And arterbk peyt mannings. Didnt ce cle to upstaging the moment of thiseam wiby announcing anything about his future. Saying he will talto his family bore making aecision. D happening right now in sohern corado lol printing shops are working hard toet t peowl champis ge rea f you to purche fit thing th morng our ws 5s joanna se is there give us a behind the scenes look. Joanna. Theyve been working sin the broncos won. Caught up with some fans watching the big game st night cats ea in Colorado Springs. Anthey were keeping a close eye on the action from start to finish. Whe the broncos held their lead throughout, thwere some tee moments. And a couple outlieranther fans were ght there che on their team when it looked like they we makina comeback. Im sed to having panther fans all around me, and coming re from the actual state and its aittle different. 0 sot Chris Blakeley broncos fan weve been owing them all year with thr ups and dos and we stayed loyal to them and we just want tsee em do well for us a them. Go cam dot listen to m. 11 towards thend theamthe extement blt even more f fans. When the broncos pulled aheato weaught wh some fans watching the big game last night at cleats east in Colorado Springs. And they were keg cle eye t actn fr srt t finish while e broncos held their lead throughout, there were some tense momes. And a coup outlier paner fans were right there tohe on their teawhen ilooked like they were making a comeback. Sot carrie ths pahers f m so used to ving pantherns allround and ming re from the actualtate and being here around brons fans it a le different. 08 sot Chris Blakeley broncos fan weve been following th all year wittheir ups and down anwe stad loyal tohem an we just want to see em do well for us a them. Go cam dont listeno m. 11 towards e end of the ge e excitement built evemore for fans. When the broncos pulled ahead to secure the lead with a late touchdown. D Peyton Manning got a stding ovation as he left the hundreds of fans tooto the streets of downtown. The me high citto lebre the ctory tff was baed up for miles as fans stord out of barsnd restaurants cheering and even running into e middle of the street to high five drivers the statpito building was l up in blue and ange to celebrate e n. Roughout the area. Dozens of police offics were on stay in riot gear to keep the celebration under contl. Defense fense e defense it wasnt all n. As denpoli madhandful arrests and even had to use disperse crowds. Leaeveople were arrested for minor offenses. And one lice car sustained broken window. Injuries. Heres live lookow at the leigh city. Whe those the night butheyre not stping anye soon. On tuesday. Hundreds will gath for the supebowl parade in downtownver it starts at 10m with live entertaient. The actu paradkickoff at noon at 17th and wine coo wynkoop. And following the parade. A rally will take placwith fans. The plers. Coaches. Aneven governor hickenlooper at Civic Center Park at 1pm. Broncos plers speaking out right aftethe game in the lock room. Explaitheir exciment for inging home the chamonship title cu its wonderful. Outcue its like hang kid. Incue we plad agnst an outcue our defense was even better. So there peytomanning as for panther quarterck cam nton he was a ls for words aftehis te devastang loss. After answering just a few questions from the media. Beofore making auick exit from the podium. Ti now for weather and t on the 5 meteorologisephen bowers is ow witrst alert 5. Temperaturre mainly in the 20s with tns ithe high elations this morning. The morning drive may have need for sunglasses, but you will so likelneed the cts as atur wilbe i20 veng dll c edheunass. Temperates wil cooling througth40 have haso passing wav of clos ar this morning. Thesdso t have any th will not be big plars in our weather today. Look west,ince our weath makeusuallcomerom the west, e one big feature to tk about is High Pressure that will set up housekping over thwestern u. S. Itill keep our weather sunny with unseasonably warm temperatures throughout th. Atnseasonably warm and sunnyweher artsod teerures will wa this morning through e 20and in e lower and midd 30s through am. The upward climb in e temps willonnue through noon, bringing numbers closer to 40 degrees. Temperatures continue rming through the 40and even briefly into the lower 50s a and south of the Arkansas River through about 3 pm. Your 5 pm temperatures will be oser to with 30s returning quickly this eveni. Ovght lows will be in the s beneath a clear sky. Our warming continues tomorrow, when highs will be in the 60s. High temperatures wednesday and thursday wilbe in the s plows are still out on the roads in Colorado Springs nearly a aer a powerl stor dumped as much as a foot of snow. City plow crewtell us they wi continue makpassesn anice mes wn thavalready de it through severastreets. And say they will continue to until streets beco pasble again. Crews asthatou aid parking on residenal streets if ur ad is still buried in snowo help the plows get through. Rit now. Pueblo pole arstill searchg for the suspect involved in thiseekends deadly shootinne east high school. The man killed was 21arold chuck quintanaortega it happened at the ca del sol apartments just before 3 00 am on saturday officers found quintanaortega dead from an apparent gunshot wound insine of the aparments. Police say quintaortega was involvedsome sort of altercation prioto the shooti cts family sayse had two , th on the way. If you know anytbout the shooting. Youresked tcall police or you can lee an anonymousip with crimestoppers. Is morni. A fountain woman is facing anim cruty crges after three aciated pit bulls wereound ling in aacant crystalciosh says she moved out three months ago and didnt know what happened to the gs. She verified that both the water and the electricity had been sh off. Neighbors called police ter nocing seval brokewindows d hearing gs barking inse. Poceay thereas no way for the animals to get out a the house which was filled with feces. In all, fourogs were found the were emacied. Authorities also fou three deadurtles. Stilea. The heat ion for all candidat with only one day be voters head to the pos in new hampshir. Well tell y the president ial hopefuls are stacking up. Plus. International ouage afte north koa launches ather satellite into orbit. Wh the us is waing agait. And how other trare thisorni. Were trackinghe iernational outrage surrnding the illegal unch of north reas second satelte in earths orbit. And just in to news five. Norad confirms. The new satellite flew rig over the stadi wre the super bowl was held. About an hour afer tame ended. Now. E e United States is wning ofserious consuences the Uns Security Council is calling yesterdays launch a dangerous move toward development of auclear weapons south korea sa it will beg discons with t us deployg an advanced Missile Defense system to unter the growing threat of north korea weapons capabilies. Un amssadors are now pledging new d tougher sanctions agnst north koa. Arting today. Nepolicies will go io effect in nework city to increase craafety. Ter one peon wasilled when a crane coapselast wk. Mayor bill de io annoued new policies. Ile investigors are still trying to termine what caud the crane to fall in theirst place. However de blasiosays the crew working on the led crane was doing wh they were suosedo do the new restrictions include a sicter wind policy and sidewalk safety ruleto protectedestrns is morning. Six peop are recovering in a georgia hospital afteadly explosion on a chicken farm li say one person wasled in yesrds ast. And of those injured. Crtitical conditn. Right now the cause of the explosn nkwn. The investigation und time now for wthernd traffic on the 5s. Meteorologist stephen bowerss re n with first alert 5. Temperatures areainly inhe 20s with teens in the high elevatio morning. The mornindrivmay have need for sunglasses, but you will also kely nd the coats as temperatures wilbe ithe s. Your eveng drive sll can need the sunasses. Teerates wilbe coong through the 40s. Have had some passing waves of clouds around this morning. Ese clouds do nohave any precipitation with them,nd they will not big players in our weather day. Look west,ince our weathemakes usually come from the west, the one big feature to talk about is High Pressure tt ll setp housekee over the western it will keep our weather sunny th unseasonably warm eratures throughout the week. That unseasonably warm and sunny weather starts today. Temperatur will warm this morning through the s anto the low and middle 30s tgh 10 am. The upward cmb in the tes ll contithrough noon, brinng numbers closer to degre. Temperatures continue warming rough the s and even briefly into the lower 50s along a south of the Arkansas River through ou3 pm your 5 pm teeratures wille closer to 40 with 30s returning quklth eni. Ernighlol ben e 20s beneath clr y. Our ing conts tomo whhs wl be in e 60s. High tperatuon wednesday and thursday wl be , inhis mornins election watch. Today is the last full d for president ialandates tompgn in new hampshire. Befo voters head to the polls tomorrow in the first primary in the nation. Fothe reblans. Donald tmp continu to lead in most polls. As the racfor secondlace heats up. And for e mocrats. Bernie sanders is holding a commandingead inew hampshire. Hry clinton took a detour to flint, michigan yesrdo talk about the water crisis. In neighboring vermont. Sanders is leading by double digits in the latest polls. Althoughany voters are still undecided. Still ahea, wild cat causes a chaotic weome back. Today the deh toll connues toise in taiwan after this weekends powerful earthquake. Cal police say aleas24 people are dead. As rescue crews continuesearch for svivors in all the rubble of collsed building was stuck undedebrisor 30 hours. D rushed ta hospit. Righnow more than 100 people are stilssing. This morning new airport curity vid. Showing two men with a ptop that may ha been used in an explosion on a flight over africa last ek. Somali authorieseleased the footag. Which shows o n nding what looks like computer to another man whis suspected to be a suicide bomber. Local police suspe that suicide bomber set off the plosn that blew a le in thplane. The investigatcontins day. An amazing snt caut on camera in london. A film crew blows ua double deckerus on a bridge. As part of an upcoming jackiechan movie bnds and fire fighte captured thisideo of the expln. E bridge w closed to all other trfic at the time. And th fire crews weron standby in case anyinwent wro. For a hool in in. Wh a leords caught on seri camerasoaming the halls pice and wildlife officersri to catcthe cat. But it did not go downitut fight it attacked one man near a imming pool foreunning of it took auoritesours before they uld succesully wrale the cat. D atea four pele were hurt in e process. Theyre condition is unknown at the time. The leopard waeventually tranquized and taken away by wildlife officers. Ti now f weaer a traffic the 5s. Meteorologist stephen wers is here now with firsalert 5. 20s th teens in the high evatns this morning. The morning drive may ha need for sunglasses, but you will also kely need the cos as temperatesill be in the 20s. Your eveningrive still can need the sunglasses. Temperatures will be cooling througthe 40s. Wee had me passing wavesoflouds arounds morng. These clouds dnot have any precipitation with them, a they will n be big play our weather today. Look west, since our weather kes ually come om the wt, the one big featurto talk about ig pressure that ll set u it will keep our weaer suy with unseasonablrm teeratures thugho the week. C horns hki. Uthern colorado as the Denver Broncos takhome the tie of super bowl champs plus. Well hear from ne5s grant meech on the celebrations ing on isuper wl city. Temperatures aren the 20s this morning with teens in the high spots. Nshine is todays forecas temperatures will rm into the 40s and even to near0 for some of us. Th is just the startf big rming inhe worksor this week i will help you an your week congp weather traffic on the 5s. Good morningthanks for joining us on th monday morning. Its february 8th. Im shellene cockrell. D im ira cronin. Happening right now in southern