He is the chairman of the House Democratic caucus. Xavier becerra donald trump and republicans in congress are talking about my parents and about me, and its time for us to stand up and say this is not the way you do it. Fernando becerra, an avid campaigner for candidate Hillary Clinton, is the highestranking hispanic lawmaker in the democratic party. And, hes trying to turn out the latino vote, amid speculation by some that he could also be a potential running mate should clinton seal the nomination. Is he the person the ticket needs . Congressman becerra joins me now. Do you want to be Vice President of the United States . Xavier becerra its one of things if you are lucky enough to get elected to office, you want to get big things done. Im fortunate with congress. Im going to do as much as i can. The sky should be the limit for anyone who has dreams. They are for me as well, but right now im working to elect Hillary Clinton as president. Fernando well, i expected that answer, so let me move on to a hypothetical. What do you think Hillary Clinton needs in a Vice President . Xavier becerra she wants someone who can complement all the experience she has, so someone who has the vitality to say i know a little bit more about it does help to have someone who knows a particular state, maybe has been a governor, maybe has worked in the house, senate, has done work to develop relationships to help complement everything shes done. The vitality she brings with the experience she brings can be complemented by someone who has got some unique experiences that help add a little bit more to she has. The difficultly in selecting a Vice President is you are talking about perhaps the most accomplished candidate for presidency that weve ever had and shes done so many things. She brings so much to the table by herself. Fernando having said that, as you know, sanders has done quite well, better than expected at least. It doesnt seem the math is favoring him to getting the nomination, but nevertheless he has connected with a very important part of the democratic party. Do you think secretary clinton can connect with that group of people as well . Xavier becerra i think she can. If she selects someone to be her Vice President who can also connect with those new voters, those energized young voters, that would a good ticket to have. I think its a thrilling experience to see so many people wanting to vote for democrats, whether its clinton or sanders. At the end of the day, you get one. And i think we can consolidate forces and really have a great result in november. Fernando weve talked in the past about what seems to be a counterintuitive strategy among the republicans which is, as mr. Trump has done, to go out of his way to insult latinos. How do you think his candidacy in particular will impact the election in november relative to hispanics, women, muslims, african americans, and other groups as well . Xavier becerra i dont know if it is intentional on his part to exclude, to distance himself from particular constituencies of the american electorate, or if its just donald being donald. But he certainly has made it clear that there are some he wants to attract and others he wants to repel. I dont think there is any doubt that latinos are looking at donald trump and saying you dont want us, you think poorly of us. And so, you are not a place where we can go to feel comfortable in the white house. I dont know if he is doing that intentionally, and if he is doing that to women for the same reasons, doing that to folks of the muslim religion for a particular reason, but he is doing it. At the end of the day, thats politics and well see where it ends up. I doubt the Latino Community will look at donald trump and say this is the guy we want leading the country for the next four years. Fernando and mr. Chairman, last question, to that point. Sometimes elections are won by 500 votes. The difference for example, the hispanic electorate of North Carolina is approximately 3 of the whole electorate. Elections often are decided by much less than 3 . You are very in tune with partys attempt to take control of the house back. Do you think you are well positioned in the districts in play . Xavier becerra my sense is that this could be a change election. And if it is, we will see Hillary Clinton become our president which i fervently , hope will happen. But the senate could flip, and the house is on its way. What president clinton will need in is a congress that wants to 2017 get things done and works with the president. Thats why i think its so important that we have a chance to win the house on democratic side. Fernando mr. Chairman, thank you so much for joining me today. Announcer coming up, divided they stand. I dont know what happened. Announcer should conservatives surrender the g. O. P. To trump . The Republican Party has been frozen. Announcer then, an emotional trip to hiroshima by the nations highest leader. Fallible human beings should not have the power to push the button. Announcer should the president apologize for the atomic bombings . Plus did facebook give conservatives a thumbs down . Congressional republicans take on the politics of posting. Fernando the fight for the future of the Republican Party has turned into a battle for its very soul. G. O. P. Leaders find themselves trying to make a deal with trump over core values, fending off what some see as a trump takeover of the conservative movement. Can republicans survive his unorthodox campaign . Rightleaning columnist Jennifer Rubin writes the right turn blog for the washington post. Her sharp observations about her own party have become much read material. Welcome to the program. Jennifer rubin my pleasure. Fernando so do you think the Republican Party can unite behind donald trump . Jennifer rubin its going to be very hard, and there are two reasons for that. The first is ideological. The party is a conservative party. Donald trump said this is the Republican Party, not the conservative party. But thats really not true. He comes from a strain of populism and nativism which have been antithetical to the modern conservative Movement Since Ronald Reagan. He is not a free trader, not a free marketer, doesnt believe in entitlement reform, or many of the other things that define the Republican Party. There are deep ideological differences. For people who take those ideas seriously like paul ryan does, it is hard to bridge. There is a more serious problem. And i think thats the fundamental issue, which is character. This is a man who insults women, who insults minorities, has these outbursts of anger, seems delighted to pick fights with people in the party. Does he have the temperament to be president . Is there a core person there whose judgment you trust . For many people looking at that they see someone who is , dangerous and erratic and they cant bring themselves to support him. Thats why you see third candidate movements, why you see all sorts of challenges as people figure out what to do with him. Fernando as someone who watches the conservative movement and the Republican Party, how did the g. O. P. Get here . What happened that led someone who is so antithetical to the Republican Party to be the nominee, or close to the nominee . Jennifer rubin thats a great question. I think there are several factors. One is that people underestimated the effects of the 2008 recession. This was a deeply earthshattering event for many , people economically, personally, socially. And you wound up with people who were economically dislocated, who were angry. They didnt know what they had done to deserve this fate. They were under water in their houses. These were people who thought of themselves as middle class americans, and suddenly they were thrown asunder. I think they were primed for someone to come along and tell them he had all the answers, he would fix these problems. It wasnt just the housing market, the big economic factors that have contributed to where we are globalization, automation , so these factors all came into play. You have someone a little bit of , a charlatan as we say, and he was going to blame foreigners, immigrants, and some people found that attractive. I think there is another problem. There is another problem. Since Ronald Reagan the , Republican Party has been frozen. Whatever Ronald Reagan said or believed, as people now recall which isnt accurate, they think will forever be the issue. Tax rates can never go above 28 . Why . Because thats where they were with Ronald Reagan. The party has failed to be come contemporary, to address realworld problems that many people feel so deeply. It looks like the party of old, white, rich guys. Because they havent been able to meet the needs of all those people, someone who said he could suddenly got very popular. Fernando just to conclude, what is your most optimistic scenario for the Republican Party . Are people giving up on the white house and trying to keep the senate and house . What do you think is going to happen . Jennifer rubin well, it depends how optimistic you want to be. I think it would be a home run if they could hold the senate and house. I fear the senate is gone at this point. But the house is back in play, so that would be a number one priority. The second i would suggest is that the party and movement of conservatism somehow dissociate themselves with trump, because he is going to go around the country for the next six months saying all kinds of outrageous things and republicans and conservatives do not want that to be the face of conservatism, the face of republican politics. I think its important to keep a movement going and a voice going that is critical of trump. Maybe that takes a person of a third party. Maybe a ben sasse or mitt romney coming back. Maybe that is simply a faction in the Republican Party that refuses to vote for him or holds out at the convention. I think it is improbable that he will make it to the white house with a divided Republican Party. With women, minorities, young people, just about any crosssection of the population you can think of diametrically opposed to him. I think its going to be very hard, and the Electoral College will be balanced in clintons favor. Fernando jennifer, thank you for joining me today. Analysts have calculated that Campaign Spending in this years election could reach billions of dollars. And the presumed Republican Party nominee, donald trump, will need the full backing of the g. O. P. Money machine if he hopes to prevail in november. According to the new york times, the real estate mogul spent approximately 40 million of his own fortune to fund his campaign through the end of march. He may need as much as 1. 5 billion in the fall. And hes asking for help from the Republican National committee, a group he has rebuffed in the past. Announcer up next, its the underlying theme in american history. The United States is the worlds good guys. Announcer if we had a doover, would america rewrite history . Plus, celebrating our National Parks with a selfie. Could some big names pop up in your photo . Phil sanders, timely bible lesson the lords way. Churches of christ in the area, have you visit and worship assembli i hope you will. We love you. In search of the lords way. Fernando president barack obama will be the first sitting u. S. President to visit hiroshima, japan, later this month. He will not apologize for the bombing of the city at the end of world war ii, but will pay respect to the victims. The worlds first atomic bomb was dropped on hiroshima on august 6, 1945, killing tens of thousands instantly, and more than 100,000 by years end. On august 9th, another bomb was dropped on nagasaki. Japan surrendered six days later. Historians continue to debate the necessity and morality of the bombings. Now, in our matter of fact focus report, we explore one historians view that the use of Nuclear Weapons carries a responsibility to eliminate them. Early in his presidency, barack obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to reduce Nuclear Weapons. But historian Peter Kuznick says obama has sent mixed messages. Peter kuznick obama does have a sincere desire to see the world rid of Nuclear Weapons. But he also says unfortunately that we are not going to be the first country to give up our Nuclear Weapons, were going to be the last country. Fernando kuznick has spent over 20 years researching the complexities of the atomic bombings. Peter kuznick the idea of the rightness of the atomic bomb is at the core of what we call american exceptionalism that the United States is the worlds good guys. Fernando in fact, the decision to drop the atomic bombs is one kunick calls morally reprehensible. Peter kuznick the bombs were not militarily necessary to end the war. They were not justified, and this is not what brought on the japanese surrender. Most americans dont know that. Fernando moving beyond the classroom discussion, this American University professor takes students each year to visit hiroshima and nagasaki. Eric singer has made the trip three times. Eric singer if you want to understand the impact of war on human beings, then you have to interact with the human beings that war impacted. Peter kuznick shimu hirosan in nagasaki talks about seeing her mothers corpse and going over there and touching it and having it having it dissolve before her eyes. You see stories [choke] about family members who commit suicide. Fernando on peace day, lanterns are used to symbolize the lives of those who perished after jumping into the river to escape the blast. Eric singer when you watch all of these colored lanterns washing out to sea, the symbolism of that really got me. I just see horror. Fernando kuznick says that horror will not disappear if the arms race escalates, if the race has a finish line that could end all life on earth. Peter kuznick fallible human beings should not have the power to push the button and give the orders that will end all life on our planet. Fernando the president s trip to japan will not include an admission of fallibility, though historian kuznick says thats not all that matters. Peter kuznick apology would be good. Even better would be looking at real history, and even better would be reversing the nuclear arms race. Fernando the japan times and the nikkei financial newspaper are both reporting that the japanese Prime Minister may visit pearl harbor in november is a diplomatic gesture. They cite an unnamed government source. Announcer coming up next, facebook bias. Why conservatives say they arent friends anymore. And will we ask nathans famous hot dogs to sponsor the statue of liberty . Are we giving our iconic monuments over to iconic brands . You live life your way. We can help you retire your way, too. Financial guidance while youre mastering life. From chase. So you can. Fernando here are some things we didnt want you to miss. It may be an irony that this weeks trending topic is the accusation that facebook suppressed news stories of interest to conservative readers by failing to post them in their trending news section. The claims were made by former Facebook News curators. Facebook claims to have rigorous guidelines in place to prevent the suppression of political perspectives for its 1. 6 billion monthly users. The Senate Commerce committee wants answers. They are requesting that facebook respond to the allegations by may 24. For nearly 175 years, the citadel, a Military College in south carolina, has trained cadets for military leadership roles. Their philosophy . Give up ones individuality for the greater good of teamwork. So, when a Muslim Student asked for an exception to wear a head cover with her uniform, the request was denied. Citadel esident john rosa noted that the system is based on a common uniform he says is essential to a military system. The womans family is considering all legal options. Announcer send your thoughts and tweets to matteroffact. Tv. Check in on facebook or connect with our video site to view and share videos from all our programs. When we return, insuring a future for our National Parks. Could geico lead the drive to save them . Fernando president ial politics can sometimes overshadow president ial accomplishments. This august, well celebrate one of Teddy Roosevelts greatest achievements as we mark the 100th anniversary of the National Park service. Roosevelt used his authority to create a collection of national treasures. 150 national forests, five National Parks, and 18 national monuments. His idea was simple. The Public Sector should protect millions of acres of public land for public enjoyment. Today, we have over 400 National Parks. But they are not protected by taxpayer investment at a level that can sustain them. Today, the National Park service is strapped for cash because congress has failed to use the power of the purse for the common good. Budget cuts have forced the park service to become entrepreneurial in finding millions of dollars for expenses and hundreds of millions to tackle a structural deficit. Sure, corporate sponsorships could go a long way toward upkeep of trails, facilities, and programs. But arent these natural spaces our spaces to protect . Shouldnt we worry about aligning americas most beloved and iconic institutions with corporate brands . Will we ask nathans famous hot dogs to sponsor the statue of liberty . On this anniversary, lets act bipartisan and president ial. Lets put public funding to work to preserve our lands and our history. Im fernando espuelas. Have a great week. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] [applause] female from studio 20 at kofytv. Its the show thatll make you sweat to the beat of carnaval san francisco. Bienvenido a nuestro dance party. Im gabby and heres your host franco finn oh yeah Buenas Tardes a todos. Come on, are you ready to have a good time . You all look great tonight. Thank you so much. Were gonna have an awesome party. Yes, its kofytvs dance party, its a special edition of carnaval san francisco. Im nna bring my, of course my special guest mi amiga, meistro de musica

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