African countries during a meeting last week and expressed a preference for immigrants from countries like Norway Martin Luther King the 3rd spoke in Washington on Monday for the Martin Luther King Jr holiday the problem is that you have a president who says things but has the power to execute and create racism that's not Deidre's hour and a dangerous position in his remarks King hinted it may be possible to change the president's added suit on race by quote working on his heart you compared Trump to former Alabama governor and staunch segregationist George Wallace who modified his views on race later in life Pope Francis is visit to Chile has taken on an unprecedented degree of opposition with the firebombings of Catholic churches ahead of his arrival there today and protests by Chileans fed up with priest sex abuse and cover up Francis is coming to a country where around 60 percent of Chileans declare themselves to be Roman Catholics but where the church has lost the influence and moral authority it once enjoyed thanks to sex scandals secularization and an out of touch clerical caste the pope will try to reverse the trend during his 3 day visit which gets underway in earnest Tuesday with a series of protocol visits for church and state and will be followed by a 3 day trip to neighboring Peru in Chile he planned plans to sessions with migrants members of Chile as indigenous groups and victims of the 1973 to 1990 military dictatorship it remains to be seen if he will be met with sex again he will meet with sex abuse survivors a meeting isn't on the agenda but such encounters ever are chilis church earned a wide respect to during the regime of General abuse dope Pinochet because it spoke out against the military's human rights abuses but it began a downward spiral in 2010 when victims. If a charismatic politically connected priest came forward with allegations that he had kissed and fondled them. Then as Whalen officials said that Special Forces today captured 5 members of the band led by every bell yes police officer who's been on the run since stealing a helicopter in launching grenades at government buildings in the capital last year it wasn't clear if the renegade officer Oscar Perez and self had been killed or captured deadly gun battle after more than 6 months on the lam Venezuelan authorities said 2 officers were killed and 5 seriously wounded during a shoot out with Perez and his comrades earlier today Perez posted video clips showing blood dripping across his face as gunshots ring in the background Paris said officers were firing at the group and wanted to kill him instead of permitting him to surrender he holed up with at least 2 other men in what appeared to be a home in the mountains outside Caracas the Southern California highway that's the main coastal route between Los Angeles and points west and north will remain closed for at least another week because of mudslides that have left 20 dead the California Department of Transportation said today that officials are aiming to reopen u.s. 101 near the devastated town of Mont to seeto on January 22nd the highway has been closed since January 9th when all lanes were inundated with mud rocks and trees that rushed down hillsides during a powerful winter storm more than 500 homes were damaged or destroyed 3 people remain missing highway officials say much of the water on us 101 in Santa Barbara County has receded allowing crews working around the clock to focus on removing the solid material from the roadway. Leered singing lead singer of the Irish band The Cranberries as she was 46 her publicist said Oh Reardon died suddenly today in London where she was recording the cause of death wasn't immediately available she was reportedly found in her hotel room the Limerick based band rocketed to international stardom in the 1990 s. With hits including song and linger Ira singer the loris Rearden dead at age 46 that's it for news headlines this hour I'm Max Pringle to join us for the hour long edition of the Pacific evening news at 6 now back to hard knock radio. And. This is true. Friends of. Our. So. America has trample over the dream. Of an America has this noble dream. We look. And seize certain states and they will never. Comply with the law of the land. In doing this America is scarring the dream. We notice people who merely want. To be free. Homes being bombed churches being bombed this is a way of scarring the American dream. We notice people who merely want. To exercise our citizenship rights being thrown into jail. This is a way of starting the dream. And we came in here are the possible image. From the Russian world is a Mississippi. This is a way of barring the dream. And so all the new girls still trapped about. Bound feet of oppression. So often he has been pushed out of the glittering sunlight of life. And left standing in the pissing chill of an Alpine November this is carving the American dream. With. National I'll be. Saying. This is. When. I find his with. Just. Hope. The. Patients love. This. Place. This. Case. Mr Allison. Focuses most of the letter measures taken on a hard knock radio few in hip hop and help from our distinguished guests the Reverend Dr. Mr William. Members of the Faculty members of the student body you. Aren't sure and your high school. I do I am to be here today. And I have the opportunity of taking a brief break and a pretty busy schedule in the city of Philadelphia. To share with you the students of Barack junior high school. And I want to express my personal appreciation to from suppose the administration. Far and fighting me him for giving me the opportunity. To see this verify and then and foods he asked a group. Of students here at Barrett. I guess out to start off with a commercial. And that is. Tonight we're going to have a great night in the city of Philadelphia at the spectrum. I know you've heard of that new impressive structure called the spectrum. And I know you've heard of our Belafonte Retha Franklin never saw Russell and said in a body and all of these of a grave and outstanding artists Well they're going to be here tonight at the spectrum. And I hold you to will go home and tell your parents to be that a night for this great Freedom Festival and I hope you will come all the soul for you it will be a great experience and by coming. You will be supporting. The work of the civil rights movement. Now that I've gotten the commercial out of the way. And then. I say some things that I want to say very briefly. And I'm going on this time I want to be brief. Because I have one of them days and months I don't have a tradition of being briefed all the time you know I'm a Baptist preacher and we're going to talk a lot of time. But I'm going to really be brief today. I want to ask you a question and that is what. Is and your lives blueprint. This is the most important. And crucial period of your live as far would you do now and what you decide now at this age may well determine. Which way your life shall go. And whatever building is constructed. Your usual there have been architect who draws a blueprint. And that blue friends. As the past as the guy. As the model. For those who are 2 below the building. And a building is not. Erected. Without a good. Solid blueprint. Now each of you who is in the process. Of building the structure. Of your. City. And the quest is whether you have a proper. I was solid. I'm a sound blueprint. And I want to suggest. Some of the thing that should be. In your lives blueprint. Number was your life's blue friend should be. A deep belief. In your own dignity own words. And your own somebody in this. Don't allow anybody to make you feel. That you know about it. Always feel that you calm. Always feel bad you have worth. And I always feel that your light. Has a significance now that means that you should not be ashamed. You'll come out. You know it's very unfortunate that in so many instances. It was society has placed a stigma on the negroes Carla. You know there are some Negroes who are ashamed of them say Oh. Don't be ashamed. Don't be ashamed of your biological features somehow oh you must be able to say in your own life and really believe that I am black but beautiful and. Bad For You need not be. To purchase cosmetics but ties to make your life. Do you need to process show how to make it appear strong. Good and as good as anybody else's in the world and with. Your life's blueprint be sure. That you have a principle. Somebody is 2nd. In your life blueprint. You must have. As a basic principle they did time a nation to achieve x. On them. And. Your various fields of endeavor. You want to be deciding as the days and the years unfold what you would do in life what your life's work will be. And once you discover what it will be set out to do it and to do it where. And I say to you my young friends that doles all winning to each of you dollars of opportunity opening to each of you that will not only to your muscles and to your fathers and the great challenge facing you is to be ready to enter these door was as a old. Ralph Waldo Emerson the great essay is said in a lecture back in 187 to one that if a man can write about a book or a preacher about a sermon. Make a bet on the mousetrap then his neighbor even if he believes his house and the womb of the world will make a beaten path to his door that had not always been true but it would become increasingly true. And so I would urge you to study hard. To burn the midnight on. I would say to you don't try for school now to stand out of the sociological reason. Why we often drop out of school. Jew in spite of your economic plight. In spite of the situation that you were forced to live sort of fun within tolerable condition. Stay in school. And when you discover. What you are going to be in life. Set out to do it as if God Almighty called you at this particular moment in history to do. And just don't set out to do a good job but do a good job that anybody could do. All set out to be just a good Negro doctor our good negro lawyer a good negro schoolteacher a good negro preacher or good. A good negro skilled labor. For if you set out to do that you have all right if Shell matriculation exact value interims into the University of Integration Center to do a good job and do the job. That I. Couldn't do it in a better. To be a street sweeper. Streets like Michelangelo pictures. Streets like Beethoven composed music sweep streets like. Pricing. Metropolitan Opera. Sweep streets like Shakespeare wrote poetry. Sweep streets so well that all the host of heaven and earth well after polls and say great street sweep swept his job. You can't be in on the top of the hero. But be the best little screw up on the side of the real bush if you can't be a tree if you can't be that way trail if you can see the sun all star the Sun. Said you when are you fail to stop what are you I. Have some old. Black man and black women. Who demonstrated to us. That human nature can not be kept in law. They have their own lives have what lol and nights of oppression and yet they risen up and plunder. Feel nights of affliction new and blazing stars of inspiration so from an old slave cabin of agendas he'll go. To Washington to. Be one of America's great leaders he lit a torch in Alabama. This flared in that setting. Yeah sure should know this because it's in your home city. From a part of the district an area. Of Philadelphia Pennsylvania. The sun rose up. To be the greatest trial. So that a Toscanini could say that a voice like this comes on the once in a century and some people use a Fenland say my roof is too low for such a boyish from the red counter George and I. Neither read nor write role in Haiti grows up to be one of the world's great saying goes and carried his Mobius voice into the palace is a mansions of kings and queens from crippling circumstances that came up. Washington. To calm himself any perishable niche and so son that was installed in the diplomatic sky and then came Ralph Bunche the grandson of a slave preacher he reached up and grabbed me and I loud to shine and. Then came back to wrap him in his day. In his day with baptize bats and back home spirits in shame Jesse Owens with his feet and dashing feet came on Mohammad Ali with educated fish came to tell us that we can be somebody and justified the conviction of the poet said black complection cannot face nature's claimed skin. Affection. Sand black and white the same was sold as to reach the Pole after grasp that the spam must be. Mine so. Must be. A commitment. To the principle. Of beauty. And just. To. Know. As to make you hate them. Respect to the point. That you do not obstruct. Justice. You have a responsibility. To see to make. A better nation and. You have a responsibility to see to make life better if I ever bought. And sold you must be gone. And the struggle for freedom. And justice. For freedom and. I'm struck to fame that we all can do and that we all must do. And we must not give. To those things which will not solve our problem. You. Are not violent and you heard the word. I happen to believe in nonviolent. Struggle with this method with young people in the sunlight all over the south and we have won some significant victories and we've got to struggle with it all because. The problem is serious in the know if is in the south. And I believe as we struggle with these problems we've got to struggle with them with a method. That can be militant. But at the same time does not destroy life or property and so I was slogan must not be burned baby but must be. Killed. As a slogan must be. So that we can. And with the power to commit. And we can track yesterdays of injustice and the right to justice and humanity let us keep growing. As a share of the dream of. The realization of the dream. Of standing good. That nobody is stopping us I close by quoting one small. Young lady. That magnificent black. And. Langston you. One day he wrote a poem in titled. The mother did not always have a grammar right but she other words a very symbolic funded. 10 new. Life for me a crystal static tax and. Places with no carpet on the floor. And all the time. I've been a climbing on reaching the landings and turning corners and sometimes going into. The night so but I don't you stop. Vultures set out on the steps cause you. Still going. Still climb and life for me. No Crystal staff. Well life. Has been a crystal stack. But we must keep moving we must keep going. If you can't. Run. If you can run well. If you can't walk. Me keep moving. This is that is the Senate. Radio this is. Radio. Jesus. I want to share with you dramatic little story from. The grass as recorded by St It is the story of a man. Standards . Always manage a man. With big consider how successful man. Jesus called him. That parable you will discover. That. The central. Character in the drama is a certain. Rich man. Rich that. His farm. Yielded tremendous crop. Crops was so great that. He didn't know what to do. And it occurred to him that he had only one alternative and that was to build some new and bigger bomb so he could store all of this crop. That was the life. Of the parable the man with that man made in his statement. By. God said to him. Next year next week not tomorrow but this night. A soul is required. Prosperity. Look at that. Think about. The day he would be considered a big shot. Of the social prestige. Community. That. Most people would look up to him because. He would have something called money. Live for you to look at this. Jesus call this man. Jesus call this man of. The me. To outdistance. Each of us lives in. The West. And the without. Within about. Spiritual expressed in. Literature or religion and morality. Out of. That complex. Mechanisms and instrumentalities. Which we live. In the house we live in. A part of the Me by which we live we drive. We where. The money that we are able. To relate and show. The physical stuff. As necessary to exist. On a problem is that we must always keep. Between . The 2. Because he didn't do that. Didn't make contributions to civil rights. Suffering humanity. Probably gave. Convertible automobile but he didn't give us what she needed. Children but he didn't do any of. His type of. He was in it. To outdistance. To. Because. He failed to. You will discover that this man has 6 the word. And my more than 15. He's. Lost the capacity to say we. Talk like. Himself. The Commonwealth. Some have to to get that. We've gotta see this in our world. Our white brothers must see this. And it up to now. Produced the wealth of this nation. Nation. Shall it and its. People who made it. About this morning. Tell you right now. Some people come out of separate states. Go back to. I don't know about you. And my great grandfather. Feel this nation for me to be the gentleman . Landed at. 1620 we were in. The pages of history. Words of the Declaration of Independence we wish you. All the beautiful words. Were written. More than 2 centuries. But here without wages they. Started. Out. There is the impressive mansion. This nation as. He grows are excluded almost absolute from the building trades. Across the. 6789 and $10.00 an hour and they don't want. And something. America. Good. Story. His dependence on God. Regulated the season. Because he ended up acting like he was the creator. Stead of a preacher. You know a lot of people. And. Get rid of. Disappointments want to get. Away. But. To be able to make it. In the church. I'm the son of a preacher the great grandson of a preacher. And a great great. Preacher. Preacher My grandfather was a preacher my great grandfather was a preacher my only brother was a preacher man and his brother is a preacher about him how much I guess. The church meant something very real to me but. Of inherited religion and I. Had. The way that you must have it if you. After finishing school. Little Church. Down in Montgomery Alabama was. Made about the name of. You may not remember it because it's way back every year. Men and women ripped. Out of the 301 day. We're going to learn to know. One of the most amazing things. The spokesman. Now is the president of the new organization the money government program an association that came into being bullied. I couldn't say no. And we started on struggling young. Were going way over the break a few days but then. 10 or 15 days later after the white people in one government knew that. They started going some. They started making nasty telephone poles and came to the point that some days more than. A phone call. Coming in and threatening my life the life of my family and the life of my children . I'm so good for one. And a strong man. I never will forget one night very late. It was around midnight. You're going to have some strange experiences of midnight. Telephone started ringing and I picked it up. You know glimpse. At. Me and. You know time for you and you. Just. You know this time in 3 days. You have brains down and. I've heard these things before but some reason back and I just got so mad turned all the time . Sleet but I couldn't. Frustrate. It well. It's went back to the kitchen and I started wanting. To think and of course it would give me a little relief. Then I started thinking about many things that pull back the theology and the love that I had just started in the university. And if you philosophical and theological. Of the existence of the reality of sanity. Yancey didn't quite come down. There and. Then. We have 4 children now but will not come to. You with the polling and most likely come in night after night and see that just most. People think about this girl in. Fact be taken away from him. And I started thinking about a devoted to my wife. She could be taken from me I could be taken from her. Couldn't take it along with. Something said to me you can't stand it now he's up in the slammer 110 the compound the way. You framed mom and now. You've got. Something in that person that you can know about. The conflict. We. Just. Got. The scum see them and I had another. Couple of them. That. I think. Is Right. And I'm losing my. People see me like this if they. Begin to get. This is your money no this is really merry Tilson speaking of reminding you to brush your teeth come here here gas in the car and listen to America's back 40 the hicks from coast to coast on Cape p.f.a. 94 point one f.m. Sundays at 1 o'clock in the afternoon while you're at it don't forget to tune into you across the Great Divide at 11 o'clock on Sunday and picking a pen and Panhandle country at 3 o'clock that's 6 whole hours of acoustic and American roots type music hard to forget right here on Sundays 11 am to 5 pm on k p f a 94 point one f.m. . Am. And you are the singing Touquet p.f.a. 24 point one f.m. In Berkeley 89.3 k.p. B. In Berkeley 81 K.F.C.'s in Fresno 97.5 k. 24 a.p.r. In Santa Cruz and always on line a k.p. If he does oh gee please stay tuned for flashpoints. On today's program an encore presentation of a special one hour program on Dr Martin Luther King Jr and the historic civil rights March from Selma to Montgomery Alabama in 1965 you'll hear a speech of Dr King that was never broadcast until this program 1st aired all this straight ahead on Flashpoints. And you are listening to flashpoints My name is Janice Bernstein and an early 1965 Selma Alabama was ground 0 for the civil rights movement Dr Martin Luther King Jr believed the time was right to secure equal voting rights for blacks in Selma blacks in jail far outnumbered blacks registered to vote as Dr King observed in his autobiography this was not accidental Instead it reflected a calculated strategy to maintain white political had Gemini in many areas of the sound of. Official violence directed against the civil rights agitators was endemic in late February 1965 Jimmy Lee Jackson was gunned down by police during a demonstration in Marion Alabama 9 days later on armed voting rights marchers were brutally beaten tear gassed and whipped by helmeted state troopers and white civilians at the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma so when after civil rights leaders began planning a huge March from Selma to Montgomery Alabama Dr King hoped to see in his own words the greatest witness for freedom that had ever taken place on the steps of the capitol of any state in the south marches set out on March 21st 1965 from Selma 54 miles and 4 days later 50000 people marched on the state capitol in Montgomery the so-called cradle of the Confederacy as the swelling crowd gathered to call for equal voting rights for blacks the smell of victory was in the air one journalist called The March the most spectacular people's movement in American race relations but as the March ended in the throng dispersed Dr King wrote that the scent to victory in the air gave way to the stench of death we were reminded that this was not a March to the capital of a civilized nation we had marched through a swamp of poverty ignorance race hatred and sadism. Call being curt a designer from Detroit was there be incurred travel to Alabama with his tape recorder and camera to record history in the making he recorded many speeches interactions and songs much or all of it which has never before been broadcast anywhere but Called been Kurt was not just an observer he was a marshal in the Selma to Montgomery March charged with protecting the Vanguard including Dr King busy with his duties and Kurt handed his tape recorder to a stranger reporter named Steve Nevis who produced a beautifully wrought narration of what happened in Montgomery on March 25th 1965 the end of the 54 mile March from Selma to Montgomery is 4 blocks now from its destination to the street and to travel hill to the state capitol.