Approving the Keystone Pipeline Xcel from Canada Meanwhile the governor of Alaska says the owner of an underwater pipeline that's leaking processed natural gas will temporarily be shut down as that gas production feeds into the line the office of governor Bill Walker says Hill Corp Alaska has agreed to let the temporary shut down for safety environmental reasons the pipeline is leaking gas into Alaska's Cook Inlet which contains endangered beluga whales photos updated San Diego weather. Nice day for your 1st Saturday weekend in San Diego for springtime temperatures in the mid to upper sixty's through clouds also some sun out there overnight lows in the fifty's and then for tomorrow about the same maybe a little Scotia warmer. Right now downtown we have 64 degree I'm Phil Farrar Your next update 133 and connected stay informed on San Diego's breaking news station Radio 600 KOGO. Palomar solar dot com a local name you can trust from the San Diego Honda dealers traffic center crash north before Encinitas Boulevard as you backed up from Cardiff by the sea it is slow because this crash in the left lane toward Encinitas once again north 5 take about 15 minutes to get through all those brake lights on the south side of the 5 and 8 minute stretch brake lights through Oceanside Harbor Drive to Cassidy also South 5 in the o.c. It's troublesome from the 73 Toll Road to come you know this or p.c.h. And this report Prachi behind that t.j. 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Don't miss the 72 hour sale it likes to sell to host for 3 days only to get seals on every new and pre-owned vehicle in stock prices so low they cannot be quoted over the phone curried Alexis also holds close to Interstate 80 and Highway 52 and 125 Kennedy Jesson and I'm professional baseball player if it was a curve I didn't see it coming. This an irregular heartbeat that can lead to a stroke but I'm going to treat in time now I'm back on the mound stronger than ever. My message if you feel something say something is a Heart dot org slash a fable awareness the American Heart Association and American Stroke Association Life is why spring blooming color roses all the plants you love visit your neighborhood Armstrong garden centers this weekend for all your spring gardening needs Armstrong garden centers taking the guesswork out of gardening from Escondido to alcohol and where ever news happens stay connected and stay in for News Radio 600 KOGO. You're listening to Rush's weekend review thanks my friend Sam welcome great to have you here Rush Limbaugh and 3 hours broadcast excellence straight ahead. Donald Trump can take it sinking continuing in calming it has not stopped since Lee 16th of June 2015 every day. Donald Trump is taking morning incoming attacks on us all I have ever seen today the latest high on is occurring in congressional hearings James Komi an Admiral Rogers from the National Security Agency are answering questions from the Democrats I'll get into that in just a 2nd as it was specific questions because what's really going on there I find fascinating a lot of people I'm getting e-mails a lot of people down in the dumps depressed maybe not panicking a little bit concerned at all this and I'm going to try to to rein everybody back in and explain what's really going on I can't deny it however and I'm not going to try to sugar coat the overall picture here which is a president under constant assault is illegitimate and just I mean that's the picture that's being painted that is the narrative that will not go away and they are attempting to intensify each and every day now is somebody like me super informed well aware totally totally informed on the techniques of the left. To me this effort is flailing but I'm not the average voter and I'm not the average person paying attention is going to see the headlines from this for example the never trumpeters are orgasmic the day the never trampers on both sides of the aisle Republican Conservative never trampers leftist Democrat drive by media never trumpeters are orgasmic over this Komi edited big show and tell in fact let me quickly each show yet grab onto yo sound bite number one this statement by comi at the beginning of the congressional hearings today House Intelligence Committee hearings this statement has the never trumpeters in and on checked the out of orgasmic happiness as you know our practice is not to confirm the existence of ongoing investigations especially those investigations that involve classified matters but in unusual circumstances where it is in the public interest it may be appropriate to do so as Justice Department policies recognize this is one of those circumstances I have been authorized by the Department of Justice to confirm that the f.b.i. As part of our counterintelligence mission is investigating the Russian government's efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election and that includes investigating the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and the Russian government and whether there was any coordination between the campaign and Russia's efforts now this is something I don't know about you but I have assumed that this is been going on all along but this announced today making it official that there is an investigation has these people just ecstatic they cannot contain the family the never trampers wherever you find them they think that is why. On the nail in the coffin Komi just now just prior to the program beginning and I didn't hear of this you know at some point I have to get out of this chair and go do stuff and it just so happened when I came back all I saw was a call at the bottom of the screen Russians call me apparently said to somebody Russians want to hurt democracy hurt Clinton and help Trump. Do you read that statement is a political statement and it is made by the director of the f.b.i. In the context of intelligence gathering that is one heck of a statement Russians want to hurt democracy hurt Clinton and help Trump then how did Hillary end up winning the popular vote earlier on today the Democrats led by their chairman Adam Schiff asked Well no the Democrats did not ask this in fact this was this this was a Devon newness any evidence that the Russians tampered with the votes Komi no Rogers the n.s.a. No any evidence the Russians tried to tamper with the outcome of the votes ballots no no any attempt made by the Russians No we're not aware of any attempt that should have ended the hearings but it didn't both Komi and the director of the n.s.a. Have said there was no effort there is no evidence of any kind that the Russians had anything to do with the counting of votes or that casting a vote in the 2016 election and if that's the case there's no there there but that's not what this is about. This is not about the evidence this is not about certainly any exculpatory evidence this is about furthering the narrative that Trump's election is illegitimate and this is designed to. Move forward whatever efforts there are that we don't know about yet to impeach Trump and to get rid of him that's that's what this is all about today and there's an there's a secondary thing that this is about and I'll give you detail on this is the program unfolds but I've watched the questioning from Adam Schiff the Democrat chairman and I've been on able to contain my laughter can I give you examples of his questions he's asking Komi he's asking the n.s.a. Admiral Rogers do you know Paul that a fort will. Do you know that poor old men of Fort knows Roger Stone Well do you know that Roger Stone tweeted back 1 September 13th that he was going to go to Russia and that he was going to sleep in a hotel well it would do you would know that man a fort m. Stone talked on the phone and 10 times did the n s a analyze whether the hack of the d.n.c. Affected the way people vote it. Would go. Sorry senator can't comment on it to be on the scope of our investigation can you tell our Democrat voters that your investigation still in the early phases in the you have a long way to go can't comment on investigations wait a minute you did with Hillary. How long are your investigation Well it's there's no set time limit congresswoman our investigations go on as long as we want them to go she smiled and said Good. Can you tell me this isn't a question can you tell me about the process to prove that trump cheated. No no I can't tell you about our investigating press is Ok. She didn't actually say the process to prove Trump cheated that's implied what is happening here is that the Democrats on this committee are servicing their base their base voters are insane I have a story here today about 100 they're having nightmares there I'm able to sleep they're seeking therapy the Democrat base because of this irresponsible reporting that Trump and the Russians work together to screw the election in shrew Hillary figured it leaping that story has been out there since last summer that story has been fueled and fueled and built and expanded to the point that the Democrat base believes it to be true there isn't any evidence James Clapper worked for Clinton Paul Murali the CIA director agent that worked for Hillary came out last week and said There is nothing there there is no evidence of any kind of any collusion and there isn't because there wasn't any and I can I can give you some questions I can ask you some questions to kind of make the point to in a in a commonsense way but that's not the but the point is that the Democrats and the media have so stoked this story that their base believes it and the Democrats on this committee and the Democrats in the Senate Democrats everywhere are literally scared to death of the day when it will be officially announced that there was no collusion when this Komi investigation ends and they can't prove any collusion between Trump and the Russians they are scared to death of that day of what their base is going to do. They need their base continuing to donate money they need their base continuing to remain engaged and they have used this story that trump colluded with the Russians to steal the election they have used this story to excuse the fact that they lost they have used this story to excuse the fact that they had a lousy candidate to excuse the fact that she ran a lousy campaign to excuse the fact that she's very unlikable to excuse the fact that they were so arrogant and condescending in assuming they were going to win that they didn't even really make a serious effort all of that has to be covered up. There is no way in fact that they could have lost unless the election was stolen from them and so this narrative has been out there and it is been fed the New York Times in The Washington Post and c.n.n. Have fed the it with stories of wiretapping and any number of things to indicate that Trump was under investigation and that evidence was being crude and evidence was being filed there isn't any evidence the Democrat base voter has essentially been told they feel Monga lie I don't think when this all started it ever was intended to get this big but it kept feeding on itself and now they've got nowhere to go and there's even a story Glenn Greenwald who was a friend of Snowden's and worked with with him on on his story and is a left wing journalist as a Web site called the intercept. And he published a massive story yesterday about just this very fact that there is no evidence and that the Democrats elected Democrats are scared to death. Over the fact this has gotten so big that expectations have been raised so high and that there isn't any evidence for it so these questions such as Do you know Paul man of Ford did you hear what Donald Trump tweeted on December 19th did you read what Donald Trump treated in Jeddah all of these meaningless questions they're just simply reading Democrat talking points they're taking quotes from the New York Times in The Washington Post and asking please quote says questions to call me in the n.s.a. Guy and call me in the n.s.a. That well I can't comment that we never come into these media with women it doesn't matter what the answers are the questions are designed. To have the Democrat rabid and lunatic base out there standing up and cheer Yeah you Joe You Jhelum because there is a pope will fear on the Democrat side that there's nothing here and that there won't be anything found not legitimately the way this is going to go I don't know what you call a gentleman illegitimate anymore you just don't know where does this gotten so big and folks it's so out a hand now there are so many reputations tied up in this bogus theory that Trump and the Russians work together to hack and steal the election there are political careers hanging on this one and when that's the case. All bets are off as to who is going to end up saying and doing what as it's gotten much much bigger than anybody ever intended and that's because the people behind this are completely and totally irresponsible they have been gobsmacked they simply cannot deal with the fact that they lost the election and then you add the trump one it is just it's unacceptable the it's a nightmare it's so real to them this this is none of this is happening it's impossible to lose an election to Donald president it's impossible. It's impossible Hillary Clinton could lose an election Anybody been to Donald Trump Oh my God it's even worse so there has to be something to explain it. And that's what all this is about James Komi also said something a little scattershot here and they will come back in the break I'm going to go through this in order but I want to get out all of the table before I forget it call me said something interesting today that nobody's picked up on yet because they're so distracted by this other stuff which I could understand but he was asked specifically if weeks was furnished their information on predestine the phone calls by the Russians and Komi said no. When I everybody on the Democrat side believes that the Russians gave a son and Wiki Leaks everything they hacked again and I want to remind them of this is the truth of this is not been mentioned Desta was not hacked to death the fell for a phishing scam Now you might on a loose definition call it a hack but it's not a hack in the sense that you and I think of had x. Nobody got into a coma I'm sorry into Pradesh his computer he left the man he invited them in unknowingly Russia did not deal directly with Wiki Leaks called me said they had a cut out which is an intermediary. Well who was that. Wiki Leaks has insisted that they didn't get anything from Russia that Russia was not their source and Komi confirmed that today I expect later on today somebody will realize Komi said this and they'll mention it make something of it. But it is it is astounding to me to watch this because it's it's now gotten when I say out of control. It means the story has gone beyond anybody's ability to control it now and it has its own inertia and it has an outcome that has to happen in order to save some political careers and that outcome is that Trump and Russia colluded they have built these expectations up so high and there isn't any evidence and there never has been any evidence. But I'd like to know who initiated the F.B.I.'s investigation a trip we've been we've been hearing all along and there is one who initiated that and why when did it begin any Obama holdover is involved in this any Obama embeds in the bureaucracy involved in this. What about Clinton campaign members meeting with the Russians. Is any of them being investigated we know that a lot of people who work for the Democrats met with Russians we know that Bill Clinton worked with a guy in Canada to basically give will sell. To the point where the Clintons profited off the great portion of the u.s. Uranium supply. What about coordination between c.n.n. And Hillary Clinton what about the Democrat National Committee rigging their primary against Bernie Sanders is there any investigation of that what about the investigation of the Clinton Foundation we're told that there was one where we don't know nobody's officially said so. Influence peddling to foreign countries Obama's ransom payments to Iran the one sidedness that this is striking now it's early on in the hearings and I move them to say something here that may be a little bit premature and it's only based So what I have seen but there hasn't been correct me if I'm wrong Mr Sterling there hasn't been a sign from Trey Gowdy there hasn't been a whole lot of pushback on much of this from the Republicans. There's been some. But not as much as you would expect it will have more a minute here folks go to. The Russian public t.v. Network rule Rush Limbaugh radio. April 15th comes and goes most folks don't think much about Texas but for some people the unsettled sensation of dealing with the i.r.s. Is an everyday distraction take the example of Karen a mother of 3 a member of this audience she learned the hard way that she had a tax debt left over from a previous marriage the i.r.s. 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Senator Grassley of Iowa has just tweeted in the last few minutes the following f.b.i. Director call me needs to be transparent and tell the public what he told me about whether he or whether he is or is not investigating the president what does not mean Grassley just tweeted this within the last half hour and apparently if I'm judging this the way a normal person would Grassley is watching call me and things call me saying something different than what he told him early Grassley says the Komi told him something about whether or not the f.b.i. Is investigating the president that differs from what Komi said to me call me also get this says that he will launch the f.b.i. Investigation of Trump in Russia in July July. That's before Trump even have the nomination why were the Russians helping Trump when he might not even be the nominee. This this is this is getting even screwy or by the minute as things continue to one for here Hang on folks back in a minute. Don't miss the 72 hour sail that likes to sell the host for 3 days only to get seals on every new and pre-owned vehicle in stock prices so low they cannot be ported over the followed her lead a Lexus Also roads close to Interstate 80 and Highway 621251 on one consultation in fittings with experts and a free foot scan analysis all adding up to a comfortable fit that feels like it was made just for you to experience the difference a new balance cart is born a quarter of Birmingham and Newcastle. News Radio 600 KOGO live local breaking. In the coco News Center I'm Phil Farrar after the terror attack in Britain Italy officials are once again looking over how they handle security and keeping high profile figures like the pope safe Amy Kellogg has more from Rome Italy had a massive security challenge this weekend at a time when European leaders aren't doing their public safety measures quite urgently I hope France and had them think of an Arab bench in Milan including a master as many of the 1000000 people in Monterey Park and another one in a stadium he traveled in an open beyond belief here violent anti protest in Rome and 40 heads of state descended on the capital to mark 60 years since the inception of the Union there are 5000 police that to keep the capital safe numerous road and airspace closures and only the double challenge of protecting against potential terrorist and violent and are can attack that's Amy Kellogg reporting form room back here emergency crews responding to a sinkhole this morning in no time a so west that was apparently caused by an underground water main break San Diego police officers calls it the 1300 block of Del Sol lane shortly after 11 o'clock this. Morning where a truck had fallen into that sinkhole the driver was able to get his truck out of the hole and he was not injured thousands of mourners have packed a Bronx church for the funeral for an emergency medic killed last week when she was run over by her own ambulance you dear Arroyo was a mother of 5 and a 14 year veteran of the York Fire Department beloved by colleagues at her station house and in her Bronx community. Was updated San Diego weather mid to upper sixty's for your Saturday. Will see overnight lows in the fifty's and once again for your Sunday to see more sunshine or sun out there now but a lot of clouds still in our area right now downtown the it is $64.00 degrees I'm filled for your next update to the clock stay connected stay informed on San Diego's breaking news station Radio 600 KOGO this traffic report brought to you by Compassion International and earlier rack on South by the Carlsbad village drive has now cleared off the off ramp there traffic still slow going from Harbor Drive in Oceanside down to Carlsbad village however so it'll take a good 1520 minutes to get through those brake lights also we have slow speeds northbound 5 from part of the by the sea all the way to nce need us where rac is blocking the far left lane they're clearing that out right now in fact and this report Prachi by Compassion International the future is bleak for a child living in poverty no school no dreams no hope but you can change all that when you become compassion child sponsor just a little more than a dollar a day brings hope find out how compassion dot com forward slash radio m r c Lattimer next real time traffic update at 2 o'clock beginning and now a look back at this week in history this week in the year 700 $75.00 Patrick Henry declared Give me liberty or give me death his words would go on to be a rallying cry for the revolution that was soon to come this way to $979.00. Camp David peace agreement between Israel and Egypt was signed by Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin and Egyptian President Anwar Sadat at the White House Jimmy Carter who helped negotiate the treaty was a witness Jr shot on Dallas this week in 1988 gave birth to the 1st prime time television serial cliffhanger this week in 1989 in one of the worst oil spills in recent history the tanker Exxon Valdez ran aground and released 240000 barrels of oil into Prince William Sound and Russia's near space station ended its 15 year orbit of Earth slash You're listening to Russians weekend review Hi welcome back Rush Limbaugh behind like only I am being a microphone 80282282 another sound bite from the f.b.i. Director James Comey under questioning from Republican Mike Conaway from Texas as of early December 2016 the f.b.i. Assess the active measures conducted against Secretary Clinton or denigrated were to denigrate her or her her campaign and undermine her presidency this is again he's reminding Komi of the f.b.i. Assessed in December of 2060 days after the election that active measures conducted against Hillary Clinton ordered were to denigrate her to her campaign undermine her presidency and the conclusion that active measures were taken specifically may help Trump's campaign you had that by early December you had that conclusion is that correct correct if they wanted to hurt our democracy hurt her help him I think all 3 we were confident in at least as early as December. Secretary Clinton so much that the flip side of that coin was she had a clear preference for the person running against the person you needed so much. This is an incredible bit of news from the f.b.i. Director. Ok Now there's an ongoing investigation. I'm just trying to put these pieces together there's an ongoing investigation and there has been now since July . Komi told lawmakers today that his agency has been investigating possible coordination between the trunk campaign and Russian officials since last July. Doesn't make sense I. Mean who's running the f.b.i. And the Department of Justice last July maybe the Obama administration doing this. But James Clapper Obama administration and a couple of others have said they've seen no evidence whatsoever of any collusion and yet Comey knows all this that Putin hated Clinton so much the flip side of that coin was he had a clear preference for the person running against the person he hated so much so Russia wanted to hurt our democracy and Hillary and help Trump now mind you folks all of this is being said and there isn't any evidence of it so it's clear to me what's going on here look at what has actually happened we have Donald Trump on the phone with foreign leaders after he becomes president and even during the transition it's classified phone calls those are leaked the transcripts of his phone calls are weak and they're lied about in the case of his phone call with the president Mexico it was said to be an abomination of a call a disaster turns out not to be true Same thing with the prime minister of Australia said to be so bad somebody hung up on somebody in a call turns out neither was the case now Trump's private taxes have been really the New York Times in The Washington Post have run story after story after story using that word wire taps there have been nameless sources in the intelligence community all over. The the past 2 months of last year leaking various elements of things but no evidence of any of it the New York Times on January 20th said there were wire taps in which Trump and his team were being investigated and yet with all that there is no evidence of collusion and yet trumps the subject of the investigation when his taxes have been leaked when his phone calls are being monitored Trump is the subject of an f.b.i. Investigation the reason some of the reason why this doesn't make sense to me. In the in the 1st place folks if you're the Russians and you want to affect the outcome of the election you don't have to get in touch with one of the candidates. You can do that on your own you don't need anybody's permission let's say the Russians want to help Hillary they don't need to call her and get her permission to help her undermine Trump or vice versa that they just do it. The next thing there hasn't been any kind of a quid pro quo here and by that I mean Trump has not lifted the sanctions that Obama placed on the Russians Trump has not let the 35 ambassadors or diplomats that Obama sent back to Moscow has not let them back in there hasn't been one not one the indication of Trump going soft on Russia not one. Nikki Haley at the u.n. Speaks out against Russia in no uncertain terms. And if there were collusion let me ask you this if there were a cold ocean let's say Trump and the Russians are actually working together don't you think Trump rather than acting all buddy buddy with Putin and all friendly would have been scorching Putin all this time to throw everybody off the scent. If there were actual collusion if Trump and Putin were big buddies and working together to somehow undermine the election which even today it was stated didn't happen the big news of these hearings is not even being reported the big news of these hearings is that the Russians did not could not would not and not don't know how to tamper with votes they didn't do it there's no I mean there wasn't even any hemming or hawing in the answers both Connie and Admiral Rogers definitively said in one word answers no to all kinds of questions about whether or not the Russians had anything to do with votes either the way they were cast in the way they were counted no no no no we even know that this Jill Stein babe the Democrat the Green Party can't win if she did this recount Trump ended up getting more votes in some of these states and what he ended up with than the official count there is no evidence that to me is the news of these hearings but that's not what's being reported that's in fact being ignored. So if you're a trump and you're working with the Russians anyway even though there's no way to sabotage the vote wouldn't you go out of your way in public discourse putting every chance you got sports the Russians or instead of talking about how much admired Putin what a great guy Putin is and how much you appreciate Putin complimenting you which Trump did so much of this is simple violation of common sense and human nature and for as far as the Russians are concerned. Ok so they they hacked the Democrat National Committee network and they leave evidence that it was them and yet what did we learn recently. We learned in another Wiki Leaks treasure trove of documents released from the CIA that the c I a has software that can hack computers and leave fingerprints of other nations you were not here then that's why you're frowning but that is big news a weapon is big news but it's not being reported not being talked about that the CIA. Has numerous hacking tools that allows them to hack any computer network and make it look like the Russians did it or the Chinese or the Japanese or the Norks Why would the Russians leave evidence that it was them if they were serious about hacking the d.n.c. And they wanted to really make it work and they wanted to remain in the shadows and nobody know it why would they leave fingerprints that trail right back to them now if you want to play the double psychology move Ok Well they want to do that precisely rush because people would ask questions like you. And so they left their fingerprints so that people would say just what you said why would the Russians that couldn't be the Russians they would be stupid enough to leave their own evidence. Where you got to be too cute by half to come up with answers to this that violate common sense but again all of this see this is this is the frustrating thing folks the big news of the day is no evidence whatsoever that the Russians hacked voting no evidence whatsoever it's not possible they're not investigating whether it happened just didn't because it couldn't Obama has said so in a number of people before all this heated up the way it is said so but that's not the news because the purpose of all of this is to permanently. Damage Donald Trump and make it impossible for him to govern that's all this is about is a secondary aspect of it with the Democrats on the committee having to service their lunatic base. Which has been led to believe that Russia did have the election and that Trump was part of it that story's been around so long it's been added to it for so moch so long and it's been amplified they believe it now the expectations have been have been raised to the point here that the truth Democrats are scared to death of the day their base learns that none of this happened so that day has to be kicked down the road that day has to be delayed as long as it can and that's what the purpose of these hearings is is to make it look like there's something there to make it look like the ongoing investigations are getting close. But it is to overall paint Donald Trump's presidency is illegitimate and therefore his agenda illegitimate and things that he wants his budget. Healthcare reversions tax cuts whatever it is to make it all illegitimate and subject to reversal should they be able to get rid of Trump because he shouldn't have been there in the 1st place that's what this is about I can't take a break we'll come back we'll continue in mere moments don't go potentially do listeners be prepared to invest in at least 6 weeks of continuous listening if you want to fully understand rush Oddly enough I began network. Radio. This is going to sound like a hard story but for some people it's a reality imagine your head to the mailbox after doing your taxes you're reaching you think you're going to get your tax refund only to find that somebody has already filed and gotten your return identity thieves can use your personal information to file for your refund or commit other forms of i.d. Theft the last year of the i.r.s. 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To stop getting stuck in traffic is no fun the ability to help us help you get through it when you see a problem on the road dial town to 50 on your cell and say cold go traffic Radio 600 KOGO you remember the day you 1st laid eyes on or they handed you the keys and drove back home for everyone to admire and although the memories have been made it's time to pass the torch to someone else this year consider donating your vehicle to the National Federation of the blind just call 866-282-7327 or if you know a blind person who needs help please e-mail n.f.b. At in the or out of gardening how much money are you going to need to retire will you have enough you need to know David Epstein and Bradley white of Epstein and white retirement income solutions now here is Dave cause for your free no obligation appointment 858564836 News Radio 600 KOGO live local breaking. Ways gentleman. I just I just got a tweet tweet I'm going to live in a message from somebody who was. Shocked. And all of this incoming and Donald Trump just can't win thought thought there would be some support and some unity by now and because this person believes that what Trump wants to do is what's exactly needed in this country enfant that there would be after a certain passage of time at least some support for doing the right thing for changing the direction of the country to bring it back economically to help people do better to make health care more affordable and this person is just shocked at what he's saying today and asking me. If I have folks I look. I'm not I I hate playing that a the I told you so game you know the young in it but I just want to go on record none of this surprises me and I'm sure that if we search the archives of this program I can come up with countless examples where I predicted something like this I mean obviously not specifically but you know this isn't left versus right this isn't Democrat versus Republican this is a stablished versus. Outsider or whatever term you want to with patch to Donald Trump here. And what we're seeing what all of this these hearings today what happened last week the week before that what happened during the transition period what all of this is can be explained simply by saying look at how terrified they are. In the Washington New York establishment. Of Donald Trump and draining the swamp the never trumpeters on both sides of the aisle there are conservative never Trumper is today celebrating over the fact that Komi made it official that there's that investigation of Trump and colluding with the Russians and these people know that there isn't any evidence that it is but that doesn't matter. What everybody in Washington supports is the smearing the slander and the liable of Donald Trump. And these hearings today the f.b.i. Director James Comey. Is trying to say in the jobs of a lot of people he's trying to save the careers of a whole lot of people he is included in I think an inappropriate way. And the Republicans in his committee I look folks I've been waiting I've been patiently waiting I've been trying to hold the keep the powder dry but the Republicans on this committee I know it's early and we're going to go on all day but so far outside of Trey Gowdy and a question from Peter King and Devon known as the chairman there just hasn't been much for example are you still investigating the Clinton Foundation Director Comey I can't say it went by the way Connie said he got special permission to reveal this investigation who gave him that special permission he said he wants a Department of Justice who's over there who runs it that would be Jeff Sessions the trumpet ministration itself granted permission to call me to announce this today well no i point there is that there's no attempted cover up of it going on here the trumpet ministration could very well have said that Jeff Sessions with us said Comey look it's just like you said last summer about Hillary we don't detail ongoing investigations but he today was given permission to do just that. And he is running with it and the whole point of this today and by the way doesn't mean I'm not going to go through this and give you what the real news of these hearings is today and what the backdrop of all this is because there's a really salient. Factor that's driving this from the Democrat side that is never going to be reported or commented on which I'm going to touch on myself today. But as I say the purpose of this is to further the narrative that Trump is illegitimate that he should not be president that his election. Was the result of tampering by the Russians. So the objective is that Trump either stops this reform business he's got stops this drain the swamp stuff and starts letting the Washington Republicans run the town again or they're going to impeach him. That's the message being sent today you either straight numb fly right or you're gone we're coming for you is the message of these hearings I there's more to but unfortunately my friends I have to take another break we'll be back and continue in in in Miramar Yeah yeah yeah I saw that reason is both my computer monitor just went to sleep. And as I'm running a beta and in the preference on computer sleep is probably set like 10 minutes I'm going to fix it during the break it's not a problem no gremlins here sit tight we'll be back after this twist rush 24 seventh's you could listen to our watch the Rush Limbaugh show when you watch the entire programs available via podcast can always go to Rush Limbaugh dot com and either really live what you enjoy and you originally or see if you missed it never miss one exciting frame of Rush Limbaugh in vibrant did Ok video with Russia 24 seventh's join now at Rush Limbaugh dot com You're listening to the e.i.b. Network News Radio 600 KOGO. 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Doctor who will tell him yes Jerry your arm is broken then he'll tell Jerry to make another appointment with an orthopedic specialist outside the emergency room and be sent on his way with a still broken arm along with a very costly emergency room bill or he could avoid all that and had to director of the peta care or duck duck we are the orthopedic specialist open 7 days a week Doc you avoid the e.r. Middleman and you're treated exclusively by orthopedic experts experts like the ERs refer to only without the wasted time or an expensive bill to break a fracture or just not sure avoid the emergency room go direct director of the get care specialist skills without the high e. Our bill in Washington dropped the ball big time with the repeal of Obamacare what is next how do we control health care costs. That's on the to my report Monday at 3 . James Comey says the Russians are trying to undermine faith in our elections. Maybe but I'll tell you what's happening today on Capitol Hill is doing more to undermine faith in our elections than anything the Russians have done. So he plan on selling or buying your home listen to this important message Rex real estate sells homes for 2 percent total That's right only 2 percent not the outrageous 6 percent traditional real estate agents charge a fully licensed brokerage Rex does everything a real estate agent does and charges only 2 percent for both sides of the transaction saving sellers on average more than $25000.00 call 858-2521 rx 858-252-1739 How is Rex able to sell homes for just 2 percent because today's home buyers search the internet not the adequate m.l.s. Rex combines technology and service to target the actual buyer and pass those savings back to you if you want to pay just 2 percent you've got to sell your home with Rex to see if you qualify call 858-2521 Rex 858-252-1739 c a l b r c 197610 This is. And k m y i e chief. Live Local breaking. In the coco new sensor I'm Phil Farrar accusations have been flying back and forth between the 2 leaders of the House Intelligence Committee over the handling of the Russia probe that includes reports that campaign advisors were accidentally picked up and named during a survey. Foreign targets the naming of those individuals is what's the most concerning here this week Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee said he had received evidence that some communications of Trump transition officials had been picked up during the course of separate surveillance operations on foreign targets by law Americans caught up incidentally in that kind of surveillance must have their names removed from transcripts or masked as it's called that is get rip.

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