Good morning 1st the rains came then the floods and now in Beaumont Texas a public health emergency the city's water supplies been knocked down there's no clean water to drink It's Morning Edition from n.p.r. News. Was waters are starting to recede in Texas but new crises are emerging I'm Mary Louise Kelly and I'm Rachel Martin will the dreamers stay or go President Trump weighs a decision on the future of the Dhaka immigration program that protects young people from deportation Plus a court says Kenya's election was rigged fills us in from Nairobi as the opposition has been negated a new elections will have to be held and Louisiana State University gets a new tiger named Mike will explain it's Friday September 1st let the rhythm take control singer Gloria Estefan is 59 News is next. Live from n.p.r. News in Washington I'm Corba Coleman the National Weather Service says what was once Hurricane Harvey is now a big storm streaming over Tennessee Kentucky and into southern Ohio the storm is bringing heavy rain and the chance of flash flooding flooding is still the main problem on the Texas Gulf Coast and in parts of Louisiana the Weather Service says the storm system is also creating tornadoes these have been reported in Alabama Houston's mayor says he's city is beginning to turn a corner N.P.R.'s Kirk Siegler reports local authorities are starting to move toward recovery work Houston mayor Sylvester Turner says shelters are beginning to empty out as evacuees return home to assess damages or they're moving to a larger regional shelter where there are more services Turner says neighborhoods are finally drying out and they're drying out way out the traffic is returning to our straight home and we are turning turning the corner of the city's schools though aren't scheduled to reopen now until Monday September 11th as many buildings saw extensive damage Kirk Siegler n.p.r. News Houston school superintendent Richard says all school buildings in Houston were affected by Hurricane Harvey that not one of those buildings of those 200 that hasn't been touched in some way shape or form a by floodwaters some of the water intrusion has been very minimal in other buildings approximately 14 it's been significant Meanwhile authorities in Texas say at least 36 people have died because of hurricane Harvey and the flooding many people perished in Harris County home to Houston Kenya's Supreme Court has just overturned that country's recent presidential election and ordered a new one the High Court voted for brother voted 4 to 2 in favor of losing opposition candidate Raila Odinga he claimed ballots were manipulated in favor of the winner incumbent Kenyan president who are Kenyatta the election was August 8th the Kenyan supreme. Court says a new election must be held within 60 days the Trump administration is forcing Russia to close its consulate in San Francisco the shutdown is seen as retaliation for Moscow's recent order for a cut in u.s. Diplomatic personnel in Russia from member station k.q.e.d. In San Francisco aerial Swedbank has more dozens of dual nationals waited outside the consulate in San Francisco hoping to renew passports and process visa requests before it closes on Saturday Bay Area resident Dimitri Vassilyev says he was told he'll have to reschedule appointments at the Seattle or Houston locations even in the most difficult times of Cold War always there was always a diplomacy but now what I'm seeing is very surprising and very all or all arming to me but that means that the confrontation may be even more escalated and xs in New York and Washington that house trade missions also must close by Saturday aerial switchback reporting you're listening to n.p.r. . President Trump is expected to soon make a decision on an Obama administration policy concerning immigration the doc a policy shield from deportation more than 3 quarters of a 1000000 people who were illegally brought to the u.s. As children the decision on the so-called dreamers is linked to a lawsuit that was filed in Texas there are differing reports on whether the president will overturn the program keep it or end it slowly a historic landmark in Montana's Glacier National Park is gone Nicky will of Montana Public Radio reports the 2 story structure has been destroyed by a wildfire the Sperry chalet was known for its amenities in the park's back country after it was built by the Great Northern Railway in 1013 on Thursday evening strong winds pushed the brake fire toward the chalets main lodge and burned it to the ground despite firefighters best efforts Lauren alley a spokesperson for the park calls Sperry chalet a national treasure but a place where people have made memory of their families I can up there and saying there you know I an important part of the park history and telling the park story is a very bad guess at the chalet had been evacuated earlier this month glaciers going to the Sun Road which transects the park remains open for n.p.r. News I'm Nikki while at the United Nations says tens of thousands of her hang the Muslims are fleeing me and marched toward Bangladesh to escape violence the u.n. Estimates 20000 people remain stranded at the border with no help there are more than a 1000000 ringgit Muslims now living in me in Mar I'm core of a Coleman n.p.r. News in Washington support for n.p.r. Comes from n.p.r. Stations other contributors include c.f.p. Certified financial planner professionals committed so providing financial planning in the client's best interest from taxes and investments to saving for college and planning for retirement more at let's make a plan dot org. You know after long after the gig. To the freeway. And the only thing. I can. I'm just going to. Join in the team because. You know you can do that with my music. And become. Even. Joined the team. Wrote directed and stars in the film. In which he explores the institution of marriage the good the bad and the unspeakable. Along with. On the Dinner Party Download Public Radio's Arts and Leisure section. 89.3. This is Morning Edition from n.p.r. News I'm Mary Louise Kelly and I'm Rachel Martin today as water levels drop in parts of Texas hit by hurricane Harvey people are starting to think what's next vice president Mike Pence toured some of the affected areas yesterday and promised Washington will help pay for the recovery no Texan should doubt. As they apply for . Available federal assistance no small business or business it's affected should doubt. That this administration this Congress will come together and make sure those resources are there now the city of Beaumont Texas is still in crisis mode still flooded and they've got no drinking water flooding from Harvey knocked out the city's water supply there is no clear timetable for when pumps might be repaired N.P.R.'s Debbie Elliott has been in Beaumont since this past Sunday she is on the line now Deb good morning good morning it sounds like just an awful situation where you are too much water in the streets too much water in people's houses and no running water in their taps what jury have what's going on right now well right now people who are in shelters are being bussed to San Antonio famous trying to get bottled water in here but that's really been hampered because for the last few days Beaumont has basically an island there's flooding on all the major roads in and out the Natchez River here in h.s. I should say is rushing over Interstate 10 for instance which is closed going both east and west in the meantime people have been lining up at stores that have water trying to get what they can and some residents are getting quite resourceful when it comes to planning how they're going to cope with no water. You know one of the books Michael r.-o. And a friend are using 5 gallon buckets to scoop muddy water from a drainage canal and fill coolers and trash cans in the back of his pickup truck I don't know what in the house is a problem he won't be drinking this water but using it for sanitation I don't know what is in the toilet hotels are using cool water for flushing the lack of water has prompted Baptist Hospital here to evacuate patients by life flight and ambulance to other hospitals in the region. A spokesperson Mary cool says no water puts patients in jeopardy we were prepared for hurricane Harvey we had food supplies medical supplies we're not expecting the city to lose their water system so that's a game changer for us Harvey is dealt a blow that no one anticipated says Mayor baccy Any says is a flood of record proportions the likes of which are unheard of in our region just responding to all the 911 calls for rescue strained resources and shelters were packed to capacity now with no water and says the city is a vacuum waiting some 1500 people from emergency shelters are current priority is to secure the safety of those displaced to safer locations and centers that provide basic needs before the buses bound for San Antonio started pulling out people sheltered at the downtown Civic Center had to come outside to use the facilities and that made it. You know I don't know what you can do 70 year old Lee McKee lost everything in a flash flood swamp his home in Nome Texas just west of here sheriff's deputies rescue Tampa they took her to. A leaky is a double amputee and uses a wheelchair and they. Have to make sure. He says the shelter is no picnic but he's thankful to be here actually and you know Gerri. Thank you. My. My air rescues are ongoing and the military is both trucking and flying and supplies outside the shelter there are signs of frustration people were driving up yesterday looking for water distribution only to find it wasn't set up yet and there's no clear timetable for when the city's water system will be back up and running city manager Kyle Hayes says Harvey took out both of the city's water sources both of these facilities located probably 10 miles from one another or both flooded. Under water and the water is still rising the main water pump is on the nature's River which won't crest until Saturday some residents are also without electricity Ashley Robertson says local officials told her to come to the Civic Center when her neighborhood was evacuated after losing both power and water but she was turned away he's appalled. Awaiting word on just where evacuees would be going to need a bank's felt helpless or not or know what's the next step I can get some honest penny banks came here after her apartment in Port Arthur flooded her husband and children are with family closer to use to carry their import after their flying people to Dallas I don't know anyone in Dallas I'm here 80 separated from my children like that even more far away and then once we get to Dallas where do you going to do are they going to. Just leave is there an army is there a plan in plane fly. I'm just lost I don't know so Mary Louise you hear there that's the question what now what next what are people facing That's a question that so many storm victims are asking here in southeast Texas Ok N.P.R.'s Debbie Elliott reporting on the many unknowns that lie ahead there in Beaumont Texas Debbie thanks You're welcome. All right you know Social Security is the 3rd rail of American politics in France the 3rd rail is the country's labor code and President Emanuel McCall just touched it yesterday he unveiled changes meant to make the French labor market more flexible hoping it will help with unemployment parliament authorized him to push through the changes by executive order Here's N.P.R.'s Eleanor Beardsley. Caught more in high tech entrepreneur Julia colon is exuberant these days he says for the 1st time in years. Is excited about the direction his country is heading thanks to President and the new and back home he brutes to the country so much passion so much and to see as a man. It's a big hope for friends of big hopes for Europe. Shows me around his company which has grown from a startup into a global firm that helps Internet based companies like Twitter more efficiently navigate dense web traffic cones viewpoint is shared by France's business class which sees McCall's labor market reform as a new start for the country now there will be a ceiling on how much a company can be forced to pay for firing an employee without cause cola says employee lawsuits in labor court have been an impediment to hiring for a long time you could be a small company and the employee could ask $1000000.00 or for indemnity doesn't mean that the tribunal will give it to you maybe he will give you 10000 bits that situation makes that down to price you have to put that money and put it on the bank account and you couldn't use it every minute detail of company life in France has been ruled for decades by an onerous tome The French labor code unions revere it employers revile it. Treat so isn't 500 page long. Haul it's a very complex legal court which. In oh. It's going to be that set professor of economics at the University of Exxon Paulse he says macro is bypassing the code altogether by allowing bosses and employees to now negotiate working conditions at the company level this will allow each firm to adopt what suits it best and not be bogged down by negotiations with entrenched national unions. Stefan fish deck is. With the c. G.t. The union most adamantly opposed to macro's agenda he says the work code protects hard won workers' rights and should not be discarded and believe that he's a soon to tie demeaning vision on opening Sunday doesn't boost the economy it just creates temporary jobs with no protection and Sundays the only day people have off together to spend time with their families it's important to preserve. Previous French presidents have abandoned attempts to do so in the country's rigid labor market in the face of weeks and sometimes months of strikes and street protests but as head of the French small and medium sized business association believes things will be different from Kong people know the program is the intention of reforming France because possible in the legal and he's probably since he's proved to be Station of the economy is proof he has been addicted own this program opponents of the labor reform say Maclin does not have a mandate to flout the work code and got the country's cherished social protections they say many people voted for McCall simply to stop his opponent far right leader mocking Lappin from being elected one thing everyone agrees upon if Maclin isn't able to bring down unemployment Lappin will win next time Eleanor Beardsley n.p.r. News Paris. And on All Things Considered later today Congress and the g.s.a. Inspector General are raising new questions about the Trump Hotel in Washington d.c. Least from the federal government and the public's right to know about its bottom line. You're listening to n.p.r. News. It is the ugly of some natural disasters it's. Join us this afternoon at 3.3 k p c c. In person brings you face to face with the voices you know from Santa Ana. To me marks you know the live in Watts Hello Everyone thank you so much for being here I'm Chris from forums and debates to performances and live broadcast live events all over Southern California. To join us. In person it'll be good to see you. If you are trying to ditch an old vehicle donate it to. Take it away and deal with all the paperwork you get a tax deduction and you'll be contributing to investigative journalism and civil discourse on. Cars from n.p.r. News Washington I'm Windsor Johnston search and rescue teams are making their way through flooded neighborhoods in central Texas in the wake of Tropical Depression Harvey and Houston Fire Chief. Says firefighters are looking for anyone who might be stranded entails going door to door and ensuring that we have secured. And searched for. Individuals. Or otherwise it was one week ago that Harvey. A Category 4 hurricane the death toll has risen to at least 36 many others are unaccounted for Kenya's Supreme Court has a Nala fide president. Elect when last month N.P.R.'s reports the court ruled in favor of a petition filed by opposition candidate. Who claimed voting results were manipulated in favor of his opponent. Court did not give any reasons for its decisions but we don't know if the elections were hacked or that the court found that the elections were hacked but I think as the case moved through court we saw some very serious evidence that something went very wrong here and P.R.'s 8 or Peralta a new election is expected to be held in 60 days I'm Windsor Johnston n.p.r. News in Washington. This weekend on a Prairie Home Companion Kristy Lee welcomes Lucius my. Jazz pianist Brad Mehldau with comedian Tom Papa you're doing great. Care if you're a little chubby I don't care if you looked awful yesterday you can look awful tomorrow I don't care i love you a Prairie Home Companion part of your k p c c weekend Saturday night at 7 on 89.3 k. P.c.c. . And the Los Angeles Talk about 7 things I've learned making our radio show and our t.v. Show musical and art. And I'm talking about things that I've seen as reporters that have stuck with me the clips of funny motional video replay stuff that we have never put on the air and could never put on the air it's Saturday Nov 18th at the hotel k p c c. Slash in person. Members support is keep E.C.C.'s largest and most reliable source of funding your donations make it possible for fact based in-depth reporting to thrive here in your community show your support this summer and will thank you with the beach towel and sunglasses for $10.00 a month you're supporting the news and programming you love and you'll get this great thank you gift. Dot org to make a difference today. Support for n.p.r. Comes from the station and from t.i.a.a. Whether it's investing advice banking or retirement t.i.a.a. Believe smart financial decisions should enable life not define it t.i.a.a. Calls this the new success story learn more at a dot org. From avalanche tax automation for businesses of all sizes avel arrow works to simplify sales tax and other business taxes with real time rates and automatic filing that have a Lera dot com a.v. L.a. Are a dot com and from Dana Farber Cancer Institute working to crack the cancer code by identifying cancer mutations and mechanisms to help develop more effective therapies videos and white papers are available at Discover care believe dot org This is Morning Edition from n.p.r. News I'm Rachel Martin and I'm Mary Louise Kelly next Tuesday September 5th President Trump faces an ultimatum on his immigration stand Tuesday is the deadline set by 10 state Republican attorneys general for the president to end DACA Daucus the Obama era deferred action on Childhood Arrivals Program Republican attorneys general say President Trump needs to shut it down or stand back and let them fight it in the courts in doing DACA though has not turned out to be as simple as it sounded that day back in June 2015 when Trump announced his run for the presidency I will immediately terminate. President Obama's illegal executive order on immigration and me. But upon taking office Trump did not in Dhaka immediately at a White House press conference back in February he was sounding a lot less certain about the fate of the program the docket situation is a very very it's a very difficult thing for me. Because you know I love these kids I love kits I have kits Grant kits and I find it very very hard doing what the law says exactly to do and you know the law is rough and the law is rough Ok n.p.r. White House correspondent Scott Horsley is on the line now Hey Scott good morning good morning so what can the president do I mean what are what are his options at this point there's a spectrum he could continue the program as it is he could phase it out over some gradual period of time or he could terminate the program abruptly and basically say to these 800000 young people you are now immediately eligible for deportation it's also possible that Congress could step in and offer some sort of protection for these dreamers that would get around the argument that Dhaka is an illegal abuse of presidential power and how much of a deadline is this Tuesday deadline and what would that actually mean practically if if the president simply chooses not to take action Well presumably the attorney generals of those Republican states would then go through with their threat to file a legal suit and it would be up to the attorney general the u.s. Attorney General Jeff Sessions to defend the federal government of course Sessions is a hard liner on immigration though so his defense might not be very robust Ok so so political questions here legal questions of course what about for that for the young people who will actually practically be impacted who are relying on doctor to protect them legally if the president or or if a court down the road decides to terminate it what does it mean for them these folks are in a very vulnerable position you know they took a gamble they accepted the government's invitation to step out of the shadows back in 2012 when the docket program began it was expected to be a stopgap measure while Congress considered and passed a more comprehensive overhaul of the immigration system that didn't happen and now these so-called dreamers are in a really tough spot they have raised their hands they have identified themselves to the govern. And in some cases they have also indirectly identified family members if Dhaka were to detour to and it wouldn't necessarily mean an immediate knock at the door from immigration officials but that is certainly the very real threat All right thanks very much Scott you're welcome Rose it's n.p.r. White House correspondent Scott Horsley. It's time now for Story Corps And today we hear from Josh. Josh has an extreme form of Tourette's Syndrome or sticks his involuntary movements and sounds have been so severe they have put him in the hospital at times he 1st started showing symptoms when he was in elementary school around the age that his son Max is now Josh has fewer techs when he speaks and he recently sat down with Max at Story Corps How would you describe my text you hitting yourself in making a law that is you've seen may have myself hard enough to almost knock myself out I also do all of the blinking and the face things and the little noises to me it feels like when you have that urge to sneeze so bad that you just feel like you'll go insane if you don't let the sneeze out and the hardest thing I do every day is decide to go outside or not and because I know when I walk into a group of strangers I will yell or I will do something weird and they will all look at me. Do you remember when we were in the grocery store you were only like 4 or 5 years old we were buying milk and I had a tick on this guy looked at me and in his face you could just see he was annoyed he did it once and twice and then he did it again and I was finally at the point where I was going to tell him to stop looking at me but you stepped in front of me and you said Turn around right now or my dad will smash you harder than are right Oscar as you know and then when he turned around you said that's right so I think him I mean I don't really care if people are being mean like they're going to mean they're in I mean that's the right attitude. When I learned that I was going to have you there was no guarantee that because I have treads you would have it but I did have a better chance of passing it on to you and that really did worry me. When do you remember you and me 1st talking about your tour as about 7 and what are some of the pics you have certain of making noises something like my eyes rolled back into my head and I asked like get on the ground until it goes away. Hurt it doesn't feel good I feel like everybody knows me and my grandma watching me I want there's not much to like about it and it's been happening a lot. And I have had him i get worse and those are some of my fears for you that it will get worse and maybe it will but we'll deal with that when it comes to the so I hope that even if I can't make you feel better you will know that I know what it's like you'll know I understand. It will disappear with a lean on each other. That's Josh talking with his 9 year old son a super. Crossed the Texas coastline last Friday a week later we see what's left after. Thousands displaced plus a novel about a 12 year old figuring out who she is she doesn't see how you know being punk and being Mexican American can exist within the same person the 1st punk this afternoon on All Things Considered from n.p.r. News. They be seen used the Supreme Court in Kenya has overturned the results of last month's presidential election and ordered a rerun of the vote within 60 days the ruling is unprecedented in African history the B.B.C.'s and saw I was at the supreme court the judge just said Judge let's say that. Election was not one that did not hold on to the Constitution of the king at and therefore they said that they looked up commission people not for nothing not to be let out the u.n. Says nearly 40000 refugees from me and Mars range a minority have fled to neighboring Bangladesh in the past week the bodies of 26 including 11 children were found on Friday President regimen. Of Turkey has described a scandalous the decision by u.s. Prosecutors to file charges against 19 people mostly from his security detail videos apparently show his supporters punching and kicking pro Kurdish protesters during his visit to Washington and made the u.n. Special envoy to Syria Staffan de Mistura says he believes the beginning of the end of the war there isn't sight he told the b.b.c. That the Islamic state group is likely to face defeat in its last remaining stronghold soon Russia's foreign minister Sergei Lavrov has blamed the former administration of Barack Obama for the latest u.s. Sanctions and Moscow His comments followed Washington's closure of the Russian consulate in San Francisco France's foreign minister evil agree on says he believes North Korea will have the capability to launch long range ballistic missiles within the next few months he described the situation in the region as extremely grave. The German city of Aachen has begun offering the local population free potassium iodide tablets in case of a nuclear accident at the plant across the border in Belgium the pills are designed to prevent cancer b.b.c. News the b.b.c. World Service is that provide you with a clear balanced perspective on an ever changing world with reporters around the globe we provide the latest stories and analysis that you need to be your guide through the news. That's the b.b.c. World Service listen for b.b.c. News hour every afternoon at $189.00 k p c c. Support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from ultimate software dedicated to putting people 1st with cloud based solutions for h.r. Payroll and talent management learn more at ultimate Software dot com ultimate software people 1st from f. J.c. a Foundation of donor advised funds working to maximize the impact of charitable giving and to create customized philanthropic solutions learn more at f j c dot org And from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation at our w j f dot org. It's Morning Edition from n.p.r. News I'm Rachel Martin and I'm Mary Louise Kelly and I will be here a long ways Rachel and David Greene these next few weeks wanted to let you know our colleague Steve Inskeep is on book leave but never fear he's writing fast he'll be back next month and welcome at least Ok to big news now out of Kenya the smarting the Supreme Court there throughout the results of last month's presidential election President who Kenyatta had according to the electoral commission won the election by more than a 1000000 votes but a court has now found that there were so many irregularities that the whole thing is now the nullified N.P.R.'s East Africa correspondent joins us now from Nairobi itor this is huge news so how are Kenyans responding to this I think there's shock and then you have the supporters of loading they are out on the streets they're singing they're dancing and Odinga himself called this a historic day not just for Kenya but for the continent because a court actually invalidated the win of an incumbent president he said this was the 1st time that a election had been overturned on the continent and then he turned back to a biblical parable that he's been using throughout the campaign were Moses leads his people out of Egypt and into the Promised Land Let's listen I'm just saying at the beginning that's always Genet Joel time none of the. Laws that have a judge on it is this. Young much an end to this isn't a reason to get. We should just remind people that. Riley is the guy who wanted this job he was the opposition candidate against Kenyatta So that's why he's feeling vindicated in this moment right yeah this was his 4th time running for president to this is we're going into another election this is his 4th time running for president and I think you know we should sort of circle back a bit to what happened and you know he he was he was given a huge loss by a huge margin president who can doubt I was declared the winner by a huge margin right loading the oldest immediately said there was a vast conspiracy to steal this election from him a lot of what he said really sounded like a Hollywood movie weeks before the election for example a top elections official was tortured and murdered and what Raila Odinga claimed is that hackers had used his credentials to mess with the results and another thing that's worth noting is that by and large international observers said this was a free and fair elections and Western diplomats were urging. Him to accept the results and move on so then what happened I mean if they said they're free and fair in that office and I like No absolutely not it's all these irregularities in the whole things that we're throwing it out I mean I think there's a lot of stuff we don't know and I know that doesn't sound satisfactory but the court for example today did not give a reason for why it found what it found you know but it's it's stunning because at the time when riling was making these accusations these claims people were sort of shaking their heads thinking that they seemed really far fetched especially because the elections commission had put in place a ton of mechanisms that were supposed to make this a rigged proof they used those words Rick proof but as the case unfolded and we started hearing. Evidence in court we got a look at what looked like a really flawed process and I'll give you just one example at the at the constituency level what in the United States you would call the county level you have you have these tallying forms and they had a series of security measures and one of them were water marks that you could only see under u.v. Light when the court looked at these documents these tallying forms they found they found a 20 percent of them did not have that security feature so it just it raises a bunch of questions that we really don't have answers and to just briefly now they've got to pull off an election in a matter of days they do in 60 days and the opposition says they can't trust the people who messed up this 1st election N.P.R.'s joining us on the line from Nairobi Kenya where the Supreme Court there has thrown out the results of last month's presidential election Thanks thanks Richard. College football is underway Louisiana State University was scheduled to play its 1st game of the season in Houston against Brigham Young the game has been moved to New Orleans because of hurricane turned tropical storm Harvey the Ellis you Tigers a powerhouse in college football have a new mascot this year well not really new new since the 1930 s. Ellis you has kept a live tiger mascot on campus the tiger is always named Mike and last October Mike the 6th died of cancer so the school's been hunting for a new one but not just any tiger can be a mike. We were looking for specific physical characteristics we were looking for one that certain behavioral characteristics a very confident and gauging interactive animal we didn't want Tiger that was going to be hiding in the back of the enclosure when people were trying to see him l. As he's vetted a veterinarian David Baker has cared for Mike the 5th and the 6th and now he is in charge of Mike number 7 he is an 11 month old Siberian Bengal makes donated by a tiger sanctuary in Florida Ok the new Mike arrived on campus in Baton Rouge last month too much fanfare he's living in a newly renovated $15000.00 square foot enclosure which is attached to the football stadium his outdoor at the tatt includes a waterfall a stream a pool. Downfall which is logs that he can hold his claws arm now some animal rights activists say keeping a live mascot is outdated and cruel but brainy Pete with the People for Ethical Treatment of Animals says it's Ok for Mike to stay on the campus with conditions wild animals along in the wild but Tigers were in captivity now can't he will be in the wild and so it's up to you like you to ensure that they're providing the best care or animal action and the best care equal a courtesy the university says it is moving towards becoming an accredited Tiger sanctuary and here's one step in that direction Mike will no longer be driven out onto the field in a cage to rally the crowds before home games instead he'll get to Santa to stay in his habitat probably sleeping some 20 hours a day because let's be honest Mike is probably not that into football. This is n.p.r. News. The crisis in Houston has Southern California thinking about its potential for a big natural disaster we'll hear about how. You don't have to if your schedule conflicts with your favorite shows just get the k.p.c. Listen whenever you want. Today. I'm Marco Werman The World's news room brings you the big picture stories and some of the stuff you are. Need to be proud of. The 1st time. Join us and hear the world join us this afternoon at 289.3 k.p.c. See. From n.p.r. News and Washington I'm Winsor Johnston fire officials in Texas say they are continuing to monitor a flooded chemical plant near Houston after an explosion yesterday Andrew Schneider from Houston Public Media reports the arc of a chemical plant was fined several months ago for multiple safety violations back in February investigators for the Occupational Safety and Health Administration found 10 serious violations that means violations that were likely to get someone hurt or killed of those 18 specifically related to rules designed to prevent a catastrophic release of toxic or explosive chemicals the Trump administration is reviewing an Obama era program that protects immigrants who came to the country illegally as children N.P.R.'s Scott Horsley reports the president has several options when it comes to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program also known as Dhaka he could continue the program as it is and let the federal courts sort it out he could offer the attorney general some sort of compromise where he says Ok We're going to phase this program out we're not going to issue any new work permits to these young people or other protections or he could terminate the program abruptly and basically say to a 100000 young people you are now immediately eligible for deportation N.P.R.'s Scott Horsley reporting you're listening to n.p.r. News in Washington. Can't see the invisible maybe you just need the right glasses this is Sandra Tsing Loh with the lowdown on science when it comes to the universe there's more matter than meets the eye in fact we have no idea what a 3rd of the universe is made of it's cloaked in an invisible substance called dark matter but what in the world or should I say universe is dark matter as for a bull at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology maybe close to finding out she thinks that. Dark matter maybe a new particle called a sterile neutrino this hypothetical particle would emit in electromagnetic signal that lies in the x. Ray band bull bull set out to look for the signal how basically with x. Ray specs but not the kind they advertise in the back of comic books she gathered x. Rays from thousands of galaxies that host dark matter the result a signal that matches the energy expected from a sterile neutrino now her team needs to fine tune their analysis to prove the particle exists Nein Well does anyone know how to use these x. Rays specs. The lowdown on Sciences produced by l d o s Media Lab in partnership with the University of California Irvine science communication at 8.3 k. P.c.c. On the Web It l o h d o w n on Science dot org This is Sandra follow us on Twitter at l o h d o w n. Support for n.p.r. Comes from this station and from American Express Open which is committed to helping businesses turn their best ideas into reality American Express Open wants to help with money and know how so businesses can say yes to their best ideas and get business done from online test prep for exams such as the a c t s a t n g r e more dot com prep smart go far enjoy the ride and from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation r w j f dot org. This is Morning Edition from n.p.r. News I'm Mary Louise Kelly and I'm Rachel Martin one forecasters predicted hurricane Harvey would slam into the u.s. Gulf Coast Louisiana braced and braced hard they built shelters state employees went on 12 hour shifts days before the storm hit Louisiana's Department of Health redeployed its public health staff to disaster response mode they were lucky this time Harvey weakened as it turned north Dr Rebecca geeky who leads the department says the state is much better prepared than it was when Hurricane Katrina struck 12 years ago Dr g. Joins us now on the line from New Orleans thanks so much for being with us this morning thanks Rachel good morning good morning you all must be feeling massively relieved at this point we are we prepared for the worst hope for that that either hurricane or rain bands heading our our cities most of our residents live in coastal areas over half our population and most of our medical assets so we are very very fortunate we had a couple 100 homes and some residents had to evacuate but most of our efforts are focused on our neighbors in Texas but you feel like you are ready I mean what changed after Katrina what lessons were learned from that that informed how you prepared for Harvey Rachel so many we had over 25000 people evacuated from hospitals and medical facilities in New Orleans area in Katrina it was the largest medical evacuation in the history of this nation. 2000 lives were lost so the folks who worked that storm are still the people who lead my efforts in they will never let the mistakes happen again that happened during that time there was not a level of cord nation now we have before the storm during the storm even after the storm follow up very close contact with each other we have a single way point of entry for reporting medical needs we work very closely with the Coast Guard we also deploy our assets you know we have federal medical shelters as well as our own Louisiana mega shelter in Alexandria that are prepared for events ahead of time. Streets know where every vulnerable individual is in areas that are affected by the. Storm so we're much much more prepared so just because Louisiana is out of the woods when it came to Harvey I mean your neighbor Texas definitely as you look at Texas what kind of health risks do you expect. Well certainly a lot of the threats are during search and rescue initially and then afterwards cleaning up there can be electrical lines and folks getting harms from the mold. All kinds of things are 1st responders and then when folks go back into their homes there's mauled there are. Other issues in homes that can cause health risk people need to wear gloves and make sure that they have properly contacted their health departments to make sure there's no dangerous chemicals in the water in their home and of course mosquitoes we still have concerns for the seek a virus there's no local transmission now but here in Louisiana particularly after the storms last year where we had over 100000 the Maclay games and massive damage we worried a lot about mosquitoes and do mosquito counts and look at that and finally mental health people have lost many in the floods have lost everything and need to you know bring their lives back together so taking mental health breaks and making sure you help I'm sure that's something that even survivors of Hurricane Katrina are still battling with the mental health effects of. Absolutely Dr Rebecca is the secretary of the Department of Health thanks so much for taking the time this morning thanks for talking with me. From n.p.r. News I'm Rachel Martin and I'm Mary Louise Kelly. I won the k.p.c. See online auction. I was nervous going into it but production manager and voice coach made me feel. She explained the world of. Engineering and. I had a game plan. Going to be. Offering an online auction not only. A voice coaching experience I don't know when the next online auction will be but you can show your support any time by going to. Member I love k.p. C.c. . Thanks. One of the movies from the Telluride Film Festival the. Hostiles but it's not your usual cowboys and Indians movie. Friday at 3 37 pm on the frame. The devastation from Hurricane Harvey. After nearly a week of record rainfall people who lived in the storm's path are just starting to grasp the damage to their homes their businesses and their communities more on the aftermath of Harvey and all the week's news Saturday and Weekend Edition from n.p.r. Join us tomorrow morning at 5 on 89.3. Global energy markets respond to Harvey Marketplace Morning Report a supported by battell developing new forensic d.n.a. Tools to help crime labs across the country solve missing persons cases and criminal investigations because at the tally can be done but tell dot org slash marketplace and path Adeleke investments taking a personal dedicated approach to wealth planning to help clients build grow and preserve their family's wealth learn more fidelity dot com slash wealth brokerage services. From marketplace in New York I'm sorry Ben a short in for David Brancaccio tropical storm Harvey shut down some of the country's biggest refineries and when the refineries can't refine the continent crossing pipeline that they feed doesn't flow the Colonial Pipeline critical for serving the East Coast has shut down all this is starting to affect gas prices Marketplace's Nancy Marshall Genzer reports the Colonial pipeline runs from Houston all the way to New Jersey the Colonial Pipeline it's the granddaddy of them all Phil Flynn is with the price Futures Group that's basically your main artery from Houston to the entire east coast Flynn says after the Colonial pipeline shut down wholesale gasoline prices rose over 20 $0.07 a gallon in just a few hours and are now at their highest level in 2 years the Colonial Pipeline Company is hoping to reopen the pipeline this Sunday but the big question is when Houston refineries will reopen Andy Weissman is an energy attorney at the polls Barry law firm he says if the refineries are closed for a while it will create a big hole in u.s. Gasoline supply. Xampp will result in continued upward pressure on gasoline prices and prices for jet fuel affecting airlines too in Washington I'm Nancy Marshall Genzer for Marketplace. Back when Katrina hit the u.s. Was a net importer of gas and petroleum products these days the u.s. Is normally and net exports are and that means Harvey's effect on energy markets are global Richard mountain is an analyst is an analyst with energy aspect in London what we're seeing already is a lot more complicated gasoline diesel being booked from Europe to head to the u.s. In order to make out full the losses and the difficulties in moving products around but also heading to other markets like Latin America because Latin America has already had a really critical year for its refineries and the u.s. Has been making up the shortfall but now there's a gap created by the loss of u.s. Supplies and so European refined us are looking at putting more gasoline more diesel not any into the u.s. But into Latin America as well we expect gas prices to rise here it's going to push gas prices up globally too you think but certainly think it will in Europe and I think we can see some of these impacts extending into Asia because this is a very interconnected market and what's happening is we've got a very big unexpected disruption and sorrow prices are rising as a way to try and adjust flows to try to encourage refineries to produce more gasoline where as possible but also to bring some of the gasoline that Stuart and inventor he's around the world out to meet short time demand Richard mountain with energy aspect in London and let's do the numbers. The Footsie in London is up a quarter percent down as in p. And Nasdaq futures are up in the $1.00 to $2.00 tenths of a percent range with the Dow futures up $44.00 points futures of Brant crude a benchmark for European oil are down 2 third's percent Marketplace Morning Report is supported by American Express Open American Express Open believes businesses are full of people with good ideas that's why they're committed to helping your good ideas come to life with money and tools so you can get business done and by sending bringing technology to the fashion and textile industries with printers for designers to bring their ideas to life where there's business there's apps and learn more had apps and dot com slash for business and by Dana Farber Cancer Institute working to explore the next generation of targeted therapies for many cancers and more at Discover care believe dot org about 3 quarters of school districts have school lunch debt at the end of the year but sludge bills that are on paid by parents the u.s.d.a. Is requiring schools to spell out their policies for dealing with those unpaid bills hopefully sparing children embarrassment when they don't have enough money for lunch from the marketplace education. In Baltimore Amy Scott reports. Bethany Staples son was going through the lunch line at Auburn High School near Seattle a few years ago and he had his tray with his stuff on it ready to go but when he punched in his number the cashier told him his account was empty and then she snatched the tray out of hand threw it in the trash and then gave him they call it a sandwich but it was just 2 pieces of white bread with a piece of processed cheese in the middle the practice is common enough that it's got a name lunch shaming when parents have unpaid bills but the kids pay the price the school year the u.s.d.a. Is requiring all districts to make it clear to parents how their school will respond in those situations be. That of the feed at Brooklyn Park Middle School outside Baltimore parents get a robocall every night warning them if they have a negative balance kids get to charge up to 5 hot meals before food service manager Rose Bennett pulls them aside to talk to. Give him a cheese sandwich or if you want to take money out of pocket you know you can do. Diane Pratt heaven or represents cafeteria workers a spokesperson for the School Nutrition Association she says the new policies vary by district but the 1st and foremost effort that you know we really see consistently across the country is trying to avoid the alternate meal all together partly by making sure every child who qualifies for free or reduced price lunch through the federal government is signed up Michael Wilson is director of Maryland hunger solutions which is pushing the state to pick up the difference between free and reduced meals the kids in the reduced price category are facing the biggest challenges because there is just above the poverty line and they are the kids who are most likely to skip school meals because they can't afford it or because they have school bills more than half of high poverty schools are now avoiding the problem altogether by serving all their kids free meals Bethany Staples whose sons line. It was thrown away in Auburn Washington actually qualified for free lunch but hadn't realized she needed to reapply Carol Barker is child nutrition director for the schools in Auburn We don't want any of our children to be embarrassed because they don't have money we realize this is a plant problem not a child problem this year her district is reversing the lunch line and it's elementary schools so that kids see the cashier 1st and know what kind of meal they get before they go through the line I maybe Scott for Marketplace our senior producers Nicole child or spar digital producers Janet when Stephanie Hughes and Claire tennis go to produce Marketplace Tech I'm sorry Ben a short with the Marketplace Morning Report. From a.p.m. American Public Media. Hurricane Harvey crossed the Texas Gulf coast line last Friday a week later we see what's left after historic floods chemical fires in thousands displaced plus a novel about a 12 year old figuring out who she is she doesn't see how you know being punk and being Mexican American can exist but in the same person the 1st rule of punk this afternoon on All Things Considered from n.p.r. News join us this afternoon starting at 4 o'clock on the 89.3 k. P.c.c. . You're listening to Southern California Public Radio 89.3 k. P.c.c. Pasadena a community service of Pasadena City College 90.3 Pavia Palm Springs 89.5 k j I o high and 89 point one. A community service of the University of Redlands with more resources on line i k p c c dot org.