So please just show is that hey thank you for making that choice and respecting my news needs in return I will help you make up the difference here and know your gift in any amount today and today only it gets you a snazzy pair of all new. Stripes socks 86688572 win Thanks support for n.p.r. Comes from Americans for the Arts dedicated to advancing in arts and history that employs 4800000 people in towns and cities across the country learn more at Americans for the Arts dot org and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Live from n.p.r. News in Washington I'm Corba Coleman former f.b.i. Director James Comey will testify before the Senate Intelligence Committee today he's expected to be asked about Russian meddling in the u.s. Election and alleged ties between Russia and the Trump campaign N.P.R.'s Winsor Johnston reports comb his opening statement was posted in advance yesterday in the statement coming describes a conversation he had with President Trump at the White House in January he says the president began by asking him whether he intended to stay on his f.b.i. Director Comey says he found the question odd considering Trump had already told him twice in previous conversations that he hoped he would stay calm he says the president had asked him for loyalty and that he hoped he would let the investigation into former national security advisor Michael Flynn go also stress the importance of keeping the f.b.i. And Department of Justice free of pressure from the administration Comey was fired by Trump an early May 3 years into his tenure term Windsor Johnston n.p.r. News the Capitol Meanwhile the vice chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee Virginia Democrat Mark Warner calls Komi submitted testimony quote disturbing Warner says questions about President Trump's decision to fire Komi must be answered Iran has raised the death toll from yesterday's double attack in Tehran to 17. People N.P.R.'s Peter Kenyon says ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attack raising sectarian tension in the region state media say one of those critically wounded in the gun and bomb attacks on the Iranian parliament and a shrine to the Islamic Republic's founder passed away President Donald Trump offered condolences to the victims' families but the White House statement added a critical note saying quote states that sponsor terrorism risk falling victim to the evil they promote N.P.R.'s Peter Kenyon Iran's foreign minister says President Trump's remarks are quote repugnant and accuse the u.s. Of supporting terrorism opening statements are set for today in the retrial of a white former University of Cincinnati police officer Ray tensing is charged in the shooting death of an unarmed black man in 2015 from member station w v x u 10 Weingartner has more rate tensing shot and killed c.m. To boast during a 2015 traffic stop for a missing front license plate the prosecution begins arguing today that the shooting was not justified tensing has maintained all along he shot because he feared being dragged as to both his car began to roll away the 1st trial ended in a hung jury in Nov The jury in this case consists of 9 whites than 3 African-Americans after being sworn in yesterday morning the jurors visited the scene where the traffic stop and shooting took place for n.p.r. News I'm Tana Weingartner in Cincinnati in the n.b.a. Playoffs the Golden State Warriors beat the Cleveland Cavaliers last night 118-2113 Golden State now leads the series 3 games to none You're listening to n.p.r. News Good Morning from News I'm Alex Cohen it's 50 for an ad created by a pro Trump Organization is going after the credibility of former f.b.i. Director James Comey this 32nd spot will air on c.n.n. And Fox News here's a short clip James Comey just a not. D.c. Insider only in it for himself Congressman Adam Schiff of California disputes that claim basically pick a fight between his credibility and that of the president about what took place in those meetings they're going to lose That's right Adam Schiff is the top Democrat on the Intelligence Committee for the House of Representatives he spoke yesterday with. Larry mantel scheduled to testify before the Senate Intelligence Committee this morning. And n.p.r. Will be providing a live coverage of that hearing it's scheduled to begin at 7 am point 3. Good morning This is Morning Edition on 89.3 k.p.c. See I'm Alex Cohen and it is very rare dare I say unheard of that we would interrupt Morning Edition at this early hour but I'm here with k.p.c. President c.e.o. Bill Davis and there is in fact a reason and it ties in very nicely with what we were just talking about absolute on the news there's a there's a really compelling reason for doing this and that is that we're going to be starting uninterrupted coverage of the company hearings that will probably start around 7 o'clock so we need to fit a full Morning Edition's worth of fundraising into just a couple of hours and we have a challenge in order to do that we need to hear from $100.00 members before that starts and again that's going to be around 7 and we can unlock a $10000.00 challenge from the members Challenge Fund please before you do anything else this morning and I realize it's early call 866-888-5722 or go online and keep p.c.c. Dot org So we can meet this challenge and we can present the hearings uninterrupted without fundraising interruption Bill you know the numbers better than anyone you know that if you look at the map I have to say it here but the odds are stacked against us usually our most listen to ours are 7 and 10 right there for error. Oh if you try to speak to back to 5 to 7 and make the same amount of money it's not necessarily going to be all that easy we're trying to raise the same amount of money with fewer people should do the math folks but here's what I also know that people who get up early in the morning think it's their dog and are done at Medinah folks right they need only believe it's important to be up in early in Adams to please be one of those folks do right by your fellow 5 am listeners 866-888-5722 or keep it out or and help us get that 10000 dollars challenge it's going on right now again the website is key p.c.c. Dot org The telephone number is 866-888-5722 Thank you Katie c.c. Supporters include usas suits and Saif by the magicians produced by Universal Cable productions Emmy eligible in all categories including outstanding contemporary costumes the Rosenthal Family Foundation in the belief that arts education is not disposable in fact it's the answer. It's Morning Edition from n.p.r. News I'm Rachel Martin and I'm Steve Inskeep with the story of conversations with the president fired f.b.i. Director James Comey takes questions before a Senate panel today his written testimony already released shows he kept a meticulous record of his meetings with President Trump yesterday the same committee asked intelligence agency chiefs about their talks with the president Dan Coats the director of National Intelligence insisted no one ever directed him to derail the investigation into Russian interference in the presidential election but when questioned he declined to say in public if you've ever been asked to do that Admiral remark Rogers of the National Security Agency also turned aside some questions which displeased Senator Angus King of Maine why are you not answering these questions is there an invocation by the president United States of executive privilege is the. Or not not that I'm aware of then why are you not answer not feel it is inappropriate what you feel isn't relevant Senator Angus King joins us now he's an independent caucuses with the Democrats Senator welcome back to the program Good morning Steve Glad to be here so I'm just thinking that they answered some of your questions they didn't answer other questions say that I read it for example code saying I wasn't directed but not saying if he was asked if you were frustrated with actually telling you something by what they didn't answer. Well it was it was really kind of puzzling because the questions were were fairly straightforward and as you heard on that little exchange I said you know is there executive privilege or is there is this classified and there was really no answer to that and and you know my job sitting in that chair Steve is to represent the people of Maine and ask the questions they would ask if they were sitting there and and our job is to get to the facts about this matter and you can't get to the facts if the West witnesses want to answer the question but I'm thinking if they're saying to you no one ever directed me but then they won't tell you if anyone ever asked them I almost wonder if that's an official in an impossible situation who is basically telling you well actually someone did ask me I just can't discuss that well you know that's what we want to get to the bottom of and that was the sort of 2nd line of my questioning as if they characterize the conversation as as director coached it and said no one directed me the obvious follow up question as well Did anyone ask you what was the conversation and he said Well no I can't talk about that well wait a minute if you can talk about it sort of you can also answer the questions and that's a perfect example where you know you want to follow up and say what about this were directed Now what does that mean was that Were you asked was it suggested what was the nature of the conversation and that's where we got stonewalled and that's when I started to lose my patience so now you have another round with James Comey the f.b.i. Director who was fired by President Trump he's already really. Written testimony as we mentioned and one factor that testimony is James Komi affirms that he did tell President Trump on a number of occasions that he was not personally a target of a counter intelligence investigation which the White House is taking is as vindication but what specifically does that mean when you say that someone is not a target of a counter intelligence investigation well all the all the discussion has been contacts between the Trump campaign and the Russians and. I can't recall any allegations along the way that President Trump directly made those contacts we can't say one way or the other. But he was not a target of the counterterrorism Vesta gauge and that just means in that situation when Komi talked to him. That was he wasn't looking at him personally but that I can tell you I mean James Comey has announced publicly that the f.b.i. Has been investigating the connections between the Trump campaign and the Russians for I don't know probably a year at this point so you don't see this is vindication. Well if it it he may say well this vindicates me personally but that doesn't get to the question of his associates and his campaign and he personally you know what about what's happened subject to those Congress subsequent to those conversations with with with Mr Comey so I don't I can understand their the White House saying yeah we were he wasn't the subject of the investigation as of the date of those conversations that that's a fact and we will probe the the details of that today when we interview James Comey Ok so you've already got his written testimony James Comey is testimony it's quite dramatic almost novelistic in the details describing phone calls and meetings dinners with the president and among other things the president says to call me I need loyalty I expect loyalty I've been very loyal to you very loyal we had that thing you know he also asked for the investigation of former national security adviser Michael Flynn to be dropped at what at some point was this appropriate behavior by the president United States or not. Well you're making me the judge and jury as well as the as the investigator at this point but clearly I think Mr commies written testimony as you say speaks for itself and he he himself felt very uneasy about this whole situation there's not much question that he felt it was inappropriate because that's when he started keeping what amounted to a diary of these contacts and he was he didn't like being called to the White House for dinner by himself talked about whether he wants to stay in his job which was kind of weird because his job had a 10 year term of which he had served I think 2 or 3 so the whole that whole. The whole context of these conversations I don't know if I'd use the word inappropriate I use the word. Sort of strange and sort of. Inappropriate may be the right the right term it you but but again call me says in his testimony what he was trying to do was educate the president in the White House about what the proper roles and boundaries should be Senator it's always a pleasure to talk with you thank you very much Steve always a pleasure and we'll talk to you later that's Senator Angus King. There's a man in Russia who's doing something no Russian politician has done and a long time Alexina Volney is running a national political campaign based on grassroots enthusiasm rather than backroom Kremlin deals as he prepares his bid in next year's presidential election of all me is travelling all over Russia N.P.R.'s Lucy and Kim caught up with him on the campaign trail. But it's the rise to hi hi hello this is Alexina volunteer as he shakes hands with every volunteer who walks into his new campaign office in Tula the center of Russia's gun industry 100 miles south of Moscow. The volunteers mostly 20 something in male can barely contain their admiration from the volley who started as an anti corruption blogger and now is using the Internet to launch his presidential campaign he wants to challenge President Vladimir Putin who is expected to run for a 4th term the wars are over millions are still strong not why it can't be that a country that's swimming in petrodollars holds its population and poverty of all he says it means they've made off with the money a gaping income disparity greedy officials and potholed roads are all things that make ordinary Russians angry and have only hammers away at them he then takes questions on everything from the Army draft he'd abolish it to l g b t rights he says people's private lives are nobody else's business. Alexei McCarthy a Moscow political analyst says the last politician who ran the same kind of grassroots campaign and evoked the same enthusiasm was Boris Yeltsin Russia's 1st president 25 years ago Mr. Harkins says the chances of the Kremlin letting the volley run as a presidential candidate are close to 0 but that the opposition leaders real goal is to build a broad base of support he can use as a political tool later if social discontent grows through those with. A Yani that he's made his up and some kind of coffee. 27 year old volunteer in Tula says 5 years ago nobody talked about politics but now Russia's sluggish economy is forcing even Putin supporters to change their minds he says people are spending 70 percent of their income on food oh yeah what. I did. The few hours later is addressing another crowd this time in Kaluga a town with a big Volkswagen plant 60 miles west of Tula no problem because of the question you've got which is message is the same we can change Russia but you need to go out and protest against corruption on June 12th that's when the volley wants to show the Kremlin how much clout he wields in Russia's provinces the crowd here is smaller but just as Dizzy asked myself why should he get them you want to have kids there's a girl who's wearing a crummy t. Shirt with no ball nice face on it above the din of her folks there's a high school student whose parents are convinced Nirvana is an American agent. And there's 22 year old college student. No matter how dark the things seem in our country they are changeable and I can do something. To change the way things are going now Still he admits there's an element of fear and of course I'm afraid because it's hard to be brave in our country because things can happen and says he hasn't even told his parents that he's now running the volleys Kaluga office. N.p.r. News Kaluga Russia we've got a team in Moscow this week and David Greene will be hosting from there tomorrow and Monday recently David was talking to a foreign policy expert connected to the Kremlin who was on his way to meet with the German delegation you're going to meet Germans It sounds like it's a good a good thing for relationships with the way they you. Know we have the same problem because already they accuse. Messing with their elections the perspective from Moscow coming up tomorrow on Morning Edition. Sending a Morning Edition to Moscow interrupting regular coverage all of these things come at a price this morning we're looking for you to support us and the work that we do here both. And at n.p.r. Go now to. Org give it to Cannes and thanks. Support for n.p.r. Comes from n.p.r. . From n.p.r. News in Washington I'm Dave Mattingly former f.b.i. Director James Comey appears before Senate lawmakers this morning a month after he was fired by President Trump N.P.R.'s Carrie Johnson reports on what Comey is expected to say in his prepared statement to the Senate Intelligence Committee comes as President Trump demanded a plaid of loyalty come he said he had 9 meetings with Trump over a few short months he says he felt pressured 1st to compromise his independence as f.b.i. Director and then when the president allegedly asked him to get rid of the investigation of his former national security adviser Michael Flynn Komi has written testimony also indicates he told Trump 3 times he was not under investigation and the F.B.I.'s probe of Russian interference in last year's us presidential election and possible collusion with the Trump campaign prosecutors in Pennsylvania say they're planning to call more witnesses in the sexual assault trial of comedian Bill Cosby for a bench off with member station w.h.y. Why reports Andrea constant says cars be drugged her and sexually assaulted her in 2004 prosecutors want a toxicologist to talk about the effects of a drug caused he was known to have purchased in the past even though he told constant He was giving her quote unquote herbal pills they also like to hear from a psychologist to explain the year delay in her coming forward denies the charges I'm Dave Mattingly in Washington good morning from k.p.c. News I'm Alex Cohen former Los Angeles planning commissioner Robert on a loss the race to fill the 34th conduct grad party Congressional District seat in this week's special election state assembly. And Jimmy gum is his clear victory continues all along history of representation Violet Tino's and progressive Democrats. Are a primer explains what this victory says about the district going to supporters celebrated at his campaign headquarters. Done as is the son of immigrants from Mexico he has deep roots in California politics he served in the state assembly since 2012 and was the political director for a powerful California Nurses Union Mona field America's professor of political science at Glendale Community College lives in the district she says Gomez is when signals a very blue directive from voters I think it's clearly one of those I will resist we will resist the current president's agenda I will fight for your health care I will fight for the environment field says Gomes is a liberal track record in the state assembly suggests he'll deliver the votes that district residents want Gomez's move to Congress will trigger an opening for his state assembly seat candidates are already lining up for that covering politics I'm Mary Plummer. Good morning I'm Alex Cohen here in studio with President Bill Davis and Bill this is a big morning this is an important morning in the listeners are probably well aware coming up in about an hour and a half we're going to be bringing you live coverage of former f.b.i. Director James Comey his testimony before Congress I have a feeling this is going to be one of those days where we talk about it 51020 years later it may well be a turning point in history we will be breaking from our normal normal membership drive which is why we need you to call us right now at 866888572 or. So we planned this fundraiser a year ago and we had no idea that the county would have been fired and we also intended. For this to be a very quick break right now we are a very quick fundraisers as we do at the end of the year so it's really important that we make all of these goals but we're not going to have any fundraising during the coming hearings so we have a challenge going on right now until the coming here and start we need to hear from 100 members that's new renewing or Dish will give contributors at k.p.c. Dot org or calling us at 866-888-5722 So really what we're depending on is those early risers those to use your term get er done hers and help us meet this challenge we need to hear from 40 people in this hour in order to stay on track to make that challenge and I know what you're thinking or thinking 100 members what I does make in my way to the coffee pot I isn't even open you know I trust me I get you I completely and utterly gets you at this hour you are just focusing on staying awake and you know getting your clothes on and brushing your teeth and sometimes can be enough but please just think about the fact that if you're listening to us right now then I have a feeling this is how you start your day every day think about all the other services in your life that you can't live without you know your your utility your cable t.v. Perhaps your gym membership your mobile phone or your mobile phone right all of those folks tell you hey here's exactly how much you have to pay depending on your usage we're saying to you pay what ever you like and those members Challenge Fund the members that make that up they don't care how much you give the really important thing it's the timing of it all we need you to give right now to make sure we don't lose out on this $10000.00 challenge 866888572 or k b c c dot org And you know there is a proposal in Congress and a proposal by the Trump administration to eliminate federal funding for public broadcasting in addition the trunk administration goes further and has a claw back of it's known as a recess rescission a provision where you would actually have money taken back that was already appropriated by Congress now we don't know whether that's going to happen you may think that's a good idea you may think that's a bad idea but the. That's it from Washington is your individual contribution to keep p.c.c. Dot org is more important now than it has ever been so please before you do anything this morning before you make that cup of coffee before you put the bagel in before you take the gong to work our dog on a walk excuse me or to. Whatever whatever works call us at 866888572 or go online at k. P.c.c. Dot org Now Bella Once again I can hear the morning listener saying Man you're bringing me down Coney hearing c.p.b. Funding going away I just can't handle this I need some good news and we have some good news your gift now of just $10.00 a month 10 dollars a month bill that's like barely 2 coffees in the down we will send to you with a brand new k p c c beach towel this style is so cool it's bright orange it's kind of like a throwback it feels like to me it's kind of the late seventy's. Right and you're playing this puppy to the beach and trust me you will not have any problem being found by your friends or your family members also the cute girls on the beach that you know you're a key piece easy member you want to put some suntan lotion back I don't know you go wherever you want with it but the important thing is you call right now 866888572 k.p.c. . John Raby now we're talking about this yesterday because I think this is a beach conversation starter people say I listen to that you know it might shock a friendship might strike up a conversation or you can just get underneath it and read the book underneath and just be Armageddon I don't know I was at Manhattan Beach yesterday at my daughter's school beach trip and I'll tell you everyone there was like a lesson this morning I gave this morning did you bring the talent to said no I didn't bring it tell cause I'm saving more for you out of the kindness of my heart but wait there's more what do you like to wear at the beach built out of where the key p.c.c. Stripes saw Absolutely that's right if you want to really fly your public radio nerd flag this would be the thing to do walk up on the beach when you got the c.c. Stripe Sox Yeah the old man. Good luck. Maybe for me not for you. 572 is the number to call keep e.c.c. Dot org I was in this tall dinner last night and every single person there was supporting Won't you join them 866888572 is a number to call. Supporters include Southern California Edison offering business owners a reminder that summer time of use on peak rates are now in effect tips on how to control energy costs during on peak hours are at dot com slash energy to support for n.p.r. Comes from n.p.r. Member stations and from Dana Farber Cancer Institute working to unleash the immune system's power to fight cancer and develop promising new therapies videos white papers and patient stories are available at Discover care believed. From Farmers Insurance committed to making the world a smarter place through shared knowledge and experience tales of home car and other insurance coverage can be found at Farmer's dot com. And from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Gates Foundation dot org. It's Morning Edition from n.p.r. News I'm Rachel Martin and I'm Steve Inskeep over the ride sharing service as a slogan to recruit drivers company leaders say that you can be your own boss you know you're in the car you drive when you walk knock off when you've had enough sounds great right but many drivers say it's not actually true in dozens of interviews plus an informal survey n.p.r. News found hundreds of drivers who do not feel like their own boss they feel controlled by a boss that is faceless but ever present today N.P.R.'s Arthur Shahani begins a series of reports on drivers and their employer imagine being able to drop your kids off at school every morning and then run errands because you're allowed to clock in when you want 10 or 1030 instead of 9 am sharp the power to set your own hours it is rare it's a power that drivers have and I drive to bank because it gives me the time to spend less. This is a commercial from Looper music's a big part of my life and never allows me to keep it that way the 1st slogans are enticing invitations Nike's just do it apples think Defra hoopers be your own boss is special because it's not just great marketing it's a legal argument over claims drivers are independent contractors not employees entitled to very expensive benefits you were commissioned a study that says 87 percent of drivers joined because they want to be their own boss set their own schedule but company leaders have not publicly asked an obvious follow up question I do ber do you feel like your own boss so n.p.r. Asked we conducted an informal survey reaching out to drivers through e-mail less than social media a little more than half of respondents 491 people said they did just like the people in the commercial but perhaps less expected nearly half that is 436 said they did not know you you don't know your boss will be ordering you control is the time when you sign on and sign all of them are controlled everything driver David McKie is from Vista California he and other respondents are self selected and possibly more negative than the average driver it's not a scientific poll still it's a window into how many drivers feel about their workplace What 100 say is that strict rules and punishments like a boss let's start with tracking not on websites like Google does but tracking in the physical world Dr McKee the state licenses you and if you get tickets or accidents or something like that then the state will take away your ability to drive so I don't see where it's really have. To be tracking how you drive that you know they're becoming the police who are uses the sensors in drive or smartphones to. Monitor How they turn left or change lanes or stop turns out 116 respondents say they didn't realize it was doing that Uber doesn't ask for consent in a long line contract 433 would like Uber to stop the tracking competitor lift doesn't do it Hoover says smartphone tracking is good for safety and helps drivers when passengers complain unfairly so it's not a choice Goober pool is also not much of a choice pool is that option where passengers can share a car but it turns out many drivers feel coerced by uber into offering it driver Michael Makarov from Phoenix Arizona more when cool started I thought oh this is great we're going to make more money but that didn't happen driver say pool is just a way for passengers to pay less while drivers make way less. Give away uber says if you want to offer the standard service Ibrox you have to offer this cheaper one to the vast majority of respondents say they don't want to when you're your own boss you typically get to set the price but at Uber sets the price and it can change 2nd by 2nd according to a calculation that whoever keep secret driver say this pricing scheme keeps them guessing take Danny Brockington who's driving one night in Atlanta. Says rates are way up because there's so much the man but I'm not getting any and it's weird because I'm really high traffic district because drivers don't really know what they'll make an hour they could end up on the road far longer than expected or that the public would want $79.00 drivers tell n.p.r. They've worked shifts 14 hours or longer 3 even showed n.p.r. Proof of driving about 20 hours in one day feeling controlled is one aspect of the uber workplace and plenty of workers feel that another which may be more unique. Is not being able to reach a human in charge even in emergencies like when you've had an accident or gotten cut off the app I would absolutely acknowledge to you that getting. Over representative on the phone 6 months ago was a feat that frankly I don't know I would be able to do you know fallen Nava is in charge of driver and customer support at Uber we heard that feedback loud and clear from drivers selling off says Uber has a lot of work to do to improve communication with drivers and the company is doing that they're staffing more than $200.00 physical drop in centers and introducing new dedicated phone lines drivers' complaints about poor communication don't surprise her but she maintains they are their own boss and have the choice to stay or go are the shiny n.p.r. News San Francisco the u.s. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley is in Jerusalem there she met Israeli leaders who are angry with the way the u.n. Treats Israel and Haley agrees N.P.R.'s Daniel Estrin reports from Jerusalem Israel is the only country whose human rights record is a permanent item on the un human rights Council's agenda Israel's treatment of Palestinians is a major focus and out of all the Council's resolutions concerning specific countries Israel ranks at the top Syria comes in 2nd place yesterday Ambassador Nikki Haley sat across from Israel's president and called the United Nations a bully I have never taken kindly to bullies and the un has bully Israel for a very long time and we're not going to let that happen anymore Haley arrived in Jerusalem the day after she visited the Human Rights Council in Geneva she told the council of must address what she called its chronic anti israel bias in a separate speech in Geneva Haley hinted the u.s. Could quit the council in Jerusalem Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told Haley she and President Trump are drawing new standards for dealing with the u.n. It makes a world of difference in. And Yahoo said Haley also met with Palestinian Prime Minister Rami home dollah in the West Bank and discussed the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip Daniel Estrin n.p.r. News Jerusalem. This is Morning Edition on 89.3 k.p. C.c.m. Your host Alex Cohen here in studio with Bill Davis president a Southern California Public Radio and there is a reason why Bill Davis is with us here in the early morning it is a big day on the radio and a big day for the radio it is Alex because we're going to be having the coming hearings coming up in just about an hour and a half and between now and then we need to hear from a 100 key p.c.c. Listeners new gig givers renewing givers or additional gifts contributors so that we can unlock a $10000.00 challenge and bring you the hearings without fundraising interruption it's really important we need all these goals in so we need all the early risers listening to keep b.c.c. To go to your website or to go to our website and keep e.c.c. Dot org and make your contribution or call us at 866-888-5722 if you gave it just the $10.00 a month level which really if you think about it is not much to compare that to you know what you might spend on lunch every day at work or on your morning coffee or your cable t.v. Bill for $10.00 a month we're going to be thinking with a limited edition No rant no slant I love this. Game at home it is mine as well and there's a number of reasons for that 1st of all it's 18 ounces it actually amount of fluid it's white and on one side you can see the key p.c.c. Headphone logo and on the other side it says No rant no slant I remember I tell you one of the few people left here their member is the day that that was coined I remember when I heard it was just like well yeah of course that's how we do we print you present you with the information we don't tell you how to think or which candidate to vote right or any of that we let you decide. Because we know you're smart to make the smart choice right now and call 866888572 k.p.c. Dot org And when we came up with that slogan We thought that the media environment was was was pretty bad right now was like almost 10 years ago yeah and it's only gotten worse and their families are in if you have the value of independent editorial journalism and the value of having noncommercial some support for that journalism is so much more important now than it's ever been before 866888572 is the number to call keep p.c.c. Dot org is a website and you know if you talk about making a statement you also make a statement with this with this mug whether it's at home whether it's at work or whether you go into those coffee line and you say fill the sucker up the right cup which somehow didn't save you money and you know Bill I just had a vision he said making a statement you know that what that made me think of was the socks the k.p.c. Oh yes which is your gift today when you receive in any amount and this these are it is to describe it on the radio because they really are as my 1st time seeing them as this morning some kind of a little bit excited they've got bright orange on the top bright orange on the soles of your feet and in between is a series of stripes in medium blue sky Lou in black right or navy blue I know it's too early for me to truly tell but I'll tell you what these socks you will be noticed for them there's no doubt about them and if you've got to keep a fan in your life why not make this like a special gift for them and we'll let the Sox put him in the no rant no slant That's a great a little bag around it bend there it is you've got maybe it's your father's day present which is coming up ladies and gentlemen so please won't you call right now 866888572. You know there are a lot of people who are already up and supporting key p.c.c. We want to thank them we want you to join with them again we're in a 10000 dollar early morning challenge and we're going to be bringing you the coming hearings without fundraising interruption so please put your good intentions into action right away. Day by calling us at 866888572 we're going on line it k.p.c. Dot org as Maureen Seargeant of Camerino She says it's a great station I listen for I listen for an hour and a half each way on my commute and I love the variety of programs and then also Brenda on Sunday I believe is from Seal Beach and she says I love Katie to see because it gives me the best news in education I'm in my car almost the entire day for work thank you for the great news well Brenda thank you for supporting key p.c.c. Won't you join these early risers clicking and joining a key p.c.c. Dot org or calling us at 866885722 Richard destine of Venice he says k b c C's express where the news source Americans need this more than ever need what a perfect verb Richard and we need you as well at 866888572 are. Or go Andrew Soria a new and sustaining member from l.a. As a high school English teacher and rhetoric teacher Angie writes I've alliance to provide my students with a crucial unbiased view of the world around them I believe help my students and be myself become better citizens citizens trustworthy 98 I feel like these are all the right words these are all the right feels but know that we can do all of this and provide all of this without your help or looking at the possibility of federal funding going away and that could really be a big hit for us so please step up right now take a preemptive strike by calling 866888572 or keep it out or Ok let's reset early in the morning we have a $10000.00 challenge going on right now we need to hear from a 100 new additional gift or renewing members by the time the Komi hearing start and that's going to be in about an hour and 20 minutes so we've already heard from a number we still need to hear from 37 in this hour to stay on track then we're going to have those coming hearings and as you said. We also have great thank you the gifts for a $10.00 like the coffee mug and we're going to be sending the socks in addition as a free additional thank you gift for your participation won't you do your part right now 866888572 was the number to call before you do anything else this morning dial us or go online make a p.c.c. Dot org Please give it now it's so important I've got a $10000.00 challenge on hand and Bill is you all know there are limits in primers if we don't hear from every last caller right and clicker at that money really goes away even if we're just one person shy so please don't let that happen this morning where the numbers are smaller We know your help is crucial 866888572 k.p.c. Dot org And thank you b.c.c. Supporters include Samuel Goldwyn films presenting past life a new film by the national based on a true story of a wartime mystery haunting 2 generations of a Jewish family now playing at Lend-Lease Royal Theater flayed house 7 and Lemley town center Queen scare providing directly and with others accessible health care for uninsured and low income individuals and families residing in Los Angeles County. From n.p.r. News in Washington I'm Dave Mattingly Britain's parliamentary elections are underway today with security and terrorism dominating the issues N.P.R.'s Eleanor Beardsley in London says the voting takes place 5 days after terrorists killed 8 people in London and weeks after a suicide bomber killed $22.00 people at a concert venue in Manchester England after Saturday's attack on London Bridge security took the forefront over concerns about funding for the National Health Service and negotiating Bracks it opposition Labor leader Jeremy Corbyn has accused prime minister Theresa May of trying to protect the British people on the cheap after it came to light that she had cut. $20000.00 police officers as Home Minister mayor says Corbin cannot be trusted with the country's national security the u.s. Solar power industry is reporting strong growth in the 1st quarter of this year that's according to a report from a Solar Energy Industries Association N.P.R.'s Jeff Brady says some are concerned a trade dispute could hurt business solar panels cost about one 3rd of what they did 6 years ago and u.s. Solar panel manufacturers are having trouble competing with cheap imports so a company called Sinitta has asked the trumpet ministration to levy import tariffs that would increase solar panel prices and the industry worries that could slow the fast growth rate solar has experienced in recent years Wall Street futures are higher this morning I'm Dave Mattingly n.p.r. News in Washington good morning from k.p.c. See News I'm Alex Cohen It's 544 come Saturday some 1500 county employees as well as volunteers will bring an important message to the residents of roughly 20000 homes near the former Exide battery recycling plant. Rebecca pleasant say is they have an important message for the community state regulators believe many of the properties around the old Exide this elite may be contaminated with lead the volunteers will alert longtime residents and new renters about the dangers of lead exposure the also invite people to share their health concerns and help connect them with services like free blood lead screening to Reese and Mark as of Boyle Heights is a local activist she urges her neighbors to talk to the outreach teams opened a door to the health department and let him know of the illness in your family illness that have not been able to be explained by doctors the huge effort comes as the state prepares to expand its cleanup of properties near Exide that's slated to start this summer and could include thousands of homes County officials say their health survey should help inform that work the lead removal around Exide is considered the largest and most expensive environmental cleanup in state history. Covering health i'm are back. 3 survivors of last year's pulse nightclub shooting in Orlando Florida are currently in Southern California for Pride Week Luis rolled ons ex-boyfriend was killed during the incident Well Don stayed behind helping the wounded inside the nightclub Well Don spoke with our media partner for I never imagined myself being. 49 people died in what was one of the worst attacks on u.s. Soil since 911 the memories of that night have taken their toll on rolled on but he's also tried to create something positive as he is now a motivational speaker for teenagers love peace respect for understanding along with 2 other survivors in town this week rolled on supporting a bill in the California legislature which would make it tougher for hate crime convicts to own guns as mentioned it is a pride this week and the l.a. Pride parade and festival will happen this weekend in West Hollywood which means some street closures this year a resistance March will take place during the annual parade set for Sunday demonstrators planned to gather at 8 o'clock in the morning at Hollywood Boulevard and Highland Avenue rolling closures will follow them as they make their way to West Hollywood Los Angeles Department of Transportation spokesman Bruce Gilman says if you plan on being in the area please consider taking public transit there is convenient metro stops at Hollywood and Highland and to just be very cautious as you are the city streets to be careful any vehicles or burgeon see vehicles that might have to traverse marching beginning tomorrow night at 7 o'clock Sanderson t. I'm sorry that's rather tonight at 7 o'clock Sam assented Boulevard will be closed between Santa Monica Boulevard and no Rose Avenue as crews begin to set up for the festival that section will not reopen. 10 Monday morning we have a map of the closures and org. Supporters including Mass Mutual a company that recognizes the importance of relying on that interdependency. To help protect the people who count on you and to secure the future you. Usual dot com support for n.p.r. Comes from n.p.r. Member stations and from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation dedicated to the belief that all lives have equal value in working with partners world where every person has the opportunity to live a healthy productive life. Gates Foundation. From the charitable foundation celebrating 20 years of. Launching a new effort to advance cures for sickle cell disease. And from the. Foundation. It's Morning Edition from n.p.r. News I'm Steve Inskeep And I'm Rachel Martin good morning here in Washington d.c. Several bars are opening early this morning and former f.b.i. Director James Comey will be up on the big screen T.V.'s there testifying before the Senate Intelligence Committee opening statement was released yesterday and it gave us an early look at what Cohen is going to say the headline coming writes that the president asked him to promise loyalty and ease off on the investigation into former national security advisor Mike Flynn Philip Mudd will be watching the hearing closely as will many others he is a former intelligence officer for the CIA and the f.b.i. He fell thanks for being here this morning thank you what stood out to you in come as written testimony. What wasn't said there's a couple things that are missing here the 1st is any suggestion that the commander in chief that if the president had a conversation with the f.b.i. Director about how to secure America for the next election the conversation centers on how the president can protect himself in light of the allegations but if you're sitting in the seat in the Oval Office the 1st comment you should have is come over here under the guidance of the national security adviser and have a conversation about how we ensure this never happens again the 2nd thing is also with missing the clarity about what the attorney general and the deputy attorney general would doing through all this there's way too much commentary that I've heard the past that day about whether Jim Comey was timid or not there's a 2nd question why didn't somebody from the Department of Justice intervene directly with the president they should have done that and he should speak about that today well there is this criticism that if Comey was so disturbed by all of this he should have gone directly to the attorney general right away instead of just telling his inner circle at the f.b.i. That he was made uncomfortable by these conversations with the president I think that's correct but you've got a couple things to consider 1st he's concerned that the attorney general is as already tarnished because of his previous relationship with the Russians during the campaign and the 2nd is it's not just on him to go to the attorney general as soon as the attorney general knows that the that the president ited States is asking for a while on private conversation with the f.b.i. Director in this environment it should not be the f.b.i. Director responsibility alone to go to the attorney general I work for 3 attorneys general at the f.b.i. Any one of them I suspect would have said hey Mr f.b.i. Director what happened in there and then would have gone to either the president or the chief of staff of the White House and said you can't do this it's not just on comi. You say that what's interesting to you is what wasn't communicated in income each version of these conversations Why is that so telling that the thrust of the conversations wasn't about the issues of Russian meddling that it was centered on the president's behavior or the investigation into Mike Flynn and that that's a problem in and of itself every conversation we've had or most of them in the past months has been on the Lurd stories about campaign installment with the Russians there is a profound question here that haunts this and on to me what happens when we go into a next election cycle and we are not resolved that how to protect candidates and how to protect the American electoral process the president ited States is not primarily responsible for infrastructure for health care he is the commander in chief that's the primary responsibility when you walk in the Oval Office and I cannot see an indication where this president has understood that responsibility in the seconds remaining do you see that what Komi has laid out in these written statements do you see an argument for obstruction of justice on the part of the president. I don't yet and that's why conversations with others including Michael Flynn of Paul matter were court this is inappropriate I'm not sure it meets the legal standard for obstruction Philip Mudd is a former CIA counterintelligence official and a senior f.b.i. Intelligence advisor thanks so much for your time this morning. Thank you. You're listening to Morning Edition on $89.00 k p c c And if you're listening right now you probably know the drill you hear the latest that's going on in Washington d.c. In or around the world I pop in and I tell you what's going on in Southern California and are about anger thinking wait a minute why isn't that happening well that's because today's a different kind of day here to explain why is President Bill Davis Good morning Alex and thanks to all the people who've already donated at 866888572 are going online to keep p.c.c. Dot org But today is different because we're going to be having the county hearings right during the most listened to time of our broadcast a basically between 7 Thanks a lot James Comey hey you know what are you going to do got to happen we're not going to have any fund raising breaks during that coverage it is chill important we understand that but we still have goals that we need to meet today and so we have a challenge going on to hear from 100 k. P.c.c. Listeners by the time the coming hearings start that's going to be around 7 so that we can make sure that we stay on pace for our overall goal for this many drive here at the end of the fiscal year your contribution is so important right now it's not worth $10.00 a month or $20.00 a month or whatever it might be it's worth $10000.00 right now when you click and join a key p.c.c. Dot org Or when you call us at 866-888-5722 but you know about this is a bit of an experiment we've never really done this as far as I know before fundraise in the 5 to 6 o'clock hour and this is a limited window this is kind of a litmus test of early morning early riser listeners how committed are you and I do this gut feeling though because. I'm an early morning person you're an early morning person and you know that all expression about the early bird in the warm Well it exists for a reason we know you are driven to get ahead in the world and to help others do the same which is why I'd like to say look if you're one of those folks who looks at your pantry or your attic if you have one there's too much stuff there I don't need any more stuff in my life right now let me tell you that right now when you support k.p.c. Can get an excellent thank you gift it's going to take up no room but really fill and nurture and support other people in need we've got a great partnership with the l.a. Regional Food Bank and right now if you give $20.00 a month that will provide 80 meals to families in need in need you're doing 2 great things at once you're feeding your mind you're feeding people who are going hungry 866888572 k.p.c. Dot org You know Alex you and I are both people who like to exercise and a lot of people who are up this early are they're going to cross fit they're going to swim there maybe going to surf whatever it might be and you have a budget for your exercise right we're saying is fascinating cheap Absolutely and so what we're saying is add a little bit of that workout budget to support the thing that works out your brain and works out your conscience and works out your ability to make sense of the world and that's key p.c.c. 866888572 is the number to call we are a bargain in relationship to l.a. Fitness across vet or anything else that you might have. Or call us our go online excuse me k p c c dot org But do it before you do anything else this morning while we have a $10000.00 challenge going on before the coming hearings begin around 7 o'clock speaking of challenge speaking of fitness it's funny you mention all this I'm in the midst of an 8 week challenge it's called The Whole Life challenge folks and it's actually started by 2 guys here in l.a. And what I really like about doing this is part of it is about nutrition an exercise in stretching in hydrating the part of it is also about. The practice of the mind right in this week our practices you're only allowed to go on social media once and was like oh that's not a big deal until actually started doing it and I realize I comment on what am I doing and then you realize like I don't need social media when I know what's going on in the world because I listen to a p c c So think about it know if you give right now a you know lose 5 pounds probably not are your pecs going to get any better defined Probably not but if you recognize that listening to intelligent news and information that feeding your mind making your brain top shape is just as important is in fact part of the whole equation right then please put a dollar amount on that and any amount that works for you will work fine by us any amount that works for you will help us unlock this 10000 dollars challenge the key thing is that you call right now 866888572 k p c dot org But don't take it from me take it from this guy let's talk about something important you call yourself a public radio listener How about you call yourself a pledger put that coffee down coffee is for pledgers only. Have I Got your attention now only one thing counts in this life and that is pledging Public Radio and if you can't pledge public radio then goodbye hit the bricks power and beat it nice guy who cares successful at your job I don't give a damn good parent go home and play with your kids you want to support public radio then pledge a b p a always b b p pledging always be pledging always be pledging a da attention interest decision action attention do I have your attention interest are you interested I know you are because you're listening to me right now decision have you made your decision to pledge and action the money is out there there waiting for you to pledge it you don't I got no sympathy for you pick up the phone here's the number to call 866-888-5722 that's 866-8885 said. And you too thank you very much Alec Baldwin we also want to thank some early morning risers these are actually folks that I know call and Simon who clipped clicked in and said thank you k.p.c. Keeps me company in Malibu Colony also you in the line up and then Greg Moscow Sherman says that he'd like to thank yours truly and all of the morning crew by helping l.a. Get up and get going each and every day Greg again thank you so much for that early morning gift won't you join with these folks again with a $10000.00 challenge going on we're going to have an interrupted coverage of the Komi here coming here in your testimony and also today and today only for any gift we are any contribution we are adding the k.p.c. See Sox as our way of saying thanks to you for your support on this very important day 866-888-5722 as a number to call you know it's kind of funny to hear Alec Baldwin were doing the whole Glengarry Glen Ross be closing thing because that was his was he's thing for so long and now that seems so quaint long ago because of course we think of him as Donald Trump on Saturday Night Live near ever we every week and folks might recall we heard from him here on Morning Edition talking about that transformation to become Donald Trump this was in conjunction with an appearance that he made the case brought to you at the theater in downtown Los Angeles and he was taping he's a podcast for here's the thing I had the pleasure of introducing him sometimes people forget Bill the interest your radio early morning companion It's live events at the end here at the Crawford family forum it is i Pad apps it's video and photographs and hide cast and there are heard ls so much more that we want to continue to be but that really hinges on how much and how many people contribute this morning I believe we need to from the 37 more members to stay on track so please give us a call at 866880. 572 to go online to keep. Let's reset we have the coming hearings coming up in of the out an hour we will have those An interrupted we have n.p.r. Coverage will have analysis as well and we also have a challenge going on right now we need to hear from 100 people before those hearings start so that we can stay on pace for this fundraiser there is a proposal to eliminate federal support for public broadcasting you may think that's a great idea you may think it's a bad idea but the message from Washington is your individual support matters more now than ever before and it really matters when your gift isn't worth 10 or $15.00 a month it's worth 10 $1000.00 right now when you click in joining k p c c dot org Or when you call us at 866-888-5722 don't forget that when you.

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