What they're doing is they don't do anything for $2.00 to $300000.00 a year they're getting paid by us little own people from outside yeah yeah good points West Point All right well here comes the wall all right have a good one big yap You bet thank you sir bye bye going to come back we'll talk to Jennifer current some of the politics of the moment Menendez and others right after this. You stimulating joy 7 to Kerry and us Denver. News now. C.b.s. News Times hands cold turkey hurricane Irma now wreaking havoc around Fort Myers Florida I was. When we were in the bunker storm and I'm live going to one of Florida all my life Irma's winds are now down to 105 miles per hour and she appears to be moving inland which is expected to weaken the storm further. Meteorologist Eric Fisher from the peak gusts that have been coming in across the region a 142 miles per hour in Naples Florida so southwest Florida has really been bearing the brunt of all of this and farther off to the south had a couple of gusts over $130.00 that's likely we're going to max out now that we have some of that land interaction with the storm c.b.s. This quarter Evans's in Sarasota we've got sideways rain and gusty gusty wind now I'm going to guess that it's about 504050 miles an hour right now but it's been blowing strong like this for the last hour or so and yes we've seen extremely low tides today I got to tell you this storm is giving us an opportunity to take a look at these types of people say they've never seen it before officials with Monroe County which covers the Florida Keys and part of the Everglades says there say there is a humanitarian crisis there but help is on the way in the form of emergency supplies and personnel delivered on c. 130 transport planes c.b.s. Is Elaine key Hano in Key Largo here in Key Largo we are still feeling the effects of Hurricane Earl up some very powerful gusts continuing at this hour all up and down the keys we know that thousands of people read me. The West when they. Leave their homes tell us to stay here. Even ignored the mandatory evacuation orders at least 5 people have died in the storm in Florida more than $3000000.00 homes and businesses are without power former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon is going on the offensive not against Democrats but against members of the Republican establishment he was interviewed on tonight's 60 Minutes I think Mitch McConnell and to a degree Paul Ryan they do not want Donald Trump's populist economic nationalist agenda to be implemented it's fairly obvious so obvious as as obvious as that is obvious as night follows day he promised to remain a street fighter for the trumpet ministration Hillary Clinton says she felt like she let everyone down in her loss to Donald Trump last year but she told Jane Pauley on c.b.s. a Sunday morning that while her name will never be on the ballot again she will be politically active is your political career over guess as a as an active politician it's over you will never be a candidate I'm for but I am done with being a candidate the former secretary of state said she believes the country's future is at stake this is c.b.s. News. Whatever the Denver Metro forecast for this Sunday night skies with lingering showers till about midnight will see lows right around 60 and for Monday mostly sunny not quite as hot will see eyes around 85 and just a slight chance for an afternoon shower or thunderstorm Tuesday showers and storms in the afternoon with highs in the upper eighty's weather brought to you by Colorado flat fee realty pay less keep more Colorado flat be Realty dot com I'm meteorologist Patrice Sutter on 710 k. And us when tragedies like hurricane Erma strike it's children who suffer the most even now Save the Children is in Florida and along the East Coast making sure heard in frightened children impacted by hurricane Irma get the help they need your $50.00 right now to save the children will send a lot of care and essential supplies for families forced to evacuate including hygiene kits blankets portable cribs strollers and more call 86069647 that's 888-606-9647 or dial pound to 50 on your cell phone use the keyword Erma pound to 50 on your cell phone keyword Erma this time of year it's tough to balance spending time with your kids and having a date night or taking in a show with wanting to earn extra money so consider driving with when you drive with it's up to you when you work there's no one telling you when to come or go your own boss take time off when you won't want to play with the kids in the park or have a date night or go see your favorite band on tour do it because your time is yours that's why driving with it is the ultimate as they say side hustle do it because your time is yours you're earning extra cash when you want and in addition to instant pay and cashing out up to 5 times a day you can earn more every week now writers can send you tips right from the app so you can add to your weekly earnings for the great service you offer sign up to drive with whoever today go to www dot com slash drive now by. Guber dot com slash Dr now you are dot com slash Dr now certain restrictions apply see sites for details Ryan Murphy here with another mortgage solution the may help you or a loved one many Colorado homeowners have recently been stopped from completing a refinance as their home was discovered have items in need of repair most lenders will stop these loans from closing unless the homeowners pay thousands of home repairs out of their own pocket before they're allowed to close the loan this is a terrible catch $22.00 as most people can afford these home repairs until after the loan close as we have a solution for a front range mortgage we have a rare mortgage program that can allow you to complete your refinance even if your home has known items in need of repair allowing you to complete these repairs after you close using the loan proceeds if your home is items in need of repair or if you've already been turned down by another lender call me and my local team for a painless 5 minute conversation to get you close to your home as is and get you the money you need to repair and renovate your home our number 303501800 that's 303501800 or visit Front Range mortgage dot com and m.l.s. Number 378844 regulated by the Division of real estate. To the. Radio. We are a tower to the back on the radio. That number 1020176 o 6 pm the better your ears are on board we have got all kinds of things to be discussed we've gone through quite a bit of the hurricane politics and not politics as in the devastation that is facing the entire peninsula of Florida right now we'll see how that all plays out and spite of all the best forecast no one knew were going to be ending up but yet now that it's arriving I suppose we do know raking that West coastline of Florida in particular very hard but yet. Leaving no inch of Florida and spared from the wrath of this hurricane Irma tell you what now we get a chance to speak with the goddess of the conservative movement Jennifer Kearns has joined us here frequent guest on backbone radio going back some years one of the people we're most proud of representing us out in the Beltway She's worked for Fox News and Fox Business among other things you can read read her work at The Washington Examiner and Jennifer Kearns so glad. That allowed. So that you could join us here in a place a lot of background noise but. How are you how are you there can you hear me right well tonight Matt yes I can and all right you sound like you you might be at like some kind of a some kind of a public place there but you know one of the 1st thing I want to ask you about and I don't you're following this one but you know Trump has cut a deal with the Democrats on the debt ceiling raise kind of kicking that can down the road until December and he's cut out Paul Ryan is cut out there McConnell out of that pail and what do you make of that is this an unpredictable Trump maneuver here and what are what are the politics of this. Bubble that I think that Republicans are going to work with the president I think the president's going to find people that he can work with them in in this case is a very strange case a strange bedfellows the fact that Trump would actually be going to work with Nancy Pelosi in check Schumer but I think that's exactly what he's likely to do if you look at the summer months math. All of this delay and deny on a bomb a care repeal and replace the president has learned to run walk after both want to own flocking will see this is published in the next chapter and I think look when he got the big 4 in his office. And that's Paul Ryan Mitch McConnell well. I suppose the instruction to work if you've got folks are willing to make the be all and going to make stuff happen on the Hill I think you're going to go with what's going to happen down the hall this is a guy who's a business leader is a guy who's willing to make a deal and to let the Republican leadership has been very disappointing on a couple of these issues for Republicans not been able to make deals happen on Obamacare safe not been able to make tax reform happen yet built in the Jordie is unfair to people who aren't the majority of Republicans want and even the majority of Democrats want so I think what you're saying here is a new season post Labor Day present trends going to make a deal back to his approach to say looking to just cut deals to people who are going to make stuff happen on Capitol Hill missing too smart to be well one is interesting though so you are Paul Ryan so you are Mitch McConnell. Maybe you are caught by surprise by this move going around you know straight to murder a deal. Secure Ryan figure McConnell How do you got shot for you or is this something that when you when it comes down to what you're Ok with how do you think they're responding. Well look there was a political article on the Friday thing that Paul Ryan which shocked quote unquote by the president's willingness to work with Palosi and Schumer. Paul Ryan then reels that back a little bit on the Fox News and most of my column on Friday night he said you know he understands the position I would tend to believe the Politico article over his Martha MacCallum interview I think the Republican leadership was actually very surprised but the president was willing to just go with them especially after you know a year plus match President Trump on the campaign trail talking so poorly of of me at the closing check Schumer but what you're looking at here is President looking at the polling numbers and he's saying what does the American people actually want here will the American people want by overwhelming numbers they want to release sent to the hurricane how we survive or if they will want hurricane believe sent to be hurricane Erma survivors which is now ongoing in the state of Florida and the American people who want some sort of tax reform resolution here and I think what you're seeing is a flash new season the president trying to say what I have a little bit of a summer recess to are going to think about the fact the Republican leadership is not going to work with me in fact in some cases the Republican leadership has worked more strongly against President trying terror and I think we learning here that Capitol Hill the people who are your best allies are the people who are willing to work with you at that moment and I wouldn't when Mansi floating Chechen were in his office and willing to make a deal he was going to do that now that Politico article the callus I did not talked about how Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell offered him a different view. Well of the debt ceiling they said but we'll offer you some like 18 months you know when Trump declined not to offer you a one year deal from declined that he said they would offer him a 6 month deal to decline not just the president he's very focused on what you hear can people want and this is what campaign you define this agenda for the American people and he was willing to look but take appeal that wasn't perfect a deal that was a little short term on the debt ceiling but that would deliver aid for the American people and for the people in Houston in the past the storm I think it was right to do this and that what it doesn't mean that he isn't bad with Pelosi and Schumer for the long term it just means that this is a guy who's an entrepreneur he's a businessman he's going to take who is going to work with him and what I think the whole premise of the enemy of the enemy is my story and I think Paul Trump and then realizing that yes stablish Mitt g.o.p. Has not necessarily been with him and I think he's going to look for alternatives to work with as we go through off the fall here and now I think it's going to get very interesting in terms of who's going to be part of the President Trump on this state change one of these is that if you want to get got to be I think it's not going to go by party want you know and I think that you're right I think this makes sense to me that the Republican Party establishment their agenda they want nothing to do with the drama agenda and that is to their everlasting disgrace in my opinion so Trump is put in the position. Figure out how he can cobble things together to get what he wants Interestingly enough the debt ceiling especially in the aftermath of Houston and now Erma in Florida looks to me like that was going to be a nonstarter to put up a fly against raising the debt ceiling and Republicans time and time again Bill. Like they want not to raise the debt ceiling but then they you know export a little bit then they end up falling in line and raising densest seem to get right to the point and get it done and not have all of that drawn out all posturing kind of makes sense but what does it mean if it's coming back in December this is like Ryan McConnell wanted to at 1st have it 18 months out or as you said maybe 12 months or at the minimum of 6 months out so December this coming back is that going to be a big deal in December to have to go through all that again and put Ryan in the position that he won't really want to be in is that is that part of the deal here. Well look I think there's no doubt about it needs to go see Chuck Schumer looking to put Republicans in the terrible position of perhaps then maybe May December when everyone's looking to go on recess and then leave for the holidays there will no doubt in my mind try to extract the tax reform this president is trying to push through but here's the thing the Republicans will not forget half control of both houses of Congress and that's why I don't understand and that's why I think President Frank doesn't understand it's look we've got here a capacity to pass tax reform which 80 percent plus our belief public and to elected long term why that can be sent a Democrat who did not vote for Obama Trump wants and 65 percent of the overall benefit people for them to move to South Pole want but like I think. Why the Manticore's instruction is trying to go here for positions where they can pull that this act is on my stand up because sometimes if you center but I I truly believe massive tax reform is going to pass the or is a monstrous December because it is so overwhelmingly popular not only with their puppets and the Democrats saying. I think it has a very savvy businessman he has been working with the Democrats and he should be can work with and I think he's going to want them on together if you can say that we've been fighting them on so I disagree with Paul Ryan on this I don't think that the the Democrats in Vanity Fair where there is this is going to have some flat tax and damper and all that didn't pass on the phone I think it will happen next week or there and I think that's just because of the populace and all packed the ball right now and it does seem as though from pence gotten rid of some distractions here are some potential distractions that might get Congress not focused on tax from this is like hey now it's like a straight shot for Tax Reform And hello again Tom Tom this one again oh no excuse me we're talking to Jennifer turns on backbone radio in the right back. Newstalk 710 k. 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This is your very telling all dot com president proposed end to dock and given Congress 6 months to take action on the issue of illegal immigration as Congress works to write and pass a bill they must recognize the moral necessity of building a border wall a border barrier a border fence and you know while there were 18000 arrests at the border imagine how many were not arrested how many made it past I'm not certain how many people were swept away by Hurricane Harvey while trying to come into the country illegally but it had to be a significant number drawn here by the promise of easy access across that border if we do not secure the barrier we will continue to attract people to make that arduous and sometimes deadly trip a trip that ends for far too many in a Wal-Mart parking lot dead in the back of a truck for his speculation were swept away in a flood we have a moral imperative to remove that incentive the policy the German chancellor Angela Merkel announce a couple of years ago was essential if you can survive the journey to Europe you can stay here what kind of policies that America can and must do better we must be better than that it is time to build that barrier. This is fact on radio was not done news to. Us. Growing up no longer in any way back on radio and I'm with you we've got Jennifer Kearns on the phone line from the beltway getting the updates on all of the latest events in spite of all the hurricane business and you know that's one of the things I wanted to get to all we know that the politics of hurricanes are are perilous George w. Bush the lessons of Katrina of course the way the media absolutely savaged George w. Bush now how do you think President Trump thus far is responding to the Houston hurricane the Harvey hurricane and now Erma and maybe even upcoming Jose do you see the you see the media being able to pound away on trump the way they were on George w. Bush or is it trying maybe possibly even maybe as I'm c.n.n. Doing a pretty darn good job here and maybe gaining some points with the American people what do you think Jennifer Kearns. I mean so media keeps saying well. Well. That or not. I thought her remark. Well not all. Chargeable want foreign. Direct or bundles all will only. Watch or not. You know. They're doing yeoman's work and personal trauma but I don't want to spend passing the time but that's not that different than the 1st 8 months of his presidency the 1st $200.00 days of this price will face you know this I mean through the media they keep saying well gosh a president trust us if it's time to look at it is accomplishments in the 1st 200 days not this go I think about 34 records days on the New York Stock Exchange to teach it off as president because who has charged through the 22000 women on the New York Stock Exchange this is a guy who has achieved record number of jobs additions in his just the 1st 200 days this is a guy who has had a 16 year high in consumer confidence well as the same time having a 17 year low in for profit illegal border crossing I mean how many are done have to pass or the mainstream media gives them credit for look maybe just maybe during Hurricane Charley response and Hurricane Earl my response they my chance to get this guy's a little more respect and I think you're starting to see that got to save me the coverage over the weekend they're focusing less on President Trump Molony of Trump's high heels so what I was that she was wearing on Air Force One and they're starting to focus a little more on the bill cool faster response I think that the victory for this White House they're saying look the president strong has actually passed. The commander in chief out of them but you do at this of this nation he's actually doing a great job despite what you might think about what's between. I if you think he is maybe it's last day also saying look this is a guy she is a c.e.o. She isn't here to thank you travel together she can really back the American people I think and then again he gets me for the United States Yanna some point I do think events happen that connect President Trump to the American people and the media really can't do much about it they can go after Malani as high heels they can rant on about how he doesn't have enough empathy but you know the people are watching and they're seeing this happen and I think more than more than ever before they're gonna be making their own opinion some of those people may be a little bit on the fence here good point Jennifer Kearns now you haven't heard this much about Senator Bob Menendez of New Jersey he's he's he's on trial for felony bribery and corruption charges his dealings with a Florida I doctor name Salomon Mel Gibson who donated about $750000.00 to him and then there's campaign because. How bad is this look by the way the New York Times there's this big article about Menendez on trial 5 and never mentions that he's a Democrat did you see that 2000 word article no mention that he's a Democrat but what's up with Menendez is this guy in trouble here or is this you know nothing too big of a deal. Well you know you're spot on here mouth the fact that this wasn't a splash on the front page very sober for no walkthrough to Missouri it's quite telling of the fact that you have articles not even mentioning this guy's a Democrat is quite interesting there you have a sitting u.s. Senator one of the top ranking u.s. Senators who's a Democrat by the way on tell me bribery and corruption charges on trial for this is quite astonishing this for an $1000000.00 and felony bribery and corruption and they did worse than not he's he's actually he called in special favors that amount to to about $9000000.00 in Medicare fraud for the h.h.s. To look the other way for one of his high campaign donors I mean this is a guy who was not just except because Danner chair and there as we know happens in Washington d.c. But this is a guy who was actually demanding the high price of hotel rooms in Paris France and telling the guy giving basically the guy the phone number 2 American Express Travel book is why this hotel rooms a lavish airfare look here's what I think is most interesting about this that you have the Democratic Party who has refused to for separate themselves from this guy you know if the shoe were on the other foot in this it is a Republican on trial you would have Republicans purse pestering his guilt or at least saying look he should step down or the curious unself from being a member of Congress while this trial is ongoing you have not seen that at all and such you've seen the opposite of that from the Democrats and what this makes me feel is is as an outsider looking in is that this is just another day at the office for the Democrats that this sort of subterfuge and this kind of felony bribery and corruption must just be another day at the office because not a single. Democrat has come out and chastised Bob and then I think that's a that's a blight on the Democratic Party you know if it were a Republican on trial base you would be on the other foot even their own with publicans would be out chastising him for this lot of pople yet look this is a case of the lifestyles of the great and us senatorial. That I think will be very interesting for months to come here oh yeah I agree with you and yeah if it was a Republican I mean that would have been in the headline of The New York Times Republican senator on the rack for bribery charges and every other Republican would have to be disavowing this individual yes not happening in the democratic world but I think Menendez is in some hot water here so I think you don't keep an eye on this Democratic corruption on display in this trial let's see where it goes and we got only 60 seconds here we're going out but we'll coal and well and here's Margot's now by the way you saw Menendez his attorney by the way over the weekend saying he is only being a being prosecuted because he is a has vanished I don't actually have far cry he was begun to be investigated under the garage Obama I think is chasing by 50 a j. a Book there were the democrats year I'll have to laugh at the 2 Cheney Bush so the identity politics you would have to think they've learned a thing or 2 according to Rasmussen poll that identity politics building greatly at the ballot box and 20 sixteenth's but to tending to push it bank that morning that is only being prosecuted because she sees the whole panic Well gosh and that means block Obama was a racist and I thought I was all of a dodge and I'm certainly hurt by well tell you what here's Well thank you Gary we'll be in close touch We'll be right back. When tragedies like hurricane Arma strike it's children who suffer the most even now Save the Children is in Florida and along the East Coast making sure her and frightened children impacted by hurricane Irma get the help they need your $50.00 right now to save the children most in love care and essential supplies for families forced to evacuate including hygiene kits blankets portable cribs strollers and more call 86069647 that's 888-606-9647 or dial pound to 50 on your cell phone use the keyword Erma pound to 50 on your cell phone keyword Irma. For more than 60 years Colorado energy companies have relied on fracking not the percent of all oil and natural gas wells have been or will be frank Colorado is nationally recognized for stringent state laws and regulations Poila natural gas development the need for more liable affordable energy is always balanced with protecting Colorado and the environment to see all that we're doing it to crack down where. The reporting Hurricane Irma is still a Category 2 storm but it sustained winds are down to 105 miles an hour making landfall in the Florida Keys of a 2nd wanted Marco Island it's now hitting the Fort Myers area when I came through it was pristine conditions for light rain barely any wind at all you could see blue in the sky incredible difference between what we went through for 3540 minutes when the eye wall was going through us Mike McLaughlin isn't sure he'll still have a house when he gets back to Naples less were particularly harsh because of the rainfall was so I heard that very little but record it was it was a mess it was nothing like you've ever experienced or at least 5 deaths are blamed on the storm c.b.s. Is Adriana Diaz in Orlando there are many been 2 tornadoes in the county to the east of us where those tornadoes destroyed fix mobile homes c.b.s. News special report on Pam Colter. What are the Denver Metro forecast for this Sunday night skies with lingering showers till about midnight will see lows right around 60 and for Monday mostly sunny not quite as hot will see highs around 85 and just a slight chance for an afternoon shower or thunderstorm Tuesday showers and storms in the afternoon with highs in the upper eighty's weather brought to you by Colorado flat fee realty pay less keep more Colorado flat fee Realty dot com I'm meteorologist Patrice Sutter on $710.00 k. And us this is a special alert to consumers who attacks is to the i.r.s. Due to the financial hardship consumers are facing during the decline in the u.s. Economy the Internal Revenue Service has made it easier to settle tax problems and open phone line has been established by national tax relief grab a pen or put this number on your cell phone but call 180-210-0311 today that's 180-210-0311 when you call you'll get information and see if you qualify if you will back taxes to the i.r.s. And can't afford to pay them back there's no need to fear anymore you may qualify for a program that could settle your tax problems and save you money for free information and to see if you qualify call national tax relief today at 180-210-0311 that's 180-210-0311 call national tax relief today 180-210-0311 join the Colorado Christian Business Alliance on Friday September 22nd at the Hyatt Regency Denver tech center to engage with world class speakers and other leaders who are pioneering a movement of the Spirit to work integrating faith and work the Nehemiah leaders conference featured speakers include Paul Cooney Byron Borger and Lori Windham Ben Bradley couldn't be invented inclusive come a little breakfast lunch in a day filled with Marketplace inspiration and wisdom register at c.c.v. Alliance dot org for the Nehemiah leaders conference on September 22nd brought to you by the Colorado Christian Business Alliance and Salem media group are you ready to retire. And you have a plan for when the paychecks stop Dennis Prager here for Wally Smith at Ridge gate financial income planning is one of the 5 keys to a successful retirement you've worked hard and saved but now you need a specific plan for went to access your Social Security and each of your retirement assets for your free social security analysis and personal retirement review call Wiley Smith at 3 o 3 planner that's 303-752-6637 rich k. Financial creates retirement plans to help make your retirement everything you've dreamed of not just 20 to 30 years of unemployment your personal retirement plan will help you to sail through stock market corrections and crashes with confidence you need a plan for when the paycheck stop for your free social security analysis and personal retirement review call Wiley Smith at 3 o 3 planner or visit rich gate Financial dot com 3 or 3 planner 3 or 37526637 rich gate financial talk can us to enter a single media group station this is back on radio that's done some time can mean less. Than the same come down in. The military they bring in the backyard Yeah they do single call during. Play though I think it means like a leaf or something and. How are you doing out there 303-696-1971 big thanks to Jennifer Kearns for joining us from the beltway. And I'll tell you what the latest updates apparently Fort Myers the winds are bearing down on Fort Myers which is I believe a little bit south of Tampa Bay National Weather Service Tampa Bay 48 minutes ago put out a tweet we still have significant hurricane force winds but we dodged major hurricane winds in west central Florida so trying to get a put this together here they also said National Weather Service Tampa Bay there are maximum sustained winds of 105 miles an hour which puts Irma still at category 2 if it gets if it got down to 89 miles an hour that's down to Category one in terms of classification of the hurricane so I think looks like Fort Myers is 6 minutes ago. National Weather Service Tampa Bay says the eye is currently near Fort Myers and the hurricane is moving north at 14 miles an hour still Category 2 so that is the latest update and of course as we know the storm surges and the rise in the water levels that can tend to come later so a lot of variables there and Dumon your daughter in Jacksonville in the any updates from her of late just still raining hard still windy you know raining you know a little bit windy but they're just getting just it's like the outer home of the store Ok And she wasn't asked to evacuate right she's not in the evacuees own Jacksonville not Jacksonville but oddly South Carolina you've evacuated. Up in Charleston that's a little bit north of them indeed 6400000 people from Florida told to evacuate and apparently around 500000 told to evacuate from other states and I believe that is mostly South Carolina which would be the other states in that in that affected region here so all right anyway anybody have any thoughts feel free to check in with us we're going to start rolling through a bunch of the political issues of the day Hillary Rodham Clinton Hillary Clinton is on a book tour she's back you're to have more Hillary crisscrossing this nation charging $1000.00 a ticket to go see her pontificate about her new book which is called what happened . What happened why did she lose and apparently in this book which I have not read I do have all of her memoirs all of Hillary's books even it takes a village yes I own that on my bookshelf she's got another one out another readable memoir. I guess I should say that the 1st several were unreadable I've quoted from them often on this program but the new one haven't read it yet but what happened remember the book that came out from Scott McClellan who was the p.r. Person for George w. Bush he had a book out called what happened which I also have so in a way she plagiarizing the title from poor Mr McClellan from his book some years ago yeah looks like it but apparently in this book she blames a lot of Democrats she blames Bernie she blames the media she blames everybody for why she lost it again I haven't read it that she blame herself at all there she looks into her own soul to discuss why she lost to President Trump Some people say well what happened well then the you see the other picture that trump happened President Trump tweeted that out to a trump half and that's why that's why Hillary lost but you're getting the sense that the left is tired of Hillary Clinton they would really rather have her go away the left does not want more Hillary whining more Hillary complaining more oh Trump was intimidating me on that debate stage he's such a creep he came up behind me and he was Ogle ing me and all that stuff Hillary. Now that she doesn't have probably all of the handlers Knol of the slick Democrat professional spin people around her she kind of gets to be the real Hillary real true pure Hillary Clinton here and that does seem to be at least by what I'm gathering the full self absorbed blaming others not blaming herself at all for what happened. She's even doing apparently one of her book signings in Wisconsin and when she lost the Trump and she couldn't be bothered to go to Wisconsin during the campaign I mean where was she where was she circling around Wisconsin and Michigan and all those states that she lost the Trump she's doing the book signings up there but yet no campaign appearances up there what is that is that irony lost on her anyway you're even seeing comedians like us tensile could be as they Bill Maher saying hey Hillary Clinton time to go away just just go away quietly and I believe what Miers had was just go do what old white people do when they retire Yeah Bill Maher bring a little identity politics into that but for my for my take I just assume have Hillary stay in the public eye just as soon have Hillary run around and blame Democrats and blame the media and stir up all kinds of unpleasant trouble for the left eye like this so go Hillary actually not I'm taking about this might be the one memoir Hillary has written that I might actually kind of like and that we might try to promote around here keep it up Hillary All right now President Trump is at 46 percent approval ratings now apparently that is moving up a little bit that is the Rasmussen poll data and his poll data. Approval wise started out in the low forty's when he became president when he took office so maybe you'd say it's gone up a little bit and really you know the media likes to pile on of Trump hits a tough spot or has some bad press you know which he's had of course all the balance always numbers are going way down and I think the lowest I ever saw was 38 percent in some poll but really isn't that just the testicle noise compared to where he has been a long maybe even this 46 percent is also noise as well but it does make me wonder you start seeing these little bit higher numbers what's causing that and when Trump looks at those numbers does he like it does he like it a little too much does he seem to be as they're saying over at Breitbart that President Trump is kind of craving elite approval right now that he wants to be liked by the establishment at this point in time what do you think about that is there a risk that at some point President who has gone so against the grain so against the establishment and seem not to care at all seem to really be unconcerned about what people thought of him from their perches of power unelected power in the Beltway he didn't seem to care but are you seeing signs out there anybody ladies and gentlemen that he is starting to care a little bit that maybe he's a little bit tired of having that relentlessly take on this establishment that is really in it all the way fully committed to trying to take this guy down. Is that happening right now is this what columnist Michael Goodwin in the New York Post calls a turning point with President reaching out to the Democrats making a deal with Schumer and Palosi on this debt ceiling increase. Taking it down the road to December only a 3 month kickdown as opposed to what as opposed to what apparently Rhiannon McConnell wanted either 18 months or a 12 months or a 6 month kick the can down the road. And I'm sitting here a long time Trump supporter and I just I am hoping that President Trump is not sitting around craving approval from the elites because to me that is a grand recipe for destruction of his presidency because he will never ever get it no matter what John McCain learned that lesson you know however hard he's tried to be appealing to the Democrats and be the maverick who goes against Republican Party you know then he runs for office in 2008 and of course gets shellacked by the media like they'd never known him say I never knew a man. So let us just hope that he's not buckling on that and it's so mysterious so hard to tell and I can't honestly puzzle it together if he is heading in that direction what are you see and out there and we might have some thoughts here from Dave in Centennial Dave any thoughts on this subject or something else Welcome to the program Doc I agree with you totally the art of the deal. This deal he made what Schumer and post he came away was not the he gave them everything they wanted a face time they had policy even didn't even send out a message to their followers that he's attacking his. Emails . But if this was truly a negotiator he would have gotten back Schumer's agreement to fast track 150 people that are awaiting the judges that we heard this week from. From box to. Grilling the. Nominee on Catholic faith everything came away with the dog just our biggest problem right now is daughter and son in law 'd one in every. All the general in his staff are all Democrats. Is Secretary of State is a Democrat you got rid of all the Republican influences so I agree with you I think he's being lost in the fact. That it's only. Detrimental. To Republicans right why he got elected All right hey thank you sir. Policies you buy American general life insurance company Houston Texas not available in all states for details visit Direct dot com If you are young and healthy you don't need life insurance right yeah that's what I used to think too until my brother died at 38 Joe left his wife with 2 kids a mortgage and a stack of bills she couldn't pay Mary had to sell the house and move everybody into this tiny to better my apartment just to make ends meet I never want to do that to my wife so I got life insurance I called direct and was really surprised tell affordable it is just $14.00 a month for 250000 dollars of term life coverage listen if you have a family you should seriously think about getting life insurance you'll feel a lot better having it trust me. 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No back to back already but not done for some time what. We're seeing right now. We see and president trying to say you know I'm tired of fighting the damage but all the time and. Tired of fighting the media all the time and maybe maybe I can reach out to them a little bit more a little bit more effectively or somehow you know maybe at some point all the Democrats you surrounded himself with in the oval office including his daughter and his son in law without band in there without Gork of their hand he on his own stand up to these relentless relentless globalist Democratic establishment types and pursue the Trump agenda and that is the question and I'm not prepared to say that no trump is giving in not prepared on that but yet I do have a few a few feelings of alert high alert red alert going on in my mind that we might be seeing some caving here Ok Trump wants to be loved so says Breitbart that might come from Steve Bannon himself does trump want to be loved seems like he really he really hasn't cared that much about being loved by the establishment any rate I do remember one evening played this audio David Brooks you know the worst columnist in America right up there with Bret Stephens Bill Kristol a few others but New York Times pundit David Brooks said Oh no no make no mistake you're going to see President Trump come crawling back to try to get elite opinion on his side he wants. To be loved by the elites he wants their adulation. And at the time I kind of thought no no no. He's not going to do that. But is he is he and the one thing I'd be throwing out right now is Trump needs to know that he's never going to get it never never going to get it you know the in vogue song it's not going to happen McCain is a good example of that that he always gets points whenever like he's actually not going to be potentially a president right a Republican president. That's obvious it's just not going to happen and so if President Trump is going to alienate his base and has a big problem he's left with what if his base gets frustrated and says well you know and Coulter for example is saying that well you know in terms of those of us who care about a sovereign nation and border security we got Trump elected what else can we do what else could we have done but if the base starts to dribble away a little bit or lose their enthusiasm for President Trump what is he left with he's left with yes an enduring Lee entrenched hostile media all the same never trampers in their same perches all the way along tells you what a rigged racket that media deal is they were served up constantly and he's with and Republican Party establishment the big donors of the g.o.p. That want nothing to do with the president from agenda and he's also then left with the Democrats with the Schumer's in the Palosi of the world who goes without saying do not care about a sovereign America do not want anything to do with any kind of border security so this is a tough spot to be in and so how does somebody as canny as President Trump Yes as gifted and as persuasive as President Trump How does he maneuver through all of that. And I think we're watching him start to explore new ways to negotiate new ways to maneuver and where is this going to lead and darn it I don't know but I have my share of concerns here and you take you take the border while you take Dhaka right now and I'll tell you this the docket issue unconstitutionally brought in by President Obama not an executive action but a order from the Department of Homeland Security chairman of the Obama era. These steps meant loves nothing more than having the immigration issue framed on Dhaka framed on children who through quote no fault of their own are here to me to my ears that's what the establishment just loves to frame immigration in terms of innocent children when of course if you start looking at the issue the average age of the Dhaka recipient is over 22 years old and there's all kinds of criminality that has gone on and you've seen people like Jamilah Shah and others who lost their own children killed by dreamers So there's a lot of that is being glossed over and the media's going to relentlessly focus on that and that does put President Trump Yes people who want to sovereign nation with border security in a tough spot and that's just the political reality and that's why Obama pushed that of course the time he said it's a temporary thing course this is temporary This is not going to be a enduring thing but now of course that President Trump has thrown it over thrown it back to Congress then you see Obama pipe up blasting President Trump Hillary blasting President Trump because oh well I guess they wanted to be permanent after all you see how these games are played. Remember that whenever the Democrats push something forward say well let's just do this for a while let's just do this temporarily That's the camel's nose under the tent that's a political ploy to try to get something through and of course they want that to stick forever and if you try to remove it well I mean you are you are the worst you are the worst meanest cruelest cruel person ever but yet in my view you know if you want to have a sovereign nation you've got to have a sovereign nation you've got to have a country are you going to not have a country remember President France rhetoric on the campaign trail I agree with that a lot of the American people agree with that and so that's where we are right now what kind of a turning point are we looking at right now 303-696-1971 extension 1 line open at the present time let's bring in Captain Kirk kept in my Captain how are you good sir Harry man doing fine what do you see in. Well I remember a couple months ago I said that removal of banning would be a red line and we have crossed a red line and I think as far as Trump America 1st again the. Water you just don't think it's going anywhere right now how you think it's stalled it's a writer live ship right now. That is the feeling I'm getting as well you know without banning around without Gorka around without the American 1st or that the people that were committed to getting trampled elected in there with him now there is a sense of lift the listlessness your rights where is it is it drift where are we going. I would have to compare to a different situation in so far as the Democrats oh my house under Reagan but in 86 he lost the Senate so he made a deal with the Democrats to legalize all these illegal immigrants in exchange for border wall border security Well the Democrats were liars and even though Reagan did what he could. He signed that executive order and still got stabbed in the back right that's right he did not get his part of the deal but of course the left the globalists got theirs and Republicans have not been able to win in California ever since and Tom Tancredo will tell you that round regular look back on that as one of the worst mistakes he made as president and I'll tell you what it still isn't a little amazing to you as a Kirk and the sheer persistence and even ruthlessness of the people that don't want borders in this country they just do not want him and will go to the mat to make sure that we do not have them that's right and that is that at least on some level a little surprising I mean. They're so committed to it that it's.

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