And your friendly investigative blogger journalist troublemaker and muckraker from Brad Blog dot com and the k p f k's the bread cast which you can now listen to 5 days a week that's right the Brad cast is now daily We're live on air Wednesdays but the other 4 days of the week you can get your fix by downloading the show from the k p f k dot org archives join me and Desi Dion further Brad Cass now on air at 3 pm Wednesdays and every day of the week via the k p f k dot org archives Your welcome this is by McGovern You're listening to radio powered by the people k p f k $90.00 f.m. In Los Angeles and streaming on the web at k p f k dot org Radio 99 percent of the past 2 hours on keeping of radio you've been listening to a national special about the political crisis in the country in the wake of the events in Charlottesville about 9 days ago this is Alan Ischia keep the radio in the next hour we're going to hear half of this week's Jimmy door show which normally would have played in the last hour and half just yours informed rant show which normally would be in this hour obviously both have been impacted by the National Special So now Jimmy door is only going to be 30 minutes but we love Jimmy and of course he'll be back at his regular time next week. Get ready for an outstanding entertainment program the Jimmy doors show. RINGBACK How to recognize. RINGBACK The low have known Jimmy happy to be with you heard him again while he was a go a body Thank you so much for having me Jimmy welcome again Sol pleased to be here Ok but you you called me this is an unsolicited phone call you know you know that what today's edition of the new owners you own came no news disheartening and disgusting the events of last weekend in Charlottesville Oh absolutely not now you're on the line I'm interested in what you might have to say about Charlottesville it's heartening Jimmy disheartening and disgusting it reminds me of when I 1st became president of Godfather's Pizza was that well as you may not know the fast food franchises have what is called an operational montra in the case of Godfather's aws was s c Q At c Q That stood what you all had good Sorry don't interrupt me I'm trying to explain an abbreviation to you da man. Yes Seeing can do that stood for a service cleanliness and quality Ok Where were you headed with this Harmon as 1st service provided to the customers seeing for cleanliness all the restaurant and of course kill for quality of product Ok but what does this have to do with Charlottesville hang on Jimmy airplane as it left the runway yet all right all right Montreaux is a stand Scrat word meaning sacred arents and your company must embody that message especially when taken to the streets if those marchers wanted to be successful in making them it's a turd they should have considered the 1st letter asked for service. And I would usually tack on another s. For a smile. None of the old faces in the front of a crowd would ever be fit to serve a clientele of Godfathers you understand lots of weird toons in that group if they worked at my restaurant I want to had them reassigned up back to the kitchen to great Chinese clean out the mop bucket and what not service means grading the customer with a smile and Abby face really not following you here Herman what customer seeing is for cleanliness. Now you and I might have differing definitions of what cleanliness me. Not really a parallel example comparing those lunatics to employees at a pizza restaurant now that I mean banish the 2nd letter is the cleanliness of the restaurant. No no I'm sorry Herman I gotta stop you this is a thick exercise and I don't appreciate you giving any pointers to those races idiots do you even understand metaphor or do you mean yeah you know just another lib trying to silence Folsom speak out against violence on both sides. Ems and the lambs and some Republicans in the media and most folks on Twitter twist in the president's words condemning his condemnation that's ludicrous what's ludicrous is your willingness to conflate Nazis with the people standing up to nazis now your word smithing the gym a door Trump said there was violence on many sides there were those creating violence in Charlottesville and those creating violence in Durham pulling down a statue again again those aren't equal Herman destruction of property is not violence tearing down those Confederate monuments was an attempt by the dams and the libs to well race our national history and making people angry and of the past does not make them smarter though you think the Confederacy is a shameful part of America's past and that it should be memorialized woods that you need I remind you that there are no statues of Hitler in Germany only memorials for the victims of the whole accost people are upset with Trump because he quitting real Nazis with those who oppose Naziism is important she will position for a president the United States that take rather than worrying about whether Trump said danced all vat all that of is to this fact that all matter over bang up a 0 down back all around the corner of saying that no one cares about we need to focus on the right issue we made the right issue which is that we have a strong leader in the White House dams and labs are criticizing him just because he didn't get the words exactly right exactly when I took over Godfather's Pizza. We were headed for bankruptcy and it was my job to turn that ship all right now yes I got criticized Yes I got 2nd guessed so why do you want a man in charge you after do what you will feel is best which in Trump's case is siding with me over that she's Ok Herman it's becoming more evident with each passing day atrocious ministration that there are actual white supremacists in the White House Nazis which should be beyond unacceptable to Americans the people still defending Trump at this point so like Nazi apologists are you a Nazi apologist. Before you go one more of what I'm still going to hear what I want for your. I forgot to state during during the call hey. You can't beat. This hard. To. Convince me to send the kids. You're. Trying to tell me if you know. Everybody welcome to this week's g b door show it's company to you lads from Burbank comedy festival that's right this is recorded live in front of the lab studio audience that was last August 16th that's right so let's get there what's coming up on today's show where we're going to examine Trump's president of birth and only the way we can about a black audience and that trump the Bears is based we take a look at that also. William still handsome as ever. We tackle the question how do you fight Nazis How are progressive supposed to fight Nazis Plus we got phone calls today well you already heard her make a. Mitt Romney and Bird. Calls it plus a lot more than that they give people. More. So here's Trump yesterday let's just get into it here he is yesterday I like Oh this is not a good sign when you have to say this during you know David Duke was there when you have to say I didn't know David Duke was there things can only go one way from there I say here he goes here we go I wanted to see the facts you want to see the. Trumps all about the facts. And the facts are the facts I he's all about the facts and the truth is Rodney King look angry. This isn't just a good joke or maybe left really hard but it's just where Trump wants the facts here's a guy who took an ad out in the newspaper wanting the death penalty for 5 black kids and turned out to be innocent and he's still yet to apologize and he just wants the facts. Ok but you know. When you say they all try to. Define all right to me You Ok so now she's going to find all right for him and watch how fast the stuff done to go home and see as it was designed to find them at the scene really what. She thought well decided to go Ok you're going to do it I'm actually going to. Ask you another question. Here we go. Your Choose Me What about the old left they came charging at the as you say the old right do they have any semblance of guilt this is what me ask you this what about the fact they came charging to I think came charging with clubs and they hand swing in clubs do they have any problem yet see the. He was the facts right there was a guy who drove a car into a group of peaceful protesters maybe hey I want the facts maybe maybe the car was vote. Ok they do it so it's easy I'm not all left and tacked all to rights I'm going to have to say. Sorry we scared you skinheads. Well she said I remember though I remember the 1st time they all left attacked the all right it was Normandy. Thank you I thought that's what you're supposed to say what are you supposed to do that when you see a Nazi that's what I got I know screw me I'm all World War 2. And then it's like yeah that's by the way it's fucked all left that was started by Sean Hannity it was picked up by the corporate his Democrats right like Markos. And attend in Joan Walsh right so they use the Allt left to mean people what single payer just like Nazi just like Nazis. You want single payer what kind of communist are you oh they do have single parent Russia and free college so. Exceptionalism anyway so here we go watch this very closely much more closely than you people watch it and you have you had a good He wants the facts ladies and gentlemen this is a guy who started the birth of the movement he was the facts. For one side that was bad and you had a group on the other side that was also very violent and nobody wants to say that it was but I'll say it right now you had a group you had a group on the other side and they came charging in without a permit and they were very raw. How could you not have a permit when you're going to go fight the same thing happened when the. That's when I was like. General Patton C'mere let me see your paperwork. When the same thing happened when the Indians took down Custer no. Permit no permits needed in America that's what they do or did what we were. There the old Indigenous and. All to didn't is. That and the oranges hash that were all the digits it's worth doing tonight you know just to get that life. Let's listen a little bit more. Getting the whole left is the same as he the Nazis. Those people all of those people excuse me I've condemned neo nazis I've condemned many different groups I'm not by condemning I mean I'd 1st to signal to them but many times I've let them know what they're doing I'm Ok with by by condemning I mean going. Those people were neo nazis believe me not all of those people were white supremacist by any stretch. Let me to. Let me just say this. If you're if you're Chris Rock and he said there's 10 Nazis marching and you decide to March with your of Nazi Ok that's just the way. It is to me maybe I had a permit to just walk on the street the same day as my a Nazi brother and all we all it permits Yeah. Well then I guess you're good you're a good person you don't have to look to pull off that you know I'm not happy with this dual war it's just crazy that he says he wants he wants the facts I want to get the facts from a guy who called Trump University a university. He took White's facts so much he had his administration create alternative points. I'm not putting anybody who in a more plain what I'm saying Ah. No planes of moral no. We have more a place that makes argument up Ok no one's going on a moral plane because I have a travel ban so nobody. Banned the moralists from traveling there and their detriment to our country you had a good one sided you had a group of the other and they came at each other with clubs and it was vicious and it was horrible and it was a horrible thing to watch I said that about Auschwitz I was like what's going to be nice are going to try to use that phrase or are things you doing you know that stuff it's dark humor. What's happening here present. But there is another side that was a group for that's right that's what I sent to that's what I said during World War 2 I was like there's a there's act condemned violence by everybody the Nazis the Jews Gypsies they're all. I don't it's like we're making the same joke over and over but it's fun. You can call them the lefty you just call them the left that came by literally attacking the other group so you can say what you want but that's the way it is. You said there was peace for those was Muslim. It is a blatant Yes I think this is blame on both sides you look at both sides I think there's blame on both sides but yeah I think there is blame on both sides there's blame on the Nazis right it is the people you know oppose them. It's Ok to oppose Nazis That's right. And by the way one of bunch of guys were in polo shirts and khaki pants carrying torches go into a Virginia town to protest a statue you can be sure those guys are getting really. Cut up Friday night Ok. You guys go about a trophy what you can try to bang someone right. Maybe a nice Jewish girl but. That's so wrong so I got it Sal Yeah I got to tell you most girls when a guy put a bloody gun in their hand they would run in scream but I got to be honest I kind of turned me on. Because you spent your day writing a banister. All right so there's more of this speech that I don't know if you want to hear it I have no doubt about it and you don't have any doubt about it either I'm not rushing John was a slave owner says George Washington a slave owner was so will George Washington now lose his status you're changing so so they're saying essentially because because the Robert e. Lee stats your whole soul George Washington was also a slave owner Yeah but we don't arrest statues to George Washington to honor his slave holding right we read statues to George Washington to honor his breaking from England and the king and leading us to a revolution which Kate freedom to not everybody yet but a lot of people that's what it what that's what that was about so when you elect when you were Rectus. That's used Robert Lee you're writing a statue to a guy who's only famous because he fought a war for only 3 that's the only reason why you were elected that by the way. That statue went up in 1990 right that was statue there so when the black guys who fought in World War One came back that was it'll let them know you're still a 2nd class citizen and that's why they were correct that that statue in the 1st place Ok so it's a big difference between a confederate statue and a statue of Thomas Jefferson or a statue of George Washington yes it was you know during the time of slavery so that's a different that would be that didn't we're not honoring their And here is to the slavery of their day we're honoring their adherence to liberty we're as you're honoring Robert Lee said here and says you know trying to fight for slavery Ok let me get this straight that all the statues of our white guys. Yes but to different reasons for different white guys the bronze I'm not the. Brass and they're right and there's there are right this science that all the beautiful statues that Native Americans the all the you know the yard incidents yes you know now you don't know I'm starting to get upset. So was a little changing culture and you had people and I'm not talking about the neo nazis and the white nationalist because they should be condemned totally and someday I will but I'm. But not until after the next election I'm. So you had many people in that group other than neo nazis and white nationalists Ok There were people in that rally and I looked the night before if you look they were people and he look what you do protest ing very quietly they're protesting very quietly because that's the whole point of approaches not to say or write. I sometimes I protest write my own house I hope I'm being quite enough for. My buddy my neighbors and so I'll keep it down I don't want to but anybody with. That. If I may be quite enough for their khaki pants polo shirts and tiki torches. And the thing was that I didn't understand because last night normally monthly tiki torches meeting happened and everybody I get a lot of negative comments from people in the park I'm going to just. Anyway that's. Good I think it was the taking down of the statue of Robert e. Lee I'm sure in that group there was a bed was the following day it looked like they had some rough bed people on the or not she's white nationalists whatever you want to call it but you would allow I want to call your base. Or your cabinet yeah ah. Ok frighted stared up. People in the group there with their 2 innocently protest. Oh. Right well you. Was all right waves I always just correctly just. Right. It's like he's getting ready to take his high school graduation photo right. He's looking at us all really seductively and probably missiles or something yeah ah corny. You know popping. Out like. This he does look like a suit model. Where I could I could never get my tie to look that good next to my shirt I'm just like it came from the factory that way and then how does he not get any bronzing face turn around that collar I don't know how to sabotage the 2nd magic skill he heads. I were a blue shirt I got that stuff. He's worth He's were away and you may be optimistic for just a bit. Yeah you know this is there you're changing history and you're changing culture Yeah so what gets lost in all this is the fact there was actually progress taking place and. Yeah oh sure it's like that. They're taking the statues down right there's a reason the Nazis are. And defend something because it's being appropriately attacked and taken away so you're so right. I just don't like this here because I can only jokes about being that you are super un-Jewish like I happen to be Jewish but you know my mother still angry actually and she can't help herself she's as you might you live paying retail. I'm. Just because I'm thrifty not because I'm Jewish she says that that's a good thing. You're a comedy club owner. So I just want to say you know you're not supposed to have violence against there's violence on both sides this is this is like from 1944 years of this is captured at work and look at how we got violence. As if I could be about Hitler I don't know I'm like wow I want to go does he have a permit that's my uncle you. See early and you. See there's some bad Andre's with these guys you're just quietly shooting a you right into Captain America. She's a fine Arion sister who just wants to have a nice afternoon. She's not protesting and then here comes this liberal hot hand Ga-On this here well it is socialism a very well I think if you're going to school or whatever the nonsense he's talking about and here's a nice older gentleman has a nice little Charlie Charlie Chaplin fan I got to tell you I got a nice size dress rally's got a strap body looks like a person of interest respectable respectable right Ok and I guess he ran out of space to make a full cross right here. And here's a map he wants to go to you I say want to travel he's interested in different cultures and. Comes rolling out there. That's what the left always does eyelids. So. There was a how about him for Graham Bell with. This n.b.c. News this is his chief of staff Kelly listening to trump during that press conference Have you seen this is kind of fun watch this I want to see. That. He's just kind of like a prisoner looks like he's had a funeral. Right there doing it it looks like he's like oh God it's nice to know he still has a certain amount of shame right yes because that's what that is it's like Kelly just got named the minister of conscience. Right here we go. Very very very. Beautiful. For the. Days of the because. He's thinking I could put a doctor. He says Pray please have a stroke have a stroke have stroke that's a look you get when your friend is too drunk at the party except your friends of those powerful guy in the world. Are told you know them. Who are. These these guys look like they're planning their next fantasy football draft and. That guy is there he's Jewish but I'm not. That. Happy they were there I. Tell you standing there distinctly stop me stop please don't talk any more and he won't stop he won't stop he's like he's just like just Petrone with his friends going way too far. He says the energizer bunny of stupidity just keeps on going and going on this one to tell people you're right I just want to tell people that this is not a surprise so doctors some Republicans who are acting all Oh my God this is horrible they didn't know it was coming like this is true we know Trump is he was a birth or even after Prague Obama produced well here like everybody knew he was here he said listen tree I'll let you respond as a point but I just want to give the answer here the birth certificate was produced in 2011 you continue to tell the story and question the president's legitimacy in 201-213-1415 as. I know counters were I'm. Not. I can't go to. President. So and then when he sent me kicked off his campaign saying Mexicans were rapists and criminal I mean that's how he kicked off his campaign and then he said that the Mexican George couldn't be a judge has us banks again this is true well Here's Jake Tapper his that's his real name that was born a. Serious Jake Tapper is going to ask him about that what Hillary Clinton says this is racist attack and reject that if you are saying he can't do his job because of his race is that not the definition of racism I don't think so who. Is it water when I don't I don't think so I don't buy it. I don't buy it that's what they want you to think. About when you refused to rent to black people is that reason that really no no no nono no no no that's just gerrymandering on a local scale. So now we're getting. There denouncing Trump but they're not denouncing Trump denouncing the neo nazis and the whites are premises but not Trump and his. Embracing of them right and so I just want to tell us not so what the Democrats need to do now. It's make Trump stick to the Republicans like glue but you're not and that's how you take over the house in the Senate like that in 28 and then we get a progressive in there in 2020 this is the same I've been saying all along this is what it's going to should happen yes thank you this is all for now the Republican Party I heard a Republican today on n.p.r. Saying doesn't reduce the Republicans start all over with a new party that's only what they're saying today that's what they're saying so what the Democrats need to do is make Trump stick to the Republicans who are running for Congress and running for Senate but you know they won't because Hillary Clinton already didn't do that right she already Jodi said that Trump isn't like a regular Republican which the Democrats down ballot told her not to do that she already did that and the Democrats that's why the Democrats are now saying oh I misdoubt I missed George Bush that's the wrong things do you're normalizing war criminals because you don't like Donald Trump and that is thank you my whole point is no it's too late it's too late for the Republicans are trying to distance themselves from Donald Trump because of what he did yesterday because he's been doing that since he got in public life he had a hammer Barack Obama like a racist that he is from his perch at him for 4 years you know what that the long form birth certificate you know it is that thing nobody ever heard of till he had a black president. And you have your long form birth to the got to have my long words difficult I keep it in my wallet right next to my k.k.k. Card. Case never get pulled over driving through 1st and you know I'm talking about . So my whole point Jeff something really I don't this is the all birth certificate is the. My whole point is is Democrats are foolish and because they will do it though to let Republicans run away from Donald Trump it's going to be a tough thing for them because they're big. He still supports Donald Trump so why not watch the Republicans do mental gymnastics and twit some self in a pretzel trying to run as a conservative and as a Donald Trump supporter but distanced themselves from his racism and I'll tell you the only thing Republicans have going for them is they are running against Democrats don't know how to take advantage of his utterly thank you he's been like this all along this isn't anything new and you want more and so they knew he was even Donald Trump It minute Who was it while you knew damn well I was a snake. You took me in. Does that make sense that yes that makes sense. It's no secret that this guy was and they all rally around him anyway Ted Cruz didn't roll that calls for him to get people to vote for even just stunts just. To. Critics in the Republican Party went along with Donald Trump and they knew who he was so this is the test of the Democrats see if they can do one thing politically correct make Donald Trump state the Republican Party and if they can do it they'll take over the Congress and 20 scene but you and I both know they are. And what they're going to do is reach out to regular Republicans and go This is a right wing republican need to reach across the aisle and work with not Donald Trump is bad they're still want to focus on you know they're going to do that and they're going to do that and they're going to normalize regular Republicans who are in the tank for him anyway. You're listening to a broadcast that was recorded live Aug 16th and better big California this is the Jimmy show originating from 90.7 f.m. K.-p. Of Los Angeles and heard nationwide of the Pacifica network Unfortunately that's all of the Jimmy door show that we're going to be able to play this week regular hours from $2.00 to $3.00 Mondays but that was interrupted by our national special on the political crisis in the country in the wake of the demonstrations in Charlottesville last weekend and we now go to Josh hears in formed rant of course next week Jimi do are we back at 2 pm informed Bret will be back to keep us 3 pm hour going forward on Mondays you know Josh here with informed rant you're hearing a special. Form rant on your home your really our show takes place is real but this is a very important interview that I did with Julian we can hear more about it I should do these are amazing. Well you can find out more that's now down our way and the. Fashion and going to get insurance I want to spoil it for everyone literally in the camera. This Thursday. 5 mash deejays to stand up comedians so the interview Welcome back to inform my and my guest is Julian McCandless and not Macand. How you doing good I really get happy to be here thanks for having me yeah and this is actually something that's interesting is both the local language because we do a local show here k p f k but the show also is national and so the book you're working on is national and the book is opposition So let's talk about the book a little bit it's you know obviously in the title it's about Donald Trump but what's really interesting about it when I've seen it and why I have brought you want a number of shows. And pushing it is because you take an avenue that most people don't really take which is going out to both the people who have big social media followings in the arts so fashion models and everything else and kind of getting their sense of the word that they live and so that's what the I mean the the book as you kind of where was inspired from and then where are we going today there is a few components at the beginning that kind of made me do it. First of all. I mean this is 1st is my 1st election being in America which was very. Informing and it's very polarizing and I feel like it's it's very different to any kind I've lived in Paris and Canada where I'm from and it's so different to any political climate that I've ever been in so that was something that inspired it fresh air. And then also. You know. I'm so sorry that I'm not trying to make you nervous. And they didn't give me anything nobody like no I'm just trying to be an active listening. To get him. Know what I look like I mean I look over you. Know I Know You know I did not have to listen or I was. Trying to absorb everything. I can hear. I don't know how he would. Look at me I have not had a lot of situations where I don't look at that person don't even. Know the worst was Anyway I was going to say I have the worst potato story because there was an actor who wanted roasted potatoes yet and all the restaurants in Philadelphia with that he wanted steak and roasted potatoes Yeah and they didn't have big potatoes or mashed and you know it's like I'm like Just give him bashing. And he didn't really care but that I had the production supervisor on the phone like could you roast them and like acting I was like I already asked and they said no so we finally got one place to make a special roasted potato order anyway it's so real that happens all the time it's like one thing that is so sad and so silly and so will jump right. In your view what do you mean it's not Ok so my guest is Julian Mick can bless us she's a member of the fashion community she's an independent freelance creative director and stylist but she also has a streak of activism that's born I guess from your in your family and you're part of the Bernie Sanders movement so we're going to get into that but we're discussing a book she did and again this is a local show but it's also got a national focus and your book you're doing a little fundraiser but it has a national focus because the women in it are you know stars kind of social media stars and fashion stars from around the world so let's talk about the book the. It is about opposition and it's in the title it's about Donald Trump and I ask you that and it's basically a feminist. I don't change makers I don't know who I will give in to what they should be the the stars of your book called just talk about the book what it kind of emulate from it all I started making it last years I think it'll be almost or should be now a year ago this month is when it started so it kind of started after the Bernie campaign wrap that he did it when we are the nomination unfortunately and Hillary did and one thing I also there is so much so many crazy things happening at that time I remember for example like I felt like you know a person of color was being killed like each week by police literally there was a new person that you would hear about which was so troubling and still is troubling not to discount that it's happening now and then also Standing Rock was happening and Bernie had lost the nomination and I felt like there was a lot of injustice in that realm as well so I was so frustrated and upset about some many things and I kind of decided to instead of just sit around and be upset to try to channel that into something progressive and productive and to make change so one thing that I really noticed with Hillary Clinton is that she was very adamantly running on that quote unquote feminism and the fact that she was a woman and to me and a lot of my progressive friends we were at women we were shocked because feminism to us. It's not what she represented there are so many policy positions that were problematic and so many so much rhetoric that was problematic in terms of feminism so I wanted to create something that showed intersectional feminism which is what to me and I think to a lot of other people feminism is it's intersectional it's equality it's not just about being you know a white woman it's not about being a privileged woman is maybe not is. Even necessarily about just women so that's kind of how it started I think it's me I want to ask this because obviously Gloria Steinem made a kind of a big mistake in the campaign when she said that basically young women are going for Bernie because that's where the guys were I don't know if that was shocking to me I couldn't I and I want to ask you this because I don't I'm going to presume your age I'm sitting next to you but I don't want to you know that you're young or your own that's pejorative or not yet but it seems like among the millennial generation which I'm assuming you're part of Gen x. But the millennial generation is more about intersection of feminism and we have this obviously on the show a number of times and that's why they kind of went with Bernie and everything was a turn off versus the kind of generation of feminists certainly privileged feminists may get I'm not going to speak as the guy here but I'm asking you that as a millennial you find that like that's a common thread I mean that's Was that why you were at Bernie's because there's at least a little bit more of an intersection of feminist viewpoint Yeah I mean. No I was definitely just with Bernie because all the guys like to. Somebody there's a Twitter woman I forgot her name but she said I don't need an 80 year old so she's Jewish OSHA list I mean it's like so many like that quote from sign and Fisher is insane I mean sorry not you know it's wild it's unbelievable as someone who's like. Me of a feminist I had some really interesting actually one really interesting long conversation debate with a like a 50 year old woman talking about Bernie versus Hillary and she was just dead set on Hillary because she was a woman but to me just being a woman isn't a reason to get my vote. Bernese I was for Bernie because he was so refreshing in terms of you know being a truth teller not necessarily telling people what they want to hear but saying like look this is how it is and this is how maybe we can change it hopefully we can change it and also just his policy positions they were they were feminists they were for equality Bernie is so much more of a feminist Hillary is doesn't matter like feminist Thank you said you don't want to say anything coming from a male standpoint but feminism in my opinion is for men too because we all care hopefully about equality and anything it affects the woman will also affect her male counterparts Yeah of course any course and I get my one of my thoughts are you know I'm speaking with a fashion maven but there's also now the author of the vessel or the maker of this new book opposition it's about Donald Trump is about Hillary Clinton it's got a lot of great people for art and fashion and culture makers and her name is. McCandless Yeah. I don't want to screw up a name but you know I'd only said that because there was a lot of that Me election like you're a man you can't say anything I mean certainly I've done the show and I have done because again another terrible quote from Madeleine Albright was that a special place. And hell and the next day I didn't interview with a Palestinian activist who said I think there's a special place in hell for people who blow up you know and create were you know who often the 1st victims are women and children so if you're really a feminist How can you then bomb foreign countries you know regularly so you know I mean yes I absolutely 1011000 percent it's just if you look at you know her record and her policies and I don't want to attack Hillary Clinton personally you know because I'm sure she's lovely to her family to her friends but yeah in terms of war in terms of her being a Ha Ha when it comes to war and even in terms of for example under her administration her trying to suppress the minimum wage in Haiti like I think it was like $0.23 to sixty's and some something like that she was trying to suppress that is that feminists like women are trying to feed their children you know so. Well for there's a lot of things that I want to swing back to the book because again it's very interesting I mean I kind of it's a funny story that we were we got connect in the Cove called the station and we got a lot of calls here and I said yeah you can hear me may I just kind of blowing you off and I was thinking Ok In any event with 3 people but let's talk about this event you're doing in the back let's run I want to know where people can go to because the book is kind of being so it's tough published by you and there's a funny there's a Go Fund Me page show you can bring that up you can ask how do you go from I know it's on or is off running and I also talk about this event because there's an event for l.a. People on Thursday after August 24th it's an all night event strikes 7 to like 1230 there's a panel discussion with a lot of great thinkers you could I want you to give me the names because they share and also and then there's about 5 think 5 or 6 deejays a couple stand up comedians put out a really cool event so let's talk one about where people can you know promote the book and now this event at the Ace Hotel in downtown l.a. To support the event you. So 1st of all I feel so so lucky for everybody who's donating their time and energy and talent and you guys for having me on thank you so much so that's been amazing in to this event to there's so many people who are willing to help so we have amazing people involved we have it is at a Soto on August 24th doors are at 7 pm you can get tickets on me hotel website if you go to their counter calendar is downtown l.a. You can see the event it's called opposition book fundraiser and you can also get tickets through event right directly and will be starting with a panel it's going to be featuring And she's from the Young Turks she's amazing she's very inspirational woman Donna billows she's an artistic director of photography and she also is an activist and has some incredible ideas i j Magaro She's from our collective For those of you who don't know what I hope collectively is is its collective that like features are helps move forward representation for people of color within the art world and then we have Jayden Baez she is very young she's in high school she's amazing she's I think it's so important to feature younger and older voices. In the panel because I also like the generation younger than me and yet even younger than the generation blow me are so incredible they're so progressive It's really unbelievable Yeah and then . We will go on Samantha Bonnie she's musician she's amazing and. So on Cyndi is also on the phone yet my guess is. She is doing this awesome event on Thursday August 24th you can get of tickets I guess at events right or at least more information there and you can find out more about the book and we talked about this book yet. Day and you said because you're talking about privilege and whiteness and again not to you know the classic microaggression you look very well yeah you also have a lot of 1st Nation you know ancestry as well but you talk about you being a vessel that this is not this is merely kind of you're just trying to set the conversation forward yeah. I feel like that's exactly that what I was saying yesterday is that this book is not about me at all I want it to just be a way to amplify these other fams voices and their stories and yes like the issues in the book definitely represent what I care about but it's about them and it's about progression in society and learning and education it's not about me at all I just want to if I can be a good ally that's what I want to be able to do I want to ask because a lot of the people in the book in the in the kind of a preview you give you also give their social media statistics Instagram or Twitter following their reach and that's a big thing though obviously in society whether a reach is. Make a book which is in all those kind of form of media verses obviously these are people that have a reach a 2nd question kind of tacked on there up because we were going to it was Ok 1st let's talk about the old media the book versus using social media right so I do want to use. Components for this book I want to have it online I want to have it available on Kindle I want to have it you know a downloadable p.d.f. But I do want to have it as a tangible item as well because I feel like this is this your critical time it's a historical time and unfortunately a lot of things on the Internet just end up kind of like you read it once it gets lost I want this to be something that people can revisit and can be re inspired by so that's kind of why I would make a tangible book and then in terms of social media these women are. Leaders on social media any real life but I do think it's so important you know we're entering this new generation of the Internet and out of social media and why not use that towards activism and politics like there's a whole new way to get our word out let's do it because these people it's a great way to segue here because that was the 2nd part of my question from before was we had talked in a pre-interview we've now this has been our 3rd or 4th conversation. But about this because some of the people in your book are fashion people model and stuff and there has been a push from Teen Vogue and Vanity Fair you know that have a lot more politics to be anti Trump but you were telling me that a lot of these people the fashion people east are not they have watered down politics not the people in the book but the people might ask them questions just does their social media following the allow them to be political Are they political on their social media following and you know what do you take me with you ask them ever that like do they feel like kind of pressure to kind of contain their political views Yes So they're definitely very political on their social media followings which is amazing they're like that's part of the way I found like some of these girls are friends and they're friends of friends but you know some of them just had such compelling social media that I was like yes like I need to talk to you. And in terms of magazines I feel like it's never a thing where it's like. Don't talk about this don't say this it's more like you said just the context of the interview never really goes there and to somewhere deeper and somewhere. More like into the it is all the idiosyncrasies of systemic America and like again like not it's not the magazines fault they're not politicians you know they're not necessarily that involved in that side of things but I want to change that and coming from a fashion background. But being someone who is like very. At least trying to be educated about this stuff and I'm hoping that I can be that change within the industry yet again the book is opposition and my guest is Julian McCandless But I want to ask again I want to remark is that I don't know the website as well as you do tell my listeners where they can go get all this information stuff if they want to so you can go to the Ace Hotel website which is a so town and that's where the event started I don't want to step on you but yet you vented August 30th 24th on the same file at 7 o'clock you go to tell but I want to also hear about the book too so so I actually say the a so tell full great Web say if that's cool for everybody so you go to a hotel that concierge calendar is sash Los Angeles slash opposition dash book that's dash fundraiser and you can take it there and in terms of the actual Buck I have a Go Fund Me page and I would love it if people would if you can make it to the event and you want to donate it would be amazing if you could go there and it's so if you can come to the party but you still want to donate and I have a Go Fund Me page it's Go Fund Me dot com slash join the opposition and I would really love it if you could donate and help me out there you go so I was Farley thanks you for coming in and talking about the event again the event is August 24th at the Ace Hotel you can find out it right or just go to the Acer television page and really it's a pretty cool thing because you have a amazing panel discussion featuring a number of really powerful women in creative fields taking on trial taking on these societal injustices like that you know you gave me a huge plus a you know you have the Standing Rock Sioux because you've done a lot of the work with with with activists from their police brutality mass of course ration a list goes on again inner sexual intersection all feminism and then their stand up and there's me. It's pretty cool that the Acer tell and then again you have a book is available on Go Fund Me it's the opposition throughout the whole title for me because ice I know it's the opposition and there's a bit about Donald Trump but let me let our listeners own one last time of the book is it's the opposition conversations with creative women and fans in a Donald Trump presidency they go so thank you so much for joining me and again you can find out more wherever you know soon wherever books are sold thank you so much for having me and thanks for listening everybody obviously this is inform Rance a special presentation as we had only a few minutes because of the national show but I did want to make sure that Julian got her vent mentioned here in Los Angeles because it's a very important event this Thursday August 24th at the Acer talent downtown Los Angeles it's a fundraiser for the book opposition living in the time of Trump with creative women fans it's a night of life music and discussion and comedy and panel Julie McCandless will be on the panel an experience of the Young Turks and other young fans stemming from the world of art fashion and music again you can find out more that that event at the Ace Hotel website that's downtown l.a. This Thursday August 24th Thanks for listening to inform rant find us any time at inform branch Witter Facebook have a great week. And this is only skewed by came in today of course is August 21st 2017 in the world certainly the nation's headlines were dominated earlier in the day in what must have been something of a. A pleasant change of things not by Donald Trump or the reappearance on the stage of history of the virulent racists in American society but rather the solar eclipse unfortunately as we move into the latter part of today the news cycle is likely to be dominated again by Donald Trump as he is giving a speech to the nation tonight it's 9 pm Eastern 6 pm Pacific and k p f k will be broadcasting it live the news department will be announcing it going in and going out of the show and rather the speech by Donald Trump and that is again at 6 pm Pacific time tonight that he is scheduled to give a talk about the war in Afghanistan is the stated subject heading into the event this is a formal speech so I do not believe we will see him free styling. Because as we all know last week his press conference on Tuesday became so notorious was meant as an announcement about. Infrastructure and instead became him defending racists and fascists So tonight Donald Trump is giving a speech that is intended to be focused upon the u.s. War in Afghanistan the decision to make this speech was apparently arrived at on Friday which many people believe was. As that coincided with Steve Bannon's departure from the administration as Steve Bannon apparently had a different. View of the Afghanistan war then General Madis in h.r. McMaster who now remain in the administration and so. What people are anticipating is as opposed to Bannon who was advocating for the withdrawal of all u.s. Troops to be replaced by contractors no pacifist he that was opposed by Madison McMaster So the anticipation is this evening that Trump will align himself with. The ideas of not just madness and big master but even NATO general commander of u.s. NATO forces in Afghanistan General Nicholson who says he needs a few 1000 more troops to break the stalemate against the Taliban so that's something to look for tonight we'll Donald Trump actually be expanding the war in Afghanistan something that I believe many people will feel ran counter to the sentiments he expressed as a candidate for president so that's going to be tonight. At 6 pm here on keep a radio President Donald Trump those 3 words together proper nouns 2 of them still. Suggest we live in absurd times but President Donald Trump will be addressing the nation on u.s. Foreign policy in relationship to the longest war now in u.s. History the war in Afghanistan tune in to keep if they tonight at 6 pm the news department led by us to r.c. Will be going in and out of the coverage and that's tonight right here and keep. A is honoring the legacy and mourning the passing of a legendary civil rights hero Dick Gregory the legendary comedian author and social justice died late Saturday August 19th in Washington d.c. At the age of 84 quickly was one of the 1st African-American. To find success with white audiences early 1960 s. The insightful and illuminating commentary on racial divisions at the dawn of the civil rights movement was an admirer of Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr embrace nonviolence and also became a vegetarian a proponent of raw food diets and a marathon runner on social media he recently wrote that he felt energized by the messages from his well wishers and sin was looking forward to getting back on stage because he had a lot to say about the racial tension brought on by the gathering of hate groups in Virginia he wrote quote We have so much work still to be done the ugly reality on the news this weekend proves just that we honor Dick Gregory and his incredible legacy of speaking truth to power in the ongoing fight against the plague of racism Thank you Dick Gregory from all of us at a radio and beyond rest in peace and resistance the struggle continues Dick Gregory present day. You have a car or a boat or a motorcycle that's really ready to go kind of like on its last legs it's probably been a really good. Idea. To do one thing and benefit the k p f k the nation is tax deductible and it's easy to do more information about how the donation process works and how to get your tax deduction all you have to do is call 877 k p f k that's 877 k p f k h. As basic as the roof over your head as basic as. The Stories Behind the News of Los Angeles of California and sometimes beyond from the top journalist. Makers that's deadline away that's what we do I'm Howard Blume with co-host scale Holland and deadline l.a. Can be heard on k p f k 90.7 f.m. Every Monday at 6 30 pm Be sure to listen.

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