Where bolts are lighting up bay area tonight. This is kpix5 news. A show in the skies where bolts are lighting up the bay area tonight. Good evening. Im ken bastida. Im elizabeth cook. Brian hackney is here with a look at where the lightning will be most intense in the coming hours. You bet, liz. Boy, theist a different kind of strike at at t park tonight they saw a different kind of strike at at t park tonight. Viewers sent in from about 6 45 tonight there was amazing shots of lightning over the bay area. Thats from south San Francisco. If you were out of the fog and had a good view toward the west and the ocean, you saw some of it. Theres a little more on the way tonight, even more tomorrow, hidef doppler showing pretty good cells extending about 100 nautical miles offshore, but the heat of the sun is gone. That means a lot of the energy is taken out of the thunderstorms. If you look towards the south bay, right around cupertino on 280 west of san jose theres a really good cell there. Theres some building in the Mount Hamilton range east of san jose, all that heading west in the next few hours. Well have a forecast on whats going to happen tonight and what will unfold tomorrow because were not out of this yet. Forecast is straight ahead. Investigators say a mechanil that deadly limo fire on the san mateo bridge has been ruled an accident. Investigators say a mechanical issue sparked that may 4th fire. It trapped nine friends on their way to celebrate a wedding. Five people died including the bride, but no one will face any criminal charges. Tonight joe vazquez on the newly released 911 calls that shed a chilling new light on why those women could not get out. Arellano. She was still trapped inside. 16 38 36 i cannot make it out butt to 16 hello . Hello. We need help. The car is burning the first 911 call came from surviving passenger Nelia Arellano still trapped inside. I cannot get out. Oh, my god. We cant open the doors reporter nelia and three others crawled out through the small front partition window as driver Orville Brown made his own anguished call. Can you tell me how many people were in the vehicle . I dont know, maam, i dont know, maam. I dont know. I understand. You dont know. Oh, my god. Were on the way. Theyre right before the high rise westbound on the bridge, correct . Yes. Investigators say the fire was caused by a catastrophic failure in the limos rear suspension system. Metal on metal contact underneath the car created enough friction to set the floorboards on fire. By the time chp arrived on scene the flames were out of control. The people are telling me theres five more people trapped inside. The doors are locked. I cant get inside the car. Rescuers eventually got the rear doors open, but by then it was too late. Is there anything else you need me to do . No. I dont think theres anything we can do. Were learning more now about why those women were trapped inside. The investigation finds the child safety lock was engaged on the left rear door. The right rear door was too badly burned to tell. Joe vazquez, kpix5. The limo operator will be fined 7,500 balls the car was overloaded because the car was overloaded, too many people inside. As for the driver, Orville Brown, his estranged wife had accused orville of talking on his cell phone when that fire started, but a check of his phone records showed that he was not. Yes, the new bay bridge will indeed open as scheduled despite all those headaches about the bad bolts, but tonight the question says should the contractor be rewarded for on time opening . Tonight thats the 20 million question. Reporter its one of the final steps before the eastern span of the bay bridge will open the tuesday after labor day. Engineers installed a series of wedges called shims to reinforce the cracked bolts, the temporary fix clearing the way for the bridge to open by labor day and for the lead contractor, american bridge floor, to collect a controversial 20 million bonus for finishing the bridge on time. To give out a 20 million bonus on a project that is 5,000,000,000. 10 years over budget i think is outrageous. Reporter his issue, a state audit found american bridge floor was at least partly to blame for the busted bolts. Also in the contract were the assumptions that the bridge would be constructed correctly. Also in the contract were the assumption that bolts wouldnt break as soon as you put them under tension. Reporter the cost to permanently fix the bolts . About the same as the bonus, 23 million. Caltrans will ultimately make the decision about the bonus. Some of the questions theyll have to ask, did the contractor earn the bonus and should the contractors culpability concerning the bolts affect the bonus . Thats going to be my goal to make sure that bonuses arent awarded until we understand what went wrong and who is responsible for the problems with this bridge. Reporter caltrans did not return my call this evening. They have not made final decision yet about this issue and its unclear when they will. Reporting from Treasure Island kristin ayers, kpix5. The eastern span is about ready for traffic. Crews are wrapping up work on the lighting and lane striping. Of course, the last big projects comes next week when the bridge project comes next week when the bridge closes for question. Were now over eight days away. Crews will spend five days getting the bridge ready for its scheduled opening on tuesday, september 3rd. Breaking news now out of east san jose, three men shot and wounded at a restaurant in alan rock avenue. The restaurant is called wong hong. One of the victims has life threatening injuries. This happened about an hour ago. Police still dont know who opened fire or why. The shooter is still on the loose. Well keep you updated as more developments come forward. In the wake of the asiana plane crash a clarification about the use of cameras on firefighters helmets. These images raise some questions as to whether the chaos that day contributed to the death of a crash survivor on the tarmac. Told the Fire Department set the record today the Fire Department set the record straight on its helmet recording device policies. The policy specifically says that recording devices of any kind, any type of recording device, is prohibited without the permission of the chief of the department. Authorities say if they allowed firefighters to wear helmet cameras, they would be city issued cameras. Were just months away from the dead line for every american to buy health insurance, part of obamacare. Starting january 1st youll pay a penalty if you dont have health coverage. Tonight according to a local nonprofit insurance premiums have gone up 170 in the last decade. New field poll out finds 50 of californians already are having difficulty affording healthcare. Also tonight kiet do tells us a popular Clothing Store has cut some employees hours making them part timers so they will no longer get health coverage. Reporter some of forever 21s workers got the bad news last week. Hours are getting cut, no more Vacation Time and theyre losing medical, dental and vision coverage. Emilio garza says theyre being hypocrites, especially since they have the biblical reference john 3 16 on their shopping bags. I dont think thats fair for them to be a Christian Organization and then doing Something Like that, it just doesnt seem right. Reporter according to a leaked memo, the cutbacks are coming after the Company Recently audited its staffing levels, staffing needs and payroll in conjunction with reviewing its overall operating budget and a parttime employee will not exceed 29. 5 hours which happens to be just short of the 30 hour per week definition of a fulltime employee under obamacare. Thats not right to do that to them because they work really hard. Reporter the company has forecasted a slowdown in the coming months and wrote on facebook forever 21 like all retailers staffs its stores based on projected store sales completely independent of the Affordable Care act. Nonetheless customers posted hundreds of mostly negatives comments like this is a blatant attempt to circumvent obamacare. Amazing how far corporations will go to save a buck even at the expense of their own people. At the great mall in milpitas Sandra Garcia said its unfortunate. Its sad what theyre doing, but reporter youre going to keep shopping . Yeah. If i need, something ill run in there and get it, but hope it changes. Reporter at first jackie wing said she didnt care either but then changed her mind. Treat their workers right and it doesnt matter all about the money like you just need to be fair to other people. Reporter kiet do, kpix5. Forever 21 is claiming tonight the change only impacts about 196 employees. That is less than 1 of their workforce. Werent part of dr. King weve all heard these iconic words. I have a dream. But did you know those words remember not part of dr. Kings were not part of dr. Kings original speech. We hear from the bay area man who wrote that speech and find out why dr. King went off script. He kind of wriggled around a lot. Prince william opens up about the joys of fatherhood, what he admits had he to practice before showing off his new baby boy. And a rare chevy disappears from a car show, what makes it so valuable . , could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. Mmmhmmm. Everybody knows that. Well, did you know that old macdonald was a really bad speller . Your word is. Cow. Cow. Cow. C. O. W. E. I. E. I. O. [buzzer] dangnabbit. Geico. Fifteen minutes could save you. Well, you know. I have a dream. The man who wrote that speech livesn ea, and tonight he t next week marks 50 years since Martin Luther king, jr. Said those famous words, i have a dream. The man who wrote that speech lives here in the bay area and tonight he tells sharon chin dr. King almost didnt say those words. It was a woman on stage who helped him make history. Martin luther king jr. Gave t. I have a dream. Reporter dr. Clarence jones stood 50 feet behind and remembers vividly how Martin Luther king, jr. Gave the speech of his life august 28th, 1963. It is as if there was some cosmic force that came down and took over this physical form of a body. Reporter today dr. Jones teaches at university of San Francisco. He wrote a book about being kings political advisor, lawyer and speechwriter. In 1960 king visited jones at his home near l. A. And asked him to join his legal team. Jones wife viewed king as a superstar. An almalgamation of george clooney, michael jackson, denzel washington, matt damon all combined. Reporter but jones didnt want to move to alabama from california and refused the request of cheng. She turned to me and she said king. She turned to me and she said what do you think you are doing thats so important that you cant help this man that came all this distance to ask for your help . I have a dream. Reporter but then jones heard kings powerful preaching in person and agreed to move. In 1963 jones wrote the first seven paragraphs of kings famous speech at the Lincoln Memorial before a record crowd of a quarter Million People and broadcast live on tv. When dr. Jones drafted the original i have a dream speech, dr. King made some changes, but the words i have a dream were never part of the text. Jones said after king read the script a gospel singer on the stage spoke out. She shouted to him tell him about the dream, martin tell him about the dream. I have a dream. The rest of the speech that has become such a celebrated speech. My poor little children. Thats all extemporaneous. I have a dream. You could hear people shouting to him well, preach it, martin oh, praise the lord, speak it. He got the audience feedback. Free at last, free at least, thank god almighty, we are free at last [ cheering and applause ] reporter jones got the speech copyrighted and while the words fueled the Civil Rights Movement jones said back then no one realized their enduring legacy. He was americas moral compass pointing us to the north star of our decency. An event tomorrow night at usf will honor dr. Jones who is now 82 years old. It will also mark the 50th anniversary of the speech in washington d. C. Next week and an event that president obama is set to attend. An amazing story. Ive never heard that parted of it before. I have heard that he had part of it before. I have heard that he had used the phrase i have a dream in prior speeches, but he didnt plan on using it that time. Absolutely. It was a huge audience and before that few people nationwide had heard him speak. So some of his advisors actually said dont use i have a dream. Its too cliche, but he made the decision in the end on the podium. Thanks to a woman in part. Thank you. Eports well, for the very first time we are hearing from Prince William talking about being a new dad. Alfonso van marsh reports from london the legacy the prince wants to pass on to his son. Reporter Prince William and his wife kate are sharing these new family photos with their new baby prince. Kates father took the photos amount his home outside london. At his home outside london. Prince william said he and his wife katherine are settling into parenthood but were full of nerves when they introduced their new baby boy to the world. Its nice people want to see george. Im just glad he wasnt screaming his head off the whole way through. Reporter in his first interview since becoming a father william told cnn Prince George is growing fast and doesnt like to sleep much. Hes a little built of a rascal. He reminds bit of a rascal. He reminds me of my brother or me. Im not sure. Reporter while he seemed like a pro securing his sons car seat leaving the hospital, Prince William admits he had to rehearse. I was terrified i was going to do something. It was going to fall off or the door wasnt going to close properly. I had actually practiced. Reporter Prince William says at the moment the only legacy he wants to pass on to his son is this. Sleep more and slow down the diaper changes. Alfonso van marsh, cbs news, london. Prince william admitted hes anxious to get back to work. He works as a search and rescue helicopter pilot in wales. Tonight an apb, all points bulletin, out for a chevy impala convertible. Someone stole this beautiful red 1961 supersport, a 409 from a parking lot during monterey car week between friday night and saturday morning. It is valued at about 220,000 because its the only known supersport, an ss, with all original parts, the 409 in that particular year. Its also a convertible it looks like. The car was on the Auction Block but it did not sell. Those cars are so beautiful. What do you do with that car . You cant leave it out on a lightning filled night leak this. Not a good day for a convertible. It would certainly get attention, like the weather did tonight. We had a lot of thunder bumpers around the area, lightning strikes coming in at almost one per second in the bay area as you look at this video shot down around san bruno i think. It was really coming just gales of wind out from those down bursts and you could see on the hidef doppler we still got some thunderstorms extending out from the peninsula now, but most of them now are over open water except this one that is right over pigeon point. You ever been to the lighthouse down there on highway 1 . It is right on top of the lighthouse and at this moment it must be making a spectacular sight. Also were tracking another very strong impulse thats right around the hills right now. Once we get the sun tomorrow contributing to the heat and updrafts, well get anotherness that thunderstorms tomorrow. Thats why another chance at thunderstorms tomorrow. Thats why red flag warnings are posted throughout the bay area. Theres hazards for dry lightning strikes and that could ignite a lot of fuel around the bay area. We did record almost 3,000 lightning strikes between 6 45 and 7 45 tonight. Thunderstorm chances extend through wednesday. Theres about 100 lightning strikes a second globally, the air temperature near those bolts is about 50,000 degrees fahrenheit, hotter than the surface of the sun. Thats why we get the thunder. The compressed air and heat blows out and you get the thunder and theres about 1,000 thunderstorms underway now. Ours are underway due to low pressure thats just meeting the shoreline and thats creating a perfect funnel to bring up warm subtropical air and that thunderstorm chance continues right through wednesday the next 48 hours or so, some of those showers extending up into northern california. The next couple days looks like there could be a light show or two in the bay area. It will be in the south bay chances tomorrow morning and we wont begin to dry out until thursday. So theres the potential for humidity and also for variable clouds and also theres going to be fog and low clouds around the shoreline which is the most stable weather on earth, fog and low clouds, thunderstorms the most unstable. Were getting both in the next two days. We see it in the mountains this time of year but never down here. Its rare down here. Look out the next couple days. Lets hope none of them trigger fires. Speaking of fireworks. Yeah. We got ourselves a good Old Fashioned Division Race with the as and the rangers and the as trying to make it fun to watch. Meantime the giants not so much. ,,,,, the critics agree, build your own pancakes part 2 is a hit i put caramel and bacon, says bobby. I like it when syrup goes down the side, says jenna. And michael was left speechless. Build your own pancakes are back for a limited run, only at dennys. The end of these highlights. s. Having baseball up top, you got to go back to 2004 to dig up a stat im about to deliver at the end of these highlights. Story is the as having to win a half game back of the rangers, robbie thompson, interim manager of the mariners, 11,112. Watch Jarrett Parker pitch a gem, delivered eight strikeouts in nine innings, the man had some mass. Look at him go all tied up 11. Pitcher a possible walkoff. Brandon moss backed away and gone, winds it in a walkoff for wins it in a walkoff for jarrett barker, the last as starting pitcher to win in a walkoff . Mark molder in 2004. 21 the final. David ortiz the red sox in at t park, tim lincecum at second and stumbles. Thats a bump. Runs scored. 5th inning lincecum taken to the wall by stephen drew. He gave up five runs, 5 innings, 28 losses the start of 2012. Jon lester gets a double play ball here. Hey, i want to come out for the 9th. I want to finish this game. The red sox said no, have a seat. They win 70. Be as the 4 go on record. A. J. Is going to be an outstanding football player. Yeah, he still could be but just for another team as the 49ers traded their 2012 1st round pick to the chiefs in exchange for 2011 1st rounder wide receiver jon baldwin who also hasnt lived up to expectations with kansas city. Jenkins did not catch a single ball last season. Even jerry rice offered to help him and jenkins declined. So on this 1st round list it worked out for three of the five, not rashon woods and not a. J. Jenkins. Let us speak from personal experience. I was ejected by a team, sent to another team and, you know, then with the next team my signature years came. No. 5, Harrison Barnes table tennis with San Francisco mayor ed lee, yeah, happened in chinatown. Morales. He gone number no. 4, when you run on josh reddick, please slide. Ask seattles kennedy morales. He gone. No. 3, redskin wideout leonard hankerson, a onehanded grab, the redskins beat the pittsburgh steelers. No. 2, ill paraphrase the song by ludacris. Maam, get out the way. Yeah, just, maam, maam, get out the way. You have to look up and see what the real title is. All right. We go from that to the Honorable Mention no. 1 because we like it. Colt wide receiver reggie wayne sunday incredible catch. May already be the catch of the year and the regular season is two weeks away a good year. ,,,,,,,, [ superfan ] were hitting the road to help america discover the new helper. Youve got to try this sweet sour chicken helper. I didnt know they made chicken. Crunchy taco or four cheese lasagna . Can i get another one of those actually . [ superfan ] hey, america, were here to help. Too small. Too soft. Too tasty. [ both laugh ] [ male announcer ] introducing progressos new creamy alfredo soup. Female announcer female announcer closed captioning brought to you by sleep train, wishing you and your family a relaxing labor day. Closed captioning brought to you by sleeptrain wishing you and your family a relaxing labor day. A san jose man set a new world record over the weekend in competitive eating. At a competition in l. A. Matt mega toad stoney 8282 pot stickers beating Joey Chestnut who ate a measly 251. A few weeks ago we caught up with the 21yearold stoney. He showed us how he ate everything fast and even gave our kiet do some pointers on eating pot stickers. ,,,,,,,, goodnight. Thanks, olivia. Thank you. So you can make a payment from your cell to almost anyones phone or email. speaking french so you can express your gratitude. In the moment. Chase quickpay. So you can. Tomorrow morning at 430. band playing late show theme from the heart of broadway, broadcasting across the nation and around the world, its the late show with David Letterman. Tonight. Plus paul shaffer and the cbs orchestra. Im alan kalter. And now, biological conundrum, David Letterman cheers and applause captioning sponsored by worldwide pants and cbs

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