Dot org This is. The o. Calexico. B.b.c. World Service at the 8 hours g.m.t. This is weekend with. Coming up the latest on a factory fire in the Indian capital Delhi which has killed more than 40 people in a crowded market area because this is really congested and also only populated it's very difficult for fire engines ambulances to get to this thought also democracy protesters in Hong Kong are hoping to rally huge crowds for a March we'll hear from a probe aging politician Becky hope that there will be a very peaceful one. It might be a good situation. And with us are our guests Maria mark around London based writer and broadcaster and stop there sing chief executive of the Joint Council for the welfare of immigrants here in the u.k. That's here and we. Baby say Neves Hello this is Gerry Smith's Indian police say a factory fire in Delhi has killed at least 43 people many of those who died were laborers who were sleeping in the building the huge blaze broke out in the city's crowded old quarter the Indian prime minister Narendra Modi described the far as horrific he said the or parties were providing all possible assistance partakes go there are reports from the league the fire reportedly broke out in a building in the early hours of Sunday in a congested part of the city dozens of workers were sleeping inside at the time according to rescue services official said that it was difficult for fire trucks and ambulances to reach the spot because of the narrow alleyways so firefighters had to carry the victims out themselves one by one scores of injured people are now being treated in hospitals. Pro-democracy campaigners are gathering in Hong Kong for what the organizers hope will be a major rally for the 1st time since August police have given permission for a March by the civil human rights front from Hong Kong more a burka reports fight for freedom stand with Hong Kong is once again the cry in Victoria Park in the center of the city as those of protesters gather to prepare to March organizers of today's rally have called it a peaceful March and urged protesters not to confront the police they've also challenge the government to meet their demands which include an independent inquiry into the police forces handling of the protests and amnesty for those arrested and free elections Iran 6000 people have been arrested and hundreds injured including police since June North Korea's has his has carried out a very important target set is satellite launching sites in survey the state news agency did not give details but believe it could have been a ground based test of a rocket engine which could be used to power a satellite launch or on intercontinental ballistic missile the f.b.i. Has appealed for help in tracing the movements of a Saudi Air Force officer who shot dead 3 people at a naval base in Florida made Saeed hours from Ronnie opened fire at the facility in Pensacola on Friday there are reports that he played videos of mass shootings before carrying out the attack Roger Walker has more details u.s. Media coat an unnamed official is saying that left channel Mohammed Saeed Ronni showed friends the videos at a dinner party the gunman who was undergoing aviation training at the neighbor their station in Pensacola is also said to have treated criticism of American involvement in foreign wars and to have praised Osama bin Laden but the u.s. Defense Secretary. So he was not yet ready to label Friday's shootings as a terrorist attack. You're listening to World News from the b.b.c. The Iranian president Hassan Rouhani has presented what he called a budget of resistance to parliament Mr Rouhani said the package was designed to counter crippling u.s. Sanctions by limiting dependence on Iran's oil exports which Washington has targeted the sanctions were imposed by President Trump after he withdrew from the international agreement limiting Tehran's nuclear program China's exports have fallen for the 4th month in a row as the trade war with the United States continues to hit the world's 2nd largest economy they are down by more than one percent in November compared with a year away or with imports showing an unexpected rise China's trade surplus with the rest of the world now Brazilian Federal Police have been sent to the northern states of monument to investigate the killing of 2 members of an indigenous community by unidentified gunman the victims were from the Guardia Jara ethnic group which would set up armed patrols to prevent illegal logging are America's added layer not a Russian reports Brazil's justice minister says more has condemned the shootings in sent a special federal police team to the area survivor said the gunmen approached in the Agent as group in a white pickup truck on a major road in northern Brazil they slowed down the vehicle before opening fire 2 men who are on a motorbike died 2 others were injured this is the latest incident involving the indigenous group in northern Brazil many members of the community have been killed since they set up a few years ago a knowledge but role group to protect their land from illegal loggers The German born evangelist Reinhard banker who drew huge crowds during his preaching tours of Africa has died he was $79.00 among those who paid tribute to him as the Nigerian president Mohamed Bihari who prays run her bonkers vision and zeal and that's the b.b.c. Nice. It's 8 o 6 g.m.t. This is weekend from the b.b.c. World Service with me Celia Hatton with us for the rest of the program are our guests Maria Margaret on a she's a London based writer and broadcaster and Subir Singh He's the chief executive of the Joint Council for the welfare of immigrants here in the u.k. We're going to hear more from them in a few moments but 1st to our top story this hour Indian police say more than 40 people have been killed in a huge factory fire in Delhi The blaze in the Monday area broke out in the early hours of the morning partition could kill down as our correspondent here in Delhi she gave me more details earlier about how the fire started the reports that we're getting are that the fire services got a call at around 5 30 am local time in the morning being informed that there was a fire that had broken out in a very congested part of daily in a multi-story building after that more than 20 fire engines were rushed to the sport but because this area of Delhi is really congested and also really overly populated it's very difficult for fire engines and ambulances to get to the sport and as a result one of the official said that fire workers were having to do this manually were having to do the rescue manually by going inside the alleyways and carrying people one by one on their shoulders and investigation into the cause of the fire has been launched but the initial reports are that it was a factory that is used to store school bags and bottles among other material and these were workers of the factory possibly laborers other laborers who were sleeping there which is not uncommon in India laborers and workers sometimes sleep in their workplace and once again a really horrific fire accident in the r.v. . Unfortunately is not uncommon you described the area as being quite congested Can you describe what it looks like were how difficult would it have been for those 20 fire trucks to get to the scene of the fire it's really densely populated and it's really congested the alleys are really narrow houses are built all around it's not it's not the most planned part of the city it's the old quarto it's lined with trees it's lined with businesses and it has a lot of people who live there so definitely very difficult for emergency services 1st responders to get there unfortunately fire safety standards in India continue to remain pretty inadequate many buildings don't have proper fire exits some builders in the past have been accused of building additional floors on their buildings which are prohibited which can also lead to incidents like this if you remember 17 people had died in another horrific blaze in a Delhi her Terry earlier this year and again it was blamed on in adequate fire exits so like I said unfortunately not uncommon because of the inadequate fire safety standards that was protect Gilda to Hong Kong now protesters are hoping to rally huge crowds as they try to keep up the pressure after 6 months of sometimes violent protests asking for political or political freedom and police accountability for the 1st time since August the city's authorities have given the organizers at the civil human rights front the green light to hold a March Hong Kong has been relatively calm since pro-democracy candidates won a landslide victory in local council elections 2 weeks ago next the lamb was a district council woman in Hong Kong for a probate party until she lost her seat in the elections. Month I asked her why the rally received the green light from the authorities after the district council a lush. Since the frequency of radical assembly were lowered so it's not as frequent as what we see maybe like a month ago when you say radical assembly What do you mean by that I mean by normal at them they turned into crazy violent acts or attacking civilians with the with the bits and pieces around some areas but not as crazy as well has been happening but of course if they follow all the true siege I don't see any problems there so I will not make sure all the organizers of today's front who have continually pushed for the right to have peaceful assembly and constantly had their traditions to hold marches through Hong Kong which has long been a tradition in Hong Kong those petitions have repeatedly been denied up until today so I don't really see the connection between the 2 if as you say a peaceful March does go ahead what concessions might the Hong Kong authorities give is there any likelihood that the peaceful marchers might be able to move ahead with some of their 5 demands including the demand for an independent inquiry into police brutality independence and currently should be included in all that that will happening for the past 6 months I do not agree on only investigating into police the Taliban death a lot of violence during the whole 6 month amends to let up only because he says we are Chinese organized crime should be investigated at the whole I'd like to point you to a new poll that was released on Friday by the Hong Kong public opinion program this is a very well respected group that measures public opinion and has done in Hong Kong for a long time and it's measured record disapproval. For the police force with 40 percent of respondents now giving the force the lowest mark of 0 this is a poll that was just released on Friday and yet you say that you think public sentiment really is focused on a fear of sometimes violent protesters so I think what we need to see is this a lot of home compilations really want to help country still 'd what it used to be before my opinion I don't think we can go back to the old home town anymore when you mean by the us on the real no the Hong Kong that means people can freely say whatever they feel like that when be triggered by any balance following up actions by people having given these a lot of people are afraid to speak out if applications for peaceful demonstrations are are repeatedly rejected Up until today are people really afraid to spoke out in the real situation in home at the post and in living in the situation for all these day for the past that long is the voice being basically this is like the. Situation in Hong Kong people have the most likely not reported by most of the mainstream home comedia Yes but we've also really seen the local elections in which 90 percent of the seats were won by pro-democracy groups as that is that 1600000 but that's 1200000 votes. This is not a 90 percent to 10 percent situation I also as well but that is the design of the election as the majority vote and then you can go in the Sit and we've been accepting this sort of situation and unfortunately the government is not to ing and now on this including what is the government holding to the government still we're Burkean Valley and then this trade just sort of level so is this like they are not really responding to a lot of people still money today a lot of them to say the violence righteousness to be erected that is one part of the situation another part of the situation up until now for 6 months the government spin very sought to hide away from a lot of the protesters voice and they are not doing enough to communicate with people with the from the news they're scared it's very disappointing as a district council I think they in potency of meeting people and speak to them space to face is very important. That was the former district councillor Dixie Lamb Well joining us now from Hong Kong is our correspondent Laura Baker Laura what's happening at today's rally so far. Well I'm standing amid the of people who are making their way from Victoria Park for the main part of the city of. Organizers had told the police perhaps expect up to 35000 people they weren't sure how many would turn out been pretty quiet here in the last 2 weeks I would say that as far as the expectation for the last 20 minutes we've been standing here and I would take hundreds of thousands of people are police marching through the streets most of them wearing masks many of them shouting about their 5 month no one left the a very peaceful so far there are children mothers there are people just kind of wandering about. Quite good natured as sad as you heard there have been violent clashes within the last 6 months the number of people have been injured including the police I spoke to one message from the. Ordinance division earlier this week and he urged the public to try to look. Forward rather * than as a pattern he said that the police were doing an extraordinary job under the circumstances I think if you ask anyone here that would not be applied. To hunting as you mentioned an independent inquiry into the claim of the policy over the last 6. 7 open up the floor to our 2 guests Maria Margaret Helen we've just heard an interview with a former pro Beijing district council in exile and which was a very vivid illustration of the the rigidity of the pro basing party. How likely do you think it is that. Given the recent election results the protesters might get a response to some of their demands and do you think that Beijing is worried that if they allow liberalization in Hong Kong the be a ripple effect in mainland China. I think when it comes to what we're hearing on Saturday the government issued a response saying that they would humbly listen to Tom cater to mine but I think if you look into what you're hearing read about we had to make that anyone here that are believing them they think Aids is going to cave in to any of their demands they believe that they have to have friends and numbers that they have to quell the street continually and they have to keep fighting and even signing up people here are for the elections next year which they hope will have a similar effect as to what they have they've done this year i.e. a Pro-democracy landslide so it's not just about these you know I protest today a protest tomorrow they're continually going to pressure but I don't think anyone believes that this thing is going to given as for telling us what he's about whether or not there will spread I think if you speak to people from the mainland. And I emphasize if you people there the mainlanders believes that this is a disruptive influence I think it was a fear initially perhaps at this point for protests if it was really a contagion effect that it was going to quit posting a month from what I understand because people on the left trying are very pleased that the Hong Kong ers are in the wrong and possibly losing some say. He's very different sides here it's very difficult I can't see any way for the 2 to cut of a coalesce. 'd as this continues and one other thing I was speaking to still airily are if you speak to the young people here even on her feet outside and there's a restaurant think she. The restaurant according to whether or not it's support democracy restaurant to put them up fake having the experience even on their dating profile over there why pick that one forward you know it was their dating profile no pope raising eyes so you're looking at a young man take a who are very entrenched in their view and very determined the horrific are thinking this is the b.b.c. World Service. A reminder of our main news a huge fire at a factory in the Indian capital Delhi has killed more than 40 people not just 4 days to go before the u.k. Votes in a general election in which its departure from the European Union Breck's it has been clearly the defining divisive issue Rex It has transcended traditional party allegiances ever since the U.K.'s referendum on leaving the e.u. Took place in 2016 the center right Conservative Party led by the U.K.'s prime minister Boris Johnson has been consistently in the lead according to opinion polls throughout the current election campaign but commentator suggests that the overturning of political loyalties as a result of the bricks of vote could make the result of Thursday's election extremely hard to predict our correspondent Allan little has been speaking to 4 people here in the u.k. Whose party Legion says have been completely overturned by Bracks it. I mean West you know I have come here to the home of j c o 2 through 2 recent was conservative constituency chairman of the local Conservative the stations for 12 to 25 years a conservative activist he's going to vote later. I've been Area chairman area officer regional offices deputy regional chairman as patron of the party one could argue that I was relatively steeped in it what would it for somebody like you to put across beside the Labor candidate oh feel physically ill probably have to go to the sport of golf a couple of points to do it but you still going to do it definitely To me it's patriotism really because it's about doing what is good for the country and not as what is good for oneself and I feel that we lost that as a party and other enough of you to deprive the Conservative Party of seats that they need to hold up so. It's a wet autumn day I've come up to Suva Hill summit in Notting I'm sure one of the tallest peaks in the county it's very close to the site of the old Silver Hill colliery which at its height employed 1300 men there's very little sign of the industry that once dominated this county except on this peak a statue of a miner testing for gas through to the structure there are 64 individual qualities listed. The community that industry sustained returned election after election solid labor majorities but most of those pics closed in the 1990 s. And the link between the people who once worked in that industry and the Labor party in parliament is getting weaker everybody would like to roll a brand on top even told what to the Silver Hill colliery you now he's backing bricks it and Boris Johnson has promised it and he stuck everybody and he's going to deliver and that's what was made use yes for us to support him that's right yes I think as a man of his word so even 5 years ago could you have imagined that you would be voting Conservative now never it might have now if you knew voting Conservative. Republican in this great hall the situation is so different had a. Partly pool in the north east coast was once a proud industrial center with a strong labor loyalty but here it's the bricks that Tante that hopes to benefit from the erosion of traditional voter allegiances and Wrigley is planning to vote for the Bracks Atlantic after losing faith in labor Promises Promises asked. Pack rats to break. Away the space. We want to go on out of the country. It needed a. Lead voting Hartley to has its mirror opposite here in Richmond Park constituency in south west London it has approached bricks it conservative m.p. But the people voted 70 percent to remain I suppose I went through my Some My last 40 years of feeling that it was something very much in the background of my life Andrea Stevens not a conservative in every election since 1979 now she's campaigning for the Liberal Democrats the defining moment for me was when treason may talked about if you are sort of. Citizen. And that was a terrible terrible thing to say about people like me I think this is strongly and Land of people that believed in remaining but don't feel that the Conservative Party are listening to them. A referendum can change fundamentally the electoral landscape Brix it is a new front line there is a pending old certainties and voting loyalties that go back generations. Alan little I'm curious to hear what our 2 guests are going to make of all of this this this change and in voter allegiances Maria do you peg it all all to Bracks it no I think that breaks it in a way was the straw that broke the camel's back of an already broken system that and I think you have to go back to the Thatcher years really food for the. The roots of this latest redrawing of our political landscape the undermining of the trade union movement the closing down of old industrial bases then we have the Blair government which made a lot of traditional Labor voters feel betrayed in a different way and so on and so forth and then by the time we get to the BRICs referendum I think that becomes almost the metaphor of the symbol for a deep deep division in the country and I think you know pegging it all to bricks it is is a mistake. I agree fully I think in addition to you know the usual axes of political science and political opinion where you've got you know from conservative to socialist and liberal up to author of Terror and I think we have many many more axes which are becoming more and more salient by the day from you know open to closed and globalist nativist you know we're seeing those traditional definitions of what leads to one's allegiance breaking down completely but if we can't peg this to Brecht's at them Why are these voters making this change now I mean all of the people we heard in that piece have said I do I voted one way up until now now why making that shift I think Briggs it for many people and I mean brags that from the 2016 referendum onwards has been this kind of shifting thing that means many different things to many different people it's a totem of lots of different people's opinions some people a vehemently opposed to Bragg's it because they think we should be internationalist they think that we should be welcoming some people are very in favor of Bragg's it without being anti internationalist who actually just sort of have a group you know grievance with the way the international economy works and so for lots and lots of different people it means lots of different things and it can be everything to everyone all at the same time until you have to do it I think it was a catalyst for a kind of polarization that's not not only happening in Britain he see it you know in the United States you see it all over Europe you see it in India you see it in many places and it's a it's a difficulty about responding to a drastically changed economic social technological world that we're living in do you think there's there's a desire really for stability I was struck by that though the one woman who said you know she just wants someone to have to follow through on their promises her all idea that promises are like Pike crash she just wants someone to do what they say they're going to do it does not hold any resonance debility and trust I think as people have deeply lost trust in the political system and in politicians and I think that's exactly why the conservative message in this election has just been get Bragg's it done and it's been a deliberate appeal even to people who don't believe in. Exit you don't want breaks it to happen this idea that you know it's the uncertainty and it's the chaos more than anything so whichever side you came down the gambit is that people will vote for some kind of ultimate decision and stability but you know everything is still to play for We've got 4 days left. Who knows we might have a green government in 5 days God Anything could happen between now and those I mean it's going to be very interesting to see what the turnout is really because there's also this and anticipate. Like anyone. Under the towards you know people who are going to vote but they're not really passionate about who they're voting for they just feel like they have to make a choice I think obviously this is a really really important election and at the same time I don't know anybody I haven't heard from anybody who is not disgusted with it one way or another aggrieved I think I'm more worried about what happens the day after and in the next 5 years we've got you know it's been the ugliest election I've ever seen attacks on the media the judiciary you know very personalized attacks on opponents I'm really really really really worried about racism with racism rampant racism. We're going to have to leave it there but a huge thank you to our 2 guests Maria mark around us and sat there saying you've been listening to Weekend on the b.b.c. World Service I'm silly hat and thanks for joining us. Distribution of the b.b.c. World Service in the u.s. 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News where Jerry summate a factory fire in the Indian capital Delhi has killed at least 43 people the fabric count in the city's crowded quarter in the early hours of the morning tens of thousands of pro-democracy campaign is in Hong Kong have begun to March through the city center for the 1st time since August police have given commission for a rally by the civil human rights front. North Korea says it has carried out a very important test that has satellite launching site state media gave no details but analysts believe it could have been a ground based test of a rocket engine the Iranian president Hassan Rouhani has presented what he called a budget of resistance to parliament Mr Rouhani said the package was designed to counter crippling u.s. Sanctions by limiting dependence on Iran's oil leg sports which Washington has targeted the f.b.i. Has appealed for help in tracing the movements of the Saudi Air Force officer who shot dead 3 people at a naval base in Florida on Friday a hotline has been set out for information about Mohammad Saeed Rani who carried out the killings in Pensacola before being shot dead by police thousands of people in Buenos Aires have taken part in a farewell rally for Argentina's outgoing president Mari c.-o. Machree he promised to be constructive in his opposition to the newly elected leader Alberto Fernandez journalists exports have fallen for the 4th month in a row as the trade war with the United States continues to hit the world's 2nd largest economy they were down by more than one percent in November the British boxer Anthony Joshua has become one of the few fighters including Muhammad Ali to regain their world heavyweight titles after defeat he beat the Mexican American and the Ruiz Jr b.b.c. News. I some people have something about them which is a star quality and it's completely indefinable and if you could define it you'd bottle it and you'd certainly it and you'd make an accident for budget troubles come on get have your sad and say sorry and Judy Garland had that shot Alan we had come on and had me again ready for the Judgment Day It was just that something that made her a great great star. Come on get out me. And do the promises made I Hello I'm Emily Webb you know with Outlook Weekend Today we're meeting Rosalyn Wilder if we rewind 50 years Roslyn was working as a production assistant at a glitzy London venue and among the many bake cakes Roslyn worked on the last ever u.k. Shows of the stage and screen icon that is why I get shot I come on and Judy Garland I shook hands the way I get happy Rosalind's career began in her imagination it was the late fifty's early sixty's she was out of school and she went to a recruitment agency with a very specific career in mind I turned up with Mr offices of twin 7 pounds ladies and what I wanted my set I'm looking for a job interview. So we and she said to be fair we don't actually have one today and I said that's perfect you are talking Mark to my. D.d. Needed growing up always have that interest in quote unquote show business yes I did I might salute Lee no idea why after all none of my parents had anything to do by 969 what job oh I was working. Was Robert Nash but he was the man that dreamed up opened and almost singlehandedly ran the talk of the town they tell me about talk of the town what was that talk of the town was a theater restaurant it was a very glamorous venue and people dressed up you had dinner dancing to thrill distress huge floor show and then they put a star on a 7 o'clock as well thank. Us Stevie Wonder and the supreme zoo and Diana Ross. This guy is always out a very special spot where I go we're going to a record of Sammy Davis Jr paid. With us thank you for those Ace people it was just nonstop that's what made it such fun here is. What was your job every day I went to work with Robert Nesbit he dreamed up the shows and everything else so the crown to me orchestra stuff all the dancers all the costumes all the scenery all rehearsals everything I mean I just did it I was Mrs One I did whatever he didn't want to do you say you and this is wild or what's the reputation the thing he had pretty scary as well and dances of course now that we're all a lot older and you know we all mix and have lunch and dinner and I think it's great fun but at the time I always turn around a guy we were actually terrified. Because he'd be responsible for making the show happen yes. Thank you very very much and good evening I'm Richard Carpenter we have care of a guy that like to say that it's really nice to be here and we hope you enjoy it or before you. Thank. You. Everything that you looked at moved it was absolutely amazing when chandelier came down from the ceiling there was staircases it came down from the walls there was an enormous decorative bridge that came down from the ceiling dance floor sunk down about 20 feet and up came a huge scenic clear from. That that your vision do you think of what worked in showbiz would be like yeah absolutely ghost. Thank. You talk of the town could mean blue skies lost only weather. When you were growing up even then the the Judy Garland film Esau. Well obviously the 1st one I saw was was it alone. Sitting or not in Kansas anymore. I was a child and that was the children's thing going see along with Bambi. Why do you call yourself a sad yes of course because I loved all of that music that was my hair. 'd 'd to. What is a favorite Judy Garland song I always have a bit of a yearning for the man that got aware I was so that was just a wonderful number. It is. The start of the last circle with. The wheels agree on a stick. By Lee Your old and I listen to that constant. God allowed that. What did he know about her childhood the key growing up in the studio system in the 1990 goatee I don't think there was the same sort of a when are. You there as there is now about how badly those children would treated and some of the actors employed by the studios really weren't children G.-D's career began when she was 4 years old her birth name was Frances gum but a rebranding and her mom who Judy later called the real wicked witch landed her a contract at any g.m. One of Hollywood's biggest studios and the star was full we had a girl you might think is going to be the sensation. Is only cloud. And I got here and sending. Judy Garland Wagnerian. You hang around a manic. And I would talk about it now and again I think my mother. Never had an I reckon that well I'm good cook I'm Pamela. Brown progress right. Now what I want to. Be a great. I want to be. And I grab my duty the right. Thing that may be another. Thing. That might be the the. Duty but relentlessly long hours studying sometimes even sleeping on studio lots unlike many other child actors she was given pills to stay awake and pills to foolishly. She always had however with her so well shift talent. Judy Garland was one of the biggest box office tools of the 930 s. That Stephenie big wigs didn't think of as a beauty one director called her an ugly duckling another a pick in pick dance said she became really self-conscious about her looks and her way she was often cost as the cliche girl next door lonely with unrequited crushes her love interest in those teen years was almost always Mickey Rooney we are together a couple. Of times. That's occipital So here we are together that's the red spot Scott. Disick the spot exhaust from the bottom all by. People just so it's true the our eyes the studio we want them to see they didn't publicize the fact that these kids were actors and downers and all of that sort of thing and they were told how to live their lives 16 screen star Judy Garland cut her birthday cake at a party given by film people Louis b. Mayer and attended by Hollywood younger set including irrepressible Mickey Rooney. The. Good Bobby the you. As a good boy and. They were stars and we took it on trust that they were all treated beautifully and they were all happy smiley people. Learned about their lives. Behind the cameras things were not as Caffrey the studio system had left g.d. With an eating disorder and real body issues she also struggled in heaven then take relationships g.-d. Was dependent on drugs and eventually fired from some films that being unreliable then she left and g.m. They fired me and I was very happy that. I wanted to get a few things like that because of a while. I went back with my yoga that was the man at the gate and he's just a minute here now I don't know where. The really never let me share free from m.g.m. And the expectations of only doing these ical comedy g.-d. Took on. Some more dramatic roles her stand out moments include her Oscar nominated performance is in a star is born and Judgment at Nuremberg but while the accolades were piling up so was her reputation for being erratic it specially when it came to live concerts when she toured there were reports of on stage collapses poor singing and sometimes she just didn't show up life in general was also unstable by 967 Judy had 4 failed marriages all of them covered by the press Here's an interview she did with A.B.C.'s Barbara Walters if you hadn't been an actress you can imagine being anything else but an actress but you think you might want to have wanted to be. Happily married and. Just. Like slavery do you think it's possible to be an actress and be happily married but I don't get it anybody who marry me tarts or I think it's possible. But I think I don't see any reason that I think it's part of difficult it's a risk that every airline I've ever met they sort of. Well a know that I would just to go when they start to go with me alone the minute they . So get tangled with me they say you know how difficult it is to me Well why didn't I think of that thought I. Took me out the 1st time. I don't think I'm that difficult to you it is able to help into a rough life. As we have heard for years about concerts where there were times when you couldn't appear and there was some conversation when you were doing a television show and of course there are these and this is difficult his difficulty was difficult as a daisy I really am I do have times when I get the flow and that's when I said well you know about her. I I I catch cold. But it's this business of being difficult is not true it really isn't if I were as difficult or as. I wouldn't have been able to be working for 43 years 10 years after this interview j.d. Was broke and desperate for work so she signed up for a 5 week run at the Talk of the town where she'd be working with Mrs Wilder and when she did and arrive in London what was your 1st impressions of her she was probably the tiniest thing I've ever seen in my life she was so small and very fragile looking everybody or accepted that she definitely had problems I think what we may not have been sure about was quite how deep those problems were and what a straight she was in what was the run up to that 1st show like Well Mr There was a great writing designer and he always wanted to do a lighting who so we tried to do that but she wasn't very keen on during that I think she's very stressful and also which was even worse she didn't have any music she had the Tartaros them if you got as they say. And Burt had to sort of take the whole lot and create the orchestrations for her and that was the family yeah. Do you think you started to get a sense that things might be new as I think we did quite a good sense that this might turn out to be a little bit more difficult than we've ever thought about and with Mickey Dean's hovering in the background that certainly didn't help him make it Dean's was he was her boyfriend at the time he later became her husband when she was in London during that period Yes What did you make of him I hated him we all hated him you could see that he didn't really care all he was doing was he was using her he thought she was a good meal ticket if he'd done a bit of research a fanatic she didn't have any money but I think he wanted to bask in the reflected glory of Judy Garland. With a cleaning night how did that gave Ticky the day itself how was it not a great time not really but. She got there in the end when she did show up how long was it until she was supposed to get on stage 10 minutes 10 minutes how do you think where it we got her dressed and then she came down to the prom corner and she was very quiet and she didn't say on a couple of occasions that she thought she couldn't go arm and I said oh yes I'm sure you can go on course you can and she said non-issues a bit stressed and she couldn't and could she have some water and yeah some she wanted to take some pills and I said you don't really need the pills why don't you just give me the perils. Garner the art I'm here you can always come back if you need them and see what happens and if you could in still lack confidence into her and make her believe or it for just for a split 2nd that's all you needed you just need it for once which 2nd to get her onto the stage I much. Much. So as she's walking around the stage and you're holding her tears well he's just standing in the corner smiling and you'll be fine thank you because once she was sad. And the lights went on a music started it's like so many of those people they just did what they had always done thank you. So much. When she died and then start singing How was it. Fantastic I was. I. Cloud. In the sky I. Was the voice wasn't exactly as it was 20 years ago when she'd been a child but that didn't matter. This just something I'm out some people that they had that star quality and nickname mistake about it when she walked out on to that stage that was the star. I asked Are they also. And you know people said to me did you go up to the dressing room afterwards and party no we didn't we were just so I relieved that we'd managed to get her on my concern every night was not actually what she was going to sing but if she was going to sing. And was beginning to. Feel of the old how did the rest of the random Well it's a bit of her sort of up and down ride there were nights when she would turn up writers Aspire I am Howie I'm fine now and on she go news well wow got it maybe not happen tomorrow but it didn't Nash certainly tomorrow and that was what kept her on it nice to sit in the stage director's office little cracks on a drink or something and waited to see whether she actually turned up or not and then you'd have to decide what to do with it we put Lonnie Donegan on who was the stand by to pretty numb journey from Donnie Donnegan continued. God and I mean that was what it was and sometimes sadly she Dand up later and perhaps is a little bit the worse for wear she didn't sing as well as she could have done she was a bit rude to the audience what would she say well she just as Or say you know what do you want to know Hare and have another drink and I don't have to do this and all that sort of thing and the audience weren't happy about it and they threw things at her What were they trying to break Rose watching people thrive Retros that who was very distressing how thing was distressing. Where that was my. Did you start to feel that maybe you weren't doing the right thing by trying to make a gallon statement I think that with hindsight but at the time there wasn't a choice the bookings were Judy Garland were immense So obviously the management were not keen to terminate the engagement. So we the backstage people were there to try and see if we could actually persuade her to go on as many times as possible and did she start to feel very sorry for which is I felt desperately sorry for her of course you felt sorry for her why wouldn't you she wasn't making this up it was a desperate struggle that she was having to cope with everything in my world where to run the line Lemon run our way or. The last word. Was was. She did now. When she was in London during the day what do you remember about that and how it happened but she suddenly announced that she was going to get married she wanted somebody to cling to you cannot understanding count you know she turned and I think for husbands none of them had turned out well she didn't have her children with her she didn't have any money and there's this quite good looking younger man who just told her that she was wonderful and he sort of flattered her and I think she saw this as the Last Chance Saloon did she strike you as someone who was very lonely yes very late and and very tired and you know. Somebody there was nothing the hawing they are ways it was all. Sort of dead behind the eyes she was just there like a little robot going through things and Mickey said do this theory and that was what had happened all her life do this to your we find you to stand here today. These people wanted me e.g. . I have. To live. Be. More was a. Was. My . God thank almost every night when I say good night I did kind of wonder why they should return the phone or not or not . I am way g.-d. Made it to the end of Iran but just a few months later in June 1969 she died of an accidental overdose she was 47 years old. Where when you when you heard that news and how did she react well I mean I was through obviously the talk of the town you know we weren't shocked because I don't think any of us thought that she was going to live that much longer but we were all appalled and saddened and really desperately sorry that that should happen to a woman of 47 you know that's Now I can talk. To each. Other the look back on that whole period. I know back on it with a great deal of Sidon I ask because I think in retrospect she probably should never have done the gauge and. Wasn't fair to do that to somebody. I'm absolutely delighted that I had the opportunity to date Stein and talk to her and to watch whole she was absolutely mind blowing the good and wonderful and you just stood in the corner and gazed at this legend who was out there and produce this magic and it was my chance there's just no way was there. Was a else. Surely song Over the Rainbow I mean they were alone wonderful songs and having done them 150000000 times when she did them it still had that extraordinary about him that Martin. Was. A a. Solo . Rosalyn Wilder and her relationship with the singer is betrayed in the film Judy you've been listening to out of weekend presented by me Emily Webb produced by Marian Marouf and mixed by Donald McDonald to listen again Oh if you want to share the interview will be putting it out as a podcast just search for the b.b.c. Out of pub cost online or on your pockets that and if you want to let us know what you think you can always email us outlook at b.b.c. Dot com bye for now. 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World Service I'm on weight loss are awesome and on in the balance shortly we're asking if companies should be forced by law to appoint women to their boards the Netherlands and the state of California have joined a list of jurisdictions legislating in favor of more female representation it is proven with the facts and figures that you need Deal 2050 or something like that to get a little bit more imbalance it is not a matter of adding one to abort one is not changing the system critics argue it's demeaning to women now women made in as quote hires people will look at the one woman on the board and say oh well there's our quota hire rather than recognizing her merit and the fact that she would have made it there without government help supporters say is the only way to force change both sides of the argument coming up after the latest b.b.c. World News Baby same news Hello I'm Gerri Smit Indian police say a factory fire in Delhi has killed at least 43 people the huge blaze in the city's crowded over quarter broke out in the early hours of the morning about 50 people have been rescued and taken to hospital the Indian prime minister Narendra Modi so the authorities were providing all possible assistance from a menace reports the far began in one of Delhi's many factories sweeping through a 6 story building in a congested residential area.