The average American watching today's hearings you had full professors 3 of them chosen by the Democrats one by the Republicans and I'm not sure that it was really clear because nobody was listening but taking Republicans to what they say I mean it was mostly about grandstanding and did you get any clarity from it I mean. I hope the American people did you know I found that riveting I have to say but I'm biased I'm a constitution Vester this is my kind of thing but I think that you know a lot of the things that you and I have been talking about now for some time trying to explain to your listeners what's happening with impeachment what the standard is here and why for instance an impeachment rightly focuses on abuse of power not just crimes really it's a distinct category from crimes those points which are familiar I think to your listeners from our conversations and from your other coverage I think a lot of Americans don't know what impeachment is so this was really a primer it was a guide for the American people to the process of impeachment and I was particularly impressed with Pam Karlan who I thought. Was brilliant in really delivering especially in really a couple of hours of closing arguments for why there really is an obligation of this Congress to impeach this president and she did a beautiful job with time together the abstract idea. A high crimes and misdemeanors designed to stop abuse of power but then tying it to the very specific actions that this president and explaining why really for the Ukraine issue alone but other issues came up as well including the president's refusal to abide by 6 you know that's why they are really require this Congress to act and I thought to learn this is sort of stereotype of what a professor has another show somebody was asking about asking about you know whether this backfired because it would look like a bunch of kind of academics trying to speak to the American people in a way that would have been boring to them but the. Reality of what we saw I thought was anything but them parliament in particular did a brilliant job of pushing back on the ranking member who said to her you know you're probably. Too busy to. Read the transcript or follow what's been going on and she said you know this is my job as a professional academic as a law professor prepare and I know the facts and it was a sharp rebuke to exactly what you're talking about a sort of indifference from the Republicans on this committee to the brute facts and the brute reality that this president abuse power to my introduction in the question that struck me which is I see a family make an example of a strategy on the part of the Republicans to actually gin up partisanship to make it more toxic to make the friction greater to obfuscate to distract and to turn the whole thing into what they keep saying is a witch hunt you want to get this guy from day one and this whole thing is a Fosse and that was the refrain and I thought that maybe it did it has that we're ing effect on the audience that's the way I see this strategy I just don't know whether it worked or not it didn't work for you obviously. Right or for either of us but I guess my hope is that people will see through that you know they began by saying there's no quid pro quo and that what they're doing is costing the witnesses and when you lack an argument when you can't win on the facts or the law you attack the person you try to dogs from the real issue that's what they're doing and I just don't think it's going to work there was a moment you know for instance with the 1st lady tried to call out Carlin for an example that she used that involve the word parent and say that she was somehow attacking the son now Carl and brilliantly just apologized and moved on but they're going to not stop with the attack the witnesses don't have the power as we call it last though than I thought they were one point the ranking member Republican member said basically that this was terrific. I think he had to acknowledge that these are experts in the field. You know some of them. Try to be polite about it the less sophisticated members when it comes to these issues did try to just weren't as respectful and did a bit repent to the. Experts and say oh it's just sort of opinion but I think you know when you start attacking the person when you see how weak their arguments are it's all the more evidence to the American people that this president did commit high crimes and misdemeanors did abuse power and it's a clarification not talking about narrow criminal statutes that's not what this is about it's about whether or not this president in a brutal way tried to pressure the president of Ukraine to aid the American people in the u.s. Election and did. What was that's been clear from watching the Intelligence Committee and watching this I guess the other thing I'm just saying is you know this really was from Karl and like a closing argument pulling it all together weaving the facts with the law and like like a great lawyer explaining what was the case against the president is the difference though is that Professor Carlin's client here is the American people and I think really well. And again I was speaking with Corey Brettschneider his professor of political science of Brown University where he teaches constitutional law and politics as well as being a visiting professor of law at Fordham Law School his writings appeared in time political on the New York Times and he's the author of the new book The Oath in the office our guide to the Constitution for future presidents So what kind of a job did do you think the Republican chosen witness did he. Was I thought from their point of view he did a pretty good job but I was surprised or perhaps disappointed that when Jonathan Turley sort of challenge the Democrats by saying you know you're running getting too fast this you know you should get more witnesses if I was chairman Madden I want to said well that's a great idea why don't you help us and help you know Republicans who put you on here as they have spokesperson to get some witnesses because we're trying to get them we're trying to get the president we're trying to get his chief of staff we're trying to get his former national security adviser and his energy secretary I just felt that in the way you know and then Norma's and really didn't didn't even talk to tele atoll it made to seem unnecessary partisan on the part of the Democrats you know it was a missed opportunity because you know he wasn't saying that the president had a perfect color that the president is exonerated that's not his view is that we need more information and he has used to like that obstruction of justice shouldn't be obstruction of Congress as I should say shouldn't be one of the articles of impeachment so this sort of brought out the way that this testimony helped them. Do that at one point by just saying Haven't you written that you don't need a criminal offense in order to have a high crime and he said I want to yes or no and that Yes So that was one piece of help they could have more a couple of points you know I guess what I found disappointing about the. Testimony that they should have should have brought out more is he's not saying the president's exonerating says we need more information but I just don't know what more information we need we have the readout of the phone call and we have the information about what happened corroborated by David Holmes and by Fiona Hill and by Ambassador Sama and that's a rock solid case now if you think there are holes in it then say why but he just didn't do that and I thought he should have been called out on that more so to my mind the strongest case is of course the one that had been made in that one that mark again had Professor you know us in North Carolina said which is if what we're talking about is not impeachable then nothing is impeachable and of course the conclusion of the Senate intelligence report which was just handed to the Judiciary Committee is pretty much along the lines that if you don't act in the face of such clear abuse of power on the part of President Trump then our job as a separate branch of government in terms of checks and balances or essentially neutering asses in the future and weakening the separation of powers right I mean I think you know it was a great point that he made which is that this is not a feature call them what is and you want to send a message to future presidents that as you said the subtitle of the book is a guide to the Constitution for future presidents that is a paraphrase of a Republican member of Congress saying we need to impeach this president need meaning next a Republican member saying of the Judiciary Committee saying that in order to send a message to future presidents that your power is not unlimited You can't get away with power and not impeaching would do the inverse with anything goes and would be a serious danger I think to the future of the Republican. So what do you think given how intense the partnership is today and I believe it's a deliberate tactic on the part of the Republicans to make it more partisan so in order to just type people intent you in the mountain say oh this is just another squabble between a bunch of warring politicians this is just the beginning some time in a month or so we'll have a trial in the Senate do you think we're going to last the distance if this is the turn that's mean sent. I think we've got to persevere and you know what you and I are doing right now and every time we talk as we're trying to you know work together with the American people to see through the b.s. And there has a lot of that on the Republican side the obvious cation the avoidance of facts and the avoidance of the deep duty to remove this president so you know it's going to be hard are people going to be tired yes of course they are I'm. Know from talking to people there they're exhausted but we're going to remember we're exhausted from a president that's abusing power and the 2nd that we get too exhausted to fight him he wins and that's unacceptable the danger is too vast to allow that to happen so when we remind ourselves of that I think it will give us the energy to see through the b.s. That the Republicans are presenting on this committee and that they will likely present in the Senate as well but I want to probably can slip Tralee following Trump's cue because Trump's bicycle doing government by stunt he doesn't know what he's doing and every day he pulls off a stunt to distract the public and the press follow the bright shining light down a rabbit hole and when everything things go bad they do on a daily basis he makes an incredibly outrageous remark which he's been doing at the NATO conference and some making these outrageous insults and talking trash about Adam Schiff and world leaders like McCrone and Trudeau except for all of this stuff grabs the headlines so I wish the press wouldn't keep taking the bait right yeah I mean he's exhausting us and he doesn't get tired of it because he he gets a thrill possibly from any coverage good or bad you know he's he's going to keep going but. I guess you know. Shows like yours and the others on your station and they're. A number of others around the country just have to continue to not be duped and to talk to the American people about what's really happening I mean I don't see an alternative because he'll keep using his strategy and we're in a new culture where he can bypass the media and speak to the American public themself through Twitter and the only reason way to fight back is by providing good information to the ball and speaking the truth and calling him out on a not just doing horse race analysis which of course you don't do and talk about what's right and restore the values of the American Constitution in the way that we know we ought to now imagine you know the Nixon era impeachment turned out differently and Nixon won we live in a totally different world that's what we're facing right now is the possibility that somebody worse actually than Nixon to can win this time. Well just in closing do you think that the framing of a particular of the a crane case in terms of the actual Constitution itself which delineates treason bribery and high crimes and misdemeanors the fact that bribery has been injected and I thought it was meant to me seems like a clear cut case that to me is what I've been sort of trying to suggest is that there's going to be a way to simplify this in the engage the American people right now I think that right these legal scholars at least the 3 that Democrats chose were trying to do you think labeling as bribery is helpful I think it can be but it comes about with a danger in an opportunity and again here as you can tell I'm a big Pam Karlan. Fan I think she really did an amazing job of explaining that to the committee as they consider whether or not to make bribery one of the hooks here for the impeachment one of the kind of core of one of the articles of impeachment and what she said is you know the idea of impeachment is about high crimes and misdemeanors abuse of power and bribery is listed as one example of that but you don't want to get into a trap of thinking that the contemporary criminal violation bribery is what we're talking about we're using bribery in a much broader sense I mean. You know a president who solicits a favor for his own person from a foreign power. That kind of abuse of power that's the kind of bribery that we're talking about there are modern kind of definitions of bribery in criminal law that are much narrower and she was warning the committee to be leery of those and so I thought that was excellent I wasn't sure if it was too subtle a point I hope it wasn't you're certainly making it and I'm making in this hopefully your listeners will as well so yes use bribery but don't get into the trap of. Listing it in a way that's distinct from the notion of the use of power right well I think you very much for joining us here today my minister as always thank you for the public service you're providing us getting us through what's going on here so difficult period of history but I'm an optimist will get you through it well thank you and again I've been speaking with Corey brush night and he's a professor of political science at Brown University where he teaches constitutional law and politics as well as a visiting professor of law at Fordham Law School His writing has appeared in time Politico and The New York Times and he's the author of the new book The Earth in the office a guide to the Constitution for future presidents we're going to get to a station break back examining the role of the Pentagon which is planning for the catastrophic consequences of global warming and how their reality based efforts could influence global warming deniers. Academics beat lab radio with a show that leads you into the week every Friday night starting at 6 o'clock he'll join me in skits a specialist for music to tame a new academic. Every 68.7 k.c. Ok in case. Streaming on the web. Welcome back I mean masters and this is Background Briefing available 247 a Background Briefing dot org And joining us now is Michael Klare a 5 college professor of peace and well Security Studies and director of the 5 college program in peace and well security studies at Hampshire College His books include American supermarket Well security challenges for a new century rogue states and nuclear outlaws Blood and Oil and the race for Watts left the global scramble for the world's last resources and his latest book just out is all hell breaking loose the Pentagon's perspective on Climate Change welcome to Background Briefing Michael Klare pleasure to be with you Well thank you Michael and just to touch on the. But that came out today from the Global Carbon Project their world has lost another year to reduce carbon emissions in fact 2019 is an increase in global warming gas emissions have grown slightly reaching another record high enough and the year of course is not quite over the total emissions from fossil fuels in industry totaled $36800000000.00 tonnes and that's up point 6 percent from 2018 so we're heading in the wrong direction and not surprised given the leadership we have and the priorities of Trump and the people he's working for which are largely the fossil fuels companies and then of course the other connection is that we are talking here today when Nancy Pelosi in a delegation of Democrats are in Madrid at the cup $25.00 climate change conference at which on Friday Granted it was just sailed across the Atlantic to Madrid will be leading a demonstration on Friday so there you have the 2 sides of it in effect you've got an alarming report saying we're not going in the right direction and we know that we don't have a small window to reverse things and to you've got one of the leading climate protestors or human extinction protesters out there who is galvanized a whole younger generation so there's the despair and there's a hope then there's your book which I think is incredibly important Michel because in this country the military is one of the few last institutions that the broad cross-section in this divided country respect the military so if we can somehow as your book does cut through the denial nonsense and get people to recognize how the Pentagon. Is seeing what's happening and how they're preparing for it and also how they are actually adapting and trying to deal with the reality of climate change show again I put that in the category of hope as opposed to despair so I know I'm giving a speech instead of asking you a question but the 1st question would be Is that why you wrote the book to essentially make people aware of how dangerous the situation is but also where of the institution that they trust is actually dealing with an inner realistic way. Well I think it did a good job Ian of capturing the. Intent my intent in writing the book 1st of all I found in searching through Pentagon documents and my interviews with people in the military and retired officers a very distinctive picture of climate change that you don't always hear from environmentalist and climate scientists which is to say they view people in the military few climate change not only as a threat to 2 habitats and 2 species an endangered species but they also see climate change as a very severe severe threat to the survival of human societies they see that climate change is going to very rapidly in fact already is causing the breakdown of societies in vulnerable parts of the world in Africa in the Middle East where resources are scarce and where people fight over things like food and water in this environment climate change is going to make conflicts much more likely producing mass migrations pandemics state collapse chaos all of which of course will bring the military into the picture in a way that they prefer not to have to deal with so for them climate change is a very severe threat to global stability and I think this picture is something that is not often discussed in the environmental community in the scientific community but adds to our picture of just how threatening climate change is going to prove to be in the years ahead. Well as you point out that Pentagon officials fear that essential resources will dwindle in many poor and divided countries provoking conflict among internal factions and threatening the survival of fragile governments in this chaotic environment terrorist groups will flourish while dispossessed farmers will migrate in search of jobs typically encountering hostility wherever they go all this instability will result in deadly pandemics incessant warfare and the relentless call on the United States to provide humanitarian relief and troop support but you have to add to that that what the chaos that will be happening abroad will also be happening here because I wish an rises will swamp a lot of the East Coast particularly Florida and and the Barrier Islands off the Carolinas it will be so hot in Arizona and Nevada that people can't live there so we'll have internal migration maybe 1020000000 people moving within the United States so the picture is so it's Rhodri bleak and yet my hope is and I guess you Marco that somehow people will start listening to the military types who as Tasco with the reality of facing a threat this is not a military threat in a sense but a global threat which in dangerous is an old yes. The military faces this not only in terms of the missions that they will be forced to undertake so when you speak of all the threats to Florida and the rest of the country from rising sea levels and from Extreme Storms and all of these cases the military will be called out increasingly in the future to engage in what they call defense support for civilian authorities discuss operations where. They will be providing relief and emergency assistance activities they see this more and more take part of their mission in the future as the United States itself comes under assault from climate change but compounding the problem from their perspective is the fact that many of their own installations bases and installations are themselves at severe risk from climate change many of their most important naval bases for example are up and down the East Coast of the United States from Florida into the Carolinas and especially in Virginia where Norfolk Naval Station the largest naval base in the world is writes warily in the crosshairs of climate change both from rising sea levels and extreme storm damage and they understand fully well that is climate change advances these bases are going to become inoperable and so they face a a double challenge of protecting the nation from increasingly severe risks at a time when their own facilities may be may not be available to them so they have a very clear a clear. Notion of the threat posed by climate change and I think this message if brought to the public and hopefully to Congress can alter the debate in this country away from partisan bickering to the notion that we face a a threat akin to war and that we have to rally together to take urgent steps to reduce the threat posed by climate change and again I'm speaking with Marco Claire a 5 college professor of peace and well Security Studies and director of the 5 college program. Peace and well security studies at Hampshire College He's the author of Blood on oil and the race to watch left the global scramble for the world's last resources and his latest book just out is all hell breaking loose the Pentagon's perspective on climate change and it obviously got close to home in terms of the Pentagon in recent hurrican in Florida that trashed the Pensacola base and they managed to get some of that f. 22 stealth fighters out before the hurricane hit but there are a bunch of them because they say damn expensive and they have to be maintained in the bunch a hang a queen says they call them a lot of after 20 two's were trashed along with the hang of this and these extremely expensive airplanes so it's already happening isn't it the destruction of these bases absolutely in the past year alone. From beginning with Hurricane Florence about a year ago which destroyed much of camp pollution North Carolina suffered $3000000000.00 in damage then a month later Hurricane Michael in Florida that's one you're referring to which destroyed. Air Force base in the Florida Panhandle another $3.00 to $4000000000.00 worth of damage including those f. $22.00 News and then earlier this year during one of those bomb Cyclon bombs that that we are hearing about occurred across the upper Midwest causing immense flooding of the Missouri River flooding overtook a foot airforce base the headquarters of the Strategic Air Command no less flooding that base entirely causing another. 3 or $4000000000.00 in damage that's just doesn't include all the planes in the equipment so that gives you an example that's just one year 3 bases $10000000000.00 or more worth of damage and it's unclear whether those bases will never be resorted to their full operational capacity as they were before. So do you think just getting back to where I see the value in what you written here was cutting through this argument and particularly the possibility of getting the denial list to recognize reality is because the Pentagon has to deal with reality and econ have fake news in the Pentagon because you know. Lives depend upon it and somebody in the field makes up a story or calls in to ordinance that real coordinates on the accurate ones in stead of defending a bunch of troops they blow up a kindergarten it's an intensely reality based community isn't the military yes you put it right they can't they can operate on fake news the people I've spoken to in the military in preparation for writing this book are as you say reality based they. Operate on the basis of logic they have to know what is the environment in which American troops are going to be deployed or are asked to risk their lives they have to know is the environment changing one of the climatic conditions they are going to face in the years ahead and this is very serious and they're very concerned for example it's very clear from scientific studies that temperatures. In the Middle East in the greater Middle East a likely to exceed 110 degrees Fahrenheit from from now on in the summertime during the heat of the day and probably it many here has succeeded 120 degrees Fahrenheit for long stretches of time you can't put a soldier out there with 60 or 80 pounds of gear into that condition and expect them to carry out their function people die under those conditions so they're very aware that climate change is going to alter the battlefield in very significant ways they also are aware that the Arctic is changing dramatically the Arctic is the northern frontier of the United States there was once covered with ice making it impossible for ships to operate there too to pose a threat from that direction now the ice cap is melting and the Arctic is becoming an open ocean in which Russia and China are now sending their ships so the Navy has a whole new ocean to operate in and where unprepared for that so the Navy has to address climate change in that respect they can ignore it they can't go pretend that there is no such thing as climate change well back to the report that came out from the Global Carbon Project that indicates in $22019.00 Rodan reduce global greenhouse gas emissions they've grown slightly to a total of 36800000000 tonnes and what bothers me Michael is that as much as Trump is a disgrace and a danger to humanity and to this country of course in the world he's. Really a shill he's really a useful idiot for the fossil fuel companies they get a free ride you know everybody's angry at Trump for many reasons but people concerned about the environment and global warming a certainly angry name because he's a leading denier and he's the one that's holding up and he pulled us out of the Paris Accords eccentric but the people who really profiting from Trump on the oil companies and they get to advertise on television to say want to great job they're doing in the alternative energy and making energy out of algae and all this phony green washing stuff where they're talking about stuff that's not real but it's aspirational and meanwhile their corporate bottom line is what they have in the ground the reserves that is how their companies are valued so if they take just one 5th of what they have out of the ground they will be the end of the world so there is the reality how do you get that reality and keep people to stop being conned by the idea that in the future there are kind they manage and we don't have a future. Alternative energies that we have are in the present but as long as they keep saying it's in the future we won't have a future yes indeed Well I think one value in my book and in the argument I'm trying to present it is to look at climate change is a threat to national security the way we view terrorism for example or the threat of nuclear war it is climate change is an impact placable follow it's threatening our shores our farms are far worse it's national security threat and under those circumstances I think it's a patriotic requirement of the nation to rally together to resist this threat which is going to be punish all of us if we do not do that. And those who continue to resist such efforts to continue to. To to promote fossil fuels under these circumstances are standing in the way of protecting the nation I think that's the kind of requirement the kind of argument that will be required to to make progress I mean we're going to have to rally the nation Republicans as well as Democrats if we're to succeed in this that can't be done by Democrats alone so I think the national security argument is the way that we can shame those who insist on continuing to produce fossil fuels and joining me now from Washington d.c. Is Alan Minsky and we are in Afghan drive here again at k p f k and this is after day and we have I think in a perfectly appropriate book that is both about the reality of climate change what it's going to do. What the effects again to be this is what the future holds we're talking about you know starting in maybe 1020 years and by 30 years out 20 years out the world will be a completely unlivable in the way that we understand it is today so these are the warnings in the book of course is using the Pentagon as a way to get into this argument so you don't get bogged down in the divided argument between global warming alarmists on the one side and global warming deniers on the other so I think it's an incredibly important book Alan and of course it's incredibly. Appropriate to the time because today you've got the warning from the Global Carbon Project that 2019 has more c o 2 pumped into the red good more than 2008 so we are heading in the wrong direction and it goes on. Friday at the Madrid climate conference Grettir. Is going to lead a demonstration So this is the issue of the moment it will be the issue of the year of the decade and of the century if we last last that long. Thank you very much for bringing forward again an excellent title as you always do during our funds I was having interviews with the best authors on the most important pressing subnets of our time and you are right the subject of the moment and the subject of the future going forward for quite a while for all of humanity and I do think Michael Klare this is a phenomenal book because who other than I mean let's look actually back up even beyond the Pentagon 1st of all the information that we have been receiving about global warming for decades has come by federally funded federally funded dollars and federally supported scientific research most famously James Hansen introducing the world to the idea warming was a government employee and nobody more than the Pentagon relies upon accurate information whatever issues we all must have with the Pentagon it's bigger radio listeners 'd they must understand also that they rely upon the accuracy of information there's no superstition here and the Pentagon as Clears recordings showing wrecking we go to get the clear information and go to the Pentagon where the record clearly recognizing the nature of this crisis and all of the implications extremely powerful book and people should pick it up and spy supporting k.p. 298-557-3581 extension 895 keeps calling it support background briefing which brings you these great interviews an incredible show 5 days a week and k.p. F.-k. Radio. Voice the most important out there bar none in Southern California for information about the climate emergency we need to have this meeting institution and the show continued going forward please call. And this is a $304.00 page book hardcover book wrapping up here in support of background briefing for a $125.00 donation and 90. 55735 there's a lot more of my interview with Michael Klare that we will be playing so I do stick with this and again I don't believe this fun drive is supposed to last that long obviously Christmas is coming up and people will be distracted and certainly have other demands on their pocketbook and that we keep coming back to the same well all the time but I do hope that you can at least keep background briefing on the air for a while longer and keep the lights on here and support this program support reality based programming in the age of Donald Trump and this is the most reality based book that you could possibly want and that's the problem the reality of global warming has got to penetrate the fog of denial and this is the best way to do it and this is the best way and one of the things that Michael Klare mentioned in the interviews that will be playing in a moment is this is a great book to get for people that you know that don't believe that global warming is a problem but they will when they read the book because these most Americans support the military and understand them and mission and when the military tells you that this is real it may change people's minds and certainly a lot more powerful argument coming from the military than it is coming from people that they considered to be a bunch of wild eyed liberals want 295-5735 is the number to call for $125.00 donation to get hold of this brand new book just out all hell breaking loose the Pentagon's perspective on climate change challenge should we have some more of my interview with Michael Klare Let's go. And again I'm speaking with Michael Klare the 5 college professor of peace Well security and the director of the 5 college program of peace and well security studies at Hampshire College His latest book just out is all hell breaking loose the Pentagon's perspective on Climate Change a book we're offering up here in support a background briefing at k p f k and 818-985-5735 you've made the case Michael that global warming and its impact on the United States is a major national security issue and it should be made a national security issue and it's a way to unite Democrats and Republicans deniers and alarmists alike and the Pentagon do understand that climate change will in time supersede all of the threats to national security but it also will supersede all threats in terms of global security so how do you bridge that in other words it's not just about national security the way we see it in terms of the Pentagon defending the United States against enemies abroad the enemy is among us and it's across borders and to my mind there is actually a silver lining in these dark clouds on the horizon in as much as we're all in life but together is it possible that we can unite around a common threat of global warming ocean rise and all of the catastrophes that accompany it with countries like Iraq coming to my God look how much Iraq has been a disaster for the United States and more importantly for the Iraqi people most of that country will be under would have you know within 20 years. Yes indeed yes I think again. The u.s. Military poses for us provides us with with a positive answer to that even because they see climate change as a source of global chaos and instability something which they feel will be will bear on them because they feel they'll be called out to deal with the consequences as as the world's 911 because of that they may be lieve that they have an obligation to reduce the risks and the consequences of climate change both by taking steps institutionally to reduce their contributions to global warming by converting from fossil fuels to renewables internally institutionally but also by working with the militaries of other countries to do the same to to adapt to a climate change era and it is official Pentagon policy to collaborate with the nation with the militaries of other countries to adapt to renewable energy and so on so that this is their policy at that I wish governments could do that in Madrid as they're meeting now to follow the very same policy of cooperating across international boundaries in taking steps to move away from reliance on fossil fuels and to increase reliance on renewables this is the way we must go and you've been listening to more of Marco Clair the 5 college professor of peace and world. Curity studies and director of the 5 college program in peace and well security studies at Hampshire College each brand new book just out is all hell breaking loose the Pentagon's perspective on climate change and again we are broadcasting on a day when we've just learned that mold c o 2 more global warming gases will pump in the atmosphere in 2019 and we're in 2018 that the narrow window we have to deal with stopping the effects of climate change is closing and instead of of reducing c o 2 we actually increasing it and of course I think you could fairly point the finger at Donald Trump in the fact that we have a president who is literally turn back the clock for the last 3 years and of course he gets re-elected that will be a total of 8 years of denial and that may will be the death knell for this planet so I don't think there's anything more serious that we could be dealing with not to suggest that my job here my role is to make you eat your spinach. And we all have kids we all have grand kids a lot of us have you know men let's just understand that we have a responsibility here to ensure and grandchildren and we can't check in that responsibility and we've got to get ourselves educated about the reality but more importantly we've got to educate others people that we know people who don't believe it and the best way to convince them is to get hold of this book and 818-985-5735 all hell breaking loose the Pentagon's perspective on Climate Change $125.00 donation and when 895-5735 Allen. Yesterday in fact you know I think $11.00 day this month instead of taking the family out to dinner just that one day cooked a special meal for your family and $125.00 you have to keep a radio we need this ridiculous. We need we need an interviewer like Ian Masters talking to authors who can break down the reality of our times like Michael Klare does in his brand new book in his blog with the masters so call 818-985-7581 extension 895 if you can remember folks one thing about giving in the month of December this is the last month where you can get a tax deductible donation to an organization and K.B.'s the donation to keep it as a tax deductible or donation so call Cleage support $125.00 for the book if you can afford $100.00 gift because it's so essential to support background. If you can give them more than $125.00 please to final tax deductible donation in December k.p.s. 8 point 898-5735. Well Allan the book of course is getting price across the board and a lot of I want to think the Pentagon. Is that they said the Pentagon with militarism and and the bloated defense budget which is foreclosing the possibility since I was having universal health care and all the things that. Civilized countries have but this is not. Not a pro Pentagon book in that regard this is a book about how to sew the most pressing problem that the planet in the country faces and this is a way to use I trusted organization to further the understanding of this reality and one thing you can say about the Pentagon is in the military in general is that they are reality based upon organization they have to deal with reality that is their job they cannot deal with fantasy they cannot deal with alternative facts and fake news because that would be fatal and that is why as I say this may be a tough sell Allen to a little. But they but they have it wrong if they don't understand what this the purpose of this book is and it is a very very important book and that's why I'm offering up here today on this 1st day of this fund drive all hell breaking loose the Pentagon's perspective on Climate Change $125.00 a nation in 829-855-7358 went 8985 k.p.h. Gannicus had a lot more market clear coming up Alan great reviews and just in in terms of what I've been saying for people to understand that this is not that I think this is a pro Pentagon book Bill McKibben for example has a great blurb in support of this book yes he does he doesn't in fact I do want to start I think. About the book and I think this is important with what you've been saying it is a well researched and equally written expertly written analysis that's unique and important perspective all hell breaking loose a standout among climate change so this is a book that really is going to break through to people and then Bill McKibben says after a lifetime of critical reporting on a war machine clear has the contacts and insights to make useful indeed it shows that inside the Pentagon people have begun to take climate change quite seriously and helps to think about what might what it might mean going forward it is absolutely fascinating reporting and that is from Bill Clinton and he of course is a frequent guest on Background Briefing and one of the most important organizers of climate activism in the United States and a great analyst and author on the subject so the book by Michael Klare all hell breaking loose. $425.00 pledge and the money 957-358-1898 extension 57. Subjects of course that we all need to educate ourselves and. There's been implying throughout our dialogue today mine and his that is that we need to become conversant on the subject in the way that is persuasive not to the already converted that is as important as anything we are trying to tackle the reality is the climate emergency so please call 829855735 picked up this total support background we can k.p.s. Kate and William Let's go back to more of you and Michael where. And again I'm speaking with Michael Klare the 5 college professor of peace and well Security Studies director of the 5 college program in peace and well security studies at Hampshire College is latest book just out is all hell breaking loose the Pentagon's perspective on climate change and as you mentioned Michael the Pentagon itself is taking major steps to reduce its carbon emissions and doesn't want to be dependent upon oil and fossil fuels particularly for example when I just mention you know what between 20 and 40 is maybe 40 is from now Iraq will be on the water and Saudi Arabia I think is it could well be affected as well so the real challenges have had to be going back to the oil companies themselves whose stock value depends upon the reserves which are in the ground which they simply can't extract unless they destroy the planet so is there any way to globally devalue that in other words Russia doesn't have an economy beyond the oil and gas and selling arms so their future if we ban oil and gas and which we should do we should do it tomorrow if not today what happens if Saudi Arabia at least is understanding that it's going to be an off and country in terms of its major resource that's why they've been trying to get nuclear reactors from Russia which Trump is going to sell him under the table. Yes Well the answer to that is either these companies themselves will adapt and some of the European oil companies like Royal Dutch Shell when b.p. Are beginning to say to themselves cents of this stock holders we see that that that the day of carbon or of carbon is coming to an end and therefore we have to invest in other forms. Vennochi and as energy companies will want to transition from fossil fuels to renewables we will invest in the new technologies so we will still be an energy company later in this century it just won't be producing fossil fuels that's one response unfortunately the American corporations especially eggs on mobile the biggest are resisting that move they are trying to use their political clout their their their political donations they are alliances with politicians to resist moves to make the transition and that's why they have to be opposed politically as best as possible. But it in other places like Russia you mentioned I think it's very clear to younger Russians to the millennial generation of Russians that that economy that business plan of relying so much on fossil fuels is doomed and that the country is tombs and therefore you have to have a reform movement in Russia that essentially will replace the Putin model of fossil fuel or station and replace it with a more modern economy that's based on on other technologies and you know that is what the reform movement in Russia is saying that's why Putin is so opposed to it but I think it's clear that in time. That reform movement will will prevail because it's the only hope for the younger generation of Russians and you've been listening to more of Marco Claire the 5 college professor of peace and well Security Studies director of the 5 college program in peace and well security studies at Hampshire College he's latest book Just status all hell breaking loose the Pentagon's perspective on climate change bill cropping up in support of background briefing k p a k n 8 when 898-557-3581 extension 8985 k p f k and I guess since this is the season of giving we had been giving Tuesday yesterday and people will be getting Christmas gifts this is a Christmas gift that actually I recommend they may not seem that way on the surface since it's so grim but the point is that. On this planet and the particularly for our children and grandchildren is incredibly grim and we have a challenge as a species to deal with the reality of what's happening the evidence is there as there's no point in denying the science the only people who benefit from denying the science of people like the Koch brothers and Exxon Mobil And Trampas by. Basically shilling for them and it's convenient to blame Trump even though he's obviously a moron and a danger but I would also blame the great the people who hide him and who he's taking the heat for and that is the Koch brothers Exxon Mobil if every pointed out in this interview with Michael Klare the the reserves I have in the ground what values their corporations and if they just pump one 5th of the reserves that these big oil companies have that will be the end of the planet so we have got to reach a point very soon where we literally be banning drilling in extraction it has to happen it and it will happen the question is will it happen in time will it be too late and that is the challenge we all have so I would say Get this book give it to friends give it to people who feel need to be educated give it to people who you feel for Christmas who may not trust liberals but they will certainly trust the Pentagon and the military and that's the way I think to break through this impasse between climate climate alarmists and climate deniers you know it's like everything else in this country nothing gets done because of the paralysis of divided discourse and we've seen enough of that today on Capitol Hill before the House Judiciary Committee you know there on Capitol Hill pretty depressing actually to watch the. Yeah I think. It's really like I'm being welcomed in some of the cocktail party. Well you know I think I moderated a panel that they have a forum some many years ago it was now can't remember how long that with Jonathan telling I had no idea that he was a champion of the of the conservatives and. He did a very good job as 5 seconds and you know yeah well I know that the. Thing every time you see these guys shilling for the Republicans you gotta realize the great train with the big money lays out for these people. Not to cast aspersions upon his character but allow me to cast aspersion character yeah that was quite a performance by Charlie I thought some of the other people were awful and and it goes forward and you are listening to Katie s.k. Radio 90.7 f.m. In that Los Angeles 98.7 Anything burger 93.7 in San Diego 99.5 Ridgecrest in China Linked In I mean the Rayburn Office Building on Capitol Hill in Washington d.c. And this of course will be the 3rd president but in all likelihood I don't I don't believe that Nancy Pelosi would have this going forward unless she had hopes. For a good cause to be impeached in American history and then we'll go to the Senate and the whole thing will continue but yes I mean b.c. No they were very few people allowed into the room today and I didn't try to get in any way here and. Another business but. Yeah of course it's the Talk of the town that's not a surprise and. To come but you know by the way speaking of Nancy Pelosi she went to Madrid and. Came back in time for this today she's already back and Donald Trump is not going to Madrid and. In that sort of point of the fact that . You know it is an adequate as the mainstream of the Democratic Party is responses then to climate change there's still a world of difference between their response and the Republicans and it's why this is just a real gift to the world that Michael Slater has generated Ok actually because where do you go to to convince the people who are doing enough to allow the seriousness of this crisis that all of the men and faces there's no better place then to do the work.

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