A michael bay summer block buster but that tower is being pulled apart by the pg e crew. While it is lying on the asphalt, two 120foot poles are going up to do the job temporarily. But the work to cleanup the mess that began friday night will happen on sunday night and mean a repeat of the closure that left highway 101 eeriely empty saturday after hours of gridlock friday as the lines lay in the power four hours before they were deenergized. Pg e defends the time that took. We were working as quickly and safely as possible to address the issue. These are not your average power lines here. These are very high powered and extremely large. So this is not your normal type of outage in your neighborhood. It is a superhighway of electricity. Reporter so buckle up. It is getting shut down again for pg e crews. Shutdown is necessary to physically pull that wire across diagonally across the freeway. Reporter it is not just a little wire. It is 9,000 feet that must be strung across all lanes of traffic. The shutdown will last until at least 4 00 a. M. Monday morning. This time with notice, unlike friday night. We are not talking one 9,000 foot long wire. We are talking about six 1500 foot sections. One will be struck and they will have to start all over again. That is why highway 101 has to be closed so many hours, live in burlingame, andria borba, kpix5. This is what drivers with didnt know about the closure had to face today. From chopper 5, you can see traffic backed up for miles. Adding to the mess heading into san francisco, there was a giants game. Once drivers got stuck, there was no way out. Trips that normally take 20 minutes took two hours. Whirred from frustrated drivers caught in the mess. There was honking, stress, confusion. There was traffic everywhere. There was no way to avoid it. I called my boyfriend saying i am going to be late, im sorry. Some drivers got creative and tried to take side streets. They got stuck in traffic too because everyone had the same idea. A concord man is under arrest after his wife called the police saying he was drunk trying to build a bomb. Officers responded to the couples apartment on robin lane at 6 00 tonight. The woman said her husband was mixing chemicals to make a flash bomb. Officers quickly escorted her out along with her two children. They said the smell coming from the apartment was so strong, they had to evacuate the whole neighborhood. As we were on scene, we could smell a strong chemical odor coming from the apartment. We evacuated all of the residents in the area. Nobody was hurt. The 38 year old man was arrested on the spot. Police have not released his name but he is facing a number of charges. And police are investigating a mysterious death. A hiker spotted a mans body in the Berkeley Hills lying along the pack rat trail. So far, there is no word on who the man is or how he died. If you saw anything suspicious in that area, police want to hear from you. Visiting hours have been canceled at san quentin this weekend while the prison tries to contain a possible outbreak of legionnares disease. Legionnares is a severe form of bacterial pneumonia. It spreads through moisture and steam and there has been one confirmed case at san quentin already. 45 are under observation tonight. The prison has brought in portable showers and Drinking Water as they try to isolate the source of the bacteria. Texas authorities have arrested the man they say shot and killed a sheriffs deputy in cold blood. He was ambushed while pumping gas and investigators dont know why. Reporter the arrest came less than 24 hours after the shooting. Ron hickman says there was no clear motive. Our assumption is he was a target because he wore a uniform. There is an officer down. Gunshots in the vehicle. Reporter police say the atrocious attack happened friday night under the bright lights of this gas station in houston. Sheriff Deputy Thomas gilland. The deputy was shot, fell to the ground. The suspect continued over to him and he shot the deputy multiple times again as he lay on the ground. Reporter he is down. 47yearold Harris County Deputy Darren goforth died at the scene. He had just pumped gas. The sheriff called it absolute madness. Police tracked down the dark red truck and arrested miles. Authorities believe he acted alone. Miles is in the custody of the Harris County sheriffs office. He does have previous criminal history including charges for resisting arrest, trespass, Disorderly Conduct with a firearm. Reporter Deputy Goforth leaves behind a wife up and down two young children. It was office his dream to become an officer. He was the oldest member of his class when he graduated at 37. Meg oliver, cbs news, new york. And from now on, the deputys will work in teams. Florida is now bracing for what was Tropical Storm erika. It is losing strength, but is expected to bring heavy downpour to the state. People are stocking up on supplies buying flashlights and generators in case there are widespread power outages. The National Guard is ready to deploy in necessary. At least 20 people on the island of dominica were killed. 30 more are missing. In puerto rico, erika knocked out power to 200,000 people. Erika will be centered over cuba tonight, but again, wins are below Tropical Storm force. Rain will be the problem. Meanwhile in the pacific, category 4 hurricane ignacio continues to steam ward the hawaiian islands. Winding topping 140 miles an hour. But it is 525 miles southeast moving into cooler watersful it will be down to a Tropical Storm by the time it skirts the eastern edge of the island chain by monday night. So, we will see. Well, it was ten years ago today when Hurricane Katrina slammed ashore along the gulf coast. Hundreds of people died in the destruction and the flooding that followed. Reporter weijia jiang shows us the decade later, the people are working to rebuild. Reporter from mississippi to the lore ninth ward in new orleans, the victims to Hurricane Katrina were honored saturday. Katrina was so heart breaking. It destroyed so much. It destroyed so many lives. Reporter the gulf coast is reflecting on the tenth anniversary of the monster storm which flooded 80 of new orleans and killed more than 1800 people. Now lets be clear. Today is about commemoration specifically. We are going to remember. But as soon as we finish this, we are going to get back to work. There will be 10,000 volunteers on the streets of the city of new orleans today. Reporter thousands of volunteers are participating in a city wide day of service with 100 rebuilding projects like planting this community garden. They are working hard. They are respecting the garden. They are all very nice. And, we are all building a relationship. Reporter many young people are getting involved too, determined to help shape the new new orleans. My favorite thing to make would be the sweet mash. Reporter not long ago, 19 yearold delvin davis was considered an atrisk youth. You see drug dealing and killing. It is everywhere around here. Reporter but he escaped life in the streets with a work force program. He mentors children and he is optimistic about the future. This is my city. I have to believe in my city. Reporter a city remembering a dark past, but charging ahead with resounding resilience. Weijia jiang, cbs news, new orleans. Meanwhile back in the bay area, progress is being made to improve our own aging levee system in foster city. It floods during storms. They talked about a serious upgrade. It will cost between 35 to 65 million to build a levee that meets fema standards. The goal is to have it done in five years. All right, onto campaign 2016. A new poll Shows Hillary clintons lead is shrinking in iowa. She has lost about a third of her support in the key battleground state over the summer. She now leads challenger Bernie Sanders by just seven pointsful his support has nearly doubled during the same time. Joe biden who is still weighing a possible run finished third in the poll. Meanwhile, republican front runner donald trump spent the day in nashville. He says he will make an announcement soon about whether he will run as a Third Party Candidate if he doesnt win the gop nomination. Trump was asked about his Campaign Strategy and lack of tv ads. So far, i havent had to. Will you . I will if it is appropriate. So far i would have been in by about 10 or 15 million. I havent had to. It is all news all the time. All trump all the time on cnn right . As for attack ads, trump web onto say he doesnt plan to run any of those either because he doesnt want to attack anybody. And coming up, she survived nine days in the sierra crawling on two broken legs. Tonight, a missing hiker is safe thanks to one tiny item in her backpack. Plus, a hammerhead shark sets off a panic at a busy beach. That was not the only Close Encounter off the coach today. [bleep], thats my car dude and a ,,,,, an amazing story of survival tonight. A Sacramento County woman has been found alive after being lost in the wilderness nine days. 62yearold mayuki harwood was found this morning at the court right reservoir. She got separated from a group of hikers last week. Rescue crews tried to find her, but a wild fire burning in the area showed her search. Harwood broke bones in both her legs trying to get to safety. She crawled to a creek and used a water filter to help her say alive. Search crews finally got close to her. Harwood heard them and used a whistle to get their attention. When you are nine days into it. You are really starting to wonder if the dividend will pay off for you and have such a success story, it is utterly amazing. It just tickled us all to death that we have good news at the end of nine days because that is rather amazing survival for that length of time. Harwood was air lifted to a hospital. Officials say she is in stable condition tonight. A baseball fan died tonight after falling from the upper deck at an Atlanta Braves game. This cell phone video shows emergency crews carrying the man away after he fell. It was the seventh inning when he toppled to the ground in front of a row of fans. The man in his 60s later died at a hospital. Investigators are still trying to figure out how he fell. Michilen is recovering 100,000 tires tonight because they can rupture under severe driving conditions. They are used for heavy duty trucks, vans, rvs. They will replace them for free. Affected customers will be notified starting next week. A burglary suspect in colorado was caught on camera stealing a police cruiser. The video comes from one of the officers body cameras after they put the woman into the back of the car, she somehow managed to slip out of her handcuffs and take the wheel. [bleep], thats my car, dude the officers chased after her, but she didnt get very far. They caught up to her about two minutes later. She had pulled off to the side of the road and was walking. Well, a great white shark nearly took a bite out of a Central Coast surfer this morning. A 54yearold woman was surfing north of morrow bay when the shark chomped it. When the shark swam away, she got back on board and paddled to shore. She was shaken but not hurt. Officials have closed the beaches for about 72 hours. That was not the only Close Encounter. Kelly shows us what a hammerhead did to shut down a busy beach in san diego. We could see a shadow in the water. Tried touching the dorsal. Reporter an eight to ten foot hammerhead shot spotted around la jolla shores. It was acting aggressively, following a group of kayakers. Chrisy white and anthony lee were on a nearby tour and spotted the shark in the watt. Out of nowhere, one of the other guys in the kayak says will is a shark. We saw it moving toward a swimmer. Reporter life guards began evacuating the water. Life guarding come by and they are like guys, everybody out of the water you know, they are freaking out. I thought they would be all calm. They were like guys, everybody out of the water shark oh my gosh. Reporter but getting everyone out was quite the task. It was crazy. Kids were running everywhere. Reporter the beach crowded on this very hot day. Life guards sent up their helicopter. The water was evacuated from la jolla cove. This mom had been snorkeling with her kids. Reporter no one was hurt. Hammerhead sharks are known to be dangerous to humans. Especially the larger type sharks. In certain places of the world, they are very dangerous. Reporter the life guards warned people to stay out of the water. A couple of hours after the sighting, many wandered back in anyway. People are going back in. I wouldnt. I wouldnt either. Life guards will reassess the water tomorrow morning to decide if it is safe to reopen that beach. Well, did you head outside and have a look at the full moon tonight . It is unusual because it is happening when the moon is at its closest approach, plus the fact it is at full moon makes it appear larger than usual. Does it move that quickly . No, this is a time lapse. You can see that the moon was a gorgeous sight tonight. You would never really know if you just went and looked at it that it is closer than it usually is. It is always nice to go out and have a look at the moon. After all, the earth is the first planet out from the sun to actually have a moon. And we have hurricanes, too, tonight. One in the atlantic, one in the pacific. There are more, but we are going to focus on erika. It was a hurricane 24 hour, ago, but it got into the cooler waters of the caribbean and that knocked the breath out of it. It is directly over cuba now. The path of erika will take it over the gulf and it will get more steam in its engines and maybe rejuvenate into a Tropical Storm again off the west coast of florida by monday. And, the only factor from this is really the rains will be a bigger problem than the winds. The winds will be below 40 miles an hour by the time it makes landfall. Golden gate bridge and the numbers in the bay area mostly in the 60s. So a mild saturday night. Low pressure means showers way up in the pacific northwest, but for us, we got about a tenth of an inch of rain in the north bay today. With the warm air we had over the bay area, you get a little injection of warm air making it kind of sticky. It will establish more of a sea breeze that will begin to dry out the lower layers of the atmosphere sunday. Not quite as humid tomorrow afternoon. We have low clouds building from point reyes to the bottom of the peninsula tomorrow. A nice sunny day inland. The numbers dont change much. So, more low clouds along the coast tomorrow morning. Sunny, mild inland. A relatively cool week ahead. Grand prix, sonoma tomorrow. 79 degrees. Overnight lows will be upper 50s , low 60s. A nice night for the bay area. San francisco tomorrow, 70 degrees. About average, but much cooler than average this time of year in concord. San jose, 79. Oakland, 79 degrees. For the south bay, we will look at numbers like 78 at hayward. Over in the east bay, we are going to look for numbers in the low 80s. And, the temperature 83 degrees in pleasanton, 82 livermore. 80 vallejo. In the north bay, we are looking for sunshine and 80 degrees in san rafael and ukiah. 83 extended forecast. We are going to look for a little cooler weather tuesday, wednesday, thursday. No rain in sight. Nothing but sunshine. And a little bit warmer by next weekend. And speaking of warm. Well, mr. Personality here. Here is mr. Vern glenn. Warm . Hot how could it look so right against dallas and so wrong in denver . We have the story in the form of moving pictures from ,,,, nfl up top, the 49ers, what was the first red flag . Offensive line collapse . Kaepernick safety . No first downs until nineanda half left in the half . Didnt show you much tonight. Bronco quarterback peyton manning. He was kept out of the end zone in the first half. He got real close to navarro bowman. He sacked him twice. Nine tackles late in the first half. Demarcus ware got Colin Kaepernick for a safety. 50. They got something rolling here. Kaepernick. Nobody open . I will just go ahead and run. How about a 34yard blast . Three carries, 53 yards. Niners got a field goal to make it 83. Fourth quarter, oh, theres the Training Camp it boy blaine. This jawuan thompson putting the broncos ahead 1912. That was the final as the niners fall to 12 of the preseason. But the big story . Navarro bowman. I told them i felt good. I just wanted to keep going and see where i ended up. Did you feel anything in the knee after extended playing time . Not at all. I wanted to see how it would respond coming off the field. It responded well. Just looking forward to completing a full game and seeing how it feels after. He was just. He was just having a blast and it was right. Okay . So. We let it go. I let him know it would go past the half. He would have played all day if we would have let him. Navarro bowman. 19 months after a devastating knee injury. So, where do the giants stand . Perhaps the best team in foot,,,,,,, [female announcer] if the most challenging part of your day is the staying awake part, sleep train has your ticket to a better nights sleep. Because when brands compete, you save during mattress price wars. Save up to 400 on beautyrest and posturepedic. Get interestfree financing until 2018 on tempurpedic. Plus, helpful advice from the sleep experts. Dont miss mattress price wars at sleep train. Sleep train your ticket to a better nights sleep hey baseball and the giants. Sometimes, it is just not your day. Actor Jeff Goldblum checking out the giants today. And lance lynn. The saint louis ace. Seven shutout innings. Ryan vogelsong is not vogel strong. Carpenter shoots one past tomlinson. Brandon moss scored the first run. Then after the 1st inning, here they came. The cardinals just too tough. Nickel and diming. Two more runs come in. Molina in the 9th inning. Steven pascatti. Yeah, thats a threebagger. Cardinals win final of 60. They fall threeandahalf back of the dodgers who were victorious again. Diamondbacks star paul goldschmidt. How was your night against the as . Stephen vogt had quite a night. Into the drink. A two run shot. He accounted for all three of the as runs. In the 8th inning, tied at 22, here he is again. Found a hole. As won on the road. A final of 32 in the desert. Hey. Congratulations san jose saber cats. Man, this is the arena bowl. They are in stockton against white clad jacksonville. Tommy grady picked by david highland. At the pick six. Cats up by 11. After that, it was all downhill. Eric meyer taking off scoring. He accounted for six touchdowns by himself. San jose saber cats. Arena champions. The coach and general manager are happy. The fourth championship. And first, since 2007. And, just. Before we say goodbye, de lasalle, the Top Ranked Team in High School Football by max preps, upset in texas by texas power trinity, 2621. They were driving and driving and driving. Stalled. Trinity hangs on. All right, lets not forget, they are playing the power they are playing the power houses and ,, yoplait greek 100. 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Do your thing when you hear the beep. beeps woman listen, you lousy sob. I will not be treated like this. Either you call me or you are going to be very, very sorry. I love you, monkey man. Charlie . Who is that . Damn telemarketers. A telemarketer who calls you monkey man. Im on some weird list. Okay, its a woman i went out with once, and she got a little clingy. You are a bad, bad boy. And yet, youre always the one getting spanked. phone rings geez. Charlie on machine hey, its charlie

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