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Name. About follow us on these sites we have more on abc 7 news at 11 over on channel 7. Good evening. Our other top stories tonight. Heart breaking blow tonight to victims of a San Francisco fire which heavily damaged several buildings last month. Fir broke out february 21 and now loot versus broken in stealing what belongings were left. Cornell with a story seen only on 7 news. Fire was fierce. Burning 3 3 Victorian Church at 15 last month. 19 people left without a home. Sense the fire the buildings have been off limits. But not to vandal who have lieutenanted everything. If he shows us is what left in the downstairs market. Hit by looters. Thousands in merchandise gone. What was your reaction when you got here. Found that you had been ripped off. Feel bad. Really bad. I work hard for it. He showed where vandal broke in through the basement. Packed a suitcase full of liquor bottle but left it. Look at this backpack loaded with school work. Spray paint. Also left behind by the culprit. Fresh tagging recently appeared on the side of the victorian. This is like one of the nicest guy. Fixture in this neighborhood. I open the store 7 30 in the morning. I work here all day until midnight. Hes such a fixture the documentary movie corner store was made about him and his family immigration from palestine. Its unbelievable. Somebody taking advantage of the fact that somebody is in the situation. Place is burned down. Horrible. The what is wrong with people tenant living upstairs. Looted. Discovery made after being allowed to enter the unit wearing face back. Picture show everything that didnt burn was stolen. Bike. Jewelry even a book of poem. Neighbor titus says finding a new home will be tough. Too expense i have to stay in the city. The to have it taken. I really fell for them. They comb over the building. Cause of the fire still under investigation. Hes trying to move on. In San Francisco, abc 7 news in San Francisco, abc 7 news. Father child critically injured in San Francisco fire this week remain San Francisco General Hospital and they are in critical condition. Fire started i hope a home on 24th street and treat avenue early wed. Man wife and 2 children were also injured. 17yearold High School Honor student is in serious condition after an attack by suspected gang members near south bay mall. Attack happened in a parking lot next to valley fair. 7 News Reporter vic lee has the story. Unprovoked attack happened wed nature here at the bank of america parking lot. Next to the west field Valley Fair Mall the west field Valley Fair Mall. The 17yearold was hanging out with mall with his friend at 6 30 when 2 young men approached them. Noticed 2 male following them dressed in black. About they try to ask them what gang they were affiliated, the 2 other guy. He said his son answered repeatedly he was not in a gang. Then he and his friend walked out to the parking lot. Assailant followed. They hit them in the head a couple times. He wept down as a result probably unconscious. Hit his head severely on the become of his head. He was in many battle over sea as marine but nothing has been tougher than this fight. The fight to save the life of his teenager son christian who went through 3 hours of surgery for serious head jersey. He will have Emotional Trauma the rest of his life. I cant as a father immanuel what hes about if i could get on the bed and take his mraishtion i would. Police apparently have Security Camera video which show the attackers running back in the mall after the assault. But they havent rae leased the images. His family doesnt want the names of the school or the hospital to be released for fear his son attackers will retaliate. We can tell you this. Christian is a junior honor student at south bay high school. Which intend to hold Welcome Back Party when he recovers. Men time west field Valley Fair Mall release a statement saying in part we have been fully cooperate with police and the investigation which took place nearby. Our thoughts are with the has interfamily. Vick lee, 7 news. The santa clare county deputy rae vawing the jail security. One week after suspected child month letstor over powered a guard. Carter still on the loose tonight after he got away during a visit to san jose medical clinic. Carter classified as minimum security inmate that means only one keep did deputy guarding him on. Up the reward to 6000 dollars for information leading to his arrest. Health officials found dead crow with west nile virus in the east bay. Found in fremont. This diagnosis is the first case where the entire state so far this year is also the earliest detection of the virus on record. Its harle had aful to bd but possible for people to contract the disease from mosquitos that transmit it. Warm winter has impact on flowers and plants fool mother nature. We check in with San Francisco Botanical Garden today where plants bloom earlier and better than usual. This is happening around your home too. Pineapple relative has bloomed a month early. Its striking. Turquoise in color and track bird and bees. Many people dont grow the plant because its nasty large thorn that come with it but the garden says the december rainstorm brought on the early bloom. Tomorrow temperatures climb higher. Drew is here with live doppler 7 hd. Hi. Come off rather warm day and tomorrow temperatures will continue to climb. Live look outside from the kgo are top camera. Light breeze out there exploratorium today high of 74 degrees and that is 11 degrees above normal for this time of the year. Record high elsewhere we had couple upper 70s. Even few 80s on the board. 80 ukiah. 74 high in richmond. 77 in concord. 76 moffittfeld and oakland nice mild with temperatures of 76 degrees. Saturday some of the record that are in jeopardy oakland the record tomorrow 77 degrees set back in 2004. Livermore 85 very warm degrees could be broken tomorrow as long as san jose gets to 81. Even San Francisco warm at 81 degrees. Closer look at the numbers on saturday full accuweather 7 day forecast in a few minutes. Thank you drew. Peeping tom who tried to force his way into a womans home went to the Santa Cruz Police department to explain himself but then arrested. Timothy knew he was captured on video tuesday night. But during lengthy interview officers say he admitted to peping and several other crimes peping and several other crimes. 19yearold victim says the man opened her wind 0and reached in. She screamed he ran to sliding glass door and again trade to get in the house. She manage to take a picture of him to give to police. Student accused of groping a fellow Fraternity Brother. Advocate say the latest Sexual Assault case part of ongoing problem at campus across the nation. Abc 7 News Reporter janet has the story. Police say the sex altal assault happened hear last month. 21yearold jordan seen in court today faces two felony charges for lewd act including trying to grope Fraternity Brother during the sleep. Back in court next week. We expect well enter a not guilty plea. Mr. Share has already passed the polygraph one of the preimminent in the area. We are waiting for the evidence to play and expect the conclusion will be exonerated. Share attorney createize the university for look of due process in handling the case this student advocate says berkeley pro active in trying to help both accused and victim. But adds more could be done. At the end of the day we have one surverify advocate for 30,000 students. That ratio doesnt make sense. Small office doing investigation for whole campus. We were taken aback like the country was. Reporter filmmaker says university nationwide still do a poor job of hand licensing Sexual Assault cases. Students went from Sexual Assault victim to survivors and now activist. Reporter his latest documentary the Hunting Ground is now played next door to berkeley centered around infamous Florida State rape case involving star quarterback case involving star quarterback. Most College University around the country are not dealing with this properly. First impulse is to cover it up. The reason they do that is because they are worried about the reputation. Reporter film resulted in more victims at berkeley ncaa and other campus alike speak out. University completely botched my case. It was serial assailant who assaulted me 3 other women. Reporter one victim. One accused. Tonight both sides are calling on their school to protect their rights and for more transparency. In berkeley more transparency. In berkeley, abc 7 news. The we have much more ahead for you on this friday night. Coming up. The plans to move an east bay fire station. How some are saying it could put people in danger. Also the praise of water going up. How some people are willing to pay to make sure they survive the drought. And must be the luck of the irish. 7 news meteorologist drew has the weekend forecast details on that parade. My you. Woman arrested after she sneaked on to runway at sfo. Live picture of the airport. The District Attorney says said on wednesday the fromyearold homeless woman ran on to the runway waving her arms. She hoped to stow away on jet bound for Central America apparently. Chronicle reports the woman got the idea from the teenager who survived a flight in the wheel well of a jet from san jose to hawaii. Theres an effort tonight to save an east bay fair house. Honey hill fair house may be moved after a new firehouse built just few miles away. Heres laura. The cost of Fire Protection is expensive. The fair chef here steven said its plan that makes sense for his district and the neighboring community of lafayette. Building one new station that would serve the north side of both cities. In the past the distribution of mutual and automatic aid between this east towns was 2 to 1. Coming here twice as much as we were going there. Now over the last couple years it has become much more even in the distribution. This is the station that would be moved necessary el in the hills in north for more than 50 years. While residents acknowledge station 43 doesnt get a lot of calls they certainly dont want it to good away. Our main concern really is the increase in Response Time. North part of orinda already not well served by the Fire District because Response Time very long to a lot of area and this would increase Response Time by 2 minutes. North lafayette has been without a fire station for three years. Last gyro orinda fire purchased the lot over the lafayette board we are intent of building a new station. 46 that would serve the needs of both communities. But resident interthe honey hill station worry the service a short distance would come at to high of a price. You need to be close in rae Response Time. Is definitely better the closer they are. Reporter the Fire Commission a study to determine exactly how Response Time would be impacted. Series of Community Workshop are also planned for this spring. L l until orinda, Laura Anthony abc 7 news. There is hope in san jose tonight that talk over Police Pension benefit could resume next week. Today at ceremony to promote about a dozen officers new marry card 0said its time to settle this he shall. 2012 70 of voters pass measure b. That requires the City Employee to contribute more pay toward the retirement. Police union say it causes potential applicant to look to neighboring agency for Better Benefits and they have fought it. The mayor says the office now looking at alternative strategy to implement pension reform. Looking forward finding a way to ensure that the intent of the voters the is fully protected at the same time that we find a way to settle. All of these issues. Tomorrow the mayor will deliver the state of the city address for first time as mayor address for first time as mayor. Its at 10 00 a. M. At independence high school. Organizers are putting the finishing touch on the float for San Francisco st. Patricks day parade tomorrow. 1 64th annual parade begins tomorrow at second and market street. We are proud sponsor of tomorrow parade. 7 on your side Michael Finney host pat raid life on abc 7 beginning tomorrow at 9 00. Also catch it on the go using our 43 watch abc app. Great day and weather should be absolutely perfect for parade or whatever else you have planned. Exactly. Drew is here with the forecast. St. Patricks day moved to june. Pretty much. Temperature not going the feel any winter like tomorrow. 6 day left in the winter season by the way. Spring starts on friday. Talk about that in a second. We show you radar. We are tracking some showers unfortunately well north of the area. Clover dale ukiah having some light sprinkle. Not sure if this is reaching the ground just yet but you do notice clouds are overhead for much of the bay area. That is keeping us on the mild side right now. 63 currently in downtown San Francisco. Thats the average daytime high this time of the year. 62 oakland. 67 hayward. 64 san jose and brentwood checking in with a temperature of 67 degrees. So the forecast feature we call for high clouds over us right now keeping us rather mild for tonight. Tomorrow with warm start under our belt we see like record high in someplaces as High Pressure bring the warmth for saturday. Sunday a different story. We turn a bit cooler and clouds mav back into end the weekend so forecast satellite will show you High Pressure right off the coast. Its large area of High Pressure and we put this that motion clouds underneath. The reason why we have stalled boundary west of the High Pressure. What it is doing showers into the Pacific Northwest but unfortunately the High Pressure is a muscle merrick. Showers north of the area and crank up the heat for your saturday. So the forecast as we good in future mode early tomorrow morning mixture of stars clouds overnight. Clouds will breakdown throughout the day and saturday we call it high clouds but summer warmth on the way. Future temperature tomorrow morning in the 50s most spot by midday. 70s wide spread. 73 in oakland. 75 in apartment i dont care. Warm in san jose with temperature of 78 degrees. Even warmer than that by saturday afternoon 3 00 oclock. In the 80s in few location. Fairfield livermore san jose. Nice warm temperature of 84 degrees. Even downtown San Francisco. Nice mild at 73 degrees. Which bode well for st. Patricks day parade in downtown San Francisco tomorrow. Lieutenants of sunshine on the way. Mild start 66 degrees. By 11 00 a. M. 1 00 oclock in the low 70s and by 3 00 oclock in the afternoon even into the evening temperatures are mild in the mid 70s under mainly sunny sky. Overnight tonight mixture of stars clouds out there. 53 in oakland. 54 in san mateo o. 54 palo alto dropping to 51 overnight in livermore. Bay area high tomorrow 83 the high in san jose. 83 santa clara up to 82 in milpitas. 82 palo alto. 81 redwood city. 73 in pacifica. So mild along the coast as well. Downtown San Francisco 74. 72 sunset district up to 80 in santa rosa. 78 hear and 80 in nap a. 78 vallejo. East bay equally as warm. One final stop 83 in pittsburgh. 83 in pleasanton and 84 in fairfield. Accuweather 7 day forecast warm tomorrow record cooling down relatively speaking on sunday but otherwise forcing temperatures well above normal in the 70s early next week. All right thank you drew. Still to come. How apple ceo tim cook tried to save the life of his mentor steve jobs. How jobs reacted s jeans jeans jeans jeans is. New biography of apple cofounder steve jobs he reveals tim cook offered his boss a piece of his liver. According to the the book becoming steve jobs cook and jobs shared a rare blood type the two were compatible but jobs refused cook offer in 2009 jobs refused cook offer in 2009. Decision cook described to at the time author as self to at the time author as selfless. Jobs told cook ill never let you do that. Cook says steve only yelled at me 4 or 5 times did your the 13 years i knew him. And this was one of them. The jobs eventually received a liver transplant but died in 2011. Silicon valley student says he still in shock after winning first place in this year intel science prize. 150,000 dollar scholarship for his work identifying had you mutation across the human genome. 3 finalist from the school if san jose and andrew spoke with 7 news today about his plans for the future. The future if maybe like 5 or 10 years down the road and college and career. I definitely want to if study bayology and computer sigh he says and Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning and interface. Reporter not only bay area winner. 17yearold frerp san ramone second place medal of distinction and took home 75 distinction and took home 75,000 dollar prize. Terrific. Congratulationss to both of them. Another half hour of abc 7 news at 9 moments away. Controversial guard rail system passes federal safety test but some local Crash Victims are not satisfied. 7 news iteam has the latest development. And no the eye not playing trickn o north bay gas station owner sends the prison of goods soaring. What was he thinking . And the japanese high speed train that is taking comfort to the next level. 7 news in our house, we do just about everything online. And our old internet just wasnt cutting it. So i switched us from uverse to xfinity. They have the fastest, most reliable internet. Which is perfect for me, because i think everything should just work. Works . Works. Works works . Works. Works. City. 7 news. Results announce by federal Highway Safety officials they say a controversial guard rail system passed 8 crash tichlts contradict insist problem with the guard rail responsible for deaths and injuries here in the bay area and across the country bay area and across the country. Dan has been covering this issue for 2 years now and has today development. Announcement came by Conference Call at 7 00 a. M. Our time. The federal Highway Administration concluded the et plus terminal passed 8 tests in december and january. We conclude that at the height of 31 inches the terminal meets applicable crash test criteria. Thats welcome news to trinity industry. Dallas base company that make the et plus. Et plus the most tested guard rail system on the nation roadway and the reless today the information just confirms that it passed all 8 test. Trinity federal safety inspectors held the test after lawsuit claim the et plus could fail. Supposed to absorb the impact and allow the guard rail to ribbon off to the side. But in some cases the guard rail has solicited through cars. Among accidents across the country vevlingt et plus i first reported about 24yearold darrell black map. Bay area football star who died on highway 101 in mill valley last november when his car hit and et plus an rolled over. He should not have been taken away in that, if he fell asleep at the wheel, fine. But about that equipment should have stopped that car. Trinity industry told me there are so many virable in crashes like black man that its irresponsible to blame the terminal. You have to know the vehicle speed. Angle of impact vehicle speed. Angle of impact. Driver condition before the crash and all issues still under siege in the black man case. Attorney Steven Lawrence represents black man family ncaa and 20 others suing trinity. I spoke with him from dallas. L whats your reaction to the announcement day. Im disappointed. They had an opportunity to do the right thing. Lawrence claims officials at the fhwa try to make sure they dont get blamed for overlooking the chriss for years. They gloss over one especially troubling tichlts you can see what happened to the car and nobody on the road wants to be a driver in that vehicle. With the steer tip of the guard rail slam that the door. Reporter on the Conference Call the fhwa said the amount of daniel to the door exceeded guidelines but added. The driver exposed to the crash conditions in this test the would have been unlikely to have been at risk of serious injury from the folded rail impact to the driver side door. They also concluded the et plus tested are the same ones on the road today. Caltrans also told me they will continue to ban the about pad from being installed until more data done in the early summer. The pope francis today reflected on his time as pope so far and said he does in the believe he will be pontiff for long. On the second anniversary of his election to the papacy he said he often thinks of dying of old age. He says he has a feeling that he will only be pontiff for a couple more years exploratorium archbishop had this to say. In a sense it wouldnt be surprising. Now there is a press didnt that pope ben deck has done this and i always wonder if the pope chose to resign in part not entirely but in part to give a message that in the times we are living in now People Living longer and demand of the office maybe its just too burden some for a pope to good to the end of his life. When asked if he likes being pope he said he doesnt mind but would he like to good out one day without being recognized and get a peter 8. Simple things. Picture of forth bay goods station ridiculous price for gallon of gas gets a lot of attention. Someone posted this photo on instagram of bridge way gas in sausalito. Not imagining this. It says 7 dollars. 97 per gallon. Owner said erased the praise yesterday because he got tired of people complaining his gas was a few cents higher than another station down the street another station down the street. But he says believe it or not some people actually bought his near 8 dollar gas. He lowered gas praise todays to mere 4. 97 per gallon and if no one complains hell return praises to normal tomorrow. Shake up at tesla. They are moving the Vice President of global sales to new position. Its interviewing candidate to the lead the regional store in sales force operation this comes as company struggle to im paragraph sales in china and california. Shares fallen 15 percent this year after gaining 48 percent in 2014. Wild life facials are serious about saving the White Sturgeon. Wild life officers saw a man catch a 66 inch White Sturgeon last we can and pulled the man over and brought the large fish back to the river. They performed sort of fish cpr by walking it back and forth moving water over its gichlts after 20 minutes the fish gained enough strength to just swim away. Wild life Officials Say angler are required to release sturgeon if larger than 60 inches. Big fish are really important to the species for breeding. Amazing. Did the rate thing it worked did the rate thing it worked. Incichbility remember library when we were kid. Tell we show you the Public Library of the future. Not just about book any more. New technology with state drought entering the fourth year los angeles water agency is offering some farmers up to 71 Million Dollars for the water. Rice farmers in Sacramento Valley say the price offered is so high they can make more from selling water than from growing rice. 9 irrigation districts made tentative deals to ship a portion of the water to metropolitan water contradict of Southern California later this year. When was theless time you passed by a Public Library and saw that it was closed . Recession made that a common site but now library are starting to buns back. As january thon bloom fold out they are also reinventing them s themselves. Scrape scratch wine bang bark and bell oychlt when i went to library when i was young it was just books. Thats how i thought of library just books. Reporter what in the world is this dog here. This is a 3d printer. Reporter why have this in the library. Intrue people to he mentaling tech knoll jurisdiction alongside the book dvd audio player and row of computers. Using those every day. The for late of our patron this is the only computer access they have available to them. Reporter thats why many so happy about a small change to this sign. First time in years the Marin City Library is open on friday. 87 year history of the marin county freely pwraer we are the first branch open 7 day as week. So its definitely point of pride. Reporter relief for loyal pay the roychbility i zip by this library coming and going to my apartment all the time. I always go its friday i cant go. Means kids get early start on the weekend homework. This is true story. More of the research is happening on line than ever before. Very welcome. Good luck on your report. New things you might think the Library Mission is changing the Library Mission is changing. Really its always been about education. Education these days have much different face. We have to make sure that we are on the cutting edge of new technology. Why. Because its important. Every day life. In the future t. This will be a common thing. Making print free by appointment. Workshop on digital modeling and they have one of these. This is the scanner. 3d scan of the gir rav. Here she is. Replicate came. Made point tomorrow make a scan of himself. Does it look like you. Yes. In may rip city, 7 news. Up next. Take a look. Iron man and the little man joining forces. The new device that just changed his life and the first thing ride away by roy orbison begins to play i ride the highway. Im going my way. I leave a story untold. He just keeps sending more pictures. If youre a freerange chicken you roam free. Its what you do. If you want to save fifteen percent or more on Car Insurance you switch to geico. Its what you do. Two wheels a turnin. Another special day tomorrow another special day tomorrow. Its pie day. Celebration of the mathematical constant. Tomorrow is extra special because its 31415. First 5 digit of pi wont happen again until next century happen again until next century. Started at San Francisco exploratorium started pray mayoral with stv and grown into a worldwide phenomenon. In honor of pi day add pigs to the explore tomorrow free tomorrow. Gaggle street view giving us a virtual tour of new train lane. They separate seating option. Grand class with just 6 row of seat per car. Very roomy. Like this is air lane care for passengers providing food drink blanket slippers. Agree car feature a foot rest and more leg room than the stand arrested class. Opens for business tomorrow connecting toke why. Trip kud to take 4 hours now takes 2 and a half hours. Tickets inaugural run sold out in just 25 seconds. Wu. To the story of 7yearold boy who was born missing part of his arm. Members of Engineering Team put the head together and came up with a solution that changed his life. Even iron man was there to help them celebrate the moment. David has more. New video out ire map Robert Downey jr. Opening the curtain about to open some eyes. Looking for. Al for example florida walking down the hallway in the Atlanta Hotel unaware of the big surprise waiting for him. We have reported on alex for some time now. Born with only part of the right arm never stopped him. Riding the bike. Transformer. Nothing could keep him from smiling especially little sister. Jagger student at the university of extra l florida where he and team of researchers working on way to create 3d arm. Bay on ick arm. Made from a printer. Camera right there when the first bionic arm arrived. Picking up electrical signal from the brain. One of the first thing he did with the new arm was to hug his i lost it i cried. Already the super hear 0about to meet another one. Hi alex how are you. Pleasure to meet you. Have another bionic expert on hand thought would i drop by. Thank you. Pleasure. Is in bow tie by the way. Same smile we saw before. Ready . Great. Yours might be better than mine. What do you say we the we beth try them on. Do progress report. Okay. One last question. Do you know who it is. Iron man. Iron man. Both of them put on the arms. Tell even cooler than i thought. Look at that. Its a marriage of robotic technology. Average ks for parents buying the limb 40,000 dollars this arm built by student engineers no more than 350 dollars. Whole army of super hero that can go after chasing the dream and make the world a better place. Good job albert. Reporter job well done. New iron man just getting started. Fight so called. David reporting. Tim for one last check on the weather lacking spectacular the weather lacking spectacular. Drew back with the full forecast. Talking about record warmth tomorrow. Live doppler 7hd we are seeing some rain showers. Well north of the area around ukiah clover dale. Next 48 hours over the weekend is dry and warm. Nationwide look at weather tracking cold front in the east half of the u. S. Dc rain up to 63 degrees. 52 the high in new york. Even some written did you know south in new orleans. 74 dry for the western half of the country. 53 in denver for high. 88 in phoenix. 67 in seattle. 82 sacramento 81 fresno. Palm springs hot at 92. Closer to home temperatures in the 70s and 80s. 80 for the high in antioch. 83 san jose. Downtown San Francisco high of 74 80 in oakland see a temperature of 77 degrees. San rafael. Accuweather 7 day forecast show you the record warmth tomorrow. Cool cloudy on sunday then st. Patricks day on tuesday. Mild wednesday thursday and friday fight thanks. Some people go bare to raise funds for Childhood Cancer research. Its touching. Eighth annual Saint Foundation if you said raiser at ucsf the childrens hospital. 200 people signed up to shave the heads today and tomorrow. Hope to raise a quarter of a Million Dollars. But its about more than just the money. Doctors say the simple act of shaving ally help the young cancer patients. Patients couple and see the paishts parents and friends or doctors and nurse shave their head they feel such a connect head they feel such a connectness to them. They feel that you understand. You understand even just for a moment. Largest nongovernment do inner of child hood cancer grant around the world. Trawl the is in gesture. Talk about sports. Collin is in for larry. Whats going on in san jose. Turmoil. If now this. What not to say to your boss. What was joe thinking . Maybe he wasnt. Verbal sparring between joe and gm plus starter rested like on holiday. We follow developing news woman sneak on to the runway at sfo why did she do it. Details on life report you. Dire drought prediction from nasa. Short time california has before the state runs dry. Pretty bad. Those stories and more coming up at helpful and more coming up at helpful 00 on channel 7. We have basketball turmoil at the tank. Warriors as good as they have been all year. Good position where they can tell rest the gu play off fresh. Steves thinking. The a page from the page resting starter thompson and andrew tonight. Given the night off. A page from my warmup routine book. The do it guys. Right arm. Jot down note f. Highlights James Michael getting some runs. Taking advantageous continue holiday first nba start led the warriors with 23. 5 of 7 from deep. Kenneth 43 that is why hes animal. Smack david lee offering into the first row and face at the other end. 24 and 17. Late third. The steve. Thats how he do left hand pack. 16 off the bench. Nip points 4 block. Forget it. Warriors leading by 5. 5 to play. Randy gets the free. Ties it at 99. Nugget close the game on a run. Putting it away. Minus 5 on rotation players. Warriors falling down back home to take home the knicks tomorrow night. Semifinal top seed arizona to ucla. 6 seconds left. Coach kid of. Fire a 3. Tied at 27 at the half. Bruins built 6 point second half coming in. Grew up in the mission district. Contrary high 24. Advance 7064. Other again and utah. Thats one way to get walton to pipe down. Former city college San Francisco star wright off glachlts taylor reverse dribble between the leg. Deep 2 then the wing 3. 16 at the half for taylor utah 3130 half tame lead on the ducks. You can feel the tension in the shark locker room these days. Not just because the teams in danger of missing the play off first time in 10 sochbilitys face of the frap exist joe thornton long time general manager wilson in heated war of word right now. Ticket holders and when asked why he took the conspire away. Wilson said the stress and pressure made joe lash out at pee. At that time shark center responded talking to mercury news writer david pollack. Doug needs to shut his mouth. All i have to say is i have been here every indicate working hard. I havent taken a is a about the cal. He need to stop lying shut his mouth. To which wilson rae responded shortly after if he has an issue he knows exactly where i am. Ill be glad to talk to him about it. This starts tomorrow at 1 00 oclock. The 43 agency front. The era is over in oakland. Hes now a cowboy. Mcfadden. Silver and black after 7up and down season. Fourth over all selection 2008 draft. Injuries constant issue and never live up to the high expectation. Deal in today a last 2 years almost 6 Million Dollars. Leaving ponder coming to back up derek car chld ponder the 12th over all pick by manipulate society in 2011 had a good rookie season and drug he el. Fell out of favor with the vikings. Raiders cut shaw oakland signed dock away from caroline a today. Cashed in. Heading to the nation capitol on a deal. Could be worth as much as 32 Million Dollars. Good 2014 campaign. Totalling 45 tackle. 4 interception. Time with the niners up and down. The biggest low when he made antigay comments got burned on the 56 yard touch down pass by Baltimore Jones but working his way into the starting line newspaper washington to be. Big ben got what he wanted. New 5 Year Contract extension with pittsburgh. That he would fish his contrary as steeler. Terms of the contract not disclosed but rumor to be more than 20 million a year. Rangers is a darr with the news he had feared his season over before it begins. He need surgery on right elbow. Giants host rangers today in scottsdale. Jake on the hill. One pitch. That one to gallon o. Take it deep in the third. 3 run shot. Tomorrow run of the game. 4 innings 3 hits allowed 2 k. Giants shut out 3 nothing. Splits squad action. Loss to the royals in the early game. The drives in gentry. Also homer in the 9th. Drove in all 3 runs but chicago wins it 53. What do you get when you put pine straw tree and ernie els together, broken club. Big easy. 6 over 77 in today second round. Misses the cut at the championship. Another eighth to the rest mail. A bunch on tour. Par 15. Hopping in. Brandon. Leader at 6 under par. The this 7 sports report brought to you by toyota. Still searching forth i laws i have first east. I get it one of these days. Play golf 30 years got one 5 years ago. I lost the ball the next hole. Oh, notch hike an idiot. Thanks. The thanks for joins. Fv for all of us here, we appreciate your time. We see you at 11 00 oclock on channel chuckles i cant believe were in napa. Oh. voice breaks im sorry. chuckles its just. Well, i feel like im meeting god. sighs ellie mm. Mmhmm. Okay, guys. Weve got one day to plan this wedding. Can you whip up a cake . On it. I want to make an exact cake replica

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