Transcripts For KOFY ABC7 News 900PM On KOFY 20170202

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Beginning, right in the middle of it, laura. Right, dan, well, things have changed considerably, since last time we talked. Lets show you some of whats going on right now, first of all, im standing near the first floor here of the asu Student Union. These are the broken windows things started to turn around 1k6 00 tonight, when the protesters began firing firew k fireworks actually at police. At that bone the we knew things had changed dramatically from there. They actually set a fire to a generator light stand that was set up, a generator for the purpose of trying to illuminate the protests that were definitely expected tonight. When this man was set to speak. At that point things again continued to turn, there was a big fire, the light stand went up, and at different times in the evening, we saw fights, skirmishes, within this crowd at one point the official estimate was that this crowd had grown to Something Like 1500 individuals. We would say the core of the protesters at the core, were probably 2 or 300. The rest of the folks it seemed were pretty much spectators observing. At one point we saw one young man get hurt, his head was cut. We saw another woman who appeared to be injured or hurt by the pepper spray. There was a lot of damage, at least to this Martin Luther kin Student Union building, as the evening progressed, we saw some demonstrators grab the metal barricades and throw them through the windows, shattering them through the windows. The actual speech, the event was supposed to take place on the second floor of this building. As for the police response, the primary response was from the uc berkeley, university of California Police department. Their tactics it seemed throughout the evening were to kind of hang back for the most part, they stayed up on the second story balcony. We saw them point to individuals in the crowned, they were identifying what they thought were instigators in the crowd. At one point they came out of the building, on the ground floor, and then carried him back into the building. We also saw at different Points Police on the second floor up on the balcony, they would come out periodically, and they would give disbursal orders, however, we did not at any point have those orders escalate to tear gas as far as we know, being propelled into the crowd. There were some irritants in the crowd as we noticed, but im not sure at this point. I guess well learn later if those were irritants that were fired off or dispersed by the police. As opposed to maybe pepper spray. Lets come back here live, and we can show you whats happening as we speak, we are again just right outside the Martin Luther king Student Union building, theres a large contingent of police, they have formed a skirmish line out here outside of the building. Just in the same area where we saw so much activity earlier tonight. And as you can see, i think in our picture to the left is the remains of the remnants of the light stand that was burned throughout the evening. At this point the protesters themselves have almost completely dispersed were seeing a few people out here, maybe a couple dozen, most of them kind of coming up to see what the seen looks like, now, that most of the people have moved on. At this point i dont know of any arrests, i guess well find out from the police later. We did not see any arrests. Except for the one or two individuals that were plucked from the crowd by the police, in terms of injuries for the most part, what we saw, looked pretty minor, maybe two or three individuals. But again, well get the official numbers from the Police Department im sure as the night develops. Live at uc berkeley, laura anthony, abc 7 news. Lets take you out to a live picture now, from sky 7 where protesters are at the Downtown Berkeley bart station, we understand some windows have been broken, some of the may hem by this Smaller Group of protesters continues. Now, yiannopoulous went on Facebook Live after he was evacuated from the cal campus, slamming leftist protesters for not allowing him to speak. Heres what he said about the police response. The Police Presence, they dont seem to be particularly aggressive this evening, thats something i witnessed and my security detail witnessed too. I was evacuated at the first sign of trouble, trouble did get a lot worse after i did leave. This event may have never got off the ground. It seems as though the university and police didnt want it to happen. Heres a quick time line of tonights events, just after 5 30, the crowd started to form in front of sproul plaza. The demonstration quickly turned violent. At 6 01, you can see someone throwing up fireworks toward police on the balcony. A minute later, demonstrators broke down the barriers and stormed the Martin Luther king Student Union building. They set a diesel generator completely on fire. Police issued numerous disbursal orders. Protesters stayed, defying their orders. At 7 25, can you see police carrying an injured person inside the building. And a short time later, you can see medical personnel treating someone outside by an ambulance. Heres a live picture of whats happening right now. You can see protesters again, some of those not exactly barricades, but you know those construction signs. Saw horses or whatever they are . Yeah, theyre in the middle of the street there, you can see some people have some signs in their hands, that theyve obviously taken down, windows are being broken. As we speak, somewhere along the way, lefthand side, somebody is banging on the window with something, breaking it. You see broken glass there. The chase bank. Thats where somebody is, breaking. So there are some people out there causing some trouble. Even though a large part of the protesters over at sprout plaza werent causing any trouble. They were just hanging out, chanting and dancing to music. Look at all the damage. Inside the chase bank building, messing things up. Now they just causing destruction. Now its breaking and entering, now that theyre inside the building like that. Causing destruction. Were going to stay with this a few minutes to see what happens. This is something i cant imagine the police wont react to, inside the building. And these. We notice theyre wearing black outfits, hoods and masks, these almost certainly are professional protesters, not that they get paid, but they do this around the country. This is just what they do. Who knows if a single one of those breaking into the building even know why the protest happened tonight, specifically, theyre there. They showed up really at the last minute before the as the protests got underway, they came in at the last minute, some of the ones with masks on, thats when the demonstration really started to escalate. But now, can we see anybody in the bank . They were in there briefly. That just happens at night. Yeah, they were in there briefly, i dont know if they thought better of it, and decided they better get out of there. Somebody had a poll or something and was just wailing on the glass of the side of the chase bank there. Breaking in, and people got in, and were causing some destruction. This is near shaddock avenue as we take a live look at the scene. This all started. Earlier this evening because Milo Yiannopoulous was scheduled to be speaking. Because of the protests and the damage that was caused, they cancelled that, his speech tomorrow at ucla has also been cancel cancelled. Theres some trash in the streets, i wouldnt be surprised to see that on fire at some point. Theres a person stopped wait ing you can see its all broken through. Berkeley officials are talking now. Lets listen in. Prime objective for policing on the College Campus is protecting the safety and well being of the students. What was the extent of what was the Police Presence that was here tonight. We had university of California Police officers throughout the system, nine of the ten campuses donated or gave us officers to use for this event. So we would have sufficient officers on hand who understood what our priorities are with campus police. About how many in total . Im not going to give out the numbers that we had here. Once the we saw the extent of the damage and the tactics that were being used by the agitators, we made a call to the county the security costs, we spoke with berkeley representatives and we were told that an anonymous donor covered for security, but we were getting unverified reports. Let me talk about this for a second. This is its been consistently misreported. Every student group. Assessed basic security costs, that are derived from neutral criteria, nothing to do with anticipated protests, the kwon tent of the perspective of the speaker. Thats forbidden by law. The Berkeley College republicans were assessed a standard fee. Let me give you an example, different venue, larger crowd, a few years back, the dalai lama came. The group that sponsored him, 24,000 in security costs, they had a large venue. Any additional security costs that would be driven by the professional assessment, the Police Departments professional assessment of security needs in the context of anticipated protests, those costs must be bourne by the campus, and they will exceed by multiple orders of magnitude those basic security costs that the Berkeley College republicans had to assume which were covered by a benefactor. The Berkeley College republicans had this event cancelled and we are not going to assess a security cost to them for a failed event. So in other words, theyre not going to be required to pay anything . They didnt have to put down that 7,000 earlier . No. It would have been a build event and we will not be billing them. I told the Berkeley College republicans that before i left the building. There have been erroneous reports that they are somehow going to be held liable for the damages, that is categorically false. Zbh at what point did you decide you had to abandon ship, had you to cancel the event. Once we heard the commercial grade fireworks we knew the amazon windows had been broken, we realized it was too dangerous to let this event go forward, thats when we told mr. Yiannopoulous he had to leave, we had to get him out. Was he on campus at that point in the. He was in the venue preparing for his talk. What do you say to people who are wondering right now what happened tonight, what would you say to them. Say, for example, theyre hesitant to have these events because of what had happened tonight. Any time we have a controversial speaker, there are people who stand on both sides of that, some that are supporting it, some who are not. This campus is well known for its free speech stance. No group should hesitate to have an event here out of fear. And thats what were here for, were here to do our best, to act professionally, and to make sure that events for our students occur safely. And that they are able to have them i would tell any group, come and sit down with us, let us assess what the situation might be, make an educated decision on whether you want to go forward or not. Can you talk about the strategy that was used by your Police Department. I mean, you had a show of force to some extent, but then for the most part, they stayed up on the second balcony, there were a lot of disbursal orders given, what was the tactic you were trying to employ. I dont want to get into specific tactics, our officers were out in front of the building and watching the crowd and with the crowd. You may have seen a few on the balcony. Most of them were actually on the stair line and inside the building for use if it was necessary. They did come out at some point, but we had to retreat into the building for our officer safety as well as for the safety of others inside the building. Was it the desire to wait out these folks. Our strategy is to issue disbursal orders and try to get compliance with that. When the disbursal orders were being issued, we were waiting for mutual aid to come, we knew we were going to need that extra line of officers to move people off the campus and disburse the crowd. And that was a good thing, that was a good thing, because we were able to move quietly, patiently to get them off the campus. Can you talk a little bit about how you got him out of the building . Quickly. No, i cant weapon we moved him as quickly as possible. I dont think anyone saw him enter or leave. Is there an underground tunnel . There are multiple exits into the facility. At the height of the crowd, how many people were there . I think at one point we estimated 1500. And we estimated the group of agitators was about 150 in number, 100 to 150. Do you think those agitators were students . My initial assessment of that is no. Do you think any were from berkeley . I dont know that for a fact, i know that as dan explained earlier, they showed up almost in uniform totally through from masking to their clothing, it was a very practiced group that came in. Their referred to them as the black block. I was there actually in the crowd when they arrived, it took even the people in the crowd by surprise. They were covered head to toe in black. Many of them were carrying packages or what looked like weapons, im not talking about firearms, but sticks and other sorts of devices that they had. They came in in paramilitary fashion, they were marching. They seemed to be well rehearsed and highly disciplined and highly dangerous. Weve been listening in to a live News Conference on what was happening at uc berkeley and the protests, and getting yiannopoulous out of there. They were saying about 100 to 150 agitators in the crowd of 1500. Its hard to know for sure. What you just heard them say there is, she doesnt believe that the 150 or so agitators were students in all likelihood. Just people who came from elsewhere who do this often. Wayne freedman has that part of the story, you spoke with one of the Ticket Holders . There are sub plots within the plots. We had argument over the suppression of free speech. People who were here to protest the speech, and people who were here to protest the protesters against free speech. Lets double back and show you aa little video and well show you what happened. The crowd gathered early and left only after Uc Berkeley Police threatened to arrest anyone who remained. As to what happened in between, there may have been 400 active protesters and 3,000 people looking on. Some of them came hoping to hear the speech. Heres part of the discussion with keira row bless who wore a red hat in the crowd. Im looking to make a statement by being here, i think the protesters are doing the same. For the ones that are doing it nonviolently, its a very rare thing in deed. Thank you. Are you surprised . Maam . She was not the oy person to be attacked here tonight. I hope i dont have a broken nose over this. All im talking about is the first amendment, i think its fundamental to our society. When we caught up with keira a few moments later, she wanted to find the man that did attacker, she was dismayed that with an opinion in this country, the place where free speech was founded that she could not appear without fear of being attacked. Joe expressed the same sentiments, we dont know his condition tonight. His nose continued to bleed as long as he talked to us. Both of them were dismayed by the way things turned out. Live at uc berkeley, wayne freedma tomorrows the day well play something besides video games. Every day is a gift. Especially for people with Heart Failure. But today theres entresto. A breakthrough medicine that can help make more tomorrows possible. Tomorrow, i want to see teddy bait his first hook. In the largest Heart Failure study ever, entresto was proven to help more people stay alive and out of the hospital than a leading Heart Failure medicine. Women who are pregnant must not take entresto. It can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. Dont take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren. If youve had angioedema while taking an ace or arb medicine, dont take entresto. The most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high potassium in your blood. Tomorrow, im gonna step out with my favorite girl. Ask your doctor about entresto. And help make the gift of tomorrow possible. Its time for the rain to be back. Really in a big way for several ways it looks like, drew tomb ma is here with the forecast. The pockets of rain are starting to develop across the region. Lets get you down to the street level. Light showers you see north of santa rosa. Bops of yellow around hilsburg. Moving through burlingame at this hour. South of san leandro. Really minimal at this hour. We had a light shower pass through, and thats pushing off to the east. On the storm impact scale while many of us are sleeping, its going to be a moderate storm, isolated downpoors along with the winds picking up in the morning. Midday and into the afternoon, were dodging drops, there is a chance of thunder, but a slight chance at that. Future weather as we go. 3 00 in the morning, here comes that heavier line of rain moving through. While many of us are sleeping, it moves through pretty quickly, as the thursday morning commute gets under way, we will be having rain to contend with. Get you through your commute with alexis smith our traffic reporter, by 4 00 in the afternoon, its not widespread activity. Were unsettled throughout the day. And then into early friday, another wave of moisture moves in. More downpours will be developing in the Early Morning hours, that will lead to another unsettled afternoon friday, and friday afternoon too, there is a chance of an isolated thundershower popping up. The theme the next couple days is the wet weather returning. The santa cruz mountains, 1 to 2 inches is likely, on the lee ward side of the mountains, you know this all too well, the south bay much less than that, i think a lot of spots a quarter inch of rain. Through the heart of the region, San Francisco opening concord, about a quarter to an inch of rain, we have the winds to contend with, a kwind advisory will go into effect in a little over 30 minutes, listing until friday morning. That means that wind could gust near 40 to 50 miles an hour, the threat is there for downed trees and power outages. Moderate for ponding on roads. Small creek flooding is potentially there. Power outages on the low side, river flooding does not look to be a concern with this quick moving system. Well show you tomorrow morning, its wet and windy through the afternoon, more in the way of scattered showers, more showers on the way for friday, into the Early Morning hours saturday, saturday afternoon and sunday morning looks dry continuing through tuesday morning. Thank you, drew. We are monitoring the events in berkeley tonight where protesters have forced the cancellation of a speech. Cancellation of a speech. Theyre now marching in when heartburn hits, cancellation of a speech. Theyre now marching in fight back fast with tums smoothies. It starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. And neutralizes stomach acid at the source. Tum tum tum tum smoothies only from tums at enterprise, we guarantee it. Next vehicle purchase . Head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone. Change your thinking about buying your next one. Anything with a screen is a tv. Stream 130 live channels. Plus 40,000 on demand tv shows and movies, all on the go. You can even download from your x1 dvr and watch it offline. Only xfinity gives you more to stream to any screen. Click, call or visit an xfinity store today to learn more. Or, get started with this great offer. Welcome back, im ama dates. Were following breaking news in berkeley tonight. Milo yiannopoulous planned speech, he left campus. Uc berkeley just a minute or two ago, tweeted a warning for students to remain indoors, as a crowd of demonstrators are moving back toward campus. Late this afternoon as we see here, it started as a smaller protest. It quickly as you see there, turned violent which forced the school to cancel the planned speech. Protesters threw fireworks at police, broke windows of the Martin Luther king jr. Student center and set a Diesel Engine on fire. The demonstrators ignored numerous orders to disburse. You can see police carrying an injured man inside the building. And heres video from a few minutes ago. Can you see protesters who are breaking windows at that chase bank. A couple people went into the bank, they seemed to leave fairly quickly after that. Right after that, they broke windows at the bank of america and shattered the doors there. We will continue to follow this breaking news throughout the hour, and tune in to abc 7 news at 11 00 for live team coverage. Moving on, some democratic members of congress are urging President Trump to remove former breitbart executive chair steve bannon from the National Security council. They wrote a letter prompted by bannons controversial view of the world and what he said on a radio show that he hosted. Cecilia vega has the tapes. President trumps chief strategist and his controversial views on islam. Last year steve bannon said this. Its pretty dark in europe right now, but theres something much darker, and that is islam. Breitbart is now seen as one of the most powerful people in the white house. Usa today reviewed dozens of hours of bannon on the radio unearthing comments like this. To be brutally frank, christianity is dying in europe and islam is on the rise. Lets talk about that. The white house today trying to distance the president. Steve bannon can be heard on recordings saying islam is a dark religion, not a religion of peace. Does the president share his chief strategists beliefs on islam. His number one goal is not to target any one religion, but places, and areas where we believe there is an issue. Theres a big difference between islam the religion and radical islamic terrorists that come here to seek to do us harm. Nothing you want to elaborate on. Theres a difference between the president s view. The president recently giving his confidant a permanent seat on the National Security council. Where he sits side by side with the secretaries of state and defense. Bannon played a key role in crafting President Trumps extreme vetting order. In 2015, bannon suggesting he supported more than a temporary ban. Why are you going through all this vetting, why even let them in. The cost to vet these people, the cost to do that, to what end. Cant that money be used in the United States . I think the issue is, should we just take a pause and hiatus for a number of years. Now, some House Democrats are weighing in on steve bannon right here in a letter to the president himself. They are demanding he be removed from his post on the National Security council. This letter not expected to go very far here at the white house, listen to what they say, mr. Bannons lack of government experience and his extreme political agenda remains deeply troubling. President trumps secretary of state is on the job for the first time, but another one of the president s nominees is facing a rocky coirmation. Rex tillerson was confirmed earlier today and officially sworn in as secretary of state. President trumps education secretary nominee betsy devos could be in trouble after two republicans announced today they will not vote for her. I will not, i cannot vote to confirm her as our nations next secretary of education. The white house says its confident devos will be confirmed. Right now, the vote would likely end in a tie mike pence would then cast the deciding vote. Some democrats are vowing to block President Trumps Supreme Court nominee. Neil gorsuch visited some of the senators who will decide his fate. Jonathan karl has more on the bitter new fight on capitol hill. As newly minted Supreme Court nominee neil gorsuch began making the rounds on capitol hill today. Colorado and washington. Back at the white house, President Trump urged Republican Senate leader Mitch Mcconnell to do whatever it takes to get him confirmed. If we end up with gridlock, i would say, if you can, mitch, go nuclear. Because that would be an absolute shame if a man of this quality was caught up in the web. By going nuclear, he means a rare change to senate rules to make it impossible for democrats alone to block the nomination. Either way, it will be a bruising battle. Let me get this straight, you are against neil gorsuch no matter what, no matter what happens in these hearings, no matter what he says, you are going to do everything you can to stop him . I am indeed, for two reasons, the first, that this nomination should never have occurred and second the mans record. Jeff americaly accuses republicans of stealing a Supreme Court seat because for 10 months they blocked Barack Obamas nominee to replace the late justice antonin scalia. Youre not going to back down on this no matter what . No, im not. No. Gorsuch comes with a sterling resume, degrees from colombia and harvard law, and a ph. D. In legal philosophy from oxford. Hes written nothing significant about hot button issues like gay marriage or abortion, but he did right a book backing laws against euthanasia, all human beings are intrinsically valuable. I will do all my powers permit to be a faithful servant of the laws of this great country. Gorsuch is a great admirer of Justice Scalia who he would be replacing. He also clerked for anthony kennedy. The key swing vote on the high court. Even trumps strongest republican critics are lining up to fight for him. Neil gorsuch, what do you think . Home run, judges judge, this is the kind of person that the founders envisioned sitting on the Supreme Court. He knows what a judges job is. Today President Trump witnessed the return of the body of a navy s. E. A. L. Who was killed in a raid in yemen, his administration issued a harsh warning to iran. Martha raddatz has more. The National Security adviser came to the white house podium unexpectedly and took no questions, but his message to iran was blunt. As of today, we are officially putting iran on notice. General flynns warning came after irans test of yet another Ballistic Missile and other provocative actions, including high speed approaches to u. S. War ships. Iran continues to threaten friends and allies in the region. Flynn blasted the Obama Administration for an inadequate response to iran in the past, the white house did not specify how they would hold iran accountable now, saying they are considering options and they will take appropriate action. The president today along with his daughter ivanka, took that somber trip to dover for the dignified transfer for the remains of navy s. E. A. L. William ryan owens, this is the First Service member killed since donald trump became commander in chief. Always a difficult duty for any president. Back to iran, they didnt put a military option on the table, but they didnt rule it out either, what mike flynn really did today, is let iran know theres a new sheriff in town, and he may not be pulling his gun out, but he has one in his holster. News tonight about whats next for hillary clinton. Now weve learned she will publish a new book of personal essays including her thoughts on this Bruising Campaign that just passed. She returned to Wellesley College to deliver the address as first lady in 1992, and she gave a commencement address there in 1969 graduating senior. Former president obama and his wife michelle have been getting attention on social media, after they were spotted vacationing in in the British Virgin islands along with sir richard branson. The former first family has been on vacation since the trumps inauguration. Police lineup outside a an offduty sheriffs deputy who tried to break into a house in alameda. You are surrounded. Come out through the front door with your hands up. Thats Alameda Police as they surrounded a house after the shooting. They went in with their guns drawn. The shooting rattled neighbors. I heard a series of gunshots, and i then there was a pause and there were more gunshots and yelling. Investigators are still trying to piece together what happened. The officer who confronted the suspected intruder is an off duty deputy. Sheriffs deputies who handled key evidence were on the hot seat today as the trial entered its third day. Tore esz is accused of murdering sierra lamar. Deputies and the countys crime lab will link Garcia Torres to the crime. Deputies will explain how they carefully handled sierras cell phone, clothes and school books. If they jury feels the evidence wasnt handled right, its going to hurt the prosecution. Those unsightly cell phone towers may become a thing of the past. Ahead, loud and clear, were going to just when you thought 4g is cool, at t is already talking about plans for a 5g wireless network. Its still off in the distance, but it starts with technology that will make your phone faster today. We will offer 5g evolution service. Its a standard that does not exist yet. At t is already announcing it will test in certain markets by the end of the year. Its a problem verizon faced. Our name is going to be all over the city, it has to perform well. Reporter now, at t is taking a page out of that playbook. The customer will feel the signal quality is much better. Small cells are perfect for spots like this, where you have hundreds of phones all on one block, at t has announced a solution for rural areas, that like this one, uses polls that are already there. This is a radical new approach to delivering multigigabit speeds. Theyre calling it air gig, it fits on top of the wooden polls that carry power lines. Take this into areas where fiber may not be deployed, it can be expensive to deploy fiber. Air gig gets its connection from tiny radiowaves sent along the power lines it draws power from the Magnetic Field of those wires its still a few years out. We see this as a step toward the 5g. For all the data we use now, well be on line a lot more, once cars drive themselves. 7 1 2 hours a week, what are you going to do with all of that time that youre not forced to be in control of keeping a 3,000 pound hunk of metal in white lines. Jonathan bloom, abc 7 news. That sounds fast. Yeah, well the weather is quickly changing. Drew tracking a series of storms. Were starting to see that rain begin to fill in on live doppler 7. Right down to street level. One lone shower thats popped up in the past half hour even over south San Francisco, light sprinkles that will intensify overnight. This will be a twoway. Moderate storm, and the highest impacts are going to come in the Early Morning hours on thursday. The afternoon is more in the way of scattered showers, theres a slight chance of thunder. Rain and wind early on. And then it really just tapers to scattered showers from then on out. Still damp by 7 00, well have snow working into the sierra, winter storm warning in effect. Accuweather 7day forecast showing you the wet whether will stick around. Not all of the weekend is damp. Thats nice. Thanks, drew. Warriors in action, and in town tonight. Larry beihl has the scoop. This was a great threepoint shooting exhibition tonight. The warriors bury the hornets and it ooh. Psst. Hey. Where you going . Weve got that thing you know. Diarrhea . Abdominal pain . But we said wed be there. Woap, who makes the decisions around here . Its me. Dont think ill make it. Stomach again. Send if youre living with frequent, unpredictable diarrhea and abdominal pain, you may have Irritable Bowel Syndrome with diarrhea or ibsd a condition that can be really frustrating. Talk to your doctor about viberzi. A different way to treat ibsd. Viberzi is a Prescription Medication you take every day that helps proactively manage both diarrhea and abdominal pain at the same time. So you stay ahead of your symptoms. Viberzi can cause new or worsening abdominal pain. Do not take viberzi if you have or may have had pancreas or severe liver problems, problems with alcohol abuse, longlasting or severe constipation, or a blockage of your bowel or gallbladder. If you are taking viberzi, you should not take medicines that cause constipation. The most common side effects of viberzi include constipation, nausea, and abdominal pain. Stay ahead of ibsd. With viberzi. Warriors decided to hold their own threepoint shootout. They had 15 threes at the half. Dell was a great shooter back in the day. In a suit, deep three. And that no big deal. Ive been doing this my whole life. Like father like son. Steph drained his first threepointers. Just making it rain. And pop is like, yeah, thats what i taught him. Even when javale mcgee misses, it turns into a curry three. 26 points at the half for steph, they miss a three, and end up making another three. Klay thompson on the reload, he had five threes in the first half. Steph finished with 39. Its ridiculous. Watch curry here. You got to guard him at the threepoint line. No, its a layup. All warriors, they finish with 21 threes on the night and win, 126111. Now to the latest on the raiders in las vegas, the vegas county commissioner said today, that owner mark davis called to assure him that other investors are being lined up to replace Sheldon Adelson who pulled out of that deal. Well see. The commissioner Roger Goodell discussed the raiders situation among other things at the super bowl in houston. Goodell acknowledged owners have a lot of research to get done if they want to vote on vegas by the owners meeting next month. The ultimate objective here is to make the right decision. And ive said it many times before, locations are painful. You want to be intelligent and thorough. This will be the second year in a row the silver and black have been scheduled to play south of the border. Whats unfortunate for fans in the bay area is that this would have been a raiders home game, with tom brady coming in, its a home game that oak land is losing. This is National Signing day, when High School Football players announce where they will play in college, if you believe its possible to really project what an 18yearold kid is likely to become several years down the road. It appears stanford did very well. Quarterback davis mills is from georgia. Hes the top ranked qb in the country. Hell be the top ranked oline. And walker little who is not little. Hes 67, 310 pounds. Heres david shaw. The jewel of every class, starts with the quarterback position. And get the as assessed by our coaches, the number one quarterback in america. It was just exciting. Accurate. Quick release, great feet, good athlete, you know, they got a chance to come in and be a good Football Player for us. New cal coach Justin Wilcox got a late start on recruiting after sonny dikes was let go. A fourstar prospect out of newport beach. He may be throwing to johnson. Really intriguing is running back ali walsh. He happens to be the grandson of the late boxing champion, muhammad ali. This is what you call expert level trolling. Where is he going to go . The florida gators, thats his school. Not so fast. Hes taking that off. What . Florida state seminoles going to Florida State . No. Usc. Has he taken that . No, hes hes got a cap with usc. Very creative and quite cruel by the young man, this commit video, features on Bleacher Report tops them all. This is josh fallow of sacramento, choosing his school this is a full on Video Production with a troop, hes going with usc also. The trojans are going to be a force, if these guys are as talented on the field as they are creative. Coming up tonight on abc 7 news at 11 00, were continuing to follow that breaking news, campus chaos at cal over the scheduled talk by breitbart editor Milo Yiannopoulous. It was hastily cancelled after protests broke out. You can see just in the past few minutes, they have set a few small fires. They broke windows on multiple banks. The donald trump support er pepper sprayed in the middle of the coverage. Be sure to join us for abc 7 news at 11 00 over on channel 7. Busy night. That is this edition of abc 7 news at 9 00. For drew, larry, all of us here, thank you for joining us. Well see you again in one hour over on channel 7. Announcer this program contains material that may be disturbing to some audience members. Viewer discretion is advised. Today, an arizona wife says shes abused by her husband until a vicious hammer attack ends it all. But Police Discover nothing here is what it seems. Cavalluzzi she is distraught in onein

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