Senator rand paul calling f an independent investigation. She joins us live. And today exclusive, ambassado mark lipperts first interview since that brutal knifing in south korea. How he remained so calm during such a violent attack, wednesday, march 11, 2015. Announcer from nbc news, this is today with matt laue and Savannah Guthrie live from studio 1a in Rockefeller Plaza and good morning. Welcome to today on a wednesday morning. 7 00 out on the west coast. Sadly we start with a tragi it is our top story this morning. Army Helicopter Crashing durin a nighttime Training Exercise the Florida Panhandle, 11 Service Members on board. Lets get to nbcs Jim Miklaszewski at the pentagon. Whats the latest . Reporter the news from florida and the u. S. Military grim this morning, matt. U. S. Military officials tell nbc news that it appears there wer no survivors from the military Helicopter Crash just off the Florida Panhandle overnight. The helicopter was on a traini mission carrying seven u. S. Special operations marines, and a fourman army crew when it went down in the santa rosa strip sound. Its a narrow strip of water between Santa Rosa Island and the shore. According to u. S. Military officials at the time of the exercise about 8 30 when the helicopter went downs are ther were increasingly harsh weathe conditions. Severe thick fog and a low ce and since this was a special Operations Training mission, t helicopter itself probably wou have been flying very low, actually almost skimming the water so that combined with weather conditions could have contributed to the crash itsel now, the seven marines are fro ca the helicopters were from a National Guard army base in hammond, louisiana but its not clear whether the fourman arm crew aboard was also from louisiana. Now, according to officials, search and rescue operations still continue this morning wi the slight hope that they stil may find someone alive. But this incident again a grim reminder that even in a traini incident, that american men an women in the military often ar in harms way every day, matt. Tragic news for the u. S. Military. Jim miklaszewski at the pentagon, thank you very much. We are hearing for the fir time today from one of the university of oklahoma student involved in the racist chant that led to a fraternity being kick it you off campus while t family of another student and this young student himself apologizing, the scandal appears only to be growing. Gabe gutierrez is in norman for us. Gabe, good morning. Reporter good morning. Two students have been expelle and the University Says the investigation is not over. And other students could be di were learning more what may have led to this. One student blaming the incide in part on alcohol. On the campus new outrage. I hope he genuinely is apologetic and not because he got caught. Apologies for this video ar sinking in. A freshman member of sigma alp epsilon parker rice writing i deeply sorry for what i did saturday night. It was wrong and reckless. I admit it likely was fueled b alcohol consumed at the house before the bus trip but thats not an excuse. Rice had graduated from this prep school in dallas last yea i was appalled. I think its unconscionable to see what was going on bus. In his written statement ri said the song was taught to us overnight sae said it was like they learned from fellow chapt members but reiterated the National Fraternity does not such a racist hateful chant. The parents of a second studen levi pettite also apologized. He made a horrible mistake and will live with the consequence we also know the depth of our sons character. He is a good boy. But what we saw in those videos is disgusting. The fraternity calling this video posted on social media unacceptable, shows the long time house mother at ou using the same racial slur in 2013. She says she is heart broken b any racist portrayal and she w only singing along to a rap song. As the scandal widens hundreds of student marched across campus, diverse crowd stopping at the sae house now shut down its racism. Thats what it is. I would say we havent fallen apart but some parts of us hav started to crumble away but were putting it back together reporter this morning ther is an image being shared a lot here on the campus, and beyond it is a powerful image taken by the Student Newspaper showing students coming together last night and trying to show signs of racial unity. Again, the university stressin that it has zero tolerance for what happened on that bus. Back to you. Gabe, thank you. Another scandal being closely watched, Hillary Clintons email controversy a this morning her critics responding now that she has broken her silence. Andrea mitchell is here with t latest on that. Good morning. Good morning to you. The state department now says it will post Hillary Clintons emails after they are screene for privacy and security, starting with the benghazi email first. Clintons answers have not satisfied republicans. I fully complied with every rule i was governed by. Reporter Hillary Clintons press conference raised more questions for republicans. Trey gowdy the republican chairman of the house benghazi investigation says he will cal her to testify at least twice. Critics dont buy her explanation she used the priva system for convenience. I thought it would be easie to carry one device for my wor and personal email instead of two. Looking back it would have bee better to use two separate phones and two email accounts clinton says her work emai went to colleagues on governme accounts so were automatically archived but she revealed she deleted what she decided personal emails. About planning chelseas wedding or my mothers funeral arrangements, condolence notes to friends as well as yoga routines, family vacations. Her answers satisfied diann i think the important thing she stepped forward and talked to people. Republicans say they dont trust them and want her to tur over her server to a neutral third party. Nobody has any way to verif what she did or didnt do. The server contains Persona Communications from my husband and me, and i believe i have m all of my responsibilities and the server will remain private Hillary Clinton says the system was secure because it w set up byer husbands office, and protecteddy the secret service. Although bill clintons office says the former president doesnt use email, only sent two in his life. And clintons explanation she preferred to use just one devi may come under scrutiny. At a womens event last month she seemed to suggest otherwis i dont throw anything away im like two steps short of a hoarder. So i have you know, an ipad, a mini, ipad, iphone and blac were told the explanation for that is that she got the iphone only a few months ago after she left the state department. Clinton will no doubt face questions by her critics. Tuesday was her first with the press corps since her 2008 campaign, a sign of what she could be facing once she becom a candidate. You were in that room and even as she left the podium there were a lot of people who wanted to ask her questions. For sure. Thank you very much. Republican senator rand paul of kentucky calling for an independent investigation into all of this, we talk to him earlier this morning. I began by asking the senator what clinton said or didnt sa that makes him believe shes perhaps not telling the whole heres the thing. I dont think convenience should Trump National security. She also has admitted in other interviews she has an iphone a blackberry so carries two devi devices. I think fact she didnt obey t rules on putting her emails o a government server and now sh says there wasnt classified information im not shaur that can be trusted since we cant trust her to do the right thin the first time. The thing about classified lk about transmitting a document thats classified about many conversations may be classifie say i wanted to know tomorrow about all of her conversations by email with the president i would think many of those woul be classified and yet she says that she did these conversatio on a private server. She says nothing was cl she turned over 55,000 pages o emails to the state department, but she does say she discarded some 30,000 emails, raises questions i think youll agree one, did she make the right decision between what was pure official and what was purely personal, and i guess you must be wondering are they gone for good or still on the server in nothing seems to be gone fo dp on the internet. But the other question i would have is, there is a period of time she was traveling to liby that we are concerned about he emails, and those arent out there. So did she delete those . I mean really, the problem is when someone shows themselves not necessarily to be trust worthy with doing the right thing, she was supposed to put the emails on a government server, on a secure server and she didnt, now she says well, didnt do the right thing then but trust me now, the one i deleted werent pertinent and trust me though there arent emails that exist concerning this trip to libya trust me th i am doing the right thing. I dont know, my sense of trus is a little lost on this. Let me ask you she mentione before her remarks on the ema she talked about this open letter that you and 46 other republican senators wrote and then signed and sent off to th leaders of iran during delicat negotiations over this nuclear deal. She said you and the others we either trying to help iran or undermine the commander in ch let me ask you if youre no longer senator rand paul but president rand paul and youre trying to conduct foreign poli in the midst of delicate negotiations, would you want members of the senate undermining that . Im kind of one of the senators who is in favor of negotiations with iran. I want there to be a peaceful outcome but i want to strengthen the president s hand so i want to strengthen his hand bay saying you know what, weve go a lot of hard liners and have get agreement by congress and doing so maybe the president will negotiate a more appropriate deal where we actually get iran to give up you strengthen the president s hand . Also reiterated what the constitution says is that the powers are separated, and that when legislation is passed by congress, Congress Passed most of the sanctions. They cant be taken back witho Congress Passing new legislation. So i think this is the law no matter what there is a letter, no matter whether the bill passes or not. I think the law is that the sanctions can only be removed by congress and by reiterating th i think we send a message that this needs to be a good deal. Senator rand paul, thanks f joining us. Appreciate it. Thank you. Natalie is here with a key piece of evidence at the boston bombing tr were talking about the boa that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was hiding in and wrote on before his capture taking center stag at the bottoming trial. Pete williams is at the cour good morning. Reporter good morning. The judge in the bombing trial is deciding whether to let members of the jury see the entire boat for themselves, no that the government has shown for the first time pictures of what Dzhokhar Tsarnaev wrote while he was hiding in it. While the boston suburb of watertown was on lockdown five days after the bombing with th hunt on for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, he was hiding for hours in a boat stored in a back yard, writing a 230word essay in pencil on the interior. For the first time the government has released pictur of what he was writing streake though they show only a small portion of the interior wall i was clearly riddled with polic gun fire before he surrendered its hard to tell how many bullet holes but a conservativ count is at least 21. He wrote about his older broth who died earlier that day. Im jealous of my brother he wrote, adding that tamerlan received the reward of paradise before him. The u. S. Government is killing our innocent civilians he said i cant stand to see such evil go unpunished. Muslims are one body, you hurt one you hurt us all. He said, god has a plan for ea pe mine was to hide in this boat and shed some light on our actions. Today prosecutors plan to begi showing the jury some of the hundreds of pieces of bomb par that were picked up by investigators, off the street from rooftops, even from the bodies of those hurt. Pete williams, thank you. A controversial bill passed by lawmakers in utah getting the bill would allow death by a firing squad if there werent enough drugs to carry out an execution by lethal injection. The sponsor republican paul ra argues that his team of the marksman is faster and more humane than the drawn out deat that occurred in lethal injections. Utahs governor wont say if h will sign. The fight against isis is fron and center on capitol hill. The Foreign Relations committe is meeting to discuss presiden obamas request for authorization to use force against the terror group, amon those testifying before the committee today secretary of state john kerry, and new defense secretary ashton carte more fallout in ferguson, missouri following the scathing the city manager john shaw has resigned what the Council Called a mutual separation agreement. It comes after last weeks d. O. J. Report citing cases of alleged racial bias in the Police Department and court system sthau says his office never instructed the Police Department to target africanamericans. Actor johnny depp is going need surgery after injuring hi hand while on location in australia filming the latest pirates of the caribbean movie he headed back to the united no word how he was injured but insiders say it will not throw the movie off schedule. It is due to be released in ju of 2017. And food and art again going hand in hand in a new project former art director called foo states of america. New jerky and swissconsin. He has been posting since last summer. The project went viral this month when it reached halfway poin he says his 9yearold son is the one who came up with the idea while strolling by a u. S. Map at an after School Program pretty unfor nat choice for new je love a good beef jerky. What state could we work bacon into . Onetrack mind with you. Sorry. Thinking about all of this war weather, but also thinking abo take a look. This is in cape cod. They have had massive chunks o ice forming and people are saying this is unlike anything they have stine in the last 20 years. But once that thaw sets in, it will melt pretty quickly. Still, very, very impressive stuff. Weve also got impressive fog out there. Upwards of 83 Million People a under some sort of fog advisor this morning. Look at this visibility, st. Louis, 1 mile, chicagoohare, 3 miles, zero cincinnati, pittsburgh, cl you know there are going to be airport delays. Along the roads too, we had two fatal accidents in the last 24 hours in indiana due to fog on you can see there the fog eventually as the day wears on the ceilings will lift and we have more visibility. Just know there are going to b a lot of airport delays later into the morning hours, boston new york, cleveland, pittsburg and chicago. And leave yourself plenty of space, use the low beams as 7 18. Weve got some showers working through the bay area this morning and were looking good to see these showers continue through much of the day. Clearing expected between about 4 00 and 6 00. You can see from this live picture of tiburon, definitely an overcast sky. A little break from the rain right now. South along the Golden Gate Bridge and into San Francisco. Highs are going to be comfortable today. Were starting out in the mid 50s, so easily ramping up these numbers into the upper 60s. Were going to ramp them up even more so. We turn back to the university of oklahoma. Its starting a new conversati about fraternities and College Graduation rates ar 20 higher in the greek system and 85 of fortune 500 executives were part of greek lets go to the orange room. The numbers speak high for the greek system. With situations like oklahoma arise that raises flags for parents. The poll today, would you want your child to join a fraternit or sorority . The results, no at this point. 82 to 18. No, ive seen the behind the scenes of many over the years and i do not agree or stand behind them at all. Agreeing is gary, no, for many reasons not only this incident but nothing positive seems to come from these groups. On the other side, jennifer writes yes, best decision i ev made. Learned how to manage people. Wouldnt change it for the this oklahoma situation has people talking about greek life. Chime in on our facebook page. Thank you. Coming up, how did he stay an exclusive interview with th u. S. Ambassador who survived that vicious knife attack in south korea. The search intensifies for the suspect in a frightening kidnapping attempt. A toddler grabbed in a park, siblings giving chase. Their mother is speaking out. Coming up, making your chi go from this to this. With a simple shot. A new drug that appears a miracle worker. Where do you sign up. A battle over blurred lines. Robin thicke and fer really lowes presents how to use the greek gods to u spring black friday is here at lowes so hurry in now for these great deals. Like premium color mulch 5 for 10. Plus save 5 every day when you use your lowes Consumer Credit card. Dont miss out on springs best offers at lowes. The new subway turkey italiano melt. Tender turkey breast, genoa salami, pepperoni, provolone. And that tangy new subway vinaigrette. The new turkey italiano melt. Only at subway. 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Five people are hospitalized after fire swept through part of an Apartment Building in San Franciscos Mission district. It happened this morning on 24th street. Some streets are still closed at this hour. Firefighters say a father and two children are hospitalized with lifethreatening injuries. A mother and another child are expected to survive. Fire crews had to pull all five from the fire. Im hearing people screaming, yelling, an emotional scene. So yeah, theyre in the dark, heavy smoke conditions active flame, and to make five rescues the way they did out of three different means of eegress they did a phenomenal job. Fire crews broke a padlock to get them out safely. Water leaders are blocking off on plans for a huge rate hike, but it still may hit pretty deep. The Water District lowered its initial recommendation for a 32 hike. Instead, theyre recommending a 20 increase. Increase in the rain out there this morning. Were seeing it christina. Look at that radar behind you. Yeah we do have widespread fire activity. For you, you probably want to give yourself a little extra time. Travel cautiously. Its been raining steadily for the past six hours or so and theres more on the way. You can see showers still roll into northern california. Thats all beginning to come to the south as we head throughout the next few hours. I wanted the show you tiburon, though. A little bit of a break right now. Area to the north of the Golden Gate Bridge. Temperatures mostly in the 50s. Were on our way to the mid 60s. It should be really comfortable out there for today with those showers clearing between about 4 00 p. M. And 6 00 p. M. Heres mike and your drive. That suns coming up. Brighter view better drive southbound. Lights are moving better at the coliseum. Well show you the crash still blocks that slow lane, though, here at llewellyn. We have a crash here causing this big backup. Recovering now for that area, heading towards the bay bridge a pretty typical flow. The green on our map still shows where youre going to have depth, mostly in the east bay and south bay. Lets move this map south. Were showing you northbound routes through san jose and Silicon Valley kicking up and pushing. Back to you. Thank you very much mike. Thank you. Well be back in half an hour for another update. It is 7 30 now, wednesday morning, march 11th 2015. Spring fever in full effect across much of the country as well. It will be a great day. Heading into the 60s here in new york today. Last time was literally Christmas Day here in new york city. We look forward to that. Lets take a look at headlines. One of them is a tragedy. Seven marines and four soldiers feared dead during a Training Exercise in the Florida Panhandle. Officials believe heavy fog and low visibility was the main factor in that accident. One of two university of oklahoma students expelled for a racist Fraternity Chant is apologizing. He is seen at the first video and said it was a horrible mistake that was wrong and reckless. The city manager resigned in the wake of the shooting death of Michael Brown and also a scathing report showing a culture of racism in that citys Police Department. In a statement, he said he felt it was in the best interest of his community to step aside. Lets begin this half hour with the ambassador to south korea. Mark lip effort recovers as he joins us from seoul. Good morning. Thanks for having me. We were remarking you looked remarkably well considering all you have been through. How do you feel this morning . I feel pretty darn good all things considered. Im Walking Around and talking and hugging my wife and playing with my baby. Even walked the dog a little bit around the house today. I feel really, really good. Thanks for asking. You are not off duty from the household chores. One of the doctors that treated you said it was heaven and god that saved you. He said that knife could have hit a major nerve or glands but it didnt. Is that how you feel . I feel incredibly lucky and blessed. Counting my lucky stars and i feel like someone was watching over me. It was about people telling me about two centimeters away from my carotid artery. It missed all of my nerves and sal vary gland. I feel very, very luck tow have come through this the way i have. It was an incredibly shuttle and shocking attack and i know you dont want to step on the investigation, but to the extent you can, what do you remember about the moments . You were eating breakfast and what happened . Again, i think you are right. I cant talk too much about it. A couple of things first. After it happened what was going through my min i thought i was hurt pretty badly. Then what i felt sineaded to remain calm. Whey didnt want is for the bleeding to accelerate. Your heart rate raises. Staying calm was important. The next thing i thought was you have to move. You have to move towards the exit and start moving towards first aid and towards help. I thought to be sure to check to see where my bleeding was and call for first aid. I think i watched a couple of videos of me asking for help and pointing out where there was blood and calling for first 8 and eventually getting into a car going to the hospital. That was going through my head after the attack happened. The questions are raised about security and the level of security. You had the other ambassadors. Is that something you are concerned with. What do you think should happen in light of this . Thats a question for the state department in washington. I know there is a review under way. I think that theyre going to get to the bottom of it and take a hard look at the tactics and techniques and procedures in place both here and seoul and around the world. Any hesitancy about being out among the people . I know thats something you value with your time as a. M. Ba says dor . Not at all. I feel safe in seoul when i walk the dog or go out with my wife i pass dozens of police officers. The streets are safe. I have no hesitation Going Forward to reengage and continue my conversations and interactions with the people of korea. Ambassador its good to talk to you. It must have felt so good to hug that 2monthold baby you have at home and we are happy you are doing so well. Thanks, savannah. I appreciate you having me on today. Thank you. He looks so good. Definitely and feeling so blessed. He is in great spirits. Very cool. Lets get a check of the weather from mr. Roker. Anyway dont you know my name . Wet weather from new orleans stretching all the way into the Midatlantic States. Low pressure that will bring a ton of rain to it. We are looking at flash flood watches with six inches of rain by friday. This system continues to slowly move. Look for thunderstorms from new orleans up near memphis with a chance of isolated tornados. Friday more strong storms. Over the next 72 hours, we could be talking about seven inches as you get down to louisiana and parts of central mississippi, 7 36. Thank you, al. Good morning to you. Still tracking some shower activity mostly on the south end of the bay area. As i stop that radar, you can see right now heaviest downpours coming through san jose. That extends through livermore, and were still getting a fair amount of rain all the way south to gilroy but we are starting to clear you out, areas to the north of the Golden Gate Bridge. Theres more rain developing out there, and that will continue to be the story until about lunchtime, between 4 00 and 6 00, drying you out significantly. Highs today in the mid to upper 60s. And thats your latest weather. Thank you very much. Now to the verdict in the closely watched court battle over the song blurred lines. They have been ordered to pay millions after a jury found their hit copied from a marvin gay classic. Joe friar is in los angeles with reaction to that. Hi joe. The gay family plans to file for an injunction hoping to stop the september 11th blurred lines that can give them more leverage for future royalties. You can buy the song following a verdict that some argue will resonate throughout the industry. A federal jury said blurred lines infringed on the copyright of got to give it up. I feel free from williams and Robin Thickes chains and the lies that were told. In all, gays family was awarded 7. 3 million including money from the songs profits. 1. 8 million from robin thick and 1. 6 million from perle. They thought we would not have the wherewithal. They bet wrong and they lost. He said we are disappointed to the ruling that sets a horrible precedent for music and creativity Going Forward. My clients know in their heard they wrote that song. During the trial, he was channelling that late 70s feeling, but was not copying gay specifically. He said he did not write blurred lines contrary to the studio session. Mentioned to him one of my favorite songs of marvin is got to give it up. We tried to get that going. He said i was drunk and high and normal how the session went. I think the case has a lot of paranoia. There worried they will stifle songwriters being mistaken for infringements. This was about copying their fathers song and t stand up for his music. Stand up when someone is going to try to pilfer and take something away. When its not right its not right, period. The attorney for Pharrell Williams and robin thicke says this is the seventh inning, th now plan to review their Legal Options which could include an ap joe, thank you. Weve been weighing in here. The jury is split. Actually its 31. No, you think its differen i feel like there is inspiration, but yeah, i mean think i think its this close. I think they didnt mean to do it. Like that in the interview, like that song specifically. That wasnt helpful. Probably didnt help the coming up the hunt for the man in the terrifying attempte abduction, while the childs brother and sister did everything right to get their well have it after this. Which rises from the heart of our great country. Dreams are born. Hopes fly high. We love this country with a passion. You can see the pride in our eyes. Read the joy on our faces. Hear the love on our lips. We create products that deliver an effortless beauty look. Genuine and glowing with confidence. Almay. Simply american. At chilis, fresh is now. Now chicken smoked inhouse, and no more waiting for the check. New smoked chicken quesadillas on chilis lunch combo menu, starting at 6 bucks. Fresh is happening now. Whether you need a warm up before the big race. Or a healthy start before the big meeting theres a choice hotel thats waiting for you. This spring, choose choice twice, get a night at no price at 1,500 hotels. Book now at choicehotels. Com caress presents a fine fragrance breakthrough. 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This where it began, a small park in a small town, police s a babysitter left three childr here unattended when a suspect came by, scooped up one of the children and made a run for it. Ultimately that toddler was le behind but the suspect got awa caught on tape in broad daylight, a man running down t street clutching a young boy. Moments after snatching him fr this park where he and his siblings were unattended. Seconds later the boys 8yearold sister racing after then the boys 10yearold brother pushing an empty st the one 22monthold owen had been sitting in. He got the kid but the man was loose. Local shop owner heard the girl scream. I kept motioning her come t me because she was sobbing so she couldnt tell what was happenin i said what happened . That man took my little baby brot that man took my baby brother. I said go after him, chase him dorothys grandson and frie now called heroes raced after the kidnapper. Causing him to put down owen a he escaped. All that screaming made everybody pay attention. Thats the best thing that little girl could have done. Reporter experts agree. Can parent use this, of course. The sister did exactly what sh needed to do. Which was to run after the suspect, yell and scream and draw attention to herself so that the public could then aid in the rescue of the boy. All came so close to not feel him anymore. Reporter owen is now safe at home with his family. Could have been so much worse. Im glad it turned out as good as it did. A happy ending after a hear pounding chase, and a close call, close to home. Reporter today the sheriff Department Says they are hopin to find additional clues and a better suspect description aft reviewing that surveillance back to you. Miguel, thank you. Cant get over the bravery of those little kids to run after this guy. Makes you want to have a conversation with your childre show your kids that video a scary as it is but thats the scenario you have to show them. Make sure they understand what they have to do. Well shift gears in a big way. A new drug just approved by the fda promises to eliminate the double chin. Is it too good to be true . The question we have, will it work on other areas of the body . First, these messages. Bienvenidos mccafe is a blend of 100 arabica beans from regions like this, expertly roasted for a smooth, rich flavor. Mmm i can almost taste it. Thats the aroma of perfectly brewed mccafe. slurp sorry, couldnt wait. Id love it if i could brew this at home. Now you can. Mccafe coffee is now available where you buy groceries. Caring for someone with alzheimers means i am a lot of things. I am her best friend. I am her ally. So i asked about adding oncedaily namenda xr to her Current Treatment for moderate to severe alzheimers. It works differently. When added to another alzheimers treatment like aricept® it may improve overall function and cognition. And may slow the worsening of symptoms for a while. 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The music star with high ambitions of becoming the first ive just found my new beauty bff. Hi there new colgate optic white express white. Wait, dont you mean me . New colgate optic white express White Toothpaste has the professionally recommended whitening Ingredient Hydrogen peroxide for whiter teeth in 3 days. Without the hassle of whitening treatments. Think of it as your smile bff. I thought i was your bff. I mean my other bff dazzle. Without the hassle. New colgate optic white express white. Whiter teeth in 3 days just by brushing. At subway, we begin with freshlybakedbread; then combine tender turkeybreast, with robust, spicy, melty italian favorites; adding a splash of our new subway vinaigrette. The magnificent new turkey italiano melt. Only at subway. Binge eating disorder, or b. E. D. , isnt just overeating. Its a real medical condition. And while the exact cause is unknown, certain chemicals in the brain may play a role. B. E. D. Is also the most common eating disorder in u. S. Adults. Hi, im monica seles. When i binged, i wasnt in control. I never felt satisfied no matter what the quantity was. Afterwards i felt so upset with myself. To learn more about b. E. D. Go to bingeeatingdisorder. Com and talk with your doctor. Are you having activia . Greek. Oh cause it looks like activia. Greek. Activia greek. Activia greek. Try the thick creamy greek yogurt that may make your tummy smile. I love it. Try activia greek. Im not sick. Im not sick. Im not sick. Shes perfectly healthy. Cigna covers preventive care. Thats having your back. Ohhh. I remember this day. He got so many compliments on this costume. Today is stanleys big day. Happy birthday, stanley. Hes five. I was able to determine that stanley is an aquarius. Ohh, aquarius. Thats so fitting. Throughout the whole journey petsmart has been there for us. Well get you looking great for your birthday party. Morgan here is a pisces. Such an intellect. Really . Yes, yes. Big thinker. Huh . Pethoods better with a partner. Thats why petsmart has all you need to take care of your kids. Are you still getting heartburn flareups . Time for a new routine. Try nexium® 24hr. The latest choice for frequent heartburn and get nexium level protection. Oh theres an Energy Crisis happening alright. A human one. And its time to fight it. With the good energy of quaker oats. Its how we help keep gogetters like you going and getting. One bite at a time. Try new quick steel cut for a heartier texture. Quaker up. Youre watching today in the bay. Good morning to you. Its 7 56. Im laura garciacannon. Breaking news in San Francisco. Five people are hospitalized after fire swept through part of an Apartment Building in San Franciscos Mission district. It happened this morning on 24th street and treat avenue. Firefighters say a father and two children suffered lifethreatening injuries. A mother and another child are also hospitalized and expected to survive. Forget coffee or anything else. At 11 vietnamese cafes, police raided the businesses yesterday. Agents confiscated roughly 100 illegal Gaming Machines which they say can bring up to 100,000 per week. Police say other illegal activity also went on inside those cafes, including drugs and prostitution. We are enjoying a little bit of rain thats falling over the bay area. Christinas got a look at that. Good morning to you laura. I wanted to show you this radar. This is the main cold front sweeping through the bay area. Most of the activity is starting to press into highway 82 although were still getting a fair amount of rainfall in the trivalley. Things will continue to improve, and theyll see another wave of moisture move through between 12 00 and 4 00. Starting to clear you out significantly. Highs today will be comfortable. Weve got a bigtime warming trend coming your way as we head throughout the next couple days into the 80s, as a matter of fact. By saturday, more rain on sunday. Well have more on that for you in just moments. Heres mike and your drive. The southbound side of 880 moves much more smoothly past the coliseum. Its northbound where traffic is jammed up. The incident report says about high street, we do have a crash on the southbound side. It does look smoother but well track both directions. A look at the map. We do have a slower drive and southbound toward the bay bridge as well. The green shows you still damp, wet roadways throughout the bay. A crash west of 580 will slow things down. Back to you. Thank you very much. Thank you as well. Well be back in half an hour. Its 8 00 on today. Say goodbye to that double chin. The new drug that promises to zap fat from your face. Then fit mom firestorm. After this Controversial Photo went viral, she didnt back down. This morning the mother of three is here with her no excuses message for moms everywhere. From the stage to space, Sarah Brightman spends 50 million of her own money to head into outer space. Today, wednesday, march 11th 2015. We came to be on the today show. Hi mom from texas. Good morning, Florida State university. Representing high school. We are back at 8 00 on march 11th 2015. We have a huge spring break crowd in the plaza this morning and these people are lucky. According this man, we have a rose. This nice lady is giving out roses. Thank you so much. Thank you very much. Carson. Thank you very much. Going up to 60 today. Thats right. Can we have one more . We can all have one. We have to look at it. Coming up coming up, new day and our reason to be jealous of dylan. It is already 76 degrees there in the bahamas. Theyre going to tell us what is going on on their trip of a lifetime. Lets first go inside. Natalie has a check of the top stories. Good morning, everyone. The military investigating a deadly Helicopter Crash during the night in the Florida Panhandle. Onboard seven marines and four soldiers. Nbcs reporter is at the pentagon for us. Good morning. The news from the pentagon is grim. It appears that will are nour sieveors in the trash of that helicopter off the Florida Panhandle overnight. The helicopter, a blackhawk, was carrying seven special operations marines and four National Guard soldiers. It was on a Training Mission over the gulf of mexico when it plenthed into the water. Military Officials Say that at the time of the crash there was a very low ceiling, heavy fog, bad weather which appears to be a major contributing factor to the crash itself. A second helicopter in that exercise rushed safeeturned safely to land in florida. Now the search continues today for any possible survivors although according to officials there, there is little hope that anybody survived the crash. Its a grim reminder that even in training the men and women of the u. S. Military are often in harms way every day. Natalie . They sure are. Jim, thank you. Such a tragic story. Thank you. New developments in the story and the racist chant. Two of the students leading that chant have now been expelled. One of them has apologized saying he is deeply sorry for what he did calling it wrong and reckless. In part, he blames alcohol. The parents of the second student also apologized saying their son made a horrible mistake. Republican senator ran paul is kag for an investigation into Hillary Clintons use of a personal email account when she was secretary of state. He is not satisfied despite her explanation tuesday she used private email and private server for convenience. I fully complied with every rule i was governed by. I dont think convenience should Trump National security. She also admitted in other interviews she has an iphone and a black berry. She does carry two devices. I think the fact she didnt obey the rules on putting her emails on a government server and now she says there wasnt classified information, im not sure that can be trusted since we cant trust her to do the right thing first time. The chairman heading up the house benghazi investigation wants to call Hillary Clinton to testify and wants her private server turned over to a neutral third party. U. S. Ambassador feels incredibly lucky and blessed after suffering last weeks knife attack in south korea. In an exclusive interview he told savannah he has seen the video of his attack and said it is hard to watch. He says he has no qualms about staying in south korea. I feel very safe here in seoul. When i walk the dog or go out with my wife, i pass literally dozens of police officers. The streets are safe. So i have no hesitation Going Forward. As to whether security needs to be stepped up after the attack, he said thats up to the state department. The chances of a massive earthquake hitting california have increased according to the u. S. Gee logical survey. It puts the chances of a magnitude 8 or greater quake there in the next 30 years about 7 . That up is though from 4. 7 in their last prediction. And more evidence this morning that you shouldnt let getting older slow you down. Take a look. There is 9 ayearold charles huster. He just smashed the world record for the 200 meter run. Look at him go in the 95 and over category. His time, 55. 48 seconds. Thats more than two seconds faster than the old record. The dentist will now compete in the world masters athletics championship later on this year. Such an inspiration. 8 06. Lets get a check of the weather from al. Hey, i have to tell you, it is a huge crowd out here. All these friends from texas. Got a lot of folks from tennessee. Got folks from mississippi south carolina. The south is very well represented. We have friends from the north. Minnesota, baby. Lets show you what we got as far as your weather is concerned for today. We are looking at the march thaw continuing. Look at the temperatures. Record highs in the plains today. I mean were going to see a high of 71 in rapid city. 26 degrees above normal. Denver at 70. You get into the midwest, minneapolis, 57, st. Louis 72 degrees. And even as you make your way to the east, weve got fabulous weather. New york city up to 60. That is 12 degrees above normal. Boston, 53. Cooler weather comes in thursday. You drop to 37. But look, that warm air still stays in the midwest with temperatures in the 70s and 60s. Minneapolis, a high of 65 and out west, temperatures even 8 07. Happy wednesday. Happy to report some pretty significant totals so far this morning. San jose just under a quarter inch. Fremont, over 1500th and were looking good over an inch in santa clara. Getting into this afternoon, showers will continue to clear, not between 4 00 and 6 00 do we expect a completely dry berea yarb we have heavier pockets along 101 between morgan hill and san jose. Travel cautiously. Showers on the way again sunday. And thats your latest weather. Coming up next. 50 shades of forgiveness. Is she finally calling a truce . I hope not. The mom of three who caused a firestorm with this picture asking women whats your excuse . What she is doing to inspire you to get fit. I love this lady. Henderson feels better at 81 than at 30. I saw you on ellen. Would you be interested in being my friend . Yes. We will talk to florence after these me americans. 57 of us try to exercise regularly. 83 try to eat healthy. Yet up to 90 of us fall short in getting key nutrients from food alone. Lets do more, together. Add one a day. Complete with key nutrients we may need. Plus, for women, physical Energy Support with b vitamins. And for men, it helps support healthy Blood Pressure with vitamin d and magnesium. Take one a day multivitamins. They leave on sunday afternoon to grandmas house theyre bound. The car is filled with music that classic disco sound. And on their little faces, only smiles could be found. Goldfish crackers. The snack that smiles back. 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The only way to caribbean is with Royal Caribbean. Call 1800Royal Caribbean today. If you have moderate to severe Rheumatoid Arthritis like me and youre talking to your rheumatologist about a biologic. This is humira. This is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. This is humira giving me new perspective. Doctors have been prescribing humira for ten years. Humira works for many adults. It targets and helps to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers including lymphoma have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Talk to your doctor and visit humira. Com this is humira at work 8 12. First up on a wednesday morning, Ashton Kutchers fatherly fight. He and his fiancee mee mila kunis welcomed a baby. He posted on facebook there are never diaper changing stations in mens public restrooms. The first public mens room that i go into that has one gets a free shutout on my facebook page. Be the change. It has 32,000 likes. Literally be the change. I dont see a lot. Mens rooms at airports, malls, movie theaters ive been to. A change if its appropriate, standing up. Thats a skill set to itself. You cannot. I can too. You can hold the baby in one arm. Not a baby. But if the kid can stand, i can do that. In the air, change the diaper, land. Wow. I think you have to practice that. If you can get more in the mens room thats great. Absolutely. By the way, if you suffer from insomnia, youll like this. Starting this summer there may be a brandnew life saver. It is a spray that promises to get you to sleep faster. It is called sprayable sleep. You put it on your neck. It is infused with water and melatonin which is a hormone to help regulate sleep. One bottle is good for a month. Costs 15 bucks. No way. Does it work . I dont know. Anyway i have weird dreams, though. Like the one with you. Whats going on . Taking a selfie. Inquiring minds. Have you ever felt like bob newhart, remember the old sitcom newhart, he wanted to escape to a simpler life in the country. An owner in maine has the i for you. She is selling her property. She wants a 200 word essay. The inn has an estimated value of nearly 1 million. Heres the nice catch here. Janice won it herself 22 years ago in an essay contest. She is looking for someone with a passion for the work. The winner will be chosen may 21st. Really cool. We know matt you have this feud going on with ellen. Have you ever gotten her back at all . She had 50 shades joke about you. But today on her show el especially is offering you an olive branch. I cant believe it. Matt says he wants to get me back i want to say, matt im done with the 50 shades jokes. Youre a great guy. I love you. Its funny dow great interviews. Speaking of interviews, lets look at the last one you did with vince vaughn. Unfinished business one of the most memorable set pieces when the guys find themselves at a fetish convention. If you had to choose one fetish what would it be . Well now that im married, i dont know. But attractive girls is a good fetish if im single. Fooling around with attractive girls. Foot fetish things like that. Is that something you have . I dont. It was suggested to you. I can how you could enjoy it. Wow. The war is over. Its over. You gave her material. Im working on it. I know i know. Its a lot of pressure. I have gotten a lot of online help. But unfortunately shes monitoring my twitter feed. The pressure is on. Thats whats trending. Coming up next want to get rid of your double chin . A preparation that promises to work. Were back in 30 seconds. We are back with a new solution for the dreaded double chin. An fda panel is recommending the approval of a drug that targets that area and essentially melts the fat away. We are here to talk more about this. Dr. Natalie. Good morning. Its called atx 101. Does it work and how . It appears to work. It busts open your fat cells. Its an injectable version of an acid we have in our bodies that is meant to break down and aid with the absorption of fat. You take this vile of acid in an injectable form and inject it into the fat. Its a series of injections done four week apart for about six months or so. It ruptures the membrane and the fat cell goes away. Whats interesting is you know with botox you have to redo it. The Study Suggests that if fat cells, you may never need to do it again. Are there side effects . The side effects are those that one would expect from the procedure itself. There can be swelling and bruising because you are sticking a needle into your skin. A serious side effect is bruising. They all tend to resolve on their own after aed approximate of time. I would caution all the viewers that you want to have this done in welltrained hands because of the complexity of the anatomy in the neck. My first thought after seeing this hallelujah and the second was so it melts fat, could you put it in your behind or your tummy or arms . Thats logical, but can you imagine how many injections you would have to to do in other places. It would require too many inje the Biotech Company is looking for approval just for this very small esthetic area in the face and head and neck for now. Just improving in time for summer. Thank you so much. Appreciate it. Over to matt. We were glued at this time monitor for that. Thank you. Now a wellknown singer who is preparing for an out of this world performance. We mean that literally. Planning to give a Live Performance this september from the International Space station. Good morning. You want to pinch yourself that this woman really is about to embark on a space mission. He is helping her figure out what to say in speech. Sarah brightman may be a star but the 55yearold is modelling her real dream. To sing in space. She had been passionate about blasting off and the russians called. I found out i was perfect physically and psychologically. She needs to be prepared. To be a space flight participant, we need to figure out how its going to work so that you dont panic and you enjoy the journey and you help when you are meant to. The sixhour flight aboard the space station is a far greater risk than anything she has done in her 55 years. I want to spend as much time i can with my loveds and my dogs. I have been told when you get into orbit, you look and you want to laugh and cry at the same time. Its very emotional. Sarah is the first experiment. The people that normally go up when im a singer. Thats what im going to try to do. You are going to be in space and there will be an orchestra on the ground . We worked at what its going to be. Singing might be easier than speaking. Yes, they definitely will. We have a huge list. The experience cost an estimated 50 million. What she made singing on earth. Is it worth it . Absolutely. The journey so far, it humbles you as well as opens your mind. You have the feeling she may well land back on earth shouting encore. She has done more than two hours of training and 16 hours a day on it. What an incredible woman. She is spending more time with her family. You never know what might happen. How many of us would be prepared to do that . Thank you. Im not sure. I see what she had to get into. Could you go . I cant really sing. I dont think so. I totally would go. I dont think so. I got things to do here. Very busy here. Not surprising the internet has found the lighter side of this saga. That are is correct. Hillary clinton said anything she deleted is purely personnel such as plans for chelseas wedding and yoga routines. Quickly yoga by hillary this was create and instantly. This was quick to follow online. Get fit this summer with yoga routines. These photos will shock you. And juliette shared this mock up saying because yoga emails. Clinton spoke for 20 minutes clearly to take away on social media yoga routines. Coming up a special guest. Special guest, come on out. Look what i have here. The beautiful florence henderson. Hi sweetheart. Nice to see you. Good to chat with you. You look great. So do a very good morning to you. 8 26. Im laura garciacannon. Were following a developing story in San Francisco. Still no update on five victims pulled from a fire this morning. It tore through a San Francisco building in the mission. It happened on 24th in treat avenue. Firefighters say a father and two schirn suffered life threatening injuries. A mother and another child are hospitalized but expected to survive. Lets check the morning commute. A little rain out there making for slick roadways. Rain mist, drizzle. Its still on the roadways and we still have potential for slick off ramps. This is 580. Look at the map, approaching the dublin interchange, a series on crashes on either side made it slow in both directions but the bigger slowdown is 880. Southbound continues all the way down to a crash at auto mall which has cleared and now we have traffic headed toward san jose. Northbound san jose gummed up and continuing to build up to cupertino as we move through Silicon Valley and theres the approach to the bay bridge. Still, watch for the damp roadways there and the north bay, slick conditions. Thank you very much. Thank you for joining us. Well be back with another local news update in a half hour. Per8 30 and its a Beautiful Day on the plaza. The big tournament getting under way. I heard chants of carson carson. Im coming ladies. Is that a question for the group . They are trying to kick. Im keeping my habit. Something sweet after every meal. Next week we are launching a new series called kick the habit today. We will help break the habits to replace with better habits. Whatever you are struggling with even as simple as biting your nails. Using the harsh tag kick it today. Florence henderson here to talk about life and love and friends with benefits at 81. Look at her. Amazing. Love her so much. We will check in with dylan drier in the bahamas with the hot ticket contest. The one and only resort there. Good morning, dylan. Good morning, savannah. I feel like im on with you guys just now to rub in the fact that im in the bahamas. It is gorgeous here but there is something lucky to being here. You guys will hit 60 for the First Time Since midjanuary. We will talk about 84 degrees today. Cloudy right now and we should lose the clouds. I have all my travel buddies here. You didnt think we would let you sleep in. Not quite. We had a great day on the beach. We were treated to new fans in the bahamas. I know your kids were out there dancing with the bands. Did you have fun with the crew yesterday . What was your favorite part . What did they like . Shaking and moving it in the sand. Working up a sweat and went to a local shack where we had everything. We had salad and what was your favorite . Fritters. We had a lot of fritters. After that we spent the afternoon on a boat touring around the crystal blue waters. You were the first to jump into the water. Most of us followed at some point. Is there any way you could get out without jumping into the water . Over and over. The beach was beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. Today we have a chance to swim with the dolphins. You were super excited about that. Because we are in the bahamas and because we can, we have tricks to start off here. Really . Not there. Everything here. A little bit of pineapple juice. Strawberry lemonade. Cheers guys from the bahamas. A packed vacation. How about a check of the weather . All righty. Starting every wednesday in march, i will be looking for somebody special to help me do the weather. Lets see. Sylvia sanchez from texas. We have our producer. There you go. Come right over here. Sylvia why did you want to do weather with me . I have been watching you since i was 16 years old. How old are you, sylvia . Im 79. Since you were 16 . No im 70 years old. But i have been with you for a long long time. You mention midland texas and we are at the bottom of the map. That makes me about 80 years old. Watching me since you were 16. All right. Are you ready to do the weather . I sure am. Lets put up the first map to preview the weather . Today is beautiful and sunny in midland texas. Its 75 degrees. Over here we are freezing. Thats pretty good. See anything else you like . I see your picture, al. Already you are so handsome. You are a silver tongued devil. Arent you . What do you see for tomorrow . Tomorrow the beautiful sunshine in midland texas. You know new york and midlands. Thats it. And all the way here. Sylvia to you. We are doing a rising and shining with roker. Happy birthday to my granddaughter. She is 13. Your birthday over here . Thats my granddaughter. She must be a lot of fun as a grandma. Oh, yeah. I tell you, i would like to have whatever you are having sylvia. Thats your son. You want to bruce me to someone . To my husband. You are all over the place. Where is your husband . Hes not here. He is watching us on tv. Yeah. We cant keep up with you. Hes working. I have to do something here. Will you say thats whats going on around the well done. 8 36. Good morning to you. Temperature wise right now, upper 50s. Showers, at least part of the main front starting to move out of the bay area. But there is more on the way. We have lingering activity in the south bay where we have accumulated over a quarter inch in san jose. 11 38, the next batch of rain moves over santa rosa. Temperatures right now are mostly in the 50s as we get into this afternoon. Were talking about the upper 60s. Park are thats the latest 34yearold california mom of three made physical fitness a top priority. Two years ago this photo of her toned physique with hers with the headline whats your excuse went viral with 16 million views on facebook. The image caused a firestorm. Kang was accused of bullying and fat shaming other women. She was interviewed about it on the today show. Do you get the criticism of why some people thought she thinks she is so great . I think a lot of people did see it that way, but the majority saw it as inspiring. She put out what she said was a first and final apology. Im sorry you took an image and resonated in a negative way. What you interpret is not my fault. Its yours. She has a book called the no more excuses diet. Good to see you. Nice to be here. You are doubling down on all of this and have this new book. Whats your approach and message to people about fitness . Its all about being simplistic and doing it in three months. You have a lot of feet back for good and bad from that post. What do you think of that now . Do you feel like im glad i put that up or was it too much . Im glad i put it up there. I mobilized 37,000 women and 300 locations and 25 countries. No excuse monger. This is an exciting time. You have your family in on this. The boys are growing up and you have them on the program too . Im a world mom. Whoever im doing they are copying. Lets take a look at whats in the book. The first thing it starts with a plan of threes. Can you explain . Again, im all about simplicity. I follow the threes. It takes three days to overcome an excuse or a craving. If its tough to wake up in the morning. By the 4th day, it will be easier. In three weeks, studies show it takes 21 days to build a habit. Work out to four times a week and it will be a habit. In three months im a straight shooter. I wont take it will take 10 days to make a transformation. It will take 12 weeks. It takes three months to start seeing anything. If you do it now, you will look great by summertime. You are all about the numbers. Bmi and weight. Some people say its not about the dress size and about how i feel . Its good to feel good but its always in the numbers. Progress is measured and you shouldnt just look at the weight on the scale. You should have your nonscale victory. Look at the bmi and your muscle mass and how fast can you run and your waist to hip ratio. Wherever you store fat is an indicator of health risks. You have taken a book and looked at excuses. No time too tired. Thats my excuse. You have to make time. Whether it means getting off of social media to wake up earlier in the morning or if you are tired, commit to 20 minutes. Above all, figure out your reasons. Your reasons need to be bigger than your excuses. Congrats on the book. It is called the no more excuses diet. What Florence Hendersons tv show and what has her feeling her best at age 81. We are about to sit down with her. Were back at 8 43 with a very familiar face. Florence henderson started as a today girl. She became one of the most iconic moms on the brady bunch. At 81 she is as active as ever and sharing the secrets of life after 80. Florence, nice to see you. You too, matt as always. Are you still at home . Do you feel like this is a piece of your home . I always feel like im having home. And seeing savannah. I had one of my children on the show. Not on the show. While you were on the show. You walk in the door here florence, and we all smile. You are one of the things we all think of we think so fondly of you. And we look at you and think youre a bit of a force of nature. You are 81 years young. You say you feel better than you were 30. What makes you happy. I try to get up every day and say, wow, its a great day. Im alive. Four healthy children. I have granddogs. I have friends. Grandchildren. I work all the time. And im just grateful. There are some things that at 81 we cant do. I didnt get that memo. You didnt . Really . You dont think there are things you have to give up because of age . No, nothing. You work out . I work out three times a week. Rx treadmill elliptical be. I dance. I do a lot of fun things. You led me right into it. You were talking in an interview in the long ago. You were up front and candid about the fact that you have someone in your life and you describe them using a fairly modern term that he is a friend with benefits. Yes. You know what weve been friends a long time. Were kind of like same time next year. He lives in florida. I live in l. A. But when we see each other, its wonderful. Do you want more . Would you think if you lived closer would you like to be married again . I dont know that i would want to be married again. But i do love companionship. You know, i was married most of my life. And by the way, im still great friends with my first husband. What advice would you have for people who are about your age when it comes to intimacy in relationships . Because the myth is and the common feeling is thats it. After a certain age it just isnt the same or isnt there anymore. Well thats unfortunate. That doesnt have to be the case. And they love to stereotype us. You know oh now, youre 65. Are you going to wear that youre going to look like that . I say do anything you feel like as long as you dont hurt yourself or hurt anyone else. And things dont stop work in your body or your mind. And its so important to keep moving. And dont buy into the myth you know. If were lucking we all get older. But we dont have to get old. Thats a good distinction. I thought i knew pretty much everything about you. And then i read something last night i never heard. Youre a trained hypnotherapist. Yes, im certified. So you can hypnotize people . Dont you feel like youre under . You did walk in and wink\a at me. When is the last time you hypnotized someone . Just a few days ago. Ive been blessed. Its a wonderful tool to have in your life. I have felt people transition who are ill, who are dying. It is such a privilege to do that and to give service. I learn something about you every time. I love you, matt. And i love you, florence henderson. And i said before if you want to be a a friend with benefits. You sound pretty busy. Up next a day in the life of puppy wrangler. Well talk about that. But first this is today on nbc. Helping raise wrangler. Guiding eyes for the blind. He will be a guide dog and reached another important milestone on facebook. This is an evaluation where we make sure he is learning all his skills. He will receive his puppy jacket. I will have you walk around the room with him. That is teaching him to be comfortable with different services. We are trying to see where he deals with things he encounters in life. Check it out. Give him lots of praise as you are going up. Good. Nice job. We will work with a dog drakz off the to side. Nice there you go. If he pops up like that dont give him the food. Wrangler did fantastic. He is coming along as he should. He earned his puppy jacket which say major milestone. You are wearing it well. Its a big deal. Yes. He will get to be a guiding eyes ambassador. He is loving it and doing a great job wearing it. You have been working with m f a number of weeks. What important traits are you starting to see in him . He is very patient which is great. He has a lot of patience and very willing and foodmotivated. Arent we all. He is doing a great job. Doing really well. What are the next benchmarks . We will continue to work on his house marches and skills. We are going off the food lure with his skills. He is getting a stronger idea of what the behaviors are. I had people email me and they worry thats as his training progresses he will have less and less fun in this life. Is that justified at all . No. All working dogs get to be dogs so to speak and when the harness or vest is off, its time to work. We have a lot of fun and we play outside. I just touched street gum. I dont know what got into me. The joys. Im going to get some purell. Be right back. Thank you so much. We are back in a moment. This is today on nbc. scal good day, mlady i am sircanalot, here to save you from another breakfast bore. Wake up those eggs with glorious spam see what spam can do. At spam. Com. When you picked up that dirty already chewed gum on the streets of new york also talking spraying and all the things you need. The cool leaf blower. Trading in the snower for the blower. And zoo lander 2. Very good morning to you. Its 8 56. A homicide suspect may learn today if he will be tried for murder in wekz with a Home Invasion that turned deadly. He was casing a home in hercules last month when the couple living there confronted him. Police say carr killed the homeowner in a fight in the driveway and attacked the woman. A live look at the bay bridge where barring traffic, there may be soon no stopping to pay the toll and no toll collectors. Tranceitator leaders meet today to consider all electronic tolling for the seven bay area bridges. Another local news update coming up in half an hour. Have a great morning. This morning in todays take. Johnny depp injuried . Australia. We will tell you what happened. Ben stiller hits us with the blue steel at paris fashion week. One of our favorites stops by. All that and more coming up now. Nouns from nbc news, this is todays take with al roker natalie morales, willie geist and tamron hall live from studio 1a in Rockefeller Plaza. Par. Welcome to today, another big crowd getting bigger every day. Spring break and good weather coming together. They take out their place. Was it last week . Friday. Everybody saw us chowing down. We dont fake eat. Two. A lot of chefs in that plaza. Wow i love that. Natalie is here on friday night. Thank you very much. Talks like yosemite sam. Where are we going to do . We just spit it out. I made filet this morning with thyme on top like you had in a cast iron skillet. You got me thinking. You talk about steak and your baby feet. I am clean and its all it feels like you started when i was away. They were not as bad. I went to get a pedicure in between. I felt so bad. You are not supposed to. What is happening here . Kathie lee suggested i use this product called baby foot. I use baby foot to my horror, my skin molted. Its supposed to do that. People said your feet are dry. I had perfectly normal feet. I get regular pedicures and this concoction took over. Natalie did it. You are not supposed to. The lady looked at you like you were bringing in something. I said its this thing, Everybody Loves it. Its an interesting combination with people asking me about our steak and our feet. We are glad you are listening and taking so much away. Always thinking ahead. We have been following this trial for a long time. Ferrell williams and robin thicke found blurred lines copied from the marvin gay classic gotta give it up. Were they ripping off the song or inspired by it. The family was awarded 7. 3 million. Heres blurred lines. Now lets go to gotta give it up from 1977. I have to tell you, im surprised they only got 7. 3 million. The song made about 17 million. Its not the rest of the song is so different though. Is it just the opening . As soon as i heard blurred lines, i said gotta give it up. You are not copying, but maybe its in the back of your head or you hear a sample. I thought maybe he listens to so much music and he listened to it and he didnt mean to steal it. Heres the thing. Robin thicke said in an interview on vh1 that in the collaboration of the song he said when it came to creating, i love the marvin gay song and so he went on to say i was drunk and high. A great difference. I didnt write the song. They did it. I robbed a bank, but i dont know. The judge gave specific instructions and said look at the sheet music. They decided it was a rip off. We have a sound byte from the daughter of marvin gay. I feel free. Free from williams and thickes chains and what they tried to keep on us and the lies that were told. They all were on that song and put out a statement. While we respect the judicial process we are disappointed and it sets a horrible precedent for music and creativity Going Forward. It was created from the hearts and minds not taken from anyone anywhere else. We are reviewing the decision and our options and you will hear more from us soon. They made about 17 million from the song. 7 million of that changed and going to the gay family. It same after the tom petty song. I think the music world are shaken up by this. Being accused of stealing. Little richard was ripped off and think i agree in a lot of ways. I wonder, could they copy it and not been stealing . Maybe he didnt know where to get it. Thats a sample and you have to pay it forward. They did it under pressure with ice, ice baby. The queen and david bowie collaboration. You think of those two exact same opening. The gay family wants an injunction against future sales of blurred lines to determine royalties. Right now you can still buy it. They want to halt sales of the song. Nobody is done yet. No. You know who is done . The cfo of google. The cfo has announced he is retiring to spend more time with his family. He wrote on google plus that i am completing 25 to 30 years of nearly nonstop work. It has been a friend etic pace even when i was not supposed to be on. The short answer is simply i could not find a good argument to tell tomorrows wife we should wait longer to grab our backpacks and celebrate the last 25 years by turning the page and enjoying a perfectly final midlife crisis full of bliss. The reason i was talking about it was a lot of waves created by this. He is clearly in a privileged position where he can walk away from a fantastic job that google did very well for himself. He said i raised our two kids and is in college and one is just graduating. Time to take a year off and what would you do if you can take a sabbatical. What were the ways . The fact that he was in a very high stress job and very high profile job. A lot of people responding to it online. Saying its time to go. Time to say i lived a good life. If i had a couple hundred million dollars, i would do the same. You dont . No. One of the charities i work with is called metro kids africa. They were watching a program who are now orphaned and they sold everything and they were not wealthy and took their four children and relocated from the uk to south africa. They started this charity and i always see that and say how do you guys do that. They were not wealthy. They cashed in the few chips they had and followed and moved. Getting rid of stuff and going and living a simple life. Smaller. Taking your kids and get the education. Could you do it . I could do it. He wasnt enjoying his life. He retired at 55. I was working at wnbc. He showed up and he said what are you doing here . Heed i just put in my papers. Had a great time. Deep sea fishing and started a mentoring program in a local school. You can do it. You dont have to have a ton of money. What an inspirational story. By the way, speaking of inspiration, we talk about it on this program from studies. Especially from the uk. If it has a british ak cent. There is a new study that found out there too many studies. Take a look. There is always a foreign study, right . A recent study. A study out of pennsylvania. I think thats true, but the study about the name. This new study found that the growth of the number of scientific papers make it difficult for the researchers to keep track. When researchers and the study is from researchers in california. This is the only study that matters. This is the study we are pauk talking about. The study about too many studies. The news media is blamed for a lot. We should take the blame. People never see these studies if we didnt. You cant track every study. The next study to gauge that study six months later. Dont eat chocolate. Have a red wine. Get drunk. Dont get drunk. You should always watch the weather. Wet weather from the gulf coast along this system. We have a lot of fog too. Luckily the fog is dropping here in the northeast. Only miles in chicago. You know that will lead to airport delays from cleveland, detroit, cincinnati and st. Louis and dallas. A lot of wet weather. We are looking over the next 72 hours. Probably picking up to five inches of rain and some areas as much as seven. Happy wednesday to you. Im meteorologist Christina Loren. Main front starting to push out of the bay yare craw. Still have heavy pockets along 101 through gilroy. Everything will continue to press south when it comes to the bulk of the moisture through the next couple hours and then another batch of rainfall move over santa rosa just before lanch lunch lunchtime. Comfortable conditions. As we head through tomorrow Warming Trends begin. And thats your latest weather. Up next, the new comedy that reunites jane with tina fey. Its called the unbreakable kimmie schmidt. She almost missed out on the role. We will tell you why. Are you ready to feel the difference of truly hydrated skin . New neutrogena hydro boost water gel. Discover our newest breakthrough and bask in the glow healthy skin hydration. See what everyone is raving about at neutrogena. Com when we go to the store i find my box of honey bunches of oats, and im checking to see if i packaged it. He says it has a certain code thats my line, this is the date. If the last 3 letters were p22, thats me. It takes nature 90 days to grow the most golden oats. 7,200 hours to create the purest honey and, it only takes you 3 minutes to enjoy it. Perhaps we made it too delicious. Nature valley, nature at its most delicious. Somebody who has sensitivity they want relief but they also want the other things that are available in toothpaste. Sensodyne complete protection is designed for sensitivity sufferers, its also delivering on the other attributes delivering a complete package. Brookside chocolate now has a crunch. Brookside crunchy clusters crispy multigrains and sweet fruitflavored pieces dipped in rich dark chocolate. Discover brookside crunchy clusters. Shelly howd you come to find the biggest liquid gold mine in the state . I was shopping for provisions, yeah . And thats when i saw it. Whatd you see shelly . Boxes and boxes of velveeta shells and cheese, stacked clear to the ceiling hoohoo can we go look at it shelly . Yeah, its right over here. Oh theres gold in them thar shells. Liquid gold. From the busy body secretary on ally mcbiel to the slightly self centered on 30 rock. Teaming up where she plays jacqueline jacqueline. Show is pretty high maintenance. You will need to an mba and dnr. Do you get sick in helicopters. Get me up at 10 00 but dont wake me up. Can i say how grateful i am for the opportunity . Whats your name . Kim. You good at braiding hair . Do you want a water . I was Binge Watching and a lot of the cast and crew are back together. What was it like shooting it . Fantastic. I was so thankful to them for asking me to work on the next show. Before knowing everythingy anything about the role or the premises. I cant cook, but i would work in service. I am so thrilled with the show and the reaction to it. You almost didnt get the role because this closed and if the pilot had gone the other way this may have dwn another way. For department get picked up which was a sad day always. I have to call the house members and commiserate and be sad and i was sad. An hour later i got this call. Why do you think she sees those characters in you . Im never going to ask. I dont know why we thinks i can pull it off. I will be there and i would love to do it. Some truths you dont want to know. They are very different if you see how they developed for this season. Something i love about jacqueline she works hard to change and become who she is now. Its a k0678icated character to play. Thats one of the things you love about the show. Im working through that. You have done a lot of network and this is netflix. Entirely different. Does it change the way you approach the show . Look forward to seeing what they how the show changes now that we have the freedom of netflix. We wont have commercial breaks and we get more time. That turns into more on camera time. We made the whole first season intending to air on n, c. The show that is available for streaming now is the show they wanted to make. It just found its home on netflix. I dont think it will change that much, but mama will be working out all summer. I love how you call yourself mama. I understand he can sing and hes a company man. Like willie geist. I wish i were that red. Oh my gosh. The good people at nbc. My son was working out for nbc when he was born and he would always wear an nbc household. Nbc is always on our tv all the time. The background and fully engrossing television. He would see it and he would be like nbc. A company man. The microchip. He was brought in. Jane thanks so much and congratulations. Streaming right now on netflix. Great to see you. Congrats. Spring is almost here as you may have heard but the winter damage is done to your home and yard. How to patch things up after thi introducing preferred rewards from bank of america the new banking rewards program that rewards our customers, every day. Youll get things like rewards bonuses on credit cards. Extra interest on a savings account. Preferred pricing on merrill edge online trades and more. Across your banking and investing get used to getting more. Thats the power of more rewarding connections. Thats preferred rewards from bank of america. Does all greek yogurt have to be thick . Does it all have to be the same . Not with new light and fluffy yoplait greek 100 whips lets whip up the rules of greek flo hey, big guy. I heard you lost a close one today. Look, jamie, maybe we werent the lowest rate this time. But when you show people their progressive direct rate and our competitors rates you cant win them all. The important part is, you helped them save. Thanks, flo. Okay, lets go get you an ice cream cone, champ. With sprinkles . Sprinkles are for winners. I understand. Sir, were going to need you on the runway later dont let a severe cold hold you back. Get theraflu. It has the power of three medicines to take on your worst pain and fever, cough and nasal congestion. Theraflu breaks you free from your toughest cold and flu symptoms. So you never miss a day. Theraflu. Serious power. I love life, whether im on the go, spending time with friends or with my favorite date. I take care of myself, and i like what i see when i look in the mirror. Ive often been told im the best pair of legs in the room. The so slimming collection only at chicos and chicos. Com. Hersheys spreads. Bring the delicious taste of hersheys chocolate to anything everything. With hersheys spreads, the possibilities are delicious. Shopping online is as easy as it gets. Wouldnt it be great if hiring plumbers, carpenters and even piano tuners were just as simple . Thanks to angies list now it is. Start shopping online from a list of toprated providers. Visit angieslist. Com today. The maker of childrens tylenol pleads guilt tow the charge they sold over the counter liquid medicine contaping metaling forments leading to a roller. Consumer health care mcneill acknowledged they failed to take corrective action. There no reports of anyone being injured. A new drug can help eliminate the dreaded double chin. They approved an insdwleakz is a drug that would target chin flabbiness and melt the flat away. The ideal is a younger individual with good skin e list tisity. Airlines are expecting a busy spring. 135 million passengers will fly between now and the end of april the most in seven years due in part to an improving economy. Want to look more attractive to others . Try drinking a big glass of wine. They asked 40 men and women to complete an attractiveness rating exercise. They were shown two images of a person. One while soelthsly sober and another after they had a large glass of wine. Pictures taken after were rated as more attractive. Results were not the same for those who drank more than a large glass. Facial flushing is likely to blame. Hold it come with me. New dannon oikos triple zero is my go to protein snack. Cam, protein from yogurt . Yup, this greek nonfat yogurt packs 15 grams of protein punch. But what else . Unlike some other protein snacks, it has 0 added sugar 0 artificial sweeteners and 0 fat. Mmm. Will it up my game . No man new dannon oikos triple zero official yogurt of the nfl. Mmm dannon. Your body goes through more than 500 ups and downs a day. Your deodorant should keep up. Secret clinical strength has adapts responds technology for customized protection that adapts to your body. This is an allen family production. And heres why we love chex. One, choices like chocolate, vanilla and honey nut. Two, no artificial colors or flavors. Three. Its gluten free. Chex. Full of what you love. Free of what you dont. A good morning. Its 9 26 on wednesday. Were follow ag developing story in San Francisco. Five people hospitalized after fire swept through an Apartment Building in the mission district. This happened this morning on 24th street and treat avenue. Firefighters say a father and two children hospitalized with life threatening injuries. A mother and another child are expected to survive. Fire crew husband to pull all five from the fire. Im hearing there were people screaming, yelling. An emotional scene. Yeah theyre in the dark heavy smoke conditions. Active flame, and to make five rescues out of three different means of egress they did a phenomenal job. Firefighters say two more people were trapped in a store below. Fire crews broke a padlock to get them out safely. Santa clara valley water leadererize backing off plans for a huge water rate hike. They lowered the initial recommendation for a 32 hike. Instead, theyre recommending a 20 hike. The final decision is not expected until may. Meantime, some rain right now passing through the bay area. A look at weather and traffic right after the break. Eeeeohmumohweh hush my darling. Dont fear my darling. The lion sleeps tonight. [snoring. ] hush my darling. [snoring. ] dont fear my darling. The lion sleeps tonight. [snoring. ] take the roar out of snore. Yet another innovation only at a sleep number store. Welcome back. Im meteorologist Christina Loren showing you this time lapse from tick aron where we had quite a bit of rainfall earlier. This time, sky is opening up but just for a short time. There is more rain on the way quickly. I want to show you the current radar picture. And what youll notice is a lot of the heavy stuff associated with the main cold front is now pressing to the south of gilroy but there is more rain on the way. Were expecting the next batch of rabe to arrive in the north bay by about 11 45 this morning. Highs comfortable, mid to upper 60s coming your way. The reminder of the week a warmer trend. Ill time out the system to your doorstep in moments. First, mike and your drive. A slow drive. Over here, freemontfremont, gray skies. Look how compact the traffic is. Look at the map. Talking about fremont all the way down to mission, continuing down toward milpitas and alviso and a similar pattern to yesterday. The northbound route jammed up all the way up toward the 101 in san jose and the rest of the bay north of the san mateo bridge a lot lighter. All right, thank you very much. Well have another local news update for you in 25 minutes. For now, well send you back to the today show. Welcome back to today on a wednesday morning march 11th 2015. We are kicking it off with our contributor and friend natalie morris. Two minutes or less, the top gadgets for spring. Good to see you. Lets start with the leaf blower. Can i assume you know how to use one of these. Only 129 and its electric. No gas. One of the quietest on the markets. No noise or air pollution. Get it started and i will keep going. Go ahead. You know what im saying . Right . If im an annoying neighbor, you will have to listen to me. Stuff we love. Testing it out for us. This is a go pro. Go out and play this summer. Capture them with the camera she is wearing. Its not just for dudes on the mountains. This is 129. You capture all of your data in this program. What i love about this, you can scan any receipt and it makes that receipt searchable. You want to go and look for these kinds of receipts and expenses like what did i spend at target and how much . It searches this. This is hard to do backwards in two minutes. There we go. I got an error message. It will search this and tell you i paid 50 for a playstation 4 game. When it comes tax time, you can search. Power and solar. This is a solar three charger for any gadget. As fast as a wall unit. Plugging it into the wall. Only with the sun and quickly this is the june bracelet. This measures the sun exposure you get on your skin. Its fashionable and will give you alerts like thats too much sun exposure. Good to keep in mind when you are out in the sun. Natalie. Thank you so much. Thank you. Lets get a check of the weather from al. Lets look at the forecast. Still from the ohio river valley. We are looking at a lot of fog razeries. Into the Midatlantic States towards tomorrow. We expect to see snow developing through the western plains. Rain in the pacific northwest. Look at that. Los angeles tomorrow. 86 in sunny phoenix. 88. A return flow of air and we will be cooler tomorrow and wet 9 33. Good morning to you. Im meteorologist Christina Loren. San jose so far picking up the heftiest totals. Over a quarter inch. In fact over. 3 inch since this morning with a little more on the way. We can lingering activity moving through gilroy. Were waiting on this batch of on and off rainfall that will approach the bay area in the next hour and a half. Expecting a 1 35 arrival in santa rosa. About 11 45, looking good for that areas north of sonoma county. Thats your latest weather. Spring officially starts in nine days. Who is counting . We are. Its time to get your home and yard ready for the new season. The freezing temperatures and snowfall have resulted in costly damage to roofs, pipes, and water systems. Now let the repairs begin. This is not the snowiest, but certainly the most taxing. We get flooding and its really great. In boston, 67 inches above normal snowfall. New hampshire and massachusetts seeing partial and complete roof collapses. They caused homeowners money and aggravation. Before many can celebrate spring, they first have to clean up the mess from flooding and burst pipes. Here to help us is kevin oconnor, contributor. Always good to see you. A lot of things happen that you cant fix. Thats the time to figure out where it is. Hopefully they are fixed again. They can freeze again. This is the time about insulating around them. It froze, but didnt break. That means you might be susceptible to a break again. Thats where the list comes in handy. A lot of damage. Time to check your trees and clubs and broken limbs and all of that. It will not heal. What you want to do is make sure you get a clean cut just below it. Get a pair of clippers and that cut will heal. They will have a good healthy spring. The gutters are filled with ice and i that are all winners. Obviously its the gutter that is not hanging properly on the house. Its not going to work in the spring. They are attached to the house properly by clips. You can buy the clips and reattach the gutter. Put that on and those are working again. You want to make sure that the rain is coming. Something you can do yourself. If you are comfortable and its not too hot, you have a cleaning company that can do it for you. Water comes into the basement. Its a first line of defense. These are water proofing. You can go over them and two coats minimum. These are special water proofing. Start there and it will stop the water from seeping through. Its not necessarily going to stop the flowing. This is a very small one. 1 12th horse power. It will suck it off of the floor. Portable and 25 to 100 for various pumps. Have one of those on hand. Thats the way to get it out. You will get standing water and that will show you where the low spots are. This is the time to think about those. Find the low spots and spread them over those. You dont spread it thick. You can build up the grade and get rid of standing water. How about the screens that took a beating . Either they are on the windows or in the garage and time to break them back out. You think about cleaning them and hose them down. No problem. Fixing them, you might have had rain and ice. This is an easy fix. They put the new screen in. Cut the size and they are going to take this kid and you are going to put it in and start pressing it into the seems. That is a real easy fix. Five or maybe 10 no problem. You are back in business. Johnny depp is injured while shooting a movie. We have the details on what went wrong real cheese people dont eat pasteurized, processed cheese food. Its only required to contain 51 real cheese. With sargento 100 real, natural cheese slices, a patty melt becomes more than just a patty. Ham unites with its better half. And a Club Sandwich becomes part of a club you definitely want to be in. Real cheese people would never eat a slice wrapped in plastic when they can have a slice of 100 real. Natural cheese slices from sargento. Were real cheese people. [ male announcer ] give extra. Get extra. Why are all these people so asleep yet im so awake . Did you know your brain has two systems . One helps keep you awake the other helps you sleep. Science suggests when you have insomnia, the wake system in your brain may be too strong and your neurotransmitters remain too active as you try to sleep, which could be leading to your insomnia. Ohh. Maybe thats whats preventing me from getting the sleep i need talk to your doctor about ways to manage your insomnia. Janes wearing Martha Washingtons inaugural gown to prove you can wear anything while pouring our thicker formula bleach. Freedom from splashing revolutionary whitening. The liberating line of clorox splashless bleach. They leave on sunday afternoon to grandmas house theyre bound. The car is filled with music that classic disco sound. And on their little faces, only smiles could be found. Goldfish crackers. The snack that smiles back. How do i get hotel deals nobody else gets . I know a guy. Priceline negotiator i know this guy. Konohito. And this guy. Who knows a guy. Hey guy. I know a guy in new york, vegas, dallas. Ive known some guys for decades and some, nice to meet ya, lets deal. My competitors may know a guy, but i know over 60,000 guys. And gals. Exclusive hotel deals up to 60 off. Priceline. Com if you want it go out and get it buying a used car can be a scary proposition. You walk onto that lot and immediately you are surrounded like a guppy in a shark tank. It just feels like car salesmen want to sell whatever car is best for them, not best for me. Theres gotta be a better way. As long as people drive cars carmax will be the best way to buy them. Stick it to temptation with new special k protein cinnamon brown sugar crunch. Each hearty bowl is packed with protein and fiber. Satisfy your hunger with special k. Temptation. Gets licked. Special k strawberry protein shakes are packed with protein and fiber. Satisfy your hunger with special k. In just this one moment, your baby is getting even more than clean. The scent, the lather, even the tiny bubbles of a johnsons® bath are helping to enhance the experience. The touch of your hands is stimulating her senses. Nurturing her mind. And helping her development. So why just clean your baby when you can give her. So much more™ . Johnsons®. So much more™. Is this hump day . We get the calendar straight. Johnny depp may have done a little too much swashbuckling. The pirates of the caribbean film. Disney spokesperson said the actor injured his hand in australia. They return for surgery. The injury should not affect the july 2017 release of the movie. Johnny depp was spotted boarding a plane in seemingly high spirits and clearly holding back. Its terrifying. He is captain jack. You got to see this one. The zoo lander boys are back revealing the news of a sequel while dropping magnum on the cat walk. Decked out and derek blaze the runway at the valentino show. Yes, willie. Yes natalie. They whipped out the iconic zoo lander. Its coming to theaters for this goodlooking duo to get back into the runway. They went back stage to find out. Come in. Hey, emma. Ready . We will keep this. Usually i go right left, right, left. In honor of the people that want me to start right, its 2012. This said its 2015. I said agree to disagree. I said its one of the things you can never really tell. I need to see more of that moment. The show did not end there. The photos in front of the eiffel tower. 14 years and counting. Here you go, natalie. Where is my shot . Keep your hat on. They get the wrong camera. Hit it. You. Come on. What about him . We had 14 years to practice, but we will get it together for the movie. Fanlly magnificent mendez is one of the most beautiful in hollywood. Stunning on the cover. Six months after she and her boyfriend welcomed the lovely daughter. The parents of course. They hit the world. The 44yearold opens up about life as a new mama. She said its bonding with my little girl and refused to dull on the motherly advice. They said its a few months in. Shut up. Thats very smart of her. Ava said she has a therapist who helps her point out patterns and she finds it helpful and im luck tow work with someone who doesnt just sit there and nod her head. As for why she looks so darn amazing she doesnt eat meat. Cant give that up. She runs, lifts weights and she has a trainer too. Set all of that aside, i still think sofia loren, av amend ez. She is gorgeous. Thanks for the advice. We are not giving up meat. Maybe i will. Dont have time. Speaking of meat and tooking you dont have time to cook a hearty stew. That we will bring to the table in 30 minutes. Thats all it will take clucking noises Everyone Wants to be the Cadbury Bunny because only he brings delicious cadbury creme eggs. While others may keep trying nobunny knows easter better than cadbury. Turn around every now and then i get a little bit tired of craving something that i cant have turn around barbara i finally found the right snack at kraft we start with Quality Ingredients all expertly blended to make our mayo. So you can take whatever youre making from good to amazing. Caress presents a fine fragrance breakthrough. The worlds first body wash with fragrance release pearls. Touch your skin to release fragrance up to 12 hours. New caress love forever. For an unforgettable fragrance up to 12 hours. Are you having activia . Greek. Oh cause it looks like activia. Greek. Activia greek. Activia greek. Try the thick creamy greek yogurt that may make your tummy smile. I love it. Try activia greek. If you can clear a table without lifting a finger. You may be muddling through allergies. Try zyrtec® for powerful allergy relief. And zyrtec® is different than claritin. Because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. Zyrtec®. Muddle no more™. I get out of work, and i go to the store, and somebody says, smellin around, i smell cookies. I said, oh no you just smell me, i just got out of work thats honey bunches of oats, thats all. I said dont eat me now. You are loved in so many different ways thats why youre wrapped in the comfort of pampers swaddlers with blanketlike softness and up to 12 hours of protection so all you feel is love. Wishing you love sleep and play. Pampers. So on todays kitchen, we are cooking up comfort food and nothing says comfort look a good hearty stew. This takes about 30 minutes to make. Palmers steak. Good morning. Nice to be with you ladies. You are making up this beef stew. The trick is the cut of beef. It is. We are using a flat iron steak and you seer it up medium rare. We cut this into chunks over here and we have this browned off. This is medium rare and we have onions going into the pan that we are carmelizing. Are you still going to get that stew flavor . Star. You use red wine. In here we have garlic and herbs and thyme and a bay leaf going in there. We will take our vegetables and they will cook faster. We have that and potatoes. We will take a little bit of flower. That will thicken our sauce. We are browning this stuff up. Go ahead and put the red wine on there. The beef stock here. All in there. They simmer. For how long . This has been simmering for about minutes. Its cooked there. Get out of the way. It smells amazing. It smells the wine. It tooks off. There you go. You season again with more salt. You will check it at the end. I season this up nice. I will check it at this end. Amazing. You put a little fresh herb on top too . Fresh parsley on top. Reduce it down. The nice thing about it is this is medium rare. Thats nice. They dont show up on time. 30 minutes in and out. Charlie thank you. The recipe is at today. Com. This is today. Today scal good day, mlady i am sircanalot, here to save you from another breakfast bore. Wake up those eggs with glorious spam see what spam can do. At spam. Com this is sad. We will well good morning, everyone. 9 56. Five people all part of the same family hospitalized after a fire swept through an Apartment Building in San Franciscos Mission district. Happened this morning on 24th and treat avenue. Firefighters say the father and two children suffered life threatening injuries. A mother another child also hospitalized. Theyre expecting to survive. Well forget cauvey or anything else this morning. At 11 vietnamese cafes in san jose, police raided them and confiscated illegal gambling machines. Police say other illegal activity went on inside those cafes as well including drugs and prostitution. Well lets get a look at your Rainy Weather this morning. Good morning, scott. Good morning to you at home. Still tracking much needed rain picked up almost a half inch in some spots. Well have your grand totals for today coming in at 11 00 during that broadcast. As we get into this afternoon, temperatures wim cliel out of the 50s and into the upper 60s. Another wave of moisture roll through after lunchtime. On and off showers and then clearing between 4 00 and 6 00. Then we have a big time warmup headed your way into the 80s by the weekend. More on that at 11 00. Thats a change for temperatures where no change here though. Southbound 880 slammed. Jammed through fremont. We told you the crash south 880. It has one lane blocked and is causing a distraction. The green over here also showing you the highlighting. Thats where we still have damp roadways. Traffic and weather tied together. We know that. Northbound 880 recovers after a late crash cleared and another one through downtown. Theres the south bay starting to look thinner here, and a big benefit for the drivers north of the san mateo bridge. An easier drive through oakland and down the east shore freeway. Back to you. Better than yesterday. All right. Well have another local news update in a half hour. See you then. From nbc news this is today. With Kathie Lee Gifford and hoda kotb. Live from studio 1a in Rockefeller Plaza. Hello everybody. Its wine day wednesday, march 11th. Seems kind of weird that is wine day wednesday and theres no wine. No wine. Yes, there is. What are you talking about ladies . Hello jane. Who . What . Yes serving a vintage. Yes. You know what delicious. Undertones of tobacco and gasoline. Yes. And high notes hydrangea. Thats right. Did you taste it yet . Ive already been here a little while. Were going to play search. Looking at jane wants me want to laugh. Okay. What are you doing . Frankly, i showed up drunk. Youre half way home arent you, baby . Ive been strolling around the plaza singing. Anybody recognizes me. Is it hard to come back . Hard to come back . I havent left, im homeless living outside on the block. Almost four. Remember where i saw yo with that baby, do you remember . At the macys day parade. You were like no, no, no recollection. Why are you nuzzling her . Why not . Its there. Its working for me. You are in the unbreakable. I am. Streaming now. Is it hot . Is it like the hottest thing . Netflix is everything. I actually didnt know, aye never been on a show that is streaming before. I didnt know if wed feel it. Because when you make a show for nbc, like today i did it for many years, you feel it airing and people talk and say hey, i saw the show. I didnt know if there was like a line or my stepdaughter says to kimmy, i googled you, she was trying to find it. Kimmy says really, i didnt feel it. I feel like that was streaming. You can feel it. You can feel people walking. When you think of house of cards, and all those hot shows. Its hot. Im so excited. And im so thrilled. Watching scandal. I havent got that much time. Youre wandering around the plaza. Whatever. No televisions in the plaza. Cable. Life is good, youre happy . Yes, thank you for letting me crash. You wont come and visit us, its the only way to get you here. I love you guys. Thank you. Love a little better. Jazz hands. Love. Jane, jane. Thats the way out. Its the little detail. The woman is blocked, shes blocking and we like here. Thank you. All right. Speaking of hot women that we have today. Guess whos here . Bobby thomas is in the corner. Yes. She is going to reveal shortly the gender of her baby, which i dont even think bobby knows. Do you know . I mean maybe. I think they split. Next to her its jane. Very hunky. You are your member of the desperate housewives. In my book, just hang out. But i know. Hes in a new movie. And we have a lot of females in our kitchen. Yes, we do. Do you know whos here . The girl scouts of america are here. I think i frightened them though. I went over and said i didnt like you guys. And they go why . The ladies were going protect them. I said i was kicked out of the brownies when i was seven and im still bitter. I am. She is. I never made it to girl scouts because they kicked me out. You know every Single Member said to these girls, we love your cookies. We love your cookies. All right, guys, thank you. Where are they ter have i asking . Why . Do you have money . Theyll want your money. All righty. Okay. So what are we going to get. Hotter and hotter. First of all, matt claimed he was going to go after ellen. The next thing. Yeah. Well, as he was sitting idly by plotting and planning, ellen got busy doing something. Look. Matt says he wants to get me back, i think its time to stop this. Matt im done with the 50 shades jokes and youre a great guy, i love you. And you know, its funny you do great interviews. Speaking of interviews, lets look at the last one with vince vaughn. Stars vaughn as the leader of a motley crew, one of the most memorable pieces when the guys find themselves at a fetish convention. If you had to choose one fetish kwhald it be . Now that im married, i dont know. Attractive girls is a good fetish. And attractive girls. Its not a fetish. Like that. I understand. Is that something you have . No. I dont this. I dont. Okay. More for you. I could see how someone could enjoy a foot. Yeah. Oh my. So kiss tushing. But its so funny. And apparently they werent done then. Ellen wasnt done with him. Our names came up with amy poehler and bill played heads up with ellen, they hold up the ipad and play a name game. Dynamic duos was the category, so lets take a look. Oh, easy gotham, the duo. Batman and robin. Females on that show. Lucie and etle. How you wake up every day and theyre on the show. How i wake up every day. Theyre on the today show. Kathie and hoda. That was it . That took so long. Kristen played her. All right. Forget all that. We have good news if off double chin. This is so important. And if you dont you will. Youre going to get one. Pay attention. People are trying to figure out how do you fix, the exercises. People are pulling their chin up. The fda panel recently recommended this thing that you inject into your double chin. Its a drug called atx 101, and its supposed to break down the fat in your double chin. Yeah. The doctor talked to us about it this morning, watch. It basically busts open your fat cells. What it is its injectable of an acid that we have in our bodies that is actually meant to break down and aid with the absorption of fat. You take this vile acid essentialfully an injectable form, inject is under here. The theories of injections done four weeks apart for about six months or so. What it does is ruptures the fat cell membrane there shall destroying the fat cell and it goes away. Bring it on. Whens it going to improve that sucker. That is so good, how long . You can inject botox under there just for the tightening. But thats fat though. This is the opposite idea. I dont know anyone personally. A lot of people are already getting injections there. All right. So anyway there are side effects. Bruising and swelling. Who cares . Apparently lots of nerves and muscles and other risks though. Unfortunately it doesnt work on larger body parts. That was my first part. It would require too many injections. Too many for whom . I think thats a relative question. There are many people who are willing to do as many as it takes. Lets talk about the robin thicke blurred lines thing. As you know there was a court battle between blurred lines and marvin gaye, got to give it up. There are two songs, and the marvin gaye folks saying that the blurred lines people stole the line. The jury decided that in fact they had. They decided that Robin Thicke Pharrell and t. I. Used the song. Anyway, theyve been awarded 7. 4 million. Lets play the two socks. We to want see what you think. Heres blurred lines. Okay. All right. Okay. Now, marvin gayes give it up. Percussion. Thats it. Its the percussion. Its the rhythm. Its a rhythm. Okay. So its the rhythm. You know, i dont see this. I dont either. Copy right infridgement. I wasnt on the jury. I just know, as a musician, nobody owns chords. You know. Theyre just out there. But you can only melody and own a lyric, but not the chord. But a vibe is a vibe. And its reggae music, that particular, there is that kind of i dont know. Listen to this though there are three country songs you guys, were going to play little bits of them. One is by blake shelton, one is by florida georgia line, and one is by parmalee. Listen to the first few sings. Heres sure be cool if you did. Okay. Okay now florida georgia lines this is how we roll. Go. Different melody. But the same thing. Close your eyes. They did one of the things where they followed the exact. Its the same exact pattern. They said the country world blew up when they saw how it was such a pattern. Nobodys suing anybody. Well, not yet. They might be watching this morning thinking, dag gone. Question make some money. Named greg patton noticed it. Structural similarities or differences in the following every chord progression and having a melody that matches something, and lyrics that are stolen. Thats very different thing. I cant believe they got 7. 4 million the marvin gaye group. They can appeal. And get a different jury the next time around. When you get a different jury, i dont hear that at all. Exactly. We shall see. All right. On friday, as we do every friday these days. Were going to give something away. So five lucky viewers will win a special prize. What is it . We cant tell you, we dont know. At all. Once a week we do knew prizes. Were not making it simple for you. You have to reenter and put your name back in. Okay. For the complete rules and regulations, chance to win this weeks prize go to klgandhoda. Com. Its no wonder hes playing an el i believe bachelor. James gets racing. And we guarantee hes going to have a ball. What does that mean . With us. Look at him with his chins. You dont need hersheys spreads. Bring the delicious taste of hersheys chocolate to anything everything. With hersheys spreads, the possibilities are delicious. One, two, three oclock. Four oclock pop. Five, six, seven oclock. Eight oclock pop. Nine, ten Eleven Oclock twelve oclock pop were gonna pop around the clock tonight. Put your glad rags on and join me hon well have some fun when the clock strikes one. Were gonna pop. Around the clock tonight. Were gonna pop, pop, pop. till the broad daylight. Were gonna pop around the clock tonight. Pop in new tide pods plus febreze a 4 in 1 detergent that cleans brightens and fights stains. Now with 24hour freshness. Why do i cook . Because i make the best chicken noodle soup. Because i make the best chicken noodle soup. Because i make the best chicken noodle soup. For every way you make chicken noodle soup, make it delicious with swanson®. Shopping online is as easy as it gets. Wouldnt it be great if hiring plumbers carpenters and even piano tuners were just as simple . Thanks to angies list, now it is. Weve made hiring anyone from a handyman to a dog walker as simple as a few clicks. Buy their services directly at angiealist. Com. No more calling around. No more hassles. And you dont even have to be a member to start shopping today angies list is revolutionizing local service again. Visit angieslist. Com today. When hollywood comes looking for medicine so play a sexy eligible bachelor. They call this guy every time. James denton made a name for himself as mike delfino on desperate housewives. Now you guys, hes at it again. This time from the lane to the middle of middletown where he plays dr. Sam bradford on the good witch. And dr. Sam is a single dad of course, which makes him available. But quickly falls under the spell of his enchanting neighbor. Take a look. Im sorry about earlier, that conversation. Its okay to be hurt sam. She cheated on me. I dont talk about it, really, i only want to apologize. For being right, again . Bottom line is people dont change. Sometimes they do surprise you. Sometimes they do. Surprise you. Oh. Hi. Stretching myself. From the single guy that moves in the neighborhood, theres a plummer to a single guy as a doctor. Youre growing. Youre growing. Evolved. Youre a dad. You play a dad in this one though. And youre a dad in real life as well. What are you channelling there. Never learned how to plum. Im not going to operate on anybody. It helps having kids. You tap into things you never thought. The kid that plays my son 15yearold, rebellious move. We moved to middletown to move from new york where he was getting trouble. You can tie in its amazing that things that bring you to tears that i would have had to work hard for. Really, how do i find that emotion . And its right on the surface. Just right there. No right actor you moved back to where your wife is from, minneapolis. Just to escape that l. A. Scene with your kids, right . It was fun if you were single, but for kids it wasnt perfect. And we have family in minneapolis, and they love it up there. Just dress for it. Know what youre getting into. Working on the hallmark is enriching. What is it that you tap into . Its funny. Aye been doing a lot of that since the house wooifs is over. Theres a need that hallmark fills. Theres a real kind of a hunger, you know what youre going to get. Familyfriendly. And the challenge, that were meeting well, they are doing a great job of finding things that are compelling and appealing, and it can be interesting without people being evil and thoshl each other. You can watch the whole family. Tired of people being thoshl horrible to each other. And it can be relating things to other. And you know youre going to feel good. And the challenge is how do you make that come peming. How old are your kids . Ten and 12. My son, theyre both talented. They take after their mom. My wifes a great songer. My son is in middle school and they saw him in the middle school in the high school and brought him over to the high school. He was only 11. So it begins. You may want to the hide the children now at home. Were going to play a game. At one time you were a sports caster. Never should have said that, but yes, basketball and football on the radio. Call games. Its a big game. Never seen this. Its called klg versus hoda. We have your mic. Okay. Oh wow. Heres the ball. Two or one . Covering you. This is a grudge match thats going on for a few years. Kathie lee, up, on the wall. Nobody going for the rebound. Hoda has a rebound. Nicely done by kathie lee. Was is it not . First is off the back. How are we doing . One more shot. Second shot right here for the cherry stripe, up, no good. And underhand shot by kathie lee and shes on fire. I think kathie lees going to take the victory. Come on out. Thank you. Thank you. Absolutely. You guys are great. That was so much fun. Absolutely. Good witch saturday nights on the hallmark channel. Auditioning for australian idol. Pretty in pink. Were about to find out. Big gender reveal party, in just this one moment, your baby is getting even more than clean. The scent, the lather, even the tiny bubbles of a johnsons® bath are helping to enhance the experience. The touch of your hands is stimulating her senses. Nurturing her mind. And helping her development. So why just clean your baby when you can give her. So much more™ . Johnsons®. So much more™. We live in a pick and choose world. Choose choose choose. But at bedtime . Why settle for this . Enter the sleep number bed. Designed to let couples sleep together in individualized comfort. Sleepiq technology tells you how well you slept and what adjustments you can make. You like the bed soft. Hes more hardcore. So your sleep goes from good to great to wow now we can all choose amazing sleep, only at a sleep number store. Right now, you can save 600 on the number onerated i8 bed. Know better sleep with sleep number. Seeing changes in your skin . It could be losing volume. New revitalift volume filler from loreal. Volumizes skin surface layers. Cheeks are fuller. Wrinkles, smoother. I can see the difference here and here. New revitalift volume filler from loreal. Hold it come with me. New dannon oikos triple zero is my go to protein snack. Cam, protein from yogurt . Yup, this greek nonfat yogurt packs 15 grams of protein punch. But what else . Unlike some other protein snacks, it has 0 added sugar 0 artificial sweeteners and 0 fat. Mmm. Will it up my game . No man new dannon oikos triple zero official yogurt of the nfl. Mmm dannon. We start with fresh milk from u. S. Dairy farms so you can make something amazing, kraft natural cheese. Each year 17 billion toilet paper tubes are used. Enough to fill the empire state building. Twice. Toss the tube for good. With scott naturals® tubefree. Lets embrace snuggly softness. Lets breathe in freshness for 30 days. Lets find a value to feel good about. Lets make the world a softer place. Lets snuggle. We are getting ready to play who knew on homeowner of National Nutrition month. Heres food for thought to get you started. Okay. According to a market survey, which was following is the best selling condiment in america. I know that. Is it ketchup, mayonnaise, or Barbecue Sauce. We have a couple of minutes to look up the answer. And dont miss bobbys gender reveal party. Plus idea for your own baby bash. Oh my gosh. Do you want to know . Im saying, girl. Im saying boy. Leftovers. The unsung hero of meals. They get reheated. Renuked. And rebaked. And when leftovers are done. Theres always stuff left over. New dawn platinum power clean calls dibs on those. It powers through tough, driedon messes in seconds. Even 48 hour stuckon food. So go ahead, triple that recipe a drop of dawn and grease is gone. How do i get hotel deals nobody else gets . I know a guy. Priceline negotiator i know a guy in new york vegas, dallas. My competitors may know a guy, but i know over 60,000 guys. Priceline. Com did you make Kraft Mac Cheese for the kids . Yup. Did you cook some protein to go with it . It has 9 grams per serving. Did you have to use every pot in the house . I didnt use the double broiler. Kraft macaroni cheese you know you love it. Why do you want great glasses for 38, backed by a replacement guarantee . Mom mom because you all really need glasses. Mom . And boys really need to be boys. The glasses you want are at the Walmart Vision Center a complete pair of single vision glasses for 38. Backed by a 12month replacement guarantee. Save money. Live bette walmart. Mom good morning everyone. 10 26. Homicide suspect may learn today if hell be tried for murder in connection with a Home Invasion robbery that turned deadly. Police say mark carr was casing a home in hercules last month when the couple living there confronted him. Police say carr killed the male homeowner in a fight in the driveway, and then attacked the woman. A live look at the bay brinl this morning where barring traffic, there may be soon no stopping to pay the toll no toll collectors at all. Transportation leaders meet today to consider an all electronic tolling for all seven state owned bay area bridges. The plan would work just like it does on the Golden Gate Bridge. Well a look at weather and traffic after the break. Welcome back. Im Christina Loren. Your temperatures for today are going to be comfortable. Well end up in the nid to upper 60s. Weather headlines tell the story. Clearing between 4 00 and 6 00. Then well dry out have a nice day in sterms of air quality. Heres the deal for the weekend. 80s on saturday then the rain returns on sunday. I think im still going to be able to get your outdoors if youre trying to make plans. Your full forecast at 11 00. Well see you then. First, mike and your drive. With slow drive, but better. Well get you to work. Fremont moving better. The flag moving better than the traffic, but were looking here recovery on the maps. Were going from red to orange to yellow. And the earlier crash approaching 237, thats the reason who there was extended backup there, but we typically have that compression. The south bay, northbound routes looking better, and theyll continue to improve. Same thing toward the bay bridge toll plaza. All right. Thanks. Hey, join us at 11 00 for our next newscast. See you then. We are back with more today on this wine day wednesday ready to play our game called who knew. March is National Nutrition month, were chewing over fun food trivia. Kathie lee is hanging out with the crowd across the street. She has 100 for everyone who gets the questions right. And those who dont, they get her lovely cd. [ cheering ] right. Here to help me out is special projects director of food and wine magazine, gayle simmons. How many titles do you have . Two. Okay. That one, thats my the big one. Thats the one ive had the longest. We have a question. Right before the break we asked this question according to a 2014 market survey, which of the following is the bestselling condiment in america. Ketchup, mayonnaise, Barbecue Sauce . Amazingly its main naz. I would have people think ketchup. People think salsa often because salsa has surpassed ketchup. But salsa is not technically a condiment, its a dip. Even if it was on the dip, mayonnaise would surpass them both. Off cute couple here from ohio. A lot of chemistry if you know what im saying. What is the boiling point of water . 105 degrees, 212 degrees, or 300 degrees . 212. Yeah, 212. Right. Trust your instinct. 212 degrees. Zblaths boiling point of water. You should note thats the boiling point of water at sea level. If you go into the mountains, for all of your mountain climbing. When that happens. You will note that water boils faster. And below sea level. New orleans. New orleans. Itll take longer, itll boil more slower. Yeah. Who knew. There you go. Who knew . From alabama. Neil diamond wrote this beverage inspired pop song, number one on the billboard songs when it was covered by another in 1983. Are we going toer that . Apparently not. Red red wine tequila, or escape, the pina colada song. Im going to say a. I think youre right. Yes. Going to hear the winner. All right. Neil diamond. I love this song. It was uv 40 who covered it and made it into a number one hit song on a billboard chart. But neil diamond actually said in a recent interview with reddit, of all songs, the uv 40 is his favorite. Your kidding. Reminds me of being at the beach. All right. Over to you. All right. You are from minneapolis, minnesota. Exactly. Which of the flog looks like bow ties fusilli, farfalle b. Everybody is so smart. I love all these people. How do you pronounce it . Farfalle. It means butterflies in italian. Here its bow tie, thats what i grew up with. Bow tie pasta. Just so you know when youre making it, because it has the ceases in the center, its great to pair it with thick, hearty sauces that can get stuck in the creases. Itll really stick to the pasta. Yum. Im hungry. To you. Quit saying that. Youre from arizona. Which of the following was one of the first eight jelly belly bean flavors . Popcorn, root beer, or strawberry cheesecake . B, root beer. Yes. Okay. No, no, this is weird. Cheat sheet going around there because everyones getting them right. Kathie might be feeding the answers. Root beer was one of the first. Other of the first eight flavors were green apple berry cherry grape licorice, and the first savory flavor, popcorn. I love jelly bellies. We have time for one more. Charlottesville, virginia. Pound cake is the name of a city, the ingredient measurements oar instructions to pound the cake mix. I would say c. No, hes so excited. He looks it. Oh. He looks really excited. All right the correct answer is the correct answer is b. The pound cake is because the ingredients of pound cake are a pound of sugar flour, eggs, and butter. One pound each makes a pound cake. We learned something this time. And that doesnt always happen. I am honored. Thanks so much. Coming up, the australian singing sensation being compared to pharrell. Elvis introduces us to conrad. He is the artist of the month. And the waits over finding out if bobby is having a boy or having a girl. Were going to find out right after this. Whats going on . Toasters broken. Which means no eggo waffles. Whats that sound . Did you leave your hairdryer running . No. Something smells delicious. How could something smell delicious when the toasters broken . I smell sausage, egg, cheese and. Eggo . Leggo my eggo breakfast sandwich. The eggo breakfast sandwich. But the toasters broken. Its sweet, its savory, its in your microwave. Leggo my eggo breakfast sandwich. Theres only two of us. How much dirt can we manufacture . Very little. More than you think. doorbell whats that . Whats this . Swiffer sweeper. I came in under the assumption that it was clean. Ive been living in a fools paradise we live in a pick and choose world. Choose choose choose. But at bedtime . Why settle for this . Enter the sleep number bed. Designed to let couples sleep together in individualized comfort. Sleepiq technology tells you how well you slept and what adjustments you can make. You like the bed soft. Hes more hardcore. So your sleep goes from good to great to wow now we can all choose amazing sleep, only at a sleep number store. Right now, you can save 600 on the number onerated i8 bed. Know better sleep with sleep number. clucking noises Everyone Wants to be the Cadbury Bunny because only he brings delicious cadbury creme eggs. While others may keep trying nobunny knows easter better than cadbury. Are you ready to feel the difference of truly hydrated skin . New neutrogena hydro boost water gel. Discover our newest breakthrough and bask in the glow healthy skin hydration. See what everyone is raving about at neutrogena. Com yoplait has the only yogurt brands endorsed by Weight Watchers and your taste buds have always endorsed us. So, you know what this means. This is a real win win yoplait, it is so good for the past several months weve followed along on bobbys journey through ivf treatment, getting pregnant and now were bursting at the seams to find out what shes having. Were throwing a gender reveal party. Since were always in the mood for a party. We brought in the littleleague. Com lifestyle editor to show us how its done. Lets ring the bell. Okay. You dont know were coming to the party. Wait, were not ready. Okay now. Okay. Hi. Hi. Oh my god. Bobby. Hi. How are you. Were going to start the games going from the get go. This is your boy and girl sticker. Pick and choose what your choice is. Already did. And i said boy. Yes theyre stickers, made them on my computer. They are relatively new, their more casual were more informal than a shower, and the rule generally is no gifts. Stressfree entertaining. Absolutely. Especially when you have a pregnant momma. Okay. Of course you want to have good foods and eats. We have all this Beautiful Decor from minted. Com. Instead of all pink and blue, we did metallics the black and white and heres for our food. Picking off of the size and everything nice, we have the macaroons and also a little bit of apple crieder for something spicy. Cute. Hush puppies, i think were elevated with some crab meat for delicious savory taste. After the food, bobbie, how do you feel . Im feeling, this is awesome. Im surrounded by food. Gender reveal party. Yeah i mean, im excited to finally, because it slipped out on monday. Im excited that you both know. Were so excited. What do we have here . Those are hush puppies filled with crab. Tarter dipping sauce. Of course a nonalcoholic beverage, the milk and martinis glasses. Were not pregnant. If youre going to be have alcohol, make sure its really separated so the pregnant momma shell know. Right. Okay. Cool. Grown women. I love all these printed banners, mini he or she from minted. Com they are absolutely adorable. Whats going on here . This is a guest book. Its again doing games that lead up to the reveal its super fun because you grab these printables that i downloaded from the internet. You get an instant camera or do this with your digital camera. We take a little picture of you here for there. A little picture. Okay. Photo into the guest book. Okay. And its a nice keepsake for the couple. When do we find out . Yes. We have a cake. This is it. Thats adorable. The reveal cake. This isnt telling what were having. These are our ideas. Number one, the cake with the spilling out candies butterflies. Thats sweet. You can do like cars. We should point out, we did a whole today. Com survey and we are the survey says were revealing the contents. 58 of the viewers believe shes having a girl. And 42 believe bobby thomas is having a boy. Okay. I wonder what our reveal. This is a great reveal idea. This is a lantern, bobbe, you pull it. This is a idea. Okay, this is a lantern deal. It has these japanese things. That would be a girl. Yes. We dont know. No, we dont know. This is from the container store. Little boxes filled with candies. This is called the big dig. You dont use the candy. You dig. Dig through the candy to find out which one i have one in mind. Bobbie is doing the scratch off card. So cute. And they scratch it off. Look at that. Did you find it . I found it. No. This is from orgami owl, for the mom that cant attend. You put it in the living lockets. Is she having a boy or a girl . I cant wait. Im so nervous. Okay. So this is wait, wait. Wait. Kathie said girl, i said boy. I believe it. Okay. What is this baby going to be . Okay. Its a boy. What am i going to do . Thats a big question. I am so scared. Is michael thrilled . Aw. I cant get over it. Bobbie youre going to have oh. Im scared. Oh my gosh. Excited. Momma. Look at bobbie. Stop it. Going in for a hug. All right. Incredible music, and hes about to perform for us. Elvis durands artist bobby, makes his Television Debut right after this. Flo hey, big guy. I heard you lost a close one today. Look, jamie, maybe we werent the lowest rate this time. But when you show people their progressive direct rate and our competitors rates you cant win them all. The important part is, you helped them save. Thanks, flo. Okay, lets go get you an ice cream cone, champ. With sprinkles . Sprinkles are for winners. I understand. Brookside chocolate now has a crunch. Brookside crunchy clusters crispy multigrains and sweet fruitflavored pieces dipped in rich dark chocolate. Discover brookside crunchy clusters. Winter is hard on your face. The start of sneeze season. And the windblown watery eyes. Thats why puffs plus lotion is gentle on sensitive skin. So you can always put your best face forward. A face in need deserves puffs indeed. And try puffs softpack today. At hillshire farm, spice is the spice of life. Thats why our craftsmen season every sausage perfectly. So you can coax out great flavor effortlessly. Hillshire farm. Because its worth doing right. At hillshire farm, theres a reason our slow roasted turkey taste so fresh seconds after carving, we not only seal every slice, we double seal it. The results are something to savor. Hillshire farm. Because its worth doing right. Caress presents a fine fragrance breakthrough. The worlds first body wash with fragrance release pearls. Touch your skin to release fragrance up to 12 hours. New caress love forever. For an unforgettable fragrance up to 12 hours. Packing should be simple like new Nature Valley nut crisp bars. Lets see if hikers are keeping it simple too. Whats happening here . Just a little pack inspection a loofah. A tape measure. Claves. Seriously . Fresh pine. Smells exactly like right where were standing. Stick to simple. Nuts. Seeds. Sweetness. New Nature Valley nut crisp bars. Boom. Delicious. New dannon oikos triple zero is my go to protein snack. Protein from yogurt . Yup, this greek nonfat yogurt packs 15 grams of protein punch. But what else . It has 0 added sugar 0 artificial sweeteners and 0 fat. Mmm. Dannon oikos triple zero mmm dannon. We can grow old gracefully or gorgeously. I pick both new excellence age perfect from loreal. With layered Tone Technology for color full of highs and lows. Roots beautifully blended. Grays whoopgone. New excellence age perfect from loreal. Youre gonna love it. It is time to meet the next music sensation. The australian singer song writer, conrad, one name. Thats all he needs. Rising star. His new album drops later this year, and hes about to perform one of his songs called start again. Wow. Heard a little of your rehearsal, and i hardly like anything, and i like that. Your voice cuts. I like what you do vocally. To have Rolling Stone call you out and compare you to sam smith. Than has to feel so good, huh . It was crazy. It was the first article they did. They mentioned a bunch of artist that are big influences on me. It was humbling. Elvis, what is it about him . Youre going to hear it in a second. His voice. Hes doing well in australia, forget them, we to want yank him out of australia. Hes going on a sold out tour with ed sheeran over there we want him here. Youre about to hear a song on an album that hasnt come out. He has a song thats doing well in australia. Thatll do well here. Now youre about to hear a song thats for you. We deserve it. Whats it called . This one is called start again. Conrad. Thank you elvis. Beautiful. I love that come here, come here. No, you come here. Making out with it. Im just its nice to meet everybody. David. David. Hes amazing. That was awesome. Well be back with more in a moment. First this is today on nbc. That was fantastic. One hand right here. One hand. One hand on your heart. All right. Dont forget were giving it away to five lucky fans this friday. If youve already entered in prior weeks, go to klgandhoda. Com. We have great prizes. Tomorrow, makeover is terrific. Everyone has a story. Mother and son duo with a lot of soul. And our sal, you loved him on the musical. Today the musical. Sal is singing the song tomorrow. You guys enjoy your wines day wednesday. We are going to see you for thirsty thursday. Which is tomorrow. Tomorrow, 23 hours from right now. If youre border, turn on sirius today. Why not . And right now at 11 00, witnesses recount cries for help as an overnight fire sends several people to the hospital. Plus, a military chopper crashes in florida. All 11 people onboard are feared dead. And it could drastically change traffic in the bay area. A new proposal that just got the goahead. Good morning. Thank you for joining us. Im scott mcgrew. Im kris sanchez. More of those stories in a moant, but first, rain is moving in. We get a quick check otthe forecast, and how welcome is that . So nice out there. A little more rain in some spot than we originally thought. I was forecasting over

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