go back in a photo album. take a look at some pictures of the scene out here in morning. here's the way it worked the fire department is allowing residents to go in with a milk carton, maybe grab a few boxes they are escorted in they get 15 to 20 minutes and what is most important to them, papers, photos, whatever nothing too big. firefighters keeping an eye out for hot spots and they found#ñtlw 145 minutes ago smoke coming out -- they found one 40 fife minutes ago coming out of the attic: it spread rapidly going to a fourth alarm in 30 minutes. the santa clara county arson task force out here now looking for the cause. >> right now they are in four units that were the most heavily damaged and they are investigating. >> reporter: the unit was found to be structurally sound? >> it is structurally sound enough for us to investigate. >> reporter: want to update some numbers from the fire. a total of 26 apartment units affected. 50 residents affected. four units are destroyed. there was one injury. we were told there were no injuries. a firefighter was injured. a spokeswoman for the mountain view fire department telling us there was one injury she would not discuss that injury. the red cross has set up shop at a local elementary school helping people get things back together. they are offering shelter. they are offering clothing and food and all the things the red cross comes through with. there are four people who have no home. at least five units are heavily damaged. again, 26 units impacted, 50 people with their lives changed rapidly. terry mcsweeney, abc7 news. a shooting rampage at an ohio high school has taken three lies. two more students died this morning. 17-year-old russell king, jr. died overnight and a third passed away a little more than an hour ago. the suspect tj lane is scheduled to be at a juvenile court hearing today. lane did not attend the high school but an alternative school for students with academic or behavioral problems. friends who saw him yesterday say they didn't notice anything wrong. >> he didn't seem different just how he would be on a normal day he didn't show any expression on his face he was just tj. >> some describe lane as an outcast who had been repeatedly bullied. others say he was just quiet. police say they've not determined a motive. no word on the condition of the two surviving students. fbi may soon join the investigation of those human remains left by wesley shermantine and loren herzog the so-called speed freak killers. they are not saying what kind of assistance. authorities have recovered more than 1,000 bones on property once owned by shermantine's family in the central valley. so far investigators have identified two victims, herzog killed himself in prison last month after learning shermantine planned to reveal the burial sites to authorities. a man arrested accused of using craigslist to rent out foreclosed homes in contra costa county police say the unsuspecting renters may be evicted. amy hollyfield joins us with the story. >> reporter: what is sad i just met with the walnut creek investigator, he said these families found this house here in walnut creek, a big nice house in a good neighborhood, they moved in, thought they had rented it legitimately they were going to stay long term and then they got news from police they were going to have to move. here's who police blame. they believe he found empty foreclosed on homes, changed the locks and advertised they were for rent and listed them on craigslist. police say he used to be a realtor so his lease documents looked legitimate. police say he works for the national alliance of homeowners for justice which thinks this is lawful because of loopholes in the law. >> put a notice on the door saying he was going to take, in his words, adverse possession and rent the home and then he files paperwork with the county indicating that he has lawful possession ofhe home. fraudulent paperwork. and then rents the home on craigslist to someone who thinks they are renting a home. >> reporter: police in walnut creek became suspicious when a realtor represent entering one of homes went to check on it and fond a family living inside. the investigation grew. -- they believe this has happened in hercules, brentwood and antioch. they say they won't be if more victims come forward and possibly more arrests. at this point, salazar is the only one who has been arrested. fist his court appearance is set for next week. police think more victims will probably come forward if you know of anyone who this may have happened to, they encourage you to call police. amy hollyfield, abc7 news. santa cruz police have made an arrest in the case of vandalism that damaged 50 vehicles last summer. daniel o'reilly faces felony vandalism charges. police believes he slashed dozens of tires and painted was fast -- swastikas on at least three cars. police arrested him after testing dna samples, obtained at the scene. san jose state officials say they will continue to use a long standing practice of giving admission preference to local students. last week they were considering ending the discount and admission advantage to south bay students. they say they couldn't afford it any more after state budget cuts it would have affected 1400 south bay high school graduates and community college transfers. leaders backed off on the plan after two days of meetings. special invite from apple today for a big event next week. face off between mitt romney and rick santorum. the high stakes battle that has the top two republican candidates courting democrats today at the polls. groundbreaking policy that could have inmates, patients and workers in one county eating honey...? [ mom ] yes. honey, i can't find my internet cord. oh, i'll borrow hailey's. you're downloading movies. fast! from here? where is her cord?! we switched to at&t high speed internet and got wireless access. no more cords. wireless, okay, honestly, can i just get a cord, please? dad, the cord's invisible. [ female announcer ] call at&t today to get high speed internet for just $14.95 a month for 12 months with a 1-year price guarantee. it's the fastest internet for the price. oooh. videos online? here? how much is that? nothing. at&t high speed internet at home includes access here. our invisible cord is really long, dad. oooh. [ female announcer ] get access to the entire national at&t wi-fi hot spot network for no extra charge. so call today to get high speed internet for just $14.95 a month for 12 months with a 1-year price guarantee. aren't you glad we switched to at&t? yes...but i want my own invisible cord. you already have one. oh. ♪ today is primaries in michigan and arizona could be game changers in the race to the white house. mitt romney is trying to beat out santorum in a state where romney has deep roots. katie marzullo joins us with the high stakes. >> reporter: high stakes for romney because of what you mentioned his roots and high enough for santorum that he's courting democrats in michigan they can vote in the state's open primary so santorum is trying to turn them against romney with robo calls that romney says, go too far. >> romney supported the bailouts for his wall street billionaire buddies but opposed the auto bailouts. >> reporter: in truth santorum opposed the auto bailouts too.:n in real-time today in michigan santorum in grand rapids with a promise of more jobs. >> for manufacturing activity we will eliminate the corporate tax and send a sign to have manufacturer around the world we want you here in america to make thenings that will create jobs and -- make things that will create jobs. >> reporter: romney said -- >> i don't think he understands process of job creating. >> reporter: some say iff romney loses michigan it would be an embarrassment from which he cannot bounce back because it is his home state and his dad was governor. >> if santorum wins it is the equivalent of a 9.0 on a richter scale it is going to shake washington, republican establishment, it is going to shake things to their core. >> reporter: president obama gave a speech in front of union workers this morning. he said it was his administration's bailout of the auto industry that saved their jobs. >> the president: you know why i knew this rescue would succeed? you want to know? it wasn't because of anything the government did. it want just because of anything management did. it was because i believed in you! i placed my bet on the american worker! >> reporter: also today associated press gfk poll shows president obama is gaining support among women. female voters more so than men credit the president with improveing economy and many take his side on social issues, like birth control. there are more than 300 jobs available right now through today's job fair at the east bay hi event in concord sponsored by abc7 and the job . nick smith joins us. -- >> reporter: it is definitely exciting they are setting up now. we are talking about the job fair co-sponsored by abc7, more than a dozen employers looking to fill 300 positions. looking for job seekers to meet with potential employers who have available jobs today. there are encouraging numbers about unemployment out. department of reports openings on the rise strong indications that employers are slowly increasing hiring. many are still looking for jobs that's why today's event is so important. unemployment in contra costa county 9.3 , down from what it was in the if fall of last year cord nays say the trends look encourage -- coordinators say the trends look encouraging. >> employers have been hiring this year. we're pulling out of the recession and employers are very serious about hiring. if you need a job today, please come down. we have one company has 95 openings. >> reporter: 95 openings that's just one employer. again, the east bay hire event starts at noon and runs until 4 p.m.. a dozen employers seeking to fill more than 300 positions. we are at the center concord at 52 the 8 clayton road in -- 5298 clayton road in concord. you can have your resume evaluated, free of charge. the event is free and last time they had a turnout of more than 900 people so you have to get down here. we are looking for clouds, where is the rain? >> we have clouds even sprinkles earlier now we are waiting on the rain coming tonight the latest on that and the showers that will take over after and finally spring warmth for the weekend. they are advertised as active video games. when it comes to your children they may not be active enough. is it too much of a stretch to make yoga a competitive sport? if you've been waiting for the next generation ipad it appears your wait is nearly over. this morning cupertino based apple sent out a notice announcing an event next wednesday it shows part of an ipad screen you can see the tagline. insiders have speculated it would be introduced soon they believe it will have a sharper screen no word on when the ipad 3 will go on sale. >> a little tease there. mike has been teasing us with threats of rain. >> yes threats of rain had a few sprinkles. >> i had one drop on my windshield this morning. >> let's go. >> we want more. that's what we will have later today. one flake does not an avalanche make, one drop is just the beginning. good morning. here's a look at that foot of snow they received in tea yesterday, another one to three feet tonight through tomorrow -- if you are heading that way it going to be tough. complete forecast in a second. here's a look at what going on at home. multi-layered clouds, a few holes in 'em storm still to our north you can see it on live doppler the bulk of the storm from crescent city up to seattle. it is going to take the better part of today to get here. until it does mostly cloudy upper 40s to low 50s except half moon bay and antioch 53°. low to mid 50s around the monterey bay and inland. dry today, rain returns tonight, showers will be around wednesday into thursday sunny, dry, warmer and pretty high pollen count this weekend. high pollen count today but not tomorrow after the rain. 49 clear lake everybody else in the mid to upper 50s mostly cloudy same type of conditions around the monterey bay mostly cloudy mid 50s. tonight with the rain coming down pretty mild mid to upper 40sm.c low 40s santa cruz morgan hill, santa rosa upper 30s clear lake and cover detail. front sliding down coming straight from alaska it's got cold air with it and it is picking up moisture now that means we'll get a soaking tonight more rain than we've had this entire month may fall tonight. 7:00 you can see the steadier rain moving into the north bay most of us get through the evening commute dry. then you see the rain get heaviest around 2:00, the front slides south while most of us are sleeping starting to exit south bay by 7:00, a lot of residual moisture for the morning commute then the scattered showers. snow count hamilton, snow levels down to 3500 feet throughout the event wednesday afternoon, wednesday night, thursday morning scattered showers, thursday afternoon more showers finally once the sunsets thursday we'll start to lose the energy and the chance of showers. look how impressive this is half inch to an inch around the bay 3/4 to an inch and half north bay valleys up to two inches north bay mountains up to an inch and half santa cruz mountains snow in the sierra 1:00 tomorrow morning, 7:00 for tomorrow eve -- evening possibly one to three feast snow on the slopes. 50s through thursday, friday transition to dry and warmer weather. 70s likely away from the coast this weekend. >> better skiing this weekend, thanks mike. today santa clara county leader are expected to approve what is being called the most comprehensive healthy food and drink plan in the state, possibly the nation. changes would affect vending months -- [ unintelligible ] pizza and burgers would be made with more healthier ingredients such as ground turkey instead of beef. chips and sodas in the vending months would be replaced with trail mix and water. all new video games that allow to you play tennis and dance may not be enough to ensure your kids are meeting their daily exercise requirements. researchers from baylor college of medicine in houston, texas found children who were given active video games to play on a nintendo wii did not do any more moderate or vigorous activity than playing games while sitting on the couch. should yo go be with olympic sport? the united states yoga federation wants to see it happen. a non-profit organization which advocates yoga as a sport is hosting a regional and national championship in new york next week participants will are to do a series of poses and demonstrate perfect strength, balance and flexability. they want organizations in other countries to form an international yoga federation and to qualify as an olympic sport. yoga competitions originated in india hundreds of years ago many they are still being conducted there today. >> dance is a sport don't you think? >> definitely. >> coming up, the new cast of "dancing with the stars" revealed today. >> we'll have the full list, next.  >> today at 3:00 the oscar losers and their swag bags. then at 4:00, the car company that has unseated honda. and 5 the pit bull spared from a death sentence his owner fought for two years to free him from an animal shelter. finally, legendary singer, soap star, tennis star and urkel will soon be putting on their dancing shoes. >> one of the best players to step on to the tennis court this superstar smashed records with her killer left hand serve, martina navratilova. >> new dancing with the stars cast was announced this morning on "good morning america" a total of 12 will compete. here are the contestants jalil white, singer gladys knight and green bay packer wide receiver donald driver. tennis player martina navratilova, catherine jenkins and the view co-host sherry shepard. >> gavin graw, melissa gilbert, jack wagner. william levi and maria menounos. can't wait. >> police any bets? >> no oh, -- place any bets? >> no oh no, a lot of talent. >> who wants to be a millionaire is next. honey...? [ mom ] yes. honey, i can't find my internet cord. oh, i'll borrow hailey's. you're downloading movies. fast! from here? where is her cord?! we switched to at&t high speed internet and got wireless access. no more cords. wireless, okay, honestly, can i just get a cord, please? dad, the cord's invisible. [ female announcer ] call at&t today to get high speed internet for just $14.95 a month for 12 months with a 1-year price guarantee. it's the fastest internet for the price. oooh. videos online? here? how much is that? nothing. at&t high speed internet at home includes access here. our invisible cord is really long, dad. oooh. [ female announcer ] get access to the entire national at&t wi-fi hot spot network for no extra charge. so call today to get high speed internet for just $14.95 a month for 12 months with a 1-year price guarantee. aren't you glad we switched to at&t? yes...but i want my own invisible cord. you already have one. oh. ♪

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United States ,New York ,Crescent City ,California ,Arizona ,India ,Mountain View ,Ohio ,Texas ,Central Valley ,Washington ,Alaska ,Turkey ,Santa Clara County ,Santa Cruz Mountains ,Monterey Bay ,Michigan ,District Of Columbia ,America ,American ,Loren Herzog ,Santa Cruz Morgan ,Gladys Knight ,Russell King Jr ,Martina Navratilova Catherine Jenkins ,William Levi ,Melissa Gilbert Jack Wagner ,Cheryl Jennings ,Rick Santorum ,Kristen Sze ,Sherry Shepard ,Martina Navratilova ,Wesley Shermantine ,Hercules Brentwood ,Nick Smith ,

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