The steroid foxes Jessica Rosenthal has more live lease of the entire city of Callisto guy is now under an evacuation order So that's roughly 5000 more people being impacted by all of this the weather has shifted fierce wind gusts came back into the picture but Cal Fire Chief Ken Pimlott says even without the wind it's so dry we are still impacted by 5 years of drought with with significant rain that we had last winter though there was a fax or gone of that moisture and we are literally looking at explosive vegetation officials are still working on a list of missing people it keeps fluctuating but it was in the hundreds the Sonoma County sheriff said he was hoping most of them were just out of touch because cell phone towers had been damaged Lisa Jessica President trauma making a stop in Harrisburg Pennsylvania to push his plan for tax reform boxes going all Scott has this live so the president speaking to a crowd of mostly truckers touted his efforts to reform the tax code to benefit American families in ways that include simplifying the income taxes and the amount of money the president says will come back to American the 1st $12000.00 for a single individual and the 1st $24000.00 for a married couple will be tax free and the president promises more details there in the roof or as the reform effort continues and given some recent policy failures the president had a message for many Pennsylvania Congress members on hand saying You better get it done he's going all the Girl Scouts responding to the decision announced today by the Boy Scouts to allow girls to become Cub Scouts and rise to the rank of Eagle Scout c.e.o. Issuing a statement reading in part Girl Scouts provides the best girl leadership experience in the world Fox News fair and balanced. Home isn't just a place it's a feeling that you're safe to enjoy the things that matter most to let you take that feeling with you whether you're at home your business or online we help keep you safe with security systems home automation alarms and surveillance so you can feel it all wherever you go to a.t.t. Dot com get that feeling for less than a dollar a day to. Save m j foreigner from Quicken Loans choosing the right mortgage lender involves much more than just a rate Quicken Loans has earned 11 j.d. Power awards for client satisfaction and we invented rocket mortgage a simpler hassle free way to get a mortgage completely on line no one else has anything like it so choose Quicken Loans America's number one online lender call Quicken Loans today at 800 Quicken or go to rocket mortgage dot com That's 800 Quicken equalising lender limitless number 3030. Shell's meeting with members of Congress about the company's role in the 26000 election a Facebook executive is telling key House members the social media company is taking action on Russian linked ads purchased ahead of the 26000 election buses from thanks to her and said they are going to this is House Intelligence Committee Republican Mike Hahn way who is leading the panel's investigation into Russian election meddling and the committee's top Democrat met with Facebook c.e.o. Sheryl Sandberg about the vista of political messages Conway says the committee will release those ads at some point executives from Facebook Twitter and Google are expected to testify for House and Senate committees next month on Capitol Hill Jarrett how porn Fox News they could access pipeline will continue operating Mala study is completed assessing its environmental impact on a diplomat or American tribe that's the ruling from a federal judge for tribes think putting the Standing Rock Sioux are challenging the pipeline which moves oil from North Dakota to Illinois it began operating June 1st we had a close call of sorts with an asteroid this morning a small asteroid tiny as it comes to asteroids no more than 100 feet wide hurtled past our planet this morning and by passed it was still more than 27000 miles away in astrophysics that's pretty close and while there was no danger of it impacting the earth or even the international space station it was close enough to test out a new planetary warning system for close flying space objects a network of observatories would be able to track a space rock with potential impacts providing warning messages to people in Miami Eben Brown Fox News a memorial to honor slaves and acknowledge the cruelty of slavery could soon be placed on the grounds of the Florida state capitol Democrats that state rep Qian McGinn says his bill to honor the nameless and forgotten men women and children who've gone unrecognized for their undeniable contributions to our country the seller Sam Fox News Radio. Yes it was bad. Your old buddy the fellow. I can't wait to see you I'll be all over tell this year the places you don't expect me to surprise. The flu can be serious or even deadly don't tempt fate this year get your flu vaccine and protect yourself your family and your community for more information go to fight flu c.-o. Dot com sponsored by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment the Colorado Broadcasters Association and the station 1100 pounds easy to attend to the weather Sunday for Thursday a Grand Junction and 74 Montrose 73 mostly clear overnight 41 side it's Friday sunny over the weekend 60 on Saturday and Sunday for say guess a dispersing 877381381. While you have to admit that the New York Slimes is considered the that they. Or is it the big anyway when it comes to the media they call it the paper of record you have to admit n.b.c. Is a very very big company very big news network. And apparently both of them were involved in covering up Harvey Weinstein's activities as media enablers and I know the media say well warn you can't attack us you'll be attacking the 1st Amendment No Get over yourselves but a bunch of crap what a bunch of crap if the media were involved in the conspiracy to cover up criminal activity then the individuals in these Media Corp should be held to account as well if in fact they have violated any law I don't know in the Washington Examiner Emily jazz in ski writes journalist Sharon Waxman journalist Sharon Waxman is accusing The New York Times of killing a story that documented Harvey Weinstein's mistreatment of women more than a decade ago set off by a New York Times article that attacked Weinstein's media enablers in the wake the paper's revelations about his history of misconduct Waxman founder and c.e.o. Of The Wrap described her frustrating experience reporting on his behavior for the New York Times 13 years ago imagine how many young women or even not so young women would not have been abused by Harvey Weinstein allegedly if the New York Times hadn't covered up for him in a Sunday article Waxman said she got the green light to look into off repeated allegations of sexual misconduct by Weinstein back in 2004 an assignment that took her to both London and Rome where she apparently uncovered legitimate evidence pointing to the producer's pattern of abuse but the story never ran the story never ran from Waxman's account quote after intense pressure from Weinstein which included having Matt Damon and Russell Crowe call me directly to vouch for Lombardo and the no discussions well above my head at the Times the story was gutted. I was told at the time that Weinstein had visited the newsroom in person to make his displeasure known I knew he was a major advertiser in the times and that he was a powerful person overall John landsman former editor at The New York Times when Waxman implicated in the killing of her story responded in a statement issued yesterday or the day before yesterday that said Why if she had the goods on Weinstein in 2004 had she been unable or unwilling to publish something in the rap where she was in charge could it be because she didn't actually have the goods then now or in between Waxman responded to similar inquiries in an update to her Sunday article arguing she thought the issue was in the past course that would make them both wrong wouldn't it after the New York Times published its bombshell report last week some of the scribe wants to his reputation as one of Hollywood's biggest open secrets so why did it take decades for the story to come out if it's true why it's a Waxman's account one that implicates a major newspaper in 2 major celebrities who provide some insight into that process certainly sounds credible given that Weinstein essentially admitted to at least some of the allegations in his apology last week obviously found a way to keep that contact out of the media over the years so who helped the New York Times cover up that's the allegation now what about n.b.c. Ronan Farrow who was centrally a failed host on m s n b c But nonetheless I believe the story on their payroll tear element he was on m.s.l. a Stay on Rachel Maddow Show very traumatic Al used to be the number one show in news talk on cable now she's not she's been defeated handily by Sean Hannity you don't see that written anywhere either do you now of course not. Here's Ronan Farrow on m.s.l. Yesterday speaking to Rachel Maddow had 5 go why did you end up reporting the story for The New Yorker and not for N.B.C.'s look you would have to ask me c n n b c executives about the details of that story I'm not going to comment on any news organization story that they did or didn't run I will say that over many years many news organizations have circled this story and faced a great deal of pressure in doing so and there are now reports emerging publicly about the kinds of pressure that news organizations face in this and that is real in the course of this reporting I was threatened with a lawsuit personally by Mr Weinstein and you know we've already seen that the Times has been publicly threatened with the suit I don't want to describe any suits leveled at other organizations that I work with but you know certainly and it is a considerable amount of pressure that outlets get us and b c says that you know you didn't that this story wasn't publishable that it wasn't ready to go by the time that you brought it to them but obviously it's ready to go by the time you got in the New Yorker I walked into the door at the New Yorker with a explosively reportable piece that should have been public earlier and immediately obviously a New Yorker recognize that and it is not accurate to say that it was not reportable in fact there were multiple terminations that was reported to be sick boy Rachel Maddow what happened to the left wing radical Rachel Maddow I know that m.s.l. Those d. Is part of n.b.c. I believe it's all part of Comcast isn't rich but whatever fact of the matter is Rachel Maddow seemed awfully temperate and tolerant didn't she won her employer essentially there's accused of a cover up of this kind. Is what I mean the phoneys in the frauds on the left the phoneys in the frauds in the Democrat Party the phoneys and the fraud in the media and the phony and the frauds in Hollywood. And they have so much control over our culture so much to say about the issues and where this country is headed and why this is why this is important ladies and gentlemen to expose this as fully as possible to spend as much time and effort on this as we have on the Russia collusion issue which so far has borne no fruit just fruit cakes so this needs to be pursued aggressively these institutions these powerful institutions in our society which have so much say over the course of this country the media and the cover ups Hollywood and the criminality and the Democrat Party so far which is largely untouched by it and yet Harvey Weinstein was a rainmaker for the Democrat Party Hollywood as an industry is a rainmaker for the Democrat Party the media for the vast majority of the so-called journalists and hosts and commentators are pending edges of the Democrat Party there's really no question about it and yet I'm not done with move from Hollywood to the Boy Scouts so we won't be calling them the Boy Scouts we'll just be calling them the scouts n.b.c. News boy scouts will admit girls allowed them to earn Eagle Scout rank well isn't that magnanimous of them the Boy Scouts of America announced on Wednesday that girls will soon be allowed to become Cub Scouts and are in the coveted rank of Eagle Scout the organization's highest honor we believe it is crib critical to evolve this into this we believe it is critical to evolve how our programs meet the needs 1st of all how about literacy at the Boy Scouts for the chief executive of the Boy Scouts Michael Serba we believe it is critical to evolve how our programs meet the needs of families interested in positive and lifelong experiences for their children. This is a rambling but Phone this Michael Serba chief executive of the Boy Boy Scouts the scouting board of directors voted unanimously to make the historic change in an organization that has been primarily for boys since its founding more than 100 years ago are there not allowed to be any more boys organizations or they're not allowed to be men organizations male organization starting next year young girls can join Cub Scout units known as dens local scouting organizations can choose to have dens for girls and dens for boys Cub Scout dance will be single gender all boys are all one single gender this I mean you can't procreate will be single gender that's not that's not the correct characterization what they're trying to say is will be both genders not only single gender it was single gender when it was all boys you don't even know what you're saying a separate program for older girls will be available in 2019 the Boy Scout said enabling them to earn the rank of Eagle Scout now the Boy Scout said the moves reflect the changing nature of American life adding to the appeal of Scouting program that can serve the entire family oh that's right it's about the family no it's about progressivism it is a poison and it has seeped into every walk of life the Boy Scouts of America said a commission to nationwide survey said showed parents not involved in Scouting at high interest in getting their daughters signed up for both Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts Well why would you as parents who are not involved in scouting you know what that tells me ladies and gentlemen they have a survey nationwide survey a parents who are involved in scouting and they voted thumbs down that's my guess. Girls are now part of 4 scouting programs venturing and see scouting geared toward outdoor activities exploring a career oriented mentoring program and stem focusing on science and math but those programs have not offered a path the eagle scout for girls earlier this year the National Organization for Women but a disreputable organization urged the boy scouts to admit girls to the entire program supporting the efforts of a New York teenager Sidney Ireland to attain the rank of Eagle Scout as her older brother didn't let me ask a question does the National Organization for Women have a problem if males make up the majority of its board of directors I'm just curious you know single gender I just want to do what the Boy Scouts do or in the merit badges or in the Eagle award she told n.b.c. News well too bad no offense but it's called The Boy Scouts the Boy Scouts the Girl Scouts is a great organization but it's just not the program that I want to be part of I'm sorry too bad I'd like to be a professional basketball player but I can't be I'd like to be part of it and I can't be part of it so what and by the way I wouldn't I think girls should have the opportunity to be a member of any organization they want regardless of gender really in the past the Girl Scouts have been cool to the idea of admitting girls into the Boy Scouts citing research that showed many girls learn best in an all female environment Well that's over they're not going to allow that anymore whatever the left wants the left gets and they get to impose their will by law they'll Sally wants to be a Boy Scout wall then we have to change 100 years of tradition because nobody wants to offend little Sally No you can't do that that would be unfair be unfair how kind of a fat short guy wants to be a ballerina Is that Ok I mean a professional ballerina who performs on stage a fat short guy wants to be a ballerina you know like a fat short Rahm Emanuel type who was a ballerina by the way. I'll be right back. Ha that's good water I wish we had one of these at home and what have all these bottles taking up space and cost in money Helen brand well how system that's what we need Ellen Brem we have great water all through the house better tasting coffee brighter looking laundry even softer skin and shiny hair all for a one time installation $11.00 to $1.00 a day that's less than you spend on coffee Ok but check out the whole house system I'm just the announcer but they're right this Hillenbrand whole house system sounds pretty amazing I'm calling Montrose water factory right now 249-3533 or you can visit Montrose water factory dot com If you don't believe the valley to buy your next truck just head to Red Rock Nissan they're now Colorado's number one Nissan Grand Junction this is Mesa County District Attorney Dan Riven state and this is your Sheriff Matt Lewis It's sad but true violent crime is increasing across Colorado and Mesa County it's alarming murders increasing violent offenses and exploding drug trade along I 70 each violent crime takes a tragic human toll violent crime is up but law enforcement budgets are not there are more criminals but not enough sheriff's deputies and not enough prosecutors to put the criminals away the result the Grand Valley isn't as safe as it should be this November let's take action issue one a is a small sales tax increase only $0.37 on a $100.00 purchase and under $18.00 groceries gas and prescriptions are not taxed every penny approved by one name would be used to improve public safety hire more deputies more prosecutors and get criminals off the streets if you vote for one and every dollar to be used to keep the Grand Valley safe paid for by back the badge vote yes for public safety we need your city vote yes on one. She was thrown out of the pickup truck somebody threw him out of a car and they found her walking on the street many have been abused malnourished eating garbage. For commercial t.v. Pca they want you to send in $1000.00 a month for a dog in the shelter I think you should go and adopt a dog from the p.c.a. And get that dog. You don't need to spend thousands on that bill the answer is to Tricia omega 3 fatty acids waxy think they'll fill the digestive and that are cooked out of regular dog food when you rescue would dog you've got a freedom right for life we rescue deserves at least 90 days of 85000000 for 2. Weight 100-859-3100 extension 0 dinars by year's iteration Dyna fight for life I am no fan I know that 1. This is a. Traditional marriage. News Radio 1100 ccs. Let's get it all let's get it all out. You callers hang in there I promise I'll get Michael Wilbon on e.s.p.n. Michael Wilbon has been a sportswriter sportscaster for decades in and around the Washington area and. All over the place these days and he's a leftist you can't really hide it he's a leftist he's no Stephen a smith in my view Stephen a smith who's become a friend even though they're probably scares the hell out of him and a lot of other people he's an independent thinker sometimes he's with you sometimes it's against you he's not necessarily predictable. You can agree with him you can disagree with him and so are these enormously intelligent he's enormously entertaining I don't find Michael Wilbon to be any of those things so whenever he's on I shut him off it's because of Jackass comments like this cut 11 go. Jerry Jones displays leadership doesn't seem to understand compromise I need to be with my players and he got down on linked arms and all this stuff but I don't I don't I know he didn't get down to link arms well man he got on his knee and that's why I liked he got down on his knee was a social warrior. Go ahead it seemed like that was where he was going but now it just seems like it was only as a 3 dollar bill and the warning comes from Martin mind I don't care who doesn't like me using it is plenty sure the players are here to serve me and they will do what I want no matter how much I paid him they are not 10 years so full of crap it's not even funny it's called a business genius he's the owner he's the boss so not every workplace has a plantation is at it because there's a boss because there's an owner because there's a board of directors because there's management how stupid how moron ik it's a plantation with multi-millionaires voluntarily doing what they want to do on a football field becoming fabulously famous and wealthy plantation USA yet it's a business head Center Taman they're chasing a football you. Never mind players are here to serve me now actually the players are there to serve us Mr will bot that's we the fans they're there to serve us and I can explain Jerry Jones one day's kneeling on his knee the next day he's putting out this order I like the 2nd part not the 1st part have to explain that to our wonderful wonderful patriots in and around Dallas Fort Worth that's not for me but that said to use that line plantation It reminds me of people using Hitler or the 3rd Reich over and over and over again to advance their political agenda and you think about what Hitler was like in the 3rd Reich This is why I call the regime in Iran Islam o. Not c. Because these are Islam o. Nazis the way they slaughter people the way they they they murder gay people the way they throw people into torture chambers the way people are raped there under this regime. What their intentions are what their comments are they say Jerry Jones is like running a plantation is so contemptible so moron Nick and what's happened is the players of listen to guys like Michael Wilbon and they've got themselves in a bind the players union which is left wing. It's got itself in a bind and now the owners are trying to figure out you know what are we going to do about this when this broke on day one I said the owners better get on top of this it's going to get away from them otherwise fools like Michael will Bon will be leading the charge and he has no skin in the game he doesn't have anything in this game he'll get paid no matter what he's a sportscaster if there's no football book or a basketball there's no basketball cover baseball there's no baseball coverage generally winks that matter to him I'll be right back. With Russia and China are loading up on goal because their currencies are weak and they face economic disaster even India and Germany have announced their desire to diversify their holdings if the world plunges into a 2nd Great Depression Americans could wake up and find the dollar is replaced as the primary global currency by one that is backed by more than paper Russia has increased their national gold reserves 150 percent since Putin 1st came into power and now has the 7th largest gold Horde on the planet are you protecting yourself from the possible collapse of the dollar by adding goal to your portfolio if not you need to speak to my friends at Goldline and learn how easy it is to diversify your portfolio or Ira with gold 187-7365 point gold mine is the only company I endorse and used to buy my gold recall blind support and risk information to see if buying gold is right for you 187-7365 point 187736526461100 Koreans easy to use you can depend on I'm trying to France in the Keynesian you Center traffic on Broadway in your reverence park where you slow due to continued work to repair power lines that were damaged as a result of this points crash today police spokeswoman Heidi Davidson says police have cleared the scene Xcel Energy is working to repair those poles the crash was reported this morning around midnight when a driver wrecked into the polls and was killed on scene our state Senator Bob Corker and the governor. Donna Lynn will announce Friday the crowdfunding efforts of a startup company called paradox ventures passed along 2015 that lifted restrictions on crowd funded startups Corum is the founder of paradox ventures and says this is one of the 1st times the new law will be put to use Community Food Bank will join up with the grocery rescue program of the food bank of the Rockies program takes surplus items such as bread dairy meat and produce and gives them to groups that partner with the program bank officials say this new partnership will look to reduce food waste and give fresh items to families and those in need I'm trying to Branson in the cans Easynews Center San Juan gardens in Montrose says Get your garden growing Come see the huge outdoor paradise and find what's right for your garden from veggies fruit trees and hanging baskets to soil amendments including organic turkey compost San Juan gardens open de Leon 6530 road off the San Juan bypass in Montrose 1100 and is easy to attend to the weather Sunday for Thursday. 74 Montrose 73 mostly clear overnight 41 study it's Friday over the weekend 60 on Saturday and Sunday the East peace the team sports day some town of friends another team sports team the Mavericks are going to take on Dixie State in the trailblazers 50 stay ranked 4th in the conference and past defended in interceptions. Says the majesty was going to have to prepare for a physical matchup with Dick state. To be a battle out there on the perimeter you know we come ready having work on the technique being a little. We practice our technique in we do. On Blazers coverage begins at 5 on the team for getting set to face the 20. Of the New York Giants it could mean a big week for c.j. Anderson Anderson says during practice this week it was all about focusing on his craft and when you know you have something to do to get better every day to make you go out there perform that much better that's what keeps the energy level going when you see people like the. Trying to work on his craft or tribe or trying to work on his you know up to you as an individual or for your progress play on 961 k. Star for tonight at the team in rifle. Parks Newsradio I'm Steve Rappaport wildfires in northern California now blamed for $21.00 deaths as crews continue to battle the flames and the elements fire chief Ken Pimlott says the winds made a comeback and it's already so dry he called the vegetation explosive I can tell you that ordered $170.00 fire engines from neighboring states he's worried some of the fires could merge as they continue to grow prompting more evacuations Fox's Jessica Rosenthal his tax plan for the working man we want lower taxes bigger paychecks and more jobs for American truckers and for American workers President Trump making his pitch to supporters in Middletown Pennsylvania the president says the middle class will benefit the most from overhauling the tax code but Democrats argue the proposal favors the wealthy Fox news we report you decide. The information you depend on for life that really. Every day the The Wrecking Crew of the progressive movement is out there they've got their wrecking balls all over the place destroying the n.f.l. The strong the Boy Scouts have been after the Boy Scouts for decades destroying Well what institutions think of any institution that you care about and tell me if they're destroying it or not course they are worse they are you know friends it's hard to believe that $27000.00 is almost over you believe that time doesn't stand still so don't waste another minute join a mac right now a Macas the association of mature American citizens it's the leading conservative voice for Americans age 50 and up and their resolve to continue their mission to restore America's moral compas to make America a better place for our children and to save America from the left and I'm anemic member and as an a Mack member you also gain access to a variety of exclusive benefits and discounts that will help you save a lot of money from car insurance and Medicare plans to discounts on hotels car rentals or more. Is the organization to join a voice for conservatives in Washington exceptional benefits now that's an organization you want to be a member. Join a mac right now go to w w w dot am a c dot us that's w w w dot a mac dot us or you can call them on their toll free number 888-262-2006 that's 88826226 the Association of American citizens the benefits are great but the cause is even greater joy name today 888-262-2006 or a mac dot us it's certainly worth it well Mr Wilbon thought his comments were absolutely profound and incredibly courageous he being another social justice warrior from his position in the broadcast studio and he was on something called the Dan Patrick Show and he doubles down he's very proud of him so the 12 go well I have not had anybody tell me what I can and can't say I was going to quit your job just like you used the phrase plantation and let me repeat that what it was all I don't care if you're each own. Rules or anybody while you're a tough guy well bonds at tough guy that's right take the knee take the native And if the owner tells you you can't take the name of the man who who pays the salaries the man who whose people draft the players if he tells you need to stand up for the anthem which by the way is in there operating regulations over there at the n.f.l. Well then you must be a plantation skys a moron absolute clown and let me say it again if you haven't heard it let me say it again you only say it wants to be stupid pal go ahead. You know you just need to be open to question sometimes it's hard to open discussion but your discussion isn't discussion you make stupid comments. Go ahead and I don't have my boss to tell me what this baby might produce if you and I know now but if you're in front of the t.v. And you decide Mr well beyond you know what I'm going to take my shirt off I'm going to take my shirt off because I believe the cops in this country are abusive and I'm a social justice where I'm going to take my shirt you bet your ass will be fired and I have nothing to do with race either nothing go ahead or you will still tell me what to say and I I'm not. I'm not sitting by the hole where you are in your court so you know you want to say dummy nobody's telling you what the saying nobody is telling me what to say nobody's telling these players what to say before the game and after the game they say whatever they want say whatever they want and they can be real social justice warriors but for 60 seconds or so they're an employee their employee when they're there on that field it's not a plantation Mr Well Don you're quite confused and wittingly So you're intentionally confused and you think your audience is stupid not why you're throwing up provocative terms like plantation it's a plantation mentality actually the 1st time you didn't say plantation mentality you said it is a plantation now you've modified just pointing it out I'm a man of words there you have it the great Michael Wilbon everybody great Malcolm Michael Wilbon never say anything profound nothing I can think of just another liberal sportscaster popping off let's continue Jerry Passaic New Jersey the great w a b c go. Yes. Jerry when I say go that means you're on the air millions of people are waiting in anticipation and you need to speak you know Trump has already screwed up on 2 things the doctors are 2nd one and Israel proposed to say he's not going to build the wall now he does that that strike 3 years far as I'm concerned he will never win again he's basically violated everything he said he basically it basically well let's let's slow down a 2nd the wall he needs help he needs an appropriation from Congress you'll recall when he was running for president kept saying I'm going to make the Mexicans pay for it and so forth and so on I said back then despite the groupthink that I said no he's not going to get the Mexicans to pay for it that is the Mexican government and he's going to need an appropriation from Congress and I'm not going to go back and replay for the multiple times I said this and he's going to have a filibuster problem with the Democrats and I said so it's not so easy may not build the wall and that's exactly what's happened number 2 on Dhaka on Dr This has nothing to do with the Republicans in Congress or the Democrats in Congress the president has unilaterally decided. That he's going to break his campaign promise has any He's unilaterally decided he's going to break his campaign promise and what he's done is he circled back and tried to force Congress with a with a 70 point plan of doing some very very important things in exchange for reminding or I should say breaking his promise on Dhaka some of those things many of them I could live with but you know let's see let's see if he gets it done but he's created this box form so now we have the point about him moving the the American embassy to the to the Israeli capital Jerusalem again he decided on his own not to do it while he campaigned over and over and over again that he would do it now the timing is not right well the timing is never right he expect the Palestinians to come to the table for peace will never do that. And then now when it comes to this Iran deal which is a direct threat to this country I.C.B.M.'s with nuclear warheads a direct threat to this country from this regime wow will be certified we'll see what he does but I'm talking about the reporting so far will be certified but you know it'll appear that he's being strong and it may not be strong in a fraud the Congress that's not what he said during the campaign he said get rid of this deal it's the worst deal in history and he's right Obama and Corker sold out the country let me repeat Obama and Corker sold out the country that's what they did and I know I'm not on the Dan Patrick Show whatever that is but I am on the Mark Levin Show and that's and that's where we stand thank you for your call let's continue showing Let's go to Jacob San Francisco the great k s f o go and Mark it's great to actually talk to you thank you and I just want to talk about the whole letting the girls into the Boy Scouts of America you know and just say that I think the Boy Scouts have opened up a can of worms because one of the merit badges I remember having to earn to get the rank of Eagle Scout is the cooking merit badge and I'm just saying it could be considered a little sexist to have a bunch of you know girls have to take that merit badge jokingly speaking of course Oh you mean they should be forced to cook yes fix exactly going to I'm sure that's going to be the next target All right my friend it is a little frustrating isn't the he spent to which this dangerous Belleek backwards ideology called progressivism look how they they they anoint themselves with their own nomenclature who are progressives when in fact the regressors they're throwbacks. The extent to which they have debt devoured so many of our traditions and customs in our institutions and the difficulty it is in getting them back and trust me I don't care how many conservatives we run in Republican primaries we're not going to get our culture back that way we must contain the federal government we must contain the federal government through Article 5 convention of the states otherwise here we are these these these just insane issues absolutely insane issues Dan Fredericksburg Virginia the great w m a l go Hey Mark thanks for taking my call so I want to go back to the Iran deal and I you know every time I hear about Iran I'm just infuriated because I was a Marine deployed to Iraq 20072008 our number one threat there was the i.e.d. That were manufactured in Iran they're called the explosive we formed penetrators E.S.P.'s and these things killed more service members and any other idea at that point in time for a while and they were being manufactured in Iran deployed by the cube's force the cube's Iranian guard to use force without you know doing the training on these things and people just don't understand how many Americans Iran has killed and you know when they when you compound that with you know Ben Rhodes essentially admitting that they leverage their little echo chambers in the media to push this Iran deal every time I hear about it I'm just infuriated and I need to go away but I want to thank you for your service and that I mean really I mean it's a wonderful thing you've done for your country and now my question to you Dan is this so I won't Trump who campaigned on dropping this deal drop this deal well from from my observation it's clear and I don't know you know if it's a money deal but the swamp is totally on board and in bed with you know the people who have perpetrated this this deal I'm Ok I got it but why won't Trump. Do what he said he would do why won't he do the right thing that's a good question you know from from all my observations standing out from the outside looking in it seems that the swamp you know Dream him more than these dreams one priest and that's the thing and if you say that is what are you talking about get behind if it suits me you want to get behind the president then you need to make your voices heard and try and hold his feet to the fire on what he promised during the campaign this was a big issue was it not than it was huge in legislature time I hear about it I'm upset I think you know I'm not necessarily a huge dam fan but you know he's got the pulse of the country and you know I am you know just as mad as I can be with these establishment Republicans not knowing and saying to look forward to his Web site jumping in on this. Yeah I was over there I was over there a little while ago and there's nothing on there. I agree it's a it's been a silent issue all right my friend thank you for your call very much let's continue Craig Dallas Georgia Sirius Satellite How are you. Yes or. Are you on a speakerphone. And put your mouth right up put your mouth right up to the mouthpiece so we can hear you Ok Go sir I'm on my way from home right now from work and I will be radiation every night on the way home thank you for some reason I feel like I was crazy Mel Brooks movie where what used to be right is now wrong and what's what was wrong is now right he's got men identified as females going into female bathrooms you've got women that want to girls that want to be in the Boy Scouts. I mean Girl Scout I'm retired from the military we've got n.f.l. Players who've been blessed with the gift to play again. They can't even stare for a minute and respect the country and the flag and the individuals who have fought and died for this country they don't even know the meaning of the Star-Spangled Banner and I never thought in 54 years a life I'll wake up and all this craziness is just going on in this world here in the United States but that's the way it happens doesn't it isn't it that's the way it happens these things creep up on and all of a son a poke in the eye that's why we need to be resolute the left is resolute about fundamentally transforming America and in the course of fundamentally fundamentally transforming America they like to tell you how patriotic they are that we're not taking any because we disrespect the country or the flag or the or the anthem not us because of this over here and that over there and this over there. All right my friend again I want to thank you for your service and I much much appreciate and thank you for listening We'll be right back. 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It's a rather loathsome individual. By the way if you notice he is an enormously big head Mr Producer if you notice that I don't I don't just mean from a psychological point of view I mean physically it's like out of proportion take out of proportion his body's like Rhode Island in the head is like Montana edge just unbelievable then he's got that. Kind of woodpecker hairdo What are the woodpecker of you know descent and then and then I don't mean to offend then he has a face like the kid as I've said many times in deliverance on the bridge playing the banjo but you know that doesn't even bother me what bothers me is what's between his ears pretty much mashed potatoes and Scarborough in the morning Schmoe today nuclear weapons nuclear weapons the president said we need to increase our nuclear weapons tenfold and no less a person than General Mattis said no he didn't more leaks though more leaks at a top level meetings I don't know what that's all about but anyway the morning Schmoe and Mr Schmoe couldn't wait to jump on it cut for a go but it delegation of Republicans need to go over to the White House and tell the president either you assure us that the chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee in the United States Senate is wrong or we're going to take immediate action to limit your ability to launch a nuclear weapons now stop it just to show you what a moron this is with this this negative i.q. How will Congress limit the president's ability to launch nuclear weapons such this do this is a theoretical matter he's the commander in chief going to pass a statute well who has to sign it into law while you know he can make comparison he can veto it and they can override his veto really Moreover under our constitutional system who has the power to make that determination I would argue the president Libertarians would argue nobody of course. Go ahead Hayden said allies will no longer be a system that is built for speed then for rationality these Republican senators in he goes droning on and on and on because that's what they do it m.s.l. Is thing. But then he says. There's something called the 25th Amendment but they're going to have to start looking. They've been looking at the 25th Amendment forever . 25th Amendment. I'll be right back. Go beyond the vision there understand what's going. 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You trust I cared for a man I stroke patients because I had more about 30 years in nursing when his stroke occurred I knew that I had to get to a hospital their care was so exceptional I'm so thankful the large of my brain to continue being able to speak I want to we go to visit people who've had strokes necessary gratifying. For stroke survivors who are not victims dedicated to a deeper level of personalised care St Mary's Medical Center and health people killing people the defense of liberty gives radio 1100 tree and c.z. Junction and. The 2.7. 4 evacuations in Northern California. Fox News the wildfires that have been burning since Sunday still ranging 22 fires in all and conditions worsening in some areas the entire city of Callisto got some 5000 people are right now being evacuated as these fires grow to nearly 200000 acres one of California's biggest fire events ever and things are likely to get worse as the winds pick up tonight the death toll today rising to 21 with hundreds of others still reported as missing now the sheriff says many of those people may have been found but have not updated the registry of missing people and officials are pleading with those folks to mark themselves as safe on the registry or let authorities know they're Ok which is not always easy because cell phone and internet service is still out in many places oxes quality Cowan and Tantaros evacuation orders are also in place in the northern part of the town of Sonoma Governor Jerry Brown warns that as the climate warms wildfires will keep ripping through the state the House expected to vote tomorrow on an aid package for the victims of the fires and other disasters including Hurricane Maria Rico's Congressional Representative Jennifer Gonzales there's 86 percent of the population is still without power nearly half don't have running water funding for the California wildfires was also added to the disaster relief package boxes John Halpern on Capitol Hill President Trump in Harrisburg Pennsylvania rallying support for his tax reform plan the plane goes from a tax brackets down to 4 expands the 0 tax bracket greatly.