Surprise you. To know. It's a. Simple. Matter. To Apple. Apple. I am. Me and. Good evening good morning good middle of the night I'm full sacks the program is not fiction music until 5 o'clock in the am over k p f a and its affiliates turn that down I'll keep the headphones wowed and my head is skinny. And the headphones don't adjust that well anyhow. We began tonight's program with 2 cuts by for the 1st ways ins one with the late Sherry a was an who just died a couple months back the lead members only it was the song sincerely It was the album and it was on the bull's eye blues label and then we did it in honor of the lyricists Robert Hunter Jerry Garcia was his songwriting partner on that and the Persuasions did entire Grateful Dead album called Might as well on ours and relate to me hey it was usually in the background with his bass take a nice warm lead on ship. Well it was some more Robert Hunter as the show goes on and we followed ship of fools with our theme song was Armstrong if I could be with you from favorites on Columbia then a classic blues from the 1920 s. More. It was the singer and the tune which put me in the alley from volume 2 of her complete recordings on the document label Adi Europe and Harry Gold and his pieces of 8000 used the intro set there with Tin Pan Alley Reg from parade of the pieces in label I'm going to guess I couldn't find a reference in any of my references to that particular tune but I'm going to guess it's an Irving Berlin tune because there was a musical called Pan Alley rag that was. Made up of the music of Scott Joplin and Irving Berlin and I'm darn sure that Scott Joplin unless it's a very recent discovery never wrote anything called the Tin Pan Alley Reg So that's my guess there anyhow we will as you may have guessed continue to a certain degree of our theme of being in the alley which we started last week and we'll have some more alley blues but we're going to begin. This next step which will take us up to about 3 o'clock with a couple of. Numbers. On which Robert Hunter wrote the lyrics and we're going to begin from my favorite studio for a full Dead album. Working Man. I. Problems problems problems all day. If I can get this problem straightened out. Eh eh. Eh eh. The truth that's Johnny Mars there. Well we had him on wives way back from were doing people playing music way back in the 1990 s. . We began have particular set from what I said was my favorite studio album by the Grateful Dead working man's dead featuring my favorite singer with The Grateful Dead Pig Pen and Warner Brothers tune is easy win and that's a Hunter Garcia and Robert Hunter who passed just recently. Did the way to that and he also collaborated evolve things with Bob Dylan on the way Eric for Duquesne whistle from Dylan's album Tempest on the Columbia label. And then we went back in the alley with some blues by somebody Bob Dylan wrote a song about it in fact the title of the song was Blind Willie McTell and that was him on vocal and guitar and I'm pretty sure his wife Kate doing the female vocal on rust alley blues from an album simply called blind would make tell on the Brownsville label. Then a fairly obscure. And. Mysterious to some degree blues artist as there's plenty of fairly obscure and mysterious foods artists back in the early days Richard rabbit for around. Was one of them. Most people seem to think he was from New Orleans and he's a fine finger pickers you hear there is not as fancy as Mississippi John Hurt say but he has this same kind of fluidity in his playing and I was of that James alley blues this particular. Track taken from a collection called hunky time train blues on the blues classics label that's his only contribution there and I'm only other heard one other thing by him. There seems to be some agreement that he was from New Orleans and therefore possibly since there is no James alley in New Orleans. Somebody at the record company misheard him saying Jane's alley he doesn't mention it in the song but that's the title. As also a bit of pointless speculation about whether he's Cajun or African American and which my feeling is who cares let's just listen to how we plays I followed him by somebody I would consider even fit perhaps even more obscure Roosevelt hopes heechul P.E.'s it was the 1st electric recording and I'm going to presume he was the guitar player that showed up most of the room on Roosevelt in the alley from another collection of miscellaneous tracks. Called almost gone and it includes several of Bob good recordings that he made and opened in the 1950 s. On no if that's one of them or not the label involved is prime ministers the next artist is contemporary and maybe not famous but certainly not. As hard to learn things about she works under the name Miss Angel and she did a tune called Blues in the alley from an album about 4 years ago. There what label called down in Miss is beat. And we followed her with Johnny Mars is going to say guy who. Was from the Bay Area but made a career in Europe which is why most people around here. Come to the blues after about 1975980 have have not heard him and I said we had him on wife on key p.f.a. Back in the ninety's he was at that time calling himself the Jimi Hendrix of the blues harmonica and using all kinds of effects and trick aeration on it and it was all good too. Let's see we've got a few minutes here before we can get to actually get ahead. On the time it's on one show here we're going to hear another. Composition. By Robert Hunter with Robert Hunter wrote the lyrics to anyway and this time we're going to hear it done by a group with Cheryl novel on the vocal cold while southern further hook. Now is a shock to Monash not how it goes gosh darn it Chong get it together 456 shot. That explains why I had so much time I had harsh yet. My name is Jules the program is nonfiction music over k p f a. Q For some money some time before the show is over but if you want to call the studio phone number. 510484425 warm with your requests and comments and criticisms and what you can also make a pledge directly to me or you can call the call center at 180-439-5732 that's 1800. Or you can go to the website. And click the donate button anybody does that if I can get a couple pledges before say about. $415.00 or whatever I'm going to start doing that.