A year strong and be able to continue to deliver you the news and information and cultural programming that you rely on every day give us a call 866-888-5722 or k.p.c. Dot org. Supporters include the James or vine foundation expanding economic and political opportunity for Californians who are working but struggling with poverty more at Irvine dot org. Support for n.p.r. Comes from n.p.r. Stations other contributors include the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation working with others to build a culture of health for all on the web it r.w.j. After. And the John d. And Catherine c. MacArthur Foundation Ed Mack found out of work this is $89.00 p.c.c. Pasadena Los Angeles community service of Pasadena City College named by the Aspen Institute one of the top 10 community colleges in the United States learn more at Pasadena dot edu. Live from n.p.r. News in Washington I'm Jack Speer ex f.b.i. Director James Comey will testify tomorrow he had 91 on one conversations with President trouble about the Russia investigation and the nature of those conversations was such he felt compelled to document them immediately afterwards as N.P.R.'s Nina Totenberg explains commies draft testimony was posted today on the Senate Intelligence website company's written testimony details 3 in person conversations and 6 on the phone each apparently made him sufficiently uncomfortable that beginning on January 6th he documented the details of the conversation in a memo he typed on his laptop in the f.b.i. Car after he left the meeting Comey said the purposes of the meeting ranged from Trump's attempt to get him to drop the f.b.i. Investigation into Trump's national security adviser to the president's attempt to get the f.b.i. To say publicly that Trump was not being personally investigated Comey viewed the conversation says so inappropriate that he implored Attorney General Jeff Sessions not to leave him alone with the president but the contacts continued Nina Totenberg n.p.r. News Washington President Trump says it's time for the country to do more to improve its aging infrastructure during a speech in Cincinnati today the president said it's time to rebuild our country and to put America 1st we crafted monuments to the American spirit it's time to recapture our legacy as a nation of builders and to create new lanes of travel commerce and discovery and we're going to see all the way into the future and the future is going to be beautiful and the future is going to be bright drum telling an audience there that he was repeatedly asked as he traveled around the country during a campaign about why the u.s. Is investing so much in other countries when u.s. Infrastructure is crumbling Bill Cosby's accuser spent the morning on the witness stand fending off questions from defense attorneys from member station w.h.y. Why Laura bench off reports Cosby's lawyers and to cast her story of sexual assault in a romance. Light or predatory one phone calls morning and night private dinners sitting cognac by a fire defense attorney Angela a gruesome zeroed in on details like these during cross-examination Andrea constant has accused the now 79 year old comedian of giving her drugs that incapacitated her and sexually assaulting her in a suburban Philadelphia home constant testified in the cars we had twice made passes at her before that and that both times she rebuffed him during cross cause because lawyers sought to sow doubt about Constance claim that the sexual contact on the night of the alleged assault was not consensual The defense also provided records of a flurry of phone calls constant place to cars be after the alleged incident for n.p.r. News I'm Laura branch off in Philadelphia stocks move modestly higher today with a decline in energy shares offset by a bump up in banking the Dow gained 37 points 21173 the Nasdaq composite was up 22 points today you're listening to n.p.r. It's k b c She's joining member drive Hi there my name's Mike Rowe I'm a digital producer here and I'm here with Megan McCarty Corinne our transportation reporter you know investigative reporting in independent journalism that seek out the truth they are vital to our democracy I think we can all agree on this so please share support because you rely on k. P.c.c. So go ahead should I support a colleague 86688857 c.c.u. Or go online to keep p.c.c. That or make sure that you can keep hearing shows like the world which we're starting right now and you know this hour we need to wait for that reason dollars to keep us on track to help maximize a 100000 dollars dollar for dollar challenge that is going on right now that means they've you get right now your donation is going to twice as far as a wood at any other time so you know don't miss out on this opportunity the chances here it's a good a k.p.c. See that or call 866-888-5722 this is such a great opportunity to make your donation go so much further and to be able to you know. Show your support that much more for k.p.c. And n.p.r. Which you rely on every day you know. We hold your elected officials accountable we give voice to your community we dig out facts facts are important these days you know we examine all the arguments and include diverse voices and differing opinions we know that Southern California is such a diverse community and we really seek to reflect that in our news coverage in the voices that you hear on our station every day but we can't do it without your support so we really need you to you know maximize this dollar for dollar challenge today go to org Give us a call at 866-888-5722 help us out during the June number drive you know we're about to start off our new fiscal year we want to be able to you know offer you the same news and information that you have come to rely on stay strong give us a call 866-888-5722 or k.p.c. Org. I'm Marco Werman And you're with the world thanks for being here fireworks that's all it was according to Iran's supreme leader and it will have no effect on Iran and its fight against terrorism he says those are some very brazen words considering what happened today in Tehran 4 gunmen shot their way into the Iranian parliament building one attacker reportedly Blume self up during the standoff that followed around the same time 2 shooters stormed a popular shrine in another part of terror on the mausoleum of Ayatollah Khomeini Iran's late spiritual leader when it was all over at least 12 people were dead and dozens of people wounded the so-called Islamic state claimed responsibility now that would be a 1st for ISIS we're going to hear several perspectives on this starting with runaround him poor My colleague with the b.b.c. Persian Service in London generally people around the world see around as an extremely safe country it's got strong intelligence and military forces I mean I even drove by the Ayatollah Khomeini shrine last year and thought wow all the sodium vapor lamps and you know it's minarets and it must be one place that will always be safe how could all this happen. That is a big question and that's what everybody is talking about obviously these people were armed and they shot everybody they could but it's a huge question the shrine itself it's not that difficult to get into so because it's for mourners or people who want to make donations but the question is how they got into the Parliament and that's why from ISIS's point of view it is a success because to get into the heart of the Iranian democracy and kill civilians and people who are working for the parliament that is huge What are reigning officials saying at this point about who the attackers are I mean we're wheeling out ISIS an Islamic state do we know for sure that that's who was responsible for this they said that they are not sure about the identity of the attackers or the nationality of attackers but they so far they haven't rejected the idea that it was Isis behind it and to the revolutionary guards released a statement in which they said there will be revenge I mean Iran's Revolutionary Guard say this was an attack mounted by Saudi Arabia is there any evidence of that there is no evidence and even in their statement they haven't mentioned Saudi Arabia but it's very difficult to come to any other conclusion because they said the attack comes a week after the president u.s. President have met with the leaders of a country in the region that sponsors the ideology of ISIS and Iran throughout all these areas has claimed that it was the Saudis who are ideologically and financially supporting ISIS so it's difficult to think that they mean any countries other than Saudi Arabia they also make a timeline and they say that Ok 1st President Trump came here and sold more than a 1000000000 u.s. Dollars worth of weapons to the Saudis and then they all cut off their relationship with batter and 2 days later this attack has come they draw a conclusion that there has been a green light from President Trump and the Saudis are acting. Because they have his support in case of a more serious confrontation between Iran and Saudi Arabia how do you think Iran's government will react now I mean when I was in terror and I saw lots of posters of Iranian martyrs men who'd gone off to fight ISIS and Syria and Iraq to keep the fight over there or not in Iran what will happen now will the government step up the fight against ISIS what at the moment you know they're all very shocked and moved by what has happened and the Revolutionary Guards in their statement said that there will be revenge but are they going to up to the game immediately or are they going to assess the situation and see whether it's a wise move I think that's an early to say so far in my opinion and their President Rouhani has Administration Mostafa Iran's foreign policy decisions have been very wise he is quite different from President Ahmadinejad the ex-president who was very hostile towards the west so I think of that we're not going to see an immediate confrontation with Saudi Arabia. Iran is a Shia country primarily but there are pockets of Sonny's and Isis had been reaching out here to the Sunni's in Iran is this Bishan falling on extremists who entered Iran from outside the country or people who are already inside Iran. Well it's very early to say but so far the Sonny have rejected his ideology and their invitation to join them so in total I don't think that the Sunnis despite all their disagreements with the central government despite all the criticism they've had as a minority in the country I think it's unlikely full or Sunnis in Iran to join them my colleague runaround him poor there with the b.b.c. Persian Service in London by the way ISIS is animosity toward Iran comes as no surprise to those who follow ISIS propaganda Here's more on that from the World's Matthew Bell a little over a month ago an ISIS propaganda outlet released a video it appeared to show the execution of 4 Shia fighters that's grim but typical What was notable about the video though it was in Farsi not Arabic Farsi is the national language in Iran and the message from ISIS was a call to arms of sorts it was a call for the minority Sunni's in Iran to rise up and fight the Shia government will McCants is with the Brookings Institution and he's the author of the ISIS apocalypse McCance says the hostility between ISIS and Iran starts with religion Sunni Jihad is in general have a dim view of the Shia for ISIS they are certainly a pos the ignorance of religion is no excuse they would argue they are all beyond the pale and worse then infidels like Jews and Christians because the Shia they are you have made a choice to place themselves outside of true Islam it might not seem to make a whole lot of sense strategically. ISIS has its back against the wall it's losing territory in both Iraq and Syria that's made it harder to recruit new fighters but McCants says there are reasons ISIS would want to strike Iran now one is to of course punish Iran for its meddling in Iraq and the 2nd would be to force Iran to go all in Iraq to commit even more forces and to turn this into a major sectarian war the thinking being that it's if this is divided along sectarian lines that ISIS will gain more support by the locals who Sunni's who don't want to be overrun by Iran McCance says ISIS would also like to go to Iran's Shia government into cracking down on the Sunni minority in Iran that could lead to unrest and ISIS is a group that thrives on chaos and attacks like the one in Tehran today is also an ISIS recruiting tool itself says McCants so wants to maintain the momentum to show that it's still in the fight and what better way to do that in the hottest world than to carry out a shrike in the heart of Iran that 2 of its major symbols of power for their party the Iranians see ISIS as a regional menace but there are different messages coming out of Tehran the supreme leader Ayatollah Khamenei i.e. Compared today's attacks to firecrackers and he said they won't have any impact whatsoever Iran's Revolutionary Guard took a harder line it pointed the finger at Saudi Arabia and the United States and promised revenge. As is an Iran expert with the International Crisis Group in Washington because this is the 1st attack by the Islamic states inside Iran borders I think this will have serious consequences for Iran's both domestic and foreign policies Baez says Iran has been lucky. As wars to the east and west have raged for years in Iraq Syria and Afghanistan the Islamic Republic has remained an island of relative stability he says it was only a matter of time until an attack like this took place inside of Iran this might be a wake up call I expect as a result of this attack to see not only a certain rally around the flag effect that I think you have a tickle in circumstances like this but also an extreme securitize ation of the domestic sphere you know because for 3 decades in Iran nothing like this has happened and tear on but as adds that today's attack in Iran provides an opportunity for the trumpet ministration the Trump White House could demonstrate to the Iranian public especially via his says that the u.s. Unequivocally rejects terrorism and that it sees ISIS as a common enemy for the world I'm Matthew Bell President Trump has now put out a statement on the attacks in Tehran he said he prays for the victims but Trump also added that quote states that sponsor terrorism risk falling victim to the evil they promote and quote as aimed pretty directly at Iran the events in Iran today came as a shock for many people including the many Iranians who live here in the u.s. Like the world's own Sure engine fari I look up this morning and I did but many of us do in the morning I check my phone and what do I see I see a list of I know it's breaking news and it I realize that there's been an attack in Teheran and that there's my mixtape has taken responsibility for it it took me a couple of seconds to take in what happened because this is just so rare Yeah I mean it is shocking and why is it so rare in Tehran something that this has never happened at least in the past 23 that Kate's not in my lifetime it's basically because Iran has been. Very good at keeping the country safe keeping the borders closed and for Islamic state to be able to penetrate do something like this at the heart of the country you know 2 very symbolic locations at the parliament and at the shrine of that late Ayatollah Khomeini who was the supreme leader this is just so surprising to me when we spoke earlier on the show about security but I'm just wondering do you know if there was anything that preceded this a trigger this there was a video that Islamic state published back in March and I saw it in that video what the fighters are trying to do they're trying to get the attention of the Sunni population in Iraq Iran is a Shiite majority country but there are pockets of Sunnis that in the country and in in the video they said about it being the fight to Iran we're going to attack these Shiites who might have a Islamic state considers not Muslims and then when I saw that video I didn't really make anything of it because just like I said Iran has always been really good at security and I just thought this would never happen you know on there are of course a lot of Iranians outside of Iran and I've seen strong reaction from them today what have you seen there's been an outpouring of support since the news people have been showing images of that Iranian flag the map and using hashtags stand together pray for Tehran some people have been questioning why the Facebook security checking wasn't activated you know that Facebook is blocked in Iran but a lot of people are able to get around that what have you been hearing from Iranians that you know Sharon I spoke with a friend of mine he lives in London and went to school together and you know there's been an attack in and then and there's now there's been one in Tehran just in the Reek and he said it's been an emotional time for me is that both cities are my home and you know I'm very upset about this and then his. You know what what I decided to do after the latest attack was to go and donates a lot this was a way for me to give a part of my body to somebody else and that would hopefully save somebody's life and is that you know by doing that I'm making a statement showing me the finger to the terrorists who carried out these 2 attacks both in Teheran and you know in London a terror on have been your homes at various times as well sure on this count of an easy way for you it's been hard I mean it's hard every single attack is hard you know whether it's called will there it's piracy but it's London it's heart people's lives have been lost but you know this morning I just woke up in shock and I just wonder if we're going to be waking up to another attack every day the world should enter far thank you very much thanks Mark. What is it about fast Jamaican runners That's next here on the world. Support for the world comes from Lumosity brain training developed by scientists and game designers who turn cognitive research tasks into games to challenge memory attention and problem solving you can learn more at Lumosity dot com and from t.i.a.a. Whether it's investing advice banking or retirement t.i.a. a Believe smart financial decisions should enable life not define it t.i.a.a. Calls this the new success story more at t.i.a.a. Dot org. Supporters include Zoom Zoom provides cloud video conferencing online meetings and group messaging and one platform featuring h.d. Video and high quality audio with screen sharing across devices you can start an account ad soon dot us Pasadena Playhouse presenting hold these truths to be inspirational true story of a little known American civil rights hero who fought for freedom for starring Ryan in an evening of theatrical storytelling that has been performed for audiences from coast to coast now through June 25th at the Pasadena Playhouse tickets for a hold these truths are available at Pasadena Playhouse dot org. This is 89.3. News Good afternoon I'm heading to 21 Canada's defense chief says the country plans a sharp increase in military spending John said today the money more than 24000000000 dollars over 10 years is designed to make sure Canada is a reliable NATO partner President Trump has demanded other countries raise their investments since the u.s. Now contributes more than 70 percent of NATO defense spending the California Supreme Court is weighing whether to overturn Proposition 66 that's the initiative voters passed last fall that seeks to streamline the state's lengthy death penalty process Capital Public Radio's Ben Adler says the justices spend a lot of time during oral arguments yesterday questioning a provision that requires death penalty appeals to be heard within 5 years the lawsuits plaintiffs told the court such a time frame isn't possible and in fact it's unconstitutional initiative proponents argue the Supreme Court should give proposition 66 a chance to succeed rather than simply assume it won't work because they argued voters approved it the justices appeared skeptical about the 5 year mandate noting that it currently takes decades we'll find out how the justices rule within 90 days California last. Executed a death row inmate in 2006 the state's capital punishment process has been mired in court challenges over lethal injection drugs and procedures the l.a. County Board of Supervisors has voted to ban all commercial activities pertaining to marijuana in unincorporated areas that includes both medical and recreational pot the move extends a ban on dispensary Xin place since 2010 the new ordinance is designed to give county officials more time to come up with a comprehensive set of regulations in the wake of statewide legalization the westbound lanes of the 1st Street Bridge in Santa Ana are closed after a fire burned under the span damaging it no one was injured in yesterday's fire that's under investigation while a homeless encampment is located under the bridge it's not clear if its residents were involved in the fire there's been 3 other fires however at the same location over the last few months I mean. And I am Megan McCurdy Corrino I report on transportation for k p c c I'm here in studio with Mike Rowe our digital producer and we're here to tell you about the k.p.c. June member drive that's right it's one of the few times of the year that we come to you our listener and ask for your support so that we can continue to offer the news in conversations and investigative reporting that you have come to rely on day in and day out you know we have a very unique funding model we don't answer to any networks or wealthy investors we answer to you the listener but we can't do that unless we have your support you know we don't send you a bill every month saying you must pay asked $150.00 for the services you use we rely on our listeners who rely on us to decide what is right for them you know on a monthly basis on a yearly basis how much is worth to me and how much can I afford to support so we ask you to make that decision today. Step up and support k. P.c.c. Give us a call at 866-888-5722 or go to k.p.c. Dot org And we have the dollar for dollar match going on today only so when you join in any amount your gift is going to the devil by this matching challenge thanks to a group of generous donors including a couple from South Pasadena going to from Seal Beach and Paul and Heather Hagar of the foot ridge as a member of N.P.R.'s board of directors so as you can see support from all over Southern California because. It's all about covering all of southern California you know we had $21000.00 gives this our generous donations which mean we need another 1500 dollars this hour to keep us on track thank you to our generous donors and that you so much those have already given there is still time though for you to pick up your phone and call it's 866-888-5722 or go online to see that or to donate and make sure they keep keeping strong keep providing you the coverage the you come to know and rely on or we so appreciate the generous gifts of our listeners you know people like George Hofmeister and Laverne Gale McCall in Inglewood and yes maser in Chino Hills I just looked up on my cell phone how to pronounce that and in the middle name I'm going to say it again and yes SCA in Chino Hills she says k.p.c. Is a source of news and information that I trust this is so important in our current political climate of constant spin so if you are like and yes and you trust Kay p.c.c. We need your support to be able to continue to deliver this trustworthy fact driven you know real news not fake news so in this kind of ever Evan environment it is more important than ever and we need your help more than ever so please give us a call 866-888-5722 or go online to k. P.c.c. Dot org We have this dollar for dollar challenge going on when you've got 13 $100.00 please give today. My name is Manuel and I've been listening to k. P.c.c. Ever since I moved to Orange County almost 5 years ago through n.p.r. And programs like air talk we realize there isn't just 2 sides to one story but multiple sides and having that conversation and letting opinions be valid on the air is really really valuable especially in these trying times with potential cuts to public arts and services we need unbiased news coverage like this now more than ever support p.c.c. By becoming a sustaining member go to k. P.c.c. 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Her home just like so many of us are is out there in her latest book she asked the question is there a secret to happiness she does her version of scientific research to come to an answer should all the details about this new book online or ask about it when you call to make your get your $20.00 a month a nation will also become $4.00 a month today only thanks to the 100000 dollars dollar for dollar match that we have going on right now to support all the great programs you get from k.p.c. Any n.p.r. Making Paula Poundstone slaves book and supporting k.p.c. With your donation $1100.00 more we need this hours a calling give now 866885722 or go online k.p.c. Si dot org You know it's really fighting the urge to cost Paula Poundstone in the hall and ask for a picture you know just one of several guests that Larry Mantel has had on for an extra. Hour of programming this week during our June member drive just to illustrate you know how awesome the programming is on k p c c we get you know wonderful guests like Paula Poundstone and you know Larry Mantel is added an extra hour of programming to kind of make up for the last time that we have during this pledge drive but we we need this pledge drive we need to ask you our listeners you know to support us and in return we will continue to offer the great conversations that you love to listen to that enrich your life that you know really engage our community so we can't do it without your help please give us a call 866885722 or go online. Or we have $1100.00 we still need to raise this our one thing that I love about is the ability of everyone here to turn on a dime and make sure that we're providing new amazing coverage able to go out there cover what's happening now one thing I love is that tomorrow during Morning Edition former f.b.i. Director James Comey is scheduled to testify before Congress during that time we're going to stop the pleasure and carry that testimony because we know how important is to have a cover just you we care about breaking news we bring its you no matter what whether means no more pleasure ever that time whatever happens but that means we need you to call now the support. Your support is vital to provide the coverage that is important to you $1000.00 more this hour to keep us on track to call 86688857 no matter what happens we're going to be breaking in offering that James Comey breaking news coverage tomorrow morning but make that easier for k.p.c. Make sure that we don't lose out on anything by calling right now and supporting or going online at. Www dot org And if you have been listening to Kate p.c.c. You probably have heard about the president's proposed budget you know he proposed one back in March he revised the proposed another one just a few weeks ago that budget has a lot of cuts in it I've been reporting on some of the cuts to local transit projects that would happen if that budget were to be adopted by. Congress one of the proposed budgets would cut funding for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting that provides about $1300000.00 of budget that's over 700 hours of programming so what it really highlights is not you know whether it's a good thing or a bad thing whether the federal government cuts that money what it means is that you our listeners are more important than ever we need you to step up today during this dollar for dollar match give us a call at 866-888-5722 or go to k.p.c. Dot org And thank you so much. Live from n.p.r. News in Washington I'm Janine Herbst for top intelligence and law enforcement members of the trumpet administration repeatedly declined to answer questions today put to them by the Senate Intelligence Committee as N.P.R.'s David Welner reports the questions concerned allegations that President Trump pressured them to curtail investigations into possible ties between his campaign and Russia 1st Florida Republican Marco Rubio pressed director of National Intelligence Dan Coats for answers I'm not asking for classified information I'm asking whether or not you have ever been asked by anyone to influence an ongoing investigation I understand but I'm just not going to go down that road to a minute in a public forum main Independent Angus King got no more quizzing National Security Agency director Admiral Mike Rogers Why are you not answering these questions is there an invocation by the president United States of executive privilege is there or not not that I'm aware of then why are you not answered I feel it is inappropriate and I what you feel isn't relevant admiral to Justice Department officials were similarly on forthcoming David Well n.p.r. News Washington at a conference in Athens today former Vice President Joe Biden says it's overwhelmingly in the interest of future generations to deal with climate change although the president has announced we're withdrawing from this a number of governors and mayors are personally engaged in the United Nations directly to say not us we're not leaving the vast majority American people do not agree with the decision the president has made president meanwhile said today the u.s. Will never have outside forces telling America what to do and how to do it while he's president all street slightly higher by the closing bell today the Dow up 37 points 21173 the Nasdaq up 22 the s. And p. 500 up 3 You're listening to n.p.r. News from Washington. I'm Marco Werman And you're with the world we're co-production of the b.b.c. World Service p.r.i. And w. G.b.h. Here in Boston seems like almost every day we're hearing new allegations about how Russia tried to influence last year's us presidential election here in the u.s. Each new revelation makes big headlines but here's how that same story sounds on our t.v. The Kremlin backed Russian news outlet many of the claims regarding alleged Russian meddling in the Us elections have been spread through questionable online sites and sounds other even experienced politicians can fall victim to fake news online or should they then spread through interviews on major networks that's news anchor Rory sushi a on r t International the politician in question Massachusetts Senator Ed Markey who apologized after Iran easily claiming a New York grand jury was investigating President Trump campaign ties to the Russians it's a story that got some play though not much in u.s. Media outlets that's just one example tomorrow r.t. Will be like oh news outlets covering for me a former f.b.i. Director James Comey is testimony in Congress but Artie's a deputy head of News Alexei couldn't it's of says there's been so much hype in advance of the hearing he's downplaying coverage today the level of hysteria about this specific hearing has been so high on the mainstream media that you know we thought that our job had already been done by our colleagues from other news stations you talked about hysteria but I mean isn't this a very important meeting and does deserve some urgency and a little bit of entering think it obviously does deserve some attention but not if you talk about this for like 2 or 3 weeks in a row without you know without any stoppage there are other stories are out there is Iran or Syria there's the Philippines for that matter but you know specifically in the structure in even you know attract the Western media so much they can switch to anything else back to the u.s. Election do you see any proof. That Russia meddled in it I don't think that either an artsy or anywhere else has anyone ever heard any convincing proof or any convincing evidence that the Russians had anything well maybe Kohli will tell us something I don't know yeah or maybe we'll find out a little more about that document that the n.s.a. Contractor reality winner leaked out we heard yesterday does r.t. Take sides Well of course we don't if you call rendering the Russian government viewpoint on issues of international importance taking sides then we probably do but editorially I mean we try to report from all possible angles from all possible sighs you know we give up we try to give the floor to 2 different parties but sometimes these parties don't really want to talk to us like for instance Hillary Clinton's. Election Headquarters never actually let us in during the election campaign neither did President mock Ron when he was running for presidency so it's sort of hard to give the floor of the people who don't want to take that Florida. I mean when you come down to it it does feel often like our tea is the same thing as Breitbart Oh Jesus that's a funny comparison to make what makes you think well I mean the kind of the tone that you were the alternate voice for Americans who really need to hear the truth well I don't know I mean I wouldn't want to comment on Breitbart I don't know what their editorial policy is but you know in our approach to news we do indeed try to focus on those people and those events that have either been underreported or not reported properly as far as we understand we tried to give the floor to the people who feel sort of sidelined or left out and you know can't really deliver their message on mainstream media I don't know if bribery does the same thing I don't know maybe maybe there is some similarity We'll leave it there let me just ask you this The Moscow Times are some reporting that some are 2 journalists described a non disparagement agreement that they had to sign. When agreeing to work for t.v. Did you sign that sort of agreement is standard practice in all Western companies and the West the have the Moscow Times actually tried to make a mountain out of the whole you know you can surprise anyone in the West or in a western company with a non-disclosure agreement let me let me tell you that and speaking about myself yes I did sign other why is that kind of agreement needed it sounds like r.t.e. May have things going on there that they're not proud of. No not really it is just standard practice that exists all over the world I didn't sign one of my current job and I don't think well I've never seen one well maybe maybe that will become an issue with your bosses and yourself I don't know maybe I should have started talking about it will say. What sort of influence do you think our t. Has today like how do you see its place in the broader media landscape probably would have been operating on a much smaller scale if it hadn't been for this free advertising that we're being given. By our Western colleagues you know so I guess our influences growing with the gracious help. Alexei could Snit's of deputy head of news for Russia today speaking with us from Moscow thank you thanks for having me Marco and Cooper has a very different take on Artie's operations and is a professor at Columbia University's Graduate School of Journalism and she's monitored the Kremlin backed r.t. For more than a decade a lot of the reporting and even that reporting about the u.s. Will be not wildly different from what you might see on c.n.n. Or Fox The 2 big differences one comes with the ads that are on their Web site and some of the commentators they bring on who have very dubious credentials the other area where you'll see our t.v. Really become our t.v. Is when it's an issue of you know foreign policy sensitivity Georgia back several years ago when Russia was fighting there Ukraine certainly Syria Russia backs the Assad regime and so what is said on our t.v. About Syria and what Assad is doing and what other forces are doing that's much more carefully vetted let's say How would you compare our 2 to Breitbart I mean is it fair to talk about both in the same breath some people would say right Barton r t have a similar aim which is to. To go after mainstream Western media to present a range of alternative views alternative versions of what might be the explanation for something like for example the downing of the Malaysian airliner over eastern Ukraine all kinds of conspiracy theories were put out on our t.v. Some of them pretty wild without any real proof but the idea appeared to be let's confuse things let's divert attention from the criticism of us Russia and spread it around and create some other possibility so that people are really left wondering well where is the truth and I think people who studied Breitbart far more than I have have noted that that's if not a a stated goal certainly an effect of a Breitbart News How influential is r t today like who watches it and follows it online you'd have a lot of trouble finding the answers to that the the statistic that r.t. Likes to put out is what their reach is meaning how many t.v. Sets around the world could actually to man r t And it's tens of millions that doesn't mean that those people have it tuned in it just means that it's there and they do have their You Tube channel gets a lot of hits 2000000000 maybe even more than that now but one study a couple of years ago noted that you know most of the people who are going to Youtube to Archie's You Tube channel are looking at it's kind of basic news clips natural disaster you know terrorism attack the kinds of things you know you could go to c.n.n. Or you could go to r.t. Not sure why they're going to r.t. For that there was today on r t online an op ed piece titled in Europe Trump is making Russia great again in the person who wrote that tells us is Brian MacDonald an Irish journalist who's based in Russia I know are to rich. They hired some well known u.s. Journalists why do journalists go there to work what motivates them one reason that some people who've worked at r.t. Have told me is the money they do have a lot of money to spend I know a young person who worked there for a year or 2 he was in Moscow doing something else and they this is kind of typical they find Americans or Brits or other westerners who are there working in some capacity and hire them and you know teach them how to put together a news package it's good pay so it tomorrow James Comey will testify on Capitol Hill I'm just curious what how r.t. Handled the hacking of the u.s. Election story and is there any case that they meddled in the 2016 vote r t has been denounced by most recently by Emanuel McCrone But you know a couple of years ago by John Kerry and other u.s. Officials as a propaganda bullhorn in terms of the whole Russia scandal I think Arties coverage is tended to be what's relied a lot on the statements of Vladimir Putin and Sergey Lavrov the foreign minister and they say this is nonsense where are you getting this stuff you know don't you have better things to do course we didn't do that blah blah blah and I would imagine that might be the kind of thing that will see tomorrow when they're writing about Komi and Cooper's monitored r.t. For more than a decade he's now a professor at Columbia University's Graduate School of Journalism Thanks a lot and really appreciate it sure thank you very much. It started as a private Facebook group with a few Mormon women in Utah they were upset about the Trump administration's travel ban but within a few weeks their private group went national now they're focused on trying to stop deportations Andrus Martin has that story from Utah. Tonight. With a group of demonstrators in front of the Office of Homeland Security in West Valley City Utah on the bullhorn is Charlie Mullins Glenn founder of the new group Mormon women for ethical government thank you for coming today to show solidarity for where we'll be out at her beautiful family standing here and this is where 31 year old Sylvia up here Flores was detained before she was taken to jail in April Aguilar Flores was brought to the u.s. From Mexico when she was a child she grew up here got married and had 3 children all u.s. Citizens Glenn says Evelyn Flores may have stayed here illegally but she's not a criminal ice officers apprehended her in the parking lot of a crafts store with her 8 year old daughter they'd been tracking her for a few days after she failed to appear at an immigration appointment Adler Flores has said she did not know about the meeting that yes one man would be detained and proud of her child but in jail and played it for Tea Party is unconscionable and life that case has a very valid we all here in the Unity everything about this offense my religious beliefs and m.j. Monger is one of the demonstrators here I. I'm standing in solidarity with Sylvia to try to protect a family and say together for me that's the core a core value beyond anything else is what the families need to be together monger's says until now in her political activism only when as far as volunteering at a food pantry it's probably obvious I'm an introvert I'm a shy person my belief is with the fire to pass the shyness and to stand out. A majority of American Mormons identify as politically conservative but Angela once Falconer's says she's been rethinking her political allegiance you know I've kind of been switching I was more Republican and then not I've definitely moved towards the Democratic side because I just feel like we need to be for commonsense what has been happening this isn't common sense. Later sitting in her car Shirley Mullins Glenn tells me how her group got started she was talking with some like minded friends after the election then they move the conversation online it quickly snowballed and within a few days we had nearly 300 members within a week we had close to 3000 members and by 2 weeks we had 4000 members we're now approaching 5000 they now have members in most States and around the world the group is not officially associated with the l.d.s. Church but Glen says immigrants and refugees have become a driving priority for Mormons like her we ourselves were refugees so that's an issue that I think regardless of political persuasion touches our hearts that evening Mullins Glenn checks in on the family of a Mormon woman 3 so Rommel's who was recently deported to Colombia this was where today slipped right so it's Jeffrey he's here now thank God for the From. Ramos his son Jeffrey Smithers is 18 he has cerebral palsy and epilepsy he says he has seizures. About 2 or 3 times a month which can put him in the hospital after I have the seizures I tend to forget everything for the past whole day and I don't recover until my day or 2 after Smithers is legally an adult but still needs help his cousin Kelly Dumas says Smithers had a seizure the day after his mother was deported and the family isn't sure how to care for him or what to do about health insurance we're trying to do everything that she did because she's unable to do it now and it's a lot of pressure on our family when Mullins Glenn leaves she promises the family she will keep working to get Ramos returned to Utah we're not going to have a fight. The next day and gets news about Sylvia Flores the woman who was apprehended at the crafts store parking lot she's been released from jail and will have a 90 day stay of removal Glenn in our group are hoping they can make that state permanent . For the world entries smarted Salt Lake City Andrea is crazy creator of the podcast changing our stories about the changing laws of Utah women since last year's presidential election. A campaign to put taco trucks at every mosque in southern California and the movement is already popular as just ahead right here on the world. The world is supported by legal sume dot com providing legal answers to the day to day questions of small business owners through its network of independent attorneys available nationwide more information at Legal Zoom dot com slash world and by curious dot com committed to helping people build their c.q. Or curious quotient through the game of lifelong learning curious where people can learn something new every day at Curious dot com slash p.r.i. . K.p.c. Supporters include City of Hope a Cancer Research and Treatment Center with 15 locations throughout l.a. Dedicated to advancing science that can save lives City of Hope has a stem cell transplant program that works to increase survival rates their doctors and researchers have developed some of the world's commonly used cancer fighting drugs and their work in medicine is helping to change the way cancer patients are diagnosed and treated you can find a city of hope location near you at City of Hope dot org This is 89.3. News Good afternoon. To 50 former f.b.i. Director James Comey will testify that President Trump asked for his loyalty and asked what could be done to quote lift the cloud of Investigation shadowing his administration that's according to prepared remarks released ahead of his appearance on Capitol Hill tomorrow. And n.p.r. News will provide live coverage starting at 7 am a man is dead and a police officer is recovering after a shooting in Wilmington It happened around 9 o'clock last night when officers received a call about a man with a gun Norma a man with the l.a.p.d. Says this is what happened next as the officers approached to make contact with him and several shots were fired on the suspect struck Fire Department paramedics pronounced the man dead at the scene one officer was treated at a hospital and released still unclear how the shooting began or how many shots were fired as California approaches the one year mark since its aid in dying law was enacted many patients are still struggling to find doctors Dr Lonnie Shavelson has set up a practice in Berkeley to help patients seeking the life ending medication he says he's been contacted by more than 300 people who are interested but say they can't find doctors a lot of the hospitals in our state are just we run institutions and. Because of that our. Doctors don't have familiarity or comfort with the new law but Alexandra Snyder executive director of the life Legal Defense Foundation says the fact that doctors are refusing is a sign of the law's failure so well to walk alongside a patient even patients who are terminally critically ill not to abandon a 2 week old. Fart issue it under California law patients must be terminally ill with a prognosis of 6 months or less to live and a 2nd physician must confirm this the annual l.a. Pride Festival gets underway this weekend in Hollywood and West Hollywood that means several streets in the area will be shut down we have details on our website . Dot org On Sunday the annual pride parade will be replaced by what's been dubbed the hash tag resist March organizers say it was inspired by the women's marches that took place worldwide a day after President Trump's inauguration and he lent her these k.p.c. Seen Use this is k.p. She sees Jude member drive Hi there I am Mike Rowe digital producer I'm in the studio with mega McCarty Corrino transportation and Porter we are trying to get to stay on track make sure the re able to keep the great program that you've come to know and love going we need $400.00 more this hour so you can get us there we're almost there call 86688572 doing it now or give online to keep the peace you see that or thank you all of those who have already given them to June Collins in l.a. Who said I don't know where I would be in this world without k.p.c. See I love the factual news thank you to Hill real economy in Claremont He said Today's imagine donation day I want my dollars account you know that is a very important fact right now it is a 100000 dollar dollar for dollar match going on we want to maximize that dollar for dollar match so please give now join fellow listeners like Patricia Larson incur. 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Will thank you by providing meals to local families in need through the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank So if you give $20.00 a month will that will provide 80 meals to $100.00 people in Los Angeles this is such an awesome thank you gift that you know is not just a thank you to our listeners but a thank you to all of our way you know to to offer these meals to people in need and if you listen to k.p. C.c. You know we've been doing a lot of reporting we have a social safety net reporter Rena Paulson who has been covering the homelessness is issue you know all the time what a great resource for our community to have we have someone that is committed to doing this reporting day in and day out but we cannot provide that kind of in-depth coverage on this very important issue without your help this is what your support provides and we need you to step up and offer today make your dollars go twice as far with the dollar for dollar match today go to k.v. Or give us a call at 866-888-5722. You can go online right now you can also go the k.p.c. See the organiser June member drive make sure to be part of this and also keep make sure we are able to take a break from coverage tomorrow morning during Morning Edition former f.b.i. Director James Comey is scheduled to testify before Congress we're going to take a break from the pleasure having carried that testimony because we know how important that coverage is the you so make sure that we're able to do that Call now 866885722 this is no Wagner I'm contributing today because I love listening to Kiki see during the good times and during the challenging troubling times I can always get fair and balanced news and also just some of the other topics and I'm just glad there's a reasonable voice still on the air and I appreciate you guys very much thanks a lot for all that you do by Thank you thank you so much everyone has already given in mean so much to us it means so much to keep and the programming that you're listening to right now it doesn't happen without your support because you financially support and we provide you with the coverage that matters see you make sure to support the support n.p.r. Take a stand for intelligent conversations for supporting your community for the fact based in-depth reporting you hear here on Cape p.c.c. They came up tar Shockey in Huntington Beach who said Keep up the good work think of the Shi'a Torres in Los Angeles who gave and thank you to Steve devolve and and Servia Vasquez in West Hollywood who said that they appreciate the honest in fact based news reporting we need to raise $250.00 more this hour keep us on track just in the next few minutes Call now 86688857 sooty or online it's going to computer take a couple minutes it's at k.p.c. C dot org We have just a few men it's the left in this hour and the good news is we have a really awesome new way for your donation to come to k.p.c. So you can not to have your monthly donation come directly out of your bank account it saves a lot on all those credit card process. You might even think that that is a lot but the actual annual cost of k.p.c. Of credit and debit card donations every year is almost $300000.00 that is you know that is no drop in the bucket here at Cape p.c.c. That's $300000.00 that could be going into hundreds of hours of programming instead so what you know when you have your your donation come directly out of your bank account there are fewer administrative costs which means more of your donation goes into the programming and news that you rely on each day and it's really easy you just go to k.p.c. Dot org or give us a call 866-888-5722 choose the amount you'd like to give have your routing number and your account number handy those are really easy to find on the bottom of your check or you can always still have it come out of your credit or debit card that option isn't going away but that is it you're all set you're keeping public radio strong for years to come give us a call 866-888-5722 or go to k. P.c.c. Dot org We got $120.00 a month donation takes care of the Gall we have $150.00 to go we have just a minutes left we need to hear from you now 866-888-5722 or k.p.c. Dot org Give Now unlike Megan mentioned you know when one more $20.00 a month gets one of the options you have for that you can give $20.00 a month provide 80 meals to local families in need thanks to Los Angels Regional Food Bank we were just talking about this it shows that you can do more than one thing I once we're always doing more than one thing I once here a k.p.c. With reporters covering a 1000000 things trying to give you the latest information make sure that you are the most informed listeners there are out in Los Angeles and in the surrounding Southern California area but that doesn't happen unless you give right now make sure that we stay on track call 86688857 seats provide food the families need support and do it right now there's also that 100000 dollars dollar for dollar match that is keeping us going and keeping us giving us a one. To maximize that make sure that we match that 100000 dollars and where the receive that gets that doesn't happen unless you give right now thank you for keeping k.p.c. Strong and if you haven't given yet you can do that online and keep p.c.c. Dot org or call 866-888-5722 thank you so much to everyone who has given already today the reason it's so important that we get these challenges met today is because tomorrow during Morning Edition former f.b.i. Director James Comey is scheduled to testify before Congress we will not be interrupting now with pledge drives so we need to get as many people signed up today as we possibly can give us a call 866-888-5722 or go to k.p.c. Dot org Support the p.c.c. Today thanks k b c C's supporters include mehndi and Gene Stein who support young children and their families because early adversity for infants and toddlers has a lifelong impacts on learning and health learn more at 0 to 3 dot org. This is 89.3 a p.c.c. Pasadena Los Angeles a community service of Pasadena City College named by the Aspen Institute one of the top 10 community colleges in the United States learn more passive.