Here and only get hotter. Experience is here with what we can expect. Seek and you shall find sunshine tomorrow for sure. Live doppler 7 hd. We have just little patches of a little coastal fog well off the coast. Clear sky across the bay area right nouvlt mild after what was a hot day. It gets even hotter over the weekend. The official High Pressure got up to 96 degrees at clover dale. 94 santa rosa. 92 to 93 east bay location and 94 down at gilroy. 91 the hyatt redwood city. 91 in San Francisco and 77 at half man bay and going to be even warmer over the weekend but with the rise in temperatures we give you live view from sutro tower out over San Francisco we have a decline in air quality tomorrow. Spare the air day ground level ozone producing poor air quality in the Santa Clara Valley and moderate air quality at best over remain dear of the bay area but big news additional big news is how High Temperature will climb over the weekend. Closeup look for you a little bit later. Thanks investment temperatures will heat up this weekend for firefighters battling the massive fire in and around Yosemite National park. Tonight state route 120 which has been closed since the fair began is back open. Road is one of the main routes that yos michlt rim fire as it has been called has burned almost 400 square miles. And 80 percent contained at this poin point. It was started by a hunter who lit an illegal campfire. This weekend environmental scientists will work on protecting habitat and water way before the fall rainy season begins. Chp now cleared all lanes on westbound 5 80 in dublin. 4 hours after big rig caught fire near the santa rita road off ramp. See this video sent to our you report service by brenda peter sochbility heavy black smoke funnel up from the truck cab engulfed in flames. The fire happened just after 5. Snarled traffic for hours as crew worked to put it out. Santa rita road off ramp is still closed from what we understand at this point. Well pg e facing more possible fines and penalty for yet another error in its records. And for the way it let the state p uc know about that error. This comes just days a before the 3 Year Anniversary of the deadly san bruno pipeline explosion. More now from 7 News Reporter heather. Reporter on september 9, 2010 under ground High Pressure pg e Natural Goods pipeline ruptured and exploded into flames. 8 people were killed and 38 homes destroyed in san bruno glen view neighborhood. After that pg e reduced the pressure open the gas system on the peninsula. When it asked for permission to bring the pressure back up it was required to show that it was safe to do so. Now it turns out the regularlytor granted that permission based on faulty information. Pg e did let the commission know about the error but only months after discovering it. And the cpuc also concerned about the way pg e submitted the correction just before long Holiday Weekend through process normally used for much less serious correction. San bruno city manager is not sure fine will change pg e but it might have other benefits. Certainly a penalty fine or stiff possible sanction as a result of this proceeding percent to be appropriate the. If only to draw attention to the fact that deefficiency tip the exist. Reporter faulty record issued today show a pipe in sap carlos near the intersection of britton and rompers when discovered last october that it had a seam weld when it went in to fix a leak but didnt try to submit the correction to the cpuc until july just before the listening Holiday Weekend which san bruno lawyers believe was time to go unnoticed by interested parties. Pg e lead attorney on all san bruno matters joseph testified today that there noise safety issue and there never was. And that we filed as quickly as we could without any thought on my part that this was the day before july 4th. 16 of the 38 destroyed homes rebuilt. 5 more are under construction. But the three Year Anniversary weighs heavily on residents who say it feels like yesterday. Tough time for us. And its made more difficult by the realization that safety deefficiency continue the exist. Reporter cpuc will decide on penalty or fine against pg e some time after october. This is abc 7 news. We now know tonight that a drug suspect shot an killed in sunnyvale on wednesday didnt have a weapon. During undercover drug sting officers saidxd that juan raul made move that looked like he was reaching for a weapon. 6 veteran officers shot him several teams. All of the officers work for Santa Clara Police and county sheriffs department. Those officers have been put on routine leave during the investigation. Authorities today identified the San Francisco recreation and park employee arrested in fatal hit and run. Thomas bernard was driving his pick up truck in the city yesterday when witness say he ran over this woman. Christy. 3 35yearold thesen monk just given birth last year to baby girl. She was lying open the grass at holly park enjoying the warm day with her baby and pet dog when the tragedy occurred. Baby and the dog were not hurt. Well if you have a sick relative the law might be about to change dramatically to allow you to have more time to care for them. Governor has bill on his desk that radically changes the family leave act. If annette is in sacramento with the story. Reporter its hard. Lisa found herself in a situation where she couldnt help care for her grandmother as much as she wanted in her final day. The nurse asked her boss if she could take time off but couldnt. Workers can get 55 percent of their pay for up to 6 week when caring for sick parents, children, spouses and domestic partner. No one else. As part of the paid family leave act the grandmother arent included and i really couldnt believe that, you kno know. I mean shes my grand moychlts. State legislature september Governor Brown a bill to expand the list of relative California Family leave woobingt apply to. Grandparents, sibling and inlaw. Supporters say that reflects the responsibilities of todays families. Employee pay for it through the paycheck deductions under shortterm disability insurance. These are funds that are paid by the employee and not the employer. Monies that are put in a fund by each of us at our workplace. Reporter opponent sympathize with family but they say there comes a point when somebody has to do the work. Imagine a Small Business that doesnt have a lot of employe employees. At the end of the day somebody has to do work or the company cant stay in business. We want to support the family thats why we support parents taking time off but adding grandparents siblings goes too far. Reporter lisa think she has other sick relative to care for the and urges the governor to sign the mivrment i cant live without my pay in this economy and i have 2 children and im the main bread winner. Reporter Governor Brown has until mid october to take action of proposed expansion of the calf leaf act. In sacramento, abc 7 news. Also if sacramento today. Legislature approved a bill to find or even jail photographers who hassle the chernoff celebrity. Celebrity told lawmakers last month mob scene like these called by photographers trying to snack a picture are a common disturbance. Bill now awaits the governor signature. And bill preventing state agency from interrupting Cell Phone Service now headed to the governor desk. State Senate Passed the measure inspired by the outrage over bart decision to shut cell service during protest in San Francisco two years ago. The fight is heating up between the city of san jose and Major League Baseball over effort to the allow the as to move south. David has the first look at the latest legal development. Reporter just like baseball san jose fight to get Major League Baseball to allow the as to move from oakland a game of rules and regulations. Attorneys representing the city argue that mlb antitrust exemption aplays the only players and labor issues not to team relocation. Every other time court has considered this issue it has found that there is no antitrust exemption for Major League Baseball or any other sports franchise. And we are asking the court in our filing today to reaffirm that positio position. Reporter Major League Baseball Standing Firm that antitrust exemption is iron clad so seeking dismissal of san jose lawsuit. We reached out to mlb San Francisco attorney hecker but no respons response. Philip gregory part of the legal team of if burlingame that will argue against dismissal in federal court october fourth. To bolster the case hire well known sports economist professor from stanford will analyze the situation and he concluded this. There isc absolutely no economic reason why Major League Baseball shouldnt wholly support the athletic coming to san jose. We contacted mainly League Baseball in new york which his not seen the latest filing and not able to comment. We are here in the heart of Silicon Valley in competition made the valley great and we simply believe that Major League Baseball should be subject to the same competition that every other industry in this country is subject to. Reporter in san jose, davi david, abc 7 news. Pretty much new it was happening, right. But now you can see tonight real time. G mail account and how all the advertising gets on it. And at the control. 165 target. Test pilot ride along. New video of what space tourist might see when they soar at supersonic speed. And. Greatful dead micky hart setting tout paragraph scientifically that music is scientifically that music is the best stay wh yesterday we all righted to you about a legal show down in san jose. Google being sued because Computers Read emails so they can send you advertis advertising. Has this happened to you. Tonight an experiment on how easy it is to invade your privacy. Heres dan harris. Test how sophisticated google is at sending email and sending us ads i went down the hall which here at bc news headquarters and enlisted my friend and weekend colleague ron clay born. As we hatched a plan to go for chip hes food tomorrow after the show ron wrote that he needed somebody to take care of his dog. Bam dog boarding and day care right there. Reporter then when ron wrote that we should rent a car. Boom. Discount car rental. Car rental. Com. They are on you man. Maybe just you. Are you the nsa leaker Edward Snouden by any chance. I feel in like it. Reporter when i sent him an e maid mail about bed bug he got ads for exterminator and then advisor world. Com on investment advice. Dan harris abc news new york. Eye opening isnt it. Just about half hour ago nasa launched its latest mission to the moon. Zero ignition. And lift off p. Away she goes. Nasa launch the explorer. It is relatively low cost robotic spacecraft sent to study the moon ultra thin atmosphere. 280 Million Dollar project hitched a ride aboard a rocket using 3 refurbish peace keeper. Once in orbit around the moon it will drop down to extremely low altitude. We are going to be down to about the altitude airliner flies over the earth from that altitude we can study what the moon atmosphere is leak and very thin one but also theres some evidence from the apollo astronauts there are dusts storms. Reporter nasa Research Center in Mountain View designed built and tested it and will manage the mission. Spacecraft will crash in the moon sending back data as it does so. Big launch party in Mountain View. New video tonight from this week supersonic test flight of Passenger Space ship. You are lacking at video from Virgin Galactic plane as it starts into its run here. 2 test pilots are pushed into the back of the seats as the spacecraft accelerates through the sound barrier. Effect of the g force heard and voices and breathing. Listen fichlt 5 seconds to go. Unlocking. All right. If. What you just herd lost the ins or something. Thats the Navigation System which provides one source of the space ship location. The g force may have caused some sort of outage. Space ship 2 is expected to one day send tourists into sub orbit space as early as next year. I wont go until they fix the ins system. I suspect you wont either. I watch from here from land. Hot land. My gone. Getting hotter. We have quite a hot spell coming our way starting today as you know. Here live doppler 7hd clear sky across the bay area that usually means a warmup especially this time of the year. So just how much warmer is it right now than it was 24 hours ago . Heres a look at the 24 hour temperature change at sfo 10 degrees warmer now than at this time last night two degrees warmer Half Moon Bay. 11 degrees warmer san carlos. 15 degrees warmer that the hour in livermore right now than last night. Live view from emeryville camera east bay current temperature readings 72 at San Francisco. 73 oakland. Daytime high generally 78 redwood city. 75 san jose. 74 los gatos. South beach camera looking at the lit up bay bridge 74 in santa rosa. Skype inspect a. 70 in novato. 79 antioch. Concorde 77. Livermore 80 degrees at this hour and one more live view from the roof top camera lacking the embarcadero forecast feature warm to hot for the next 3 day with 100 degree temperatures inland perhaps even a little bit above 100. Cooler pattern settle ins on tuesday. Satellite radar composite image shows wind pattern over the last 12 hours center of High Pressure developing to our north. Clockwise circulation producing flow of air from land to sea and offshore flow that of course produced the warmup we had today and continue to have through the weekend. Heres a look at the projected High Pressure for the next 7 days in oakland. Peekingni tomorrow 90 grows and upper 80s sunday monday dropping off on tuesday for remainder of the week. Even warmer as we lack at the 7 Day Temperature Trend inland east bay at livermore temperatures will be at 100 degrees next 2 day and 101 on monday. Dropping off to mere 96 by tuesday then settles into the 80s for remainder of next week. Thats gem pattern all around the bay area next 7 days. Over nature tonight mild to warm. Low pressure in the mid upper 60s to around 70 in some location. Then tomorrow warming continues in the south bay see High Pressure in the mid upper 90s. 94 at san jos jose. 97 in morgan hill. On the planes look for high in the low to mid 90s. 93 at redwood city and Mountain View upper 70s at pacifica. 80 at Half Moon Bay tomorrow. Do you want San Francisco high of 86 tomorrow. 80 in the sun set district. Really going to be hot mid 90s all across north bay east bay high of 90 at oakland san leandro. 91 at fremont. 93 at castro vaechlt inland east bay feature numerous upper 90s to 100 at san ramone and livermore. Heres accuweather 7 difficult forecast. We have 30 hot days in a row coming our way sunday saturday sunday monday. Inland high up around 100 degrees. 90 or above around the bay. Upper 70s to near 80 on the coast and finally relief on tuesday and temperatures settle back in more normal pattern or range for row main dear of next week. Finally. Relief on the way. But we have to tough it out untilt then. Thanks very much. Coming up. President obama returns after looking for morale support on syria. His plans for full court press to for over 60,000 california foster children, extra curricular activities help provide a sense of identity and a path to success. Joining the soccer team. Getting help with math. Going to prom. I want to learn to swim. Its hard to feel normal, when you cant do the normal things. To help, sleep train is collecting donations for the extra activities that, for most kids, are a normal part of growing up. Not everyone can be a foster parent. But anyone can help a foster child. President obama arrived at Andrews Air Force base tonight back from the g 20 summit in russia where he pushed for International Support for military strike against syria. White house says it has proof the Syrian Government used chemical weapons to attack its own people. Last week president obama sought congressional approval for the use of military force against the assad regime. Now the president would not tell abc News Reporter Jonathan Karl today what he will do if Congress Votes no. Still havent heard direct response if Congress Fails to authorize this, will you go forward with an attack on syria ichltd and you are not getting a direct response. Pretty basic question. I think we will be more effective and stronger if in fact Congress Authorizes this action. Im not going to engage in games now jonathan about whether or not its going to pass. Reporter president will address the nation on tuesday from the white house. He wants to build public support for streakment one congressional aide says the administration is planning a full court press aimed at undecided lawmakers. Well carry that address for you on abc 7. Here in the bay area several groups are planning demonstration this is weekend to convey their opinions about possible u. S. Military intervention in syria. Laura has that story. We need to know what we are doing before we do it. No good option left in syria. I think its a no win in longterm. Whale Lawmakers Debate whether to support president obama call for limited military strike in syria others here in the bay area have already made up their minds. We are very much against u. S. Intervention in syria. Reporter hes with the mountain Diablo Peace Justice Center group demonstrate against u. S. Involvement in syria saturday in walnut creek. Basically we have got a history of false information and it needs to really be investigated. There is no u. S. Shouldnt be the policeman of the world let alone the judge jury and executioner. Critic of intervention can not construe intervention as anything but the first step in long slippery road in full scale war. Reporter but uc berkeley assistant history professor sergeant says pressure not to strike the president can make a good case for taking military action against syria. What limited military rae response by the United States would do would be to ratchet up the cost of using weapon of mass destruction against civilian in syria. I think hes making a horrendous choice. Reporter Barbara Reuben with the middle east Children Alliance in berkeley says one heinous act shouldnt be followed up by another. In a region that is already suffered so much. I dont think so that we have any clue about what is going to be what is going to happen if we do this. You know here you have the middle east which is already in bad shape. While many lawmakers made up their mind about potential u. S. Action others like congressman want to see the details of the president proposal before making a final decision. This is abc 7 news. Bay area musician is doing more than just playing the blue tonight. Someone stole his car and all his musical equipment. Message he has for the thief. Also ahead. Dinner newspaper flames and business up in smoke. We have that story. And the newest pitcher for San Francisco giants was up until moments ago on track for per game. Find out what happened. Stay with us. Happened. Stay with us. Another ha h pay area musician singing the blue tonight after someone stole his car and all of the musical equipment he uses to earn a living. Wayne has the story from hayward and how you can help bring the music back. They say when you are feeling sad listening to and playing the blue can help a person feel better. That is good news we have about ron thompson today. Feeling better yet. Yes, i am. Reporter better remains long way from feeling good. Even for this Northern California blue legend. Ron thompson is a treasure. Hes hurting writ now because one of his own personal has disappeared. He had just returned home after driving hundreds of miles from a gig. He was tired. Normally he would unpack his car. This time he didnt. When he came out the next morning the car and all his equipment including his prize guitar was gone. I dont want to say what i said but it was like it was i couldnt believe it. I just continue believe it. Reporter as seen on the face become page 1959 es 125 t hollow body gibson. Ron has played it since childhood. A lot of you in the guitar. Yes. Pl anything goes weird on a gig i take it out and ill be all right. Reporter Hayward Police took a report about the missing car guitar and stolen equipmen equipment. No word from them yet. When ron played in fresn fresnoless night he usedboro instrument from the blue society which has also begun searching. The one guitar that gibson es 125 his the name inlaid in the neck. Nobody in the right mind is going the buy that thing from the thief unless they are just selling it for nothing. Reporter nothing means everything to a man rather playing the blue right now than living them. Person whether has the car and guitar watching this. Give it back please. You know. And get it back. Reporter in hayward, abc 7 news. About thats a shame. Hope he gets the guitar at least back. 2 San Francisco landlord nicknamed landlord from hell going to jail. They were sentenced this afternoon. They tormented tenants trying to get them to manufacture out. Made a plea deal to get 4 years in prison. They were also ordered to pay nearly 10,000 dollars in restitution to the victims. A lot of cleaning up under way after tenant caused a fire that destroyed his business. Started when he was heating up some oil to fry potatoes then he got distracted. More now from amy. Reporter this cell phone video taken by viewer scott murphy show what is firefighters were up against at 3 15 this morning when they arrived on the scene. Next door neighbor couldnt believe how quickly it spread. Very scary. Thats why so close thats why i was waking my family to get out of here. Things were just blowing up. Reporter the owner of the building found out about the fire while watching the morning news. You are shocked. Watching tv and see your building burning down. Reporter he leased the office and the lot to a man who sold cars. 8 of them were destroyed. But he also had an apartment here. One of the tenants says the fire was all his fault. Everything i dont have wallet. Reporter he left the house around 3 00 oclock this morning when his friend called and asked him to return his dog to him. He left some potatoes frying on the stove top. And girlfriend asleep on the couch. By the time i got back to the house pretty much involved in nothing but fire ball. Thank god she got out thats all. Reporter firefighters pulled the pot from the home. Contents were burned in the fire. Ray says he has rebuilt his life before and he will do it again. Martinez, abc 7 new news. Although best known for years with the grateful dead micky hart now becoming known for his preoccupation with neuroscience. As jonathan explains, micky hart is proving that music really is the best medicine. About life is like rhythm. Everything bit is rhythm. I am rhythm so are you. Reporter he created rhythm with the grateful dead but more concerned about a different kind of rhythm. Rhythm in the brain finding out what it sounds like. Its the master clock. Makes everything go. Reporter in the years on the road he always felt music a special power over the brain. To heal and awakeen it. One day the hunch became a certainty. My grandmother had alzheimers advanced alzheimers and couldnt speak. Not in over a year and i played the drum for her and she spoke my name. She started to be connected again to become verbal. Reporter improvement lasted only a moment but hart says it change his direction in life forever. If he wears this cap and each of the electrode are detecting those very subtle signals that have rift mick activity being generated by the neuron in the brain. This is live image of micky hart brain. Taking this gear on tour with him so Live Audience can watch the as he plays the drum and beginning of something much bigger. Hopefully by finding out what the rhythm railroad in the brain we can find out how to use music as medicine. Reporter started by accident when hart asked to did expecting engagement with professor he was studying retrain the brain using Video Game Tech follow jichlt but using the technology the look at the brain that was entirely new idea. This concept rhythm might be therapeutic has been around for a long time. Just really no studies carefully controlled rift mick experience and look for changes in the brain. Reporter only now computers powerful enough to show the changes live. Livt recording rate now. Micky brine. Reporter hes the first subject in new experiment. Seeing his own brain wave as he drum he tries to control the rhythm of his brain by change the rhythm of the music. I move into its time and find what it is doing and go witness. I try to stay there as long as possible and then move it slightly. Turn it to the right or left ehart says its a dance. One the doctor says could hold grit promise for brains who lost their natural rhythm. Help reorganize the rhythm and retrain them and improve cognition with that. Reporter if might say get you high because you are connecting with the real you. Reporter if San Francisco, Jonathan Bloom abc 7 news. About well the first glimpse Lance Armstrong since confess to go career fueled by doping. I didnt live a lot of lies but i lived one big one. Coming up next. Astonishing up close and personal documentary. 7 news [ man ] theyre big. Strength that has withstood the test of time. Strength we can count on. Same with aladdin. Aladdin became the biggest in bail by treating people right. No one has lower prices, is faster or more professional than aladdin. Thats why more people turn to us for help. Aladdin bail bonds. Bigger because were better. Aladdin bail bonds. More than a year after the plane crashed into a reef and capsized off the coast of italy killing 32 people the doomed ship soon moved. Official in italy approved a plan to set the half submerged ship up right to be towed out of the water then dismantled later this month. Last living person to see hitler final moments has died. Rock was the nazi dictator long time body guard and stayed in the bunker after hitler and his wife committed suicide. He was proud of his work. He claimed to have no knowledge of hitler final solution. He says hitler was a wonderful boss. He was 96 years old. New documentary is shine ago spotlight on disgraced cyclist Lance Armstrong. We were given exclusive access to the footage that shows his life falling apart while the camera were rolling. Brandy hit has the story. L. His fall from grace is about to gris the big screen. I certainly was very confident that i would never be caught. Former cycling great open up in new documentary titlesed the armstrong lie. Detailing his drug use. His lies. And scandal that brought his career to a screeching halt. L situation. I difficult think about living a lie. I didnt live a lot of lie but i lived one big one. We were given exclusive clips of the documentary that started as a feel good story in 2009. With oscar winning filmmaker traveling alongside disgraced former champion. Back then armstrong even lied to the producer. I know what i did and didnt do so therefore i sleep at nature. Soont life started unraveling and he was there capturing completely different story. This the is a guy who is used to winning. And i think you could see a defeat in the physical posture the and also real vulnerability which is very unusual for lance. Armstrong would eventually lose his endorsement. Along with his own Cancer Foundation live strong. And drama is far from over. Disgraced cyclist now faces multiMillion Dollar civil suit with judge order that he must testify under ovtd about how he cheated. The question i think for lance reckoning with what he said what hes done and how he goes forward in the future. Abc news los angeles. Well you have heard of boy and his dog but how about a and his dog but how about a girl and her puff in . About. All right some fun video. Horned puff inat the Monterey Bay Aquarium new best friend. See it took quite alikeing to 9yearold dakota a wood from los gatos. Runs alongside with her. Back and forth. Many times from behind the glass. Dakota and her mom took the pictures last month. Put them on you tube and yes the video getting new viewers every minute. Pretty cute. Lets go back and check on the forecast. Expenseer here watching some heat that could get extreme this weekend. It could indeed. At the end already. Lets start at the beginning. Beginning is always such a great place to start. The live doppler 7 hd show clear sky from his coast to inland. State wide tomorrow its warm to hot day in many location especially down through the interior parts of the state with high in the 90s to low 100 maybe even few isolated thunderstorms down in the southern desert. Here in the bay area it continues to get hotter tomorrow. High pressure in the low 90s right around the bay up to 80 on the coast. Half moon bay and upper 90s to 100 in our inland location. And we have got events going on tomorrow around the bay area but in Mountain View exciting event we have got art Wine Festival starts goes on all day. Event planner shows sunny skies throughout the day morning to evening with warm temperatures in the morning. Hot in the afternoon and still mild to warm in the evening hours. Now lets go to the end of the forecast. Accuweather 7 day forecast. We have 3 consecutive days of triple digit temperature ins our tuesday then cool down more sharply on wednesday thursday friday. Well be ready for that. Yes we will. Larry is here. Heart breaker tonight. This was unbelievable. So close. Is that couldnt be closer. Incredible drama tonight at at t park in pursuit of perfection. Young man by the name here pitches for the giants. Working fema narrator through sunday, its posturepedic through sunday, its posturepedic versus beautyrest with up to 400 off. Serta icomfort and tempurpedic go headtohead with three years interestfree financing. Mattress price wars end sunday at sleep train. Your ticket to a better nights sleep coming up tonight at 11 00 oclock. You saw the launch here. Now see the crowd gather tonightnr to watch lift off. Hw the Lunar Mission connected to Mountain View. And have you ever wanted to go back in time. One bay Area Ride Service gives you that chance. Hitch a ride in a classic stainless steel set of wheels. Back to the future. Those stories more coming up at 11 00 oclock over on channel 7. But larry is here tonight with unbelievable moment of sports kind of heart break. I know a pitcher wants to go half hour back in time. One pitch back in time. Giants in last place but didnt matter tonight because pitcher petite flirtd with history against arizona. He was working on per game. Just third start of the season. First home start for the giants. 1st inning pall goldsmith robbed by joaquin. Nice play at short stochlt the out scooped by bell at first. To the fourth already 1 nothing giants. Hector sanchez would add to the lead. Base hit up the middle. Petite fifth year in the mainly with arizona for 3 seasons. Struck out 7. Aaron hill there. Go to the sixth. Trying toned the perfect, juan defensive purposes and he makes the play. Go to the 9th. Now petite got the first 2 out in the 9th. And he walks out here and he would have to deal with eric the former athletic on a 32 pitch. A dive comes up about a foot short basenr hit. And it ends up as a one hitter as petite has to celts down. Regain composure and get aj for the final out. So it end as one hit shut out for petite. The giants win 3 to nothing but oh, so close. To history and baseball im mortality. Unbelievable. As beat the astros first 10 times they played the season but now when they really need to beat houston the most every game is like a struggle. To the finish. As started the night half game out of first place in the house 2nd inning runners at the corner. Chris young pulling everybody with perfectly place buzz. The score 1 nothing as. In the fourth tied ct 3. Jonathan answers fire with fire. Great bunt of his own. Huh stop up 43. Bottom half of the fourth here s. Now in the sixth. After the as retaken the lead Josh Donaldson goes deep. Now 74 as texas losing so they have a chance to inch back into first place if they hold on and win. Raiders will kick off new season on sunday indianapolis after going 4 and 12 last year. Silver and black expect probably finish around 4 and 12 again this year. Anything close to this would be a miracle. In the opening raiders try to stop andrew luc luck. Help the colts go from worst team in the league to play off in one season. Completed 54 percent of his  passing yards, 23 touch downs. Luck can move in the pocket. Has a strong arm but what scares the raiders the most about this stanford man is his brain. Hes a young smart quarterback. Stanford guy are smart. Young smart quarterbac quarterback. He do a good job of if he can read the defense he disgreat job pick it apart. We have to go throw different. Tough they are aggressive style of defense. Great football players. We all know about Charles Woodson he made plays. Sense i was in elementary schoolment still plays at such a high level. So its going to be tough. Going to beni a very tough challenge for us. I think luck called him 1,000 years old. Niners preparing for the game against green bay packers. Second Straight Year the teams meet in the season opener. Nippers won last year 30twoochlt remember frank gore big hit. Ease scor scores. Run for 112 yards. New year and if you defense for the packers though. Green bay about they have a great defense and looking at them in the preseason they played really well and its really going to come down if the first game of the season fundamental football. Blocking ball security execution. College football cal host and they think blow out in the legacy game. Identical point spread as last year with stanford favored by 26 and a half over san jose state. Now major scare natural cardinal year ago. Late interception to 2017 stanford victory. Shut out victory to start this season with socalled expert still dont believe in sparty but stanford does. They played well last year. Tons of talent. Receiving cor core. If you look at the transition they have made over the past 3 or 4 years they have been able to turn the program around and stab it as dominant d. Walented and ready to play we have to do the same. Great team. Yes, it was tough last year. So close at the end so we are excited and letting the young gay know we are ready to go and get the wi win. At age 31 most pro 10 physician players are pretty much didnt but Serena Williams may at her best rate now. Steam rolling to the finals at the u. S. Open in new york new york. With serena hunting for fifth u. S. Open crown. Overwhelming on the first set. Crush. 6 love in the opening set. Williams down in the second. That was match point right there as serena wins. Could you see the desire in her faceko she wants it. Serena jut one victory away from her 17th major title. Face victoria in the u. S. Open final. What a career she has had. Still going strong is that so close heart breaking the pitch. One strike. Well. Close. I know felt bad for him. Thanks very much. They diagnosis of 7 news here on coffee tv 20 for all of us her here, im dan ashley thanks so much for watching appreciate your time see you again at 11 00 oclock over on the big 7 11 00 oclock over on the big 7 follow us on twitter at 7 news, dennis what do i think my greatest strength as a server is . What the hell is this, frank . Employee evaluation. This bar is a business, and were going to start acting like one. I do not want to start acting like a business because that sounds boring as bleep

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