Transcripts for KPFA 94.1 FM/KPFB 89.3 FM [Pacifica Radio] KPFA 94.1 FM/KPFB 89.3 FM [Pacifica Radio] 20191217 180000

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The tire process was tarnished further by the speed with which my Democratic colleagues on the Judiciary Committees ever rushed to deliver their pre-determined judged good features the president for something anything whether there are stones left unturned away there is any proof at all the House Rules Committee takes up the 2 articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump this is before a final vote in the House of Representatives tomorrow coming up we'll go live to the House Rules Committee That's next on letters and politics. But 1st the news. With these headlines Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell rejected the Democrats' push for fresh impeachment testimony against President Trump today McConnell's remarks effectively closed the door on negotiations for a deal proposed by a minority leader Chuck Schumer who wants to call top White House officials for the Senate trial which is set to start next year at the House impeaches Trump on this week but Connell said the Senate shouldn't have to repeat the work of the house by hearing from more witnesses if the Senate volunteers ourselves to do House Democrats homework for them we will all end sort of eyes of endless stream of dubious partisan and patronage and the future but minority leader Chuck Schumer said he wants to hear from witnesses the White House would not allow to testify in the House proceedings namely White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney and former national security adviser John Bolton among others why is the leader why is the president so afraid of having these witnesses called witnesses come testify. What are they afraid the witnesses would say shimmers proposal was the 1st overture and what was expected to be negotiations between the 2 leaders over how a weeks long trial will play out House Democrats are expected to vote tomorrow on the 2 articles of impeachment to send to the Senate. Meanwhile the House Rules Committee was meeting today in what was expected to be a marathon session to set the parameters for tomorrow's House debate Judiciary Committee member Jamie Raskin of Maryland said 17 witnesses have all testified under oath that President Trump pressured Ukrainian president Waldemar as Alinsky to investigate his political rival in exchange for approved military aid all of their testimony is as sensually unrefuted on contradicted it tells one story which is the president of the United States conducted a shakedown of a foreign power. Judiciary judiciary ranking member Doug Collins of Georgia said the Democrats' case is thin and it's simply a rush to remove a President they dislike the clock is running out so they found a phone call they didn't like they didn't like is the administration they didn't like what the president is they trying to make up claims or that there was pressure on all these other things that they saw a lot in the report but the end of the day is simply last minute Christmas shopping they way and feel something is that we can do it trump faces 2 articles of impeachment brought by Democrats along with the abuse of office article they've also added obstruction because of Trump's non-cooperation with the House investigation a federal judge will sentence former Trump campaign official Rick Gates today in federal court in Washington Gates was charged in Special Counsel Robert Mueller is Russia investigation neither is lawyer nor federal prosecutors are seeking prison time for Gates who pleaded guilty in February of 2018 to charges related to political consulting work he did in the Ukraine the Justice Department says that Gates provided extraordinary assistance in multiple investigations and the prosecutors will not oppose his request for probation the decision will be up to the judge Gates is one of a half dozen associates of President Trump charged in Muller's investigation into ties between the Trump campaign and Russia all 6 of either pleaded guilty or been found guilty at trial the 3 who have already been sentenced have all received prison time to others former Trump administration national security adviser Michael Flynn and Trump confidant Roger Stone are awaiting sentencing. A new court filings as the wealthy owners of Oxycontin maker produce pharma started taking far more money out out of the company after it was fined in 2007 for misleading marketing of the powerful prescription painkiller Oxycontin filing shows members of the Sackler family received well over a $1000000000.00 in cash in tax payments a year from Perdue from 2008 through 2013 after taking out 1300000000 dollars total from 1995 through 2007 the distributions declined in recent years the Sackler its finances are receiving scrutiny as the company goes through the bankruptcy process to try to settle more than 2700 lawsuits over the toll from opioids. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson's office said the government would insert a clause into its withdrawal agreement bill which would rule out extending Britain's trade negotiations with the e.u. Beyond next year bitter story news as always bear reports of course will be added to the withdrawal agreement bill which will be voted on by M.P.'s on Friday it will mean the u.k. Leaves the e.u. On January the 31st and then concludes a transition period at the end of next year cabinet minister Michael says Prime Minister Boris Johnson can get a trade deal in that time frame concluded all the details for our departure then we will go on to have conversations with the e.u. About our future relationship based on free trade and friendly cooperation and the outline of a pretty extensive a sketched in the political declaration and that commits both parties to conclude those other conversations by the end of 2020 critics say that's not enough time to reach a trade deal therefore opening up the prospect of a no deal to parts of leave our reporting on Imax parental letters and politics is next good day and welcome to letters and politics I'm it's just reached the House Rules Committee is meeting as we speak on the 2 articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump now the role that the rules committee plays is that it is going to take probably the entire day today and hammering out what the rules and the procedures will look like for tomorrow's full debate in the House of Representatives on these 2 articles of impeachment and setting the rules with such things as how long will each side get to speak will there be amendments that will be allowed to be brought by members through the process and approximately what time will they vote on the 2 articles of impeachment again this is as tomorrow the House of Representatives will take will debate the 2 articles on impeachment and then more than likely in the evening vote on them however I would leave open the possibility. That they would postpone a vote until Thursday morning not so unlike what the House Judiciary Committee did last week when they were done with their day long hearing and as they went to vote at the very last minute Jerrold Nadler the Democratic chair of the committee he postponed a vote to the early morning because he didn't want to do it in the middle of the night because I think they think and I think they're probably right it's a common tactic Republicans are called it a middle of the night vote to try to tarnish it even more so but as it looks now in as things are being talked about it looks like tomorrow the full debate in the House of Representatives will occur and then a vote is expected at the end of that now today's hearing is interesting it's a bit different than the previous hearings that we have carried It's a hearing and which it's just the Rules Committee and because there's been no rules for how the rules committee operates members have as long as they want to talk and they also have they're representing the House Judiciary Committee Doug Collins who is the ranking Republican from Georgia on the committee and also Jamie Raskin because Jerrold Nadler had a family illness that kept him from being a medical emergency I guess that kept him from being at today's hearing and so we have Jamie Raskin instead of Maryland a Democrat who is filling his role who is a constitutional scholar which has made a really interesting to see him and Doug Collins kind of you know spar intellectually spar along with the the members and we're going to get to this hearing in a minute but 1st I need your help. Today is the last day for k p f a and the Northern California region in the Bay Area and k k f c f in the Central Valley area the last day of our end of the year fund drive. Now for our friends in Los Angeles listening to the end of your fund drive will be on Friday but for Bay Area listeners Kay p.f.a. Listeners and listeners in the Central Valley today is the last day of this drive and as I'm speaking to you right now we are some 44000 dollars away from being able to make our goal which is not an arbitrary number. And it is dependent on me today to raise a portion of that if we're going to have a shot by the end of the day of making the goal now we haven't raised $44000.00 in a single day so far at this end of the Year fun drive but that said the final day is usually our biggest day and if we can get there today they will keep this radio station whole not an arbitrary number it's a number of money amount of money that we need to raise to be able to keep this radio program included on the air so I want to bring you now this is the dilemma I get and I want to bring you extended excerpts and go live to today's committee you know it's a historic meeting of the House Rules Committee I previously came as Ok today I'm going to break my rule we're going to go the documentary it wasn't quite ready for this fundraiser because everything that we've been doing around a Pietschmann been in d.c. It's been a hectic time I think folks will understand it and I'm watching this hearing this morning like on this really interesting So here's the deal if we can make some progress here in the 1st half hour of the program name 1st half hour really 1st 25 minutes and raise a $1000.00 because Kim in Fremont has also on our final day put up $1000.00 mean that you could double your donation that would get his $2000.00 into this $44000.00 deficit that we're looking at right now. We can go to the hearing live so I hope to give us a call support this program support this radio station for listeners Tecate p.f.a. And K.F.C.'s the phone number is 18043957321804395732 and online at k.p. F a o r g and for friends in Southern California listen to k p f k that number is 8 point 898557358 want 89855735 online. K p f k o r g Ok enough said I'm going to go to the opening statement of. Kin McGovern who is a Democrat from Massachusetts and he is the chair of the House Rules Committee starting the proceedings it's unfortunate that we have to be here today but the actions of the president United States make that necessary President Trump withheld Congressionally approved day to Ukraine a partner under siege not to fight corruption but to extract a personal political favor President Trump refused to meet with Ukraine's president in the White House until he completed this scheme all the while leaders in Russia the very nation holding a large part of Ukraine hostage the very nation that interfere with their elections in 2016 and yet another meeting in the Oval Office just last week these are not my opinions these are uncontested facts we have listened to the hearings we read the transcripts and it's clear that this president acted in a way that not only violates the public trust he jeopardized our national security and he undermined our democracy he acted in a way that rises to the level of impeachment that is why we are considering a shred 755 today a resolution impeaching Donald John Trump president of the United States for high crimes and misdemeanors Congress has no other choice but to act with urgency you know when I think back to the founders of this nation they were particularly concerned about foreign interference in our elections they understood that allowing outside forces to decide American campaigns would cause the fundamentals of our democracy to crumble but the evidence shows that is exactly what President Trump did not only allowed but solicited foreign interference all to help him win his reelection campaign. What shocks me quite frankly about so many of my Republican friends is their inability to acknowledge the President Trump acted improperly it seems the only Republican members willing to admit the president something wrong have either already retired or announced plans they intend to retire at the end of this Congress I get it it's hard to criticize a president of your own party but that shouldn't you know but that shouldn't matter here I admired President Clinton when he was president of the United States and I still do today but when this House impeached him which I didn't agree with I went to the House floor and I said I thought what President Clinton did was wrong because moments like this call for more than just reflexive partisanship they require honesty and they require courage or any Republicans today willing to muster the strength to say that what this president did was wrong. And let me say again what happened here the president withheld Congressionally approved military aid to a country under siege to extract a personal political favor he did not do this is a matter of u.s. Policy he did this for his own benefit that is wrong and if that is not impeachable conduct I don't know what is now I've heard some on the other side suggest that this process is about overturning an election that is absurd this is about President Trump using his office to try and rig the next election I think about that we like to say that every vote matters that every vote counts we learned in grade school about all the people who fought and died for that right it is a sacred thing. You know I remember as a middle schooler in 1982 leaving leaflets at the homes of potential voters urging them to support George McGovern for president no relation by the way I thought he had a great last name. And he was dedicated to ending the war in Vietnam and feeding the hungry and helping the poor I remember even to this day what an honor it was to ask people to support him even though I was too young to vote myself and one of privilege was later in life as voters for their support in my own campaigns I've been proud of winning campaigns and I've been part of losing ones to people I thought would be great presidents by Senator McGovern were never given that chance late Make no mistake I was disappointed but I accepted that I would take losing an election any day of the week when the American people rendered that verdict but I will never and I mean I will never be Ok if other nations decide our leaders for us and the president of the United States is rolling out the welcome mat for that kind of foreign interference to not act would set a dangerous precedent not just for this president but for every future president the evidence is as clear as it is overwhelming and this administration hasn't handed over a single subpoenaed document to refute it not one now it's up to us to decide whether the United States is still a nation where no one is above the law all or whether America is allowed to become a land run by those who act more like Angel or queens as if the law doesn't apply to them. You know it's no secret that President Trump has a penchant for cozying up to notorious dictators is complimented let me a Putin congratulated Rodrigo deter today lauded president. Fell in love with Kim Jong un I go on and on and on and maybe the president is jealous that they can do whatever they want these dictators are the antithesis of what America stands for and every day we lead President Trump and act like the law doesn't apply to him we meet we move a little closer to them you know Benjamin Franklin left the Constitutional Convention and said the founders have created a republic if you can keep it there are no guarantees our system of government will persist only if we fight for it and the simple question for us is this Are we willing to fight for this democracy. I suspect we'll have a lot of debate here today I hope everyone searches their conscience and my Republican friends and that is Democratic Representative Jim McGovern of Massachusetts chair of the House Rules Committee which is meeting right now the final step before tomorrow's debate and vote on 2 articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump my friends we're still waiting for the 1st contribution to come in towards that $1000.00 challenge has come in from Kim in Fremont and we have just 12 minutes remaining on that challenge here on the last day for the end of the year fungi for k p f a k f c f for k p f k in Los Angeles you will go with your fun drive until Friday the phone number to make their contribution to k p f a and Berkeley is our K.F.C.'s in Fresno is want 804395732 want 804395732 online at a dot au r g and in Southern California the phone number is 818-985-5735 extension 8 want 89855735 or online a k p f k dot o.-r. G. We're now going to go live to the House Rules Committee where Jamie Raskin is currently speaking he is serving as one of the 2 witnesses from the House Judiciary Committee the other being Democrat Doug Collins Jamie Raskin is a farmer constitutional scholar who's been on the airwaves of Pacifica Radio many many times over the years before he joined Congress so this is Jamie Raskin speaking now and that was it that we think that's an appropriate and proper thing for the president expects to be doing where we think it's wrong of us believe or rises to the level I want to give us a chance to respond for I do. Reza Aslan any Ukrainian official ever tell you they're still shaken down. Well there's lots of evidence in the room when I ask I said if you go to these I never spoke Ok And there is a statement on the record. I don't think so no there's times on record the record ours we won we won pressure we won part of that anything I wouldn't be a part of that those is the statement from Mr Lindsey what you know going to don't lead me to this point I'll choose which one will he go there are contemporaneous e-mails where and somebody will pass me the exact language but essentially where. Mr your mind who is the the top right hand man to the president Ukraine says that the president does not want to be treated as a political pawn in domestic American politics for several weeks they were doing everything in their power to try to get out from underneath this strait jacket is the scheme that was coming that was bearing down on them from every different direction there's going to was wow that's a story out there were you know this is my and maybe this is a good ordinance that we're having to expand the story to fit our narrative here and because you know if you don't just don't play make believe there's nothing if they had something in the phone call it would be on the origins of the dolphins because at the end of the day there's no direct evidence of what they're trying to spin here and that was that there was a pressuring or a quid pro quo or I really want to put it. To Mr The problem here is that Mark Zandi testified under oath there was a wholesale investigation going into foreign aid this year so you can go back and quote 20172018 all you want but this year because of the problems he testified that there's a wholesale investigation under foreign aid everywhere Truong Bob but if you go the President Trump actually raises Mr Porson in 2017 and that was testified to by Mr Volcker and a former ambassador So when you look at this is no direct evidence of what was said here and to try and then come back and put this into a different perspective and again going back to Mr Yarmuth who miss Yarmouth said there was no connection between ever discussed between the 8 and a investigation and also if they were trying to get out from under his own heart. I guess if we're looking at it because they never did anything to get the aid they never did anything to get the aid they were that scared something was wrong. Try to bring this pollution because I think and I know they'll be a difference of opinion here she birthed Republican Tom Cole Claymont. Contrary to my claims that aired my friends claims across the album Mr Collins that you think the Democratic majority affectively denied the administration a meaningful opportunity but there's a basis for see that in effect of LHO did. Ok On October 30th and the rules committee held our regional jurisdiction mark up on a shred 660 and there are many serious concerns from our side of the ice about the damages and press the process they have the institution Republican members of the committee were repeatedly assured that quote The president has been afforded all kinds of rights before the Judiciary Committee for that assertion and today this would be an open and transparent process. Despite the fact that we received the text of the resolution a mere 24 hours earlier and that every single amendment made in order. Mr Collins was the administration provided the opportunity to participate in the intelligence committee received there's a mine mine and I basically supplanted the judiciary as to principal could even be they were and they definitely want an injured issue and you could take it was put in the record that they should have been but the problem is the actual way it played out in the scheduling in Judiciary Committee made it nowhere possible that they could even if all of a sudden they wanted there was no time in the calendar for that saw just end with this I mean every answer that while of my friend responds to me want to thank you you're very kind Mr call. The. When Lieutenant Colonel Veneman testified John ask him he said that this request for a favor was not. In any sense a friendly request it was a demand in the context of hundreds of millions of dollars that were being held up the request for the White House meeting and so on for weeks the Ukrainians pushed back on the demand of the president his agents and advised u.s. Officials they did not want to be quote an instrument in Washington domestic reelection politics you recall the testimony of Dr Fiona Hill who said that this was a domestic political errand that the president's team was on in order to extract this commitment from presidents lengthy to come and give this interview and in fact they had publicly. Announced they were going to publicly announce investigations in an interview the president Selenski had scheduled on c.n.n. But then Ukraine canceled the interview. A few days after the president scheme was publicly exposed in the military aid got released in other words when the whole scheme blew up then President Selenski felt that he could be free from this obligation to come forward and say I'm with you investigate and with all due respect the president was telling the United States senators in August the age probably going to be released long before you know there was any notion about a whistleblower anything else Senator Johnson from Wisconsin has testified to that fact book though and again we can talk back I mean the last administration for 4 years didn't provide any military assistance Ukraine the idea that 55 days was somehow life and death in this situation to be during a period of transition from one government to another you know it's just pretty thin gruel to impeach a president of the United States on which Chairman. With all due respect to my friends here who I admire boat. I think of very helpful in their testimony and as always straight and forthright my view Chairman shift ought to be the person answering questions from the Rules Committee it's his report I don't blame the president for passing on the opportunity not to go before the judiciary for what was clearly going to be perfunctory and provide a sort of window dressing of legitimacy in this process. He was given meaningful or consistent opportunities treated anywhere like previous administration I just don't think we're denied an opportunity or the principle actions that and then given a last minute thing it's again I just I'm going to yield back my time Mr Chairman I was going to pull real quick here that's Republican represent Tom Cole who is the ranking Republican on the House Rules Committee the House Rules Committee is going to set the terms and the procedures for tomorrow's debate out of the entire House of Representatives on the 2 articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump tomorrow 5 minutes remaining in that $1000.00 challenge from Kim and Fremont on this the last day that this radio program letters and politics will be asking you for a financial contribution in both k.p. F.a. And K.F.C.'s end of the year fund Dr Kay p.f.a. Comes into the last day of the fun drive into this hour $44000.00 behind making its goal we had to extend the fun drive by a couple of days because of our dedication to providing live coverage of the n.p.t. An inquiry the impeachment process because of the historic nature of it however this could be something that sink us if we're unable to raise this additional $44000.00 between now and tonight at 7 pm and there is a $1000.00 on the line right now from Kim that if we make it in the next 5 minutes we are $800.00 away if we can raise an additional $800.00 in the next 5 minutes that will be $2000.00 for us this hour and we will stop. To be doing our part in keeping this radio station all the phone number is 4 k. P.f.a. And k f c f 18043957321804395732 and on line AK a p f a o r g and in Southern California that number is 8290557358189855735 and on line at k.p. F k o r g We now turn back to Jim McGovern He is the Democratic chair of the House Rules Committee able to slow down progress on any bill if that were the case having been in the minority for 8 years we would have used it to stop most of the agenda that my Republican friends have put forward so I put that I would again just I will make that letter available to anybody who's interested Mr yesterday and I do have but I was I You made a statement and I'm not sure if you were as how you were boarding it if it was a paraphrase or not but I was never promised by Mr now that he would work with us on our hearing date from now to infinity I mean he just he just basically said no we're not having it might be going on my understanding is that he said that in committee maybe I'm wrong but we will find we had a real issue of consultation we'll that we get with we we will look at it and by the time we get back we will get you going to get that gave you that answer but let me let me begin remind everybody here why we're here today I mean because I know you're going to get caught up into the weeds and to talk about process and. I mean I just was headed it. Now there it says I'm willing to work with the minority schedule the hearing of I'll pass it on to the to the gentleman as you know we have a consultation issue in our committee and sending that not talking about and taking all of our witnesses out is not true and in part it in the letters found it is still not true. Where it just I mean clearly I will as those who drive the record in a. A minority my theory anywhere around $300.00 or $1000.00 challenge and 3 minutes to go just one person calling in this would be a tragic last day for this radio program in the end of the Year fun drive if we are unable to keep pick it up folks you could write your speech could write you a d.v.d. Documentary even had that on on on schedule but it was like oh my goodness wait we have something really important that's happening right now that we want to try to bring you live at the very minimum for this hour as we've brought you coverage of this the entire process through if you have found it at all educational I mean you know it's doesn't really matter we think about impeachment or not but it's all about the Constitution is about how government works but we will not make it at this point right now so I'm asking you for your support with a donation that you can afford one that's according to your means the best way you can help your radio station right now is with a contribution. To control a contribution that's just to contribute to say here you go here it is don't not interest in a thank you gift because in this radio station can use all that money to towards our overall goal so the number 180-439-5732 that's the phone number we're now $400.00 toward that $1000.00 challenge but just 3 minutes to go again for Kate p.f.a. And the phone number is 18043957321804395732 and on line a k p f a o r g and in Southern California that number is to k p f k 81898557358189855735 and on line at k.p. F k o r g when I go back to the House Rules Committee and in fact it appears that they have taken a short break. Of course just as I was about to throw back to the House Judiciary Committee so let me give you that number again because well it does give me an opportunity here now at 2 minutes to try to make that $1000.00 challenge 180-439-5732. 180-439-5732 or online at k p f a o r g and if for Los Angeles that number is 81898557358189855735 or online at k.p. F k. O r g again the House Rules Committee has taken a break we were committed to trying to bring you this hearing today live one of the entire think it's a it's ot right the House Rules Committee and usually it's in this incredibly small room that's just on the other side of the House chamber and the House chamber is it's an old building right this is a building that was been in use since 1810 and is expanded the Capitol Hill you have all the office buildings across the street from the actual Capitol building and that's where a lot of these hearings actually occur which you saw the House Judiciary Committee what you saw with the House Intelligence Committee those weren't other buildings other than the capitol building they all recognize with the dome on top of the hill as they call it Capitol Hill right well the House Rules Committee is one of these obscure committees that no one ever really is interested in except for the people that are really interested and government and government processes because what the House Rules Committee does is it determines what the rules will be on how the House of Representatives will act on legislation so how long will the debate be how long will the majority get along with the minority get and what will be the you know the potential for amendments and when do they suspect a time a final time on a vote would be on a final bill so the room that you know no one ever cares about that kind of thing or act by the way quickly we're now 700 dollars towards that $1000.00. Challenge with 3 we have like 90 seconds to go so the number 180-439-5732 s. For k p f 818-043-9573 extension 2 online at k p f a o r g And so with the House Rules Committee then will do is it again sets out the rules let me go numb for k p s k as well a 298557358189855735 online a-K. P.s.k. Dot org So no one cares about house rules committee because no one's really interested in the minutiae of how the procedures go except for when it's about impeachment so the reason is to talking about Ok so here the office buildings right there across the street very spacious the House Rules Committee actually meets inside the Capitol building and a building that was meant for about a 3rd of the number of people who are there now and it's this small room and in fact I was there when the impeachment process 1st began I had the great opportunity to be able to sit in there and watch when they were talking about what the rules would be for the procedures of the impeachment and it was fascinating because it's a small room hardly holds anyone here in spitting distance of everyone in there and no one pays attention to it except when it's about impeachment and that's what they are now doing the number again for k p f a is want Ok $70.00 away my friends the committee is back I'm going to go back to it but here's the number 18043957321804395732 or online a k p f a o r g and in Southern California that number is 81898557358189855735 or online and. When we come back I will let you know if we made that challenge this is Jim McGovern Democrat from Massachusetts the committee is back live in session so we will go to the feed on the floor or will be. Momentarily. Well maybe maybe it's not quite coming back yet the number is 18043957321804395732 that's for k p f a and Berkeley and for Los Angeles it's a 298557358189855735 or online at k p f k o r g one of think Lauren in Oakland for that contribution and Nick in Berkeley thank you next for your generosity Eddie and Moraga Thank you Eddie Elizabeth in the Glen Ellyn and a number of other people have to go over the computer and scroll down to see where we are my friends we did make that $1000.00 challenge that means for the hour at this point we are $2000.00 towards our overall goal in the hour which is $3000.00 but I have to be frank with you we have to be able to increase that amount of money that that total at this point because this is the last day of the fungi for k. P.f.a. And k f c f and we come in we are still $42000.00 away from our overall goal and what we need to be able to do is raise that money towards the end of the day and if we can achieve that. Then I. Will be whole will be able to proceed and what we do with these funds arrives even on this program still try to bring the show that you tune in for and are asking for your help on that's the number again 180439573218043957321 on line a k p f a o r g or 81890557358189855735 and on line take a p f k o r g well to the rescue is my very good. Friend John Nichols of the Nation magazine who has been so kind to join us here as we are in this break in the House Rules Committee John just before we got you on the phone and good morning to you sir just before we got you on the phone I was talking about how interesting the House Rules Committee is because it's one of these committees that's oftentimes overlooked and it looked and it meets in this really small room that can't even fit really the committee itself never mind people want to observe it but it's the reason it's in one of those rooms is because again it's not one of those committees that people usually pay attention to now and that you know. Imagine it it's how I could be a crossing guard at school and you know when you're like an elementary school. And you know not everybody signed up to be a crossing guard a lot of people had other things they wanted to do but at the end of the day the crossing guard got to decide when you went across the street and that's what the rules committee is it's a small committee relatively small committee that had to get very very little attention and yet at the end of the day this is the committee that decides how the House operates and it's not just how to operate permanently it's a fluid operation and so when you have a major event occurring like a debate out of the Rules Committee suddenly becomes a crossing guard they're the ones who decide you know when you can cross the street when you can stand up when you can sit down and it. It is a place where. And all that rhetoric possibly of Congress kind usually not always but usually grinds to a halt because at the end of the day they have to come up with some kind of plan for how they're going to do things and. In order to not have chaos and so that's what you're seeing today and it is a it's a genuine negotiation. Which will end up favoring the Democratic approach because Democrats have a majority but that will for a variety reasons try to be relatively fair to the Republican let's talk about what's happening in the Senate as well because we're now starting to see the serious debate on a trial is going to look like and this morning Mitch McConnell Senate majority leader it is it is pretty much my understanding rejected the request from Chuck Schumer the Democratic leader in. The witnesses that the Democrats want how how significant is that it's significant. But not definitional does it make sense. That it you know if McConnell had said Yeah I'm ready to go into some negotiations with Schumer I'm not going to everything he's going to want but you know this is a big deal we want to work this out that would have headed us in one direction McConnell hasn't gone there McConnell is gone basic to lead to a place of saying Oh it sure is proposing is weird he's literally saying Yeah well I don't you know I don't get this New York stuff Chuck Schumer's talking about or whatever. That's a negotiating tactic but it's not an honest negotiating tactic it's not saying Gavin where he did talk with Schumer it's more saying I reject this. But there's just enough wiggle room there that I suspect there will still be some negotiation McConnell's effectively taking a tough stance and here's where it gets interesting the top or the stance that McConnell takes and that Lindsey Graham and others take the more they you know basically say no we're going to do this exactly how we want to do that the more they strengthen the argument. Which is certainly not the dominant argument yet but it's a growing one on the Democratic side that the Democrats should effectively withhold the articles enough send them over to the Senate until the Senate rules have been developed now then interesting point then let's really nail that down because the House tomorrow again we're anticipating it to vote on the 2 articles of impeachment but that in itself doesn't send the articles to the Senate as an additional vote that would have to occur after that. Left So again remember that the we we failed which up front in doing this the right way and to say that impeachment there are no rules. That's right that's right if you make your rules it should go a lot and. So if they both the 2 articles of impeachment then there are some procedural steps that come after that the key to it is essentially appointing or naming a group of managers or or representatives to go over to the Senate and present the articles and they're essentially deputize 3 or 4 people to go do the job right and historically they it's good you know below the bar in the Senate the you literally come there and you present you you say here's what we've got there's why it's important and you guys have to take it up. And it's it's you almost get back to kind of like the old you know pretty modern era Parliament House of Lords kind of thing and so yeah there is a next step it's it could be a very bureaucratic next step. But it could also become you know something bigger and that's where it gets interesting is the prospect of whether the House might say . You know we've got articles of impeachment where ready to present them but we're not in a rush to present them we're not going to we're not heading over there we're not kind of dotting the i's and cross in the final t's and marchin Jamie Raskin and some other people over to the Senate to present this instead. We we have this and they might even vote they could vote to make a request to the Senate. You know for the rules for impeachment you know that interest nothing they would do that and again there's no structural. Wills for that but imagine this match as a possibility. That the house as. We have voted articles of impeachment. We. Are preparing more articles perhaps or we have you know this is an ongoing process but now that we have at least something that's developed. We sent a request to the Senate for the formation of a joint committee to look at rules or we request that the Senate develop rules I mean there's a bunch of gambits that could come into play again not because there's a written procedure here but but you could have that sort of negotiation and where it gets interesting is that that gives Coelho see equal standing with shroom or at least until the process begins you know that you could have this and the problems with it are should be obvious to any listener. And there's would include the fact that it might start to look like a game you know like a you pass the articles why are you sending them over it might you know it might trip things up in all sorts of other ways or you might even end up in the case where you know. McConnell says you know what you guys fooling around this stuff that's fun we're not certain we're not going to agree to anything and so then the house is just sitting there was some articles of impeachment and that's what I would imagine Mitch McConnell doing and saying Ok fine keep Yeah exactly and then you you entertain the prospect that. That you know impeachment suddenly goes off radar very quickly we're talking about something else . So I that's why I recalled a couple minutes ago I said this is not the dominant. Do you at this point it's one that some people discuss. And the middle ground of it might be that the House votes to impeach tomorrow perhaps into Thursday because you know that's why these rules they get so interesting because it's how long the debate goes how many interruptions are are you know what complexities come into play. But could go into Thursday I think that's within the realm of possibility but then that they have this and that they simply say we're going to deliver him you know. After the Christmas recess but not up there would be a withholding that there would be a slight delay rather than simply rushing over to the Senate you know Friday morning or something John let me just tell folks we are down to our final 12 minutes in which this radio program and its end of the year fund drive and Berkeley and k. Of c.f. In Fresno are asking our listeners for their financial support we are 22 $100.00 towards our $3000.00 goal we are $800.00 behind and we still have 11 minutes just 11 minutes remaining in the hour for k p f k listeners in Los Angeles your your station will still be in drive up through Friday 4 k. P.f.a. And k.f.c. Of listeners here on the final day the phone number is 18043957321804395732 online at k t f o r g and in Southern California that number is 818905573589855735 and on line p f k o r g it's the end of the Year fun drive for k. P.f.a. Listeners this is the last day of our fund drive we are still $42000.00 away from our goal that we need to reach by the end of the day and that means we have to make every hour work one reason that we are so far behind was because of the day we've been up and did basically by his impeachment that we didn't plan on we you know the couple months ago nobody was talking about impeachment and we had this you know he had to schedule these things in advance and it just sort of ended what we're doing but we felt a civic responsibility to bring you the hearings to bring you the coverage that we're bringing you now and we're just hoping we can get to where we need to be in order to keep this radio station whole so again for k p f a listeners the phone number is 18043957321804395732 and on line. K.p. F a o r g and in Southern California k p f k that phone number is 81898557358189855735 or online at k.p. F k o r g John Nichols of the Nation magazine joins us on the telephone John did these hearings go as the Democrats hoped they would go as Nancy Pelosi hoped they would go you know. By the way they match before I explain why I know you and I were talking about it before. We've been talked about for a very good talking about since 2006 John Yeah so I just want to say that this this station this network of says group of stations has been ahead of the curve on this thing from the beginning and people who listen regularly know the nuances the complexities the importance of these issues. I can't emphasize there's no place in the country that's so far ahead of the curve and in tune with what's going on and so what that phone number again 180-439-5732 that's for keep p.f.a. 180-439-5732 or 4 Keep p.s.k. In Los Angeles 818-985-5735 So really vital for people to call in and give everything they can because this thing isn't over there's a lot to come and there really is a need for resources to carry out now to the answer your question no they didn't go as policy had had hoped or I would think expected because obviously a close he would like to us that each hearing for the support for increased impeachment to dramatically increase right so that you know ultimately the house would be passing a set of articles of impeachment that would have you know overwhelming support from the American people and put tremendous pressure on the Senate that's just the reality that's what what ship will see all these people would want to put together hearings you know aimed in that direction and frankly they came off very very well but they came up against the wall of an incredibly divided nation. And whether you like it or not that's just the reality so we end up with hearings that. Produced strong results Meda of very powerful case for impeachment I don't think there's any question that in that depending on which poll you look at you know kind of what measures you overall take pretty well hell the level of. Short for impeachment and removal of dung from that had existed going in and that's consequential because many polls show even now just a Fox poll that a majority of Americans favor trumps impeachment removal. And overwhelming majority women favorite overwhelming majority of African-Americans. Strong numbers among young people in and I mean it's so it's there but it just it isn't the you know 65 percent support for impeachment that. I think a questionable Palosi would have liked. Yeah. You do not move it in that direction then there's a lot of debate about the impeachment putting on the left just last night read a couple of dueling articles in Jacobin magazine between Doug Henwood who who said that vision was a waste of time in Mexico week he said that this is a real opportunity when what is your view about this impeachment but you know Mitch I love it. I've always loved impeachment I think it's a an extraordinary tool that allows us to you know begin to make real some of the Promise of American democracy and you know American democracy isn't real if it's only an election every 4 years it becomes real when. People have an ability to check and balance their elected officials when those officials err against the constitution or basically the good of the Republic and thus force their elected representatives in the House to impeach to hold the president to account I think this is great I love it but that doesn't detract from some of the talks arguments and how the reality that impeachment can be it could play in many ways politically . And if all you care about if all you focus on is the the steady structural reality of our of our politics of our electoral politics and that which extends beyond it. Then you know you look at it one way if you're looking at it in the sort of the long arc of constitution governance you know obviously I think the reassertion of of the House and Congress in general as a potential. Co-equal or even more than equal branch of government that's a big deal so for a lot of the table their bottom line is I favor I think it's a good thing I'm glad it's happening I also believe that it's never the 3rd row. We'll bet a lot of pundits think it is but usually. You know the party that seeks to impeach a president comes out pretty well at the next election and that was certainly true with the Democrats after going after Nixon even though the action wasn't fully impeached certainly true with the Republicans they went after Clinton and that's you know one of the great misnomers of modern politics is the suggestion that the Republicans were horribly punished for going after Bill Clinton and you know all of tell you is that they went after Bill Clinton and you know 9899. They got the presidency in 2000 they kept the House of Representatives they got an even split in the Senate and in relatively short order had you know full control the presidency in the Congress so it wasn't like impeachment ruined them and certainly I don't think it's dangerous in that regard with all that said you know let's carry on with good with what we're doing I mean for me it's just fascinating to watch the constitutional process play out yeah I don't so I love that and and I'm with Jamie Raskin the congressman from Maryland on this and I have a piece up in the next few days from an interview with him fascinating thing that he argues and that is that if you read the Constitution seriously the house is not a co-equal branch of Congress not a co-equal branch with the executive Congress is the superior branch and that Congress has ceded so much power to the executive that people even in Congress don't understand their power and that perhaps in this process of impeachment at least some members of the House Democrats obviously get a better sense of their or their duty to do oversight to check a balance to challenge a sitting president John a go there and leave it right there but I but I do thank you dearly for coming in the rest us there. From a unexpected break I was on thank you thank people they can thank me by giving money yes yes the radio station is in need of it of course John Nichols of the Nation magazine and you can you can read his article which Amy Raskin online when it comes out thank you John thank you brother. We're down to our final 2 minutes friends has been a bit of an orthodox final day for us and our end of the Year fun drive as again just sort of you're sort of damned if you do in and you're damned if you don't you have this is store moment fully stood upon you of impeachment and you know I came in we had like a film ready to go I will do a documentary film final day hopefully folks will get excited about it and then I was watching the end Pietschmann process on role and watching the rules committee heard it as like you know this is this is important actually. This is something we need to bring to air and if it sinks us than then so be it better to do what you should should do rather then rather than not rather than bringing anti-aging cream or something we're down to our final 90 seconds we are $2530.00 away from the $3000.00 goal that's another $470.00 in our final 90 seconds your call could come in in the next 4 minutes after the hour to help us get to our goal here on our final day of the drive will not be asking k.p.s. a Listeners for a donation tomorrow the number is 18043957321804395732 and online at k p f a o r g and for friends in Southern California the phone number is 8.898557358189855735 and online f k o r g 40 seconds to go waiting for that 1st call that come in not likely not not how we were drawing as of ending the drive but so here we are for Katie have a listeners want 8043957321804395732 and on line at k.p. F a o r g Thank you Evelyn Elsa Riedel Martin Sebastopol Maureen and Roy De Oh thank you for your generosity the number is for k.p.s. Listeners 81898557358189855735 or online. F o r g and friends everyone who has donated I thank you dearly. You're listening to 94 point one k.p. Fame and 9.3 k.p. Be in Berkeley 88 point one k.f.c. From Fresno 97.5 k. 2 for a p.r. In Santa Cruz and online at k.p. Fade out or the times 11 o'clock Stay tuned for talkies. Good morning welcome to the talkies I'm your host Chris Welch and to follow up on what my dear friend and colleague much just riches said thank you thank you thank you for all those of you who listen and who act and for those of you who are able to support us financially we truly truly thank you and all the listeners who can't support us financially Thank you. And this is as he said the final final day of k p f A's winter fun drive and we are pushing for the climax here hoping that we're going to become as close as possible to our goal because the goal is like the bottom line the Ceci it's not Pyatt the sky by and by it's right now with the bills. So in this hour of the talkies I'm looking forward to. Resuming regular programming so called in tomorrow and we'll be talking with Michael Klare piece in Conflict Studies a professor at Hampshire College He's written a number of books about national security and international security has got a new one out which is mind boggling and look forward to talking to him about that and also about what's been happening in California with Dan Moran and then p.g. And e. And all of that stuff and today on the final day of the fund drive.

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