He will normally have a different group of musicians for every concert unless he's on a tour but if he's at home and he's got one here and then one there and we can one he mixes it up so here these guys come in they're playing tunes that really well he wrote them so I don't know how well they know I'm obviously they're listening to him in the meantime what's the get booked for the gig but they sit down all together and nobody's played anything with anybody and they knock out you know an hour hour and a half set and it's always great he says I just I love the spontaneous creation of music and so I get talented musicians to get on a room and just start creating the same thing off the top your head anything that just comes out naturally that's what I'm after it's a pretty cool when it is cool and he's to play with. No Buffalo Yeah that's when I started. And before that John Lee Hooker Yeah you're right before there was Steve Miller was really wasn't thinking No I'm sorry I take that back I was thinking of a file here I've yards replated down and away I think that. Didn't cure for that local boy who just knocks it out man k.k. Martin going back to Dallas Kiki had a birthday last week which is really special because one point he had stage 4 cancer and doctors were basically right now him off and that little bugger fought back hard and if he is good and we start off with a Dave Hole a guy who lives in Australia. Just greats like it or play or cold women with warm hearts I love that title it's meant when he play slide though that we've got it set up it really does sound like a Hawaiian guitar yeah so you know if you've got friends in Hawaii that was for you . Dave hole called Women with warm hearts that we would reach the midpoint here 2 o'clock on the traveling medicine blue show 1015. P. Newport Beach and we're time in it for the Blues profile and what a mammoth figure in the blues in music in general. Don and he is just the best a pioneer American jazz blues and rhythm and blues musician. Songwriter band leader . Enjoyed his greatest popularity from about 1930 into the early fifty's was known as the king of the jukebox as he just knocked him out each earn a moment Jordan is highly popular both with whites and black audiences back in the day they would have to do 2 shows and they'd have the white show and when everybody got out of there then they have the extra long and lot more fun black show. But he's so popular as a crossover artist one of the very 1st really really popular crossover artists played in the I guess you could call it the later years of the Swing Era 2004 Rolling Stone magazine ranked him Number 59 on their list of 100 greatest all time artists and I think the choke at their end this guy's in the top 25 for sure sure Don was one of the most successful African-American musicians of the 20th century ranking 5th. Ranking 5th on the all time most successful black recording artist according to Billboard magazine he scored at least $4000000.00 selling hits during his career that's millions selling hits times for. Here's a song you're going or you're going to recognize as many He's played and he's played a. Loser or. Is always late. In time we have a date but I love. Yes. I'm going to walk right up to the gate. And see if I can get a straight cause I wanna. Go to. See. Your hot. When. You find. Me. Is you is or is you. Make up your mind go he is so. Short on was born in. Brinkley Arkansas July 8th 1908 where his father James Erin Jordan was a local music teacher to mean leader Jordan so studied music father for a while start out with the clarinet and his youth he played with his dad's bands and says doing farmwork whenever school close he also played piano professionally early in his career also alto sax and that kind of became his main instrument for a while. However before even becoming better known as a songwriter entertainer and vocal. He would just knock around join different bands constantly learning constantly getting influenced by all these different musicians both jazz and blues 193-2239 George on performed with fronted. A number of performed a front a number. So me type that are wrong due to their urine turned out I. Got a Boy what's this. Performed with a number different popular bands Jordan's 1st band was originally a ninety's band he soon scale it down to a sextet and started at the Elks rendezvous club in Harlem eventually worked his way up to an engagement at Chicago's Capitol Lounge supporting the Mills Brothers and their big act for the time. It is a big important breakthrough for Giordano the man got a lot of publicity a lot of attention people 41 Decca launched the sepia series The 39 cent line of. Vinyl discs I mean they were the records but featured artists who were considered to have crossover potential and could sell them both black and white markets and your band was transformed from Deco's race label to the series c.p.s. Series recording dates in November 1941 produced and. Classic one of many song called Knock me a kiss be keen a huge jukebox seller here is just for you. And no mistake but be. Good out. Come on not me here. But get. This. When you get out. Come on me Q. You make you. Can. Scratch that oh. Come on kid. When you bristles every little bit. You make you know. It is like Brandy candid. With. No. Spread said Oh. This ain't no sham the jam in Scranton. Come on not me kid. Not me a kid. Yeah baby and I make you. Journey began his career in big band swing jazz and became famous as one of the leading practitioners in readers and pop you. Long were their popularizers of jump blues kind of a swinging uptempo dance oriented hybrid of jazz blues and. Typically performed by smaller bands consisting of 5 or 6 players jump music featured shouted highly syncopated vocals and an earthy comedic twist on the lyrics and lot of contemporary urban themes we had a song you probably heard many a time but. And I will tell you as someone who has been shot with. Salt hell salt pellets from a shotgun I was stealing watermelons at the time not chickens but boy I sure like this song. Here's ain't nobody here but us chickens C. You got to wonder if the line worked. Just the chickens just a. Good idea. Yeah not the best fun thing or. Love that guy in. The 1940 s. Jordaan released dozens of hit songs I mean this guy was on the charts more than the Beatles he was all over the place including swing in Saturday night's fish fry and by the way it 7 Night Fish Fry is by a lot of critics argued to be. The 1st rock n roll song now there's a lot of claims to this that get it but you almost never hear anybody mention effort to lose or Don's right in the mix there and run couple of the songs blue light Boogie cosmic classic a nobody here but us chickens buzz me ain't dead just like a woman do it every time and I'm a multimillion seller to choose. One whose biggest hits was Caledonia Boogie and it's energetic screaming punchline banged out by the whole band Caledonia catatonia What makes you know big kid so ha we going to be looking into that. Investigate see what Caledonia is to hear. That over. Heated up on the turntable. California begat. Gallo that's what you told an Ok that's what she says she says. I'm a woman. But Mama didn't know what California was putting down so I'm going out to California and ask this is what. February for the 1975 loser Don died in Los Angeles California to this day loser Don Sewell ranks as one of the top black recording artists of all time in terms of number of weeks and number one his recording scored an incredible total of $113.00 weeks at the number one position and wants to compare that to the person who finished runner up number 2 Stevie Wonder with only 70 weeks check that out man 113 weeks Stevie Wonder at 70 from join 146 through May of 47 short on scored 5 consecutive number one songs holding the top slot for 44 consecutive weeks now for those of you in the audience who work a calendar how many weeks or any year he had to he was. I'm sorry what a little show off you know how many again just get it all in there so you think this guy can count like crazy he was sitting over there with a calendar working over so he came up with how many of those 52 weeks and there you go. Ok go back in the corner. Looking I don't feel good yeah well you're lucky you know feel yeah anyways yeah 44 out of 52 amazing during interview later his life's short on made the controversy remark that rock n roll music was simply rhythm and blues played by white performers. Just . You know what some ways it's got a little bit to it. Play a song here that. Is one of b.b. King's favorite short on the b.b. King was a huge lose your down fan in fact he released an entire album of lose your dawn songs because he just just loves his stuff and frankly it's hard not to love it is a song called Let the good times roll. 7 0 tell everybody about it John sent out I got it done in the quote I'm not in the clouds but no. I got the sense that I go to see. Young. Players got something you got here. Maybe don't come out here or. Come on now. Makes the water once to meet you and your neighbors and will be visiting your neighborhood beginning July 31st through September 7th you can share your thoughts about current issues affecting your community and explore opportunities for Mesa water just serve you more economically effectively and efficiently your local Mesa water representative will be available to answer your questions plan on coming to one of these events in your neighborhood more at Mesa water dot org slash neighborhood chat. Hi Bill here how is your portfolio doing this whacked out market a stress test evaluations available from our team the money guys that apply financial planning heard every Saturday morning at 9 o'clock right here on k o c I your point is complimentary and without obligation at o.c. Many guys dot com. Welcome back to the. Show it is no need to say Rupert is are. Now right. We're going to go to the live set we start off with a live separate was kind of Clue. I got to take a quick break a lot of the horses and give me another feedback Fanny's or is it think they. Own has a drinking problem watering it just once on a summer night he says as much water as flushing the toilet 195 times. I've read your mind to low water plants and say for rain less day visit save our water dot com. Direct health insurance works with all health insurance companies and will help you find the right plan go direct health insurance is at 2273 Harbor Boulevard more I'd go direct H.I.'s dot com That's go direct H.I.'s dot com or 809691428809691428 goal direct health insurance experts with answers. The tough one but it's a cliche but we got the multiset up right here so tell. Us Saul you. Feel. So sad. It's. Been a while. Back along. The . You've got the goods on you baby I looked at the title a swarm of all like when I got the goods on you that's normal no I'm checking you out and you got the goods and you. Know that he's. Going to see a Lorrie Morgan a couple weeks ago and. She has special guests Lorem in luring men on award winning bass guitar player great singer Lisa it was Lisa Yeah yeah well well actually anyway. Lisa man but as you say in the couple weeks earlier she had done a show with Bobby Rush and one of the songs he does is. Big but it woman who like and Bobby was talking about you know him tell you I like a little before Navarone put out and I look to Lisa and then she says hey sorry just a point I just that's not me and Bobby on stage in front of. Let me be the judge that honey turn around that's right so. Yeah yeah I think you're right on this one I know there. I love Bob I will never forgive him for that I love him the rest of my life so Bobby Rush from a new cd called sitting on top of the blues it's been a while since Bob has put nothing now but. Just you got the you got the goods on you honey that's going to be out a couple weeks for any plane it will more because we like that stuff I'm telling you before that the Fabulous Thunderbirds with Jimmy Vaughn and Kim Wilson with a song called Don't bother trying to steal her love and was start off with the next mosque and I'll tell you those guys they just know how to bring It's fun to listen to well that's about it for here oh is it over already it's our red aoa but we're going to be back next week to do the same old thing in Hollywood Yeah well you're going to have to and if you figure out a way that you can get there sooner call me I think it makes money that's right. Things everybody thinks was the show we see him next weekend just take you think you're better than that. You're listening to 115 Kill see how little. I botched there I was sure you were going to not go ahead you're listening to one on one find can see I LP Newport Beach and now another classic track. Under whether he came in because he loves doing this he wants to do that again or just listen the man he's voice is this dude is just scratches out that. Song on. The minimum voice is going. To didn't have a voice would you walk in that's my point.