How dare you needlessly in danger. But after a radical open borders agenda attorney general just session slams Okla Mary Libby shaft who warned residents about ICE raids he did it this morning in announcing a lawsuit challenging California's sanctuary state status the legal battle could have big ramifications for where the line is drawn between federal and state governments we'll get legal analysis with Rose views or she is a professor at the U.C. Davis School of Law That's next. Our letters and politics. For Pacifica Radio I'm Eileen elf in Derry Attorney General Jeff Sessions lambasted California's sanctuary laws and the mayor of Oakland in a hard hitting speech to California law enforcement at the state capitol Sessions said of the mayor how dare you for having warned that an immigration sweep was coming last week the speech came a day after sessions filed suit in California federal court to invalidate the state laws that limit the cooperation of state and local police end of lawyers with federal immigration agents we're simply asking the state and other sanctuary jurisdictions to stop actively obstructing federal law enforcement. Stop treating immigration agents different from everybody else for the 1st writing border and immigration law all very advanced thing and open borders philosophy shared by only a few the most radical extremists I head of session speech California's attorney general said the state was not intruding on the work of the federal government to enforce immigration laws but that the state has the right to prioritize public safety Basara cited a report showing localities are safer if undocumented residents believe they can report crimes to local police with. Fearing they'll be handed over to federal authorities for deportation the head of the world's largest business Federation is urging Donald Trump to refrain from imposing new global tariffs on steel and aluminum U.S. Chamber of Commerce president and C.E.O. Tom Donohue warned the new tariffs would risk a trade war business leaders and Republicans in Congress are rushing Trump to change course on the plan to tariffs saying they would hurt the economy top trump economic advisor Gary Cohn resigned after failing to convince Trump to reverse its decision the Steelworkers Union is urging Trump to stick with the tariffs West Virginia striking teachers cheered saying and wept joyfully as lawmakers voted to give them a 5 percent raise and being a 9 day walk out that closed schools across the state a huge crowd of teachers packed the state capital. The Republican governor Jim just as held a public signing ceremony with state officials he took questions including one from someone who identified himself as a union person from California we had 25 years of taking from the poor and the working class people and given to the rich and to meet with his strikers on just about education but it's about reversing that the governor who's one of the few billionaires and was for Jan you're responding it would be better to celebrate one another along there and we hear she gives for. Just on just on you they really hope that. While West Virginia Teachers will be back in the classroom today Oklahoma teachers may walk out next week over pay and school funding the rich got 18 percent richer last year that's according to Forbes Which says the world now has 2200 billionaires with a combined fortune. $9.00 trillion dollars Amazon C.E.O. Jeff Bezos lead the pack at $112000000000.00 he became the 1st billionaire to surpass the $100000000000.00 mark Microsoft founder Bill Gates was number 2 on the list with wealth estimated at 90000000000 Forbes calculated Donald Trump's fortunate 3100000000 down 400000000 from the year before Oxfam reported in January that 42 people hold as much wealth as the 3700000000 who make up the poorest half of the world's population. The U.S. Senate has moved forward with bipartisan legislation that analysts and critics say would deregulate some of the largest financial institutions in the country and weaken restrictions on the kind of activity that led to the 2008 financial collapse in Great Recession the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office estimates the measure would exempt big banks from strict regulations and increase the likelihood of another taxpayer big bank bailout Massachusetts Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren gave a 20 minute speech on the Senate floor warning against the legislation I understand breaks for banks that make straightforward but these ones in this bill are to risky and they come at a bad time rising interest rates mean that exotic products like adjustable rate mortgages are starting to make a comeback thank lobbyists are dragging us back to the bad old days when banks had free reign to scam their customers the measure has the overwhelming support of Senate Republicans and of 13 Democrats as well as Independent Angus King of Maine virtually assuring passage I am Eileen elf and letters and politics is next good day and welcome to letters and politics. In the headlines big news today as attorney general just Sessions has filed a lawsuit challenging 3 state laws from California that helps makes it I guess we call a quote unquote sanctuary state well for more on all this and to get a legal analysis of what's happening I'm joined on the telephone by Rosa vias or she is a professor of law and Martin Luther King Jr a whole research scholar at U.C. Davis School of Law professor as always my very good pleasure to welcome you back to this radio program thank you miss for having me back it's good to have you back I think there's a lot to talk about here and one but I want to get right to the legal issue. Seems to me there's a good chance but I want to know you think that this could get all the way to the. Priem court and that this could potentially be one of those landmark cases that has the potential to have big ramifications over where the line is drawn between federal and state laws you know you're right about that I mean it does have that potential to go all the way up to the U.S. Supreme Court it raises important questions about federalism it's a showdown between the federal government and the state government here I state of California and is it did you see me I can't help but see the irony here is that now California would be leading the way for what we've said for state rights almost in a sense no that's your I mean that's. The issue regarding states' rights is that it can be used both ways you can be used as a way as California has done to pass laws based on state police powers to protect their own residents but it has it can also be done in the other the other ways such as for example what Arizona did a few years ago and passing its own anti immigration law. In order to defend what they thought of for the rights of their the U.S. Citizens who they believe are being impacted by undocumented immigrants in their state so it is they it's a state's right issue but ultimately this lawsuit presents a number of novel questions of law about the power that states have regarding using their own state powers to protect their residents. Mentioning Arizona you very much S B 1070 S. Belief yes I am which is interesting because the Justice Department Jeff Sessions actually invoked. A lawsuit against a federal lawsuit by the Obama administration against S.B. 1070 to keep it from going into effect he's using that same lawsuit in that was an you know considered a harsh and a immigrant law but now the Trump administration is using that same case to say California can do these these other laws that it passed Well I think we have to look closely at the 3 different was that Jeff Sessions and the Department of Justice is. And has to it's challenging Right I mean they these 3 different lives are doing a number of different things that are as you mentioned earlier collectively it has created like California and the sanctuary and so although Jeff Sessions has relied on prior case law under try cases of challenges by President Obama we really need to be able to look much more closely at the 3 different laws that Jeff Sessions is challenging to see whether or not that knowledge in them and those 3 laws now are the immigrant worker protection act which was known as assembly bill for 50 and I believe you're correct me if I'm wrong any of these that would prohibit private employers in California from voluntarily cooperating with federal officials likely being ice there the 2nd one is Assembly Bill one o 3 which would create an inspection review how immigrants were being detained and then the 3rd one was keeping local law enforcement officers here in the state of California from being able to do it from part participating cooperate with ice when it does round ups is their source of the federal government is saying that what is happening here and Jeff Sessions is saying what is happening here is that the. In the the site with Libby shafted recently by warning that there was going to be an ice rated Oakland there saying that California is interfering with federal law enforcement so let me 1st explain a word that the federal government's coming from there is it so well established that the federal government has the power to regulate immigration law that's based on well established case law it's grounded on the U.S. Constitution and so the power of the federal government to enforce immigration law is of course not questioned what she is saying however is that the 3 laws that you had mentioned is interfering with the federal government's power and authority to enforce immigration law and so here's where we need to look to see what these 3 different laws are doing and we can perhaps start with a B. 54 the California values act and so they're the government just sessions is saying that because state and local law enforcement officers. Are not allowed or are not providing information to federal agents such as ice for example Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents of the that the state and local governments will employees will not provide information to the federal government about non-citizens in the states that because of that then the the state law is violating the federal government's ability to enforce immigration law as and that is what's called Let's preempt it that's essentially what the federal busy government here is saying sessions is saying that the California law. S.B. $54.00 is preempted at that is just objectively it does not have a strong. Preemption it's not a strong preemption argument and that is because the federal government cannot force a state or local government to enforce federal immigration law they cannot the federal government cannot commandeer a state or local government to do the work of the federal government that is grounded on the U.S. Constitutional principles of federalism so no I'm not as I'm not convinced that S.B. 54 is in fact preempted as attorney general sessions is making it out to be so soon as that one was about and I've wondered about this the immigrate immigrant worker protection act which was a simply built for 58 before 50 that prohibited private employers in the state from voluntarily cooperated with federal officials yet so the complaint talks about the penalties that that will be imposed on on employers if they choose not to. If they voluntarily give consent to ice without ice have presenting a judicial warrant by their There's this tunnel teeth that ranges from $2000.00 all the way up to much more significant amounts and I think it's important to remember here that employers have rights under the common law and under the current constitutional law to refuse. ICE agents or any other person for that matter from entering their property unless there's a judicially signed warrant to enter the property and so even setting aside a the force for 50 employers nonprofit organizations churches schools private and private entities have that constitutional power right to exclude I. So for 50 isn't enacted to create this role the prohibited some private employers that's said that's and that's a novel question and there's a present. A novel question of of law to what extent can the state decide to to limit what entities can do with it with respect to their own property I'm not convinced that's a preemption argument though from my reading of it it seems more of an issue that might affect private property owners of employers as opposed to the federal government's right to our power to enforce immigration law so I'm not convinced that it is a preemption argument but it does I do see that this raises interesting property and constitutional law arguments that may best be seen from the employer's side hey I guess I see that one in I recognize what you say that property owners and employers don't have to cooperate with with ice or a federal government unless there's a warrant to do so but could to state it but if they wanted to voluntarily cooperate with the federal government and could the state tell them that that you'd be penalize for to condemn you for doing that yet and that is a question and I don't I don't think courts have presented clear answers to that one and so this is that's an issue that will then be determined ultimately but if the current lawsuit is framed as a preemption argument and so preemption is in federalism. What would to what extent can the federal government argue that this law that is limiting the law that limits and employers' right to consent is a preemption question. So there has been there but I would need to see more it's certainly not clear to me by reading this complaint Yeah what do you think is the big Is there an underlining big constitutional question that combines all 3 of these laws and the challenges to them is I mean are we really getting to what is called the supremacy clause it is this is a question about. What rights state governments have in passing laws that are designed to address rights and privileges of non-citizens within their domain within their control what types of laws and regulations and policies can be enacted by a state. In order to protect those due process rights and what happened Sunday infringe or they appear to infringe on the power of the federal government to enforce immigration law so when we look at that when we examine this lawsuit from that perspective we can then clearly see that this is a question of constitutional law about supremacy clause does the federal government's power to enforce immigration law does that completely override these long established principles of states' rights to protect their own resident regardless of citizenship. That's the question. Do you have any how do you see this playing out of course is gets to the Supreme Court where you know it may not always be just a straight reading of of of the law but very much can be a part of a judicial philosophy and what for me I see this that I think that there's so much attention I understand all the attention on federalism principle but what I see here is the ability of. Employers and nonprofit organizations individuals to engage in their own form of resistance that are recognized under common law under constitutional and statutory principle that are outside of this federal versus state type of litigation thank you very mange to be seen. What how far these federalism arguments can go and the thing that makes me wonder about this lawsuit and others than the law says it's . The kind of actions that others can engage and that also that immigration regulation on via's or is a professor of law and also Martin Luther King Jr hall research scholar at U.C. Davis School of Law She has joined us for a conversation about the attorney general just sessions in the Trump ministrations lawsuit against the state of California over several laws concerning immigration Rose be as or I thank you greatly Great thank you so much they can't. Enjoy listening to letters and politics I Mitch jazzer each house has been astounded watching Jeff Sessions speech this morning from Sacramento he invoked the name of John C. Calhoun Now John C. Calhoun former vice president trained. Andrew Jackson's presidency he also a senator from South Carolina who really has a reputation his reputation as lived on Anyways was known as the Great Southern defender of slavery and state rights and so I thought it a bit bizarre for just sessions to come to California and to announce his challenge to California sanctuary laws and to invoke the name of John C. Calhoun and all fairness he also invoked the name of Abraham Lincoln but I guess was not the same time I guess those are just 2 names I want and vocal. For a justification of the rule of law as the way he did it anyways we are going to spend the rest of today's hour with one of learning about and hearing about one of my heroes from the 20th century and that is Paul Robeson Paul Robeson was a great one of the great actors singers an activist of the 20th century he could sing in $27.00 languages and he also took on politics and to and he was very much a democratic socialist and he talked about these things he also talked about the plight of African-Americans and the United States and he was. Seen by the federal government to be such a threat to the state that they punished him they revoked his passport and made his life very difficult and we're going to hear about the story of Paul Robeson who is the son of an escaped slave This is called Portrait of the artist and it is narrated by the great actor Sidney put DA who just turned 91 a few weeks ago so this here it is this is called Portrait of the artist there are moments in a great artists life which should be remembered forever yet for Paul Robeson those moments were obliterated blotted out by the fears and political anxieties which gripped America in the early 1950 S. . One such small what occurred century ago. Hammerstein and Jerome Kern wrote a song expressly for and dedicated to a young singer no one who has ever heard Paul ropes the same old man with Evan from getting. but none the world's as. A performance that was the culmination of 20 ease of work. Just. Just some American would like to say Paris and chance and. For the morning do and do and I'm happy for you but it was script for Shakespeare and to do was make sure it was. Beautiful and snatch and C H A U N C's it was cute. And I'm sitting. Very short space. And one terribly difficult sound was Where's my almost at the beginning of the play my services which I have done to seen you read my services so if this is I would say Marsha This is my shoes I had to work on that very. Much later I'd have some special work University of London and also in my university days I majored in English and I have records from the earliest time moves from time to Bangor sections matter of fact through choices and. And of course since I worked on my songs with Roger and or after I couldn't work out there's say trying to be only good. Page with much got to be very. Much. For you to get troops and so thought I was more important for another reason . Simple human. Right men wearing black makeup had been chasing Desdemona for years on the American stage but this was the 1st time a black man would play or sallow with a white supporting cast actually in 19261 other black American. Had played oath that all throughout Europe with an all black cast magnificent actor that he was all arranged was not allowed to play at all sallow in his native land America but in 1943 America had changed Margaret Webster directed ropes and you know. The. When. They. Got any other black man but he wouldn't break that bad man a statue from her of any put a play in progress. The genius that he was seemed to foreshadow and understand many of the problems but have since arisen in our world perhaps were present in 1st I would say that here is a part which has dignity for the Negro after all so we don't get those opportunities and I would say that my people would be very proud of my or any other nigger after appearing in such and such a part I think old soldier but to me your solo is one of a different country Shakespeare insists that he's Africa some argue whether he's. Wordplay and the fact that he's from Africa is very clear to me and that Shakespeare posed this problem for you say black man in a white society. Absence Korea started in the early 1920 S. It was a time of the Negro Renaissance and the early works of black musicians poets writers and painters were coming to the attention of the American troops and was supporting himself through law school by acting when he was seen by Eugene O'Neill. It was his performance as the Emperor Jones in a revival of the Neil play that 1st brought groups into the consciousness of the theatrical world. There is no visual record of ropes and performance in 1904 this is a scene from the film which was made 9 years later. seem less than any change at all in terms of today's thinking but the lyrics of Old Man River were eventually to change my history and the years to come. It was 1930 success piled on success and Max Reinhart decided to produce one American play in Berlin Jones as one German newspaper headline. In session about Landmark. Had still another career on the concert stage it happened almost by accident back in 1024 he was rehearsing the last act of the Emperor Jones and the script called for Jones to exit hands in his pockets whistling a tune. UPS and said he couldn't whistle the director said Well. See if you want. It was actually all yeah. Was it all right. Groups and sang all over the world he sang for the people and he sang for all the royal families of England Romania Greece Yugoslavia groups and zeal of the world expanded so did his music he became cumbersome to many languages he began to sing folk songs in the languages they were written so right here at my concert is one suggestion that all men are brothers because of their music and in my 1st group are you doing or own English so I do one on song from about the living through 12th century from Czechoslovakia review and correct about the food you live in the 12 centuries preceded the correct upon which children Sebastian Bach based his music so I take this and then I do a back correct and then I create a slight confusion by doing integral spiritual right in the middle because of the arms. On a day a war stood still it was January $27938.00 at Spain robes and had come to the front to sing to the Republican soldiers somehow the shooting down loudspeakers were banned for a day stopped 2 opposing armies listened to sing. Another change in the words of. I'm tired of living and scared of dying became we must keep fighting until we are dying. Was beginning to turn from a song. A song. We must keep fighting until Ware dying while Paul Robeson made that change to the song Old Man River as he went to go sing at the Republican. Fighters and the Spanish Civil War What an incredible story the story about the life of Paul Robeson also a very difficult story and we are listening to a documentary about Paul Robeson it is called tribute to an artist it is narrated by the great actor also the 20th century still with us today he just turned 91 of few weeks ago and that is Sidney Poitier You're listening to letters and politics I mean just a quick moment of your time before we return to this really one of my favorite documentaries of all time on one of my favorite historic figures and there's many figures in my mind and in my own life in my own pantheon I suppose of my in my head Paul Robeson is my me Abu Jamal would call him truly the tallest tree in the forest and that's very much true for me once I got to learn about his life but you know I didn't learn about him in high school and even learn about him in college I was until I came to a radio and really when I went to W.B. AI in New York City where I got to learn a great deal about him friends we are in our 2018 Winter Fun drive in in fact today is the penultimate day that this radio program letters and politics will be asking you for a financial contribution I like to use the word penultimate because I never knew what it meant and so I started doing fund drives Mulder used to tell me it's the 2nd to last and so down there's want to use it to make sure I keep this word fresh in my mind penultimate day that letters and politics will be asking you for a financial donation in fact we are now down to our final 2 and a half days as a radio station all together and our 2018 Winter Fun drive and this hour we are offering you one of my most favorite thank you gifts of all time and that is the. Paul Robeson portrait of the artist boxset it is said it is created by the Criterion Collection of films and it is 8 films of Paul Robeson career as well as a number of documentaries about Paul Robeson including the one they are listening to now other documentaries feature the likes of Ruby Dee James Earl Jones and Spike Lee talking about the influence and the importance of Paul Robeson in cinema and also includes a booklet of essays about Paul Robeson including one essay by Paul Robeson himself that was taken from his autobiography includes the films the Emperor Jones' tribute to an artist we're listening to right now and this was fantastic Paul Reubens 1st film was shot in 1925 it's called Body and Soul and it was directed by Oscar Micheaux to. Somebody who's very important as well he's considered the 1st. Major African-American filmmaker and this is this is a silent film and pub ropes it's actually very beautiful meant to. This is a silent film with Oscar Micheaux just these 2 great. Individuals getting together for some early music magic so that's a part of this collection as is Sanders of the river and Jericho and then the proud Valley the proud Valley is a documentary shot during Paul Robeson today about socialism around the world and it is narrated by Paul Robeson himself so all of this is part of a box set for D.V.D.'s and a booklet yours for a pledge of $250.00 the phone number is 18043 to 9573218043 to 95732 and on line. A 0 R G We. Into this hour still about $3250000.00 from our overall goal here. And our overall goal is $700000.00 as a radio station I am doubtful at this point that we are actually able to make up that entire $250000.00 between now and the end of Friday it's not impossible but I don't think that's ever seen done at this point so right now we're talking about this is a very critical as you know this is a critical time for K P F A This is a critical moment for us in a very important fun drive Now look we've we've come up short before we have shortened and actually the reason why we're short at this point because we have shortened this fund drive amount of time that we spent on the air asking you for a financial contribution it's our part of our continuing effort to try to do that and to have our daily average go up but it does get us into this question is this going to be a shortfall that could be devastating. Dramatic changes around here or is it something that we can manage that will be manageable to tighten our belts cut a few corners but we can make it work so it is a really important hour for us right now so I'm asking you to make a contribution to Cape P.F.A. Today we have I think one of the great thank you gifts that we have and that is Paul Robeson portraits of the artist for a pledge of $250.00 it's a box and it's a beautiful box at something that I have on my own bookshelf at home 8 films documentaries a booklet yours for pleasure $250.00 the phone number is 18043957321804395732 and on line K. P.F.A. Or G. We now return to the documentary. The other unforgettable concert was in St. The drill in London and shows him Jacob's Ladder and he sang for 4000 people in the cathedral and 5000 more stood outside and. In 133 the same Eugene O'Neill play the Emperor Jones which began acting career in his 1st major motion picture. His next major performance was in Showboat in 1936. And starred in 11 films in age rider Haggard's King Solomon's Mines he played the warrior king. Greet America smellier but you will do or it will lead to people who go against what. But I need your help. And in return I hope your lives and the freedom of the mind. For you the diamonds riches for you adventure. For you the happiness of even to seek us. Today you saw a white outreach strangers if your father is on my feet in the mind. I'm going we'll go behind call a standard. Of people a fear of magic they will rise only if you show them a great a magic but you'll give them honest you know the white man has no magic I must have magic and if we can give it a good girl we'll roll with the spelling out there who will give the sign carriers will speak evil doers. It will be just to their. Hair and the color in their in so Michael Balkans the proud Valley. But you were saying what about that about dead beat I come on they did not come on eat. Through or clear the. Oh. Oh. Oh. Here. He. Here here and. The Way Home little. Clout that. That. Period don't you stay. People probably in the car. You want to get out of this but I pay my way my 70 money I do my bit on the side try not to eat too much and anything should go . To battle that. Get to find a ship or used. Car. Because I'm I'm in the queue. I want to give. My friend. A kind of a man would I be if I left not when things are bad. And in my When President Roosevelt died in 1945 it was Paul Robeson A was chosen by a solo act just to read their tribute to the president it was written by Carl Sandburg. However with Roosevelt's death and the end of World War 2 ropes and split views separated him from most Americans. From this point on his artistic career was almost entirely political A only sang for causes in which he believed as at the Paris Peace Conference change in. 1949 he went on a triumphant European concert tour between concerts ropes and spoke out plainly as to what he believed. There was a severe reaction in the United States. Old Rube. Goldberg will. There were any changes in. The Mississippi was the only man he didn't like to be. A. A. Game. A. Showing. Me and you get a little drunk and you lands in jail became you show a little grace and you land in jail. a marching song for the Chinese Red Army and was now the 1st. National the People's Republic of China which at that moment was sweeping to power. It will surprise you if I told you that this isn't the 1st time I've seen this documentary film course or listen to it right now but it is on video and every time I do I just I get stuck on it I can't stop watching it just such a beautiful story add to the archival footage is is really extraordinary and the story is a beautiful one and and a very American story and a very important story a part of our history that I know that when I was in school anyways I never heard of the was until I came to Cape P.F.A. Radio that I started to learn the story of Paul ropes and of course Paul Robeson had a very strong and important and good relationship with his radio station which he said was expressly during the difficult years for him when he started being persecuted for his political beliefs he said this was the one place he knew he can always be welcomed in and of course he was my friends I do have a fundraising update for you this hour we frankly I haven't raised any money yet we have a night and I have been it's to go and. We're stuck on 0 and this is now really the tail end of our winter 2018 fun drive and we are offering this hour which I think is one of the great thank you gifts that we've ever had around here and that is the Criterion Collection of the Paul ropes and portraits of the artist boxset and 8 films the Emperor Jerome JONES Paul Robeson tribute to an artists who are listening to right now body and soul this historic film which was the 1st major film and it was made with the 1st major African-American director Oscar Micheaux back in 1925 really historic films a part of this collection if you haven't seen it you want to see this you're going to want to know about this also borderlines Sanders of the river Jericho the proud Valley Valley is a documentary narrated by Paul Robeson about global socialism and then finally native land it comes on for D.V.D.'s it's a box and I'm holding it right here in front of me also includes a booklet full of essays and photographs about Paul Robeson end an essay by Paul Rhodes sent him self the phone number to get this for a pledge of 250 dollars is 1804357321804395732 and online F A O R G So my friends this is the 2nd to last day that politics will be asking you for a financial contribution in our our average right now is actually below where to be we need to be averaging about $3500.00 per hour and at this point we are averaging almost $3000.00 so we are below and if we don't pick it up today and tomorrow we were where we're basically I think he said that we are not justifying our existence around here we need to make sure that we are able to do our part by raising the money and keep this. Radio program as well as this radio station on the air and thriving and fully operational we don't take commercials we don't take corporate underwriting the only way we do this is through your support it's a model that we have adopted sense 1949 so 180-439-5732 that's the phone number that you can call to make a contribution 180-439-5732 online K.P. F A O R G We do have a challenge this hour in this challenge to give you really important because frankly my friends we did not make yesterday's challenge history was not a good day for us but we are at it once again Lawrence in Los Gatos Karen in Oakland and Estella in Serrano have challenged us to raise a $1000.00 so if we can raise a $1000.00 in our final 66 and a half minutes here. That would be a really big deal for us because I would be $2000.00 at least help me get out of the hole a little bit and the hole I am in because my friends yesterday we did not make that check. I may have to start well it won't be the 1st time I had to wash cars or or or no you know I hardly ever oh you don't really want me washing your car or your lawn but I'll do it because that might be what I have to do in order for us to get us out of the hole here 18043957321804395732 and on line at K P F A O R G A N This is such an important story that of Paul Robeson it was this towering figure intro blazer and in many ways he was groundbreaking for the medium a medium of film is one of the 1st great film stars how do we not know about him the reason we don't know about him is because he they you know the powers of be. Whether it be in Hollywood or whether it be in Washington D.C. Try to erase him from history in fact he was a great athlete as well I mean really great column the great American Renaissance man of the 20th century he was an all-American football player in college and he even his name was a raced from that honor it was the only time you know if you know football you have 11 players and often celeb players on defense it was the 1st time ever that there's only been 10 all American players and that was because again they raised his name from even that list right and this is all about such a struggle history is always about the struggle of forgetting and how we tell stories I am a firm believer that our political boundaries today are created by the way that we tell history and that's why it's important to have a radio station like a P.F.A. I like to think that's why it's important that we have a radio program like letters and politics dive into that dynamic and to set and to challenge the boundaries that have been presented up presented to us throughout time 180-439-5732 that's the phone number 180-439-5732 an online K P F A O R G 250 dollars pledge our thank you gift to you is this box set of films that Paul Robeson started a film about Paul Robeson that's what we've been listening to this hour and also films that Paul Robeson narrated and what a great voice this man had that you know we always think of James Earl Jones who actually featured on another one of the documentaries that comes in this box set about the life about the importance of Paul Robeson in cinema but before there was before there was James Earl Jones there was Paul Robeson whose son 20. 7 languages and again just he would go to this he went to the Spanish Civil War to sing to Republican fighters their fascinating story 180-439-5732 that's our phone number 180-439-5732 online K.P. F A O R G This is a serious times for us my friends because K.P. If A is pretty far from our overall goal that we need to reach by the end of. Week. In very questionable at this point I think I would say very doubtful we're going to actually get there it would be the 1st time we've come up short in it's not that this is a bad drive for us it's that we're trying to do this in a shorter period of time than usual as our continuing effort to try to shorten the amount of time that we go to air to ask for financial contributions and it's not that going to the air is a bad thing right it's our model it's white blouse us not to play you commercials and it's not just that oh I don't want to hear commercials it's also that what it means when you start taking corporate money what it means when you start playing when you have corporate commercials right because then they're going to want to have more of a say and starts to affect whether we want to admit it or not what happens on the air what type of programming we do what kind of values we adopt 180-439-5732 that's the phone number that you can call to make a contribution to K P F A Today 180435732 of course you can do this online at Kate Pete F A O R G less than 2 minutes to go you know I haven't gotten anything from the phone room yet so I don't leave we still need beyond 0 at this point with a $1000.00 challenge I would put me about a $1000.00 in the hole that I'd have to yeah want to figure something out 1800 here comes somebody now 18043957321804395732 and on line. A 0 R G Ok I do want to we do have a color here we have Marcella in Sonoma Marcella thank you so much I think you're going to enjoy this thank you gift a great deal want 804-357-3218 extension 043 . 95732 and online. My friends we are $250.00 to that challenge. We are in some serious trouble at this point. If there were any 3 people that gay called and got this box set at a $250.00 level we make it so it's just 3 people really talking to you right now. We are we are in a bit of trouble here 180439573218043295732 on line keep E F A O R G We are just 10 minutes seconds remaining in the hour but get your calls in it will stay open for the next couple of minutes 180439.

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