Well PAC was also the force behind the Oscar nominated documentary about James Bond when called I'm Not Your negro we have a companion book to that film called I'm Not Your Negro featuring texts by James Baldwin and excerpts pictures from that great documentary and we're going to offer pairs of passes to see his latest film which is the young call marks and that's plain at Lemley Israel theater in Santa Monica and Lemley playhouse 7 in Pasadena so special shout out to Ryan at forgot pagoda for offering those and the Lemley theaters for offering though so for a pledge of $75.00 Julio they can get this wonderful book with Tex by James Bond when I'm not your negro and a pair of passes to your choice of either the Pasadena Lemley or the royal family in Santa Monica $75.00 pledge so you want to call 8189855735818985 K P F K Y U listen to my conversation with. And I think I want to you want to pledge after you hear the interview so just get get ready and do it early or 3 mothers house hearing K P S K land we have a Black History Month catalog from L.A. Theatre done from the L.A.P.D. Works this is a packet of plays A Raisin In The Sun The Fly crumbs from the table of joy and a great best piece Master Harold and the boys yes we're just we finished Black History Month but that doesn't mean that we can't continue to celebrate black history black artists great playwrights these are for a terrific plays that have been heard on our airwaves here at K P S K K sell a theater works airs on Sunday nights from 10 to 12 and will do so this week as well this is a pack of plays each individual leap. Packaged as I like to say they're great on those long commutes see if you're going down to San Diego or up to Santa Barbara or cross town that'll take at least an hour couldn't put in one of these plays they make great gifts that's a $100.00 pledge and has a great ending to that we have 10 pairs of tickets available to the young com MARKS Yeah that's the movie that was talking about I meant the ele I'm sorry our only theater works recall the live recording of Duran starring Julia Jones Jane Sandison which is big 15 to 18 at U.C.L.A. Is Jane bridges the it or not it's George Eliot's 19th century novel and for those of you who are English Lit majors know that George Eliot was actually a pen name for a woman. It's actually out so Amen so as we move into March which is women's Women's International day and month you can celebrate by seeing one of these recordings done live at the U.C.L.A. James bridges theater it's on the campus there U.C.L.A. I had Julian sounds on the show a you have as well Julio he's such a wonderful actor and a great conversationalist and I believe he's actually been working on a film about Trotsky So there you go we'll have him in hopefully next week or the week after but that's an added on with your pledge of 100 or more so you can get the L.A. Theatre Works pack of plays and get tickets for Daniel Durand those are good for the performances of the 15th 16th or 17th and that's absolute traffic you can watch him live and then hear it here on our airwaves as well or I still have a couple of these very special flex passes for the Gary Marshall theater Yes the it was firmly the fall can play house Gary Marshall has passed away they rename the theater in honor of Gary Marshall in the programming. Tremendously revamp the programming. Bring food tickets to shows meaning in the seas Yeah that it's actually good through June they have one more show there our B.P.'s occupant is wrapping up this Sunday so it might be difficult to get into see that but you'll have 4 passes to handle any which way you like for what remains in their season so the important thing is is that the pledge by calling 8189855735818985 K P F K pledge 75 dollars get the I'm not your negro companion book to the documentary by Roopak from Tex by the great James Baldwin and a pair of passes to see his latest film young comics that Lend Lease Pasadena or in Santa Monica So we're going to run my conversation with him and then we'll be back to wrap up yes welcome to Pacifica performant showcase arts and culture to enlighten and live in an educate I'm your host Donna Walker and it is a great honor and privilege to welcome via phone Oscar nominated film director row pack welcome Roe Well thank you pleasure and we are here to talk about your latest film which is not a documentary I think most of our listeners out there if they weren't familiar with your work before they were certainly familiar with it with your documentary on the great James Baldwin I am not your negro which was an extraordinary film and glad that that got the recognition we had adored James Baldwin here at K P S K But this is a feature about of all people Karl Marx not an easy sell I would imagine Well yes indeed . Almost 10 years. To find the right way to make it though I thought that Baldwin film I wanted to make a very realistic film to be true for true to the story so you know to make yours. Sort of bio pic about evolution that I do. Know you can't do in film so we had to make it in a way that white audience would get you would understand what it means to be green young people in the century and the fight to change the world story. BALDWIN In fact about by a bench will learn from. By making 2 films to at least try to give fundamentals younger generation well and in fact to whether it's a documentary or a feature or even though you are educating people you're revealing the lives of the men and in the case of the marks the women play a very prominent role as well but you still have to tell a good story and that's a tough task with with Karl Marx because 1st of all in the heart of capitalism here I think I did stay as Mark says very misunderstood any He's very misunderstood among what I would call a Marxist revolutionaries because I mean whether it's we have a Communist Party or the Marxist it's still pick your pick your progressive as to the frame that they put Karl Marx in but your film covers a particular era in Marx's life so what brought you to this I was reading in your bio you felt like you sort of grew up with Marx and studied Marx extensively so obviously it's a longstanding interest but why Marx and how did you settle on this particular frame of his life because this particular move the beginning of. I would say to. Me an employed. By the image of the old. I call that you know being in every dogmatic so-called communist countries which have nothing to do with Mox so I have to come back to the beginning of all this green young man and women who decided to 1st of all to revolve to rebel against the world that was around you know it's real in the 19 year century where there is a lot of repression and there is a time in in certain countries there's censorship and maist is basically somebody Young Jr is you know there is nothing else to say he was a gentle At 19 he got his Ph D. And his own teachers were saying you know if you want to meet. A girl and all the bull one person you better find this call box Choi he's a bright mind all the style and they decided you know there is no way we can continue to do absurd to analyze but we need to engage and that was the beginning of this and credible long story and for need to get back to that is key to understand as well what is going on today in a world where science history politics is seen as nonexistent anybody can pretend say whatever comes up in mind without having to prove it including the president of this country and it's a tough sell right now to ready reflect with intelligence I don't like intelligence is a bad word even Exactly. So I had to bring something against that you know ignorance and when I say ignorance is not about people who didn't have access to education I'm talking about people who even went. To universities but decided to stay ignorant and to rule of us and pretending that they know what they are doing and they are not I was just going to say one thing that strikes me about why this film is so important is that it really sets these ideas in the context of their time because we live in a time where obviously there are still workers struggles all over the world but in this particular time I think most people have no idea the system that people were living under at that time it's basically feudal you have monarchies you have aristocracies you have a class system which ruled and everything and there were no unions there were no workers' rights that was exactly the beginning of all you know within the city like Manchester where it's almost the birth of capitalism you know the 1st big factories textile factories and in Manchester you have exactly what capitalism is and will continue to be for centuries is the creation of riches the creation of merchandise the creation of wealth there where incredible wealth accumulated Manchester and at the same time in the same CD you could go to a certain street it's as if you were in a slum in the 3rd world men women children were going bad food in with you know you could rent a cog to sleep for 23 hours and the children were working in factories young children you know 11 and they could work you know 14 hours in a factory under the was condition ever so this is the world Marx and Engels. Or serving and they were part of it angles Why was the Irish worker and clue. He went he was capable of doing one of his 1st major work which was and I do think about the condition of the working class in Manchester at the time so it's the beginning you know don't forget a good time the revolutionary aware of was the the offseason not the work of the workers were considered you know like so even I knew goals yet so so when Martin and those decided to organize themselves there is not not yet such a thing as a workers' movement you know there is an art is a movement so the D.L. Going to be instrumental in creating that for us Forbes that will later give you you know 6 etc So it's in the very important time and and the development and the evolution of the idea and the child was really have to put those evolution in the film and stay in cinema of course the idea was not to I don't want to write a Ph D. Or to do a documentary because the state in banal and forms of cinema well and also getting to know Marx and the young man he was around 26 there around this time he was a parlor you know the family is is $2424.00 and the poet is a journalist a philosopher of course at a time when discourse and ideas this is what they did they even in the upper classes they had salons in this case there are meetings houses they're active it activist groups of the day but he's also a family man and his wife was a baron's daughter so she certainly is an unusual person the women are very strong and they're very important to the story as well and talk talk about we get a glimpse of Mark's the man the man with the family and you need not an easy personality either let's face it. You know that you know like many geniuses they they can be very impatient. You know because they they spank a 100 times the quick again you so they and to be impatient and and Muffy That was somebody who love ignorance who lol. Although he could be arrogant himself but it was about really. To go straight to what is essential you know he didn't like comedy around that and yes he could be very brusque with his colleagues and he had a very fateful meeting of course when he met angles the 2 of them together form a unique partnership of opposites working toward a common currency is talk a little bit about angles because he came from his father owned a factory he was part of the bush was easy and yet. It was much more than that is it father was the big capital is he had several factories in Germany and also in Manchester and he was you know Angus could have made a fortune just you know being the good son of Mr angle but he'd decided otherwise he was part of the young and telling of the time when who could not accept the giving situation as something that should stay for ever and like Marx like Janie they decided to to break with their own a social class that the real sacrifice people it's easy to say well you know I sympathize with with the pool I sympathize with with the working class but they went further than that they risked everything they were not Salone lefties they were really they decided to you know to cut all of the link if necessary and Mosman you know you know there is this famous sentence Ray said you know in his later years when he was still working on the capital and he was very sick and he say Well nobody has ever ruled so much about money we are having so little. To live with right and it really. Tells a lot about his own life you know he lost 2 children who died in very young age you know less than 2 years old and fall for the sake of one is boy he had they had to put in as a slave but they have to rely on money to be able to buy a coffin for the baby so it was really a hard life and but they did as it they you know it was their decision from the get go and and you see it was also the character of Jenny you know she she knew that what was the deal with Mox you know she had she could have married anybody she was very well known in Korea she was a beautiful woman his father had money half brother became a minister of interior of course so she had everything to be a totally wealthy and happy lady and but no she made a choice and she said Well that was important to her and and she didn't want to do to be just bald by this you know wealth and wanted a life of meaning let's talk about the cast you've got a wonderful group of actors in fact I just saw the key Cripps I think is her name I just saw her in the phantom read yesterday as well and August steel he was familiar to audiences through Inglorious Basterds another these actors because they really are a wonderful group that you've managed to put together yes well we had really extensive casting throughout Europe and August I knew very early on and I preferably take particularly in Europe in the U.S. It's different but in Europe I tend to take actors who have a great experience in T.X. Because they are so good in knowing a. To build a cactus and to build it not just through dialogue but through their bodies through the way they walk through the way the grass and center are so I knew that that was the direction in August is 1 of the greatest actors in Germany and then Europe so and the 2nd thing I want to have actors who really spoke all 3 languages you know not just to not just one but all 3 so they pick all 3 to speak perfectly fine dream and English so and so that you could really sometimes not improvise but I could change the dialogue on on set and without having to go you know with somebody helping them how to pronounce hard to say it in the not the language so that was really genius in order to work with them and be at ease and and be as natural as possible and the last thing it it is exactly the reality because when you read those letters their letters there with you know in the middle of a letter in German they would throw a French that or an English phrase you know that's the way they really wrote and lived you know they were really international already at the time they were repaired before Rock existed as an institution and also I can see how you would relate to that because looking at your bio born in Haiti you've lived in the Congo Germany the United States you you're very global in your perspective too so maybe that's part of what drew you to this subject as well that you've you've seen a lot through the through the eye one of many countries to help Yes that did help and it gives me a sort of this tense as well to be you know when you you have a point of view that these as well are from you know one side and the other side and. So you you all of you know that gives you an advantage to create to understand the differences and use the differences sometimes and of course I felt at home using all those 3 languages in my real life it happened to me all the time. You know you can hear my bad English but it's because you know it takes me always you know 23 weeks to to get my accent. The same in German I speak German I speak French and so but I really use the language as a tool not it's not important for me if I make mistakes it's an important too to you know to be able to express myself and to understand what somebody is telling me and you have also a very much more direct connection to people so I of course are used for the well it's a very human film and when I particularly like about it is people who maybe only know about Marx to political rhetoric on both sides of the coin can really get to know a little bit more of the history and I think for a lot of people this can really open the door to a curiosity about Marx you know I recently saw the National Theatre of Great Britain just in a wonderful play called Young Marx with Rory canary it's kind of farcical it's very funny and I was looking in some of the notes here about your film and it mentions that I think it was Edmund Wilson described Marx as the greatest satirist since Jonathan Swift and we know normally don't associate humor with Karl Marx but that. Isn't is an important part of it as well. It's a guy 1st always an incredible writer any Shakespeare fanatic What of it game way to daughters what recites Shakespeare you know so I was yes he was. Many of these time you know and very at some point recognize people forget but when he finished the 1st book of the Capitol he send one to Tao we. Send him in to send him is book as well and we donate are saying I hope that both of our work will help this world become a better world that's the man that was in the middle of his time he wrote a telegram of congratulation to Abram Ingle after his election you know and speaking about slavery and the fact that I by many did reject every you know I saw he was a man of his time so that's important to say that's why the film had to be very truthful you know I didn't want to and then all the characters bare their real names we didn't invent one thing all character and there is nothing in the found that was not written credited or research properly I wanted people to be at ease and watching history in the making and hopefully I hope that people will be curious enough to go and get the book and read about it the same way you know a lot of people start reading James Baldwin after the film and I hope the same thing happened here too because it's it's really important to understand that we know so little about how the world is functioning how all society is functioning and it's surely in the time where those who should know like the current president are the one confusing everybody you know so that's a time where knowledge is even more important than before and it's the only way to push back that's sort of ignorance veiled that is invading us day after day on every issue but I'm really a very hopeful about you know the youth and I'm sure. About young people who all revolting you knew all thinking of you know and by the way who gets it you know it has to be understood. The relationship between making profit selling arms. Actually of pollution will refuse to stop you know if you know they are getting money. But young children you know $1718.00 they got it and that could lead us to the box and I doubt it's exactly what's going on exactly and you know it's a it's a beautiful I know our time is limited and I have to let you go but I do want to give you a standing invitation to come back to talk about your next project of course you're an extraordinary documentarian with the James Baldwin film which I highly recommend to everybody if you haven't seen it to get a copy of that and see it but you bring that document Terry an authenticity and truth as you say to this feature the young Karl Marx It's a beautifully shot film as well you really do get a sense of the authenticity of the period and the history because if we don't know our history then we certainly can't move into the future with that knowledge that so important of where this all came from in this age where everything has to be instant Internet instant this instant that it's so important to look back on the the history and a time when these ideas really shape the world that we're living in for better and or. Thank you very much thank you I appreciate it thank you Raul and again my guest Israel packed the filmmaker behind the young Karl Marx thank you so much roll it so it's a wonderful film and I think so informative but also very very entertaining and engaging as well thank you thank you. Very interesting he's a fascinating filmmaker. Oscar nominated of course for the James Baldwin documentary and his latest film the young college marks his plane at Langley is royal or Lemley is playhouse 7 in Pasadena every once and she'd see this only get rid of their own preconceived idea. Absolutely it's entertaining it's informative and I think it will really dispel a lot of misconceptions are out the origins of this great great philosopher artists a journalist a writer be on call marks by my guest. That was via phone and it was a wonderful interview with him pack so what we're offering for our fun drive here by calling 8189855735818905 K P F K for 75 dollars we'll give you the companion book to the James Baldwin film I'm Not Your negro by Raul Roopak for 75 dollars and we will add on a pair of tickets to see his latest film the young comics which we spent the last 20 minutes talking about so I hope that now is the time for you to call and support arts and culture here on K.P.S. Case support Pacifica performance showcase which is my shadow and arts in review which is Julio Martinez show and speaking of live theater we have another wonderful premium The Black History Month catalog of A Raisin In The Sun Stick Fly crumbs from the table of joy and bastard Harold and the desire from the record before a live audience for future radio broadcasts theater works and as an add on you can get from them at a live recording to Rhonda starting Julian Sands which will be playing at the James bridges theatre at U.C.L.A. From March 15th 16th 17th and 18th please Yes And also we do have the the passes the flex passes for the Gary Mark. Theatre and those are good through June so are the bone tears how about this information if it's a little confusing for you the important thing is that you get on the phone and call it 189855735818985 K P F K pledge your support $75.00 will get you the James Baldwin back plus the calm call marks tickets for the movie theater. Or the L.A. Theatre Works pack a play as we've still got the Tom Bradley D.V.D. So whatever your pledge you're supporting K P F K supporting arts and culture but don't call 8189855735818985 K P F K and stay tuned for more our special fungi programming. This is the less of his case web guy and I just want to remind our listeners both on the airwaves and in cyberspace that during a fundraiser You can also pledge online just go to Cape to escape dot to check out a pledge card with all the wonderful thank you gifts that you heard mentioned during your favorite program you can also read descriptions and see pictures of gifts offered from all of K.P. a Face program plus the chance to join the K P S K film club at a special rate or you can pledge any cash amount you like using our secure online system remember K P A K is powered by the people so whether you're listening from around the world or around the block just log on to take you to dot org and show your support thanks. And this is Allen Minsky and it is K P F K D when you pledge support to K P F K Our primary thank you gift is something I encourage everybody to get it is 180 dollars pledge and. I know that's a lot that's $15.00 a month but it does $200.00 interviews by Mitch as a rich from letters and politics is the Mitch history PAC And yeah I have the lists in front of me it's a phenomenal it's 4 pages of just small print single interview entries and I'm going to be telling you about it over the next few minutes it's $180.00 pledge we ever go $3000.00 we really want to get there because this is the last day for letters and politics I want to big show support for you the kind of history in the media that you find nowhere else in the United States of America other than a show like letters in politics other than the what we do here keep your faith up north in Berkeley and K P F K in Southern California the number to pledge support to K P S K is 818985573581895 K.P.H. And I have to say the issue of anti 5 right now in Southern California of course is a huge issue as the right wing in America and the right wing media machine tries to create them as sort of the demons of the moment to try to energize their base and to misrepresent them historically and misrepresent them for what they are in the present and that is certainly going on from the right wing media but his point is it is down here it is super poignant up in Berkeley California where I'm joined by Mitch riches in Berkeley right now and thank you again for a brilliant interview Mitch you know it's really fascinating Alan is the fact that we are once again talking about ideas ranging on a spectrum from Marxism an Anarch and I'm all the way to fascism and they're just not theoretical anymore right there right playing out and activism out on the street and in our political discourse and I never I always thought these would be abstract things that we would be tackling with mostly has been throughout my my lifetime but something as it's changed and I guess I know and really fascinating a little bit scary the same time and what we wanted to do. I've entered a history out of what Auntie fails and what Auntie ashes on it and you know what we are grappling with the issues up here and you know late in late in some ways reminds me of the Occupy movement when you had black block and that whole debate and we get into this conversation that you can get for a pledge of $25.00 events but we actually get into the conversation and I think there are critical views that are that are valid about. The type of tactics as well I personally have seen beatings of people that I'm not entirely sure were fascist or were Nazis and are not concerning to me but at the same time I do think it's also important to understand what needs folks are with the history of it is what has happened with fascism throughout the decades and you know even to look out at the beginning of fascism of course Alan I'm eternally thankful to you for bringing the vast majority of today's program to the air again I know we have other programs that we could put on the air at this time I want to raise the probably a lot of money and it's really important for a radio station K P S K to raise money right now because we have what we call this fund drive to fund drive type of existence it's akin to a paycheck to paycheck out of existence and we all make our goals Well we go off the air and we lose that precious radio station and believe me if we lose it as we don't get it back because there will be a commercial interest ready to gobble it up the minute we would lose that license and so what this is really about is keep raising money to keep the radio station on the air so Alan had a lot has a lot of pressure on him to make sure that did our brings and makes its goal but and so Alan reach out to me earlier in the week and said hey we're going about bringing doing a few of these things that we think well you know raise money to keep to raise money to keep this radio station on the air and I said well you know I have had a few shows and I'm I'm I'm. Really into it and I think our important line on the life and work of Henry David Thoreau and how to row grappled with his own essay on civil disobedience really a gift he gave to us civil disobedience and say and then how at the same time he also supported was one of the few people to support John Brown's violent raid on our person and then yesterday show about how the United States played an inspirational role to Nazis in Germany and coming up with race lost to me that was also an important show and I felt like Today show is really important too to dive into these things that we usually say but do we really know what they are an obviously today that is and teeth. We didn't make our goal either of the last 2 days we cannot about a $1000.00 short and Alan still kept with this plan and I'm really thankful to him for doing it now but I'm also a little bit concerned because well that makes him a little bit of one old bull for not being able to make our goal at this hour so my friend if you appreciate what we have done we have one of these shows like this coming up next week when we're not in fun Dr we will not be forced to interrupt them towards the end like we are today during this fund right if you support if you support this radio program if you want to show that we can make our goal here I'm asking you to donate really whatever you can afford to get a $25.00 pledge of that's what's reasonable for you thank you for that and if $500.00 or a $1000.00 is reasonable for you and you could do it without even having to check the bank balance and your own bank balance and folks is everyone doing what they can according to their own means that's how we make that happen this hour we move forward together but I need your help right now to show that yeah we can do to type of programming and still make our 3000 dollars goal so the phone number is 81898557358189855735 and of course I. On line at K P F K O R G And I don't let people know that what if they are going to pledge at a level of 180 dollars or less whatever you can pledge share your email you do need to share your email for me to be able to send you the full version of today's interview in fact the last 3 interviews were all coming through the ones on Henry David Thoreau yesterday's interview can credible with Professor Whitman from Yale way to Nazi laws influenced were influenced by the American Jim Crow laws and racist laws even proceeding the defeat of the Confederacy so 818-955-7358 extension 1895 K.P.H. The history packed misjudging reaches history back 200 hours of material it is available for $180.00 pledged and there's really nothing like it available that I know of as a collection from any public media outlet or really anywhere in the United States this deals with so many different issues of history you really are dealing with the entire world the history of the entire world to say one incredible subset of interviews and actually interest burst around a number of the PACs it's not just the history of those impact or the interviews you've done on the history of Islam and that those are amazing a collection of interviews some of my favorite history of Islam and the events and electoral achievements in science and medicine and literature I want to know that when you talk about we don't that are all you know several They're amazing because again they are they and they are distributed across and of course also the role of Islam comes in when you're dealing with a number of the other subjects that are covered here because of the recent history of the Middle East is also covered well across these interviews the economic history PAC is included here that's something we've spoken about and offered previously the entire thing is here that includes Richard Wolfe on democratic socialism Mark Blythe very popular on the history of austerity Nomi Prins on 100 years of banking I mean this is this is a GREAT stuff I want to single out so many of these and of course I don't have time the one on double entry bookkeeping you know when you have. Have the situation where you don't understand their tell you economics is complex and then you hear them talk and it also seems complex and you don't understand it that one hour interview will do more to clear your thinking and be make you able to understand the kind of obvious story language that you hear from people from the financial press so there's so much to learn about on so many fronts here because this is such an incredible collection of the fascism economics and resistance PAC you have the Russian Revolution and World War One history packed the women's pack the political history pack you have the 500 year reformation and legacy pack that's of course the newest addition to the collection all of these have $131415.00 interviews and when you add them all up it comes to $200.00 interviews and 200 hours all of them unique you do have of course some of the many celebrity voices public intellectual voices making contributions to the PAC But what Mitch does spectacularly is he minds from the incredible intellectual wealth that exists in the American dream and global university systems fantastic interview with an Oxford professor about Martin Luther is included here but again this is these are people who rarely make it into the media and he really brings out because they understand this is a public media parents the best of their life's work to hone in and to bring this information to you about the historical specialty that they know about and again unique to these compared to anything like the History Channel which in so many ways as we can fall short of this but even anything on C.N.N. Mitch brings out from these authors the political relevance of the historical subject matter for the president in interview after interview it's an incredible incredible collection 8189855735818985 K P F K I hope we just have a big show support for radio at this level of intelligence and you will not be disappointed in this phenomenal thank you gift that you will get. Here's one Thomas Ricks a great person I just look at the list on Churchill and Orwell I must have been yeah and Orwell and Orwell role in what he did what he experienced and eat and civil war that is amazing and then just looking at this one on the Hillary Clinton campaign that would be amazing to hear Rebecca sold it on writing books and politics she's of course again a meeting public intellectual of our time again so many phantom you have the one about the Electoral College with the guy who came up a cool read M.R. Again Professor you know law school came up with the idea that subgame gaining popularity that if only the majority of electoral college votes states representing the majority agree that it will go to the what is it the winner of the popular vote and that will of course undermine the base of the eliminate the Electoral College and there's that right here with him about the history of the Electoral College everyone and how electoral college is very much connected to slavery in order to keep slavery and thank it you know when the constitution said that slaves are 2 thirds of a person and that it all tied in together and order to protect slavery and of course the Electoral College the last time we had a Republican president each Republican president at least they're in their 1st term George W. Bush and now Donald Trump locked the popular vote but won the electoral vote which is really remarkable to think about you have your biography pack your you have your history pack of radical years you have Emma Goldman vet Eugene Victor Debs W.E.B. Dubois John Reid Helen Keller socialist people if you don't know that Marcus Garvey Upton Sinclair Leon Trotsky and so many more and you have you know great people too who are becoming more prominent public intellectuals like Rick Perlstein on his subject is funny I'm mentioning now and I can't find where his entry is but that was a your conversations were crossing I rate it yeah Nixon on the silent majority Yanis Varoufakis on the rise of the European right that's of course relevant to today's conversation Adam Hochschild a great historian on the Spanish Civil War so much Year $81895.00. 573-581-8985 K P F K the number to call 280 dollars pledge David Graber on the history of debt John Nichols on American socialism 818955735 Alex Cohen the coast of brilliant. Global radical intellectual encore marks 189-557-3581 extension 895 K.P. a Few $100.00 pledge for this entire pack share your e-mail you'll also get the most recent interviews that we've had interrupt Mr as rich as well as a whole wealth of other material when you share your email that'll come in a link 818-985-5735 but you will get this by the way on a memory stick and you can plug it in and listen to all 200 of these you will have 2 years of brilliant brilliant history to learn from to share with your friends 818955735 I think we're doing well much I'm going to get a little bit of a phone room update and keep reminding people why it's a great time to call I'll carry it from here Allan. For me just say that you know $300000.00 that K.P. F.-K. Needed to be able to raise at and a short run drive it really money that this radio station needs in order to stay on the air for the upcoming months really through the end of the year and if you think about the important things that are coming back Congress will be back in session and they're going to be looking with issues around having to pass a budget or they'll be a government shutdown Donald Trump is saying that he wants money for the border wall to be connected to that that's going to be. A huge fight there is the debt ceiling there is so much more that's going on and everything that's going on with the rise of right wing populism left wing populism now turning into balls in the middle of the street it's crazy I never you know I read about what has happened in one Mar Germany and now all the united things I never thought I would see these type of times and I don't. Lifetime but they're here there are elements of it here I don't know how how long it's going to last I don't know if it portends something in the future but there is something going on and our body politic right now and if we donate there we have an extreme danger right now and not having a radio station like a P. F. K. On the air to be a part of the national dialogue and even the local dialogue throughout Southern California on the regional dialogue down there to to include voices and perspectives that you know about this radio station a historic radio station I'm not sure of a radio station like a P.S.K. Could have really made it anywhere else but Los Angeles right in the great shirt the progressive tradition of our struggles but we also have a really great progressive tradition down in Los Angeles is well known not sure if K.P. a Cake and I made it anywhere else more than 50 years ago but at the same time I don't know if L.A. Is this wonderful place that we all love is what it is without the influence decade after decade of a radio station like a P.S.K. It is a part of your cultural fabric it is a part of your tradition your historic tradition it doesn't receive money from the government it doesn't receive money from corporations it doesn't take corporate under writings you'll never hear that this show on the history of anti fool is brought to you by Chevron because that one doesn't support those type of things and 2 we don't take money from Chevron it's you the listener it's right at the heart of what we do is the foundation of the sifaka radios the 1st radios network to successfully operate from listener funds alone and today I am telling you in this moment of need to support this radio station so that we can keep it going during these incredibly critical times 81898557358189855735 for a pledge of $180.00 again we will send you my. Which of the letters in politics not nature I know David back I appreciate it a little embarrassed but the truth is I have a team here I work with people like Deanna Martinez the great producer. Who's our Yes writer producer and we've had some many other people who work with us as well everyone doing what we can and that's when you do what you can so that that $180.00 pledge we're really excited this and you just we add and it's $25.00 I'm really excited to say welcome to the family if it's $500.00 I'm really excited said my friend you did what you can because it's going to take everyone doing what they can and think of it as a $500.00 pledge or a $1000.00 pledge pledge and for those folks who perhaps cannot afford a contribution right now so again 818-955-7358 line 89855735 always on line at Katie at Kate at large you know about Southern California in K P F K one of the things that I don't know if ever mentioned. When I've been on air with you but of course the Bay Area has an incredible tradition of being a progressive metropolitan area left metropolitan area and for many decades it's true that the oppressive leanings of the Bay Area were overwhelmed by the population in the post World War 2 or the population explosion in southern California which would have voted much further to the right on balance Well that changed in Southern California and Southern California is just really close the gap in terms of being almost as progressive in left leaning I mean of course you got include Orange County in there so we're not there yet but aren't counties changing too and now southern California joins Northern California and being a very progressive was especially when taken the measure of the United States politics metropolitan areas in the in the country N.K.P. Has been central to that and it remains and will remain central to the political evolution of Southern California but only if you call in and pledge support. 818-985-5735 I have no doubt in my mind that this little radio station here on the Queen a bill of art West has been central to the evolution of Southern California from the seat of Reaganism into being one of the most progressive metropolitan areas probably in the world and another thing to do because you're obviously a great you know you qualify by the way as a great historian at this point I'll be at a very you know a clock tick in your knowledge now having done all these brilliant interviews one thing I raise to is Los Angeles is definitely one of the 2 or 3 and I would argue the most diverse metropolitan area in the history of humanity and New York City and excluding something like Washington D.C. Which can add to the diversity from very small numbers because of obviously all the diplomats from the various countries that's that's an exceptional in that international capitals but you know in terms of the diversity of significantly sized communities in Southern California and you look at humanity obviously due to globalization due to the change in transportation I believe this is probably the most diverse metropolitan area in the world and K P F K is central to the evolution of this metropolitan area in terms of again the fact of incorporating communities otherwise had really no voice anywhere other than K P F K So call $818985573581895.00 K.P.H. Came in we did get a $500.00 pledge and I want to thank everybody that's been put on this board here Denise to American Samuel Harwood and David again I think I mentioned him earlier Thelma Raphael thank you so much for your donation very generous sir and Galen Johnson Luis Armand and John Moore join the folks are the phone lines are open right now because they were packed a little while ago 8189855735818985 K. P.S.K. Last chance to get rich is history PAC You will not be dissatisfied with this incredible collection 200 hours of material I could talk about any one of these interviews for myself almost a whole hour 818-985-5735 we have 3 lines open mics we got to fill those 3 lines. We're going to go just about 60 seconds past the top of the hour now he is the program director justice one hour I'm going to take responsibility for that 818985573581895 K P F K This is K P F K Radio 90.7 F.M. Los Angeles 98.7 Santa Barbara 93.5 in San Diego 99.5 and reach Christian Lake also much potentially the radio station that's over the air signal reached more people than any in the country and if I told you I also saw Mitchell to get the importance of that signal go for it and think about the importance of that signal and what happens if we were to lose it and that's really what we're talking about right now 81955735 folks I'm asking I'm I'm thankful to all the folks who have already called and I don't know if we're at our goal yet and I would hate not to be able to end by getting to our goal sometimes out and but 81895 but it's 735 I need you to go to your phones right now if you have found any type of value from this radio program whatsoever 818-985-5735 extension 1 Line A K P F K D O R G And you know I'm always humbled to hear Alan talk about this act I would just say I'm I'm not a historian I'm a student I'm right there with you discovering the world and it is just a great pleasure for me to be able to share that and if you've enjoyed his journey I'm hoping you'll support this radio station because it is his radio station that makes it possible 829855735 online activity F K O R G Mitch thank you so much for everything you do we have 2 lines open I hope people fill them thank you Mitch I'm appreciative you Alan and everyone so thank you thanks so much Mitch and I do have to give people this update right now which is that we have not yet made our goal for today and you know we have only a couple minutes now until the top of the hour and folks numbers 818-985-5735 the truth is the Pacifica Radio is in a very dire financial situation is really no fault of an. One of us out here in Southern California what has happened is that our sister station in New York basically there was a large debt there was a crude a node to the Empire State Building which is the place where the station transmits from and there were questions and reasons to challenge the size of that debt it went to court and the decision went against. Subside a substantial money is now and it's necessary right now for everybody who cherishes shows like letters and politics and the totality of K P F K who recognizes that this is a distinct broadcast media outlet that brings a perspective that simply is not heard anywhere else in broadcast media in Southern California to step up and help us out give what ever you can give a member if you give $25.00 we'll make sure that you get the interview that you didn't hear the entirety of this hour if you give $180.00 you get that interview plus hundreds upon hundreds of other interviews an amazing collection the Miss Macis repack he keeps getting Roger keeps getting deeper and keeps getting full of even more wisdom and wise reflection upon the past and making clear the past relevance for the present which is just really done an unrivaled series of interviews about history so pick that up 180 our pledge call and give whatever you can because Pacifica Radio we really need to raise as much money as possible right now to make sure this radio station remains on the air and that number again is 818-955-7358 extension 1895 K P F K I don't want to mince words if you're listening to K P F K Right now you know the K P F K is absolutely different stands apart from every other broadcast media outlet in Southern California and very specifically because we do not turn a blind eye to any of the realities of American society. The economic inequities the racial injustices the structural inadequacies and injustices of American society and how it is that something as abominable as the phenomenon the political phenomenon of Donald Trump as the president has come to pass and we look at the United States socially economically culturally spiritually and so this is an absolutely essential institution for Southern California so please call 818-985-5735 I know it's a bit of a cliche in these kind of instances to say now more than ever but yeah really now more than ever you know I didn't get to be on air more during the fund you know with Mitch with me in Miss Masters with a slew of other programmers too and you know causes me to really reflect on what this era signifies with Donald Trump as the president United States and just the other day I was on with psychologist Professor Douglas and he talked about the kind of despair that has set in it can tin you to spread in the era of Donald Trump OK P.S.K. Is not about despair it's about the power of insight and also the power of people who are building movements that recreate in reinvigorate a sense of social hope K P F K is unique it needs to remain here over the airwaves to Southern California and you can help make sure that that remains the case by calling 189-855-7358 extension 1895 K.P.H. And you can do no better than picking up this incredible collection of interviews by Mitch Jessa rich midges history packets of $180.00 pledged it is absolutely encyclopedic in scope 818-985-5735 we just need a couple more people to call to make a go call and give whatever you can 818985573581895 K P F K Thank you again Mitch and thanks to all those who are calling and keep those phone calls coming. 818-985-5735. This is. This is. This is. This is. Simply use our. Program and not be able to support your favorite programs. Produce the number of days. By just using. You can help us. By entering. In a text message to the number. Then add. It's that simple. For one thing to donate 25 dollars 50 dollars 100 dollars or what ever you can. Really wants to shorten the next fund and with your help a day off the drive to. U.C.L.A. Center for the art of performance presents my lay by the Kronos Quartet on Friday March 9th at Royce Hall the infamous 1968 massacre of an armed Vietnamese villagers by American soldiers provides the context for this gripping new chamber opera featuring tenor Eckert and multi instrumentalist. For tickets and more information go to K.P. . Or cap U.C.L.A. . Is a proud media sponsor if U.C.L.A. Center for the art of performance in 1900 season. Was this is. P.S.K. 9.7 F.M. Los Angeles point 7 F.M. In Santa Barbara 93.7 F.M. In San Diego and 99.5 F.M. In Ridgecrest in China Lake also strong online at K P S K W. We already. Will tell us if. We're getting close to the end of the fund I do you feel it in the air people do you feel it I don't know happy a good like we are that's right we are on our way to wrapping up our wonderful 2018 Winter Fun drive and I am in studio with my wonderful mazing awesome dearest friend can you talk any more Maggie that's how it's coworker friends and a calmer. Confidant. Already gone now but we're going to have a lot of fun with sour and we're going to be doing it best out of this winter fine drive and folks it's almost over it's almost over so we love you we appreciate you while. What can you say. But I will have a lot to say Christine because we really do have some amazing things to talk about we do end and join the course you know the course of this Funder I have we have some definite standouts so to speak of course everything the.

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