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Where has our civility gone but at the post Foster Friess says not far he tells us celebrating the work that's why he's launched the return to civility campaign it all started August 25th when he challenged people to grab a cup of coffee with someone you don't agree with and then try to forgive that person or at least attempt to better understand them 1st thing a pos by mind they asked Jesus how many times should we forgive someone 7 times and he said No 70 times 7 I've been really blessed in my life to be able to get up each day refreshed from relieved of all the dumb things I did yesterday so forgiveness is a powerful issue in our nation he met with Maria chapel dollah Democratic senator from Missouri who tweeted about the assassination of President Trump She is very contrite and she said you know I know I screwed up and it was a very bad thing for me to do and when you made her you would never ever dream that she would have sent something out breaking news analysis at townhall dot com the drug manufacturer calls for the federal judge to dismiss a suit over oxy content lawyers for Everett Washington say produce pharma knew its pain medication Oxycontin was causing an addiction epidemic in the city but did nothing to stop it the lawyer for the company has told a federal judge in Seattle that it took 9 steps for the prescription drug to wind up in the hands of addicts including unlawful action by pharmacies and drug dealers in Everett itself the city says it has e-mails and internal documents from Purdue Pharma showing the Connecticut company knew of the illegal drug pipeline I'm to McGuire a man dressed as a clown is running for city council in Boston Pat He also will be on the November ballot along with 7 other candidates for an at large city council seat the candidates last name means clown in Spanish they also donned a rainbow wig red nose and clown makeup in recent campaign photos and videos on social media more on these stories a Town Hall dot com Patrick Voss. Reynolds library is offering a variety of beginning computer classes such as Internet basics on Thursday September 1st from 1030 to noon basic computer skills are recommended prior to taking this class or email basics Thursday September 28th from $1030.00 to noon learn how to send and receive messages basic internet skills are required for this class there is no charge but space is limited register in Person of the y. Berry or call 870-580-0987 extension 4 information on all why Barry programs visit their website w.w.w. Dot da x. And y. Be done org Jan's rain continuing and to Tuesday with a 20 percent chance of mostly afternoon showers 189 degrees partly cloudy into Tuesday night with a low 70 and at 10 percent chance of showers coming in winds day afternoon with 89 a clear 9 for Wednesday 9 in the forecast with a low 69 degrees Thursday sunny with 89. As we look forward into Thursday night into weekly or with all of 69 and forward into Friday sunny with a high of 87. You're listening to Coast to coast am on the Eagle 93 point 500-000-0000 extension 000 . 00. 00. 00. 000. 00. 0. 00. 000. 000. 00 from the City of Angels near the Pacific Ocean Good morning good evening wherever you may be across the nation around the world I'm George Norry welcome to coast to coast am later on tonight 7 lessons from have been there for you 1st what do you say folks please say a prayer for the people in St Louis. When I left there a week ago. There was an acquittal of a police officer who had been charged with 1st degree murder in the shooting of a young man that shooting occurred back in 2011. He was acquitted but ever since then there have been some disturbances injuries during protests violence police officers hurt people arrested do say a prayer for the people in Sing us but they just seem to keep on coming don't think Hurricane Maria now intensified into a dangerous Category 5 storm pounding the small island of Dominica as it surged into the eastern Caribbean On Monday the forecasters warranted might become even stronger it is to date the strongest category 5 hurricane to hit the Caribbean ever the storm following a path that could take it Tuesday near many of the islands recently devastated by Hurricane Earl and then head toward a possible direct strike on Puerto Rico on Wednesday I checked in with our investigator Josh p. Warren who normally spends all his time in Puerto Rico he is back in the Carolinas safe and sound scientists have found the 1st direct evidence of a so-called hot zone feeding a super volcano in southern Italy that the experts say is nearing eruption conditions it's a volcanic caldera much like Yellowstone west of Naples that erupted centuries ago what's so significant about all this is they might be able to start predicting future eruptions because of all this North Korea has warned that more sanctions and pressure will only make it accelerate its nuclear program in a strongly worded statement a North Korean called a new set of u.n. Sanctions the most vicious on ethical and inhumane act of hostility me. While Romney and President Hassan Rowhani said that America will pay a high cost if President Donald Trump makes good on his threats the scrapped the Iranian nuke deal let's check in with Dr John Curtis online columnist dot com Now what does he mean by pay a high cost John. Well that the Iranians really are making a mess out of the Middle East in the end of the the Gulf States are realizing this more than ever right now and I think the cost that they're paying is if they continue funding terrorism Hamas Hezbollah the hoody rebels in Yemen. They have been a chief sponsor of the war to preserve Bosher Assad in power in Syria and as you know George this has been a Saudi proxy war primarily with the Turks and the u.s. Joining in on this for the last 7 years but let there be no mistake the Saudis have spent billions of dollars in Syria funding opposition groups Sure and the the a rainy ends have fought them with their Al could force and with with Hezbollah and botcher Assad has the upper hand right now after 7 years so the Iranians you know they have the nuke deal that Trump is talking about any talk about it tomorrow when he speaks for the 1st time to the u.n. . I think what you're looking at is the fact that the nuke deal itself is an unenforceable document that handed billions of dollars as much as $175000000000.00 in cash and and sanctions relief to Iran and exchange for unfettered excess. Inspections from the International Atomic Energy Agency but that hasn't happened and the reason it hasn't happened is because one carrying a go she added that they they basically excluded the high sensitive highly sensitive military uranium enrichment sites like Parchin which is just 30 miles south of Tehran and so we don't know what the Iranians are doing and today President Trump met with the enginemen Netanyahu who you know is a prime minister Israel is no fan of around and one of the generals of Iran today said that if Israel doesn't watch itself that he'll lay to waste Tel Aviv Don't you feel like the world is in chaos John it isn't chaos and I think that Trump has to be very careful how to pick his battles right now and I think that he should lay off the Iranian situation and so this North Korean situation which in till that's resolved you got that right John Curtis on line columnist dot com He blogs every day a 53 year old Kansas man missing for 8 months as been found dead inside his truck at a busy airport now family wants some more answers relatives of Randy potter along with their attorney in a private investigator believe that the former t.v. Mobile manager died shortly after leaving his home back in January the last day he was seen alive Police in Kansas City found his body after a fall order coming from his white 2014 Dodge Ram pickup truck was reported at a Kansas City International Airport How could that last and not be seen for 8 months I don't get it. In Ohio a father decided to prank his daughter by wearing a clown mask and chasing her Ritz resulted in gun shot in charges against 2 Ohio Bordman man or. I don't blame them the guy put on a clown mask chased his 6 year old daughter from her apartment their apartment to another apartment she ran into the apartment screaming saying he's being chased by a clown in a mask while the guys went home and started taking shots you blame. A federal judge's sentence self-proclaimed psychic Shon David Morton a 72 months in federal prison for his part in a tax scheme in which he was found guilty of falsifying tax documents by having false tax returns of defrauding the I r l Saddam nearly half a $1000000.00 more used to appear on this program beginning back into the ninety's but we stopped scheduling him years ago once these legal issues surfaced. 30 Mississippi children have been diagnosed with Type one diabetes reportedly doubled the number of diagnosed in a single month just in a year the State Department of Health Care doesn't track the number of diabetes diagnosis they have no idea the cause of this increase. Has rescheduled a European leg of the world tour due to ongoing health complications it comes after the singer pulled out of a performance at a Brazil Rock in Rio Festival and a show in Montreal she apparently is suffering from fibromyalgia she is 31 years old the Emmys that you're watching yesterday will not a lot of people did all time low ratings the lowest demo ever I think there was just too much bashing too much politics should not be done at an Emmy Award have some fun give away awards talk about these great shows on television it didn't have to go into all that political nonsense lowest ratings ever. The u.s. Air Force will put its science and technology priorities and strategy under a yearlong microscope to see how they can be improved in updated that he's going to scrutinize science and technology what else is going on in the skies Let's check in with Dr sky Steven cage when I had the pleasure of getting together with this weekend in Scottsdale Arizona after at the after my for Surgeon education symposium was fun seeing you there Steven and like was the producer Tom what a great time we had a life in the afterlife conference but George we begin our report this Monday with talking about the sun again And last week in the week before we talked about this incredible act of region called 2673 and many people may not realize this we have eyes meaning satellites hold a stereo a stereo b. Spacecraft one of the spacecraft can actually see around the other side of the sun almost completely and guess what George active region $2673.00 just pushed out another large coronal mass ejection we know that it's due to appear if it survives and it probably will on what they call the far side the east or the left side of the sun in about a week so here we go again this the most amazing as you have and I've been talking about some small group but if you look at the disk of the sun right now with those safe solar glasses the only sun spot seems to be on the sun is called a r $2680.00 it's about the size of the earth and again that's just the commonplace sunspot but one of the most amazing things the listeners tell me is when we talk about the live sky and here we go as we conclude for those of you that had an opportunity to look just before sunrise Monday morning you saw the beautiful crescent moon and the object next to it was the beautiful planet Venus George what happens over the next few days the moon goes new Hard to believe a month since that total eclipse as it goes to new on the 20th but folks if you're up early and I know many of you are look just before sunrise you'll see Venus and what looks like a double object next to it or the Venus and another object it's the star Regulus and Leo. 77 light years 'd away and follow that arc all the way down to the horizon get to see the planet Mars and the planet Mercury an amazing lineup of planets and George I would like to remind the listeners any questions email me at Dr sky at Cox and simply always remember to keep your eyes to the sky you got it thanks Steven of was always a pleasure seeing you up next Jonathan conjoined me the paradigm the ancient blueprint that holds the mystery of our times next on coast to coast am. Here's an urgent message from a girl financial most of the tiny penny stocks operating in the newly formed marijuana markets are garbage that's the truth of it but there are a few that have a legitimate chance of becoming blue chip marijuana firms and that's certainly the case for 125 cent marijuana player that we've analyzed why because it was recently revealed that they are expected to deliver the best quarter on record to shareholders all segments of operations construction wholesale and retail are being reported as profitable and self-sustaining and they could be getting ready to deliver some really big news shares could soar in the near future once the mainstream media begins covering this story it could send share prices screaming higher go to profit from pot dot com to find out how you can legally stake a claim in the best of the best that the industry has to offer if you don't you'll probably regret it for the rest of your life go to profit from pot dot com That's profit from pot dot com The backyard's looking great Rob thanks man I was planning on adding a deck to know what a good contractors why don't you just ask Home Advisor home what Home Advisor dot com You just tell about your project and they match you with local pros that can do the job Nice know how much is a cost a Home Advisor is totally free to use plus you can read customer reviews check pricing and the. Appointments for free What's the website again Home Advisor dot com or just download the free home advisor at. The. Medical Alert the heartburn drugs nexium and prep a set have been linked with serious kidney disease including renal failure many users have reported fever Nazia rashes swelling weight gain and blood in their urine if you were a loved one use private sector Nexium or private said and then suffered medical complications you may be entitled to financial compensation call the heartburn injury hotline today at 80450904 free consultation hour call centers open 247 to help those injured by these drugs 80450909 attorney spokesperson. More compelling radio ahead with coast to coast am on the Eagle 93.5. Band Welcome back to coast to coast Georgia Nori with you Jonathan Kohn caused a national store with the release of The New York Times best seller the Harbinger you remember that when he was on the show and then the mystery of the shmita and the book of mysteries he has addressed members of Congress spoken to the United Nations was named along with Billy Graham and Keith Greene is one of the top 40 spiritual leaders of the last 40 years who radically change the planet he is known as a prophetic voice in this generation and for the opening up of deep mysteries of the universe and God Jonathan Kohn Back on coast to coast with his latest work which will be released tomorrow the paradigm Jonathan Well done on this by the way Oh thank you George and great Always great to be back with you actually this is the 1st time this is the so that's never going to an interview we're at the book is actually technically being released or at. Night so it's about the end of this interview everybody is going to be it's going to be out yeah that's great timing Great thank you yeah I want to go back just for a little bit to talk about your book The mystery of the shmita Can you give us an update on that in telling everybody which means. The 7 year cycle. All of the Bible that goes back from really 3000 years and on this at this time you have the when you have these actually in the Bible you had the wiping away of debt you had you have the shaking of the economy had all these things and the Mr the shmita showing how these things have taken place in some cases like clockwork that that in the 7th year it's not that we put this in a box that has to happen all the time but you have these cataclysms at those times or you have changes or you have the you have the greatest collapses in history economic history you had a lot you had the 2001 on the exact day the greatest crash in history on the exact day of the shmita then 7 years later 2002000 and you know the 8 and 2009 on the exact same day of the shmita and then actually the last one that we just got out of you know was after you don't realize it was actually the worst year in for money all around in 78 years since the shmita of the Great Depression 1st year that the that to the stock market went into the red in 7 years since the last meet up and also a global collapse of trade global collapse of industry it had to the 20 percent of the greatest point crashes in Wall Street history so those are now now we're out of it you know so is the interesting thing is that but you know we're having another one will be coming up but the interesting thing is under Well now in Trump you know the stock market is now rising and rising rising Well that is the pattern you know that's right yeah but they all there's also danger signs as well industry to always mean economics and money it doesn't well if the original the ruling it's arrest on the land is the rest of production rest on the industry from ancient Israel and it was the canceling out of all credit and debt so that's the 1st thing but you also if they see things like you know you see things like the world the world war is focusing around the shmita or coming to their peak of the shmita $945.00 even the Holocaust is there even the. Tomic bomb at the peak of the shmita so it also it also has been at that for these these gigantic things and the other thing is that you know what actually when the breakfast at breakfast happened I don't has that long since we last spoke or we don't know if he ever spoke about it but Brecht's it when that happened it was actually the greatest collapse in global in the global stock market since the that since the last meeting you know this day when everything happened well I won't go into all the details here but I want to I went with you want to how to how specific it is back from that Greatest Day 2008 when it it crashes 777.7 on the political day of sevens the speed to go back 7 years 7 days on it leads you to the other crash and it leads you also to $911.00 for the hour if you go forward 7 years 7 months weeks and it takes you to the other crash in the future which was the BRICs a crash to the very day so you don't think it's all it we're right now in a sense in a period that it's still it's rising and that's what it could happen but we'll see as we approach the next one fascinating work Jonathan Now this work that paradigm is some powder keg you know paradigm for shows different meanings to different people what is your meaning of the paradigm yappy a lot of people the word a lot of people use it and they don't really know what have meanings you know and the other thing is that that you know this is absolutely the most expose a book I've ever written as you can as you saw and really it's linked to the harbinger in many ways but it's even more explicit on the paradigm paradigm means a template or a pattern or an archetype and which from which things happen you know we talk about a paradigm shift like the foundation well in in the in the scriptures as you know there's paradigms use all the time paradigms of things foreshadows of things to come you know templates the future events Yes well the paradigm here is an ancient Well I'll put it this way you know what if what if we could discover actually that there exists a master blueprint that is be. Find everything that's happening here you know that that in our times that goes back thousands of years yet it reveals not only the events of that are happening now but also also the when they happen and it gives the that pinpoints the years of the events in some cases the month in some cases it even even pinpoints the day and the hour and the people involved and the people it has the people who run the world stage and actually what is it revealed that behind the key leaders of all of our times there is actually a prototype or a paradigm there's an ancient leader that the modern leader is following in their actions in size in their personality in the in the actions of the actual times that they are allowed their allotted on the stage before they have to go all according to this even Therefore even the outcome of American elections even the last one I don't get to but even the last one and what if this had a warning in it because this is actually a link with a harbinger what is a warning in this if we could open this up that's crucial to know and also the keys of how to how to prevail in these times that we could open this up that that is what the powered I mean it's the master blueprint and it's at points the phenomena of the so stunning or precise that if we had known it and I didn't know it George and I don't know we knew it but if we had known it before the years before we could actually put in our calendar years in advance the key events that were going to take place in the world isn't prophecy Jonathan. That's a great question and it's it's it's coming you know with this there's a way a prophecy where it's just things are spoken to come true but there's another kind of prophecy of symbolism where you know for instance the prophet Jeremiah strikes down takes a clay jar smashes it and this is a symbol of the destruction of Jerusalem Well in this case there was a it's prophetic symbolism that these things happen I'm not saying it happened back then that you know that only because of what's happening here but listen god weaves everything together and so it's it's it's it's like. Prophetic symbolism that these things happened then the whole scenario about 3000 years ago and it's all reap we're already playing it down now as we look at the paradigm of course the subtitle is The ancient blueprint that holds the mystery of our times how wolves are we talking here it goes well this is going to go back about over 2 and a half 1000 years and this is this is and you know people can check it out for themselves and if you've been really I mean the in the Bible people reading it without without realizing it I think I think there's been a there's been a sense among many people who read about it there's something going on like this well this goes back to the Times of a have and jazz about this is this is the northern kingdom of Israel which actually by the way is the same template from which the Harbinger columns and it's about the setting is a nation or a civilization that once knew God and once knew the wants was Mall wants but now it's falling now it's in a descent now it's in a pot now it's driving got out now it's calling you evil Good good now it's changing it's morality now it's persecuting the right is all that and it's promoting immorality and all this well that is the bit that's the big picture of what's been happening to America America also was a civilization founded on God and as you live you learn realize as you know we talk about the city on the Hill you know all this well that comes from John Winthrop the Pyrenees that will be a city on a hill will be the most blessed people on Earth that we follow God but that they may miss nobody talks about what he said after that he gives a warning and he says but if we turn away from the bhajan away from God turn away from the ways the righteous then with the same things that happen to Israel in judgment will happen to us now that is where you get the the Harbinger is revealing the the signs the warnings of judgment of happen from $911.00 onward and this is revealing the paradigm is now revealing that it's not just the signs of judgment it's that everything is replaying it it's like we're in a we're in a harbinger the whole everything we're going through is part of this so we're replaying what happened about all. 3000 years ago in ancient Israel at a very very unique time we're going to come back in just a moment with Jonathan Karl on his we talk about his latest work again it's going to be a blockbuster it's coming out in just hours the paradigma Jonathan's websites all linked up at coast to coast am dot com this specific one is called the paradigm mystery dot com. Don't forget to watch our t.v. Show beyond belief with George Noory Just log on to beyond belief dot com. 2 get to Miles headline tonight on the show Saturday night from 4 till 7 opinionated You bet entertaining absolutely the news you must have the analysis you need to listeners is this you had brain you know Aleck tricked out all program like anything else on national radio I'll deliver the evidence accept no excuse to take no prisoners I'll give you the truth on the hottest headlines to join me here you had for the Hugh Hewitt Show on Air on the Eagle k o n t 93.5 and online at Twin Lakes Radio dot com compelling radio Saturday night from 4 to 7 the thought of my sons going up without me inspired me to quit smoking I talked to my doctors and then I threw away all my cigarettes asked trays and lighters I started exercising and set of smoking Stanway from alcohol when I was 1st quitting. I kept on trying on something each to do whatever it takes no matter how many times it takes. 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On the internet this is coast to coast am with George Noory next Tuesday September 26th our luncheon with the paranormal store Rosemary Allen guy Lee I'm sure looking forward to it it's here in Los Angeles Sherman Oaks to be specific and they have just brought in a few more tables so they were available so take advantage up to go to this email address send your name and phone number they will take care of you lunch with Georgia Jubail dot com Now you may. Be on the upper deck of the tables but no. But it's going fast lunch with Georgia g. Mail dot com lunch with me Tom Dan our user will be there and of course Rosemary Ellen Gardley folks are you Coast insiders you listen to some of these I'm a coast insider because now I have 247 access to the that show ever coast to coast am. 34 I'd love to be in the insider because the shows I listen to I'll appreciate the diversity of that insight it brings me and a variety of pap accent points to. Foreign War. And to broaden my horizons and so many coast insiders come up to be at the special little seminar that we had this weekend in Scottsdale the afterlife Research Foundation symposium and a great time there by the way but watch it coast insiders is $0.15 a day you can download Podcasts participate in our chats and just become part of the program so just sign up by going to coast to coast am dot com. When I did my backyard Jacuzzi repaired I didn't know where to turn and that's when I found Home Advisor I'm glad I did Home Advisor dot com is a completely free service that will match you to background check pros for any home project simply search for the type of repair or remodel you need and you are immediately matched to pros in your area and you can read reviews and book appointments all from your computer or phone and it's completely free go to Home Advisor dot com or download their free app today medical alert heartburn drugs probably nexium and prep a set have been linked with serious kidney disease including renal failure many users have reported fever Nazia rashes swelling weight gain and. Blood in their urine if you are loved one used Nexium or preface said and then suffered medical complications you may be entitled to financial compensation call the heartburn injury hotline today at 804509904 free consultation hour call centers open 247 to help those injured by these drugs 804509909 attorney spokesperson Here's an urgent message from a girl financial Like it or not marijuana legalization is sweeping the country on election day California Nevada and Massachusetts all roundly voted to legalize recreational marijuana use and that means that very soon dozens of tiny marijuana firms stocks could skyrocket by 100 percent 30500 percent or higher this is your chance to turn a single $50.00 bill into an absolute fortune but you need to get in a.s.a.p. Shares could begin soaring soon according to c. And b. C. Now is the right time to bet big on marijuana as the industry is poised to be gigantic and Forbes is touting that hundreds of millions of dollars are pouring in go to profit from pot dot com to find out how you can legally stake a claim in the best of the best that the industry has to offer if you don't you'll probably regret it for the rest of your life go to profit from pot dot com Now that's profit from pot dot com. Information news entertainment it's the Eagle $93.00. And we're back with Jonathan Kohn his book The pure dime Jonathan the paradigm the ancient blueprint wasn't written on scrolls How did you find it. Well it's written it was written originally on scrolls and you know anyone can find it by looking at it looking at the Bible because what happened from the scrolls are now are are there but you have the kind of know how it's kind of code for how it matches up but it's all there and anybody can check. Get out everything on the web and check out the facts of it it's all there you have to know what you're looking for well that's what the that's what the paradigm that's what the book is doing it's opening it up that once once you see what's who you know who is matching with whom and what is matching up with events then it becomes you know that they become something that that's that can be very clear in fact that might be much more that people can find you know I you know this all came to me this came to me in January and I was not going to write a different book you know and then it suddenly came as like a downer kind of like the way the Harbinger came and yeah they're getting bigger and bigger and bigger and I was I just told the publisher I said you know listen we got to do something something here is coming and so I wrote it in 60 days I think came to me just kept getting bigger and I thought I'd be in bed and the thing which would come to be and they check this out and it would all be there so there's probably more you know and anyone can could find it but you have to know what is matching you know how it parallels where we are right now give us an example of just parallel relationships between the past and present Sure well yes in the in the paradigm in the in the ancient cases what happens is that I talk about that fall of that of that culture falling away from God morality Excel or a to the next special in a sense accelerated period and it's linked to the rise of a king also a queen and they the king there is known as I hug and a lot of people know him as a hat and he rises up and he basically he's a he's a Describe them he's a he's a ruler he's dividing he's compromising knows about God but he goes against them he's the 1st ruler to out to ally the state against really an ant against morality against traditional values against the difficult balance he actually endorse is the worship of the ancient God by our veil and that means that link the child sacrifice and he's known for scandal so so now where are we in this well the man and you know in the 1000 not as we have something called the king. All toward the m. And it was initiated in better way before I say anything bad about people even though people are going to be mad it's going to name names but it's not about them we have no enemies were to love all and pray for all but these are signs along man rises up and it's Bill Clinton and he will be that he will follow the paradigm of a hat he actually is the 1st as a I was the 1st king to endorse the things Clint was the 1st thing to endorse. Really a war against many traditional values from abortion and. Many things that were redefining morality basically and he was known for you know as a have a new god well built and came from the Bible Belt but he went again said he's a it was a vacillator went back and forth compromise well so Bill Clinton also he was a man known for scandal now he wasn't alone there was another president very famous and this is so highly charged here and it's again it's not about the person's nature but here's a hint he wouldn't was not alone there was a queen with him that Queen was the name was Isabel and we know her as just about and she she that she comes from a cosmopolitan culture liberal values and she actually grows up worshipping a goddess named start and so she is she when she comes to Israel she joins there as he marries she is against all this stuff she sees conservative values traditional values as an obstacle so she warns overturn that and she also venerates of female power and she becomes the foremost champion of they all worship what you get involves the sacrifice of children so here what is here we have now Bill Clinton was not along with a have it's a cold Regency Well the 1st time in American history had a call President that you had you had Clinton and you had you had you had Hillary Clinton and who was Kohl ruling with him and in the White House and she is going to follow and again it's not about the person that she's going to follow the the paradigm of jazz about in this way she is number one she will see traditional values as an obstacle she will incite her husband this way. She will venerate female power she'll be the foremost champion arguing in modern days that you know we don't call it South advice we have abortion Well she's the foremost champion of abortion in America now the thing is that Bill Clinton he was on the national stage when he became governor of Arkansas is that was the beginning of his rise he's known across the world that happens when it's a began it begins and 979 he's elected as governor how long does is time in power last last till the beginning of 2001 January so you have a period of 22 years of Bill Clinton on the national stage now open up the Bible open up to a have and it will say will be written in the Book of Kings they will say and Ahab son of Omri reign in some area for a period of 22 years Bill Clinton's time in power follows the paradigm of a have down to the years and we're going to see that each of the leaders are going to do the same thing it's going to follow their ancient paradigm and now in our view no of course it wasn't just a time of more of a war of culture it was also a time of scandal as we all know well but well I have there and General there was a scandal people to look it up it was called It was a scandal over a vineyard and it was called of endured of name off now that was the risk candle in the in the Clinton years yes there are many but there was one that was that he was impeached for that was exposed in his time which of the events of the Monica Lewinsky scandal now here's here's where it's going to get even more eerie now according to the paradigm the scandal is exposed the king scandals exposed in the 19th year of his of his being on the stage well Bill Clinton began in $179.00 Well the 90 the year takes you 299-8998 is the year of the scandal being exposed and that he was sworn in and I think died in January so he takes us to January 1998 January is the exact month that it that it breaks loose to the world and and there's. Something that when when a had the result the fall of King a had is linked to the tribe of Levi I'm not going to go into the reason it's all in the book but it's linked to the tribe of the ancient tribe of Levi Well could it possibly be that that here a modern president could it could be linked to the tribe of Levi Well where were the fall well from Levi the name Levi comes the name leaven from leaven comes Llewyn from a little incomes Lewinsky the Lewinsky scandal will bear the name of the tribe of Levi That's what it means in fact not which is linked to the downfall of a cab and not only that but it's not just the name she's actually she's a Levi she's actually descended from the ancient try that link to the fall they have 2 people pick up these tips though Jonathan before or after the event I think I mean here is that I mean why I don't this is I get this is explosive explosive material as you can see well there are a lot of people who can have told me throughout the years the believers will say who will say you don't want this one and then we'll talk about these leaders and I will you know just so you know if we talk about to hear but and they will they will say you know this is just this is like this one this is like this one and they've said it but they had no idea how exact this is it's not just you know a feeling it's part of a big picture this is part of the blueprint so you know I would say is this if you had known it now George you know I had a feeling of these things but I never saw it all come together on till now but if you look well let me let me tell you the next because the next one is if you had known it if I had known it if you had known it anybody you know if you could actually have thought of this on the calendar and here's the thing what happened this can get super eerie and that is in the that is that when they happen was confronted over the scandal by the prophet Alija he repents I mean I mean he then goes back but he he sorry he says I have sinned basically and so there is a time there's a delay before it Callao. But he was going to comment this delay and the period between the king's repentance of the scandal and the calamity that's going to come on the nation is 3 years you can see it in the in the Book of Kings Now did Bill Clinton ever retention over this thing well we know 1st he denied it he said I I have never had a relation with a woman then he had a divide between the group before the grand jury and he said Ok I had it but this is got to stop then finally it did come that there was that happened in the White House in the East Room was a gathering and of ministers and he said listen this is my repentance I've sent Well according to the paradigm if you take that day and then go 3 years King's repentance go 3 years later you will find Could you find something significant Well if you take the day he repented you bring it you add 3 years of the paradigm they have and it takes you to a day the day it takes you to is September 11th 2001 the day of the calamity to the day to the actual truth to the date and not only that the when the repentance came it was in the morning in the White House well so 911 came in the morning of September 11th and when the event in the White House began it began at $830.00 well take it 3 years to the out were $830.00 identifies the hour of that $911.00 begins and the event ended at 1030 in the White House take it so could that have contained 911 well what happens the last event on the 11th was the fall of the North Tower when it is a place 1029 to the minute next to the paradigm so this is now so eerie and so exact that it's not only the data down to the date of events it's down to the hour down to the minute and I sat here and read what it is you talk about the warrior who is the warrior doesn't have to do it now yet we're actually correlation not yet well everything is going to continue from this moment to. Where we are right now everything and I'll say all so here's where it's where that happens the house of a have is going to continue if it continues in power it's going to basically wipe out believers it's going to wipe out religious freedom that was it that government continues so the nation is at a crossroads and so what happens is a man rises up and this man it's in the chapter in the book as he said called the warrior and he is not he is not a politician he's a fighter His name is chase you and he is and he's an unlikely guy and he's anointed so to suddenly riots on the net the national stage and when he and to do that he's going to he's going to shake it up it's going to he's going to shake up the status quo and so what does that have to do with now well here we have come to the last election and all the sudden came the surprise out of the blue came a man which you would name Donald Trump now this is not saying everything is right right is wrong it's not even being political it is but here's the thing Donald Trump is going to is going to be the mystery of Donald Trump is the paradigm of the warrior or he's going to follow the paradigm of Che too and here it is Donald Trump Joe who was not a politician Donald Trump not a politician I don't trump was a fighter a fight with everybody you know he was he was Jay who was a was wild you know he's out of control you know well like to say anything about that if he had if he had Twitter in his day. I've joked that yeah it's shame that Twitter using it that's right so and not only that So then then it then Jane who begins a race to the throng so don't jump begins a race now which I was little race at the cherry but in the Bible actually in the account in the paradigm they when they see him racing for the throne they say he is driving furiously Well they're going to strive is Donald Trump in this race fiercely and they either word actually means crazy some of the translations they drive like a madman while the race of Donald Trump you want to describe it was crazy. He like a madman crazy and according to the paradigm actually gives the we're if it's going to happen the rise and drop it and it gives it the king we didn't mention yet but we can do it and the next pope but it gives us is in the 12th year of this king I won't go through how this goes but it pinpoints the year 2016 as the race that's exactly what happened and he's going to come now what happens next he comes head to head this jail with this warrior and that in the blueprint he comes head to head with the former 1st lady or the former queen which was just about which me translate that in the paradigm meaning that Donald Trump the warrior is going to come head to head with Hillary Clinton the former queen and I think Zach see what happens and you know all the polls were saying you know you know Hillary Clinton going to trounce you know Donald Trump Well the paradigm is that something else that the paradigm said that he is a warrior will be victorious what happens is the warrior wins he defeats the former 1st lady and wins and takes the throne and not only that we're on the day of the defeat or the day of the victory and the defeat both of them there really are I'm talking about the paradigm that Jay Warner and the queen the former queen they are both not in the capital city they're in the they're in the nation's chief northeastern city so where was Donald Trump Hillary Clinton on the day of the election they were in New York City Chief northeastern it's that he once once which a who wins the war when he turns his attention to get to the capital city because that's really so now Trump is turning his attention to Washington d.c. When when when Jane who or this warrior and that when he's heading to that he has wanted genda it is to drain the swamp so that's exactly what's going on I mean exactly now do we know through the paradigm if he's going to be successful or not well that in the future that's a that's a great question because that at the end of the bout or a lot of part of the paradigm there's a whole the whole thing focus on the future. Or and and the and the keys and the clues that we have and again not to be dogmatic on the what was careful as you know we George that when I say this has it but it gives a mixed picture it gives a picture where on one hand he is successful in ending this is not so much a widow is accessible in ending the call for a veil which was a child sacrifice and but at the same time he the Bible also says that he compromised so so if you have a mixed picture there and there's there's a lot of things about this we can touch base on it but also what he gets the capital city what he does is he destroys the temple of bail now again this is linked to child sacrifice Well the 1st thing that that trumps did as a president is he issued executive orders to seek to seek to put protections in against abortion which is a child with a link to this thing here child that was brought this something even eerie about this because I could you know when the warrior rises you know the Temple of They'll fall that is that's in the paradigm that's in the aging as well actually exists there exists a temple of bail from ancient times that exists it has stood for 2000 years in Syria Well one thing to it never sudden after 2000 years the temple of Dale suddenly found all the jobs blown up to the blacks that got blocked out is exactly I mean was a dramatic thing and when that happened well in the paradigm it's going to be linked to the rise of this war in Rise of well it happened in the year 2015 that 2015 is the year that trump announces his race and actually he did it in the summer and so what happens the summer of 2015 after 2000 years the temple of bail falls to the earth. It's it's it's strange how did you know because you were working on the paradigm before the election did you know that the were you know you did not know I was not working because of this case I was going to do another book we were if if if if if this had not happened we may be talking about we don't read another book by so you've you've done all this in a matter of months it happened it came to me like like the way the Harbinger came I mean it was it was like one thing after the other happened within I'd say a month or 2 months to generate that right but that so we dominate the way of our team I was in ground 0 and something said you've got this tree here is a sign you've got to search it out and getting bigger whenever I needed the next key somebody would say something or something would come on my computer that I didn't type and that's that's the way it happened here too it just kept coming and coming and coming so I was overwhelmed by I didn't know how you know I thought the beginning didn't know all these things and then you know I had 60 days you know I probably got 60 days to write this well is every day at 6 are there are there things with the paradigm that you're still trying to interpret Yeah yeah I mean I had to I had to do this you know I had to I had to get this done which is there but I know there's more and there are things you know there are things with like for isn't Jane who that I'm looking into now and all that yes but the paradigm comes up to right now and then and then it then there then it's about the Keys or the clues to the future we get which is a mixed picture there's warning and it's to actually address it actually will intersect with a harbinger because it's from the same template from the same nation and it's going to lead to there is the warning of judgment if America does not turn back all right Jonathan we're I want to talk about North Korea and see if it is included and we'll be back. Coast insiders the new version of the coast to coast am app is now available for i Phone and now enjoyed for not alone above listen live or on demand anywhere anytime go to coast to coast am dot com and download it today. In the wake of a disaster what one thing that will help people the most. A blanket a tent a sandbag a doctor actually if you send a monetary donation you send all these things even a small donation can make a big impact and can quickly become exactly what people affected by disaster need most in the wake of a hurricane or monetary donation can make a huge difference to those in need to donate as it support hurricane relief that support hurricane relief work. Will join me in the original house to captive here on the Eagle 93.5 for the house today and every Saturday morning you get the latest info affecting the real estate industry homeowners buyers and sellers here interviews with special guests from the real estate industry my 35 years of knowledge and experience to deliver. Not your typical run of the mill. With me. Saturday morning on the Eagle 93.5 compelling radio unexpected reactions to smart financial decisions Brumfiel by Feed the pig got org . Well I finally did it I opened for a one k. So you're giving up just like that giving up on what I'm getting an inheritance from a distant relative Don't you think if there were a billionaire in the family we'd know about it I know listen to me we are one phone call away from riding horses on our own private Polo Grounds one call from christening yachts having a butler using summer as a verb How do you figure look everyone's got a rich uncle somewhere it's statistics so the best thing you can do is just prepare for the inevitable. Which is why I thought maybe it would be smart to take control of my finances you start using a budget get out of debt set some retirement goals such it's debt you watch your mouth retirement shouldn't be a goal for us it should be a way of life when it comes to financial stability don't get left behind good tools and tips for saving and feed the big dot org This message brought to you by the American Institute of C.P.A.'s on the Ad Council. RINGBACK Razorback scorches right here on the Eagle 93.5 k. O. Mt Lake View Mountain Home. News this hour from townhall dot com line by the Washington Hurricane Maria is sweeping over the small island of the medical with catastrophic of 5 Category 5 winds that was overnight that's the hurricane center's senior specialist Richard pressure has been keeping an eye on the storm regain Category 5 hurricane status back some sustained winds of increased back to 160 miles per hour and it's having passed over Dominika. Monday evening it's Monday night it is currently moving into the northeastern Caribbean Sea and headed in the direction of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands Here's winds driving rain of last mountainous Dominica for several hours causing flooding and tearing the roof from homes President Trump is making his debut.

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