Vice President Mike Pence visiting Puerto Rico today to inspect hurricane damage he travels to Las Vegas tomorrow to attend a church service honoring the Las Vegas massacre victims same trip frozen a Trump took earlier in the week the f.b.i. Installing billboards around the Las Vegas area asking people for information they may have about the gunman Stephen Paddick his motive for carrying out the worst mass shooting in u.s. History still a mystery unlike other mass shootings from Columbine to Orlando we knew instantly exactly what the motive was and we're 4 and a half almost 5 full days since the shooting and they still don't know and they're still kind of just around the edges looking at you know his movements before hand ammunition all of his planning that went into play that's boxes dance bringer in Las Vegas Fox News fair and balanced. Biggest Scarsdale is this weekend Saturday and Sunday at the Del Mar Fairgrounds to some of the great selection of over 600 used vehicles and get rates as low as 1.75 percent a.p.r. Parking and barbecue are 3 subject to approval a.p.r. Equals and because that is great fun point 75 percent a.p.r. Valid October 7th and 8th that is they'll only call 877 s d c c u for you or visit s d c c dot com The s d c c You biggest car sale is this weekend Saturday and Sunday at the Del Mar Fairgrounds get rates as low as 1.75 percent a.p.r. And over 600 used vehicles 52 approval for details call 877 f d z z u for you or visit as these these d u dot com. Now a look back at this week in history this weekend $866.00 the Reno gang carried off the 1st robbery of a moving train in the us they made off with about $10000.00 before Reno brothers Frank Simeon William and John would pull off train robberies for another 2 years before being caught in the great Chicago fire began this weekend 871 over. 250 people died and more than 17000 buildings were destroyed this week in 1985 Palestinian terrorists hijacked the a killing Lorelle an Italian cruise ship carrying 440 passengers off the coast of Egypt the government demanded the release of 50 Palestinian militants imprisoned in Israel and if their demands weren't met they threatened to blow up the ship and kill 11 Americans that were on board 2 thugs attack c.b.s. Evening News anchor Dan Rather this week in 1986 yelling Kenneth What's the frequency would later write a song called What's the frequency kept the other 994 album monster and this week in 2003 actor Arnold Schwarzenegger was elected governor of California replacing Gray Davis who had earlier become the 1st u.s. Governor to be recalls since 1921 that's your look back at This Week in History. Take a trip back with this week's rock. Like you guys it's made bowls for granted here is a way to take you want to trip back in time to this weekend rock n roll history starting in 1957 when American Bandstand hosted by Dick Clark makes its national bring me here in 165 those who make their u.s. T.v. Debut on A.B.C.'s shindig in 1969 The Beatles something is releases the same but it's the 1st single by the Fab 4 written extensively by George Harrison. a week in sports time capsule and never hurts to do small acts of kindness with great love and while the vehicle you don't drive anymore is not necessarily a small thing if donated to the National Federation of the blind just imagine the blessing your donation could lead to others plus it's easy to do just call 866-282-7327 or if you know a blind person who needs help please e-mail n.f.b. At n.s.b. Dot org remember a little bit goes a long way News Radio 600 KOGO. The sun roof but you know what. I just didn't tell him for the best part of the day o.j. Is it's still up to anyone again Randy would be undertaken capital bringing you great movies t.v. Shows I mean I really can't be serious here so they back off out about grass one a breath mint tons of. Autumn my eyes follow him down the aisle and back I don't know me so I'm not wearing any pants and a lot of weight the kids call the neighbors come in from the lawn I said you had a beautiful body would you take your pants up and dates around a little bit of a little surprising. On every corner but nothing dangerous. Musically. To welcome welcome back News Radio 600 KOGO Lou Pape here with you Piers joining this show we had an credible interview with Christine Gergen who survived the massacre in Las Vegas at the round 91 a music festival there the harvest festival that will be posted on KOGO dot com If you want to hear that if you want to hear it again it is now time for our last segment with Aaron we are going to change the name of the segment to now it was hard core politics then we change it to hardcore last hour with their end Aaron Solomon joins us for what is now to be called The Wisdom of Solomon Aaron Solomon welcome to News Radio 600 KOGO thank you for your time how are you thank you I'm doing great how you doing I am doing Ok I always refer to it as the brilliance of Aaron Solomon and I mean that I'm not joking but Christy Gergen her story for you tonight will be a credibly hard act to follow even for you Don't you think I know you were listening. Yeah I mean yeah that can't you know can't be meaningfully followed in a way right I mean that that was really compelling and I'm certainly not going to have any. Any of the sorts of insight into what happened there she would have but as it affects America and as it affects our laws we are going to touch on that throughout this hour and we encourage people to take part in the conversation 80600 KOGO the wisdom of Solomon with Aaron Solomon producer Anika is here doing a great job as well Aaron I want to let all the ladies in the all in the audience know that it is safe to listen to you and I because Harvey Weinstein is not here. But. This call he might be you know right now he's got to donate he's got to donate to Anthony Weiner's campaign for when he gets out of jail before he comes home free to the studio Harvey Weinstein police. Actually all that is right I don't I don't understand what they're all about I mean Roman Polanski raped a child and I would defend him and to the end they want they support him to the end they've honored him at Oscar telecast said you now well they're all separating themselves well it's a different world than in the seventy's or when Polanski pulled his act there so actually excellent it was a world where we're folks like Ashley Judd and I don't mean to trash her because she actually did eventually speak up and and you know good for her but I mean it was going on for decades it might have been a different world back then but it's been 30 years are ones going to really go with Fila not like. You know either he or anybody in the last during during the 2016 presidential campaign when they were trashing Now President Trump then candidate Trump you don't hear anybody bring up Roman Polanski on the left wing and in 2012 with the war on women you hear anybody bring up Roman Polanski. Yeah yeah trump the horrible sexist because he made of that you made a locker room comment there was a joke to somebody you know behind the scenes of t.v. Show to another guy but one thing tolerated it even though apparently it's been an open secret for decades that he is some kind of either trying attempting to rape women or just a horrific sexual harasser and they that seems that's Ok I got the old casting couch alive and well now Aaron this horrific tragedy this terrorist attack which law enforcement is not calling the massacre in Los Vegas a terrorist attack it is a terrorist attack is it not I mean just because it's not from the Middle East doesn't change that it's a terrorist attack. Well you know it's funny there's so much. Sort of changing of the language I mean I hate to to move words around and to describe things that they don't literally describe No I'm no expert but I've always understood terrorist attacks and the. Violence is perpetrated in advancement of a specific political goal almost like tactical warfare perpetrated by people who who aren't you know military and international military and it may very well be right it did completely look like one to me but but they're not saying that's what it is so you know it was a guy who like Charles Whitman who was the shooter at the University of Texas in Austin 1966 and he he was mentally ill he actually had a tumor in his brain and so before he went on the shooting rampage the journal down he told people like I'm I'm being overwhelmed with this use really a nice person got a tumor in an unfortunate part of the brain that that basically kind of short circuit in his is his brain chemistry and structure and yet any shoddy shot 47 people killed 30 and before going on that rampage and killed his mother Yeah yeah so that's not I wouldn't say that I mean that's a really sound like terrorism let's just all murders terrorism right because he was not he was it was a mental illness event. Basically a medical issue but this you you're just you're stating the facts you're not making excuses for Charles Whitman I know now you you live in Austin you live in the site of the Texas towel where that rampage took place. Yeah I will I mean it's kind of interesting case I've heard some analysis of it basically where even at the time he was considered a monster but then when they did the autopsy which he which he wanted people to do he asked that his they do not talking for him because he knew something was wrong with it. And it turned out there was a tumor right near like a part of the brain it controls aggression and things like that and so as far as I understand even at the time once that was discovered people basically were like he wasn't really responsible you know it's an issue it's an interesting sort of moral question but I mean he clearly was he knew what he was doing was wrong he wasn't motivated by anything other than just he had this tumor in a part of his brain which is making him uncontrollably aggressive you know now you know where you at as far as this we don't know if this guy Patrick is crazy or not everybody else always crazy killed you know 58 people and shot 489 more. You know where you know we will that the jury's still out on that but the jury's still out Aaron on so many things here there's so many conspiracy theories floating around now about 2nd shooters and they're probably borne out of as I said with our guest Christy Girdwood she was down the bullets ricocheting all over the place she didn't know that the shouts were coming from above actually she thought that people might have been within the crowd because people were screaming there were they are within the crowd shooting and out of that type of. Information and you know the fog of war so to speak are born conspiracy theories where you out all of this. Well I think it's. Because a couple is to look at it I mean in one sense it's sort of an inevitable downstream consequence of this phenomenon that emerged in the last several years where a crime will happen and like you know Barack Obama for instance and I'm not just trying to you know go directly to trashing Obama or anything like that but you know a police shooting would happen anyway just instantly make this sort of rush to judgment say oh this is racism and this guy did this for this reason and we're going to really the police acted stupidly and all of that exactly exactly without really knowing much about it and not giving the police any benefit of the doubt just sort of very cynically or you know whatever his motive was just pronouncing a conclusion about the whole thing right away right and so and we see that happen over and over sense what the you know Michael Brown had to shoot all these things and so I think that there's a pretty legitimate question it's related to consumers and theories but it's basically like Ok well you know. If it takes days and days and days to understand this guy's motive in even though we have a fair amount of information right we have some barely a suicide note we've got you know some unanswered questions there's you know you could put it very it would be it would be possible for a person who is not waiting for hard metaphysical court case evidence to make conclusions about this guy but they're not willing to do it where they are willing to do it in other cases and that kind of raises the question of you know why don't why is there a different standard it seems like when. When it's. Beneficial oryx expedient expeditious for sort of the elites in this country to to characterize a crime as being a certain thing immediately then they will never stop they want and it doesn't really matter who the victim is me when I don't know that it was he was starting from supporters apparently he was an early he was like a you know renting or the Lollapalooza or the El but when I 1st saw this happen I go Well someone's shooting at a country concert like that's just the fact that they're doing that if it was a if it was a rap concert full of like you know black youth and so I just sort of like shooting up a place we don't go all of them like racist lunatic is like killing a bunch of black people right well he you know he had they said based on what he had reserved downtown Las Vegas at the Ogden hotel which overlooked the life is beautiful festival which I believe was headlined by chance who is a rapper which tells you I was it was a you know a rap a vent in urban event if he did it they don't know if he was in the room at that to my knowledge to this point and you know if he had opened fire though they would have made this a race relations thing getting to be clear I'm not saying that was motivation but I'm just saying you know we jump to conclusions in other cases very quickly with less information than we have here but here we're reluctant to do it and I just think it kind of shows how all this is very politically calculated to make the public outrage about certain things and suppress their outrage about other things and that's what this you know I'm not for conspiracy theories are arriving because people are seeing this and even in sort of dishonest assessment from authorities like police and politicians and media and it just it undermines our trust completely right well said Hold that thought Aaron Solomon will continue with the wisdom of Solomon if you'd like to ask Aaron a question is 80600 KOGO Loop 8 here with you're encouraged that after the show will be posted eventually shortly there after the interview with Chris Seeger who is a survivor a witness to history was at the massacre in Las Vegas and she shared her story. In the previous hour but right now Aaron Solomon is here talking about the massacre talking about the post massacre investigation media coverage and when we get back the vitriol of the left on Twitter here at News Radio 600 KOGO. Covering us on Facebook if you win an exclusive content contest news alerts and yes you can even see our faces a little bit to foresees book just click on that little blue. KOGO dot com the biggest used car sales this weekend Saturday and Sunday at the Del Mar Fairgrounds choose from a great selection of over 600 used vehicles and get great as low as 1.75 percent a.p.r. Parking and barbecue are $370.00 approval a.p.r. Equals and a percentage rate on point 75 percent a.p.r. Valid October 7th and 8th at the sale only for details call 877 s d c c u for you or visit s d c c u dot com Zillow reports the median u.s. Home value is now over $200000.00 for the 1st time ever eclipsing the $196000.00 reached at the peak of the housing bubble a big reason for the rise is the dramatic drop in inventory Zillow reports there are 11 percent fewer homes for sale than a year ago new research published in The Journal of Medical toxicology has found the rate of calls to poison control centers related to dietary supplements jumped 50 percent from 2005 to 2012 the research or say children were the primary victims and say supplement products should have child proof caps them co-insurance Northwest is cautioning drivers to always restrain their pets in the car a company's survey found 43 percent of drivers think it's more distracting to ride with a dog in the car that a child Markoff month learn more at Consumer Affairs dot com What happens when you don't listen to your one. I'm Mark Merrill with today's fam and then it happens all too often wife sits down with husband and shares her thoughts feelings and emotions after a short time husband starts to tune out looks down at his phone and then his mind wanders to other things but when we don't listen our wise here are 4 things that often happen 1st wives become distant a woman can't help but feel rejected the call she shares with her husband aren't considered important enough to listen to as a result she pulls back to avoid more rejection The 2nd was becoming different when your wife consistently feels like she isn't being heard she'll stop expecting anything at all from you and will emotionally detached from what happens when you don't listen your wife does it my blog at Mark Merrill dot com Remember your family 1st want to connect with Mark on Facebook you can at Facebook dot com slash mark Merrill. Does your son have the answers he needs to succeed in life I'm Mark Merrill with today's family minute growing up your son will ask some significant questions a set of allowing the world to provide answers it's up to you to give your son the truth your 3 questions your son will ask himself and how you can answer 1st he'll ask what's my purpose your job is to identify as gifts and guide him toward the answer the 2nd your son will ask to have what it takes you can answer this question with affirmation and a resounding yes finally your son will ask Am I a man the best way to answer this question is by modeling manly hood showing him and telling him what it means to be a man remember your family 1st I want to keep up with Mark off the air follow him on Twitter go to twitter dot com slash Marc Mero family temps great insight and a sneak peek at Marc's life as a husband father and leader. General Motors is recalling more than 40000 late model vehicles spanning the Buick Chevrolet g.m.c. And Cadillac nameplates the vehicles in question were part of an earlier recall but g.m. Says they may not have received a complete software update a new report by j.d. Power finds that customer's biggest complaint about cell phone companies is they make the customer work too hard to solve a problem automated phone trees are a huge bone of contention the survey found difficulty in reaching a human was linked with lower satisfaction rates its weekly report Credit Cards dot com puts the average credit card interest rate at another record high 16.011 percent the average is made up of the rates on 100 popular cards covering different categories the national average of 16.7 percent is up from 15.14 percent 6 months ago m r Kaufman learn more consumer affairs dot com. How do you know if you're being a good dad I'm Marc Mero with today's family a minute as I travel around the country and speak with a lot of fathers I found that there's one question that comes to the mind of most dads am I being a good dad well here are 7 practical ways to help you answer that question 1st you're being a good father when you really listen to your kids that means giving them your full attention and don't constantly look at your phone or laptop 2nd you know you're being a good father when your calendar is full of things to do with your kids for the rest of the ways to know your being a good dad visit my blog at Marc Merrill dot com Remember your family 1st want to go deeper on this topic listen to Mark's podcast at home in the car at the gym just go to Marc Merrill dot com to download the family 1st pine cast. I'm canning Jesson and I'm professional baseball player if it was a curve I didn't see coming. In the irregular heartbeat that can lead to a stroke but I'm going to treat it in time now I'm back on the mound stronger than ever. My message if you feel something say something is a Heart dot org slash a fable when you see the American Heart Association and American Stroke Association Life is why Listen to go Wall to wall with a new panoramic why 5 from Cox join the conversation on Facebook and on Twitter at KOGO radio. Joint News Radio 600 Colo and as d.c. See you dot com honoring San Diego's outstanding teachers I remember some great teachers at a teacher ones who gave me a little metal plaque a set piece on one side show loam on the other and here at San Diego's a we get dominated teachers deserving educator for our classroom Heroes awards I got side tracked they would a great memory so visit cocoa dot com keyword teacher to submit your entry each month one teacher will be selected to receive a $500.00 as the c.c.u. Visa gift card and then they will be recognized as a classroom hero on a billboard in their community radio 600 Cocos classroom Heroes program as presented by San Diego County Credit Union it's not big banking it's better Lou Pape here with you on News Radio 600 KOGO again I encourage you after the show to check out the podcast where Christy girt our special guest who was survived the last Vegas massacre was on in the 7 o'clock hour that will be posted right now we have Aaron Solomon in our the wisdom of Solomon segment Aaron social media I really feel the technology is amazing but in many for. It is a cancer I know you are more active than I am on the air but after the massacre at a lawyer for c.b.s. Was fired because she said on social media about the Las Vegas mass shooting that she wasn't sympathetic because and I quote country music fans often are Republican gun toters and quote she was terminated in these sensitive times we live in although I do it was it was valid for them to fire her we have Jeff Zeleny from c.n.n. Highlighting that the people who attended this were most likely Trump supporters 22000 people watching a festival Aaron I doubt they all were of the same political persuasion they obviously were all country music fans they were all having a good time on a Sunday night in Los Vegas and that's probably about all that most of them had in common they didn't go there with politics on their mind but yet the media and the hateful left always has to make it about politics Well I mean it's like you know with all due respect I mean whether or not they happen to be of the same politics to me is not nearly as significant as the fact that the people are sensually saying that the mass murder was sort of Ok or maybe a good thing because. The people who were murdered were transported now whether they actually were not is a separate question but I think a less interesting question and in fact of why have we gotten to a point our society where prominent left wing commentators not fringe figures right television executives right Major journalists are basically saying that their political enemies when a political enemies are mass murdered you know that that's sort of acceptable but the thing is that it's perfectly logical In fact I actually credit that television producer and though any for having at least the honest. To follow the logic of the Left to its conclusion because we've been here for 2 years that trump supporters are Nazis and that it's Ok to to kill Nazis right because when we all want to go back and kill Hitler and kill the Nazis and stop the Nazis so we've been hearing this rhetoric for 2 years saying you know Nazis and deserves a violent response Oh and who's not the every single person who I don't agree with politically Well you know when someone shoots up a bunch of country music fans I just think why unless celebrating this is exactly what they've been saying ought to happen for 2 years right now you you know you make it you make an excellent point and you also that we don't know what the motive is Ok but we do know that we don't what he was and then what was that Aaron's own wasn't right where we know that and how do we know that we know that because because if he had been reporters would have flipped the entire world over and found that in 5 minutes and that's all we have been hearing about 5 minutes after the shooting started you know the 1st time they checked the 1st thing they check you know this was his voter registration. Yeah and every single 90 percent of reporters in the country would be activated and like mobilize and work you know overnight and through nights and drink coffee and just go go go go go to find out evidence that this guy's a right winger and the fact that it didn't arise he was not right when we know that because they would have loved to have said that they would have loved said that So since he's not a right winger we you know there's a there's a. Few different cases I mean there's 2 sort of radical ideas operating out of them the radical right and the u.s. And that's radical left as them and Islam and you know he could be a radical leftist he could've been radicalized jihad it or some other thing right Mosharraf but you're all in Bartow in Las Vegas the sheriff there touched on that he might have been radicalized right away I says took took responsibility for this and everybody dismissed it because a white guy from Las Vegas yet now that possibility does remain I think a racist it has to be like oh he can't he can't be a mass murdering radical Muslim he's white only brown people can you can be that way it's like. This of certain I mean it is in England you know ethnic white English people get radicalized and is all the time go they go on to travel to the Middle East to fight for on behalf of life it happens all the time 0 seconds has a particularly prominent way it's going to just quickly go like 30 seconds when the Boston bombing happened and they tried to say that it wasn't Islam or anybody affiliated with radical fundamentalist Islamic terrorism and it turned out it was only they were Chechen and they the media tried to separate the terrorists from Islam even though I think they're running out the clock so that once by the time they tell us what's really happened it will be far enough in the past that people will be so emotional about it and I think that's what they're doing I think they're waiting Firstly let the muscle so they can tell the truth All right hold on Aaron Solomon we return if you'd like to get in on in on the cons. Sation say 10600 Koga Lou Pape here with you with the wisdom of Solomon on News Radio 600 KOGO the s.t.c. See you biggest car sale is this weekend Saturday and Sunday at the Del Mar Fairgrounds get rates as low as 1.75 percent a.p.r. And over 600 used vehicles 52 approval for details call 877 Estes d.c.u. For you or visit us the c.c.u. Dot com There may be a rewards credit card in your wallet but how often do you use the rewards a new survey by Bankrate dot com has found 31 percent of consumers with rewards credit cards have never redeem their rewards when they do the survey found nearly half of consumers prefer cash back the trumpet administration is rolling back more new regulations put in place by its predecessor the Department of Education has withdrawn guidelines designed to inject more transparency into the student loan repayment process the rule took effect back in June Smucker foods is recalling its Robin Hood brand all purpose flour original The company says the product may be contaminated with e. Coli I Smucker food says there has been at least one reported illness associated with the flower the product has a best before date of April 17th 2018 m r come from and learn more at Consumer Affairs dot com is your child's near-sighted Thanks I Marc Mero with today's family minutes of the day my son tried on my reading glasses Wow he said I can really see good up close but far away it's glory that made me think all children whether they need glasses or not are near-sighted like my son they only see what's up close what's happening today is school for tonight after dinner stuff in the distance college marriage where that's more fuzzy and out of focus parents are usually more farsighted and it's our job to help our kids see things in the distance most in their future to find out how to improve your child's vision visit my blog. At the family Minute dot com Remember your family 1st want to connect with Mark on Facebook you can at Facebook dot com slash mark Merrill family tips great resources and a sneak peek into his life as a husband father and leader the family minutes with Mark Merrill. It sounds a little creepy but a privacy group claims some toys made by Genesis toys actually spy on the children who are playing with them the group asked the f.t.c. About 5 months ago to look into it but so far nothing has happened Senator Mark Warner of Virginia has asked the head of the f.t.c. To explain why both new and existing home sales fell in April even though there seems to be plenty of potential buyers One problem may be a lack of affordable homes the median sale price of a new home in April was over $300000.00 target has agreed to pay more than $18000000.00 to settle charges stemming from its massive data breach 3 years ago when customers credit card information was compromised the retailer reached the agreement with 47 states and the District of Columbia which will divide up the money America learn more consumer affairs dot com. Husbands are you looking for some life hacks to make your marriage stronger I mark Merrill with today's family minute live tax or clever tips and tricks that can be used to solve an everyday problem a person may be facing so to help make your job as a husband a little easier here's some life packs for husbands 1st check out the love your wife well life pack that includes love actions to show your spouse things like riding knows planning a great date and making the bed for your wife next check out the walk your words life pack you'll learn about some filters your words that have to pass your before they come out of your mouth for these and more life hacks for husbands visit my blog at Marc Merrill dot com Remember your family 1st want to connect with Mark on Facebook you can at Facebook dot com slash Marc Mero family tips great resources and a sneak peek into his life as a husband father and later the family minutes with Mark Merrill. James someone has a face fit for radio just isn't as impactful anymore now that you can see them online. Following us on Facebook Yes you win an exclusive content contests news alerts and yes you can even see our faces fit for Facebook things a link on Facebook and get updates from my local station I just got off the point it's not always helped me to see what's going on in the world back home just click on that little blue ask Ed Koch go dot com. You know that touch screen in your car it may be distracting you more than you think we'll talk to AAA about that live at 810 Monday morning on San Diego's Morning News. Welcome back to News Radio 600 KOGO Lou Pape here with you to follow me on Twitter at Lou Pape show e-mail me Lou at Lou Page dot com right now we're joined by Aaron Solomon for our the wisdom of a Solomon part of the week Aaron 0 Hedge dot com is reporting on 16 unanswered questions about the Las Vegas shooting at the mainstream media does not want to talk about it are you aware of this article. Yeah yeah look at it right now yeah that's right I mean this is a fascinating lit and it's really it's just I don't want to damning because I don't know what's happening and I'm not trying to be a conspiracy theorist of course your particular conspiracy but this pattern of behavior by the authorities is very very suggestive that there's some very fundamental dishonesty going on like so we're going to list here right but just quickly before you go to that list I find it odd that there are there are a few places on this earth that have more cameras then laws Vegas casinos right and we have not seen any video of Stephen Paddick going to the hotel except for a 2011 video where he stumbles and falls and he sued the hotel and he didn't win any money but other than that we have not seen anything from the weekend of the tragedy the massacre and I find that very odd because you know there is tons of video that exists including They said he there's one with him he's with a woman who turned out to be a hooker How do they know she's a hooker Well I thought I had a line too that I did I didn't even read the article as but the headline. Was something along the lines of Ok Now some security camera footage showing that he checked into a hotel and was Mandalay Bay or some other place days before he had claimed or the hotel claims or the girlfriend of claimed or whatever but they were saying there were there were to the degree that some security camera footage was surfacing it was contradicting the. You know reported facts of the story already so yeah I mean if you're right why why is this all there you see someone you know there was a lot of Angelus few years ago kind of tragically a woman who was drunk or or on drugs or something took an elevator up to the top of the Talon and drowned in like a water tank on top of the intel and you showed the they had all the footage from that from the elevator from the hall I distinctly remember that even a minor news story one person killing themselves on accident and sort of a gruesome story of the day and it's like here here's her footage walking all the way through the building here and this was in an old hotel in downtown Los Angeles it wasn't even a new hotel you know tell me in Las Vegas they can just they can just track the person all day every day sure they are named and they're feeding into it by not releasing it and it just shows the lead suspicion that they're hiding something Ok So on the list well the list Ok so these are great questions and again it's a credit to 0 Hedge photos of patents it's already been leaked and one of those appears to show a suicide why haven't we been told us and they know they found and then they say it's not a suicide note end of story to for them but nobody believes was Ok did what to know exactly. Show it but no public servant the guy's dead they're not they're not putting together a murder. Right well they're hiding behind there might be future defendants whether it's his girlfriend or an accomplice the other day the judge is going on the air and the other night the other night here on News Radio 600 calls I told a story about after the morrow building was bombed by Timothy McVeigh how for weeks they ran with the 2nd suspect 2nd suspect he looked like Middle Eastern this whole thing and it turns out that there never was at least they said there never was a 2nd suspect but they ran with that food now now that they're not running with anything. Yeah if there's is such a dishonesty in the press and among politicians I mean it just makes the also think of like in the u.k. With the rather and rape cases where the police well out hundreds of girls to be erased because they didn't buy Pakistani gangs because they didn't want to appear racist by like you know prosecuting these gangs and so you know we see in in the world today the incredibly just evil destructive power of this type of groupthink political correctness that will let people watch you know young girls 121314 year old runaways in group homes get mass rapes and nobody says anything for years because just because they don't want to be called racist and so when I look at it I just go well you know yeah I'm sure that there's all sorts of pressures some explicit some implicit on these people to drive the narrative in a certain way but you know that just means it's not a conspiracy theory this conspiracy that we just got to one than time issue up but this list of 16 establishes credibility against anyone who thinks we're exaggerating this apparent Well here's a cover up of local a lack of information there's a let's let's go let's let's go through the list what you did you heard your word I heard the day it happened that a woman was in the front of the crowd telling people you're all going to die I heard that's about right I've read various reports of that Yes Yes Who was that like that so that's a completely fascinating cool eerily you know it. Early relevant important lead to try to figure out and one thing if they were saying oh yeah Ok so that will Here's a says that woman we're still looking for what they want they just act like it never happened like it's not important like it doesn't need to be like it's not relevant and that's what is so. Makes it so suspicious because it clearly clearly is relevant it is really about things like she's screaming Jesus saves us something like that you know some quirky thing and you're all going to die and then moments you know I hour and a half later someone's raining gunfire down on the crowd so you know which ranges number 2 where there are additional shooters you know please are adamant that the service is adamant that there is none please right and there's none some people are reporting that there are some people claim to have video footage I don't get it I don't know the taxi driver who reportedly allegedly captured video but we haven't seen that right and I don't sound ricochet so people can get can do that were gunshots or from coming from that says 1st any kind of there but you know apparently law enforcement authorities were discussing another suspect on the 4th floor at some point and they haven't sent and no I was not only on because I did not hear that one I did not see that one I saw a passing reference to it kind of like the woman in the front across there are going to die and they just nothing again right. You know there's some technical aspects to the how many rounds he fired some people are tiny you couldn't fire them around the time that he was shooting. And then there's a question how he got this massive amount of guns and ammo like pallets of guns and ammunition into a Las Vegas hotel room without anybody noticing. Yeah but I'll say that Aaron. I've actually in my in my brief existence here have dated women who travel with more bags then then I have owned clothes my entire life I mean literally 12 and 14 suitcases and crates Yeah I mean it's so the people in the Las Vegas hotel you see people coming in with you know the bellhop carts on wheels filling up 234 of them I mean with bags so you could easily get stuff into a hotel no. I mean perhaps I mean you know one thing he's not a woman I mean and I also remember that in Vegas I mean they have you're watching everyone's been watching Vegas 1st yeah but when no one's looking at bags because literally tens of thousands of bags are going through that lobby every day Ok Ok that's all I'm saying is that that and you're there for 4 days I could bring in 34 bags every time I go out there and no one's going to notice a great Ok so that's good point at some point so and then they also ask why do you think law enforcement authorities haven't seen anything in the room but I've actually heard of a reason why answer that the gate actually gave a good time license actually they were at the room in 12 minutes. But then they had waited because they waited you know they have the right to be retracted Ok here we go so why did I was $100000.00 wired developing why did his girlfriend go to the Philippines and why does girlfriend he was characterized as she said she was sent against her will he's in America this guy was an American she can't be sent against her will he was a sugar daddy she was obviously with him for the money I don't believe a word this woman says I think that she knew about their will that is I mean I'm against her well and also yes this comment she made where she said my consciousness claim that just seems like a very odd thing to say and she also said that when he sent $100000.00 for her and her family to buy a house he thought. She was breaking he was breaking up with our Aaron I've been dumped you've been dumped we've ended relationships on our own I've never sent in nor has anybody sent me a $100000.00 after ending a relationship with the behavior of the baby though I'm not saying. Age is ought it's a very odd a very strange My conscience is clean Yeah who would say that it's a mass shooting why would you feel the need to say that if somebody you went on a mass shooting spree like I did nothing about it why would you say your consequent unless you you know you were implicated to some degree right right that implies you're implicating yourself but hold that thought Erin we'll we'll continue on with our list we'll take a quick break. And when we come back we'll have more time on the other end the loop 8 here with you the wisdom of Solomon News Radio 600 KOGO. Biggest Scarsdale is this weekend Saturday and Sunday at the Del Mar Fairgrounds choose from a great selection of over 600 used vehicles and get rate as low as 1.75 percent a.p.r. Parking and barbecue are $352.00 approval a.p.r. Equal percentage great fun point 75 percent a.p.r. Valid October 7th and 8th at the sale only for details call 877 s d c c u for you or visit s d c c dot com. You know what giving forgiveness really means I'm Mark Merrill with today's family minute we think forgiveness is the feeling we think forgiveness means forgetting we think forgiveness is a sign of weakness but forgiveness is not what you think 3 trues about forgiveness 1st forgiveness is a decision to release instead of replaying the incident over and over in your mind choose not to dwell on how you were wrong the 2nd forgiveness is a decision to embrace the stead of holding on to anger embrace mercy but simply mercy is not giving someone what they deserve 3rd forgiveness is a decision to pardon when you pardon your offender by forgiving them you're letting go of your right to punish them for the offense in the future remember your family 1st for more resources not today's topic go to Marc Mero dot com The family minutes with Mark Merrill helping families well. Are you a quick to leave your family well I'm Mark Merrill with today's family minute in life your family may enjoy many successes but will also face some failures as well New Orleans Saints tight end Benjamin Watson says Your job is to lead your family well through it all here his 3 keys of Family Leadership 1st plead with love to grow a loving family you must lead by example start by loving your spouse well this will show your kids what a loving relationship looks like 2nd lead with trust your kids need to trust that you will always be honest with them but only lead with courage do what's right for your family no matter how painful or uncomfortable in my be so start leading your family today and remember your family 1st want to go deeper on this topic listen to Mark's podcast at home in the car at the gym just go to Marc Mero dot com to download the family 1st pint cast. Why is home the hardest place to lead I'm Mark Merrill with today's fam I menat it's tough to lead at the office you have constant h.r. Headaches cashflow issues and operational problems just to name a few but it's a lot tougher to lead at home why 1st you can't fire your children your apparent forever no matter what your children say or do 2nd there is no paid or unpaid time off you are always on the job 24 seventh's doing their laundry helping with homework carpooling them to school practice and games 3rd there are no salaries bonuses or raises as a parent you are more like a constant a.t.m. Remember your family 1st for more resources on today's topic go to Marc Mero dot com The family minutes with Mark Merrill helping families well. What are your family's financial priorities I'm Mark Merrill with today's am I meant that unfortunately it's really easy to spend money best way to avoid wasting your hard earned money is by forming financial priorities so here are 3 specific financial priorities for you and your family 1st shelter as a priority but keep in mind it's not about having more garage doors in your neighborhood it's about choosing a home based on safety education and affordability 2nd nourishment is a priority of many families enjoy eating out for meals they don't enjoy expensive bills instead try budgeting your restaurant outings finally clothing is a priority but rather than allow your teen to buy whatever they want teach them self discipline and delay gratification remember your family 1st want to stay in touch with Mark you can join him on Facebook facebook dot com slash mark Merrill family temps great insight and a sneak peek into Mark's life as a husband father and leader do you know what your child's apps are capable of I mark Merrill with today's family minute from my phones to i Pads laptops to video games it seems like your kids are never short on entertainment but even with our kids spending more and more time using technology our job as parents remains the same to guard our children's hearts and minds knowing what apps your child uses is key as well as knowing what those apps are capable of Cura for the top half kids are using the 1st there's Instagram carrying photos is a wonderful way to stay connected with family and friends but be sure your child's account is set on the climate to avoid unfiltered messages 2nd luminosity is a great app to exercise your mind with brain teasers remember your family 1st want to connect with Mark on Twitter follow him at Twitter dot com slash mark Merrill the family menat with Marc Mero helping families land well. 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Welcome back America's team plays here for you know England Patriots fans that is the Dallas Cowboys that's right listen this Sunday afternoon at one as the deck Prescott of the Dallas Cowboys host Aaron Rogers of the Green Bay Packers right here on News Radio 600 KOGO Welcome back to the wisdom of Solomon Lew pate here with us in Solomon joins us as he does in our last hour every week Aaron according to Fox News dot com The law's Vegas killer Stephen Paddick was a lone shooter that is posted on there right now but you wanted to focus on that story of the woman in the crowd please elaborate on that you touched on it earlier but please do we have a few minutes but please elaborate. Oh you know I just I just I don't have much more to say about that I just. That's an example of the kind of question you know people are being called conspiracy theorists because they're looking at the fact they heard come out of they come out and there's things that don't add up and they're asking questions you know I would really encourage people you know don't be a conspiracy theorist obviously don't be a you know you know intelligent person but part of being an intelligent person is recognizing that you know this government and this media in particular has proven itself to be completely corrupt they will complete immediately media is the t.v. Media and print media is 100 percent corrupt that's why you got it that's why you got to keep it here on Radio Yeah exactly and they admitted as much in the during the election when they said oh yeah we tried to throw it to say Hillary Clinton so you know it's you're entitled to think for yourself I mean you know you don't need to just accept what authorities tell you if it doesn't add up you can say you know you tell that question these are your masters these people are not our masters right and so it's not going seriously theory when when you are given a fact pattern that makes no sense that doesn't comport with any kind of reasonable thing you've ever heard of or seen before and you're told to just follow it not ask any question that's not conspiracy theory that's being a responsible intelligent you know adult citizen who's willing to exercise some oversight not just be intimidated into silence and bullied into silence so you know that's what we have to do why do you think they're not showing us any of the security footage from the hotel or from the Ogden where he had a particular room outside life is beautiful festival. No idea why don't the white Here's a here's another question why are they showing us footage of the of the killing. Of the body it's very upsetting but it happened it's real and just well no one wants either but nobody wants to see that on nobody wants to see people being mowed down on t.v. I'm all but I mean but Ok fair enough but why not online online we've had. Muslim terrorists killing people like the American Nick Berg I don't and other stuff I don't need a graphic blurred out or whatever but the point is that it's like with 911 there was all this footage at the time it all got kind of like dumbed down the memory hole and so we're so we're not we don't have this this whole response we have the day it happened because we're not confronted with the images that we saw at the time right where every year we revisit the topic but they don't show the people hitting the you know the the the ground there are videos videos of people jumping I've seen them they're horrible You cannot and see those Yeah but it's so it's just it's very it's obviously they're controlling that or they're obviously trying to lead people to certain conclusions and it just it just doesn't add up you know they say the guy had no politics nobody has no politics. People have ideas he had some ideas something motivated him something it's just ridiculous it all out he just didn't have any motivation for posture statement something motivated and it very well may have been radical left is and is very well may have been radical Islam something else if it was radical right wing stuff I think we would have heard by now that maybe it was either not right or some other thing but don't just stand there in Sco Yeah you know long well what can you do it just like we don't know nothing no conclusion all the cars the 1st theory they ran with that fell apart was that all he was upset because he was in hock up to his eyes because of gambling debts then we find out this guy seemingly has an endless supply of money. Yeah well another thing real quick to I don't we're going in a moment but but the fact that he planned multiple attacks that's a cool headed tactical thing to do that's the kind of thing that you would really expect like an ISIS operatives to do you know the Columbine shooters they shut the place up but they didn't expect to survive right they were going out with a bang they were like reach kill people this guy was like planning a military style tactical assault in a series and they said he planned there's evidence that he planned to escape but then they don't share that evidence I find that troubling Yeah and so interesting how the how can that be harmful if the consumer how they knew he was planning to his staple wanting to escape. Yeah it's very very suspicious all patterns extremely suspicious I don't I don't trust this process at all and I think we see we've seen the corruption of the government and of media by political correctness and by their unwillingness to be honest about certain problems or the like. The Imperato Aaron the music says we got to go but we'll continue this hopefully another time the wisdom of Solomon Aaron thank you very much for your time as always thank you thank you and thanks to Amoco produces the show excellent job follow me on Twitter at Lou Pape show you are listening to News Radio 600 KOGO. Going to pending on Social Security to help when you retire don't count on the Social Security Administration staff to guide you if you get this wrong it could cost you as much as $100000.00 in lifetime benefits Hey Sean Hannity here I encourage you to call David Epstein and Bradley white now you hear them on retire right right here on KOGO now they're experts on Social Security wring every nickel out of the benefits you deserve thanks Shaan call us today at 858564 the f.t.c. See you biggest car sale is this weekend Saturday and Sunday at the Del Mar Fairgrounds get rates as low as 1.75 percent a.p.r. And over 600 used vehicles subject to approval for details call 877 s. The c.c.u. For you or visit as the c.c. You dot com. Take a trip this week. What's going on rock 1st ever. Change. There is your look back at this week's rock. It's 100 percent free you get instant access once again defend Family dot com. And k m y e the San Diego local breaking. Other hurricane spins up I'm Jack Callahan Fox News Air Force hunter aircraft penetrated the center of what was tropical storm Nate and reports the winds in it and now reached hurricane force of 75 miles an hour now Hurricane Nate moving off the coast of Canada and Mexico headed for the u.s. Gulf Coast we're thinking a landfall Saturday night into Sunday morning somewhere along the wheezy and a coastline as a minimal hurricane so if you live anywhere from Louisiana Mississippi Alabama you need to be paying close attention to local forecast meteorologist Jenna's Dean New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu concerned about a possible $6.00 to $9.00 foot storm surge I am ordering a mandatory evacuation of the nation Isles Lake Catherine and I raised by you areas of the city of New Orleans resident troll has already issued a disaster declaration for President Trump that is vice president pence inspecting recover a hurricane recovery efforts in Puerto Rico on Friday I believe in my heart. That when. When the history of this time in this crisis is recorded in Puerto Rico this will be a chapter when Americans stood by Americans and delivered on that Saturday the vice president will travel to Las Vegas he'll speak at a ceremony just before a flock of $58.00 doves serval least one for each of the victims of last Sunday night's Las Vegas massacre whilst a week after those shootings investigators admit to being frustrated today we have run down well more 'd than a 1000 leads in this investigation while some of it has helped create a better profile into the badness of this suspect we do not still have a clear motive or reason why our County Undersheriff Kevin Nick Mayhill billboards are now going up in Las Vegas asking anyone with information about the shooter to come forward and best to get his believe that Stephen Paddick may have hired a prostitute in the days before the shooting they are interviewing call girls as they look for clues Fox News fair and balanced. Want to lower your mortgage rate and payments we've got the Alex Michel Saturday morning as they bring you up to the minute information and advice on mortgage rates and programs on the new American funding mortgage and m l s 606 Newsradio.