Escuelas, welcome to matter of fact. The Republican National convention takes the stage in cleveland. Hundreds of Party Leaders are finalizing the voting rules for delegates and hashing out the party platform. But is the gop aligned with trump, the party, and america . Joining me is one of the new generation of republicans in the house of representatives, wisconsin congressman sean duffy. Congressman welcome to the , program. Sean great to be here. Fernando there has been some concern among republicans that the gop has moved too far to the right. What do you think . Sean if you look at the issues we have on government and how Big Government should be and the impact it has on economy, having a Strong National defense, and a military so we can address the threats in the world. Between do in what do we do in immigration . Should we be able to secure our border but then deal with the inflow and out flow of people that need to come into our country . All of those things are common sense on the conservative side on how we are actually going to fix the country and make it work. Fernando many of the views reflected in the platform, seem to be out of step where most americans are. Most americans support gay marriage, for example. Most americans support religious liberty as well, but not to the exclusion of other liberties. Is there a risk here that the party has moved not towards the electorate but beyond the electorate . Sean fernando, to say well, news flash, republicans traditionally, and we have a big tent. They are traditionally prolife. They believe in traditional marriage. Thats not a news flash for you, and frankly if you look at the polling, these are issues that distract from bigger issues Americans Care about. And i think what democrats will thes try to go, look at familys ability to earn an income, or your National Security dont follow your heart and your mind on the big issues. I want to distract you to go to a different set of issues. Fernando but it is not destruction sean for the Republican Party problemslly, social have been a big point of their appeal and a lack of appeal for nonrepublicans. Fundamentallyfear that the party is not really a big tent, five out of the last six elections, democrats have won the popular vote. Is there some concern that the Party Continues to exclude and the ability to create a National Coalition . Sean so, two points. First of all, i am all for having this conversation with you if that is the conversation you to want and obviously you do. There are republicans who are prolife and proabortion. There are republicans that are progay marriage, not in favor of gay marriage. Right . Its a big tent. The democrat party, its dogma that you have to be pro abortion. Its dogma that you have to be pro gay rights. You dont find a big tent of people who believe in a lot of different ideas. There is a problem with bigger. Fernando but its bigger, just by the fact that they win national elections. Im asking a practical question. How do republicans convince younger people who have a value set that is different from older people that the Republican Party wants them in . Sean first of all, with the younger voters, they care about the economy. They want the same opportunities that you and i have had, that our parents have had. They see a faltering economy with not as much opportunity and not as much ability for wage growth. So that concerns them. What concerns me is if you poll millennials, they will say they have a favorable opinion of socialism. They believe in that. But if you go to fernando thats clueless. Sean but if you go deeper, they are kind of libertarian. They want the government out of their lives. If you look at a big intrusive like Hillary Clinton is promoting, what barack obama has done, thats actually not what they want. They want sound rules, they want sound regulation but , dont want too much of it. They want the government out of their lives, which means they fit more closely within the Republican Party and the libertarian wing of the Republican Party. Fernando congressman, thank you so much for joining me today, i really appreciate your insights. Coming up our society remains deeply segregated. Announcer is this what the president ial race really comes down to . And i have been stopped seven times by Law Enforcement officers. Announcer is senator tim scotts story the exception or the rule . Class, uniting the gop. Every nominee has to do it. The ones that dont, lose. Announcer c announcer can trump pull the president obama im here to in ceased insist that we are not as divided as we seem. And i know that because i know america. Fernando the words of president obama are meant to help us move beyond the nations grief. We are experiencing waves of emotion, many feeling the currents of hopelessness and despair. Yet, as a nation, we know we can rise from our mourning, stronger and better. After all, we have endured a bloody civil war, economic collapse, and Global Military engagements. We are survivors. How will we confront our challenges . Will we meet them with courage . Professor eddie glaude, one of americas preeminent scholars, the chair of African American studies at princeton university, joins me from new york. Professor, welcome to the program. Eddie thank you for having me. Fernando thank you, sir. In the wake of these terrible tragedies what do you think will , bring us back together . What steps can we as a society take in order to really reunite . Eddie i think we are going to have to confront the ugliness of who we are and who we have been honestly. The sad truth is that it is not a matter of reunification. Our society remains deeply segregated. Our society remains in so many ways overdetermined by wounds of past and present. So it is going to require an honest confrontation with who we take ourselves to be and we want to be. If we are really going to do the work of achieving the company fernando you are saying we are deeply segregated, which of course is true. At the same time, president obama is calling for people to come together, as he said to , open their hearts. Do you think that things have gotten so bad that that opening of hearts is going to be impossible . Eddie i dont want to say anything in possible. I want to say it is going to be more difficult than saying cant we just all get along . Or having a kumbaya moment. The fact is this society is deeply deeply divided in spite , of what the president said. That is more aspirational than the truth. You look at a cbs poll, on the cover of the New York Times today six in 10 americans , believe Race Relations have gotten worse. Fernando the most ironic part of having an africanamerican president is what you just cited, is that people feel more divided than united. But that seems to be a trend. Right . There is a demographic shift in the country, which is, for some people positive, some people negative. What could be an effective political message . Not just from the president , but responsible political leaders at the local, state level . Eddie we need to begin to talk about the root causes here. Youre right, there are anxieties about demographic shifts. We know the browning of america is not just happening, it has happened. And we know there are many fellow white citizens who feel unsecure about their prospects. And what i mean by that is this, that they have been the victims of economic policies that have in some ways decimated American Workers over the last generation. They find themselves working harder for less. Their homes arent worth as much. They cant afford college for their kids. And many of them are scapegoating. But ultimately fernando but arent we really talking about the disconnect in the political elite, in both parties that share Economic Policy interest and power interest who have essentially , abandoned the American People . Eddie i have written in time recently, at the heart of this is the way we live our lives as americans is no longer sustainable. And that in part involves a deep seated critique, as you just noted, of an elite Political Class that is deeply disconnected in so many ways from every day people. We are just celebrating, or at the wall street journal did, you know wall street hitting , record numbers. And at the same time, we have folks looking at their checks wondering what happened. ,having to have arguments over 15 as a livable wage. Everydayu have ordinary people struggling while these folks living in gated communities are lavishing in their riches. So yes, there is a divide. And is no longer sustainable. It is no longer sustainable. Fernando and dr. Glaude, as we end our conversation, what is an optimistic view of the future . What do you think is possible . What can we actually do . Eddie the question isnt about optimism or pessimism. The question is rooted in exactly your choice of pronouns. My faith my democratic faith is , in us. Fernando professor, thank you so much for joining me today, i really appreciate your insights. Eddie thank you for having me. Announcer up next, easy targets . They are easy to pick on and i have done some of it myself. Announcer why we love to hate on our president ial nominees . And later it happens too many times a day. Announcer fernando welcome back to matter of fact. The vetting is over for the gop, the truck ticket is set. Mike pence. Announcer prior to serving as governor, he represented the Hoosier State for 12 years. He is an evangelical and a strong supporter of the tea party movement. He is 57 years old. Fernando this announcement marks a major moment in the gop convention. It will be followed by some dramatic moments on the floor, the stage, and even in the streets. Here to talk about the internal machinations of the party, the rogue delegates, and center stage politics is carl cannon, Washington Bureau chief for real clear politics. Carl, welcome back to the program. Carl it is always a pleasure. Fernando thank you so much. This week, we will finally have the republican convention. Do you see that actually happening, or is that more talk . Carl there is going to a be vote, and they are calling it the conscious amendment, so you get to vote your conscious. The problem with that, the other side is saying were voting , democracy. These people that were elected in states that donald trump carried, and in districts he carried, your honor bound by the rules of the party to vote for him. I dont think you are going to get a majority of delegates who are going to be able to do that. But its going to be an interesting fight, and it is going to start, it will be an interesting beginning to this controversial convention. Fernando now trump has chosen governor mike pence. How does that work for him . Is it going to help him . Carl well, pence is an evangelical christian. Beloved by the religious right and the base, the conservative social base of the Republican Party. This helps trump say, look im a , mainstream conservative. Sends a message to republicans. Its ok, pence has given me his input, its ok to vote for me if you are a social conservative. Fernando and do you think that helps him in terms of proving that he has a partner that can govern . Is that a major factor here . Carl i think thats important to trump and country. Pence has been a governor, and you know, trump has said, i am looking for people with experience. Well to trump, being a senator and standing around talking, thats not experience. Hes an executive. Running a state . Thats experience. You and i know, pence was also in the leadership in washington. So he he checks a lot of boxes. ,other things may hurt donald trump. Fernando like what . Carl there are a lot of republicans that are not going that should be there. George w. Bush, for example, jeb bush for example, marco rubio, for example. Trump has to unite the party. Every nominee every convention , has to do it. The ones that dont, lose. Fernando maybe you can put this in context. Both mr. Trump and mrs. Clinton share perhaps not beneficial similarity, which is they have huge negatives. Majority of americans dont like them, essentially if you still believe the polls. Do you think it actually matters if one is at 56 and the other is at 54 . Or is it at the end of the day just a wash . Carl lets be fair to them for a minute. I know they are easy to pick on , and ive done some it myself. ,but we are in polarized political times. Whoever the other partys nominee, their negatives are going to shoot up. Thats just the way things are. Weve been told obama was the most polarized president in history. George w. Bush was the most polarizing president in history bill clinton well, those are people with strong personalities, but what did they do that was so polarizing . We live in a polarized environment. I dont know if they will cancel each other out. If you are a democrat, yes, our nominee is just as disliked, but their nominee has all this experience. She has proven she can do the job. If the democrats are in the final days of the campaign romancing, i cant take a chance , i have to vote for the person with experience. Well see. Fernando and vice versa, people dont like republicans are obviously very anticlinton and perhaps willing to see trump in a difference light bc of the contrast. Carl well, republicans think is that after the convention, with Trumps Campaign now, trump now has a narrative. Hes had some missteps so he didnt concentrate on it. He ties together globalization, clinton corruption, stagnant wages all in a nice bow, and what republicans think is that after the convention with nominees in place, trump will give a speech that will be watched by 60 million, 70 million people, and theyll say, ok, he ran under our under our banner. He is saying what we want him to say. We cant have the clintons appointing judges and doing whatever else they plan on doing. Ill vote for trump. And if it happens that way, this election will come down to independents, which is how all close elections are decided. Fernando absolutely. Well thank you carl as always, pleasure to have you here. Announcer what are your thoughts on the state of the party . Tweet us at matteroffact. Tv. Check in on facebook or connect with our video site share videos from all our programs. When we return, a southern senator bares his soul. This speech is perhaps the most difficult. Announcer what is he trying to tell us about ourselves . Then, can a poem stop the violence . This could be the first step. Announcer my heart breaks for all of us. Fernando thats senator tim scott, a South Carolina republican, speaking on the floor of the senate. In a series of speeches, senator scott laid bare the realities of what happens when racism and policing intersect. Heres what he said. Tim scott in the course of one year, i have been stopped seven times by Law Enforcement officers. Not four, not five, not six, but seven times in one year as an elected official. But the vast majority of the time, i was pulled over for nothing more than driving a new car in the wrong neighborhood or some other reason just as trivial. I do not know many african have an men who do not very similar story to tell, no matter their profession, no matter their income, no matter their dispositon in life. It may not happen 1000 times a day, but it happens too many times a day. Fernando senator scott didnt just focus on the negative experiences. In other remarks, he highlighted the heroic actions by police. Tim scott our Law Enforcement officers are true american heroes. Fernando when we come back, the poet laureate of the United States on where america goes from here. Fernando poetry is a connection to the profound. The events of recent days so moved the United States poet laureate Juan Felipe Herrera that he penned these words which he is sharing with all of us today. Let us celebrate the lives of all as we reflect and pray and and meditate on their brutal deaths. Let us celebrate those who marched at night who spoke of peace and chanted black lives matter. Let us celebrate the officers dressed in blues, ready to protect. Let us know the departed as we did not know them before, their faces, bodies, names, what they loved, their words, the stories they often spoke. Before we return to the usual business of our days, let us know their lives intimately. Let us take this moment and impossible as this may sound, let us find the beauty in their lives in the midst of their sudden and never imagined vanishing. Let us consider the dallas shooter, what made him. What happened in afghanistan. What flames burned inside. Who was that man in baton rouge with a red shirt selling cds in the parking lot . Who was that man in minnesota toppled on the car seat with a perforated arm and a continentshaped flood of blood on his white t . Who was that man prone and gone by the night pillar of el centro Central College in dallas . This could be the first step in the new evaluation of our society. This could be the first step of all of our lives. Fernando i am fernando espuelas. Have a peaceful week. Have a peaceful week. So how are we feeling today . mutters yeah, you look trashed, like you were out all night guzzling alcohol and killing all your brain cells. Im so jealous. Where were you, a rave, a club . The fryman bar mitzvah. You got wasted at a bar mitzvah . Yeah. They shut down the Hotel Rooftop lounge that i was at, so i went to the Party Downstairs and drank the bar out of bar mitzvah. So, who wants to start . Oh, i got some good news. When i was eight, i started sponsoring a poor african kid for 11 a month, and now, after all these years, hes coming to visit me. God, i wonder what america looks like to someone who grew up completely out of touch with the modern world