . Reporter they came to the place where she died to ask for justice. He is going to get caught. I know it. Reporter again, the vehicle that police are looking for, a silver Chevy Silverado pickup truck. It may have front end damage. Pittsburgh police ask for anyone with information to call them. Christin ayers, kpix5. Tonight, a 12yearold boy from hayward is missing. His name is jaime segura. He is five feet tall, 90 pounds, gray pants, black shoes. He was last seen at Winton Middle School about eight hours ago. Overly, if you know where he is, police want to hear from you. They are raising the roof in napa nine days after the quake rolled through. Work is underway to dismantle some of the more dadly damaged buildings downtown. Tonight, the roadways are still a mess downtown. Highway 121 in napa is patched up to night, but the scars of last sundays quake are hard to miss. Look at this set of double yellow lines. They shifted about six inches apart where the earth split. We followed that crack into a vineyard where the shaking was violent enough to offset this chain link fence. Further down, cunnings wharf road, many fissures in the asphalt are still waiting for repair. Tonight, it is still unclear whether this big water main break in napa is quake related. Water starts gushing out of stadium lake avenue. Pg e faces the biggest fine of its kind in state history. A 1. 5 billion fine penalty was ruled. They ruled they committed nearly 4,000 violations in the years leading up to the 2010 blast that killed eight people and destroyed a neighborhood. The city is happy with the fine, but upset that nearly a billion dollars of that money would go straight to the states general fund. This reflects, if you will, a payday for governor jerry brown when we believe it should be directed to a safer system. I call on the governor to see that the funds are reinvested to pipeline safety. Pg e says they want to take into consideration, the investments and actions to promote safety. Isis wanted us to show you a new video in its entirety. We wont. The video, titled a second message to america is a grim replay of last months murder of reporter james foley. This time, its another u. S. Journalist, steven sotloff, who is shown kneeling in a prison jump suit in syria. Once again, a masked man with a knife with a british accent explains he is being killed for ongoing american air strikes for the terror group isis. Just before his reported beheading. He recites clearly scripted propaganda. I was terror stricken when i saw it. The minute i saw his face, i went back to my childhood. I saw the same face i remember and when i saw his name and i knew, i knew it had to be him. And i was devastated. In an instant. Today, a spokesperson for the sotloff family says they are grieving privately. Isis has made it clear that the horror may not stop with sotloffs murder. The mass executioner presents a british hostage identified as David Cawthorne hanes. That masked executioner appears to be the same main shown in the video of james foley. The president has ordered 350 more troops to baghdad to help protect the u. S. Embassy. A South Carolina man is in custody for breaking into the indonation consulate in San Francisco. The man smashed a glass door to get in at 3 30 this morning. They believe he was high on drugs at the time. He told police he believed someone was chasing him. Monterrey police tazed a 14 yearold girl at the county fair. They were called to break up a fight between her and a 16year old. Officer Chris Richardson approached the 16yearold. Waylon cox brought her to the ground. He was on the ground with the 16yearold trying to take her into custody and the 14 yearold jumped on his back. That is when the 14yearold was tazed in the torso. After that, the two girls clawed at each other. Both were arrested, then released to their parents. The Monterrey Police department is reviewing its actions. 49ers defensive tackle ray mcdonald turned 30 today. It was at his Birthday Party sunday he was arrested for allegedly beating his girlfriend. Tonight, we are hearing from coach harbaugh and his teammates and the coach did not mince his words. Reporter we know he has a zero tolerance policy on domestic violence. He said if anyone on the roster was found guilty of abusing a woman, they would be let go. Many of his teammates were at the house. Tight end vernon davis instagrammed this picture of the pool saying he was relaxing. He says he was on his way out of the party when he saw the cops around, but didnt see the arrest or what led up to it. He called davis a good player who came to work each day, but he wanted to stay out of it. I dont want to intrude when things come up like this. That is between ray, the organization, his, you know, fiance, and whoever is involved with the station. Um, so i leave that to them. Thats our brother, our teammate, and we are going to support him. Thats all i will say about that. Reporter today, the san jose Police Department spoke briefly about the arrest saying mcdonalds fiance had physical injuries but no medical treatment was required at the time. She said she was ten weeks pregnant and mcdonald hit her. When asked if he would play in sundays game, the general manager said nothing has been determined at this point. All right betty. Thank you. Tonight, the ceoover center play, the big caters company that does business with the 49ers and giants is out of a job because of what the Surveillance Video shows here. That is des hague kicking a dog in an elevator. The out cry was too much, so he resigned. He faces abuse charges. Been to home depot lately . Hacker mace have helped themselves to your information. They are investigating unusual activity. The cyber computer website that broke the story say it may be the same hackers that hit target stores last year. It is really unfortunate, you know, these things happen. I work with technology. If people want to get your data, they are going to be able to. Home depot is working with banks and Law Enforcement and will notify customers immediately if there has been a breach. Tonight, sued over trash. Plus, no more free lunch . The irs a going after popular free perks for techies. And die hard democrats may not want to eat cheerios after they see what we found out. Trevor and alexis traina. Ts photo ap tonight, a couple of bay area socialites are being sued. Trevor and alexis trina. According to the article, the chronicle, the woman says that they forced her to take out the trash when it was raining and she fell, seriously injuring herself. Their home was featured in forbes life. The lawsuit seeks unspecified damages for lost earnings. The irs a going after tech workers where it they hurt the most. Their some aches. The wall street your honor reports the tax man might start taxing all the free meals. Andria borba is on twitter. That free food is a big part of the tech world. Reporter you are rise liz. The perks almost as rich as some of the salaries of the tech world. Now the irs wants their slice. Everybody likes a free lunch. Unless you are the Internal Revenue service. And what the irs really doesnt like . The cafeteria at the googleplex or twitterverse. The irs has been sniffing and the food perk for years. That has been around forever. The last time i was asked that question was in the early 70s. Reporter while the irs is looking at it as a taxable fringe benefit, moskowitz says it is all how Companies Package it. If the employer says as part of your compensation, im going to give you a free meal, then you can get taxed and that has been tried. However, if the employer under section 119 says im giving you this for my convenience and my benefit, then it is not taxable. Reporter while lunch and snacks may be out of reach, other tax perks like gyms, yoga, and child care, might be fair game. We are talking the fair market value of what you are being given. Is this computation . Yes, it is taxable. Reporter to give an example, moskowitz takes on the tax case of our mike. If they said look, as part of your compensation, you can do karoeke at home, that would be a different case. It is all about characterization. Reporter now, moskowitz also says that many of these laws would have to be changed by congress in order for the irs to act in the way they would like to act. Tech has plenty of lobbyists in congress. I dont do karoeke at home, liz. [ laughter ] but i bet you would be very good at it, andria borba. All right. Thanks. Well, the biggest celebrity hacking case every and apple says it wasnt iclouds fault. Accounts were attacked by targeted attacks by user names and security questions. Apple spent more than 40 hours investigating how hackers sold nude pictures of celebrities like jennifer lawrence. They found no evidence that their icloud service was compromised. The fbi is investigating. Cate caugurian says there is now an app for political linings of food. Reporter it is the politics of grocery shopping. It gives me a way to find out where my money is going. Reporter and a way to find out if the cleaning product of yours is a democrat or a republican. The app, bipartisan. Thats buy. You download your app to the phone, pick a favorite item. Point the bar code at it, in a matter of seconds, you can see which Political Party the company donated to. We checked up on favorite breakfast serials. We found out General Mills gave 63. 5 to republicans. Something to think about. Reporter we asked shoppers to try it out. Im a democrat. I like that. Reporter for some, the app made them rethink their purchases. Do you think you might change your practices in what you buy . Yes, definitely. Reporter and for others, family trumped politics. Are you still going to go with the cheerios . I might, my children like it. Reporter not everyone is a fan. The Washington Post Editorial Board says we hope buypartisan fails, because if it succeeds, it means republicans and democrats are not even able to do business with each other any longer. Cate caugurian, kpix5. The app wants to show people how much companies spend on specific issues like immigration or gay rights. It happened again. Another fight over reclining airline seats. A flight from laguartia to palm beach. A woman reclined her seat and disturbed a woman behind her trying to sleep on her tray table. She was just going nuts. She was like, i lost a dog, i lost two dogs in the last month. I want her off of here or im going to leave. I want you to stop the plane. This woman sitting next to me nitting tried reclining her seat back. The Police Escorted the women off the plane. This is the third fight about seat reclining in two weeks. It is only going to get worse. Only going to get worse. They make the seats smaller and smaller. Anybody who sleeps with their head on the tray, you are fair game. Im sorry. You are asking for trouble. Row 29e. Ouch. Big weather change today. If you wanted the sunshine, you had to fly out of the bay area. Yes, i have been there. I have also had the child doing the kicking. All right, here we go. The exploretorium. It is a nice cloudy evening outside. I love this time lapse. You can see the bay lights. But certainly the deck of clouds sitting right over the top of San Francisco bay. Big time change from yesterday. Livermore close to 100 on labor day. What happens from this point forward . Inland locationings will have more thanking cloud cover. Afternoon sunshine, temperatures will stay cool. 84 in alamo tomorrow. 84 coming up thursday. Talk about what is going on in the skies above us, there bus a big change. High pressure which gave us temperatures near 100 degrees. We had offshore wind coming off of the hot land, not the cold ocean. We are not going to get the rainfall from this, but look how much rainfall came down in seattle. It poured right during the rush hour and streets were flooded all over the place. Doesnt that look lice . Maybe not the flooding, but we can use some of that rain. We will miss out on the rain, but the low 600 miles away will have an impact on our weather. It is not going the move much keeping the flow from the ocean going the next five to seven days. Hot stuff, sunny stuff, gone. Now we are stuck with the clouds and cooler weather the next several days. The on shore flow not going anywhere. Fog, low cloud cover. Anywhere near the water and it will push inland tonight. Northeast of us wake up cloudy. The clouds stick around all day long near the water. A little sunnier toward the weekend, but the general trend is keel and cloudier. San jose, 80. Los altos, 79. Union city, 79. San ramon, 83. Foggy start, San Francisco. High, 68. San rafael, 79. Said it and forget it. Everyday for the next week, it will be very similar. Warm not hot inland. Morning fog, afternoon sunshine near the bay. Seasonal temperatures. Nothing too exciting but it will be consistent. If you like consistency, we have it. Youre in luck. And its a good consistency. Ive seen worse. Thanks. Well this new happy dance has gone viral. Im happy tonight, meet the bay area girl who created it at summer camp. ,, kid hey dad, who was that man . Dad hes our broker. He helps looks after all our money. Kid do you pay him . Dad of course. Kid how much . Dad i dont know exactly. Kid what if youre not happy . Does he have to pay you back . Dad nope. Kid why not . Dad it doesnt work that way. Kid why not . Vo are you asking enough questions about the way your wealth is managed . Wealth management at Charles Schwab tonight. Its sure to make you hap a group of deaf film students has a viral music video on its hands tonight. Pretty amazing and it is sure to make your happy. Joe vasquez met the bay area teenage who helped make it happen. Reporter the video is bilingual. English and american sign language. Students all over the country helped to make it in a deaf day camp in up state new york. When their faces combined with the infectious melody of happy, it wasnt long before it went viral. My friends really like it. They watched it over and over. Reporter one of the producers is 13yearold zara of livermore. She has a couple of brief appearances in the video as well. Zara is a student at California School for the deaf in fremont. One of the teachers here plays a prominent role. To see their eyes open to what they are capable of and what they can do. It gives me goose bumps. Im so excited and happy for them. Reporter rosalee who has two deaf children of her own says while the video is fun for the deaf students, it is also educational. People think about it in terms of a medical condition and not about all the really normal exciting and fun parts of life. People realize that. That the Deaf Community can do Something Like that. They can make a video and sing. Reporter and they can make lots of people feel just a little bit happier as well. In fremont, joe vasquez, kpix5. ,,,,,,, geicos been helping people save money for over 75 years. Theyve really stood the test of time. Much like these majestic rocky mountains. Which must be named after the. That would be rocky the flying squirrel, mr. Gecko sir. Obviously ahh come on bullwinkle, theyre named after. First president george rockington that doesnt even make any sense. Mr. Uhh. Winkle. Geico. Fifteen minutes could save you friday, 15 runs on sunday, d ain tonight. Just one month ago, there is no way the giants could overcome a 60 deficit. But they scored 13 runs friday, 15 runs saturday. Bruce bochy joined the team in denver this evening. A forgettable night for petit. 60. Petit was pulled. Buster posey, solo shot to make it 72. Andrew susak. 97. Then here is posey to make it 117. His average is up to 300. Giants win 127 on 16 hits. They remain two back of the dodgers in the division race. Sunny gray hoping to run his lifetime of 50 against the mariners. He left the pitch up to kyle seager who hit tout main street. 60 mariners. Sam fuld dives home. Brandon moss with a ground rule double. Josh reddick can play hero. Didnt get any wood on that one. The as lose 65. Police investigate ray mcdonald for domestic violence, jim harbaugh made it clear he ended his career if he is found guilty. We will not tolerate domestic violence. Meanwhile, it is all roses in raider land even between rookie starting quarterback and matt scaub. Their relationship is nothing like montana and young. As soon as i found out, the next morning i saw him. I walked in the quarterback room and he said hey, congrats man. Shook my hand. An i started just asking how he is doing, you know, how is the family . Raiders an jets sunday channel 5. Manny paccio is drumming up hype for a flight in november. But is any publicity good publicity . You be the judge. [ singing ] [ music ] [ singing ] in my soul. Now it is whole. Until the superbowl. [ laughter ] but you are not going to tell him how bad it is. My heart is weeping. Well be right back. ,,,,,,,,, you say avocado old el paso says. Zesty chicken and avocado tacos in our stand n stuff tortil. As record scratch you say stand n stuff tortillas old el paso says. Start somewhere fresh how do you helper . Make helper with your favorite ingredients, for a fresh taste youll love. Helper. Make it yours. Available at your local safeway store. Tomorrow morning a David Letterman is next with luke wilson. Well see you tomorrow. band playing late show theme from the h oadway, across the nation and around the world, its the late show with David Letterman. Tonight. Plus paul shaffer and the cbs orchestra. Im alan kalter. And nand now americaslight tr, David Letterman. Captioning sponsored by worldwide pants and cbs band playing at

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