Good and our neighbor cam I was walking to the grocery store like I do and I when I mention that in the book you said that I like I'm busy I walk by your house like 6 times but your tent you get up at 10 am frequently to do grocery to do errands and you said which I'm not sure is legal in l.a. Only cuz there's never been a test case yet you're walking but when you walk to the grocery store Yeah you every really walk everywhere Yeah you know I live on a cliff by the way my car batteries that I tried to I my car battery how long it took I don't find out where I want to take you to find out it's probably been dead for so yeah you have no idea how quickly yeah only welcome Paramount call they need the car I was like oh I better see if it's work and you're walking the grocery you're having is a discussion about Trump on your phone Yeah and you're walking dogs and you better be careful you're going to be the dead writer Springer my pool one day oh wow that's how it's going and. That's how it's going to begin and you can preorder in defense of the leaders and it is fantastic it is hilarious like everything Jill Stein has ever written Time magazine Entertainment Weekly on and on and on it's like you guys I thought that the situation we're in is is ridiculous it's an unforced error and it should be treated with humor like I always thought we would get ourselves in a situation like this because of an economic collapse or natural disaster or war and there's no reason why things fell apart right and how funny what's happening now genocide into what else yeah I left it out although there is some talk of genocide in the book which is what happened yeah you know like a nationalistic or right and that he has this new video right that they are showing of him shooting every idea you know that liberal like us and I can yeah Romney yeah and Kathy Griffin and next the waters comes after everybody yeah yeah you better the dinner party right here and yes yeah Ok so you want to some of the extra Jesus see parts of the country right yes to the county in Texas which had the highest percentage of voters which is a very Christian yes white Yes that was quite compact How long were you there I spent a week in. Mama Texas which is in the Don't even in the book it felt like a year oh no that was about. How much longer seem to be there when your mom said don't tell them you're a Jew so did my lawyer and my accountant Yeah I would imagine everybody my life yeah yeah and you said that's going to be hard is I going to have to say Hi I'm Jill Stein Yeah I'm going to see this face so I think I knew right away. But I just you can address this you obviously did the case study but so who is this group which crazy priest pastor Brunson So this is the guy that we got released from Turkey which happens to be the guy that really wanted to write his clients or write with the current genocide is probably so he's Ok at this at the Family Research Council job or else we. Ask that you give the present a supernatural discernment but you know who is trustworthy and who is not. Bring into the light all deception and intrigue expose and reverse the plans of those who would harm President Trump and this nation. In the name of Jesus I break off all voices and influence to do not come from you Father God and me your truth and peace surround and reign in the White House god you have raised the president trying to govern at a time when there is a resurgence of oppression only you Lord Jesus Christ can anoint tend to have victories over strongholds and to establish justice for the needy give him strength and courage to persevere in a constant battle that surrounds and refresh him. You need some refreshment I just don't. Know Kool-Aid it's all for a comb over killing like what if there is not a disconnect when you go to these places and no I understand got me in God world now and Ok for I was exactly what he means by oppression because the white Christians feel oppressed sure and they answer that every yesterday and every poll and it's because they what you notice is acceleration not speed so what they're noticing is that they have less power than they did 10 years before and that's a scary position to be in that kind of change right so they're freaking out and they weren't inherently like Donald Trump but they need. Any white Christian party and meaning not being able to own black people anymore or no I think it's because we have had a lot of history of white More 96980 and they're there in panic and there is a lot of fear around the world of all the change that the Us or them feel like change but normal Trump but trauma and Christian explains so what they will say is that when you have a and this is they don't mean this by sort of racially when you have a cockroach infestation in your house and you bring in an exterminator like if you the curses if he shows his ass crack if you see if he's not the kind of person you want to hang out with that he gets the job done you you're happy to have them so I don't think they love Trump as a person Ok but one of the America's he's in there Dr Palmer he's in America's getting the stuff done that they want so he's our pain and he's their plumber Yes Ok yeah all right because you're in tribal warfare right gotta Ok. They resent and just stay faithful Americans who hold fast to our nation's historic values and if given the chance they would use every instrument of government. Including the i.r.s. To try to shut you down they are using the i.r.s. Against me generation of Americans before us did not work they fight they sacrifice they do so much but we will never ever no matter what happens surrender our liberty of the word liberty so over to the radical forget it is for all together we will stand up to the socialists and we will win massive victories for family for faith and for freedom just like the victory we had in 2016 that's he's about the faith in the family. And the family as you know what is going 1st look at what's going on medically Densher wise and that's to make it about him went to the i.r.s. That was so very yeah yeah Ok And he made it seem like the if he can go after me they can go after you there's like 7 Well I think I think what I try to say is that people are challenging the 5 a one c 3 position of churches because they well go I mean organizations that's where which is fair Ok if they're doing political work. Joel So you're right in defense of the leaders. But that's a sort of a general it's more than that it's like a disdain for. Any kind of like expertise basically is the theme Yeah that's what we're going through right now there's a distrust of any more I mean what about an entire government right. The media just want to talk and he went out he knows anything operate from the gut and you had a funny thing in there but about you know as we get that the right wing callers admit if you said you live wouldn't you take in the homeless is what do you think and refugee you know to me like you did and you smartly responded well because none of us in my family have any you know experience and you know drug or mental health counseling in one of us is 8 Yeah so yeah I would like the government but because yes we don't have the expertise Yeah yeah yeah every problem especially when you achieve some kind of density you can be right solves just by being nice and helpful like you need expertise to deal with the complex problems in our lives and when I went to Miami Texas even though I really like those people they don't have the expertise to solve the problems in their town like their towns are shrinking and dying and they are not getting enough tax money to solve their own sewer problem yeah so so they are going to have to turn to some kind of outside experts used to yeah so they will have to finally met that their stink I don't know if they'll do that you know Ok that's not the people to. Patricia because it's everywhere Patricia in Maryland you're on which all sign hello oh hi. Oh I'd appreciate that thank you Ok all right that I just had to call because I know we talk about we talk about politics but. The video on the can put out their hair products by Dr matter. There was a lady in her house and somebody called because they saw something was going on in the house and they sat her yes all in or out right right I just. Want that to get out because that because just terrible that people's. Lives can be a madhouse without being I mean. I'm submit to me is. I lived through the civil rights thing. So in my life as I am mayor I would like I mean I know I know I mean that's why I was particularly as we said earlier the church and that's why the group was founded because black people writing shot. By police right right I mean really songs. And then I have a granddaughter 18 that tried my best to help them out and going into the military and seeing this that in the military at the time one is crazy full is just an. Idea I'm just so upset I mean I don't I don't try to pressure turn that fear and anger into votes next year please please do that I can do that Ok good Thank you know everybody that I know go out and most good Patricia you're not in this alone we're all in this together Bakley and we're all going to go out there and vote to get this bastard out of office Jill I boy weapon we wrote this book it was bad and you use it of the resistance dinner party you thought it seemed a little crazy that we all thought Trump is going to be gone tomorrow yeah you guys were worried about it was like she finds out I don't like that I'm sitting at the dinner full of people it was all true you make it sound like all the Russians help wasn't true it is all true I don't think anybody can believe that this guy. Something 20 to them anything has not been acted you know look at what's happening this is against what the Republicans even want what's happening in Syria Oh everything's against what the Republicans want you know separate attack yet now he has not been helpful Republican but I don't I don't think he will be or. I think that's not the best solution we need to prevent scuse me we need to put out. The dark tell you what I'm going to March right back up 3 houses Mr wads of the words that are never spoken in this house one of our neighbors asked me if you were conservative be at the tail really I don't think so but he's a lot more conservative my own that's for sure I mean all the liberals on the street oh no you don't really know me I'm going to say. But they could have thrown me out like yeah it's not like for you now 919 minutes after the hour why don't you just sit there and think about what you said well I want you to rid of not just him you put him out Ok Dave Barry writes in these troubled times we as a nation desperately need someone to bring us together instead we have Joel Stein and this brilliantly funny book so let's let someone else unite us and while we let Joel Stein entertain. Us he's been over here sprinkles there are many of. Them to the restaurant dot com Welcome to step just from r.d. I will read a brief bit of the in defense of elitism and another resistance. Resistance party at Stephanie Miller's house the musician Jill Sobule sat in the living room and leading Lawrence O'Donnell Lily Tomlin singer songwriter Diane Warren a dozen other liberals as we sang the poor protest anthem America back which is on homophobia and racism when they say we want to America back our America back our America back what the they mean before the gays had their agenda before the slaves were free before that man from Kenya took the presidency it was a conspiracy theory but it had all the benefits of one they were bad guys good guys and a simple solution to a complicated problem which is to get rid of racism so not that simple Still the blaming felt good thank you for your condescending chapter on my existence dinner party smug bastard in a monocle I'm not good but. I do disagree with some of the problem but I do write about what I would not racism but then you want to quote people saying some incredibly Oh yeah only in Texas if you were you were in yeah. Yeah but there was racism before right but you don't think racism was any factor in I mean how do you well know racism was a huge factor going to go Bob and would have won by a lot more if not by racism racism there was a sudden bout of racism because around the world these far right scary nationalists to be elected right there's a different kind of change taking place that's allowing people to express racism that already exists right so why are you not for impeachment Well I can't believe you're still here but I want to make sure I want to get rid of Trump but I want to make sure that we get rid of the Trump movement that another day doesn't appear and so I think as a getting rid of him at the ballot box and destroying that part of that party I'm for that to work on for both I don't I'm in progress I'm yes and yes i know i'm Yes And do I So I don't think impeaching him is going to get him thrown out if I was sure that was going to if he was get thrown out and or weak family doesn't just said I wouldn't be so sure if his numbers continue to go the way they go what I can see Mitch McConnell throwing him in what month does that finally occur that the whole party turned against him by the point where it was already Little were already a majority for impeachment and you have been without a lot more than that you need the right public a party helping How do you go how do you create a press a president that. He's massive amount of high crimes and misdemeanors are no trouble How do you create a president by getting people not to vote for crazy people like this I don't think I want to control what is impeachment in the Constitution for if not for this guy it's a political thing it's not a right on a trial it's when the Republican Party gets sick of him because they control the Senate right and they can feel safe getting rid of him and they're going to feel less and less safe the closer you get why can you perceive for sure you think the Senate won't convict if the numbers are even higher than they are now for if the what month is the happen how long will that take there I've been pretty saying probably aren't while they're saying articles probably by Thanksgiving is what that means probably until January. That's fine with me I'll clear my schedule 29 minutes after the ya can't believe I'm letting Joel Stein stay at the author of indefensible each his own why I'm better than you and your are better than someone who didn't buy the book elitist love and thank you Karen Chicago for telling us about the latest us death head that was just born Yeah talking about kids these jingle singers this ones like I don't know 43 now. He's aged out. Mind you he's older than you. Right. I know. Yes All right then thank you she's now yes he's the lead singer at the Nugget and sent us Vegas and she's 53 singing alongside Countess Luann in her nightclub act which is not to each other when you step nosing around and Google in my what could be via Google obviously has a well known right wing bias fake news. This Let's see dk says My thoughts and prayers go out to you on your your birthday which was recently yes since according to your Wikipedia page your father passed away 5 months before your birth Ok with yes it was a very tragic 1983. Yes Travis because they were going to get me on the record one break and yes so Ok don't break up with us after. All right Bill Browder former Russian ambassador to did after the u.s. Withdrawal of several 100 troops in Syria and a genocidal massacre by the Turks the Kurds had no choice but to agree to a Russian brokered plan to allow Assad into their territory it seems Putin is smiling this morning. Yeah I we've got to see not just the transcript but any Putin calls and the air are to Juan and by the way did I say this earlier if Yeah when he called Republicans were patriots they would be demanding his his tax returns because it doesn't have to get any more clear that he is compromised by his own interests and by the way Joe one Banks joins us coming up and she made a really good point on Twitter I think she actually credited our other legal lady. Sent the oxy with it but it is very still let the money up this Ukraine's thing it is very easy it's very simple he did not is there I think Pompei was trying to say oh that countries do this all times what diplomacy is no no he traded United States national security for his own personal political gain period right and they did nothing to dig up dirt on the Bidens they asked him to make up dirt that they know is is all right yes he's here. To listen to. The outs. Good morning Vanessa Good morning well isn't this. The big ball of like just back yeah I don't know. At least the fortnight world got sucked into a black hole when out true yeah that is true you know what for now it is time now with some game it's a game a thing violent games thing it's not all that by Ok I don't care Good Morning words . That's for thank you yeah we've mentioned Lindsey Graham already you tweeted Lindsey Graham said just poking President Trump I applaud his decision to work with Congress to stop Turkey the Gretchen Syria crippling economic sanctions this decision by President Trump be a game changer in all the wrong ways for Turkey and you just said you you simpering piled what rags Thank you I mean to try to spin any of this is a win for Trump It's just when he knows that this is not going to do anything about the ongoing genocide right right right and any sanctions will not be. Crippling sanctions that's just not going to happen because that's not what from why he's going to sanction them for the thing he told them to go ahead and do I mean yeah. I just I just got they show you the video that I right I'll back down. God Well speaking of video the mass murder video of the hilarious video Trump on shooting a bunch of people to death in a church you know Rachel Maddow who will also Maxine Waters know c.n.n. Yes among others you said video shows Trump shooting someone with a black live matter sign for a head that's right a movement that was born because of the shooting of black people and mocked by being shot and you said yes the culture represented in this video deserves to be canceled. You know these route you got a great piece read about these rallies what concerns me is people around the world see my concerns I think this is what all Americans are hooting and hollering like morons is I mean is just ridiculous violent rhetoric right and they love it they love it when he curses and practically a orgasm that happens yeah when he curses even. One or 2 curse words out oh yes he is obviously as barf said at Notre Dame and clearly he represents a culture of. Moral values right. And also I miss that bridge that he apparently did he also mind like an orgasm that Peter Struck and Lisa pays we're having over him though he was losing the election so that's also good family fun you got to watch. The Minneapolis you just so he's making up because what you know I guess when he makes up things it's by when he paraphrases or make something up but Adam Egypt does it and you know it's a crime it's a treason right right but he starts doing this thing always like oh I love you. Know. I'm the house on need to have that ready. Right as you said you know ship was making fun of them he just didn't like it so then he makes up this whole interview with her Biden and you know here's proof where. It's just the true horror of this man it strikes you right that here's the president of the United States and he's calling a 100 Biden a loser and mocking him and I hear a guy that has never been accused of any wrong done doing that as a private citizen that I mean it really is like we have same 2016 and crap and steroids Right right right going after those that is that it's so much Bob through Congress. Oh did you see that Eric Trump let a lot of chance of lock him up they're going to be Eric Trump Yeah yeah yeah we who who is but it's going to be fun when he's dragged away to please them and I guess there are crowds outside the law Yeah but I mean I'm mocking him having had a drug problem years ago it's just like. I can't the level of meanness when you think it cannot go up and yet you're right here is let's experiences together they love these good Christians they love it when he says a dirty word Yeah they know we're part of their stuff so they're really doing and they're plundering military says I The radical democrats policies are crazy their politicians are corrupt their candidates are terrible and they know they can't win on Election Day So they're pursuing an illegal invalid and unconstitutional bill. Yeah that the crowd went wild and that by the way what's going on with Captain I don't know where there's that at all or dentures problem this time it's a dentures problem yeah yeah yeah that was. Propped up a little bit. Yeah. Yeah. I guess so I did have an unconstitutional impeach Yes it's like we're all right we're all fucked. On the how who. Can have it yeah right the Constitution right oh you did some of the fine a random observation on 2 nights of trump that. You said he repeated one word like it was a tick or more likely the result of having the vocabulary for Adderall popping 8 year old the word is great which he used you notated I don't know how many times one of the 2 great candidates will win it will be John deliberate going to the to great and they're both great people they're great. Steve Scully's great one of 2 great glories great congressman thanks Steve great great. What you were able to Larry and I mean you know I don't like at least 50 to 75 feet he's calling something great and I like to this is why this speech is written Yeah Ok so I think when you but you don't just down like oh we're getting more on one adjective you have it down yeah Hoffa get out there or it over Yeah I say this to enter with you let's let's enter the nicknames together and we should. Shift a little out a little I might not you have to I think you know I've got to know what comes out and he made up my conversation and I was watching you fortunately because a lot of people sort of think like oh I just it's what he said I should i never said that. It was it's a it's always it's new every day that he's just the stupidest man alive isn't it on top of everything you know the other thing I love about him constantly you know harping on the surface a paraphrase. Of the poem called The Ukrainian president is that he obviously knows that everyone would believe him like everybody would think that sounds like some could talk like that like like like the stereotypical mobster that ship was right in that little repeated Oh by the way the arrested Giuliani associates he said Trump loves and people look like they're from central casting and these 2 guys are just chefs finger kiss perfect. I'm the name of their company was what fraud something like that you're in charge and the names were and fraud is and they have their race they only come from a club in a mafia rave yes policy or a mafia the only way to endure it is with more filth and that is another pod cast by repond on the Sexy Liberal pocket that work oh yeah sexy little dot com get it it's filthy it's not appropriate for any place and we link to all of Ruth's pieces at his blog right there at Stephanie Miller dot com Also from yes and I like Ari and you can also check gonna Twitter pundit. On the talk was crosstalk. Yeah. You are also rude we let you go by didn't come. Stephanie Miller. The League of Women Voters who sends the district attorney's role in the transformation of our justice system on Tuesday October 15th from 7 pm to. Project 1153 St Los Angeles California 90015 for more information visit. A. Doctor during Claire has been practicing medicine in the Los Angeles area for over 30 years and has helped thousands upon thousands of patients improve and maintain their overall health and vitality and Dr Claire is of course a he's a graduate of the Columbia University's College of Physicians and Surgeons and also when he was one of the only of $300.00 doctors to have earned the title. Certified lifestyle physician with the American Board of lifestyle medicine and he has a thriving practice here in Southern California called vibrance a medical group where he gets to help people use their body's own natural curative powers to heal their elements and stay healthy and I am so very happy to welcome back to the program Dr Dan Clair Hello hello Christine I'm very good I'm very very good and of course Reno Rollei who is the co-founder and chairman of Boku International and Reno Well 1st of all welcome back to Pacifica Radio thank you Christine it's always great to be here Dr clear you can maybe try me in on this what exactly is a superfood. Well you know this is the book who's you know trademark product but basically a super food is a combination of extremely healthy in that they're very high in wide variety of nutritious nutrients. In a convenient form so basically. The key to good health starts with nutrition and in terms of nutrition it's not just about protein carbs and fats it's about all the micronutrients of vitamins minerals and all the other hundreds of of chemicals that we haven't even described you know identified yet which are present in a wide variety of high quality foods and Boku has done everybody a huge favor by packaging a wide variety of those foods into a convenient you know form so that you can you can consume a wide variety of very healthy organic foods without without any great difficulty but but you know the beautiful thing is is to me it all goes back to what did our ancient ancestors consume and our ancient ancestors as opposed to the typical American diet our ancient ancestors actually ate hundreds of different foods every year just whatever having to be available at that time of the year at the wherever they happen to be but by doing so they got a huge variety of micronutrients the typical American diet of $10.00 to $15.00 different foods in a year and I'm putting emphasis on that because it's unbelievable that people on average only eat 10 to 15 different foods in an entire year for sure you might be getting the plenty of protein carbs and fast but you're not going to be getting all those hundreds of different micronutrients so you can either become one of our ancient ancestors become a hunter gatherer scavenger and spend your. Hold time gathering different foods or you could buy Boku. You could take a scoop and it put in the shaker bottle and you're good you're Exactly yeah and well so so so Reno this is really exciting what we're offering our listeners this is a brand new package we put together and it's called the Boku superstar super food pack and we'll let our Listers in a 2nd know why it's called the superstar super food pack but where you Boku has created something exclusive for Pacifica Radio where you tell people about this this is a this is a big battle what's in this big back here well I'm really glad you asked because honestly this is the most extraordinary product we formulated at Boku and we've been at this for a while leading the industry with incredible formulas but this is something we put together specifically and exclusively for Pacifica This is an unprecedented formula that packs in nearly 80 of the world's absolute finest and most potent super food ingredient 80 a whopping this is crazy 23 grams of beautiful plant based protein from organic peas red Dulce cranberry and such and she now so this is a complete meal right we're combining essentially the best that Boku has to offer our trifecta which you know about our super food the o.g. Super food our super protein industry leading. A multi protein blend and our Super Fuel the product that's become somewhat famous amongst elite athletes and especially some professional athletes that we'll talk about here in a minute so it is a complete meal replacement it is an absolute tidal wave of plant based super food nutrition only 12 grams of sugar from beautiful super foods of course no refined process white sugar right no way no dairy no gluten no soit no allergens or fillers of any kind only beautiful pure potent functional super food. And back to your point earlier it's simple it's simple to add the water back that we take out in the drawing process because these are Whole Foods you shake it up and drink it down and perhaps the most surprising thing for most people it's incredibly delicious this especially this formula is so chocolatey and so wonderful people love it and all of Boku products and especially this one here is Dr formulated we have an on staff not for profit medical Dr b.j. Address and he's been here before so you can trust Boku and rest assured that your only consuming the best and everything in this too is organic it's certified organic Let's talk about 5 kosher also kosher you can be in gluten free obviously sugar free all of that the. This is the Boku superstar super food pack that we are offering to you and again this is an exclusive to Pacifica Radio this super meal replacement that is chocolatey and delicious and this is part of a pack that we're offering that also has something really important I had mentioned it earlier the. The fact that so many people are backed up and and are having a hard time going. And the importance of our intestines of our of our guts right the digestion you have in this pack also our listeners are going to get the organic super fiber which is a nominal product and the other one we're extremely proud of addressing this epidemic of digestive health disorders This is a blend a formula combining 18 got healing digestive super foods including 5 different plant based fiber so this is a prebiotic flood we're talking about really nurturing and healing the gut and then we accompany that beautiful super fiber also with the amazing turtle which is a patent a device that's being hailed as a medical miracle this beautiful day. That you use to actually physically stimulate peristaltic contractions to trigger your parasympathetic nervous system to awakening up moving that colon that muscular organ and moving waste out of the body it's unbelievable and I'm sure Dr Clare will agree there couldn't possibly be a better system for digestive health on this planet right now than the bloke who super fiber combined with the turtle and that's an obviously part of the package and then also with and so our listeners are going to get when they call up and get the superstar super food pack they will get the super meal mill replacement This is good for what is not like a month's supply that's right a month's supply of that they'll also get a bag of the organic super fiber they'll get the turtle which is so cool to get in the mail this is a great great way to enhance our digestion to get rid of the toxins that are in our body right that are in our system so I want to just throw out this number right now because it's going to get very very busy the the Boku superstar super food pack it is going to include the one month supply of the exclusive Pacific a blend meal replacement you can find this anywhere else it has within it the super food the super protein and the super fuel and that that is going to come in the super pac but also you get the turtle the booklet on what you were says about you and the bloke who fiber all of that for a donation to this radio station of 150 dollars the phone number though to call here we go it's 8189855735818985 k p f k one more time 818-985-5735. I also wanted to let our listeners know because it's the Boku superstar super food pact there's a reason why we're calling it the superstar super food pack and Reno you have just a little bit of news about why we're calling it the superstar super food pack No it's it's remarkable I mean we have been fueling world class athletes Boku since our inception in 2007 we fuel originally Giuliana Sproles who won the world's toughest woman title beat 900 men in this unimaginably grueling 24 hour obstacle course race we learned recently this going back to September of this year I got a phone call that you saying bolt the Olympic sprinter gold medalist is a huge fan of Boku and remarkably his people contacted us to tell us that and that he was very interested in supporting Boku Well kind of one thing led to another and next thing you know we're sending food out to a couple key athletes in the n.b.a. National Basketball Association which and I'm incredibly proud of this has led us to none other than. The new star power forward with the l.a. Lakers with with the very his favorite the the trifecta right that the 3 things that he takes he takes what we are offering in this superstar super food pact it's all there it's all in the one bag the super meal Wow Ok so folks give us a call right now 8189855735818905 k p f k you 2 can have the same super meal replacement that Kyle Kuchma has from the Los Angeles Lakers and I understand we have a surprise on the phone right now. Hello special guest. Hey How you doing how. Well it's going all man doesn't watch. Reno I'm so glad you called in because this is cold because McAllen from the road right yes I am well thank you so much for taking the time I know you're quite busy . And we're just talking about what we're just talking about of course Boku superfoods and with and I know that we don't have much time with you so please if you can let our listeners know your experience since you've been consuming this this this amazing superfood and what's been going on with you and how you feel like you're taking it. You know it's been really great for my body. Or honestly. Portion of it. So many benefits while I'm on the core in this every day you know by style health and. You know they have so many great options that you can have. The super green meals you have a super fuel they have magical shrooms that really help your body you know your overall performance from applique standpoint so you know it's been great wow yeah I was going to say. First of all who is fine me my name down quite clear I'm a huge fan of yours by the way. You know I think it's great that you're doing the super shrooms because the shrooms are going to be fantastic for your immune system and as much as you guys travel on the road under stress you know if you want to stay healthy and not come down with the flu I think it's it's really. Important to stay on the shrivel especially on those flights to get back there for who airport. Hey Koos It's Reno here I just have a question I think the listeners would appreciate hearing you know there's a lot of products out there right and I mean you're a guy that's got his finger on the pulse with all of the different you know supplements and super food products out there why Boku why why did you choose Boku over all the rest of the stuff that's out there I just think the biggest thing on shows you know it's kind of that was. That I have. You know what I believe from health standpoint and a bloke who just really matches me pretty well I don't really do things and that really put too much of my time in the last I really believe in him and it's a bit you know so awesome thank you so much and his How awesome is it that it's super easy to get to do. Yeah it's super easy. Just like going to school. Going on your day. You know super Well we thank you so very much for for taking the time out of your really crazy busy schedule and being with us on air with our listeners and telling them about your experience with Boca superfoods any last and last thing before he goes just that I love you so much Cruz and I'm so honored by the relationship we have with you and I so appreciate your taking the time to call in and join us today thank you no problem no problem and I don't go Lakers are those who. Those whose thank you thank you so much wow that was amazing that was always a great surprise I feel a little flustered. You know so wonderful oh no way because the he is so busy a $29.00 a $55735150.00 pledge put your put on a Visa American Express or Master Card and your donation goes to keep this radio station on the air so it's a win win when you get amazing nutrient dense food good for a month if you take it every single day and you also get to support this radio station 829855735 again you don't have to be a Laker superstar but you do want to get this this packet soon as you can and get it into your bodies 818955735 Reno 2 to reiterate. Some of the ingredients do you mind going through just that this is the trifecta So this is the 3 things that. Takes regularly write the best of book but you put it in one in one package one month package one formula and one of the things that he was talking about is the super protein What are some of the protein powders that are in this Miller Place so great question this is a blend of 4 vegan protein sources leading the way is pea protein that we sourced from Canada beautiful pristine organic pea protein next we have cranberry which is a surprise to a lot of people yet the seed of the cranberry is remarkably high in protein also we add red dulls which is a very beautiful mineral rich plant we source it from up in Nova Scotia in the pristine ocean waters loaded with minerals and also very high in protein then finally rounding out the protein sources is such a in cheek This is the diamond of the Amazon an ancient super food from South America loaded with protein loaded with the makers this is a beautiful brain food but the result is a full amino acid profile so what that means essentially is that it's in your cells in minutes we assimilate this beautiful protein blend with remarkable efficiency no gas no bloating there's no hexane right a lot of these you see like isolates right like way isolate soy isolate where the protein is extracted using toxic gases so it's no wonder we end up with toxic gas all this it's toxic to the people around us right so you know none of that in Boku super protein then we sweeten it perfectly with organic coconut blossom nectar this is a matter for flower of the coconut palms It's a beautiful super food low glycaemic sweetener So again this is not ordinary This is extraordinary again a blend of 80 ingredients 80 different pristine amazing super food ingredients that we've painstakingly sourced from all over the world we like to say we shake the hands that farm the land we have forged relationships with these people we test extensive. We've heard in the past from Mike Adams the Health Ranger about how Boku test for heavy metals and toxicity this is a new trend we've been doing it practically since inception back in 2 was a very costly endeavor I'm sure that's right and we take enormous pride in this we take enormous pride in being the best that's why we appeal to people like Kyle Cruise men and other elite athletes but again I love the point you made Keep in mind we're all in the sport of life we're competing in the sport of life and we're in it to win it we deserve to win it this is I would say the most remarkable blend we've created I'm enormously proud because I'm so grateful for the opportunity the relationship we have with k.p. F.-k. With Pacifica and the listeners that we created this product exclusively for k p f k where you can get the best of Boku in one serving you'll deliver to your beautiful body that beautiful machine of yours more nutrition than the average person will usually consume in several days so there are longer saying that are out there that possibly in one serving of this super meal this specific a super meal you will deliver to your body more nutrition than the average person will usually consume in several days now that's both a testament to the intense potency of Boku super fruit but also sadly the state of nutrition in America and the fact that we've adulterated our food supply so horribly and I also think it's important to bring up the fact that you know you're very careful to civil to select high quality the can protein Why is that important plus I'll tell you why it's because if anybody has a chance to read the China Study and the studies show and it was one of the biggest most you know most carefully conducted studies and the traditions ever been done the studies show that animal protein contributes to an increased risk in cancer of all different not just calling cancer but breast cancer pancreatic cancer. At a variety of other cancers so it's not just a matter. That we've that we I say we because I feel like your brother now we've been working together so much even though it's not my company I sure wish it was but but you know we it's not just about the quality products that are in there it's also important to point out that there are other products that are not put in there you know it's like taking a protein supplement everybody thinks these days that you know we've got to get lots of protein getting lots of protein and the average American gets more protein than they really need but if that protein is animal source you're actually harming your health and people don't don't appreciate that if you're if you're the amount of animal protein you consume is more than 10 percent of your protein you are raising your risk of cancer well and we say it's not about the quantity it's all about the quality so when making protein choices which is normally chicken beef or fish for most of us right I like to begin with the question what did what I'm eating eat what the cow right now is the calories and beautiful green pastures under natural sunlight eating beautiful grass or did it come from one of these factory farms where it's injected with bovine growth hormone steroids antibiotics Fed g.m.o. Grain all of that ends up in your body it's the same thing with the horrible things we're doing with chicken and fish from these horrible toxic farms so you really have to pause and ask yourself that question what did what I'm eating eat in the case of Boku super protein which is in this amazing Pacifica blend you don't have to worry about that let us handle that we're in our 13th year we're the best in the world at what we do and you can rest assured you're getting the very best that only the very best is going into your body and and you can only get this particular blend of the exclusive Pacifica blend which is the Boku organic super meal the meal replacement again it's chocolate chocolatey and delicious and not only will you love it that your kids will love it as well I think this is great for aging parents . Because I've seen what they there was cans what they trying to push on elderly people oh you need your nutrition and you look at the back of the can and your 1st of all it's in a can 2nd of all you look at the ingredients and you're like oh my gosh I wouldn't give this to my dog why would I give this to my aging mother or my aging father this makes an incredible meal replacement for them as well so this is exclusive he's not going to be found anywhere else only right here the Boku superstar super food pack is available to you for a $150.00 contribution you can break it down into payments and I suggest very highly that you get a few of these if you can put it on a credit card call up the phone or room and say you want to get 2 or 3 of these packs because you want to have these on hand you want to have this for you and your family and again you cannot get it anywhere else only by calling this number 818-985-5735 extension 8 is a one month supply of the super meal replacement the Pacific up blend it's a one month supply but you also get a bag of the super fiber so that you can restore your digestive health we all know how important that is every single ingredient in this is also organic certified organic and you get the turtle which is this cool little device it's kind of like it's shaped almost like a like a football but like a half of a football and that you now explain explain to our listeners what that this device is so this is really unique it's amazing it's patented all over the world is being hailed as a medical miracle it's just a little personal massager that allows you to reach and gently and effectively to massage the colon which is a muscular organ that relies on touch the colon works through peristalsis right so what this turtle does it uses acupressure stimulation right at this it's called the sea of energy just about 2 fingers below your belly button and you stimulate the colon it activates the parasympathetic nervous. Which controls digestion and begins to stimulate these personnel to contractions it's actually a miraculous product because the problem is we're sitting on toilets Ok our weight is borne by our reruns not natural in nature we're designed to squat but the key is not the position of our legs as much as where the weight is and how that weight is transferred and directly transfers pressure to the colon physical touch to trigger these personnel to contractions sedentary lifestyle poor diet g m O's it's such a process people are sitting in their cars sitting all the time they're sitting at their desk they're sitting at home they're sitting in their cars they're just there they're constantly sitting and this cool device the turtle along with the super fiber already right there you're taking care of your of your digestion and helping you eliminate those toxins that are in your body but then you've got the I mean you've got the p. Is the resistance this gorgeous super meal this meal replacement that is an exclusive Pacific a blend all 3 of the top favorite products that Kyle KUSA the Los Angeles Lakers superstar is taking in is endorsing and is talking about to his his colleagues on the on the n.b.a. The number to call to get this amazing pack is 8189055735818905 k p f k you can ask for the Boku superstar super food pack it is a $150.00 contribution and you get all of those items if you are just joining us and I know you are just tuning in right now I'm Christine Bazil You're listening to k.p. F.-k. Pacifica Radio I am in I got throughout the number just really a couple times because we're almost out of time and I'm going to have you list on the fiber that's included in this pack I want you to say what some of the ingredients are but I'm a Throughout the number get the lines are getting crazy again it's the Bocuse superstar super food pack the one that. Is go to for the court for the l.a. Lakers It is a $150.00 pledge this is an exclusive offer It's called the exclusive Pacific a blend meal replacement it's got the super food the super protein the super fuel all in one bag it's so easy and it is a one month supply plus you get the turtle this very cool device that's going to help you go. And you're going to get the bag of Boku fiber This is a large bag as well of the book you fiber Here's the number 8189855735818905 k p f k And if you have the ability get a few packs of these get a few of the super star packs get 2 or 3 of them if you can for your family for your loved ones for your elderly parents and now Reno read the list if you don't mind the ingredients are some of the ingredients that's in the Boku fiber Ok so once again a doctor formulated blend in my opinion the absolute best blend of super food fibers on the planet the absolute best cleanse you could possibly ask for just running through some of them sprouted Brown flax seed oat bran inulin which is a gobby fiber pumpkin fiber Apple fiber cranberry powder fiber then there's this beautiful blend including psyllium husk flaxseed rhubarb Ginger licorice and bentonite clay which is amazing this is a pharmaceutical grade natural clay that helps to pull toxins from the lining from the walls of your intestine also marshmallow root blueberry fiber we've got ginger root we've got monk fruit extract Leukoma which one of my favorite fruits on Earth one of the highest or a values known to man also happens to be the number one flavor of ice cream in Peru 18 got healing digestive health forming super foods 5 individual fibers this is again a Dr formulated beautiful blend there's enough in here for 30 days if you were to take this every day for 30 days I mean Dr Clare You probably the best be the best one to comment on how you would feel. After a 30 day cleanse with Boku super fiber and this also this also to this also tastes really good really which usually these kind of things don't usually they don't they just want those times are good and this is going to improve your energy is going to bring proof your mood is going to improve you know you're just going to love life assimilating nutrients all of these Love Life Ok let's live life people I have only seconds to go I want you to give us a call right now I hear music oh yes that's coming it's. Every day though I think I would if they please that 1st of all back there behind she's our wonderful intern here today I want to thank Dr cleric Dr Karen Claire thank you so very much I'm just absolutely blown away by you vibrance medical group for those who those who are interested in finding out more from Dr Claire Reno Rollei co-founder chairman and awesome friend of Pacifica Radio thanks and mine from Boku International thank you so very much the phone number of folks if you want to get a hold of this incredible opportunity for you it's the Boku superstar super feedback 818985573581895 k. Call it right now and stay tuned for more programming I'm Kristie Lu back. To. The poor people's campaign a national call for moral revival will be hosting Vote in local station elections we need about 400 votes to reach your vote must be received by October 15th 8 59 pm no more paper ballots can be issued but you can request an electronic ballot until October 15th 3 pm Pacific Standard Time fill out a ballot request form on election Pacifica dot org or leave a voicemail at 518549663 if you have trouble casting your ballot you can leave a voice mail to request assistance you are tuned to 90.7 f.m. In Los Angeles 98.7 f.m. . Barbara and online at www dot org. Welcome to the journey to thank you for staying with us this is your host. Issued by the pope in. 2. Bowls which declared war on indigenous people and promoted conquest and colonization from Africa to the Americas Christopher Columbus in 1492 looking for India got lost and landed on the island of South Dakota. Made 4 voyages to the.

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