Transcripts For KOFY ABC7 News At 900PM On KOFY 20130427

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a kidnapper wanted for abduction of 2-year-old girl. good evening. the toddler was snatched right off the sidewalk in the neighborhood in pedal burg. happened on rain drop circle. fortunately the girl's mother was right there. man ran down the sidewalk but the mother was there and waping. she chased him down to the end of the block when he dropped the girl in the bushes. these are pictures again from sky 7 hd. investigators trying to talk with the parents neighbors with the parents rather the neighbors are stunned by what happened. >> this is really crazy. that family is such good family. just sweet. always outside playing around. always have adult supervision to this is unheard of. this is unbelievable. >> police are actively searching for man still out there. who is only described as white male. police say he's in his 30's. he has dirty blonde hair. about collar length. wearing blue jean and green shirt when last spotted and clean shaven. all over the story. allen we have a live update for you. at 11:00 o'clock over on channel 7. one person died and 2 others are in critical condition as a result of this accident on highway 13 in the oakland hills this video over the scene just north of redwood road where the white suv you saw there overturned several times. highway patrol is investigating whether speed may have been a factor in the crash but as you look at the pictures from our helicopter you can see really had catastrophic results. >> well startling discovery in new york city. rewind time to tragic moment in this country history. more than 11 years after the attack on new york world trade center on 9/11 of course piece of airplane that hit the tower has been found. all these years later. story now from ron clay born. >> it was found around 11:00 o'clock this morning. the piece that was discovered wedged between the 2 buildings. part with a boeing stamp and serial numbers found not quarter mile from where the north tower of the 2 sky scrapers once stood and freedom tower new year's completion. finished in just 3 daisy. surverify hired to inspect the rear of the building found the debris and called 911. when the airliner flew into the upper floor of the towers most aircraft were consume in the explosion. but some parts have been recovered. today start startsing discovery comes just days after more human remains were found at the site that has become known as ground zero. this is new york. >> surviving suspect in the boston bombing no longer hospitalized. dzhokhar tsarnaev moved under heavy guard to federal prison hospital 40 miles west of best ton. fbi agents continue searching land fill near the university of mass where tsarnaev was a student. agency lacking for lap top computer tied to the bombers. now hearing that his mother was on the same terror watch list as the older brother tamerlan killed. officials told the cia they were concerned the 2 were militant islamist and could cause trouble. first major marathon in california mean time since boston happens this sunday at big sur and 400 ru runners arrive to take part. for many it's part healing process and chance to finish what they could not do in boston. david talked with the runners today. >> even with 10,000 runners registered the boston mile an hour thon runners stand out in the blue jacket. many never got the chance to finish the boston. so coming here so soon afterward has special meaning. >> it's bitter sweet. to run this now. just in light of the people that lost their lives or were injured and terrible tragedy. of what happened in boston. >> fred hit the special bid indicating he's doing back-to-back boston and big soour marathon. the explosion at the finish line still fresh in the mind. so is security for this event. >> this is the first race since then so we see. very importan important. so i'm kind of interested to see how many changes they are going to have. hard to say. see how things are changed now. >> race organizers say multiple agency will be providing security. signs health and fitness expo part of the marathon weekend warn that all bag are subject to search. i think it's going to be very safe environment for spectator spectators. friends family. the community and runners and volunteers as well. >> interest grant show support for the boston marathon ru runners. others made a minimum 20 dollar contribution to support victims of the attack with a t-shirt. >> i watch to reach out and specifically help the victims. with hospital cost or even more security for next year boston marathon. >> many of the boston runners said this weekend race is part of a healing process. >> i'm not going to let these people stop me from what i want to do. i'm not changing my life. and even more so now that this has happened i feel in the need to do what i love to do. >> sunday race route from big sur up the coast of carmel essentially a close horse help security. moment of silence will be held for the victims of the boston marathon at the beginning of sunday race. in monterey, david, abc 7 news. >> in the mean time the bombing victim who identified one of the suspects after he regained consciousness at the hospital is now talking about what happened that day. jeff is the injured man in the now iconic image. he lost both legs and some hearing in the blast. he talked to the boston area radio station today and says he and tamerlan the man there made eye contact just before the bombings. he says he knew instantly something wasn't right. >> having a great time and just now that one guy he didn't look like he was having a good time. like he sized somebody up. i looked at him. what's this guy proychbility niece pain every day he says it helps to know that tamerlan tsarnaev is dead and he's dead and i'm still here. moving on. >> chevron crude oil unit back in business today in richmond. the unit damaged by the disaster fire last august has begun to ramp back up to full operation. since august refinery has been operating at only 60 percent capacity and has not been processing any crude oil. today chevron says the net income dropped 4.5 percent first quarter partially due to the decline in output from that very refinery. >> after 5 years of did he cling home value the bay area housing market foundally bouncing back. look at the map compiled by bay area real estate web site. the area in dark red lake brentwood antioch and richmond still hurting. home prices there are as much as 66 percent lower than the peek valley but green zone you see san francisco parts of the peninsula like san carlos and palo alto and areas of areas lick los gatos and laura anthony has more. >> this 3 bedroom home san carlos about to go on the market. don't expect it to stay there very long. recent activist any indication this house will sell fast and likely well over the asking price. >> this house here is priced at 9.75 and we are expecting that they will receive, you know, numerous offers. >> this house can go over 1 million. >> it could, yes. >> san mateo county among the bay area hottest real estate market. not just on the rebound but prices and places like belmont, san mateo, san carlos hitting new high. >> the inventory is very, very down and so less inventory, more people wanting to live here and people are willing to spend the money to be on the peninsula. >> that means stiff competition for buyers. even those well qualified with plenty of cash getting beat out. >> i have a high end buyer in los altos. looking in the 1.7 range. there were 30 offers on the property. 20 of them were over two million i don't know. the all cash buyer got 2.2 million dollars. >> the boom isn't happening 90s antioch parts of eastern contra costa county some houses languish. the value still more than 50% below the peak in 200 2006. >> i feel in real good about mine. >>reporter: for belmont homeowner shawn white the big rebound is for relevant. >> if i was selling it would be great. if buying it wouldn't be so good. but i feel in good about where i am at now. >> since clearly a seller market the best advice for buyers gets the finances in order. be prepared to bid on multiple properties and to go well above asking price with no contingency. especially in places like this. san mateo county. in belmont, abc 7 new news. >> speeders cheaters why the latest race track around here looks an awful lot like the gelleden gate bridge. >> what happened to bob weir former grateful dead guitarist collapse right on staichblingt update his condition for you. spencer is here with the weather. >> here in the accu-weather forecast center get ready for early taste of summer like warmth. next week accu-weather forecast in just a moment. >> thanks spencer. the student who had imaginary girlfriend now has a real team coming up. nlook at them kids. coming up. [ sigh ] they have no idea what it was like before u-verse high speed internet. yeah, you couldn't just stream movies to a device like that. one time, i had to wait half a day to watch a movie. you watched movies?! i was lucky if i could watch a show. show?! man, i was happy to see a sneezing panda clip! trevor, have you eaten today? you sound a little grumpy. [ laughter ] [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible. >> man arrested on domestic disturbance charge is on the run after escaping from back seat of police car. police say that juan carlos valencia arrested after hitting the girlfriend. he was handcuffed and put into the back of a patrol car. as deputy were finishing up the investigation somehow valencia got out of the car and took off running. police search for hours and could not find him. they think valencia may driving a silver accura legend. license plate number here on the screen. told family members he won't go back to jail. he's considered armed and dangerous. >> it's been a month since the big switch to the all electronic tolling at the golden gate brim. going better than expected. there was anticipated confusion at the beginning but that seems to have really ironed itself out. in fact, perhaps ironed itself out too well. 7 news transportation reporter heather explains why. traffic zip along through the toll booth today as the toll paid through fast track. license plate accounts. one time payment kiosk or the invoice you get in the mail an pay lick any other bill. >> this project has been amazingly successful. i think it really has exceeded our expectation. we do see the traffic is moving more smoothly. >> bridge district worried that when human toll tear vanishes march 27 uninformed would stop any way and some di b those dwind deld with time. fast track judge between march 27 and april 12 of last year was just below 70%. jumping to more than 91 percent this year. license plate accounts went from zero in january to 3900 in march and one time payment from 4 to 3400. >> don't stop. just keep going. you pay your toll on the bridge. we have past those early jitters where people didn't know what to do. if you just keep going we'll catch up with you one way or another. >> so just keep going but not too fast. the speed limit is 25 miles an hour through the toll plaza. not so scanner can read fast track or take a license plate picture but for safety. the chp says some people have been blowing through at 60. >> the toll are narrow. 10 foot wide tolling. doing 60 miles an hour through there which we see routinely it doesn't take much of turn to the left or right before the vehicle into one of the toll booth. >> also car pool law take advantage of the fact that there are no longer toll taker to count the 3 passengers required to qualify for the half price car pool lanes. >> this is the time to learn the rules because the rules will be enforced very, very soon. >> just exactly when that enforcement would begin they are not saying but they do say they have a date in mind. at the golden gate bridge, abc 7 no, sir. >> on to the weather. i was just corrected by spencer. i said good looking weekend no. gritty looking. >> far be it from me to correct you but i will in this case. >> good correction. >> clear skies tonight. dan look at live doppler 7 hd. low clouds fog at the coast that we had much of the daytime. inland across the bay but mainly mostly clear sky inland and around the bay on this view from the high definition emeryville camera west ward across the bay. temperature reading 50 degrees in san francisco. 55 in oakland. mountain view and san jose 58 at santa cruz. another live view for from you high definition roof top camera abc 7 looking along embarcadero to the bay bridge. in other location temperatures at 50 degrees right now santa rose napa 56 in fairfield and livermore and los gatos. on we go to give you a little fly in to the image of the golden gate bridge. forecast low cloud fog tonight pushing rather far inland. sunny warmer this weekend. we see 90 degree temperature readings next week much of the week as a matter of fact in our inland locations. for the week ahead we give you a look at the temperature range we predict the high pressure trend for livermore and mid 80's but sunday high ins 90 in livermore and remain there at 90 degrees or maybe 89 on tuesday. next 4 days and then into late next week we see high pressure dropping off into the 80's. that is pretty much representative of what to expect for the inland valley early next week. high pressure up around 90 degrees. lots of low clouds and fog especially during the overnight hours. spreading inland. low pressure mainly in the upper 40's to low 50's. so relatively mild overnight. tomorrow start forecast animation 5:00 o'cloc o'clock. morning and you will see lots of areas of fog at that point. reduced visibility but we don't have many commuters on saturday morning. then as the day goes on morning goes on we see the fog burning back to the coast fact away from much of the coast line. high pressure low 60's on the coast. 60's 70's around the bay. 80's in our inland location. in the south bay we see high of 79 at santa clara. 80 at san jose. peninsula 69 at san redd with city. 79 loss at ocean. relatively mild on the coast. 61 pacifica. downtown san francisco high of 66 tomorrow. 62 in the sun set district. up in the north bay high of 80 at santa rosa. 82 at nap a.81 calistoga. east bay high and 77 at fremont. inland east bay will be a bit warm we are high in the low to mid 80's. 82 at walnut creek. 84 at fairfield and livermore and here is the accu-weather 7 day forecast. starting on monday lack for string of days. which high will reach 90 degrees in the warmest inland location. low 80's around the bay and low 60's on the coast. that's almost like our summertime spread of 30 degrees between coastal high and inland high. it's a lovely week ahead and start to gradually moderately to the end of the week. >> looks good. >> it's a huge night in sports. larry is in oakland live tonight with preview of what's going on. larry how are you doing out there. >> i'm doing good dan except i had forgotten about the thunder 6. remember years ago. warriors reintroduced and given it to all their fans. pretty loud in the arena. jam packed. decibel level mind boggling. curry game time decision. he did play tonight. taking the you kids should count yourselves lucky. we didn't have u-verse back in my day. you couldn't just... guys... there you are. you know you couldn't just pause a show in one room, then... where was i... you couldn't pause a show in one room then start playing it in another. and...i'm talking to myself... [ male announcer ] call to get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for 2 years with qualifying bundles. rethink possible. >> all right. it is a very big nature. sports director larry live for game 3 of the warriors play off series with denver. loud enough for you larry? >> it's plenty loud in there i tell you. the warrior fans they are the best fans in the nba. long suffering finally rewarded and curry game time decision coming in because of the ankle sky i are to his left ankle. decision was he's going to start. no way he's sitting out play off game. check out the highlights from a loud and raucous and pumped up oracle arena as we check it out in the early part of this game. jack with 26 points. last game. 5 for 5 in the first quarter. seth had 11 points in the first. he came out shooting in the crowd electric every shot he made. miller with the old man gym and nugget were up by 2. to the second quarter. nugget take charge. ball doesn't touch the ground as kenneth finishes up on the up. andrew beautiful one touch to karl land dry for the lay up. showing skills. only one shot in the second quarter and take advantage of brewer was in incredibly hot. nugget by 6. over a minute left. he was on fire early. 2 of the 19 in the first half. denver up a costs at the half. but the warriors closed the gap now 73-71 nugget in the third quarter. on to baseball. giants in san diego where tim was on the mound for san francisco. tim j just beat the padres last week. it was saturday. 2 nothing giants wi win. giants fans always representing in so-cal. timy 7 innings tonight. from the defense early on. jed with drive to center. angel makes the catch. in the third everett on the sack bunt. panda lays out full extension to make an amazing catch. in trouble. later in the inning in the third back-to-back rbi singling. san diego a two-1 lead. now 2-1 padres and they are in the eighth inning. right here just across from oracle at the coliseum. sparky working the mustache. pitcher dual in oakland. one run on 6 hits. and 5 strike outs. taiwan here struck out 16 times in two starts last year. has it work tonight. josh with swing and myselfment baltimore breakthrough in scoreless game in the seventh. golden glove last year fumble the jj hardy single. allow him to yet to second on the error then pierce drives hard home with base hit up the middle to give a lead to the orioles and stands right now and they are in the eighth. football news. nfl draft. let's start with the raiders. who brought in the first round selection today to meet the media. that would be dj hayde hayden. the corner become out of the university of houston. really interesting story. he tore a vein near the heart last november. this advertise an injury that results in death for 95 percent of those who suffer such a tear. 6 months later first round pick and pumped up to be wearing silver and black. >> take a lot out of these. a lot of poke. i try to soak it all in and just do right by everybody. about. >> 49ers also introduce the first round pick replace to shawn but understands nothing is guaranteed here. pi don't expect to come here and start right away. like i said i want to be a sponge. the. come in impact the team in a positive way and do my job. defense is incredible and honor to be on the field with those guys. >> round 2 of the 2 and 3 of the draft early today. notable from the second round. manti out of notre dame. 35 to the eagle. tight end zack. goes in the second round of the chargers. niners traded down and pick defensive end out of florida state and then mcdonald tim mcdonaldson out of rice. raiders took offensive tackle and watson from florida state. third round pick raiders they draft c o moore out of connecticut. the matthew he goes 69 for the cardinals. third round pick to san diego and a busy busy day at the draft. that's it for oracle arena war yours down 2. third quarter back with all the highlights and post game tonight at 11:00 on channel 7. >> thanks very much. hope the warriors get it done. later on tonight thank you. >> more to come her tonight on 7 news at 9:00. deal on capitol hill to get furlough air traffic controller back to work. >> pwhaw about the spending cuts impacting millions of others? plus. >> disclose something that was so dear to me. so close to me. so painful for nearly 40 year years. >> boxing legend leonard tells audience about the personal fight of his life to help others in the same situation. >> ♪ if the man who lived the hard life with soft voice. stay with us. 7 news at fina why are 8 million people sleeping better tonight? they went to a sleep number store. the only place in the world you'll find the sleep number bed with dual air technology. it allows you to adjust to the support your body needs. each of your bodies. you'll only find sleep number at one of our over 400 stores nationwide, where right now, save $400 on the only memory foam bed that adjusts to each of you. plus special financing on all beds! sleep 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and desire to learn more about childhood development. >> i really felt that all children should have that chance. and motivated me to go back to school to not only get the p hd but really work in the field. >> holly got her doctorate in special ed and now the program development specialist. this morning she hard about congress decision to fund the air traffic controllers. >> it was an alarming story to me. alarming decision really looking at priorities. >> she's alarmed because the sequester funding cuts are still in effect for head start. this program in the mission. losing 200,000 dollars and means one of the 11 class rooms will be closed. >> morning or afternoon session will have to go. that's 20 children. >> not screws head start. in contra costa county meal on wheel program is losing 20 percent of the funding for food. for the elderly and the disabled. >> i really rely on meals on wheels. >> san francisco international today was the first day that the sequester cuts have caused delays. passengers were happy to hear that congress had acte acted. >> nasty not to stand in line as long. >>reporter: when i described the meals and wheels program and head start ron had this explanation of congress choice. >> can turn their back on things that don't directly affect this. this affects everybody unfortunately so it gets all the noise. gets l it's a sad state but chase the case. >>reporter: congress vote today came just hours before lawmakers took off for the airport themselves for spring break. no indication that they will take up the other sequester spending cuts when they return. in the newsroom, abc 7 news. >> new report find that dog trained to search for explosives were pushed beyond their limits at the nuclear storage site in oak ridge, tennessee. energy department inspector general says canine security teams at the complex were over-worked. one specific example handler and dog conducted 102 vehicle searches over two hour period. workers for the private contractor providing the dog told investigators that request for break were ignored by supervisors. oak ridge was broken into last year by anti-war activist which led to security questions at the facility. >> boxing legend sugar ray leonard was the key note speaker today at the san francisco child abuse prevention center. he was not there to talk about boxing. he came to talk about the new battle that he's taking on to prevent child sexual abuse and has very personal reason for that as he discussed today. 7 news anchor cheryl jennings has the story. >> it happened so quick. >>reporter: boxing superstar spoke to sold out crowd of more than 500. about the people he trusted who molested him when avenues young teenager and aspiring olympic champion. >> the only problem was if told no one. because i was ashamed. >>reporter: 56-year-old sugar ray told powerful emotional story that had the audience in tears. about how he turned to drugs and alcohol and wrecked a marriage. he told me why he finally decided to go public with his story after 40 something years. >> from here because i want to spike. speak out. i'm here as a parent. as father. as husband. i wish there was a prevention center for me that i could have been a part of that could have helped me during my time. >>reporter: sugar ray support for the san francisco child abuse prevention center raise big money and p.m. auction package of autographing glove and his california home. >> >>reporter: over all total of the luncheon thanks to sugar ray leonard 4 50,000 dollars. sfl amazing day and effort he's helping to lead. more forl about the child abuse prevention center services log on to our web site and look under see it on tv thanks for report. >> oakland hills are experiencing serious crime wav wave. >> door was open. it was split down the side. and tv was missing. >> one of dozens of people in oakland homes broken into or the cars stolen. >> this house writ here was broken into. they kicked in the front door in the middle of the day. >> i think we are up about 25% in property crimes from the same time last year however we are down 13 percent from the last three months of 2012. >> this is a rough time to the live because it's all around us. >> piedmont police chief who you heard from says property crimes in these hills come in waves. alarm signs have sprouted up in people yard in an attempt to scare off the burglar. >> still not exactly clear why former grateful dead guitarist bob wear collapsed on stage last night. he staggered then fell while performing with the band further in new york. the 65-year-old singer and guitarist was reportedly struggling during the show before topping over during the band second set. finished the song seat entered a chair there he is but then left the stage. band finishing the concert without him p.phil later told the crowd he was suffering from strained shoulder and manager declined to comment on the condition. >> america has lost a country music voice that echo through nashville and living room for more than 50 years. george jones died at 81. david muir look back at incredible career. ♪ he said i love you till i die. >>reporter: george jones lived his life like a country song. revealing sadness loneliness his love and love lost. >> all dressed up. >>reporter: many of todayñi country stars called him the greatest living country singer. tonight they remember him and song that surprise even george jones himself. ♪ he stopped loving her today. they place a wreath upon his. >>reporter: born in 1931 with broken arm. saratoga, texas t.he remembered watching opry with his parents. >> i said if i go to sleep you wake me up. bill monroe comes on and then eventually i was about nine years old i got my first guitar and you could beat me to death and i wouldn't lay it down. >>reporter: first no. 1 hit in 1959. him if white lightning. fell battled drinking. battled with his loves, too. he met tammy in 1966. they married. she was his third wife. him if ♪ along the way he reveal the secret behind his music. >> like read ago story book. it's so true and so sad and i really get to living that song in my mind. >>reporter: just last year at 80 years old when he announced plans to tour again and planned to call it the grand tour. >> this old house will never ♪ ♪ be the same l withoutivsç the love that we wins knew fivrjts george jones dead at 81. >> well it is friday night at the movies. but the curtain may come down soon at one of the most unusual theaters you will ever see. 7 news at 9:00 [ male announcer ] fact: the 100% electric nissan leaf... is more fun than ever. sees better than ever. ♪ charges faster. and will charge. cool. and heat. from your phone. fact: leaf never needs gas. ever. good for the world. built in america. now, leaf's an easier choice than ever. ♪ shop at ♪ [ male announcer ] a car that can actually see like a human, using stereoscopic cameras. ♪ and even stop itself if it has to. ♪ the technology may be hard to imagine. but why you would want it... is not. the 2014 e-class. it doesn't just see the future. it is the future. >> new video shows massive fire that destroyed historic building in san jose last nigh night. police department shows arrival on the scene at first street at about 9:30 p.m. literally 24 hours ago now. building 130 years old. over the years it housed saloon. black smith shop and bicycle shop. damage so bad unfortunately the building may have to be torn down. still not clear what started it. san leandro fire investigators believe arsonist burned down 6 9ight in elementary school. look at the thing burn. in exclusive video obtained by 7 news you can see flames leaping from the wooden buildings at james madison elementary. again at san leandro. buildings just delivered yesterday and power had yet even to be installed. those buildings were to be used as temporary administrative offices starting next week. classes took place as scheduled did he pis the aparent arson. >> in monterey 0getting ready for big fund raise they are sunday to save a last picture show. but as wayne learned there are much more than manufactureies at stake here. theater is a way of life. along river road in sonoma county you begin reading about it from miles away. one sign leads to another. and then one more top the strange wrinkle cordebited world war ii military surplus hut seem to have no rightful place around here. new enter the darkness and high adjust and brain tacit all in. >> they think it's a rusted old can laying on the side. >> reporter: even andy would have liked. look at the wall. and keep looking. story of movies. and california. and this community. >> this is 1995. p highest was right at the top of the lane here. l right up there. 1986. >>reporter: maybe now appreciate the mixed emotion that retired firefighters don feels about the for sale sign sitting outside. >> you don't want to sell? >> i don't. but i can't figure out any other way to not to work my which have and i for 12 hours a day. >>reporter: it has been a form of multi-tasking on the smallest town level. daytime don and his wife susie run cafe in the back. how long have you been married. >> 35 years e-talk together all the time. >> no. officials other folk around herep( because the root of the problems begins 15 steps up on the second floor. welcome to the engine room of this operation. now facing enforced obsolescence a skilled mechanic cast fix. >> this all goes to the garbage no. use for anybody. >>reporter: have you heard how studio forcing all theatres to buy digital projector. here f.they need 60,000 dollars. >> bottom lane is the dollar bill. we don't jep writ enough dollar bills for hotel wad soughtjf mom pop theater is expendible. >> this just show where is the money is. >>reporter: but not going down without a fight. kick starter campaign and grass roots committee producing musical fund raise they are sunday. too much at stake. >> if it's gone, the town languishes. >>reporter: because the rio isn't just the last picture show in this town. it's the last picture show for. 25 mes operation soting this community so unsuited for moderate shall time n.mont rio abc 7 news. >>9 l shame to see it go. fund raise fort rio musical show case begins at 3:00 o'clock. details on this and theater on line fundraiser on 7 news go under see it on tv. >> coming up next on 7 news at 9:00. >> they are everything to me and i can't wait to squeeze them as hard as i can. >> california lieutenant commander returns from deployment for one more covert the past pass is is sz.e kid. >> really wonderful reunion today for father and his children after he was deployed with the navy for a year. as rob explains he surprised hisxd son and daughter at school at already pivotal moment. >> happy friday. good morning boys and girls. l. >>reporter: speed limit bring started just after 9:00 o'cloc o'clock. and for 6 and 7-year-old mason and michelle it was already going to be a big day. you see they were all set to sing the national anthe anthem. >> ready. >> yes. >>reporter: all by themselves. ♪ jose can you see by the dawn early light. >>reporter: what they didn't know at the end of the song was a surprise. during the applause up walked dad. at first look of shock and disbelief then the realization that after being gone for an entire year. dad is finally home. >> i weren't to run to them fast but i was trying to keep it under composure. >> i was xaited to hold them once again. st fantastic to hold my kid i love him so much. >> beautiful story. let's in the cry. move on. talk about the weather forecast. >> what a story. >> awesome. here's live doppler 7hd radar image shows clear sky. everyone where except along the!u coast with g and burning back to the coast tomorrow. tomorrow state wide sunny sky and warm conditions just about everywhere. high in the 90's down through the central vaechlt 101 down at palm springs. here in the bay area after a little bit of morning fog. sunny sky in the afternoon all across the area. high in the low 60's at the coast. 70's around the bay. 80's inland and here's accu-weather 7 day forecast. warming up by monday and then continuing for the next 3 dais daisy. see high pressure maybe low 80's around the bay. 60's on the coast. temperatures moderate toward the end of next week. great many summer like week. >> thanks very muchñi. know the old saying doss don't lose your old saying doss don't lose your head. still to come you. >> coming up tonight on 7 fuss at 11:00. bay area county taking action after bed bug were discovered at local starbucks. and bullet proving your kids 7 on your side michael investigates the cost and controversy of keeping children safe these days. stories and more coming up on 7 news at 11:00 over on channel 7. >> a giant head is the center of a big mystery in new york. college crew team found it floating in the hudson river but where did it come from? marcus went looking for some answers. >> it's a head scratcher that will mess with your headxd. pus intended what can you say about this. giant head found floating in the hudson river. members of the college crew team practicing monday morning when they saw they weren't sure what they saw. >> all see in the peripheral vision we were lake what is that? in the middle of the piece we all started cracking up. >> huge rock or something but why would it float couldn't make any sense. >> right across the river and big head. >> beg head made of styrofoam reinforced with steel rod. art major was inked. >> absolutely 100 percent down to try to fix up the nose and putmy some spray foam in there and fix it up. >> what else is known. head big. about seven feet tall it's heavy took 10 guy to bring it open shore. but the biggest mystery remains. where did it come from. >> i have herd 2 different theories. one i don't think is quite right shah it came off float from mardi gras. from new orleans up here. i'm not sure about that one. >> our theories it may have fallen off a barge or belong to theater prop company. they named the head. not much else makes sense in the story. no missing head and turns out to be finder keeper the team might place it on the second story landing of the boat house. could it be the red fox have a new mass coy. as coach how do you use that as motivation too tool. >> the let you know when i figure it out. >> forget the head here in boston. now head of the hudson here in new york. this is channel 7 news. >> notion job. >> looks like on the head of a ship. >> that's where it belongsth. >> wild. that's all for now. for spencer and larry and i'm for spencer and larry and i'm dab thanks for watching dennis: i think most people would agree. sweet dee: well, i don't agree. dennis: will you look at your skin? sweet dee: i am looking. what's the matter with it? - it's all blotchy. - how is it blotchy? dad, will you look at sweet dee's skin and tell me that it's not all blotchy. do i have to listen to this (bleep) all morning? come on. frank, you've got to be kidding me with these receipts. we were actually doing better before you took over. hey, what's up, guys.

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