Sunday morning crime scene tape still keeps neighbors away from the 1st Baptist Church years though police say they're wrapping up their work. In numerous cities and other. Texas Public Safety hopes to release victims' names today but the names aren't a mystery to people here their neighbors cousin. Family lives just down the street . To get his guns the Air Force acknowledging it failed to report Kelly's domestic violence conviction to the f.b.i. If they had his name would have been entered into a federal database and he would not have passed federal background checks in order to buy his. Best to getting. News. Listen my life changed because someone was there to get me to use drugs. No one can understand whether or not they've shuttled with addiction themselves people seem to think that having someone who will listen is going to help make it better I'm realizing that I. I need help I'm listening. I need help I'm realizing that I think that having someone who will listen is going to help make it better whether or not they have struggled with addiction themselves people seem to understand no one can get me. My life changed because someone was there to listen. One in 7 Americans will struggle with addiction during their lifetime want to know how you can help go to hear to listen dot com for tips and tools to help turn addiction around a public service announcement brought to you by the council. It's election day in several states today. America's election headquarters today voters go to the polls in states including Virginia and New Jersey in the 1st major statewide election since President Trump was inaugurated in January the governor's race in New Jersey is between Republican lieutenant governor Kim Guadagno and Democrat Phil Murphy in Virginia Democrat Ralph Northam is taking on Republican Ed Gillespie in a tight race that race has attracted some big name support including President Trump who has back to less be via Twitter Former President Obama campaigned last month for North Virginia polls close at 7 pm New Jersey polls close at 8 tonight in New York Tanya try powers Fox News Utah voters today will pick a successor for former Congressman Jason Chaffetz who resigned from Congress earlier this year in San Francisco San Francisco's South Bay to jail inmates on their way to a court hearing make a break for it 2 individuals escaped from our courts we believe that it was all. Where the individuals had a car stage once they were able to get out of the court and paid our deputies. And take the car drive approximately 2 to 3 blocks in what appears to be another car where they had staged a U.-Haul cargo van Sergeant Reggie cooks of the Santa Clara County sheriff's office says he considers troubled. To be dangerous but he's not sure if they're armed still in jail or volunteers Sam in New Jersey police in South Hackensack New Jersey say 66 year old Charles Smith of Pompton Lakes was arrested after an officer saw a crack pipe next to a Santa Claus costume during a traffic stop on a highway a search of the vehicle turned up more drug paraphernalia moving empty bags of crack and heroin and a hypodermic needle. Fox news agent stocks closed higher Dell futures up sharply as well. Raking in the savings on a new energy efficient Quadro player even lower Vermont guestrooms fireplace insert or stove from Colorado fireside save up to $300.00 during the fall into savings in Colorado buyers I don't nor Townsend in Montrose form is a Colorado Firesign dot com 1100 and is easy to attend to the weather weather for Grand Junction Montrose. Cloudy this evening mid to upper thirty's for the low Tuesday some sun with mid to upper fifty's and Tuesday evening. 28 for the low. Information you depend for like every day. Every day for the a former instructor who grabbed in a 15 when he discovered a man was shooting up. The church on Sunday and ran to the scene to stop him here is part of an interview that he did with a local a.b.c. Affiliate. All I want to stress today. Is the people that church. For. Their parents. Every time I heard. The probably represented alive and. Cared of. I was. I was scared for me and I was scared for ever want to marry how scared for my own family that just living last night a block away. Are you know. I'm no hero I mean. I think my God my Lord protected me and gave me. The skills to do what needed to be done and I just wish I could have gotten there faster but. I didn't know I didn't know what was happening. By the way he is exactly the type of person who is being demonized by the left over the last 36 hours you know you look at this situation a God fearing gun owner Yeah well and former n.r.a. And struck Dr Wright who used an assault rifle to stop the killer you know there was a this was actually done after the the Vegas shooting but National Review reprinted it again. Why gun control loses. And. He writes here that much of the discussion centered on has descended on just why gun control critics are so irrational c.n.n. Political analysts chrysalis said that the central reason for congressional inaction on guns is that supporters of gun rights believe baselessly that liberals are out to grab their guns Charlie Sykes' conservative disaffected by the rise of Donald Trump argue that the New York in The New York Times at the National Rifle Association has made the issue part of the culture wars David Brooks in the same newspaper but the culture wars in an economic context d.n. Dust realisation has made people in rural and industrial parts of the country feel their way of life is under attack if not for that supporters would be able to see the gun regulations don't seriously impinge freedom as research astonishingly shows David Frum told c.n.n. Viewers that racial and sexual anxieties lay at the root of the pro-gun sentiment many commentators noted that most people want more regulations on guns and devised explanations for their inability to achieve this goal Max Boot wrote in The Daily Beast that Congress should have vastly strengthen the ban on assault weapons instead letting it lapse why hadn't it political gridlock is killing us literally is what he had to say. Others argued in The Washington Post that the anti-democratic features of our government including gerrymandering the filibuster and the overrepresentation of rural areas in the Senate had thought of the majority as preferences Another offered a convoluted explanation. Daily a little quick to Slate readers the gun lobby had fooled the reasonable majority into thinking that a 2008 Supreme Court decision had declared all gun regulation unconstitutional even though it had not lived with provided no evidence that this misimpression is widespread let unknown or let him alone that it has the consequences she asserted it is a theory that does little to explain why gun laws look so and satisfactory to gun controllers before 2008 but a failure to explain obvious features of the political landscape is not unique in her theory consider the last time the Senate voted on assault weapons it was 2013 after the Sandy Hook massacre when Democrats controlled the Senate a builder reinstate the band that had been in place from 1994 to 2004 got only 40 votes 2 of those nos came from the Democratic senators of Colorado a state that has a lower than average rural population and is not Natori Yes for its shuttered factories it wasn't gridlock in any normal sense of the word that beat this legislation and it would not take gridlock to defeat the stronger version that Max Boot favors it wasn't the filibuster or gerrymandering either what none of these explanations grapples with is a fact that politicians in both parties know well there are many more intense relatively single minded supporters of gun rights than opponents of it. An elected official is much more likely to lose office because he voted for regulating guns than because he voted for political commentators theories about the fervor of gun rights supporters are not always well grounded so Lizza writes that though the possibility of a slippery slope is a fantasy concocted by the n.r.a. He ignores Barack Obama's Latino balls drill your words confiscated guns as an example of sensible policy Nancy Pelosi recently expressed to Rick's press desire that smaller restrictions lead to bigger ones and all of his fellow commentators who have called for sweeping bans and confiscations including him but even if these explanations accurately describe the mindset of pro-gun voters they would leave out the other side of the equation what the commentators generally don't even try to explain is why so few voters share their own passion for restricting guns why don't they act as though they believe our gun laws are literally killing us Gallup poll has been polling Americans about guns for years it finds public support for many regulations sometimes broad support universal background checks through 86 percent approval and its most recent test of the issue the public also believes that easy access to guns is a major factor in mass shootings at the same time public support for a ban on the civilian ownership of handguns has been falling for decades in 195960 percent of the public favored the idea of banning handguns 36 percent opposed it by $975.00 it had fallen to 41 percent. Were in favor of the idea and opposition had risen to 55 percent now only 23 percent of Americans believe that handguns should be banned 76 percent do not if this change in public opinion reflects increasing Zajac about masculinity a or economic shift it is odd that there has been no corresponding increase in the percentage of Americans who own guns since 1959 the percentage of Americans who tell Gallup they own a gun has dropped from 49 percent to 39 percent other polls may get us closer to the answer Gallup also asked its respondents whether they thought background checks which they are nearly uniformly supported would make a big difference in mass shootings 53 percent said it would make little difference or no difference at all in 2013 Gallup asked about school shootings should Congress focus more on changing gun laws or improving school security procedures and the mental health system 65 percent gave the latter answer for improving school security procedures and the mental health system 30 percent on gun control and that's another theory is over the last 60 years public confidence in the government has declined most people do not believe that it would be sensible for the government to try to disarm the population no doubt in part because of the immensity of the task and the resistance it would spark which is of course true that's accurate that absolutely would be well it's not going to happen I don't think we'll ever see that in our lifetime. They favor a lot they favor a lot of less sweeping measures to regulate guns but they do not attach greater or greater urgency to these measures because they doubt that they would do much good they view incidentally or their view that view and incidentally lines up with the data about the effects of gun regulations as even some of their advocates admit Maksoud for example concedes that any positive effects of the assault weapons ban on homicides was undetectable Yeah. You know that it because we talk about a society where I think it was it was on display certainly on Sunday and not always on display in such a. Horrific scenario but you had a hero somebody who was a former n.r.a. Instructor and used his assault rifle to stop the bad guy well the left can try and ignore that all they want to but just as with the 2016 election they will do so at their own peril they ignore the facts they ignore the truth they promote stuff that isn't true and the American public more and more is rejecting that because we don't as a society we don't have a problem with gun ownership we have a problem with people committing murder as every society does. And that's what it comes down to this is not about the peaceful law abiding citizen this is about someone who has evil in their heart and is going to kill people that's what it's about whether it's gang related drug fueled or whatever motivated the man on Sunday. It is the same effect it is the same result and it's the individual and the very stark contrast to the man who brought his. Gun to save lives running toward the danger as a civilian you heard him he was frightened I can't even imagine what what that was like he won't call himself a hero he feels like it's something he had to do but there is no doubt that's the definition of hero running toward the danger. He was from the New York Times yesterday just Bret Stephens repeal the 2nd Amendment and I used to be a conservative now be the guy call yesterday repeal the 2nd Amendment yesterday so when they say look people believe that we're going to confiscate all guns we don't want to do that and as he pointed out just there goes but President Obama said that was successful Australia didn't answer Pelosi right and said look we start with the small ones and we get the big ones you've got 10 conservative people that used to be call themselves conservative columnists but now advocating the repeal of the you know the the 2nd Amendment so to sit there and say that you know people are paranoid about it well no they're simply listening to what people in power are saying you know and people in the media are saying all right they actually listen all right they're Listen they say Ok I believe they mean it therefore I'm against what they believe but the vast majority of Americans when you talk about those reasonable measures instant background checks things like that. But they understand also that look. It's not the responsible gun owner that is causing these problems it is not the person that is acting within the law to own guns that is the problem. And that's where the debate is going now that if you're a member of the n.r.a. If you're a Republican if you're a gun owner you're being demonized as being as bad as the killer that's their argument Yes So where do you have the debate that there is no room for debate there is no debate what you're saying on it and tell her the person who was responsibly and in a law abiding way being a responsible gun owner exactly what the 2nd Amendment in visions is being accused of being a murderous criminal. Yeah there's a lot of room for debate there isn't it. 866-907-3339 if you like to get an 8690 right I can get in touch with what i Radio toll free at age 66 might be right Audie . 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What do you do when your children talk back Hi Mark Merrill put today's family a minute when your kids talk back the last thing you want to do is engage in a verbal tug of war instead it's best to have wise words prepared for some of the most common ways that kids talk back for example when your child says that's not fair respond with being fair doesn't mean treaty is same way I treat others let's do what's right for you and everyone involved and your kids say everyone else gets to do it you can reply what other parents choose to let their kids do is not always right for us we will make our own decisions based on what's best for you and our family to hear more about how to use wise words Listen to this week's Family 1st pon cast at Marc Mero dot com Remember your family 1st want to connect with Mark on Facebook you can at Facebook dot com slash mark Merrill. When I read 690-739-8669 you're right I would go to Nicholas and Utica New York Nicholas welcome you're on dry radio Welcome to the show Hi. Thanks for having me are you. Saying Is it about. Talking about going after the gun. Or going to going to this bar one day you're one. I live in New York we know what she meant was no do you know go at it incrementally not the small guns but pass the small gun control laws and keep passing the passion then you eventually get to the big ones is what she met that was her goal go ahead. We've got here. Nothing to help the environment. What's the. Most part. 3999 that. Still the use you care the Senate the legislation and a lot of this is. Just you saying. It doesn't do it that you're not curbing gun violence not helping anybody if they think it's you know harder for Americans to our law abiding gun owners be able to defend themselves. Even in my area just behind. We're not carry large monthly in the mission you know a very magazine I do Mary when there's think I already probably. It's hard to get a. Carry permit if you take carry stuff. Nothing that they're doing is helping anybody well and you know there's the there's the idea because what they have to do in the end the general public basically what they believe they have to do is demonize those lawful gun owners like yourself Nicholas the ones who want to abide by the law and make you as bad as the murderers and that's this is something we're hitting on earlier and Gary was talking about not if you do that they believe if you do that often enough and long enough then you're going to eventually get to a much larger gun grabbing bill and you know I don't think we're going to see that anytime soon just based on the polls based based on how Americans actually feel but the left this is their m.o. Demonize demonize demonize call you a murderer when it's not the case call you a fascist when it's not the case call your racist when it's not the case and then eventually it just becomes the truth because people have heard it so much there's a very big difference though because in this case you're affecting. Millions of households when you start grabbing guns you know was they were discussing the we'll talk about coming up here your national forecast is the service of video road logs simple safe and secure you worry about the driving leave the mandate to video road law couple areas cause for concern as winter like weather is on the map in and around the Denver area we have a low pressure system that at least through the darkness hours will provide some snow flurries for stretches of I $2576.00 and I 70 in the area that will be rain to the south of those states in Arizona and New Mexico for the northern portions most likely north of I 40 in the region up around the Great Lakes we do have some winter like weather you might encounter along I 94 north of Chicago then rain showers for the lower Tennessee Valley right along the Kentucky Tennessee border is where you're likely find the heaviest of showers with a chance for severe thunderstorms in that area later today the rest of the nation fairly dry with colder weather for the Northeast the mid Atlantic and portions of the Midwest rain for the immediate west coast there is a look at your national weather forecast in Red Eye radio I'm meteorologist John trout thanks so much John 866907333906690 right I. you might encounter patriot survival supplies summer combat or Sun 1100 is easy to tend to the weather. Cloudy this evening mid to upper thirty's for the low Tuesday some sun with mid to upper fifty's and Tuesday evening. 28 for the low. C news radio until NATO a vigil in Sutherland Springs Texas where 26 people were killed Sunday to church people coming together to pray and overwhelmingly everybody was trying to come together because it was so chaotic. Shooter Devan Patrick Kelly wasn't supposed to be able to buy an assault style rifle like he did the Air Force says they failed to enter his domestic abuse conviction into a database check by gun sellers President Trump arriving in Seoul South Korea and. Sounding optimistic the North Korea situation will be a discussion that we will have front and center and hopefully something is going to be very successfully worked out on that police in Seoul currently on high alert as some protests against the president are reported in the city names we report. See you stampede 12 on your western Colorado all of the above sea level 3 k. And z.z. 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Sometimes you just have to say things to tick people off read by radio and he's or Carly and I'm Gary MacNamara age 6690733396690 right I welcome and good morning glad that you're here with us this morning let's head right back to you we go to Nathan in New Hampshire Nathan Hi you're on right I'm ready to welcome to the show Hi Yes Hi How are you very good. Thank you thank you for taking my call by the way I'm a I'm a big fan of your show I drive a truck every night and I love you guys thanks thank you. But I just so I just want to say that I mean. I don't I don't want to go on or anything but like what I'm about you expose people in the 2nd Amendment and I feel like people like guns don't kill people people kill people you know you know what I'm saying and. Well. I mean what I feel even if I mean it and this is just my last of all like even if like guns guns like the 2nd Amendment was repealed I mean people would still find a way to get a gun if they want to kill people you know. And you know you know yeah you hit a really key point there and that is the the unlawful the the bad guys don't care about the 2nd Amendment I'm a care about any laws I mean that's very clear so it doesn't matter exactly what would be in play for all of us law abiding citizens it's going to be about what the threat will be and it would be a massive Of course imbalance because we would not be able to of course protect our homes we wouldn't be able to protect ourselves outside of our homes our property our families and all that absolutely and but I want to say one other thing and that is like I mean what about like I mean if we don't have our 2nd amendment right I mean what about like a government takeover I mean like it's not like I mean it is a reason why we're allowed to have guns that like the government doesn't get too powerful or something like that I mean well is there some to be said for that to most certainly I mean you know the the threat of that historically speaking you know is is going back to our founding fathers that's right for them was eminent and real bad. Here in 2017 it's less likely but sure certainly want to be able to to guard against that and that is part of the 2nd moments as well a tyrannical government is something that you know you have the right to defend yourself against and by the way don't ask us ask the groups on the left that went out and fairly significant numbers after the election last year and decided that they were going to practice their 2nd Amendment rights because they don't like proper they fear Trump or whatever it might be we can talk about whether or not that that fear is rational but they have a right lawfully to do that well and so we support their 2nd Amendment rights what we talk about the rationality of it but right we did sit there and and we did say wow here is the left now understanding or actually doing the talking points of the founding fathers as to the 2nd Amendment things that they laughed at before when conservatives say look the 2nd Amendment. Primarily exists so. The government can take over of people so well that can't happen anymore and all this is what you're getting from the left as soon as Trump became president it changed like that we have a fascist in government who would attempt to kill us and and and incarcerate us and harm us and therefore we need to be armed and then you had as we mentioned was another story in the last month the l g b t group in in Florida that are now has a pro-gun group and they they you know they're they're getting armed they're taking lessons or going to the range they're doing all these things because they say look we believe that we're a vulnerable society and we said all right who does to you to do that look we can disagree with with people on day to day politics. But the you know we can sit there and we can sit there and say Look. For the transgender movement Yeah if you if you believe that you you're if you're a man and you believe you're a woman. Nothing I can do to stop it I'm not going to try to stop you from thinking about that and let shoe ask me for help unless you say love but I'm not going to butt into your particular business when you tell me that I must accept that and use a certain language or the government will punish me then we're going to have problems and people worry about stuff like that when they see that government is attempting to control language but even though I may disagree with what you wish for me to agree with you on you still have an absolute right just as I do 2nd Amendment right to have a firearm because you believe if you believe you're vulnerable and all of us. All of us have you ever felt vulnerable before I did when I was in high school and I had a gang of kids come up to me with a knife to steal my money they got 35 cents but they had knives up the money didn't matter it's at night is right at that point was in a gun but it was a night. And at that point you're you know you're you feel extremely vulnerable and so anybody can feel vulnerable at a particular moment in their lives and do you have a right not to feel vulnerable that you should be able to protect what is the most important thing actually the only important thing because without life you don't have any of the other liberties out there. And so you have the left trying to make this a pasta theory or backwards argument that if you have those beliefs and if you listen to the the the man who stopped the shooting yesterday you'll find of very very humble man former n.r.a. Instructor seems to be a very godly man everything that the left has demonized over the last 36 hours is exactly who that man is and if you have seen him interviewed you sit there and you say wow that's what I want to America to produce that's at least what I say and I'm sure you pride only as big viewer but. That you probably feel the exact same way as I do that that is these are the neighbors you want that's a high neighbors that you want that's who I want to be my neighbor he was through through the sound in hearing the shots he was able to determine that doesn't sound like random fire that this doesn't this sounds like something that is directed towards a person or people and he went into action at that point he made a choice he said to himself in those moments that . Safety is going to come 2nd I'm going to do everything I can to protect my family here that lives very close to this church and the people there that are clearly under attack you know and and it it. It goes to the point that people feel the probably people on the left a lot been left feeling comfortable with here's a guy that as scared as he was understood that it was his obligation and responsibility as a human being that he had a responsibility an obligation to stop what was happening. Outside of official law enforcement being there because they weren't there and kill the perpetrator if he had to which apparently it looks like he is the one that killed him and nobody is denying that right now just waiting for the forensics and everything it but I believe that's probably what's going to come out officially in the forensics including It was his responsibility an obligation to kill another human being in or in self defense of his community and and his family inside his house was on you know that house was on the same block but he could have ran and hid. And that's another thing that needs to be talked about that isn't talked about enough well only law enforcement has a responsibility to do it I remember there was a there were there was a case in. In Portland Oregon where you had these 2 high school students who were going in and committing these robberies he's for robberies and they were putting guns up to the clerk setting counting down give us the money 19 $8700.00 if they were going to execute them laughing and running away they went on a trip afterwards with some of the money they had gotten where the kids were they were in Mexico or whatever and everybody knew about it everybody knew about all these kids knew it wobbles everybody knew about it but but you dozens upon dozens of kids knew what they did nobody reported them I'll never forget a girl being interviewed she goes that's not my job to report what they do that's the police job not my job and to me that was mind boggling as to the generation and that goes back 20 years ago so those those people are in their forty's now and so there's a significant amount of people out there that believe well no it's not my job. Then there's the other side there's the people to believe it is their job as that man did now he was is his job it's his responsibility an obligation to his fellow human beings his phase community his country his state that it was up to him to defend it and he was scared the whole time but it was that inner strength and commitment to what he believed in what his faith told him everything that the Left claims not claims everything the left has been demonizing over the last 36 hours that this man was and I guarantee you the majority of Americans wish this man was his name were was their neighbor. And I just think it's important to to say that because it isn't talked about enough how there are Americans who understand what it's all about there are people in this country that understand what it's about and that obligation and commitment to protect he could have ran the other way and probably been safe yes or stayed in his house with his gun and been safe he could have done a number of things but he chose to go he chose to run toward the danger right and knowing with his weapon that he would likely once he fired that weapon you know you're going to be fired upon I don't know about you but I want more Americans like him yes I want to hope I have never been in that situation I want to hope that I can be they were sponsible law abiding adult with that kind of commitment. To my community to defend it if ever in that situation as he was I look up to him as something that I wish to be in my life I hope I never have to be in that situation but I hope if I was that I would live up to his standard because his standard to me is the standard that that I strive to be and I think a lot of other Americans strive to be and I hope they will be because Or is that standard that we believe we should you know. Have for our own community. And so he doesn't think he's a hero but yeah he is and many times heroes are thrust into a situation and it's how they react and he reacted selfless and in defense of his community and his church. 866-907-3339 if you like to get an 86690 right I will be replaced back with more red eye radio with the record you had Gary Macnamara. 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Receive take to live an uncommon life here's former Super Bowl winning coach Tony Dungy with today's. Uncommon moment in practice each week our team would run our plays against the look squad that's what we call our backup players who simulate the other team's techniques as closely as possible when we run a play and see it executed successfully in practice we have the confidence to run it successfully during the game visualisation increases chances of success not just in football but in any area of life think of life as practice and the visions and instructions of scripture as a look squad when you read God's word on a regular basis you'll discover what your future holds seeing God in your tomorrow is the key to having confidence and courage today in New York Times bestselling author Tony Dungy discover more Coach Dungy dot com that's Coach Dungy dot com. Give a used car other vehicle you could touch the life of a homeless teen in our community and help provide food to hungry families by donating it to wheels that feel proceeds from the sale of your vehicle will help shelter youth of the house a safe place for Western spoke teens and help hungry children our community through kids a backpack program it's quick it's easy and all donations are tax deductible change the world by donating your used vehicle to find out more go to wheels that heal the western slope or news radio 1100 k. N's easy Grand Junction go beyond the vision to understand what's going on with sounded information listening to the radio to listen to news radio 1100 is easy. It's right on radio a 66907333986690 right I would go to James in Riverhead New York James you're on right i Radio Welcome to the show. Yeah I just want to say that the 2nd Amendment when it was. There had done that you had to well one but we did it time I think ground fathers would think we're all a bunch of morons for not taking away assault weapons because in the hands of the most of go in there is absolutely no reason to own one where is must get worse where is new lust got no reason to R.'s one musket mentioned in the 2nd Amendment I didn't say it was worse there isn't any time growing number of other non whereas any type or number of guns mentioned in the 2nd Amendment I didn't say it was your I asking your I How do you list which makes your point completely moot were you on board at the time were right but James James where you are right James where you're wrong is you're trying to make an assumption of what the founding fathers would think and that's where you've gone off base and the and and the founding fathers looked at it and the mosque it was the equivalent of what the armies had. So you could actually make the point that if you're going to use the founding fathers as your example you're saying well they just had we had muskets one shot that's all the army had. So if you're saying that you know if you're trying to make that analogy and you go back to what their mindset was. The Founding Fathers probably would have looked at it and said no a semiautomatic assault weapon is not out of line of what a citizen should have just the opposite of what your opinion is because you only thought of one side of it you only thought of one side that the musket could only fire one bullet and be reloaded that's all the army had. A radio on was to have one. 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Roadmaster x.l. . Cynic's is a brand of c.h.f. . America house and I know that winter is no time to be stuck out in the cold if you need America's number one selling anti gel to keep you rolling even in the harshest temperatures treif is the best product on the market to give you the power to get where you're going with How's diesel treat you can keep your engine clean and lubricated without the fear of jelling up plus house treats more fuel per bottle than other competing products and without you go a week paid itself guarantee How's lubricator superior products for superior performance. I'm here with Presidencies progress on North Korea jack hammer Fox News President Trump meeting with his South Korean counterpart in Seoul this morning North Korean threats prominent in those talks traveling with the President Fox's John Decker live with the latest. The president's bilateral meeting with President moon focused on 2 issues of critical importance to President Trump trade and the ongoing nuclear crisis with North Korea the United States stands prepared to defend itself and its allies using the full range of our unmatched military capabilities if need be earlier the president received a briefing from us said South Korean military commanders at Camp Hope freeze during the president's Asia trip North Korean leader Kim Jong good has issued no threats and has been noticeably quiet Jack thanks John in Sutherland Springs Texas they're still trying to get a grasp on what happened there on Sunday and they're hurting they're hurting badly I spent the whole day and suddenly springs and I thought I'd never seen anything like this is Texas Senator Ted Cruz telling Fox News that night that deafened Patrick Kelly was the face of evil who executed 26 men women and children at church Sunday morning and he says it would have been worse if it weren't for Steven will have heard the shooting was happening and.

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