Kelly. If you're like me simply want to better way to sleep I invite you to try one of in a Max's new lifestyle power bases I promise you this bed will become as much of your home as your refrigerator or big screen t.v. Imagine the convenience of watching television working on your laptop or even reading or reading in bed without bothering with a stack of pillows truly a wonderful sleep system for minimax my new power bad memory Ciao Flex Pod that's what it's called the ultimate comfort check out my bad interaction central Denver high 25 and I 70 live on the outlet stores great directions 1800 in a mass call 1800 i n n o m a x that's how to get to. The stimulating top $710.00 k. And us. News now. This is c.b.s. News on the hour. I'm Gary Naam tragedy following a morning shooting in Littleton Colorado there were 5 officers one of which. There were also 2 civilians shot by the suspect and the suspect has also been shot and is suspected to be deceased also sheriff's deputy Jason Blanchard says it happened that an apartment complex south of Denver officials say that law enforcement responded to a call of shots fired the shooting apparently is linked to a domestic disturbance it's the new year in Vietnam Thailand Indonesia and Laos celebrations underway in Jakarta. The bitterly cold weather is forcing a number of last minute revisions of New Year's celebrations around the country a c.b.s. T.v. Reporter petered out the city of Austin Texas is postponing its New Year's Eve festivities due to the dangerous cold weather officials in Omaha Nebraska decided to do the same thing and in Philadelphia an annual New Year's Day Parade will go on as planned with heating tents and warming buses set up along the route she made me wear like 4 layers really move on the hood is better than vehicle entire. Square the forecast for the ball drop is 11 degrees with the wind chill around 0 City health officials are advising people to cover all exposed skin and wear a hat scarf and gloves Tim Tompkins of the Times Square Alliance says n.y.p.d. Is amazing they've dealt with this many many years but they set it up a little bit they have their vehicle blockers at different intersections because of all the crazy people in the past year that have tried to drive through people and then now it's all a very heavy undercover presence as you know tells because they learned most Vegas the search is on in Charlotte North Carolina for vandals who caused tens of thousands of dollars in damage to historic cemetery someone vandalized dozens of tombstones set up 150 year old Charlotte North Carolina cemetery that was founded by freed slaves the Reverend Barry Elliot is pastor of the African-American congregation that owns the Salem church cemetery so a lack of respect was also disregard for someone else's heritage we don't know exactly who is buried there but we do know that we have 4 mostly that started the church as highly probable that they are former slaves buried there damage at the small cemetery in northwest Charlotte as estimated at $30000.00 chrysalis c.b.s. News Greensboro North Carolina Iranian President Hassan Rouhani reportedly has to address his nation following several days of unrest police in Iran report $200.00 arrests in Teheran President Trump has said on Twitter that the world is watching the response to protests going on there South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham calls on the president to take more decisive action this is c.b.s. News. Honesty integrity experience from the people no interest c.b.s. News. What are the chilly forecast for this Sunday as we close out 2017 look for cloudy skies with some light flurry activity on and off through the day high temperatures only around 25 degrees tonight mostly cloudy skies very cold with lows near 10 in for new. They mostly sunny a little bit of a moderation in temperature with highs near 30 weather brought to you by Colorado flat fee realty pay less keep more Colorado flat the Realty dot com I'm meteorologist Patrice Sutter on 710 k. And us make plans now to join Salem Radio Network host Hugh Hewitt Larry owner and Mark Heller on the 20 gene along talkers Hawaii cruise explore some of the world's of. Stock to receive the 6448 s. R. P. 76 to 90. 5900. 80 s. Expires 1300 do your morning sound like this. That's right back pain knee pain joint pain even chronic pain expert pain solutions with the show talking wellness with Dr I tender every Sunday morning at 83710 can us Dr Height tender and his guests will discuss the best treatment options and how recovery is possible for chronic pain or sudden injury remember to tune in every Sunday morning at 830 right here on 7 us talking well miss with Dr Height. You spent almost 40 years and the restaurant industry he's been an owner and an operator he's a member of the Colorado restaurant. The last quarter of a century his radio shows have been updated on the ever changing Colorado restaurant where he invites you to join. That area restaurant. And this is the restaurant show. Her get into. The record $710.00 k. In us and. 60 the answer in Colorado Springs f.m. One o 1 point one in Colorado Springs I'm your host Mike Doyle and we're going to be with you up until noon today on Sunday December 31st 2017 the last day of the year it's been another great year hasn't Oh my goodness we are so blessed to live in the good old us now there's a new nose and. Today getting ready to start 2018 I thought what we would do today is we take calls 303696971303696971 Whatever your thoughts are but I thought we might steer you in a little direction yesterday when I got off the air in Colorado Springs on the 10 to one show and made my way to the studio for the $3.00 to $5.00 show on k. And us and Denver I was setting up the home studio and I flipped on the television and there was Kevin Costner and it was the 25 year show of Field of Dreams Field of Dreams of course came out in 1989 April 1st of 189 so this is 2014 and I got talking about how I did the show from the home at Field of Dreams and how much fun it was a new I mean to this day I still get tingly just talking about it and I said that if you are going to be stranded on a desert island and you are going to just have one movie that you can watch. All right your standard on an island there's no way off on your own having the electricity and you don't have anything to eat but somehow you get the internet somehow you can watch the watch a movie what movie would it be and I said you know Field of Dreams has certainly got to be on that list and you know at Christmas we always think of it's a wonderful life maybe Christmas vacation. Maybe was your device was one of your favorites Dr Zhivago but I think Field of Dreams has got to be on the short list mine would have Top Gun on it and so anyway we threw it out on the air and got a call from Tami she said there's a new movie out something different as me or something like that I'm going to check that out Darlene called and said Pride and Prejudice Roger called up from Park County and said it would be hair so I thought what we do Pepsi of course is a brand new sponsor here on the mike bar restaurant show happy to have Pepsi Pepsi diet mug root beer Mountain Dew. So if you want to give me a call 303696971 if I choose your name at the end of the show I will give you a case of Pepsi product along with a nice gives certificate Now last week John called up from Parker he won a case of Pepsi and it gives certificate for $25.00 the Pegasus restaurant but his question was is Pegasus even still open I had heard that they had closed no they are open for breakfast and lunch but they decided to close for dinner so one of the things they did this week was I caught up with John De Lay from Pegasus restaurant so what we'll do the 1st thing we're going to do today is we're going to talk with John De Lay and let him clear that pages has been around for 30 years and Castro they do a wonderful job 30 me years means you get a little older you're a little more tired and maybe you just decided to cut. Back a little bit so we're going to come back and we're going to talk with John De Lay And then we're going to get right to the calls what. Are stranded on a desert island in collection over an old old baby lonesome I don't know what talk about it when we come back the 1st John delay here in the Mike Morell restaurant show. Castle Rock great news for you the China cafe in the Safeway center on the south side of town it's been around for a while but now it's got a new owner a member Tommy the g.m. Of the Imperial and Broadway always wanted his own place and he recently took over the China cafe making a lot of changes and you know the reputation of the Imperial consistently voted one of the best Chinese restaurants in Denver Well the China cafe wants to offer you that same great quality but even more than Chinese Tommy will be adding shortly if you tie dishes some sushi pan to be building a bar for patrons to enjoy the place is always had a liquor license but this will be a nice sit down bar where people can relax or wait for takeout order China Cafe offers lunch specials 5 days a week and dinner is offered every night what to order lots of good stuff but Mike's advice for you heard of Monday beef chicken or shrimp try to Mongolian triple it has all 3 and it's fabulous and it won't be long before Tani rolls out a whole new menu adding some great new dishes while keeping plenty of the old favorites to call Tommy at 303-688-8013 until and you heard about it on the official beverage company the Michael restaurant shows. Back on the might or restaurant show you know last Sunday every cent if we do a show from 10 o'clock until noon it's the same a cast all up and down the front range new stock 710 k. In us in Denver in Colorado Springs we do a Simon cast on a in 1460 the answer and f.m. One o 1 point one I got a call from a gentleman out of Parker and he said. You know we used to like to go to pay gets this but I understand the Pegasus and Castle Rock and and the reason you know what I know a lot of you listening in live in Castle Rock but an awful lot of you drive up and down the front range maybe you have friends and you meet at a restaurant in Castle Rock he said I understand the Pegasus the shut down and I said whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa they've been there for about 30 years and they made some changes and I took him through some of the changes but I thought and I think it did a pretty good job on it but I thought you know what I'm going to do I'm going to get a hold of John De Lay I moved to Castle Rock in May of 1990 that's when I met John . Started going into Pegasus restaurant started out on Wilcox street who was there for 567 years they've bought a house over on Jerry and turned it into a nice restaurant been there over 20 plus years but he had made some changes but I thought what we'll do is we'll get John on the air to explain what those changes are John De Lay Welcome to the show and please start out by confirming that Pegasus is alive and well Mike thanks for having me I really appreciate it I'm smiling because I'm saying yes we're doing a great record of lunch 7 days a week and we're loving it right now John I I think that. I mean you've got a lot of years in the restaurant business I think that it's difficult for a restaurant to be perceived as breakfast lunch and dinner and somebody would say wait a minute what about I how what about Denny's What about village and I say yeah they're more perceived as breakfast and lunch and they will tell you that they have to work hard to get people in a dinner I can tell you about restaurants that are well known for lunch and dinner and all of a sudden they say we're going to try to serve breakfast a couple days a week and they're just not known for breakfast you were trying to be all things to all people in Castle Rock and it worked out well for 25 plus years but a couple years ago you and your wife Janie said you know what we're getting older we're known for breakfast and lunch let's make a change when you take the listeners through that John Mike that's a great great question because you know we were up we were open 104 hours early and that's a grind and when you know one of us had to be here at night you know one of or one of the other had a year old time and then a record it's been nice but you know definitely one Tuesday Wednesday and was kind of green it was and then you know we never thought they could not dropping who. We look we saw an opportunity for you knew that to do special event that night and Mike it's working with 2 years into this now and he said it Sears December Well I think he has you know 9 or 10 parties now that we still to work parties to go to the month not done yet but at night we saw the new that is c. $12120.00 but people and then we had problems of this close $3541.00 that we're just we're just like what we're doing we make money at night when we do special event and we've done tremendous success with birthdays retirement corporate function just all kinds of things that work for us that work for a client so you're closed on Thanksgiving or closed on Christmas for $365.00 days a year you are focusing. On putting out breakfast and whether it's business and gravy or the chillout are steak and eggs whether it's lunch with hamburgers great half pound burgers of the French dif sandwich or that wonderful Caesar salad that's what your focus on and you know so many more restaurants the reason they try to go for that extra is because they say you know what we've got a big grin check here we've got property taxes we've got to try to generate a little bit more revenue but with you guys if you're It's kind of the $8020.00 theory 80 percent of the business has come and breakfast and lunch and now you've got that facility if somebody wants it for a corporate party a family function a union get together or whatever they can book at and you can either prepare the food right there or you have flying horse catering which quite often will cater the events either on premise or off but if I were to do a night out can party right now and we have a little light control that in language comes into your great great great. On you know we just. Wonderful relationship and we're so proud of it all right so we can. Weekend we can count on as we go forward Pegasus will be there for breakfast and lunch and if somebody wants to book a private party they can just call the restaurant 303-688-6746 s 303686746 obviously over the holidays there's a little bit more focus on the parties I would imagine the January February March April the the calendars a little bit more wide open in the news you get into the summer people want to book and use the patio and so forth and so on but that's probably what you have found over the 2 years it ebbs and flows with the season. And demand. Good description there appreciate that all right well listen I'm going to go and let you go if somebody comes in for breakfast give them the one item when you're walking by the table and they stop and say oh you're John Doe they which we have for breakfast tell him what it is but I'd sort of records breeders Necker biggest sellers and you know we have very little sense here in Europe in a nice suit like you know oh look Korean on you describe what you want nominated for your press all right and if somebody came in for lunch I talked a little bit about the black in chicken Caesar salad which is one of my favorites the half pound burger whenever my daughter comes to town she says Dad we need to make plans to go to pages as I just have to have one of those big old burgers I know you're very proud of the French to preserve anything else you'd like to get in . Greece and platter here. People are going to be valid and. Wonderful Yeah and you know one of the other things that you've heard me talk about a John and I talk about the restaurant business a lot we go to baseball games together we go to Bronco games together we travel a little bit together but one of the things that I've always said here on the show John is that if the biggest criticism you ever get is that you serve too much food you're going to be around for a long time nobody goes away from Pegasus hunger did you know they don't get it if it is not me to say. His name is John De Lay My name is Mike Boyle It's called Pegasus restaurant 313 Jerry street in the heart of downtown Castle Rock 303686746 breakfast and lunch 7 days a week booking the private room the restaurant and you can have a room or you can have the patio you can have the whole restaurant whatever you want just give me a call but that starts at 2 33 o'clock every day if you want to book it and if not they just go on home and they relax to give the building a rest to give the staff a rest and that is the way it has been working Jon thanks for joining me thank you Mike we're going to go and take a break on the rest. Newstalk 7 ton k. And us. Paper but most of the rest are shows g a like Middle Eastern studio like Mediterranean food do you like some of the best hummus you can possibly imagine appearing in. The limit used to like falafel maybe Kind of permanent that 10 o'clock here on Sunday December 31st 2017 hopefully you'll be able to get through the new year without running 2017 on your checks or putting on any applications that you're filling out or anything like that hey listen I thought that it would be fun I was talking with Ed Wilts Ed Wilkes is the owner of your set marketing He is the webmaster for the micro restaurant shows or maybe you want to make a New Year's resolution to go to Mike Boyle dot com am i k t b o y l e dot com and download it because you have all the information about upcoming shows and you'll see the blog you'll see all the contact information maybe how to make a New Year's resolution to follow me on Facebook I have both a friend and a fan page Facebook dot com slash Mike Boyle restaurant show. Or Facebook dot com slash the Mike Boyle Russian our show we have Instagram we have Twitter and all of that stuff is maintained very capably by Ed Wilkes it gearset media now and we're getting him on today because I just wanted to give him a nice plug for the wonderful job he does yeah that but when I was today is Ed's birthday and I found out a little piece of trivia about Ed Wilkes who I've known for quite some time when we were talking today and if I would get him on the air Ed welcome to the show thanks for joining me thanks for having me happy in 2017 and welcoming in 2018 thanks 1st of all for all you do with the website but this weekend you were sharing with me that you were a very newsworthy baby back in 169 Why did you take the focus to it I think it's kind of fun. Apparently. The last child of the sixty's in Arizona where I was born just prior to midnight on December 31st so newsworthy and tax deductible. You know when they when it was summer when it came out that it was his birthday today said well you were tax deduction baby and he said yeah and then he brought up the last child born not just on December 31st not just in the year in 1969 but in the sixty's in one scene 69 and in Arizona I think that's kind of fun that it now you are obviously the you were obviously the very young when you were born as most of I were young. Were there any festivities that mom get a bottle of champagne or did they were there balloons or did mom or dad ever tell you about any of that stuff. No I was never told anything like that but I can I can use my imagination and I'll just pretend that they have some some nice little ceremony or something to commemorate the moment. Well I think that they think that's kind of cool and and how it does that come up very often in conversation it doesn't really you know New Year's Eve is one of those birthdays that falls on the holidays where everybody's already got something going on in their visit with other stuff so though it really doesn't come up very much all right well listen I just thought I was sure that we do wish you Happy birthday thank you for all you do for the restaurant show thank you for all the social media stuff you do for me and I've gotten to know Ed reasonably well we get together every once in a while and have a lunch and talk about things over lunch or over a beer and and so but it was just kind of funding no tonight I don't know that I had every year every. Newscast in America tomorrow will have the last baby born in the area Atlanta Denver Dallas Arizona Detroit where ever but I don't know that I've ever met anybody that was the last baby born not only in the year but in the decade as well so happy birthday and I hope you have a great day thank you very much Mark I hope 2000 continues to treat you well I'm sure well and if anybody needs to reach a read you can go to gearset Media dot com and I can assure you that all of the wonderful things that he does for the restaurant show he will do for you and Happy Birthday What are you going to do are you going to do anything I I know your girlfriend for example your fiance Emily she's in the hospitality industry so what do you do in New Years Eve If you're in the hospitality industry you work but want to be any as sort of as whether it be any festivities whatsoever for your birthday . Well we're going to go broad to brunch here shortly and that'll be the beginning of it but then she's got 4 days off after tonight and so we will probably go find somewhere to hide in the mountains for a couple days and celebrate my birthday that way maybe a hot springs or something let the good times roll Hey Ed I threw this out yesterday on the air and I'm going to take calls today as you know Pepsi has gotten involved with the restaurant show me to give a case of Pepsi products and a gift certificate all people have to do is give me a call at 303-696-1971 you're stranded on a desert island you're all by yourself. You're trying to figure out shelter there's obviously no electricity you're trying to scrounge for food and water but somehow miraculously you're able to get the Internet and you can bring up one movie and you have no idea how long you're going to be on this island you might be there for a day a week a month you might be there for the rest of your natural life what would that movie be we had people talk about Pride and Prejudice somebody suggested hair there's a brand new movie out something different as me or somebody different as me I got to check that out I was talking to Michael was producing the show he said he'd go with the Empire Strikes Back Where would you go with it I would hope that there would be books available but if I had to pick a movie. There was a movie called Big Fish with Albert Finney and some other folks I don't remember who but I've always enjoyed that one so I don't go about or some old Eastwood's getting lost and hang them high or something like that. Hang them up you know what. Part of me I'm less than because. I would I would. I was talking about Field of Dreams Andre would certainly make my short list with Paul Newman it didn't qualify as a spaghetti western but it was one that I can certainly watch it was one that I could certainly watch over and over so hang em high or what was the other one big fish big fish or riff raff either real big fish or big fish but it's of those just a it's big fish but it was a fun good movie I enjoyed it you know what when I want of doing when I got off the air last night as I want to look at some of the stuff out I also interviewed an author yesterday in Colorado Springs name Rick colon and on his website he has got 4 authors Michael Conley lead child Steve Barry and David Morel that you really like when you put their bio's on his website you know usually usually most of us that have a website with their name on it just have stuff about us and you know I've had Michael Connelly on the air and had Steve Perry on the air Steve Barry's got a new book coming out in March about the murder the 50 year anniversary of the murder of Martin Luther King the child of course does the Reacher series and the David bro I wasn't really familiar with it well it turns out that he is the guy his 1st book was 1st blood and that is the book that the movie about Rambo in 1902 is based on and said you know what So I looked it up and I'm going to I'm going to watch that movie sure I saw it I saw the Rambos but I'm going to check it out so I'm going to check out a big fish and I'm going to check out some of this other stuff so anyway I don't let you go thanks and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Jay Ok same to you Mike thank you with ocular All right great thank you so much I appreciate a good talk and add the lance baby born. On December 31st 1969 in Arizona and I think that that's kind of fascinating are 303696971 you want to give them the drawing for a case of Pepsi products and a gift certificate Let's go to Rusty Rusty Welcome to the show 303696971. Peter. Well 1st 1st of all this is Mike Boyle not Peter Boyles I know I'm sorry I know that's probably a horrible thing how are you doing fine that's all right I've known Peter for years but I just thought I'd make sure that I let you know that I don't want to talk about the demonstrations in Iran and I don't want to talk about John Ramsey the I want to talk about movies and books and so forth and so on so I would have a question. Related to. His last name is Boyle's Oh Ok Ok anyway. Paddy is my brother Ok I know. John's wife Janet very well Janie very well actually she's a customer of my store that was by a lot of very interesting cool tribal art that sort of thing but I wanted to weigh in on the. Ok can I give 2 choices of course again stranded on a desert island on and. You know the 1st one would be Young Frankenstein and the 2nd one might be Debbie Does Dallas. All right well. We can talk about Young Frankenstein and well and I was just going to say. I'm not sure. That being honest distributed on a desert island all by yourself that. Debbie Does Dallas would be a truly productive move the rest is being a little flip here for our younger listeners on a more family oriented show why Young Frankenstein Oh my God it's just it's just for me on the phone we move along. You know I can watch it up probably watch that movie 10 or 15 times and I laugh every time the acting is great and the just the storyline and the sort of Darkness and it's just you know wonderful wonderful well crafted movie that kind of family I mean there's the body humor in it but you know anybody who's young enough pop on the stand I mean a lot of people would not even understand that it's it's not bad like some of the pressing we're going to put you on hold I'm going to take a break and when we come back we'll let you also give a shameless plug for your store here on the road Ok thank you. year 9555. And tell her about it for me on the restaurant. If you're looking for some great food great burgers salads a fabulous Reuben sandwich and even a few Mexican dishes and if you're looking for a nice lively gathering place with a fun bar and neighborhood feel then leave your office and visit the office of micromanages who is operated restaurants in the Denver metro area for years confused Well the name of the place is the office Kitchen and Bar and it's located at 233rd Street right next to the old stone church in downtown Castle Rock it's a casual place the place read and hang out and relax but that doesn't mean that the food isn't good Mike has been in the restaurant business for years recently owning the blue nectar Mexican Grill in Castle Rock until he was able to move into this beautiful new space that's why he's also included his fish tacos to carnitas platter and a couple of other dishes people came to enjoy at the old place but the office kitchen is different it's new it's fun to stop by and check it out the kitchen even on. It's one of the largest selections of bourbons in the area burgers bourbons and beers What more could you need the office in Castle Rock. Might do you know that baseball equipment that I've been asking you to gather for on my website Mike Boyle dot com. All right then $39.00 of them were talking with the rest of us stranded on a desert island he'd go porno on us no he wouldn't like Young Frankenstein which came out in $1074.00 was a horror comedy movie directed by Mel Brooks got an 88 percent approval rating now a star Gene Wilder and Cloris Leachman and Rusty just to confuse you a little bit more. Have started by saying Hello Peter where my name is Mike and Peter boy holes is my brother when my last name is Boy Oh and did you know that in addition to Gene Wilder and Cloris Leachman in that movie Peter Boyle starred also. And also you know who else were going that a lot of people don't realize Gene Hackman. Yes And so anyway he replied Man all I had. Was take it but I was only $2700000.00 to produce it in $197042700000.00 and it grossed $86000000.00 that dog alone and that's pretty amazing. That you've got that Genie delay likes to shop in it's called decor Asian and we also have actually 2 stores within my building the other one a Soco interiors and decor Asian we direct important sell. Antiques furniture all kinds o. Tell me that we're getting from Asia mainly but we have stuff from Africa which is what Jenny likes a lot I've sold her some very nice pieces from Africa as well so 1000 square feet on Broadway and Colorado Avenue which is 4 blocks north of Evans So it's really pretty much the only game in town for what we have but going back to the movie and Gene Hackman. He's famous for sitting there is sitting at a table and he says please God All I want is a visitor please bring me a visitor and then the monster crashes in the door and you know sometimes that's the way we feel at our store but often you know then that one personal comment and I'll make a large purchase and everything's fine he's he's not listed on the starring on the cast he only had a short cameo Oh wait there he is there really is as the he's the last guy listed of all the people in the movie he's listed as the blind man you know now didn't he may have you played a couple roles but but perhaps not the you know what if David Real made that movie Rushdie he could not be as the blind man regardless. But he would have to play the part of the visually challenged Right exactly and I'm Harvey Weinstein to be the monster. You know it's not an either. I got it. Was fantastic was Marty Feldman and he passed away not too long ago as that Gene Wilder of course. And Terry Gar Oh man she was sensational the blonde. You know I had one that I know exact I know exactly why I didn't see the movie and I'm going to let you go but I know exactly I just had never been and I know that it's listed as a horror comedy and I know it's somewhat of a parody of the original Frankenstein and so forth I've just never been I'm the only person alive you know I was talking I was talking about the producer saying he'd watch Empire Strikes Back and the only person alive has never seen Star Wars never seen Star Trek I really have been in NY fine I've never really been but I can't believe you've never seen Young Frankenstein No no I just lost all respect for you know that is that is just a classic you got well that's all right that's all right you know you've lost all respect for only and you've lost any chance of winning the contest probably I'm just kidding. But Russ you know what take the calls 30369697131369619. 71 I'll tell you one thing when you think about Michael producing the show Empire Strikes Back when you think of rusty with Young Frankenstein. Stranded on a desert island and those are the movies that they would want to watch I'll tell you one thing I'm just happy that I'm not stranded on a desert island with either one of those guys 303696971 what about Top Gun 303696971 what about Shah shank re Dempsey and. How bout. A well Field of Dreams I think Field of Dreams I you know what I want to say by the way when I got here yesterday at 5 I had the baseball channel on and it was just sitting in the background in never need volume on anything but that kinda Burns documentary on baseball was on and it was really very well done I sometimes have a little bit of trouble with Ken Burns in the links of his stuff and some of the topics she takes and so forth but the baseball thing was very very good 303696971303696. 303-616-1971 all right something else that I thought I would share with you. Was I mentioned it yesterday and well no you know what I'm going to I'm going to do this 1st I got an email from Chris Chris is United pilot and a regular innocent of the show and. He asked for steak suggestions and he said that you know the rules Chris in the Mortons and they're a little bit they're a little bit they're little bit pricey so I gave him a few suggestions I suggested bastions on East Colfax written up recently by West were just one of the 100 restaurants in Denver that should be visited I told him about Mickey's top sir lineup at 6950 Broadway been there over 60 years and they did mention a couple of other places I mentioned always and I mention talk Texas did Brazil over in North Field So anyway he wound up saying that they went to. To Texas de Brazil and he's not sure where he comes out on the concept of tipping but if $50.00 a person time 6 plus drinks the customary tips quickly becomes inflated do you think the European model of tip included in the menu price will ever catch on and the answer to that is no we have talked about restaurants that are including it in calling it a service charge and so forth no I do not think that that is the way we will go all right let's go back to the phone serial 369-6971 let's go to buzz buzz Welcome to the show well yeah been a while since I talk it last time I did when something you gave me a take at the cinema tried to use that if they closed down and I had to send my the card to buy something California they have a restaurant out there anyway and know what was then I'm trying to remember I was some kind of a breakfast place or something and they closed down here I don't know how long they were here all I know who hated it haha bitchin Yeah well 1st of all yeah you did you probably waited and 2nd of all I'm going to tell you it was the it was the waffle sandwich place on Colorado Boulevard I'm thinking sub like that I waited like a month or something but at any rate do you know there are they don't count according to what comp Corky's top what we need is there really any place in the world let alone well the red the red whatever it was it was over here on 38th they closed but the is there anywhere in Denver like the time you know a small quaint French restaurant that you know changes their menu in their decor every season I mean something like that on a big fancy place like Morton's or blah blah blah. Remember towers always don't you know of course in Cork you know still have nothing better if you and I remember I just love that life legends it's just a sports bar down there is 2nd in Milwaukee you know cork you probably sold that time to reach 10 years ago yeah sure I'm going to do it on the ice cream tonight and of course he sold it to had no Bach and no box at the broker restaurant tonight is the last night of the broker restaurant at Sally's in Champagne No it is shutting down. New bundle no not little 17th. What did I just say the broker restaurant is 70 thing champ is closing tonight most generally 1000 there opened in 1972 and the building has been sold to a group out of San Francisco there you are going to put up a new building to building that ferry that the broker is in was built in 1000 No 3 . And so anyway I guess that there's going to be a food court down sub to Raney end and the building is going to be called the vault because you really can't do anything with that vault and be it going will be a. They'll be a food court and food court on the 1st floor and on the 2nd well I just I just want to get anywhere like the time around anyway the problem movies Zachariah's an old movie from 71 that Don Johnson It might have been his 1st movie it's an old western with Country Joe on the fish they were a couple a couple of gunslingers bank robbers promoting rock stars. It's a crazy movie called Zachariah and then just recently saw No Country for Old man like you don't really like the beat em up shoot em up but that was a damn good movie. I saw that movie I can like the same as you I there was no nothing socially redeeming about it but I think if you're standard on a desert I right have probably learned you're probably looking more for entertainment than you are for. The new something with a message oh yeah all right let me. Say this is the thing to think about but Tommy Lee Jones and Javier Bardem I don't know how you pronounce of the just Roland and even a little cameo with what's his name great movie great actors let me ask you a question I've got I was breaking Welsh rarebit for the 1st time today but I didn't have any fear. I try to substitute the didn't work I tried I think Apple Slater vinegar. Honey is Ok what can you to do suggest. A substitute for beer in a recipe to they just didn't have any on hand. No Yeah no I can't. When I get in the car when everything is open 3030 member for crying out loud just look at that in the recipe you know in my bathrobe I fell off a bicycle broke it rebound on the right side of my face the broken Wappinger my right wrist I think you will and I really don't need talking about things to do a New Year's Eve or New Year's Day with food you know that Mike in the restaurant show have over 10000 followers on social media Facebook Twitter Instagram and you know that he has a nice informative website might boil dot com think it's thousands of hits surprised Well you're probably not surprised that my while he tries hard is not the most tech savvy guy in the neighborhood so that's why he uses every Wilks of your set media to handle all of his website in social media means Ted has been doing web building and design that's dates maintenance and more for over 20 years using the latest technology and latest technology trends he also does the all important function of keeping his clients websites updated encourage it all he says it's not enough just to set it in forget it he can do the same for you it's a technology oriented world out there and if you want your business to be front and center like Mike does give it a call at 720-508-9797 at 720-508-9797 or better yet check out his website said Media dot com and see what he can do for you but if you got to lose it might work out as well for you as it has for Mike said Media dot com Everyone who loves Mexican food needs to know about Mexican restaurant in Castle Rock located in the Safeway shopping center at 794 Perry Street just off the I 25 at the pump Creek exit Oh my son has been operated for over 15 years by the case and his family serves a great dishes from their native state of Mexico every restaurant so you that it has unique recipes but almost on they really do start you off with the complimentary chips and salsa appetizer try a local favorite this of each and learn. Joys. And more all with choice of looking for me. Out of this world Amazon has plenty of free parking and a full service wonderful and. Even. Open 7 days a week. Looking to satisfy your Mexican food cravings it's been restaurant in. It's open it's open yes indeed serving lunch and dinner 6 days a week fabulous meat dishes but as the name implies focusing on seafood trestles coastal cuisine in the Kenyan shopping center in. Southern California transplants decided to move here and do what they've been doing for years in Orange County serving great food in a beautiful atmosphere starters like hostess clams mussels. Lunch featuring. Sandwiches. Annapolis crab cakes scallops and plenty more. New York strip steak and the rack of lamb for nightly fish specials will round out an already very delicious menu full service bar trestles 2 nice wine list and a Daily Happy Hour trestles coastal cuisine and Castle. At 30366336223036633622 trestles at the canyon road in South Santa Fe. Get right back to the course we just got a call from Buzz and he got a little bit broken up in a bicycle ride Don't forget tomorrow a lot of us will be down at the Palmer Park in Colorado Springs about 80850 of my closest friends we will be part. Dissipating in the 40th annual El Paso County Search and Rescue run it is a run and walk to benefit those that volunteer their time and go out and help get people off the mountains and to find them in the woods and so forth and so on so that will be something in the next Saturday the 6th this coming Saturday will be at Elm us on Mexican restaurant in Castle Rock where we will be doing our 1st boil supper club of 2018 and everybody is welcome Buzz also asked about a French restaurant you know the top of the reserves a freestanding building on East Colfax and I think it just kind of ran its course I think it was kind of time but these 2 of Vendome is where I would suggest you go buzz is down in Laramie her its owner not treated by Jennifer just since good she is the owner operator of real high end silicon genuine but that's a French restaurant and and she's a very town matter fact she just got written up as one of the top 100 chefs in the country so I would suggest going to be stroll vendôme All right let's go to James that James wants to weigh in on my movie since I'm starting to get a little bit concerned about my listeners they have suggested Young Frankenstein hair No Country for Old Men what do you got James. For taking my call if I thought about this and. I'm in a bad situation I want to laugh I want to chuckle and then if there's one movie that still doesn't for me be Blazing Saddles. You know Mel Brooks Mel Brooks also directed Young Frankenstein. Blazing Saddles. It gets me every time I can help in any way your ship is your ship is sunk if you're the only survivor the the only thing you can make it to this desert island with is your own resources in your own sense of humor and you know you're looking around and you're saying I need a laugh so before I start looking for food or building shelter I'm going to watch Blazing Saddles again. Sorry that I note you know I go by today's standards it's not political group politically correct but I don't care it's still funny to me and and I'm going to tell us of the James by today's standards I'm not politically do damn proud of it. I could quick question from San Francisco every now and then I get a real urge for Chinese food if there's one place you'd go to where would you go to and Denver area were were delivered live in southwest but it doesn't matter if it's usually on about around town I'll make pull over somewhere if if there's one Chinese food place that you recommend Well you know. The me let me just tell you. I'm no no does in I'll tell you this because I don't get into best and I don't get into favorites. But I will tell you this that the the bar for Chinese food in the Denver metro area has been the Imperial Chinese of her South South Broadway it for 31 South Broadway and it's been around for. Well it was it's been around for 40 plus years maybe even a little longer and I would say that that would be as good a place as any does start how does that find That's why have you been and if you've been there no I haven't I've know or it's out of the many times and never pull then but. So Ok I'll give a try some but I hope I hope that changes your opinions about your year your listeners with Blazing Saddles I was going to pick dumb and dumber but I . Go with Blazing Saddles like now now that would have made me not necessarily wonder about my listeners in general but it was certainly made me wonder about you and. Then didn't do me a favor try the Imperial And you know what if you happen to be in Castle Rock we've got a place in Safeway center by called the China cafe and its owner an operator by a guy that was the general manager at the Imperial for years and decided like a lot of places a lot of people when they're in the restaurant business want to go off and do his own thing and then a cafe an Asian Grill in Castle Rock You have to be down this way it's very very good so anyways and so if you go to the beer do me a favor and give me a call and let me know what you think I will All right thank you.

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