Will you and your relatives many of whom are probably not of the same political frame of mind as you are. I know that we had many spirited debates when my parents were alive and well and when I was growing up about all kinds of things Watergate being one of them. But this being the Watergate of our era and you being surrounded by your relatives and us being in Los Angeles where an awful lot of people relocate to start over and then they go back to the middle of the country or to Appalachia or to the American south say for example or deep into the heart of the American Northwest and I don't mean the coastal elite Seattle King County County Portland northwest but in words a bit where blue turns to ring. So you get a blue then you get purple and you go bright red right now I know that like the wheels in your brains are turning right now going Yeah you read my mind I got to get on a plane and I got to go to Kansas City next week and I got to see my mom and my dad I got to see my uncle and my on but mostly I'm really worried about seeing. My uncle say. Or my let's be on the sexist and fear here or my Aunt Edna or Ed and Edna together or Ed and Jane or Jim and Jeanette or whatever they're called and your uncle and your aunt. They love him some fox. And they love them him radio they love them some Rush Limbaugh they love them some Glenn Beck they love them Sean Hannity and they love them on their phones. I Phones they love on their phones they love Breitbart and the Drudge Report and Instapundit and red state and they are deeply immersed in right wing politics so much so that you could say that they're hermetically sealed off from reality you are you luckily are not you are in the big 9 coastal enclave say North Hollywood or Silverlake or even at this point Orange County which is become considerably more enlightened but you just got off the plane Kansas City and you're going to your family placing an Overland Park Kansas that's a sub that's a suburb of Kansas City and you are looking forward to slash dreading Thanksgiving dinner because Uncle Ed and Ed are going to did oh he had your you know what to death you know this is happening with this thing this is terrible. Too much just to kill Asian oh say they get me you get me kick in that thing over that's pretty dramatic him. Right. You know exactly what I am talking about I remember years and years and years ago before I was on the air america affiliate here in l.a. a Guy I was doing a broadcast was the day before Thanksgiving 2004 and it was we were it was being broadcast in Boston on w r k 0 am 6 am Boston and I was laying out the provisions of how you don't kill your relatives you know however much you want to don't especially if you drink too much you know you want to kill and just don't Ok but we were in the throes of an impeachment in 2004 that's 15 years ago we are now and you're going to hear a lot of. Crap. From your relatives by the way you can tell me I'm right or I'm wrong on this one you go to our Facebook page or Instagram going Johnny you read my mind I can't face these crazy people what am I supposed to say they're going to deluge me why I have to tell you something I've been watching these earrings since they began almost every damned minute of it you know it's my choice. It's not yours it's mine so as a qualified professional and. Allow me to give you a few tips and pointers when you are dealing with the angry coon hermetically sealed off from reality right wing bootlicking cult worship or as they are referred to in my house of the with a few other epithets epithets attached generally. We recognize that they have certain debating techniques that are in Coke aided into them generally from watching the obfuscation and garbage that comes out of the mouths generally of the Tucker Carlson's and Sean Hannity's of the world because deflection is more or less all they have in the great overview of the difference between right wing and and centrist or left wing politics remember all right wing politics exists for one purpose make sure the rich stay rich and the 99 percent do not get rich at the one percent sixpence therefore because only one percent of the people are really really really benefiting heavily in the way the United States is set up right now they're going to have to invent lots of distractions so that you don't go I don't care about this stuff I'm in debt how come they are right. In one of these distractions where many of them have assumed personage in Donald Trump the present president of the United States but the present president of the United States has made some incredible errors in the year 2019 which have now led to his impeachment you would think that he would recognize having lost the popular vote having never had an approval rating over 50 percent in the United States of America that he would know I have to be careful about certain things they are out to get me whether I'm paranoid or not they're definitely think I got I got a bull's eye drawn on my forehead oh say we got a question you just like Schip read sorta not yet Ok very good you'd think he'd be more careful but he was careless and foolish in the crux of this impeachment matter and this is where you go to Uncle at her Aunt Edna they're going to tell you because this is the these are the words out of Devon New Years is mouth that this is part of the ongoing hoax to reverse the will of the people in 2016. 1st of all Donald Trump's opponent outpolled him in 2016 that point therefore is moot Secondly if the will of the voters is all that important and elections have consequences warranted we hear that a lot in 2017 Well I have news for you in 2018 in America we had a major election it's called the midterms if elections have consequences we now have a Democratic Congress who are now impeaching the president we're about to impeach the president of the United States and why because they were elected overwhelmingly as a check and balance on the power of Donald j. Trump That's how they want 40 seats many of which were in deeply Republican districts in Kansas being one of them you are examining something Jose with great interest what would this be nothing. Just technical stuff where we are we getting blip did bleeped off are we Ok we're good we're beautiful we're golden Ok we're is Golden is Jim Jordan's time that's great or is it was going to make a Russian sex workers joke but it isn't worth making So you're now in Overland Kansas and they're going it's a hoax it's a witch hunt the Moller report turned out to be nothing this will turn out to be nothing to you know the Ukrainians got their a doctorate you know you people are being determined to kick him out of office you wait him Donald Trump most of this country. Look if this is the 1st time you heard any of this stuff y'all be living in the cuckoo not your uncle and not because I get this every day even in Los Angeles even a lefty liberal social justice warrior laid in Los Angeles inevitably your run into somebody that will say something like this stuff either live or on the internet I have heard this stuff at the Hollywood y.m.c.a. We have right wing nuts right in the Hollywood y.m.c.a. Right at ground 0 of West Coast liberalism there are those who proudly wear the cap and when they do Ok but nothing changes a few basic facts Firstly the mullah report never exonerated anybody Robert Mueller said in his report that he was not there to implicate or indict the president of the United States that was not in his power in the same report there are 10 instances of obstruction of justice which in the United States is still illegal and a teddy. So the mall report no hoax a massive conspiracy that's turned up nothing Jose and Teddy nothing 0 I did this indy film years ago I love this bit it was so much fun to do I got to do it again. You got to see how you got it. You got. Steve Moore and Marco was watching thank you for the wonderful direction on that film. They got nothing they did 0. Ask Michael Cohen How much nothing they have on him Teddy asked Paul McKenna fort what is 0 looks like as he's facing what another 7 years in prison assuming he lives that long and ask George Papadopoulos who is I believe thinking about running for Congress in the 25th District here in California how his brief stay in prison was as nothing Michael Flynn about the nothing that is the sentence that's hanging over his head ask Rich Gates the same thing about that nothing and best of all and most wonderful that warms the cockles of my heart again and I ask Roger Stone how he feels about his future a dirty tricks or who didn't go to jail when he did his thing for Nixon when he did his thing in the Reagan administration and for the Bushes a man who was booted off Bob Dole's campaign in 1906 for being an active Wife Swap or and that didn't destroy his career Well guess what. He interfered in the Moeller investigation and now he's going to jail so remember those names man afford Roger Stone Rick Gates Michael Cohen Mike Flynn. Witch hunt and hoax they're going to prison or they're in prison who runs the Justice Department that sent them to jail. The Republican Party William bar before him Jeff Sessions both of whom are conservative Republicans and yet their cohorts are either going to prison or are in prison that's something that's nothing now let us get to the Ukraine where they will claim that absolutely nothing went wrong after all the Ukrainians got their money. The Ukrainians got their money because a whistle blower overheard the president of the United States shake the president of Ukraine down for a favor the president of the Ukraine was wondering where nearly $400000000.00 in military assistance was and Trump said Do me a little favor though I would like to know about this Crowd Strike thing I would like to know about the Bidens Biden is bragging about having fired your prosecutor this is bothering lots of people in America I guarantee you if you asked 1000 people all over the United States if you could find 3 of them that even heard of this stuff or cared at all that would be a freaking miracle now wouldn't it you know. I heard a congresswoman elease stuff on it the other day in this testimony and stuff on it was going on and on about back in her district in New York state people were really concerned about what Hunter Biden had done and they were going on and on about Hunter Biden why wouldn't Hunter Biden testify about this for one thing Hunter Biden doesn't know anything about the issue at hand the issue at hand is this Did the president of the United States predicate u.s. Military aid that was earmarked for the Ukraine a pawn an investigation of his political rivals that is extortion Ok And by the way this nonsense that you were out of new news of the others about well you know the witnesses don't believe that it was bribery that witnesses are are not lawyers they're testifying your Uncle Ed in your Aunt Edna back there in Overland Park Kansas or in Framingham Massachusetts or inside. Or an IP Selenski Michigan or in Balco when Cid Philadelphia Pennsylvania or Paul wallop Washington or whatever suburb that you're from that you're going to home on Thanksgiving to. You're going to deal with the stuff at the dinner table and you're going to start getting angry in your blood pressure is going to start going up you know and of course there's the conciliatory family member to everybody keep cool everybody keep cool watch the football games whatever you're going to get that too but don't back down because no matter what kind of distraction or political 3 card monte that they are doing in Congress right now the basic fact remains and it remains completely unchanged the president of the United States does not have the right to ask the head of state outside of the United States for a political favor to dig up dirt on his political rivals is specially if it is impacted by money that does not belong to Donald trump everything else as the Rabbi Hillel said however many years ago is commentary That's right everything else is commentary everything else is surface noise everything else is the crackling of static everything else is 25 radios in the distance making this blend of wash of sound not of it has anything to do with anything and I have watched different pneumonias in Jordan and Conaway and Rachleff and the rest of them the only Republican in Congress on these hearings will hurt is the only reasonable one but the others are grandstanding away and they are sticking to their talking points but there is one thing they can't knock down the president of the United States broke the law he solicited something of value and strong armed something necessary in exchange for it. That is a high crime and misdemeanor that is not a hoax that is not a witch hunt that is not a myth and how do we know this because Donald Trump said so himself it is in a transcript that he provided himself. I have to tell you something There are lots of us me not being one of them I've led a remarkably sheltered life on the issue of the criminal justice system for a variety of reasons the largest of which is plain old dumb luck we know ever since they were little kids who were watching crime shows on television don't say anything without a lawyer present. For all intents and purposes Donald Trump implicated himself with that transcript which he claimed or he thought was a quote perfect Call it wasn't he implicated himself as extorting Vladimir's Alinsky and I want you to think about something else as Uncle Ed and Aunt Edna dig in their heels and start spewing out talking points that most of the world wouldn't understand because they're so badly addicted to Fox News they know nothing else ask them this if Donald Trump has got nothing to hide at all he has stonewalled on the issue of his taxes going on almost 5 years now he is going to the Us Supreme Court to make sure nobody sees them for somebody who claims to be transparent he's going to tremendous lengths to not be transparent on the issue of his taxes which are critical in determining. Whether or not his businesses laundered money that is a felony. Ask Uncle Ed and ask this if you'd be so kind if these people have nothing to hide and if these people have done nothing. Wrong How is it that you can't get any of them to speak their piece and go on the record in these hearings we've seen Mr Sutherland we've seen Mr Volcker we've seen Ms Williams We're going to see Dr Hill we're going to see David Hale we're going to see a bunch of people but you know who are not seen Rudolph Giuliani Mick Mulvaney John Bolton we are not seeing Mike Pompei Oh we're not seeing William Barr we're not seeing Mr Blair we're not seeing Mr McCormick they're all fighting their subpoenas tooth and nail Mr Kuperman. They're refusing to show up and you would think. These people are as innocent as they claim they are and they have nothing to hide why are they not going on the record why are they not clearing their be smirched reputations Teddie why are they not saying anything why are they digging in their heels why are they being as stubborn as a dog before he gets thrown into the bath and puts the brakes on with his feet Lux's fat locks and you have to pick them up and throw them in the bath because they've just been skunked and you got a soap and tomato juice the standoff how come they don't want to talk they don't want to talk. Because they know that they've done wrong if I've got nothing to hide I don't hide anything. That's right Teddy if I am not guilty I'm more than happy to share with you exactly what happened but Mick Mulvaney knows exactly what happened at some point in 2019 the president of the United States got it in his head that there was a conspiracy to get him that emanated from the Ukraine he got this idea from a talking head on Fox who got it from Glad a mere Putin and if there's one thing glad Amir Putin knows how to do it's how to play this particular president of the United States he understands Mr Trump very very well and what a Donald Trump do well. He decided that he was going to strong arm the Ukraine for this information and he had something that the Ukraine desperately wanted he was aware of this. And that's how this mess began Donald Trump got it in his head the 2 things could happen one he would get evidence that the 2016 election the Democratic Party via a d.n.c. Server in Kiev. Was desperately trying to defeat him which is as I said a few hours ago on this very radio station is irrelevant he won anyway cares. And secondly and far more importantly earlier in 2001000 Donald Trump saw a poll on Fox News which showed Joseph Biden beating him 54239515 points and that scared the hell out of him because the only thing keeping him out of the federal pen right now is being president of the United States Donald Trump is in a lot of trouble if he loses next year and as of that moment Joseph Biden was the one most likely to defeat him so in his head he figured by any means necessary I have to destroy Joseph Biden and I know how to do it his son works in the Ukraine or worked in the Ukraine they had dealings with the former prosecutors there that Biden wanted to get rid of they were extraordinarily corrupt and they made off with a ton of cash in the Ukrainian people didn't want them either but every time that you hear a Republican bring up where's Biden why isn't by there or more importantly why isn't the whistleblower there you know that not only is the whistleblower protected by law but more importantly everything the whistleblower attested to in that phone call has now been been buttressed by testimony and by transcript it doesn't matter who the the whistleblower is what they want to find out why why the Republicans are so obsessed with the whistleblower is they want to find out if the whistleblower is a Democrat because that means it's partisan. I have news for you if Donald Trump hadn't said what he said that the whistleblower heard not of this would have happened all right if Donald Trump was really keen to get on the issue of corruption in the Ukraine he would have gone in front of the American people and said this We are sending military aid to a country that I believe is hopelessly corrupt I want to make sure that things are on the up and up so that your money is not wasted he could have done that but he had no intention of doing that because he really knew it wasn't true and despite the fact that this guy and you could tell your uncle Ed and your Aunt Edna this as much as you want he's lied over 13000 times according to fact checkers he has been president 3 years and yeah this isn't going to be mean anything to those people and this is not going to promote peace and harmony in your family I'm just giving you ammunition to fire back at next Thursday week from tomorrow I'm just trying to help you out with this are we back on the air again Jose should I be talking more about this Ok We're on Instagram k p f k We're on Facebook Live it k p f k is that all good men all right a thumbs up is always a good thing. You know I don't think it's going to promote harmony I just want to help you out if I can and I want to point something out to you before we move to the other room because when I'm going to break for a minute or 2 and then go to the other room and take your phone calls here in Los Angeles. Ed Ned are probably hopeless they're not going to vote for a Democrat next year or the Libertarian or the green or the socialist or whatever the probably going to vote for Trump again 9 times out of tune. But they're not the ones that you've got to worry about because Edna's kid may be there or uncle Ed's coworker baby at dinner or your brother who's only marginally interested and only showed up because he you know you got free beer you know whatever the reason is they're not really don't know but if they think about it next year and they go you know my brother who can who flew all the way from California here made really good points and Uncle Ed sounds like an idiot I think I'll go with what my brother says those are the people that count those are the people you can move All right we've done for now we're going to be taking your calls here in Los Angeles when we come back we're at k p f k 90 points of Pacifica Radio. A pleasure to see you stay to say it's like 57 Californias progress or for a video. I need a Valentine's host of inner vision on Wednesday nights at 7 pm in the evening bringing you cutting edge information interviews and your calls be a part of our conversation every Wednesday at 7 pm right here on. Or streaming on the web at. This. Is supported by u.c.l.a. Center for the art of performance which will be presenting every sunshine on Saturday November 23rd at the theater at écarté out every sunshine. In the pocket or in the grooves and ballad arrangements with orchestration you can find more information a k p f o r g. K p f k is sponsored by Pasadena Playhouse presenting the great leap a new drama. And directed by Tony Award winner. When an American basketball team travels to Beijing the coaches find themselves in a conflict. Between the country and the young players actions abroad become the focus of attention the great runs Nov 6th through December 1st Further information is available at Pasadena Playhouse dot org. My name is Leon I've come up listening to k p f k it's just it's wonderful I really got into it with a midnight Hollywood learned so much that's an education just wonderful one of the dangers of k p f k when you turn it on your end. There's nothing else going to go on. Yeah this is just a great place loads and loads of stuff and no matter what you want to hear and I wouldn't be myself without it I mean I don't care my blood k p f k listeners supported 99 percent approve. A local station boy. Time to meet a local station board representing the station management program and other. Times . In the 20. 3 of their donations. The House Intelligence Committee continues the public impeachment hearings this week gift he will carry the proceedings with commentary and analysis from Johnny Angel Wendell and alum in fleet listen live on 90.7 f.m. Think you may like them to listen online at k.p. I paid a large. This is k.p. F.k. 90.7 in Los Angeles I am Johnny 2 Wendell Allen and skis to my immediate right we are at 818-985-5735 we're at 818-985-5735 that is the number that you can call in on if you want to talk Yes Well no I just thought we're going to take these calls right 818955735 I thought I'd chime in here and you're listening to your summary and your analysis reminded me of the opening of Elvis Costello song all over his army which says Don't start me talking I could talk all night my mind's been sleepwalking but I was going to set the world to write Yes' if that is a question for you if only If only the moral compass of the world was. As. Operating. We're trying to set things as I saw Yeah and as you're trying to set that nothing straight for us all not not to destroy. It she but it should be pointed out that the song all of resigned me was actually lifted from an obvious it was well there you have missing us Mr to climb again McManus is going to have to answer that no no I mean it's fairly well known he's a big gob a fan of the melody of that song is that of the song but anyway whatever he was he was a big talker too so so here's the thing though that you know today's events you know obviously these go on for a long time and you're a marvel at its getting all the details hitting the main inflection points but certainly the big news was apparent from the leaking of someone's opening statement with that was basically that that he was going to break the back of Trump's defense right and he did and I think we can now say obviously just very broad stroke big picture yeah for those who are just tuning in right now Trump is going to be impeached now you're going to have a trial in the Senate strip and we can pretty much predict the defense of even the Mitt Romneys if they stick with the Republicans and I'm guessing they probably will be along the lines of yes what he did was wrong but it doesn't raise to the level of the removing a president from the White House I imagine that's what the moderate Republican. Oh it's a very but here's the thing here's the thing will any of those Republicans shift what it what would have to transpire for that to happen and I think I think John we saw a little bit of it today how so well because Trump in the middle of it the middle of someone's testimony relatively early popped out of the White House did he gave a press conference with absurd notes in his hand that were caught on camera and he basically lied when I say he denied everything that that someone was saying he said none of this quid pro quo ever happened and his unwillingness Donald Trump's compulsive unwillingness to ever admit to. He's ever done anything wrong really is not the perfect human being Yeah that is you know he is having you know just appeared as a cop a Libyan God of all time right I can do no wrong his word is always goes is going to be his worst enemy here yeah I mean there was no way to knock down the basic precept of all of this was the aid to the Ukraine predicated or and the meeting that Selenski wanted with Trump were these things predicated on giving Trump something of value that he should not have right Ok he should not have. Ammunition or dirt on the bike it's Ok if the nation of Ukraine had had a problem with Hunter or Joe Biden they should have been indicted or implicated in that country or in this one the idea of bringing them up over and over and over and over again in the trial is not relevant they're not under investigation Ok so if you are going and you are thinking to yourself These people are going to be a problem for me in 2020 what do I do I'll destroy them. You better figure out a way that the world doesn't know that that's what you're doing yeah and by the way obviously there is another big political event happening today in American politics which is that the 5th Democratic debate from Atlanta Georgia in place tonight I believe will be 10 candidates on the stage including according to the Real Clear Politics average of polls the front runner who was once again expanded his lead Joe Biden in fact it seems right now that all this focus on Biden as a as the apparent candidate that trump fears most right this is help Biden in the polls though mainly it's come out of a Lizabeth war in with Bernie Sanders now closer to war and as opposed to war and closer to Biden which was the case a few weeks ago right and we've also seen polling remarkably out of Iowa and New Hampshire that has South Bend Mayor Pete boot actually eating well in Iowa not to mention I'm sure but but it's no St Anselm's poll in New Hampshire and headed by the general and also very disturbing news for those people about how this might be playing in those all important swing states come November Marquette poll out of Wisconsin the while it did have Bernie Sanders doing the best among the Democrats Trump was ahead of all 3 Warren St actually all 4 long a lot long ways ahead a blue judge a bit ahead of Warren Sanders and Biden in a market poll that came out today so yes trouble ahead folks trouble ahead for home . World if Donald Trump is reelected I mean you know I've said for a while the guy could be absolutely slaughtered absolutely slaughtered in the popular vote and still retain the presidency through the electoral college because of states like Wisconsin but alas we have a lot of people wanting to chime in here it's people are pouring in with their phone calls in let me know you want to talk to 1st Valen Los Angeles you're on with Allan and Johnny. I would use it thank you very much for a great program for sure. So I told you once we were making but you have a couple things that is if you would permit me to say in the name of Logar if they were truly interested in they like to see reviewing the American people right the truth is they would issue the actual were Begum transcript of that phone prompting to go but I'm not a memo that we have been exposed That's correct yes right and the other point that I have to make. This Jim Jordan that they've all put up as their their resident pit bull yeah to me truly personifies the approach of the Republican Party now has for the rules you know the fact that this guy and my children feel to others but the fact that this man can't pull itself to wear a coat in the hall of the. Stimulus tree totally irreverent for the rules for protocol or anything that is righteous in the political world I have actually I don't know that if Johnny knows this but when Johnny was it was live on air in the previous half hour yeah immediately after the session was gaveled out Jordan went straight to a press conference of course and what that those signify is that they did there is teamwork transpiring here on the g.o.p. Side they're always quite coordinated they feel that his talking points are resonating at least with their base that will stick with the president from how they see things yeah of course it should be pointed out that these are the same people who also claim that nobody is watching these hearings and that and that they're crapping out now if nobody is watching it nobody cares what are you making such a big production out of them for you know it's like ceaseless contradiction you know it's just seems like an absolute ceaseless contradiction here and. And I got to tell you something sometimes this seems absolutely exhausting and in many ways it is and it's and sometimes you get a little disheartened when you see well a poll that is very good and then the next day you see a poll that's fantastic There you see another terrible one and you know and certainly the results you've made the point many times the results since 2016 and almost all elections across the country have been very unfavorable to the Republican well not merely unfavorable to Republicans but favorable to extraordinarily progressive Democrats I mean you're not talking about middle of the road Democrats you're talking about Omar you're talking about Presley Well you're talking just a oh someone's in Alabama you know but you know you are but I got to tell you something Doug Jones got to be the most liberal senator. Quite a while yes in fact if you look at his record before he was senator as as he's operating as a standard as a moderate for sure but in the past again very solid civil rights and also doing reasonably well in polls in Alabama it is not entirely certain that even if Jess Jeff Sessions comes back and defeats Roy Moore in the primaries if he can beat Jones one thing that has to be said over and over and over again it will get to your calls at 818955735 if we learned anything in the last few elections in 2019 in Kentucky and in Louisiana is these are 2 incredibly conservative states at this point mostly because of the emigration in Louisiana of African-Americans after Katrina which turned what used was sort of a 5050 state into a deeply Republican state and half a 1000000 black folks moved elsewhere they lost their homes in New Orleans and the hurricane in 2005 Kentucky has become very very very conservative in of course of course one thing that if you watch it but here because this is critical and is. Both Bashir in Kentucky and John Bell Edwards in Louisiana no one not just because of high minority turnout which definitely saved Belle Edwards in Louisiana but in the suburbs of New Orleans in Jefferson Parish this is this is an area that Barack Obama got 28 percent of the vote Bel Edwards got $54.00 you're talking about Newport Kentucky Ok that is the that is a suburb directly south of Cincinnati that Mr Angell went will be has actually played a gig in oks so I know from Newport Kentucky it is very very conservative used to be nothing but strip joints in Newport They got rid of all of that's heartbreaking anyway that being said. The suburbs Cincinnati is a conservative city the Kentucky suburbs of Cincinnati across the Ohio River Bashir carried them that's how he won. Suburbs of every city in America now used to be the on clave and the haven of conservative Republican ism as white flight out of the cities was peaking but what's happening now is the children and the grandchildren of the original white flight ors if you want to call them that they're all college educated now they've all gone to school with people of color they know people who are l.g.b. t Q Ok social issues that bother them are I don't want to go to school and get shot I don't want to have to borrow $200000.00 to get through college I don't want to take an ambulance ride because I broke my leg the cost me $600.00 and there's also economic super insecurity that is why suburbs Yeah the suburbs aren't what they were the suburbs were that were utopia they were Valhalla when I was growing up when I was a boy in Wellesley Massachusetts Ok but it's not like that now you know for exact lasting it will go to the calls you talk about Wellesley Massachusetts it was where Margaret Heckler was from the 1st Republican congresswoman from Massachusetts it went for Richard Nixon twice by 60 percent Reagan carried it twice. Ronald George I think Ronald Reagan was the last Republican to carry that town Barack Obama got over 60 percent Wellesley twice why is that it is the most educated community in the United States Ok And it is one of the wealthiest that used to mean Republican no longer does 81898557358189055735 Morrison Long Beach you're on with Alan and with Johnny. Johnny and you're smart guy I didn't know the Europeans invested that kind of money in Ukraine like they have until I was this interview yesterday that's right $15000000000.00 man. German mind I was just a little bit more than that. I just want to say this you know I watch a lot on water and criminal yes criminal and ginseng and and also your boy lieutenant colonel then men said I felt like crying when I heard him testify I was in love with it rather because you know salvation from God is not the sale but according to Lieutenant Colonel then when you there is do you get country Yeah and what you know if you heard yesterday Marcella Clearly you did thank you for calling my grandfather came over from Keefe when when he was 4 Ok so when he was talking about coming over from the Ukraine at 3 years old I was I was thinking about my my Grandpa Mike rest the soul you know that. He you know he told me when I you know grandparents tell their grandkids whatever he told me he walked all the way to dancing in the North Sea walk from the Ukraine because he wanted to come to America you know and just to point out that the absolute sort of Tom foolish tomfoolery playbook of the Republicans knowledge just they were chiding binman about wearing his full military uniform dress which is absolutely obligatory and a person who was active duty testifies before Congress right and they were and they were angry that you know they said No no my honorary title is Lieutenant Colonel it's not Mr you see like I earned this I got to tell you years ago Years ago there was a it was a 2009 a Us military officer referred to our former Senator Barbara Boxer as Ms Boxer Ok they want to know where the stats came from oh you did Ok Ok. And Barbara Boxer said My title is Senator Boxer Please refer to me is that all over right wing radio people were going completely crazy how dare this woman talk back to a general of the military like this and I was on the radio in Massachusetts I was back there playing a gig and they put me on the radio and I said how would he like it if he called her if she called him by his name or or dude or whatever Mister or whatever it's like honorary is honorary He's Lieutenant Lieutenant Colonel Vin just because you don't particularly like what he has to say doesn't mean he's not a lieutenant colonel at this particular time were 81898557358189055735 Clark in Venice you're on with Alan and with Johnny. Clark welcome to k p s k thank you you're a fresh voice your comments are insightful and concise Yeah and rather than browbeat people well often than not you will end up laughing at the end of one of your comments thank you well if you believe me I know how ludicrous they are so of course I'm going to laugh at you know it's a ludicrous address my comment is yeah yeah yeah well how ironic that the trumpet Ministry should and is worried about corruption over there yeah and the 2nd thing you know that is irony yes Republican House if you want to go after Biden and and well it's a little bit smarter he should have done it with a Republican House Yeah but even when it looks like you Clark even when he had the Republican House look at what he was not able to do I'm going to get rid of Obama Care It's still a air. You know it's like yeah he's got the Republican attorney general you know law you go to one of his freaking rallies locker up lock her up lock her up Ok. Hillary Clinton for something and put her on trial yet you have the attorney general of the United States you have the Congress you can Hillary Clinton if you subpoenaed her would show up for Congress Ok big Mulvaney won't John Bolton certainly Mike Pence Donald Trump Ed and William Bardwell not Mike Pompei Oh well not she was she. Yes you would think that launching return to 20 or so being a subpoena anything happened to them Well as long as William bars the attorney general of the United States in all likelihood no Alan has statistics said yes a new Ipsos 538 poll asking whether Trump has competed in peaceable offense Johnny when you think the nationwide all all responses up to 54 close 56 point. 2 and the breakdown is 88.7 of Democrats 18.8 among Republicans us a change of about 30 percentage points among Democrats from an earlier poll and 7 from the g.o.p. Poll conducted by The Hill earlier this week found a $55.00 to $45.00 split in Americans polled over whether or not they support an inquiry in the 1st place that probably has gone up since then Ok so we're at 56.2 saying if peach and remove correct I don't know they're in I don't I don't think they asked removed but I think that probably goes with most people thinking that impeachment is enough to remove because the term is not clarified with the American public enough trivia question for you and you promise not to Google your phone is not on I don't have my phone on and I can't search it all boy I'm going to be stumped here there's going to be. On the day that Richard Nixon was resigning rather than the face of peach but what percentage of the American public wanted him removed from office on the day he resigned according to Gallup. 68 percent not even close to a much smaller 58 we are 1.8 in the way you know you were 8 to 50 you know that's no way that's not you I thought you were going to go come I thought you were going to go under 50 was punched are over 70 right oh no you're 50 it's like well if you're saying 68 percent Oh no that is that's a huge deal Ok look 68 percent is a notch over 2 thirds I think I understand the numbers Ok I understand based on but yeah Ok if 2 if 2 thirds of the country say he got to go he gone Ok only 58 percent we are less than 2 percent away from the magical Nixon number and the magical Nixon number is a magical Nixon number or it's going right now but I think but but but but on the general support the president polls My understanding is he was in the twenty's Nixon was Trump remains around 4045 he's he's 40.8 I think right now or something like that where he spent it's also been relatively steady you know it's been relatively steady look not to be somebody who. You keep you keep pushing me into positions where I'm saying well no the Democrats aren't that progressive then there's and then Trump isn't being run out of office by the population just yet of course I would I think look here's a nice 6 percent is pretty significant if he pence by the way got nicked today Pence if you dig into it yeah it was exposed pretty badly today how come he didn't show up for the you know I get a ration Why was he strong armed out of that one you know that's a big you know he was supposed to be sent to Selenski is an i.q. Ration also need don't go Ok and nobody can understand why you know it's like. Because it's a shot across the bow it's Trump saying my emissary was going to go he's not going and you don't have your money do you know what that means it means you better give me what I want to my right Ok now. We can laugh about this all that we want you want to know about why it wide Nixon was a 27 percent approval when he got booted right or when he was I remember it but Ok you remember I was a kid I was a kid but I was a kid too Ok but I can remember in 1974 when he resigned that that was a huge issue Nixon's corruption and Watergate rejoinders you how old are you not you you old you. What you don't know how old you are stores they can't see you man how old are you know they can't hear me there's Off mike not their nest you are so used to being in the Ok Ernest Oh you're 44 Ok come on it you know you got another my car now so Ok so now so he was born he was born when this happened here's here's something he knew that there was a lot of stuff going on around this nasty Nixon guy he was cornered you know what he wanted what it was an embryo it well I just found out was all all of the Nixon impeachable offenses before he was actually in Pete before you know yeah sure started which was looking into anti-war activists and looking into their offices Ok anime's lists and so on all right but either it's Ok. Don't be the 2 of you for a moment he's going to do you try to stop us again Ok no indulge me on this one do you know what I most remember vividly about the year 1974 that was the year that Nixon resigned Ernest So I was 18 Ok in 1974 think I'm older than you are you Dick you know me yeah you're a boy so you are as a Berkeley California you're a Ok and I'm 18 Ernesto I was born he was a fetus Ok. In 1974 you want to know what the average American cared about even more than Watergate and the Vietnam War was over all right so it was no longer an issue technically still happening well and it ended during Ford reign Ok $75.00 well $75.00 Saigon fell in Ok but in $73.00 we signed the peace accords were done right now Ok in 1974th the overriding issue in the United States of America if you were a regular human being as regular as I was at 18 and I don't want to go into my frame of mind as an 18 year old but what most concerned me my mom my dad my neighbors and everyone else is that the country was in the middle of a gas shortage of oil crisis as any 3 Yeah but at $74.00 it was in full flower gas stations were closed everywhere I learned how to drive in neutral with my foot off the accelerator. I could stretch a gallon of gas in an s.u.v. To 50 miles I know how to do that from learning how to drive in 1973 and 74 that's what people cared about you want to know what it would Nixon down to 27 percent approval why Trump up at 40 is because you could still get a gallon of gas in the United States All right so that was a serious issue that everybody forgets because everybody likes to get up on their high horse Ernesto and say I care about politics and I care about integrity and I care about this that the other and yada yada yada yada but if I can't put gas in my tank and I can't put food on my table and I can't pay my rent then I get mighty mighty mighty pissed off Ok then we can claim that we are people of bag dificid tell you deals we care so much about the American dream was that what you're suggesting since people can put gas in their tank and can put food on the table they're not so inclined to support impeachment of President than they were of Nixon Yes Ok Ok but on the other hand we're only a point at point 1.8 away now according to the poll numbers you have to wonder and we're going to we're going to get to the top of the hour all right Ok you have a top here Ok we're at the top of the hour about a minute or so Ok and we will break in all kinds of good stuff will happen in the 3 of us will come back look you've got to figure that what Mitch McConnell is starting to look at is what are polls saying in Colorado with Cory Gardner What are polls saying Martha because you know the polls are saying in Kentucky what are polls saying about Kentucky what a poll saying about me what are polls saying about Calcutta game in North Carolina what are they saying about Joni Ernst in Iowa Ok bitch McConnell cannot afford to go back into the minority because if you have a Democratic president in 2021 then 400 bills on his desk all get passed Ok and he is and he's wiped out and nobody wants to hear from him anymore you are listening to k p f k 90.7 Pacifica Radio in Los Angeles Ernest o r say Alan ski myself Johnny age went to we'll be right back to take your calls hang on. Public hearings this week. Commentary. Point 7 f.m. . Is sponsored by Pasadena Playhouse presenting the great leap a new drama. And directed by Tony Award winner. When an American basketball team. The coaches find themselves in a conflict. Between the country and player's actions abroad become the focus of attention the Great. First further information is available at Pasadena. K.p. Of Katie is supported by u.c.l.a. Center for the art of performance RINGBACK which will be presenting every sunshine on Saturday November 23rd at the theater at a school tell every sunshine inch or so full in the pocket or in the grooves and ballad arrangements with orchestration you can find more information to keep the of argy. But if you're listening to k p f k the Sukkot brave little walk think about what life will be all if we continue to let this world dictate pace that we don't have a say the things. Speaking about human rights basically simply in a nutshell is what it is so if you want to know what's going on in a particular community on a particular country then listen to. But at the same time you say like this isn't a system so why it's unfair do you know up there with all this money going to be a racist is like using of the masses that he knows destroying our community now how can we call the how can we call the how can we call that. A local station Boys Town Hall at a time to meet a local station both representing the station management program and another and the council will be held in church in Los Angeles on the bend the 23rd at 11 am is a free event although donations are welcome information. There are from the company after our environment. Are underway here in the Senate colleagues are going after former Barbara as a total our own. Girl . This is k p f k 90.7. Pacifica Radio You know guys I almost said I almost gave out the old call letters and number of my old station I was there for so long. Like Pavlov's radio host I see the red light go on all this and I start. You know I see red lights everywhere I start saying that I say the 189855735 in my sleep yeah all right I've got my cell phone number for never know and then when the fun drives a point problems happen Ok just so you know we're 81898732 get the money back. You know Ok Ernest and Allan and myself we are here to take your calls at 8180573 and no sooner did I mention the importance of the Senate race in Kentucky we got to the with the dawning Khatami going to call on Don How are you oh man I'm I'm certain start by you around John I got 3 points I want to make 1st your characterization. Jordan Radcliffe so funny you know there was spot on thank you that really inspired me Ok Secondly. There's this practice of the blending corporate reactions by you know testimony from those key figures as well as documents right which would be just as well you know I think back when Romney was a star and it was caught on only really you know in the trial exactly what you see isn't really happening. Ike I got to tell you man it's like that videotape changed absolutely everything in Los Angeles one person and by the way that would be for i Phone always for you could throw everything you know you had a good citizen out there window filming this thing because they couldn't believe it was half.

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