Those popular backyard inflatables today. Wednesday, may 14th, 2014. From nbc news, this is today, with matt lauer and savannah guthrie, live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. And good morning. Welcome to today 7 00 on the west coast. We have a lot to talk about. Later this morning, we will take you to the Memorial Museum which is opening tomorrow, the site of the 9 11 museum. Its going to be an incredibly Emotional Experience for a lot of people there, who will see some of the artifacts that are housed in that museum for the very first time. We look forward to a sneak peek on that. We have the top story. Residents in san diego are returning home overnight after evacuation calls are going out to thousands of homeowners. We have Nbcs Joe Fryer on the scene there. What is the latest . Reporter good morning, savannah. We learned the fire is 25 contained after burning 1,600 acres. All of the Evacuation Orders have been listed. The fire danger is high in Southern California. Smoke and flame snaked in and around Southern California close to several homes, including highend estates. It is unusual in may to have winddriven fires. Reporter fuelled by santa ana winds, the fire burned 1,600 acres forcing the evacuation of homes and schools. When Mother Nature gets nasty like this, it is not unlike a hurricane. Reporter while a small percentage of the burn area is contained, crews made progress with no buildings or lives lost. The major threat, or the major runs have been slowed down now and were making sure were mopping up the fire to make sure the fire does not continue. Reporter crews are bracing for another hot day with the potential for more fires and hot spots, and they know this could just be the beginning of a very long, dangerous fire season thanks to the drought. Al . Yeah, joe. Thank you so much. You see the trees moving behind him. There will be more problems with the winds today and temperatures. The jet stream is up to the north as it has been for the past year. No storms coming in and not a lot of moisture. Look at the temperatures. Santa barbara, 89. Santa maria, 94. L. A. , today, the century mark. Same for santa ana. Add to the bone dry temperatures and big area of High Pressure, the winds swing around from the east and thats really dry air. Wind gusts to 50 miles per hour. Wind gusts of 40 miles to 50 miles per hour. You will see elevated risks of fire today from l. A. To san diego and phoenix on into tucson with the low relative humidity. The temperatures will last into tomorrow. Fire danger will remain high today and tomorrow. Thanks, very much. We want to turn to a tragic situation unfolding now in turkey. A desperate search for survivors of the massive explosion and fire at a coal mining site. Nbcs chief Foreign Correspondent Richard Engel is in istanbul. Good morning. Reporter good morning, matt. Turkey has a terrible record of mine safety. Still, as officials count the bodies, and we dont know exactly how many have survived, Officials Say this is very likely the worst mining accident ever in turkish history. The government has declared three days of national mourning. A massive rescue operation is under way this morning at a coal mine in soma, turkey. About 150 miles south of istanbul. After an explosion triggered a fire which trapped hundreds of workers more than a mile underground. Officials say the explosion may have been caused by a faulty electrical transformer. The blast happened during a shift change, so there is some uncertainty over the exact number of workers still inside. Crowds gathered outside the mine while rescue teams pumped oxygen inside. Those lucky enough to get out alive had inhaled smoke and coal dust. The turkish Prime Minister said that some of the miners had been pulled out. As for others, he said, the rescue continues. For families and friends at the local hospital, fear and frustration grow as they wait for answers. My elder brother is inside the hospital, said this man. He was working from 8 00 until 4 00, but we didnt hear from him. Now we are waiting. This mine is very deep and it is still on fire, which means the shafts have filled with toxic fumes, so the chances of many more people coming out alive are slim. Matt. Richard engel, thank you very much. Here at home, we are dealing with the mers outbreak in the United States. We have dr. Nancy snyderman with more. Nancy, good morning. Savannah, good morning. There are over 20 people in orlando, florida, tested for mers because they have now been exposed to the second confirmed case. Two are physicians. While experts say that the risk to the general public is still very low, experts are not taking any chances, and Health Officials want people to know that globally, everyone is on alert. The tsa is putting travelers on high alert this morning. Signs like these going up at more than 20 airports across the country after a second case of middle east respiratory syndrome, or mers, has been confirmed in the United States. All we need are a couple of these people who transmit to a large number of people to end up in new york, toronto, hong kong, or tokyo and i guarantee you the world will have a very different view of whats happening right now in the middle east. Reporter now, 20 Health Care Workers at two orlando hospitals are being tested for possible exposure, after the second confirmed case of mers in the u. S. Was admitted to the hospital last week. All these team members were notified. They have been asked to stay off work for 14 days. Reporter the confirmed case in florida comes on the heels of a case in indiana, where a patient was released last week after spending 12 days in the hospital. Health officials on the front lines of previous global outbreaks like bird flu, swine flu, and sars are concerned. It also is very similar to a lot of early onset illnesses from other respiratory pathogens. So very well might think of it as influenza. Reporter mers started in the middle east in 2012 and jumped from bats to camels, and now to humans. There are 538 confirmed cases of mers worldwide with 145 deaths, most in the arabian peninsula. There is no specific treatment or vaccination for mers, and with dubai emerging as one of the worlds busiest airports, containing this virus may no longer be possible. The cdc has said that the overall threat to the general public is very low, and yet theyre taking this very seriously. So far, everyone whos been confirmed with this has been a health care worker, so theyve come into direct contact with someone whos been infected. But because dubai is now the largest airport in the world, because many of these viruses may just be a plane ride away, and because we may have underdiagnosed a lot of these cases, in this country and around the world, yesterday the tsa put up those notices. If you are traveling to the middle east, be aware of these symptoms. If youre coming from the middle east and you have respiratory symptoms, report them to your physician. All right, nancy, thank you very much. Meantime, nba hall of famer Magic Johnson is now responding to those controversial comments from Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling about johnsons battle with hiv. Willie geist has more on that. Hey, willie, good morning. Savannah, good morning to you. It was another busy night for that clippers organization. The team lost a pivotal playoff game on a controversial call in the final seconds. But yet again, the biggest drama seemed to come off the court thanks to that tv appearance by Magic Johnson. Magic johnson found himself playing defense once again in an interview with cnn. Hes a man whos upset, and hes reaching. Hes reaching. Hes trying to find something that he can grab on to to help him save his team. And its not going to happen. Johnson was responding to Donald Sterlings latest controversial comments made earlier this week. Can you tell me, big Magic Johnson, what has he done . Well, hes a businessperson. Hes got aids. Did he do any business . Did he help anybody in south l. A. . The basketball legend actually has hiv, the virus that causes aids. His foundation has raised millions for hiv aids programs, and through the years, his companies have invested more than 1 billion in the development of urban communities. Its disturbing. Its sad. He didnt do his homework. It was magics instagram pose with v. Stiviano that led to sterlings now infamous rant. Why are you taking pictures with minorities . Why . Now the daily mail has posted a new recording of a phone conversation which nbc news has been unable to verify of sterling allegedly speaking out again, this time claiming stiviano is the real racist. She says, god made me black, i didnt want to be black. Sterling declined to comment on the new tape, but stivianos attorney denied the allegations. Every day Something Else comes up, some recording, and, you know, if it was me, i would stop talking to people. Magic johnson couldnt agree more. Youre 80 years old. Youve had a tremendous life. Just go ahead and enjoy the rest of your life. Of course, it remains to be seen if sterling will follow magics advice on that. Meanwhile, the nba committee deciding whether or not to remove sterling as the owner of the clippers will meet next week. Magic said Donald Sterling was one of the first people he met when he came to los angeles, considered him a friend, and hes obviously hurt and disappointed by that. Hes ready to move on. Thank you very much. Another big headline, could the u. S. Be doing more to help those girls in nigeria . Natalies got more on that. Some u. S. Lawmakers are saying theyre calling for more involvement this morning in the search for the nearly 300 kidnapped girls in nigeria. Nbcs bill neely is in nigeria with the very latest on what the u. S. Is doing to help. Bill, good morning. Reporter good morning, natalie. It is exactly one month since the schoolgirls were kidnapped here in nigeria, and the u. S. Effort to try to find them is intensifying. An unmanned u. S. Drone is now scouring the dense forest in the north of the country for the girls and it joins the two pilots and two spotters of another surveillance plane thats been looking for several days using radar, infrared, and other equipment to both see at night and listen in on phone and satellite communications. U. S. Officials believe the girls may be now in three groups. The parents watched a video said to show one of the groups yesterday, and identified 77 of the missing girls. That was said to be a very emotional viewing. The nigerian government, meanwhile, says its preparing to talk to the kidnappers. Its not ruling out any option including a prisoner swap, militant prisoners for the girls. It has done that in the past. So the search both for the girls and for a deal here is gathering pace. Natalie. Bill neely in nigeria. Thank you, bill. Americas crumbling infrastructure is back in the spotlight. President obama will deliver remarks today from the aging Tappan Zee Bridge here in new york. President obama has been calling on congress to pass the bill to improve the nations roads and bridges. The deadline is nearing a funding gap for Infrastructure Projects around the country. An unceremonious welcome. Passengers were getting off a Southwest Airlines flight when the jetway to the terminal dropped about eight feet. Fortunately no one was injured. The remaining passengers used stairways to get off that plane. An airport spokesperson says mechanical failure is to blame. More trouble this morning for pop star Justin Bieber. A Southern California woman claims bieber took her cell phone during an altercation monday night. Witnesses say bieber and his entourage had gotten into an argument with a group of people at an amusement park. Bieber apparently thought the woman had taken photos of him. So they say he grabbed the phone from her. Eventually he did give it back. Police are now investigating. No arrests were made. And the new Gold Standard in basketball trick shots has now been set. Take a look. It comes to us from the lords of gravity stunt group. Take a look. The acrobat gets a running start there, goes off the trampoline, steps on the ramp, does that flip off the backboard and makes the dunk, as you see. If you were in a dunk contest, that would definitely be a ten. Though trampolines, i guess, general rily frowned upon. That was the first time i have seen that. They had to unfold the mat for him to jump. Natalie, thank you very much. Mr. Roker. Lets show you what we have around the rest of the country today. I just love cherry preserves. Is that your favorite . I dont know. I also like strawberry, boysenberry, red raspberry, blackberry, sweet orange marmalade, apple, pineapple, concord grape, apricot, peach, blueberry. [ male announcer ] tim and Richard Smucker grew up knowing that with so many delicious varieties, its tough to choose just one favorite. Apricot pineapple. [ male announcer ] for five generations, with a name like smuckers, it has to be good. 7 15 these are your current temperatures and we have bypassed the coolest point in the day. We are on our way to 97 degrees here in the south bay. 88 degrees. Meanwhile we see temperatures in the triple digits. Make sure you are drinking lots of water. Hope you can stay cool. Now to a frightening accident in upstate new york. Three children hurt, two of three seriously, when the bounce house they were playing in was swept off the ground during a fierce wind storm. Nbcs tom llamas has the latest on that. Take a look at this photo. Thats not where you want to see a bounce house. Some of the children dropped from as high as 20 feet in the air as helpless parents looked on. Amid the chaos, one witness managed to snap a few photos. A bounce house goes airborne, picked up by the wind and carried away like a hot air balloon. First thing i thought is that that was my sister falling through the sky, because all i saw was arms and legs going. Reporter taylor seymours 10yearold sister suffered only some cuts and bruises. Two boys, ages 5 and 6, werent as lucky. Police say they were carried away with the bounce house. It whipped like this, and then it dropped off the first little kid in the middle of the road and it came the other way, passed over my apartment and dropped the second one, he hit his head on the back of the car and fell to the ground. Reporter the boys were seriously injured and had to be air lifted to a hospital. Witnesses say one injured his head. The other had broken bones. Police say the children were being supervised and the bounce house was staked to the ground. We watched the fellow that put it up and he staked it and he did everything correctly, all the kids were having fun until they screamed to me to come down and i saw that. Oh, my god. Reporter strong gusts have been blamed for serious accidents in the past, including this one caught on cell phone video in 2011. Three bounce houses tossed by the wind at a soccer tournament on new yorks long island. 13 people were hurt. Kids were being knocked over and there were just kids lying everywhere. Reporter a study in 2012 warned of the potential dangers of bounce houses. Researchers in the journal pediatrics said more than 30 children are taken to e. R. S each day in this country with an injury associated with an inflatable bouncer. This morning, two more children hospitalized after a terrifying ride. Now, at the time of that report, the association which represents the inflatable bouncer industry says its products are safe if parents follow the instructions and supervise children at all times. Now, guys, as far as mondays accident goes, police are not going to charge anybody. They just said it was a tragic accident. Can we just go back to this photo for a second . I think there might be some confusion. When you see that picture there, of that bounce house so high in the air, the kids were not in it at that moment. They were not in it at that point. The highest they got was 20 feet, which is two stories, very high. Not as high as that. After they fell out, it became lighter and it went up even higher. Thank you. Do you have the right to be forgotten online . Tamron is here with a key ruling that people are debating. A huge ruling out of europe, but it could absolutely have ramifications here in the states. Here is the scoop. How often do you guys google yourself . Never. Every day. I try not to. Stand to that rule, by the way. Others of us go on occasionally to see what the world is saying about us. Or if youre applying for a new job, you may go on and google yourself and find out if an employer has put something out. The highest court in europe is now saying that we, the people, if you live in europe, you have a right to what others can see on Search Engines like google. According to the court, your privacy is more important than public information. Theyre saying this is on a case by case basis, and the ruling right now only stands in europe. It is unclear whether or not information would be erased worldwide. Nevertheless, this got us to thinking, what happens when you google, for example, mr. Roker . A lot of lovely images. Al, if you could erase history, youd take the superman out . No. He loves superman. I thought so, too. The illinformed orange room told me that. I just want to take the one picture posted on bootycall. Com. Id take that off. Yes, yes. If youre posted on booty. Com or whatever, you may want to take that down. So we wonder if you all agree with the decision. Should you be able to delete Online Search results that contain personal information . This ruling right now only in europe, but as you well know, this could mean big changes perhaps here in the near future, guys. So let us know at today. Com. Going to get a lot of responses. Tamron, thank you very much. Coming up, a Major Development to tell you about at the Oscar Pistorius trial this morning. The judge ordering pistorius to undergo psychiatric tests. How will that impact the case . Plus, our exclusive tour of the National September 11th memo coming up, why the royal family in monaco is furious over the new grace kelly movi cause in a sky, cause in a sky full of stars, i think i saw you. Its such a heavenly view. Theres only one place to get more coldplay. Double agents . Spy thriller . You dont know aarp thanks to the aarp tek program, this guy is spying on his new grandson. Aarp tek gets People Better connected to technology, to Better Connect with each other. With social media, digital devices and apps. If you dont think hashtag love dad when you think aarp, then you dont know aarp find more surprising possibilities and get to know us at aarp. Org possibilities you know, chin acne. Number 1 of my 20 is for uhhuh. Not to brag, but i have the chin of a teenager. Here you go. Dinges for everyone when i get hangry anything within arms reach could be part of my number 20. Hm, this is potpourri. Mmmm. The new amex everyday credit card, with no annual fee. Its not food. Make 20 or more purchases in a Monthly Billing period, and earn 20 more rewards. And a coat. Its membership that rewards you for the things you already buy, everyday. Whats your 20 . Theres no dip in that bowl. Theyre new pringles tortillas. So good, they dont need dip. Mmmm. Not bad, right . Ill have some more thats a double dip you. Double dipped. New pringles tortillas. You dip em or dont. Pringles a very good wednesday morning to you. 7 26 the fate of pop clubs in the south bay is lingering in the air this morning. San Jose City Council is posed to shut down some of them next week. Numero Numerous Club own rz want to cut the number of pot clubs in the city from more than 100 to just 20. This morning we are learning why mysterious cameras were placed around palo alto this weekend. City plans to use its findings to improve street conditions. Some residents were bothered that the city didnt tell them about the plan. The city says the videos will be destroyed once the project is finished. We have a hot day shaping up. Mostly clear sky. All across the board the coast hazy out there. Ar. The temperatures are starting out in the 60s. It is going to be hot out there and strong High Pressure for today. 88 degrees in San Francisco. 98 for the east bay. 97 in the south bay and temperatures are going to stay warm. Well get significant heat relief by the weekend. For today, 105 degrees out in gillroy mike that is a hot day ahead. Im tracking traffic we have your slower spots. Look at the map. Highway 4 westbound getting away from the area. Folks cannot take this cut through still closed after the overnight fire. The latest estimate we are hearing a rumor about. Avoid the area until we give you the clear. Everywhere getting the typical slowing. Northbound 87 and 85 early crash 101 folks are avoiding it. Back to you. It is actually clear. What a thing. Update in half an hour see you then. If youre so tough, crack this thick slice of medium cheddar with your bare hand. I didnt say tough, i said hungry. If youre so hungry, eat this thick slice of medium cheddar with your bare mouth. Tillamook cheese slices, tastes better because its made better. 7 30 now on this wednesday morn 7 30 now on this wednesday morning, may 14th, 2014. And that is a pretty shot, a beautiful afternoon in cannes, where the famed Film Festival gets under way today. Theres a little bit of a firestorm over a movie thats going to open the event tonight. Its based on the life of grace kelly. And apparently the royal family of monaco is none too pleased with the portrayal. More on that story coming up. That assignment of that Film Festival weve all been there. That is a great place. Not all of us. I thought youd been. Me neither. Ive been there a lot. Rub it in a little. We want to switch gears, take a look at some of the stories making headlines. Crews are desperately trying to reach hundreds of miners who were trapped underground after an explosion and a fire in a coal mine in turkey. Nearly 800 workers were inside at the time. The death toll has already topped more than 200. In this country, an Evacuation Order was lifted overnight for residents in san diego living on the edges of a windfueled wildfire. The fire chief police says crews do have a good hand handle on the situation, but the winds could pick back up again today. A robotic submarine is once again being used in the search for the malaysia air flight 370. The ship that was carrying it had returned to port briefly to be resupplied. Coming up ahead, its official opening. Former new york city mayor Michael Bloomberg takes us on an exclusive tour of the National September 11th Memorial Museum. What he hopes visitors will take away from going there. Well look forward to that. Lets begin this halfhour with a big ruling this morning at the murder trial of Oscar Pistorius. The judge has ordered pistorius to undergo psychiatric testing. Today National Investigative correspondent jeff rossen is at the courthouse with the latest on this. Jeff, good morning. Reporter hey, savannah, good morning to you. This is a Major Development in the case. Perhaps the biggest one yet. The judge ruling this morning that Oscar Pistorius must report for a complete, a full psychological evaluation that could last a full month. Does his mental state explain why he shot his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp . The pistorius defense team, they fought hard against this mental testing, and they lost. Oscar pistorius stood up in court today, clenching his jaw as the judge read her ruling. I am satisfied that a case has been made out. Reporter pistoriuss defense team looking defeated and deflated. He must now undergo a complete mental evaluation by a panel of experts in a staterun hospital for 30 days. Mental illness and mental defect are morbid disorders that are not capable of being diagnosed by a lay Court Without the guidance of expert psychiatric evidence. Reporter at issue, does he really have g. A. D. , general anxiety disorder, and was it a factor when pistorius shot and killed his model girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp. Pistoriuss own defense expert first brought it up, diagnosing him with it. It is my opinion, my lady, that mr. Pistorius has an anxiety disorder. Reporter but the prosecutor insisted that independent experts evaluate him to be sure. Today, the judge agreed. Oscar, do you have any comment on what just happened in court . Do you have anything to say to what the judges ruling was . Oscar pistorius wouldnt say a word outside of court, but his uncle Arnold Pistorius did. As a family, we are comforted by the thoroughness and detail of this judgment. And the judges commitment using every avenue to ensure a fair trial. Reporter how big is this . How big are the implications here . Jeff, its massive. This could have a very big influence on the outcome of the trial. If oscar is assessed and found that he lacked the criminal capacity when he acted on that evening, then he could very well be acquitted of these charges and found not guilty. Reporter so this could backfire on the prosecution and help pistorius. Most certainly, yes. Reporter in court today, the judge made a point of saying this is not punishment for pistorius, and told the prosecutor when youre making plans to send him for evaluation, try to make it outpatient so he can still go home at night, sleep home at night. Either way this trial is now seriously delayed by months perhaps. Details about the evaluation, when it will happen, where it will happen, all the timeline will be announced next week, guys. All right, jeff rossen, thank you very much. Lets get a check of the weather now from al. Todays weather is brought to you by the new windows. One experience for everything in your life. So on the west coast, were talking about not enough rain. Here on the east coast, were going to be talking about too much rain. Already were starting to see heavy showers and thunderstorms firing up for today. In fact, weve got those showers from texas all the way to upstate new york and new england. And then weve got an area of Severe Weather from jackson all the way to pittsburgh. Few tornados in the ohio river valley possible with this thing. And in fact, we put into motion the atmospheric moisture. You can see the areas of red. Thats the heaviest moisture thats going to be funneled in right along the east coast until friday morning. And so rainfall amounts florida, you could be looking at upwards of five inches of rain locally. Detroit to columbus, up to an inch to two inches, and wet weather extending further to the east as well. Thats whats going on around 7 35 happy wednesday to you. Im meteorologist christina loren. Clear, mild conditions up the coast. Hazy sunshine for now. We have a hot day ahead. Heat advisory in place. With the exclusion of the coast line. We are at 67 right now. On our way to 88 degrees. 63 now in the south bay we will hit 97 by tomorrow. Significant cooling at the coast. All right, al, thanks very much. Nearly 13 years after the attacks, the september 11th Memorial Museum is set to open to the public a week from today. But starting tomorrow, family members and others who are part of the 9 11 community will have the chance to visit. As chairman of the Memorial Museum, former mayor Michael Bloomberg spent eight years spearheading the project, and he gave us a tour. Need every available ambulance, everything you got to the World Trade Center now. Were having a little problem on the plane. In the subterranean footprint where the twin towers once stood, theres now a Memorial Museum dedicated to honoring the world touched by the tragic events of 9 11. The story is told through an unprecedented collection of over 20,000 stills, 500 hours of footage, and thousands of artifacts and interviews. Im walking along what was the foundation of the south tower of the World Trade Center. This is where those massive tridents were anchored into the ground. Youve got to stand where im standing to get a sense for the scale of this space, the size of these buildings, and the scope of the tragedy. 3,000 people died on this very spot. On this site. How do you attract people to come to this place and learn the lessons when its an event theyd rather forget . I dont know that it will ever get out of their conscience, at least not of our generation. And our job is to make sure it doesnt get out of the consciousness of future generations. We want to go live and show you a picture of the World Trade Center. This is the moment that we were given the news in the studio that the first plane had hit the south tower. Where were you at that moment . It was primary day. I voted on 82nd street. I was sitting at my desk, there was nothing to do, it was election day, stopped campaigning. Somebody said oh, on the television a small plane hit one of the twin towers. I said thats not a small plane. Was it the instant that the second plane hit the north tower that you knew life in this country would never be the same . Well, you certainly knew that we were being attacked. And i dont know if that was your first emotion. My first emotion was my god, how many people are going to die . A lot of this exhibit is dedicated to the First Responders. Engine company 21 is on east 40th street. Heres one of their engines that responded after the first plane hit the south tower. When i saw this, all i thought about was what happened to the men on the truck or the engine . You and i, our Natural Inclination is to run away from danger. These are guys that would have kept going up the stairs, even if direct orders were turn around and get out, because thats what they do. I can hear you the rest of the world hears you this was the bullhorn that the president of the United States used to rally people. Standing on the rubble. Standing on the rubble. I think people walked away in the next few days with a sense of confidence, and he deserves credit for that. This is fascinating to me. This manual. A Flight Attendants manual. Procedures for an emergency. Aggression. Keep aggressors off the airplane. Dont be aggressive. In those days, a hijacking was to use the plane and passengers and crew as a bargaining chip. Nobody ever thought somebody would do Something Like this. It just was inconceivable. There are so many moments here in this museum where you see that time basically stopped in its tracks. This is a Clothing Store close to ground zero, and its frozen in time. Covered with the real dust of tragedy. And i think the reason its here is to remind us that this was a place where people worked, people shopped, people enjoyed themselves. And in fact, we have a responsibility to recreate a lot of that as well. I talked about the artifacts, i talked about the emotions that anybody is going to feel when they come here. What do you want them to walk out the door thinking . We cant let this happen again, but they didnt win. We came out of this stronger, more determined than ever to make sure that our citizens are going to be able to enjoy what we think god meant them to enjoy. Its a moving experience. Thanks for the tour. I want you to know that we saw only small portions. We went through the whole museum but we shot only small portions there. Are places in that museum where you just wont believe the massive scale of the actual site. I mean, there are part where is you walk in and you see huge beams from the World Trade Center, in buildings that are 80, 100 i mean, rooms that are 80, 100 feet high. Its a spectacular and very moving place. And an amazing feat of preservation. So important to remember. Goosebumps. Its unbelievable. Coming up, were going to change tune. The newly discovered letters from Jackie Kennedy that are revealing her thoughts on her marriage to jfk and also on his assassination. Next, the controversial movie on the life of grace kelly opening at cannes today. Why kellys own daughter wants you to boycott that film. Well have the story right after this. Ly off for me. Ive got a lot to do. Thats why i got my surface. Its great for watching game film and drawing up plays. Its got onenote, so i can stay on top of my todo list, which has been absolutely absurd since the big game. With skype, its just really easy to stay in touch with the kids i work with. 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With the industrys best military purchase program, for all that have served. I wasnt sure what to expect at the meetings. But i really love going. I do it reminds me we dont have to do this alone. Its so much better to have some backup and to do it together because we all face similar challenges. The meetings keep me focused and motivated. And i have a newfound determination that im really proud of. Ive never been happier. [ female announcer ] jumpstart your summer and start losing weight right away. Join for free. Try meetings, do it online or both. Weight watchers. Because it works. Try meetings, do it online or both. In any foods. R really gave much thought to the acidity never thought about the coffee i was drinking having acids. It never dawned on me that it could hurt your teeth. My dentist has told me your enamel is wearing away, and that sounded really scary to me, and i was like well can you fix it, can you paint it back on, and he explained that it was not something that grows back, its kind of a onetime shot and you have to care for it. He told me to use pronamel. Its going to help protect the enamel in your teeth. It allows me to continue to drink my coffee and to eat healthier, and it was a real easy switch to make. [ male announcer ] sun ripened strawberries. Fresh local milk. Real cream. And no artificial flavors. Now you know why nothing else tastes like philadelphia® strawberry. Rich, creamy, and delicious. Now with even more sweet strawberries. Only philadelphia®. We are back at 7 45. The 67th ann yule cannes Film Festival kicks off today. Theres some controversy surrounding this years opening film. Keir sim mmons is in cannes wit the story. Reporter hi, savannah, good morning. The movie is grace of monaco. Grace kellys family deeply unhappy with it, and her daughter princess stephanie is calling on photographers to boycott the movie. Some of you ask, why did i leave hollywood . Well, i left because because i fell in love with a charming prince. Reporter its a dream role. Nicole kidman plays the real Life American princess, but the movie is now engulfed in controversy, and furor from monacos royal family. Princess graces children, Prince Albert and princess stephanie, issued a blunt statement saying its inaccurate. The princely family does not in any way wish to be associated with this film, which reflects no reality. You have a very strong grip. Reporter grace kelly was a hollywood goddess, starring with cary grant in to catch a thief, set on the french riviera. When grace kelly shot that famous scene, she had no idea that this beautiful part of the world was about to change her life. Its where she met her prince and became princess of monaco. Youre here in europe to buy a husband. The man i want doesnt have a price. Reporter but in this latest portrayal, her marriage is more rocky than royal. She was an american actress. She could do whatever she wanted to. She came here and her world was tiny. She lived in a guilded cage. Reporter even the movies producers are said to be fighting over the impression it leaves. In 1982, grace kelly was killed. She was driving down this road on her final day. Her car careened off this bend, a tragedy, leaving behind new questions. Was she simply the beautiful Hollywood Star and princess, or was there a darker side to her life . I guess another question is whether or not grace kellys family should have the right to determine how she is viewed, but the arguments are getting so heated now. The films producer Harvey Weinstein is reportedly saying he wont come to the opening, guys. Interesting. Keir, thank you very much. Coming up on trending, a surprise hit. This just might be the best motherson wedding dance ever. Well show it to you. And next, how to tell if youre 30, in honor of one young and next, how to tell if youre 30, in honor of one young moguls mileston we know were not the center of your life, but well do our best to help you connect to what is. Which means you get its stunlimited talk,eless text and data for only 45 a month. No contract no surprises. What about hidden fees . Nope. What about funny business . No. Bamboozling . What is bamboozling . Its like, uh, malarkey. Nooo. Good come to the world needs more Straight Talk event at walmart. Get americas largest and most dependable 4g lte networks for half the cost. And for a limited time, get a 25 gift card when you buy a Samsung Galaxy centura. Straight talk wireless. Only at walmart. [ telephone rings ] hows the camping trip . Well, the kids had fun, but i think i slept on a rock. The best part of wakin up what are you doing . Having coffee. Ohh. Is folgers in your cup thats why we reimagined the range using a triring burner. From the lowest simmer to the hottest sear, perfection is yours. Almost. Ge. Reimagining home. With i shop when i want, app, almost. Where i want. I know the shoes my kids will love, and i can get them with my rewards points. Anytime. Famous footwear. Victory is yours. This is a big day for a young man who changed the face of social media. Tamrons over in the orange room with more on that. Yes, guys. Like it or not, the facebook happy birthday post is the new way to go, so obviously were saying happy birthday to mark zuckerberg. He is now 30. We look back at his life. At 19, founded facebook. Hows that make you feel, guys . Great. Fantastic. But wait, theres more. At age 26, he was times person of the year. At age 28, facebook hit one billion users. And savannah, he told you that was his proudest accomplishment at the time. So were asking you, you know youre 30 when and some of our viewers have gone to today. Com to tell us. When you feel like youre in your 20s but then you spend time with people in their 20s and you think nope, im definitely not in my 20s. The next one is rebecca. You look forward to jeopardy and wheel of fortune in the evenings. I said you linger on the aisle where eye creams live and you buy two of them. Thats what i did on my 30th birthday. At 30 . Yeah, you have to think ahead. You cant wait on the game. Facebook. Com today, and let us know how you marked 30. All right. Two eye creams. I know. One may not work and you may need extra strength, depending on how you look at 30. All right, tamron, thank you. Remember those adorable twins who were Holding Hands right after they were born . Theyre with us exclusively. Hopefully their parents are going to join us as well. Neverbeforeseen letters revealing jackies private thoughts on her relationship im their mom at the playground and im his mom at the dog park. The kids get trail mix, and heres what you get after a full day of chasing that cute little poodle from down the street. Mm hmm delicious milos kitchen chicken meatballs. They look homemade, which he likes almost as much as making new friends yes, ill call her. Aww, ladies man. Milos kitchen. Made in the usa with chicken or beef as the number one ingredient. The best treats come from the kitchen. Its about getting to the finish line. In life, its how you get there that matters most. Its important to know the difference. Like when i found out i had a blood clot in my leg. My doctor said that it could travel to my lungs and become an even bigger problem. And that i had to take action. So he talked to me about xarelto®. [ male announcer ] xarelto® is the first oral prescription blood thinner proven to treat and help prevent dvt and pe that doesnt require regular blood monitoring or changes to your diet. 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Before starting xarelto®, tell your doctor about any conditions such as kidney, liver, or bleeding problems. Xarelto® is proven to reduce the risk of dvt and pe. With xarelto® there is no regular blood monitoring and no known dietary restrictions. Treatment with xarelto® was the right move for me. [ male announcer ] ask your doctor about xarelto® today. For more information including savings options, download the xarelto® Patient Center app, call 1888xarelto, or visit teamxarelto. Com. Whats next, a pancake enchilada . Its a slippery slope, i tell you. Its a gateway breakfast today they are eating waffle tacos, tomorrow they are loitering. And then they grow a ponytail. Hey, isnt that your grandson over there . Daniel you better not grow a ponytail [ male announcer ] the next generation of breakfast is here. Introducing the waffle taco. Eggs and sausage wrapped up in a waffle. [ alarm rings, bong ] good morning 7 56. Breaking news in San Francisco where police have served a search warrant at the hells angels clubhouse. Crime scene tape is up streets in the area are blocked off. We have a helicopter and a crew headed to the scene and we will bring you more information as it comes into our newsroom. The man who burned down our old kntv studio is in court. The fire burned most of the vey can building to the ground. The rest had to be torn down. Good morning to you. It is going to be a hot one and we are already in the 70s in cities in the east bay. We are at 69 degrees shy of the south bay. You are at 67 degrees right now. That is the coolest temperature we have seen so far this morning. It is going to be a hot day. That going for gill roy and extreme spots. Tomorrow a cool down headed our way. The end of the week and weekend we are talking about the return of the 70s and 80s. Here is mike and your drive. Typical pattern, heavier volume though. This wednesday. Looking here. The road is closed. Highway 4 west bound and 680, that is still seeing more traffic. Folks have to avoid the area. People are not happy. You know about it still closed repairing the power poll in the area. Down the east shore free bay and the south bay, scott back to you. N more news coming up in half an hour. Smu its 8 00 on today. Jackie kennedy in her own words. The newly discovered letters that shed light on her heart ache following the assassination of jfk. The images that touched hearts around the world. Twin girls Holding Hands moments after their bittrth. Well meet the tiny girls and their mom. And chers world. We caught up with the pop icon inside her private tour bus. You have a huge announcement for your fans as well. One, two, three well have that exclusive announcement today, wednesday, may 14, 2014. From iceland we love matt lauer. Were from texas a house divided. Go yankees. Go mets class of 2014 celebrating our 30th anniversary at the today show its american morning, everyone. Welcome back to today. Its a beautiful wednesday morning as we say hello to a cheering crowd out here on the plaza. They thought it was appropriate to take off personal information on a search you didnt like. Look at the results. This is kind of lopsided. Im not surprised. One of the youngsters in the orange room seemed to be surprised. The young ones think you should have a Free Internet and nothing should be censored. There are the young ones on the internet. Wait until she gets a little older. A couple of humiliating things in the google search. Youll learn, young one. Meantime, dont forget our summer Concert Series kicks off on friday with one of the biggest stars on the planet. Mariah carey will be here and shell put on a show you do not want to miss. That will be fun. If youre in the area, get down here early. A check of the mornings stop stories from natalie. Good morning to you all once again. Good morning, everyone. A desperate rescue effort is under way in turkey where a coal mine disaster has killed more than 200 miners and trapped hundreds of others. Chief correspondent Richard Engel has the latest from istanbul. Reporter turkey has a terrible track record of mine safety. Officials in this country say what has happened is likely the deadliest mine accident in turkeys history. The government declared three days of national mourning. The explosion in the mine happened yesterday. Officials say it was likely caused by an electrical fire. Once that fire began, the mine shaft, and this is a very deep mine, quickly filled with toxic fumes. We dont know exactly how many people were in the mine. One turkish official said more than 700 miners were inside at the time. It happened during a shift change, so some miners were coming out, others were coming in. Because of this overlap, officials have not been able to tell family members exactly whos missing, whos dead, who may have been injured. So, there is a lot of frustration. What we think we know so far is that about 200 miners were killed. 250 survived. 80 were injured. The rest remain unaccounted for. Richard engel, nbc news, istanbul. Thousands of people forced from their homes by a wildfire near san diego were allowed to return overnight. The fire has burned at least 800 acres since it started tuesday, coming dangerously close to homes. Fire Officials Say theyve made Good Progress but they warn a winddriven fire like this can quickly flare up again. Another fire near san sta barbara. A young girl in tampa is being called a hero for coming through when her mom unexpectedly went into labor at home. With the help of a very calm 911 dispaper this home has a good evening. Reporter mom crystal, 8yearold jasmine and joseph, j. J. For short, born monday morning, just a little early. Tell her mommys pregnant. My moms pregnant. Reporter pregnant and giving birth right now. You have to be ready for anything. Reporter tampa 911 dispatcher, emily hall, a 22year veteran, hadnt had her coffee yet. Her first call of the day. Im getting help on the way for you right now. Stay on the line. Oh, my god. I was a little freaked out. Reporter jasmine had never even called 911 but there she was, the First Responder on the scene. Are you the only one with your mom right now . Yes. Reporter but j. J. Wasnt waiting. Oh, my god oh, my god the heads coming out. Reporter hall calmly talked jasmine and her mom through it. Tell jazmine to support the babys head and shoulders. You helped me so much. Reporter tuesday they all met for the first time, filled with smiles and tears of joy. I love you. Reporter and praise for the little girl who is now a very special big sister. Congratulations, hero. My little hero. Our little hero. Crystal says just the other day jazmine asked her where babies come from and she changed the subject because she doesnt want to know yet and you can say she found out firsthand. A check of the weather with al. Great story there. Absolutely. We have nice folks here. Marathon for Breast Cancer called the moonwalk nyc presented by nyc. Lets tell you what weve got happening for today. Got more rain. Memphis, youve got showers and thunderstorms firing up today. Its going to be a rough day today. Highs only getting up to about 60 degrees. Then as we make our way to the rest of the country, look for severe storms stretching basically from new orleans all the way on up into western pennsylvania and extreme western new york. Possibility of some tornadoes with these systems. Rainfall amounts anywhere from 2 we have this heat wave to get through today, bay area. Now, temperatures are going to peak as we head through tomorrow, just a touch cooler, but right now, you can see, mild conditions at the coast. Meanwhile, minice and clear. A bird flying by here in the south bay. A Beautiful Day shaping up. As we head throughout the day, though, we have a hot one ahead. And if you want to get joutdoor, you have until lunchtime until we get into the 80s. Already in the 70s. On our way to the upper 90s and well cool you off as we get into the end of the week. And thats your latest weather. We have got a question for you because youve got kids. You go to a restaurant with your children. Should you get a discount on your bill if they behave well . I would love that were going to talk about it on trending. Also ahead, this image really touched hearts around the world. Twins entering the world, and just moments after birth, Holding Hands. The family is with us exclusively, and well check in with them. So cute. And well hit the road with the one and only cher to talk about her tour and what shes doing on it for the first time. Plus, cher has a big announcement. But first, these messages. cause in a sky, cause in a sky full of stars, i think i saw you. Its such a heavenly view. Theres only one place to get more coldplay. With waffles and laughs for our family of four. The pool is there waiting, dont you dare fret. Theres no need to ask, are we there yet . [ male announcer ] be a weekender at hotels like hampton and embassy suites. Book now at hiltonweekends. Com. At hotels like hampton and embassy suites. Not bad, right . Ill have some more thats a double dip you. Double dipped. New pringles tortillas. You dip em or dont. Pringles mayo . Corn dogs . You are so outta here aah [ female announcer ] the complete balanced nutrition of greattasting ensure. 24 vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, and 9 grams of protein. [ bottle ] ensure®. Nutrition in charge™. [ male announcer ] get 5 off gallon size or 10 off 3gallon size deck and concrete resurfacers at lowes. Or 10 off 3gallon size deck and concrete resurfacers aswhen i really needits reto get stuff done,at home. I hide in the laundry room. No one ever goes in there. A lawyer thats a monkey . Hahahaha. Also, the dryer sheets reeeally help my writing. Writing supplies. Oh. Number 7 of my 20. The new amex everyday credit card with no annual fee. Thank you. Make 20 or more purchases in a Monthly Billing period, and earn 20 more rewards. Its membership that rewards you for the things you already buy, everyday. Whats your 20 . Hi, were back. It is 8 11. Time for whats trending today. And alec baldwin is trending. Rap sheets a little bit longer following his arrest in new york for Disorderly Conduct. Heres what happened. Police officers stopped him on tuesday after they spotted him. They said he was riding his bicycle against traffic. And that is when the officers say he then lost his famous temper. They arrested him when he couldnt provide i. D. Baldwin is calling the Disorderly Conduct charge a distortion. And he has a few more words. Choice words. Yes, he certainly did which is so unusual. After his release, he vented on twitter saying handcuffing someone for riding a bicycle in the wrong direction is ridiculous. He added new york city is a mismanaged carnival of stupidity. He does have a way with words. That makes him the ring master. Just a couple months ago, baldwin threatened to flee the city in a cover story for new york magazine. Thats what the cops said. Oh, boy. Lets turn to more fun things. A special mothers day brunch turned out to be extra special for one couple and their infant daughter in canada. When the family got their receipt, they were surprised to find this, that the restaurant gave them a wellbehaved kids discount worth five bucks. The parents were out with their 1yearold daughter, they say getting the discount made them feel like they got an a on their report card. Is there a surcharge for the rest of us with kids who dont behave well . We were talking about this. Theres two ways to look at it. A discount or a penalty. Nice. Charged 5. Newlyweds have been known to bust out a special dance move or two during their wedding receptions. But in a new viral video, its the groom and his mom who are wowing the crowd. They start off dancing calmly to landslide by fleetwood mac, then they ramp it up. Nice. Thriller as you see, that was wes ryan and that was his mom julie, by the way. And apparently this was all julies idea. The pair got down to everything from Michael Jacksons thriller, to twist. The video already topped two million views on youtube. Give it to mom. A full gown, breaking it down. She can do the horsey. With the lasso. She can probably do the dougie, too. And thats whats trending today. Coming up, extraordinary and very personal letters from Jackie Kennedy that have just come to light. Were back in 30 seconds. Were back now with the stars of a photo thats touching people all around the world. I think we showed it to you on monday. Twins jenna and jillian born kind of holding each others hands, or at least right after they were born. Theyre with us exclusively along with their parents, sarah and bill thistlethwaite, and the doctor and director of neonatology at akron childrens hospital. Good morning to everyone. Good morning. Mom and dad, how are the girls doing . And sarah, how are you doing . Im doing good. The girls are doing very well. They are still on cpap, but they arent requiring any extra oxygen, so theyre doing very well. And you feel okay, sarah . Yeah. Im a little tired. But its good, im feeling well. All right, lets talk about this photo. Just to be clear, they were born 48 seconds apart, so they were not born Holding Hands, but shortly after they were born, they were brought together right there in the delivery room and thats when they held hands. Talk to me about the moment. Do you want to go first . Yeah. At first, that moment, all we were waiting for all i wanted to hear was some crying. As soon as we heard the crying, i just couldnt wait to see them. So the first thing you see is them Holding Hands, and it couldnt have been a more Perfect Moment to see your daughters being born. So it was amazing. And sarah . As i was laying there, all i could hear was the doctor saying oh, my gosh, theyre Holding Hands, theyre Holding Hands. But i couldnt see because they had the drape up. So as they were holding them up, they were just grasping on to each other very tightly and it was just the most heartfelt thing ive ever seen. First of all, thumbs up to the person who captured the photo, because if you miss that, no one would ever believe the story. Doctor, have you ever seen anything like this before . No, not at all. This was one of those moments that really grabs your heart. These twins are what are called mono mono twins, meaning they shared the same amniotic sack. In utero. So they may have been touching each other a little bit during the pregnancy. Yes, of course. Definitely. As a matter of fact, the concern usually is they touch too much and grab some wrong things like the cord and entangle each other, and luckily that didnt happen. And so mom and dad, when these two little girls grow up and they become teenagers and they fight like all teenagers do, are you going to just put this picture up in their room and say remember this special bond . Yes, absolutely. Well remind them how much they loved each other at the very beginning. Yeah. Its such a great picture. Are you surprised by the reaction on the internet . Yes. Ive been really, really surprised. I never thought that it would go viral like this and spread across the world and touch so many people. Well, rest up. I know youll be taking them home hopefully very soon. Youve got a 1yearold at home. Does he have any idea, dad, how his world is about to change . No. Hes gone from the center of attention to now sharing with it his sisters, so i hope hes ready. I think he will be. Looks like a great family. Thanks to all for joining us this morning. Congratulations. Thank you. Thank you. Couldnt be cuter. Meantime, weve got some new revelations this morning about one of the most public, yet very private women in american history, Jacqueline Kennedy. And its come from personal letters she wrote to a priest that really amounts to an unpublished autobiography. Heres nbcs andrea mitchell. It was an unlikely friendship. The young privileged Jacqueline Bouvier and the retired irish priest father joseph leonard. They first met in dublin in 1950, she on the grand tour after studying in europe. He a family friend, her chaperon and eventual confidant. They began this extraordinary correspondence when she left ireland and it continued until father leonard died in 1964. In her letters to father leonard, she was playful and affectionate, signing off, really must stop now, father l. , with bushels, barrels carts and lorry loads of love for you. Xo. He teased her for being fickle after she broke an engagement with a new york stockbroker. She wrote, im ashamed we both went into it so quickly and gayly. The next time will be all right and have a happy ending. And she soon fell in love with the dashing congressman john f. Kennedy. She told the priest in ireland, father leonard, that she was worried that jfk might prove to be like her father. Her eyes were wide open. Jackie writes, hes like my father in a way, loves the chase and is bored with the conquest, and once married needs proof hes still attractive, so flirts with other women and resents you. I saw how that nearly killed mummy. She was also half irish and she had been to ireland in 1950, which is where she met this priest, so she always had an affection for ireland. In her darkest hour, she confides her crisis of faith, after delivering a stillborn daughter in 1956, she writes, dont think i would ever be bitter at god, but then, see so many good things that come out of this, how sadness shared brings married people closer together. And her grief after the assassination is palpable. I am so bitter against god, only he and you and i know that. The letters will be auctioned next month and could bring millions, although the seller is still a mystery. The letters were consigned to us by a private source. And why did the famously private Jacqueline Kennedy confide so much to an irish priest whom shed only met twice . In her words, its so good in a way to write all this down and get it off your chest because i never really do talk about it with anyone, but poor you has to read it. For today, andrea mitchell, nbc news, washington. Thats an interesting window. Yeah. Meanwhile, changing subjects all over the place today. You just spent some time with a legend. It was easily the most exciting day of my life. Outside of when i was birthed holding my other twins hand. Thats right. Shes a rare breed whos enduring success and popularity, transcends generations. Cher is on a nationwide tour, and we chatted with her on her private tour bus, and guess what, cher has a big surprise for fans today. This is a womans world reporter call it what you will, icon, diva or decadedefying powerhouse. One thing is clear, cher remains a force to be reckoned with. This is a womans world i swear, it never occurred to me that i would be here at this age. I mean, its kind of insane. Reporter insane or inevitable, shes been stealing the spot light for half a century and shes still at it. Do you believe in life after love reporter when you look out inhe audience and see those faces, youre in that moment . Absolutely. I know that if im feeling a certain thing, i can translate it to the audience. Her latest album closer to the truth is a bona fide hit. As she finds herself in the middle of her socalled farewell farewell tour, her first in more than a decade. I only picked songs for this tour that i like. Is there a Favorite Song . I really have maybe the most fun doing welcome to burlesque. I dont know why. I just like it. And i sing it well. At nearly 68, she looks and sounds stronger than ever, a timeless performer who balances overthetop flamboyance with a healthy dose of selfdeprecat n selfdeprecation. But theres an off stage shyness. When im working, i have two kind of personalities. Theyre both real. But i have this one kind of personality that loves to be with people and talk and whatever and sing and whatever, and i have this other personality that wants to sit, to be quiet, watch old movies, kind of shy to go to dinner with like a lot of friends. Im very much of an introvert, totally. But its the extrovert that comes out when she takes a nostalgic and emotional trip back to the era of sonny and cher. I know one of the things youre doing in this show for the first time, i believe, in this show, is showing images of sonny. Were singing together. Singing together. I thought i could never do that. How did you find the courage . I knew it was the last time. I thought, you know, hell laugh his ass off, hell be so excited to be onstage because he was such a ham. So i thought, wherever he is, hes going to be watching this and thinks, yes, finally. What was it like the first time you did it live . I thought id be a lot more nervous or upset. But it was really fun to see him. So, for our today show audience right. You have a huge announcement for your fans. You do it. I cant do it. Okay. One, two, three im adding 27 new shows cher is adding 27 new shows. More shows. More shows. Right. Its more than a show, says cher. Its a journey and a departure, one that she herself loves to share. Were going to go out there and everyone will be beautiful and people will look at you and think oh, my god. When im on that stage, im doing my job. In that group of people, i am taking people out of themselves. Thats my only job, just to take you out of yourself, be part of this huge collective. We all kind of come together as a group. We forget that were separate. And thats my job. So, by the way, those added tour dates begin in september and run through november. So cher talks about having an outofbody experience with the fans. She wants us to experience something new. I kept thinking, what could i get cher to do that shes never done before . Uhhuh. A selfie. She said to me, i dont take selfies. And guess what happened. I forced cher. This is not the selfie. And theres a selfie. A cher forced selfie. Thats me. That was the first take. But she said she was shy, and a lot of people would find that hard to believe. I walked around with her. I was like a fly on the wall. Shes so shy. Her team, they love this woman. You see this respect, but also this admiration. Shes the real deal. It was an incredible experience. We watched them pray before the concert. But again, you often learn about people, how others see them. Looking through the eyes of her dancers, you know shes the real deal. And now you have your Christmas Card for this year. I got some makeup tips too from cher. Hey coming up, james franco on his new movie di good morning to you. 8 26. Im laura garciacannon. An update now to breaking news in San Francisco where police have raided the hells angels clubhouse in the dog patch area. Its near the intersection of tennessee and 23rd. Crime scene tape is up and streets in the area are blocked off. Officers served search warrants at the hells angels house this morning. We have a crew headed to the scene, of course, and well bring you more information as it comes into our newsroom. Right now, i want to check the morning commute across the bay area. Heres mike. Its worse than half an hour ago. It continues to build. Look at the map, overall. And 101 jammed up all the way to the airport. Westbound 237 at the top of your screen crawls into mountain view. 287, 287, all looking very slow. Both sides of the bay and across the dunbarton and san mateo bridges. A note as we look at the rest of your approach to the bay bridge. Kickerer pass road still closed between highway 4 and pittsburgh and concord. Youll have to use highway 4 to 242 as your alternate. The latest estimate we have is now 9 00, pg e doing some power pole repair work and have that closed for safety works sake. 9 00 the latest estimate we have so far. Thank you so much, mike. Well be back with another local news update in half an hour. A hot one today as well. Well check the forecast next time with christina. Newwith two unique ingredients. To mix in however your heart desires. Go on. Spoon me. Mixim from the ehrmann family. Its love, your way. Newwith two unique ingredients. To mix in however your heart desires. Go on. Spoon me. Mixim from the ehrmann family. Its love, your way. We are back. Its 8 30, wednesday morning, 14th day of may, 2014. Weve got a great crowd here in rockefeller plaza. Right now, some of those people in our crowd are getting to shake hands with two of the people behind the new movie palo alto. That is james franco on the right, and that is gia coppola on the left. Confuse them. Were going to talk to them in just a little while. Savannah, youre going to get to the bottom of those paintings james did of seth rogen. Well get to the bottom of that. Maybe hell do a portrait of you, matt, next. Great. Plus, can you really eat what you want and still lose weight . Mark bittman says he is living proof. Naturally, though, there is a catch. Hes going to explain and share some of his Favorite Recipes with us. And well head inside for a Live Performance from british sensation lily allen. I look forward to catching up with her. But first, lets get a check of the weather. Weve got a risk of strong storms stretching down from the south all the way into the great lakes. Look for record heat out west into the pacific northwest. Fog along the midatlantic states. As we make our way into tomorrow, the record heat continues in the southwest. More rain along the eastern seaboard. Sunny and hot into the pacific northwest. Nice and mild. A decent amount of sunshine as you make your way into new england. And donate your crutches. Yes, donate your crutches to crutches for kids. Its a simple and high impact way to transform a life. So go to our website, crutchesforkids. Org. 8 32 now. Good wednesday morning to you. Im meteorologist christina loren. Weve got a hot day ahead. Today, temperatures will be a touch cooler at the coast. Youll hit the upper 70s in pacifica, 88 in San Francisco. As we get into tomorrow, noticeably cooler at the immediate coast, with a little bit of an onshore flow returning. Still hot inland, as we get into this weekend, finally well see a cooldown into the 70s and 80s. A come hot days to get through before we get that cooler weather. Hope you have a great day. And thats your latest weather. So as weve been telling you, universal orlando resorts new themed attraction, the Wizarding World of Harry Potter Diagon alley opens up this summer. Were giving 25 lucky winners the chance to be among the first to experience it. The prize includes a trip for four to universal orlando, round trip airfare, passes to the park and Hotel Accommodations at the cabana bay beach resort. This morning, clue number two in our special sweepstakes, discovering diagon alley on today. Question. In which wand shop in diagon alley can you see a wand choose a wizard . I wonder. Thank you very much. For your chance to win and the official rules, head to today. Com sweepstakes. By the way, i got a very special wand. You did . Anything you can talk about . You need this job, al. Got it. All right, al, thanks. This morning on the voice, were down to the final three after last nights emotional eliminations. Carson shows us how it all went down. Its just a few hours before showtime. The five artists putting on their brave faces, showing no signs of elimination night stress. Onstage, first to breathe a sigh of relief Jake Worthington from team blake jake advances to the finals. Josh kaufman from team usher was next to make it into the finals, leaving cat perkins why you gotta be so blind Kristen Merlin. Shatter every window until its all blown away and Christina Grimmie to sing for a final chance at avoiding elimination. And once the singing was done, and americas votes were counted Christina Grimmie moves on Christina Grimmie made it into the top three, eliminating Kristen Merlin and cat perkins. How are you feeling . Im good. Dont lie to me, cat. Im really good. Im very happy. Its always sad when something ends, but even if you win this show, it ends for you. Somethings going to end with the show. So im relieved. Gonna give you the world youve been in the bottom three several times just singing for your life. You seem to be at your best. What is that . I dont know. Its that ultimate just like do or die moment. Your true artistry really comes out. And to be honest with you, its really fun. What did you say to Christina Grimmie there at the end . I said i knew you had this. She was so nervous. From the girl thats been here two weeks in a row, like its actually kind of fun, youre going to get to sing, and she killed it. Well see you for the finale on monday for today, carson daly, nbc news, los angeles. Just a reminder, you can catch the voice finals, thats next monday and tuesday nights, 8 00 7 00 central time here on nbc. Coming up, another talented singer, Grammy Nominated star lily allen will perform live for us in the studio. And up next, the always memorable james franco and his risque artwork and his new movie directed by a member of hollywood royalty gia coppola. But first, this is today on nbc. Were back at 8 38 with the new movie palo alto. Its based on short stories written by james franco. It marks the directorial debut of gia coppola, and franco stars as a single dad and soccer coach whos taken a little too much interest in one of his players. Take a look. You know you can talk to ming right . Thats part of what a coach does. Okay. If you need help with homework, im pretty good at that, too. Yeah, sure. Why dont you just bring your school work to my house when you babysit next time. Okay, i will. Yeah . Uhhuh. Ill see you at practice. Yeah, i promise. I will. Promise . Promise. Okay. Where does that go . James and gia, good morning to you. Not a good place. Nothing good can come of that. So you wrote these stories. Yes. There are so many interesting characters. Theres two main male characters. One is teddy, hes kind of val kilmers son. Hes listless and maybe on the edge of badness. And then theres freddy, who i think is a little scary. Yeah. Played by matt wolf. In high school, which guy would you have been . Well, the guys actually asked me that, the actors asked me that, like who am i based on . Am i based on you . I can say that teddy is definitely the one thats closest to who i was. In art class, a little confused and all that. And then with fred, part of that character is based on me, but that character does a lot of bad things. And actually, what gia did when she adapted the book is she combined some characters. So she took nats character, a darker side of myself, but combined him with these even darker characters. So he is sort of me, but hes also note in some ways. Gia, this is quite a feat. This is your directorial debut. You were given these short stories, a series of them that james had written and you adapted them, and then had to direct for the first time. I mean, no pressure there, right . James really helped me through the whole process, so it didnt feel intimidating. And i know you really wanted to capture something authentic about the adolescent experience. Did you feel like that was something that was kind of missing in movies . Yeah, for sure. So i was really excited about the opportunity to create that. And you really kind of created a family atmosphere, as i understand it. The two main male characters stayed at your moms house . Yeah. That was one of the Amazing Things that gia did that i had never done as a director. Like you brought everybody together. Yeah. I mean, i didnt want the boys to be late to work, so i had them stay at my moms. Well, thats one way to control them. Yeah. It was fun. You kind of i mean, for lack of a better word, in a way you kind of auditioned gia. You had seen some of her photographs and you were impressed by her, but then you had to see, can she direct. It wasnt even an audition. It wasnt like that at all. Really, what i did is i had her do a test. And it wasnt like fail this test and you dont get the job. It was more an exercise i do with my graduate film students where its a chance for gia to kind of be on a set and direct people in a lowpressure situation where, you know, the big money isnt being spent. And its a chance for me as the producer or teacher to just see oh, can she get her ideas on screen. And she did a 45minute test. And once i saw that, i just i knew she had it. It was just she just had it. And i gave her Carte Blanche after that. Speaking of Carte Blanche, you know that i cant let you go without having our usual discussion about your selfie issue. I heard you dade selfie this morning. Well, my selfie was clothed. What . Oh. In contrast to your selfies, which are not clothed. You are six months pregnant now, right . I think a little skin would get you into the 50,000 likes . No, you are like 50,000 stop take that away. Whats the most . Not anywhere near james franco territory. A little skin with a pregnant belly, that will get you up there. And seth rogen was up there. Im sure we can throw a couple of them up. Put them up. A little blurred out here. Im being censored here. Children watch this show. What do you find about big bear that is so artistically enticing . Well, theres a lot to talk about and i dont have that much time. But anyway, some other artist took it upon himself to do these sketches of seth. In the nude. And seth didnt pose for them. This artist depicted seth and he wouldnt have gotten much attention for these sketches except that he put seths face on it. And so i felt like oh, here he is appropriating seths personality and his persona for his art to get attention for his art. And i thought, well, if anybody should paint seth naked, it should be me. So i took his sketches and then did paintings out of them. James, i love seeing you. Its always fun. Good to see you. And gia, congratulations on quite a first film. Thank you. Its wonderful. Thank you. Palo alto is out now in select theaters. Coming up next, Mark Bittmans secrets to losing weight and you still eat the things you love. But first, this is today on nbc. If you could eat whatever you want after 6 00 in the evening and still look and feel great, well according to New York Times columnist mark bittman, the secret is to eat vegan before 6 00. He lost 35 pounds following his own diet plan and now hes out with a companion cook book called the vb6 cook book. Good morning. You buy into this, right . We talked about this before the show. You do vegan meals before 6 00 and then you can do whatever you want. And youve got this cook book now. Youre going to start us off with a couple of recipes. Lets start with breakfast. What would i eat vegan for breakfast . This is a little bit of an elaborate thing, but you make a beautiful stir fry of apples and cashews. And so you toast the cashews, cook the apples a little bit of ginger. And then your cashews go back in here. Once theyve been cooked down a little bit. Lemon juice and pepper and salt. And this is, you know, a wonderful topping for just toasted bread, whole grain bread, or oatmeal. I mean so youre okay on the bread, carbs, things like this. This is what you have to concentrate on. Concentrate on your fruits and vegetables. Thats what were going to eat for breakfast. In the cook book, youve got a great lunch selection. Talk to me about the mushroom dish. This is eggplant. Im sorry, eggplant. Eggplant meatballs, which are really fabulous. And we do these in the Food Processor. Do we have time for this . Yeah, sure. Go ahead. Throw the eggplant in the Food Processor with some cooked onions, garlic. We would put those in the pan. Some beans, parsley. Thank you. Sure. Not the bread crumbs yet. So then we would do this. You know, the usual drill. Pulse it up. Mix that with bread crumbs. So it binds it up. Youre so good at this. And then you make little meatballs, which go in the oven and wind up looking like that. And the pasta is fine. Pasta, red sauce, or a whole grain hogey or hero, whatever you call it. Weve eaten vegan. Now come 6 00, can i have anything i want . Can i have ice cream . Steak . Chips . Yeah. Within limits. Whats our dinner that youre making . Steak with mushrooms. You lost 35 pounds doing this. Seven years ago, so its been a while. How long did it take to lose the weight . Did you do this seven days a week . I do it i dont stop. I cheat. There is builtin cheating in this diet. But its not a twoweek lose 20 pounds thing. This is how you eat thing. This becomes your lifestyle. Yeah. The cook book is the vb6 cook book. Thanks for being here. Up next, a Live Performance from lily allen. But first, this is today on nbc. The toyota Concert Series on today, brought to you by toyota. Well, fresh from a fiveyear hiatus, british pop star lily allen is back with her third album. Its called sheezus. It hit the top 40 charts. Lily, good morning to you. Hi. I have to ask you about sheezus, reminds me of yesus from kanye. Its like a nod to him. An homage. Exactly. You saw him at the met gala a couple weeks ago. You guys took a picture. Uhhuh. Did he like the record . He hasnt heard it. He thought it was funny. And kim said, you know, im a real sheezus. Its been five years since you had your last record. And youve been busy in the meantime. Youve got two kids, got married. Yeah. Whats it like to be back in the Recording Studio making music again and about to go back on tour. Its great. Its nice having them run around. Its a Good Environment to make music in. But im here without them, i miss them a lot. Im sure you do. Youre going to do a north america tour this fall . I am. I think it starts in september. Im not sure. What are you going to sing for us this morning . A song called our time. All right. Take it away. Its 2 00 a. M. So whyd you stop the music im still swaying like i was on a cruise ship took the words straight out of my mouth come on everybody back to my house take my hand now youre coming over it doesnt matter you can sleep on my sofa bring some back and bring some rizlas bring some trinkets were going to party like its nobodys business this is our time now lets forget everything put your black dress on dressing up like were queens of the night we just wanna dance the night away we had enough so turn it up tonight were taking over we wanna drink until we lose our minds its how we do tonight were taking over i feel fly im rocking kenzo ill get high but i aint doing benzos i might dance like your auntie i dont care because were ive got quite a Record Collection here to party ive got hiphop ive got dubstep ill take us right through from sunrise to sunset this is our time now let your hair down now its the end of the week and this is our time now lets forget everything and put your glad rags on dressing up like were queens of the night wanna lose sense of space and time its how we do tonight were taking over just a little harder a little louder if you like move a little faster stand a little taller do whatever makes you feel all right drink a little more shout a little louder if you like a little faster stand a little taller do whatever makes you feel all right go harder go harder now we just wanna dance the night away we dont give a damn what people say weve had enough so turn it up tonight were taking over we wanna drink until we lose our minds were going through its how we do tonight were taking over we just wanna dance the night away we dont give a damn what people say weve had enough so turn it up tonight were taking over wanna lose sense of space and time were going through its how we do tonight were taking over [ cheers and applause ] lily allen, thank you so much. Again, the album is called sheezus. We are back after your local news. Good morning, everyone. 8 56. Im scott mcgrew. The fireworks in downtown san jose are back. For the first time in six years, the show will light up the sky on the fourth of july. The rotary club of san jose teamed up with santa clara city and Santa Clara County to raise 100,000 to fund that show. Lets check your very hot weather with christina. Good morning. Good morning to you, scott. Temperatures this morning, mostly in the upper 60s to mid70s as we get into this afternoon. It is going to be a really hot day. Clearing out at the coast. Hazy sunshine over the south bay. Temperatures for today will work like this. At 97 degrees in the south bay today. Thats a hot one. 96 for the peninsula. Average this time of year, about 74. So well above average in the east bay. 98 for you. From nbc news this is todays take with al roker, matt lauer, tamron hall live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. Welcome to today on a wednesday morning. Its may 14th, 2014. Im willie geist with tamron hall, natalie morales, al roker, around the table together maybe for the last time, were going to talk about Donald Sterling. I think there should have been a little separation. A little segue. Ive been meaning to talk to you. Its been a good run. Good night, everybody. Sit back down. Dont run from this story, because its following us. Youre the most beloved man in america, but its just not working out. Al roker, everybodys staying here. I meant to talk about Donald Sterling. Hopefully we dont have talk too much about him. Magic johnson, the basketball legend, speaking out last night, responding to comments made by Donald Sterling. Remember, in an interview a couple of nights ago with cnns anderson cooper, we thought Donald Sterling would maybe apologize. Didnt do that. He instead went after Magic Johnson, accused him of never helping anyone in the africanamerican community, saying whats he done . All hes done is get aids. Thats a quote from him. Last night, Magic Johnson responding to anderson cooper. Hes trying to find something he can grab on to him to help him save his team. And its not going to happen. Im really disturbed by the fact that you know, when he called me, he should have said, magic, im sorry. I asked him specifically if he had apologized to you, and he said no. No. No, he didnt apologize at all. It seemed like a surprise to him that he would actually be expected to make an apology. Well, hes the one who said dont bring magic to my games. So, you know, hes the one who made these comments. So i was expecting at least an apology, and the American Public wanted an apology. He finally did that. But this is its sad. When i saw the interview, its sad. It really is. Im going to pray for this young man. Youre 80 years old. Youve had a tremendous life. Just go ahead and enjoy the rest of your life. Thats magic talking about Donald Sterling. By the way, what hes talking about at the beginning is that Donald Sterling called Magic Johnson, said hey, will you sit and do an interview with me . Lets appear together. Lets bury the hatchet. Magic said absolutely not. At the same time, Donald Sterling didnt even apologize to him, as you heard magic say there. So despite what sterling said about magics efforts helping others, of course as weve said many times over the last couple days, Magic Johnson has contributed millions to charity, invested money in businesses, in africanamerican communities. Whether its starbucks, movie theaters, going down the list. But youll remember it was magics instagram picture with v. Stiviano that led to all this business that began last month. Meanwhile, the nba says the committee considering whether or not to remove sterling as owner of the l. A. Clippers will meet next week. Why would they even have to meet . Mail that in. Well, his wife obviously wants her portion of the team. A lot of technicalities. But i dont understand this rage that sterling has toward Magic Johnson. To me, you would say let me leave that out, let me explain my actions. But its further proof he has no explanation for what many people see as being a racist. So he deflects to Magic Johnson which is crazy. Which is nuts. One of the most beloved people in the world and you are attacking him for no reason. Who has done amazing charitable work. Absolutely. Has invested in urban communities, employed literally thousands of people. And by the way, Magic Johnson very clearly taking the high road. Yes. As he does. Absolutely. And one of the things i found especially diabolical about sterlings latest comments was when he said jewish people help their community and black people dont help. Its like okay, well conquer and divide. Well divide everyone and have jewish people looking at blacks. That was especially diabolical to me in that whole interview. Exactly. Like we talked about yesterday, he denies being a racist. But that comment right there keeps it going. Something else that is crazy, and i am obsessed with this story, as all of you are here as well, this bounce house accident that happened in new york over this past monday involving one of those very popular bouncy houses. You go anywhere in any suburb, you see them at every birthday party. Three children were hurt when a strong gust of wind picked up a bouncy house while the kids were inside. Some of the children dropped as high as 20 feet in the air. Two stories up. The house soared much higher than that, as you see in these images. The kid werent in when these pictures were captured. Nevertheless, 20 feet up is plenty enough to injure you severely. A 10yearold girl actually suffered cuts and bruises. Two boys ages 5 and 6 were seriously injured. Witnesses say one boys head injury was pretty bad. Another had broken bones. But this was interesting as well. A 2012 study in the journal of pediatrics says more than 30 children are taken to Emergency Rooms each day as a result of injuries in the bouncy house. 30 a day . 30. Across the country. Thats crazy. Wow. Not just for the projectiles. But suffocation. They hit against each other. We had one of them. And ended up, you know, just putting it away and getting rid of it. A, youve got those injuries. And b, theres a warning on them. Thats printed right on them. Can result in injury or death. To your point, the association that represents these inflatable bouncer industry, they say their products are safe if parents follow instructions, and supervise children at all times. Thats their disclaimer here. We get one at a block party every year, but theres an attendant at the bounce house and thats what theyre always saying. Make sure there are parents around. And also they put sandbags and tie it down to the trucks. Those are the bigger ones. Those are the bigger ones, yeah. But this one looked like a sizable one. The fact that it lifted up with a 10yearold and a 5 and a 6yearold in it. Thats a lot of weight, if you think about that. Thats what i thought. Yes, you want it held down properly, but just in your mind, you think physicswise that it would hold up. The plastic stakes attached with nylon rope. Yeah. Plastic stakes are not enough. They snap in a second. Terrifying. Thats terrifying. I think a lot of people will think twice about having these in their backyard now. By the way, if you were even thinking of getting one, from a practical point, theyre a pain in the butt to put away. Thats a whole different issue. But youre right. Police say no charges will be filed in this situation. But its still a warning. Keep it on your mind. Those pictures are crazy. They are. That really got up there. Thats nuts. For all the fan boys out there yeah. Remember the controversy surrounding the choice of ben affleck as batman in the upcoming film batman vs. Superman, which i think is baseless, by the way. Wheres the controversy . I dont get it. I dont get it. Superman. Batman versus superman. Its going to be a movie coming out in 2016. Theyre against each other . Whos the bigger superhero . In the end, they team up. But yes, its okay. So yesterday, the films director zack snyder tweeted the first photo of ben affleck as batman. Alongside the bat mobile. Got a lot of veins. He looks like the hulk. Is that a costume, costume, or is that you think thats ben afflecks body . Well, working out a lot. Thats a lot of working out. He has a good body. He looks pretty ripped. I think there may be some molded plastic as well. But it looks very fleshlike, doesnt it . That batman costume. We have another nominee for batman. We love ben affleck. Hes great actor. Absolutely. I think we have some tape of another guy who sent in his resume actually. Oh. Actually, i was the boy wonder, robin. To matt lauers batman. We think mr. Lauer, perhaps. Or mr. Roker. Should throw his hat into the ring. I loved when you guys did that. That was fun. That was fun. If you take a look, weve got some comparisons. Oh, wow. Sometimes you get the stage hands out, the stage managers out. Weve got affleck compared to adam west, michael keaton, val kilmer, George Clooney, and christian bale. Theyve all been great batmans. I think theyve all added their own take to batman. I think George Clooney would have been a much better batman if he hasnt been in such a horrible movie. Thats true. Thats true. A horrible batman. Whats the affleck backlash thing . I dont understand it. I dont get it either. Whats the specific complaint about ben affleck . I dont get it. Im sure youre going to find out on twitter. I think its one of those social media things that once somebody hash tags it and people think its funny. Its gone into a whole new life. Hes a great actor. Hows he going to mess up batman . This is a character people are very passionate about. But i think hell be terrific. Lets just hope its a great movie, its a good script, right . Thats the key. He did a great job with man of steel. Heres something for all of us who have lost expensive pairs of sunglasses. Everyone. Or just lost a pair of sunglasses that you love, right . One japanese label has created sun glasses that will actually send you a text message if you forget them somewhere. Come on. Its like hey, remember me . You left me. The sunglasses, theyre bluetooth enabled. So if youre separated from them, youll received notifications on your phone. 16 feet, 32 feet away. If you forget where youve left them, you go on the apps map to see where you left them. Theyre a little bit pricey, 350, but i think some pricier sunglasses are in that range. You can get 100 off if you preorder them. Not available just yet, were told. But coming out very soon. Thats a very needy pair of sunglasses. Youre six feet away, come back come back where are you . Come find me come find me. And then the day you lose your phone and your sunglasses. Forget about it. Yeah. Its all over for you. They look okay, though. The thing youd worry about is having an antenna. Sticking off the top or something. But no. They look like a nice pair of expensive sunglasses. So tamron, i love this. This was a very memorable story that you were part of. Tell us about ben and his bucket list. Ben is my new best friend. So his name is ben pierce. Hes from my hometown of ft. Worth, texas. Hes 9 years old, born five months premature. Hes losing his sight with every year he grows, he loses sight. And he at some point will become completely blind. So bens bucket list went viral. And one of the things on his list was he wanted to visit the ft. Worth zoo, where i had my 7th birthday, by the way. The folks at the ft. Worth zoo saw me mentioning this on msnbc after i said i would stand out front until they let us in and they arranged for ben to have a private with all of his siblings oneonone visit at the zoo. I happened to be in town for mothers day and a wedding. We met for the first time at the zoo. And for those of you who have wondered if im capable of love because im not married, i have fallen in love. Ben is my guy. Hes amazing. And we got close enough for him to see his light and other things. So he was able to touch and feel. The doctor actually recommended this to the family, saying give him as many memories as possible so that he can have these when he loses his sight. So hes a great guy. Thank you, ft. Worth zoo. Thank you for supporting. I appreciate it. Thank you. Everyone at the ft. Worth zoo, thank you. Ben, way to go, my man. So out west, we have got big problems. Because weve got a lot of heat, a lot of dry conditions. The jet stream all season long has been up to the north, and so no moisture has been able to get in. Look at these temperatures. San francisco will probably break its record today at 89. Santa maria 94. Santa barbara comes close to the record. Ocean side 96. Los angeles will probably see a high of 100, that will break its record. These santa ana winds, big High Pressure moves into the western colorado area. That brings in the winds out of the east. Drier air, red flag warnings, wind gusts, and wind gusts up to 40 to 50 miles per hour. So fire danger still a big deal going on into tomorrow. Thats whats going on around the country. Heres whats happening 9 12. Good wednesday morning to you. You can tell, its going to be a hot day. You can actually see that bright sun beating down on the now brown hills of sunol. As we head throughout the day today, were going to climb out of the 70s, where we are right now, right about at average for this time of year, right now, well climb into the 90s as a result. 97 in the south bay. 97 for the east bay. 88 degrees in San Francisco today, and that triple digit heat is really going to settle into your extreme inland valleys. Gilroy today, 105 degrees. Our stage manager says part of the Ben Affleck Batman backlash might be from his previous role as a superhero when he did daredevil. But look, not everybody has a great movie. But hes grown so much since then. That was a script thing, too. So few people say daredevil. Thanks. Up next, whats your technique for getting rid of hiccups . Do you have somebody scare you, hold your breath, drink water upside down, put the salt and sugar on your tongue. Go to today. Com to answer. Well have the results and talk about some other odd body quirks [ brian ] in a race, its about getting to the finish line. 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Xarelto® may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. Xarelto® can cause serious bleeding, and in rare cases, may be fatal. Get help right away if you develop unexpected bleeding, unusual bruising, or tingling. If you have had spinal anesthesia while on xarelto®, watch for back pain or any nerve or muscle related signs or symptoms. Do not take xarelto® if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. Tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures. Before starting xarelto®, tell your doctor about any conditions such as kidney, liver, or bleeding problems. Xarelto® is proven to reduce the risk of dvt and pe. With xarelto® there is no regular blood monitoring and no known dietary restrictions. Treatment with xarelto® was the right move for me. [ male announcer ] ask your doctor about xarelto® today. For more information including savings options, download the xarelto® Patient Center app, call 1888xarelto, or visit teamxarelto. Com. Its not for colds, its not for pain, its just for sleep. Because sleep is a beautiful thing™. Zzzquil. The nonhabit forming sleep aid from the makers of nyquil®. The nonhabit forming sleep aid those little sunken places . Not anymore from loreal, revitalift triple power moisturizer does three things repairs wrinkles refirms contours replenishes facial volume revitalift triple power and night mask. From loreal. Before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. [ male announcer ] just a few dabs is clinically proven to seal out more food particles. [ corrine ] super poligrip is part of my life now. Todays health is brought to you by super poligrip. Have dentures . Try super poligrip. Eat, speak, and shiel with confidence. This morning on todays health, does this sound familiar . That, of course the sound effect. Have you ever asked yourself why our bodies do that . Here to help us get rid of them and other body quirks, dr. Jorge rodriguez. Good morning. Good morning. How is everybody today . I dont have the hiccups, which is never good when youre on the air. But what causes annoying hiccups . The first thing to remember is were this computer and theres always neurological discharge. So we have a big muscle down here called the diaphragm. Its supposed to stay not contracted. It just spasms. So what causes hiccups . Anything from stress, excitement, fear, caffeine. Sometimes just carbonated beverages. Acidy foods. Spicy food. Havent you ever had something spicy and as it goes down you do it . Absolutely. Weve got a poll on today. Com, what people use to get rid of them. 4 scare somebody. 40 hold their breath. 15 drink water upside down. 29 other. I dont know what the other one is, but i personally just try to hold my breath or scare somebody. The thing is, you want a different stimulation that just sort of reboots your computer to get that diaphragm from spasming. Its no magic. So holding your breath could work. If youre partially scared by holding your breath, that will get rid of your hiccups sometimes. Eye twitching. When your nervous system goes a little bit haywire, you can just have an uncontrollable eye twitch. It doesnt necessarily mean theres anything pathologically wrong. But caffeine, again. Nicotine. Anything that stimulates you will stimulate those nerves. Stress is a big one. There are ways to fix it. If your eyes are dry, you can wet them. You can cut down the caffeine. Sometimes, put a warm compress to your eye for a while. Dont worry about a hiccup or a twitch unless it lasts over two days. Okay. Cutting onions, and i hate when im making dinner because you always start crying when youre cutting the onions. Is there a way to reduce that . Sure. Theres an enzyme in there, that if you cut it, comes into contact with the other enzymes, lets out this gas. One thing you can do is wear goggles. Not very attractive, but effective. Cool down your onion. Freeze it. Use it in cold water. Or and a very sharp knife. The more you macerate the onions, the more you release those enzymes. A very sharp cut. You get the charlie horse sometimes. Thats killer. As a runner, you get it a lot. I guess. Rumor has it. Whenever you damage your muscles, the muscles are like zippers. This one is supposed to go in and out. When you have restless sleep, your muscles stay contracted. That causes the charlie horse. So if youre pregnant, all of your hormones are whacked out. Right. If you exercise a lot. Best way, eat things that are high in magnesium. Calcium. Potassium. If you have a bad charlie horse while youre sleeping, slowly press the leg in the opposite direction. If it goes up, slowly bend it down and put some warm water on it. Hurts like heck. It sure does. Thats all we have time for. Thank you so much. My pleasure. Coming up next, im going to get you caught up on all the news of the day. Does number 80 have anything to do with womens sex life . Well tell you. Well find out when we go by the numbers when it comes to latte or au lait . Cozy or cool . Meow or woof . Exactly the way you want it. Until boom, its bedtime your mattress is a battleground of thwarted desire. Enter the sleep number bed, designed to let couples sleep together in individualized comfort. Hes the softy. His sleep number setting is 35. Youre the rock, at 60. And snoring . Sleep numbers even got an adjustment for that. You can only find sleep number at a sleep number store. and right now all beds are on sale. Yep, all beds, starting at just 649. 99. Know better sleep with sleep number. New colossal pumped up mascara from maybelline new york. The first double curved stem loads an extra shot of volume onto our biggest brush for up to 16x bolder lashes. Clumps . No way new colossal pumped up. Maybe its maybelline woooooah. [ male announcer ] youre not just looking for a house. Youre looking for a place for your life to happen. Zillow. Youre looking for a place for your life to happen. Basic moisturization isnt enough. You need healing. The only lotion with healing microdroplets of vaseline jelly, new vaseline intensive care deeply moisturizes dry skin from the first application and keeps it healed for 3 weeks. Healing that lasts for 3 weeks. Thats the healing power of vaseline. Oh john dont wallow john iin ice cream. S over. Im not wallowing in ice cream. Its the new dannon oikos greek frozen yogurt. Half the fat of regular ice cream. Its so irresistibly thick and creamy didnt expect you to be enjoying yourself so soon couldnt resist, mmm its such a good source of protein too no, im talking about this john, already . that was mine. Hi mom. Hi sweety. Try the new dannon oikos greek frozen yogurt. Dannon. Taking a look at the headli headlines, growing concerns over mers, an overseas virus that has arrived here in the u. S. 20 hospital workers in florida are now being tested for possible exposure to middle east respiratory syndrome after the second case in the u. S. Was confirmed this week. There is no specific treatment and no vaccination for mers. Signs are now going up at airports warning people traveling to and from the middle east. Researchers say baby food sales have dropped more than 10 in recent years because more parents are making their own. Theyre concerned that baby foods sold in supermarkets are overprocessed with too many additives and making their own baby food, they say, lets them control the ingredients. Baby Food Companies have taken notice, some with new products containing new additives or preservatives, in an attempt to lure back customers instead. More loan money may soon be available for home mortgages. The regulator overseaing fannie mae and freddie mac says the two mortgage giants should focus on making more credit available to homeowners and not on a previously planned reduction in loan limits. There was concern such a move could hurt the housing market. And basketball trick shots taken to a whole new level. Take a look. This is courtesy of the lords of gravity stunt group. Watch as the acrobat gets a running start, goes off that trampoline, steps on the rim, makes the back board. Does a backflip and makes that dunk. Give that guy an nba contract. He deserves it. Coming up, celebrity vacation spots at affordable co[ female announcer ] with weight watchers, you can eat this, this and this. Whip up this. Munch on that. And dine out on this. Thats 7 days a week. No tracking. No counting. No measuring. And youll start losing weight right away with our 2 week simple start plan. So jumpstart your summer and join for free. Try meetings, do it online or both. Weight watchers. Because it works. Try meetings, do it online or both. The was a truly amazing day. Without angies list, i dont know if we could have found all the services we needed for our riley. For over 18 years weve helped people take care of the things that matter most. Join today at angieslist. Com breaking news right now at 9 26, going on in richmond, where a high school is on lockdown after a shooting. Driveby shooting happened at john f. Kennedy high. A student was shot in the leg. Were told hes in the Schools Office with a serious injury. No other injuries were reported and theres no suspect information at this time. Police say theres no current threat to the school or students and staff on campus. Theyve locked down the campus, they say, only as a precaution. We have a crew headed to the scene and well bring you more information as soon as it comes into our newsroom. In the meantime, police have raided the hells angels clubhouse in the dog patch area, near the intersection of tennessee and 23rd in San Francisco. Crime scene tape up, streets in the area are blocked off. Officers served search warrants at the hells angels clubhouse this morning and they did arrest one person. Well take a quick break, but well have a laook at weather ad traffic right after this. The answer to treating your dogs fleas and ticks is staring you right in the face. Nexgard from the makers of frontline® plus its the only chew that kills both fleas and american dog ticks. Vets recommend it, and dogs, well theyre begging for it. Nexgard is for dogs only and hasnt been evaluated for use in pregnant, breeding or lactating dogs. Reported side effects include vomiting, dry flaky skin, diarrhea, lethargy and lack of appetite. Use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures. Recommended by vets. Loved by dogs. From the makers of frontline® plus. 9 28. Welcome back. 9 28, hard to believe with temperatures like this. Were at 74 degrees in mountain view. 72 in oakland and concord. 74 already here in san jose. It is hazy out there, and i can tell you, we are sparing the air. Clear, mild conditions at the coast. Look at this, though. Our camera starting to shake a little bit. That is good news. Youll get a little bit of a cooling breeze as we head throughout the evening hours, but not before we hit triple digit heat in your inland valleys. That sun blazing in as we speak. Todays highs work like this ppt 97 in the south bay. 96 along the peninsula. 97 in the east bay. And 88 in San Francisco with cooler weather towards the end of the week. Heres mike in your drive. Youre talking about the higher temperatures at this time. Also unexpected for 9 28, look at 101 northbound at 60. It has been a nightmare for this stretch of the bayshore freeway, all throughout san jose. Lets show you the extent of the slowing on our maps. It is jammed up from before you get to past sjc, the airport. 87 and 85 have also been slow. Weve had crashes on either of those freeways and they arent alternating with the backup. Now were finally seeing the recovery, except for 101. A new stall at mckee causing new problems. A smooth drive across the bay. The peninsula starting to lighten up. Better news, kirker pass has reopened. Another local update in half an hour. Hope to see you then. Keep cool outer there. Welcome back to today. Its wednesday morning, may 14th, 2014. Almost lost tamron there. Get a sip of water there. Im willie along with tamron, al, and natalie. So, does this annoy you . So have you noticed its becoming more common to start a sentence with the word so . Guilty. So annoying. Business insider writes the use of so at the beginning of sentences can insult your audience, undermine your credibility and demonstrate uncomfort. So what . Its like a transition. Its sort of like you want to make sure that person feels like you have that connection to something that youve been saying. So, were bringing you into the conversation. Well, you just undermined your credibility. I did . I dont know. I cant believe a word you ever say anymore. I cant trust you anymore. Please it is annoying, though. You do hear it all the time. I say, so, how was your day . Its the opening line. So, is so the new like . It was last year. Everyone was like, dont say like. As if. The overused superfluous word. Right. So, how about a check of the weather . Really . Really . Thats the other one that was way overused. Really . Okay. Im going to go over here. Literally, really so. 18yearolds across america are now looking at us like, so whats wrong with them . Yeah, a lot of 18yearolds watching us right now. So what are you smoking . Anyway, look here. Up and down the west coast. Record highs. Los angeles today, 100 degrees. And then as you come east, wevm western new york and pennsylvania all the way down into mississippi. Scattered showers and thunderstorms everywhere else. And for tomorrow, that wet weather moves to the east. Record highs will continue in Southern California. Hot in the pacific northwest. Nice and warm through the gulf coast. Look for mild conditions and a decent amount of sunshine in we havent even hit midday just yet and temperatures are already in the mid70s. Were at 74 degrees in san jose, with a hazy sky overhead. You can see that, all that sunshine coming in so early means weve got a bigtime warmup headed our way. And you can see, no cooling clouds whatsoever, all the way from high atop San Bruno Mountain into San Francisco, it is crystal clear. And you can see were heating up in sunol as well. Temperatures will end up into the mid to upper 90s, upper 80s in San Francisco. Tomorrow, cooler at the coast but staying nice and hot in your inland valleys. So, thats your latest weather. Guys . So, al, thanks a lot. Now to the final part of our threeday series by the numbers. Today were looking at relationships. So here to sort out everything it said so. [ laughter ] to sort out everything from dating from dating and sex and all of those things is psychotherapist tiffany henry. Do not analyze in why we cant shake that so thing. You guys jinxed me. Im going to try not to say so. Its a drinking game now if you say it. Lets start with the number 80. 80. So this one freaks a lot of women out. 80 is the number, the percentage of women who have low sex desire over the span of their lifetime. And so that number freaks most people out because they feel like oh, my gosh, 80 of women are going to experience low sex drive. But think about it, over the lifetime, there are many things that could cause low sex desire. It could be biological, social, the relationship really isnt good and thats why you dont want to have sex with your partner. It could be a medical issue. Medicines, psychological, depression, any of those thing. So dont get so hung up on the number. Dont get so hung up on the 80. Its actually very, very normal. A set of numbers now. 15, 2, and 1. I love this. So this is the average woman will kiss about 15 frogs, right . And fall in love with two. And then really settle down with one. So you fall in love twice is what youre saying . Yeah, the average woman will yeah, you got to kiss a few frogs, though. Sure you do. Dont beat yourself up if you dont fall in love a lot. I actually like it when women, or men, dont fall in love with everybody that they date, everybody that they meet. And just know, youre going to settle down with one that one, but you do gotta kiss a few frogs. I need to write down the frog. 15, please. And lets move on. Next up, the number 31. 31. This is a cool number. It is the percentage of Office Romances that actually end in marriage. And we thi Office Romances never work. I tend to think that, too. But the key to making those things work and fill out into a marriage is actually keeping your professional and personal lives separate. So, 31 of the people who date a coworker marry them . Theyre actually pretty good. But youve got to keep those two lines separate. Never bring your relationship stuff into work. And never bring the professional stuff home. So is it a good idea to have a good idea . 31 of people will say so. Ill take that as an answer. The next number is 82. Surprisingly high. What are we talking about . 82 of parents actually talked to their kids about sex. That one im really surprised about. I thought that number would be lower. But heres the thing. People talk about sex in different ways. Some parents will just say be ab abastinant, dont do it. Its not enough to tell kids dont do it, dont go down that road. You want them to be healthy, you want them to maintain some level of dignity and all of that stuff, so you want to arm them with the information they need. If they do happen to have sex earlier than you want to. I had a counselor who said if you dont talk to your kids about it, the other kids will. They will. The number 12. This one hits close to home. Uhoh. 12 is the age at which a lot of parents are starting to give kids cell phones. And a lot of people feel a little funny about that. You both are grimacing. Think about it this way. You dont have to give a kid a smart phone. Give a kid a phone with all the important numbers, where they cant just dial anybody, they cant snap chat, all those freaky things. Because theyre doing it. But think buabout it this way. I always think back to columbine. And those kids in that school had cell phones and they were some of the first people to actually call. And i also want you to think about this. What if Something Like that was to happen to your kid. Youd want to be able to call them and say i love you in that last minute. I was ridiculed for giving a 6yearold a phone. Well, we said 12. Shes 6. Shell be 12 someday. I felt like it was any decision, tiffany. Thank you very much. Her mom did not think so. Wish you could go on vacation like oprah, brad, and angelina . With them. Will they pay for it . Well show you some luxurious celebrity getaways that we can dogs fleas and ticksg your is staring you right in the face. Nexgard from the makers of frontline® plus its the only chew that kills both fleas and american dog ticks. Vets recommend it, and dogs, well theyre begging for it. Nexgard is for dogs only and hasnt been evaluated for use in pregnant, breeding or lactating dogs. Reported side effects include vomiting, dry flaky skin, diarrhea, lethargy and lack of appetite. Use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures. Recommended by vets. Loved by dogs. From the makers of frontline® plus. What does that first spoonful taste likok. Honey bunches of oats. Ching mmmm mmmm mmmm wow its the oats. Honey. Yeah. Honey bunches of oats. This is a great cereal. For better color. Ip new colorsensational™ the buffs from maybelline, new york. Only the truest flesh tone pigments for our most honest, naked look. Precious oils for that sensuous feel. Naked or nothing. New colorsensational™ the buffs maybe its maybelline. [ female announcer ] just about anywhere you use sugar, you can use splenda® no calorie sweetener. Splenda® lets you experience the joy of sugar without all the calories. Think sugar, say splenda™ with i shop when i want, app, without all the calories. Where i want. I know the shoes my kids will love, and i can get them with my rewards points. Anytime. Famous footwear. Victory is yours. So ally bank really has no hthats right, no hidden fees. S . Its just that im worried about, you know, hidden things. Ok, whys that . Well uhhh. Surprise um. Well, its true. At ally there are no hidden fees. Not one. Thats nice. No hidden fees, no worries. Ally bank. Your money needs an ally. What would it learn . What improvements would it make . At ge, youve inspired us to reimagine the kitchen. With innovations like the first dishwasher featuring 102 spray jets. The kitchen is now thinking more like you. And. Stop. No . Nothing . [ male announcer ] ge. Reimagining home. So have you ever flipped through a gossip magazine only to see pictures of celebrities like jayz and beyonce or angelina vacationing at a luxurious resort . Okay as long as you stay out of the elevators. You can stay in the same locations at a fraction of the price. Jackie gifford is the Senior Editor at travel magazine. You have some great get waiawa. We always hear about palm springs. Its an easy escape from l. A. A quick drive. In the 50s, Frank Sinatra might go with his rat pack. Today you might see stars like leonardo dicaprio, katy perry, selena gomez and jared leto. We really love the sparrows hotel. It made the it list for 2014. It looks so cool. Gorgeous place. Rooms start at 150 a night. Its a redo of a former 1950s motolodge. Completely reimagined, rustic rooms. They have cool details like bathtubs fashioned out of horse troths. They have a no kids policy, but a salt water pool and a tennis court. No kids policy. I didnt think things like that existed. Now moving to where kids of a different age have fun as well, miami florida. Lenny kravitz, jayz, beyonce all hit up miami. They love it for the night life. Its an amazing destination well. Really like the gale hotel. Its one block from the ocean on collins avenue. Youre really there for the night life. So downstairs is the rec room, a nightclub from amy sako. Really cool vibe. 70s vibe. They have deejays spinning nightly. Upstairs the cocktail club, a really popular locals hangout. A really cool speak easy vibe and famous for their cocktails. Looks like a place you want to leave the kids home. Definitely. Next, Marthas Vineyard, a cool spot in massachusetts. Seth meyers, Jake Gyllenhaal vacationing there. Why do celebrities love this place . Its a beautiful island. Beautiful beaches. And we really like the dock side inn. So rooms start at 129 a night in june. 21 fresh modern guest rooms. In the summertime, they offer really fun complimentary treats like ice cream. Its really close to the oak bluffs ferry terminals, so they have a beautiful wraparound porch where guests like to watch the boats come in and out. So Marthas Vineyard is lovely for its beaches, and just very chill, easy getaway. And that a little more family friendly, i would think. Yes. Got to get the kids on the famous carousel there. Thats fun. Lets go to montana. You dont often think celebrities there, but thats not the case. Yeah, definitely. Kate bosworth has been. Justin timberlake and jessica biel. So its a very its a great place if you like the outdoors. So if youre into Mountain Biking and hiking and fishing. And a really interesting property is yellow stone under canvas. This is ten minutes from Yellow Stone National park and they offer a range of tentstyle accommodations from deluxe safari tents to tepees. And the tepees start at 99 a night, but theyre very stylish. They come with cots, sleeping bags, safari chairs, lanterns. Its a really great way to get back to nature, back to basics. The property has a restaurant. From there, during the day, you can go out hiking and fishing and Mountain Biking. Thats fun. I like that. U. S. Virgin islands, which a lot of people tend to forget about, but a lot of celebrities still go there. Brangelina, martha stewart, Kenny Chesney, and oprah winfrey. There are three u. S. Virgin islands. St. John, st. Thomas and st. Corey and you dont need a passport to get there. Theres an adorable b b called the bella vista b b. Four rooms in bright tropical colors. Hardwood floors. Rooms start at 195 a night in the summer. That includes a delicious breakfast. It also has a pool. Its close to megans bay, one of st. Thomass most gorgeous beaches. Very calm for swimming. So definitely keep that in mind for summer. Fantastic. Some great ideas. Thanks so much. Thank you. Coming up next, first day on the job, first time meeting the parents. How should you dress . Natalie and i are going to go headtohead against tamron and willie in a fashion faceoff. I dont even understand this. Willie in a fashion faceoff. I dont even understand this. Number 1 of my 20 is for chacne. You know, chin acne. Uhhuh. Not to brag, but i have the chin of a teenager. Here you go. Dinges for everyone when i get hangry anything within arms reach could be part of my number 20. Hm, this is potpourri. Mmmm. The new amex everyday credit card, with no annual fee. Its not food. Make 20 or more purchases in a Monthly Billing period, and earn 20 more rewards. And a coat. Its membership that rewards you for the things you already buy, everyday. Whats your 20 . Like their crisp and fresh strawberry avocado salad, make for a more invigorating afternoon. Hey, look at them go. Summer lunch combos under 600 calories and starting at just 6. 99. At applebees. Its not for colds, its not for pain, its just for sleep. Because sleep is a beautiful thing™. Zzzquil. The nonhabit forming sleep aid from the makers of nyquil®. Zzzquil. Oh john dont wallow john iin ice cream. S over. Im not wallowing in ice cream. Its the new dannon oikos greek frozen yogurt. Half the fat of regular ice cream. Its so irresistibly thick and creamy didnt expect you to be enjoying yourself so soon couldnt resist, mmm its such a good source of protein too no, im talking about this john, already . that was mine. Hi mom. Hi sweety. Try the new dannon oikos greek frozen yogurt. Dannon. Blur flaws away. New garnier 5second blur. Our 1st instant smoother with light reflectors. It blurs away lines, mattifies shine, and reduces pores. For a complete smooth finish. Why wait . New garnier 5second blur. Birdhouse plans. Nacho pans. Glass on floors. Daily chores. For the little mishaps you feel use neosporin to help you heal. It kills germs so you heal four days faster. Neosporin. Use with bandaid brand bandages. cause in a sky full of stars, i think i saw you. Its such a heavenly view. Theres only one place to get more coldplay. Its time for a fashion faceoff for the ages. Tamron and i are about to throw down against those two. To see who has the best fashion sense. All right, here to make the call, liliana vazquez. Good morning. Good morning. I hope you guys are ready for this. Three different scenarios, right . First day on the job. First date. And then meeting the inlaws for the first time, is that right . Exactly. We have clothes, shoes, accessories. Be careful, we have planted mines on those racks. Not everything is situation appropriate. Dont be scared. So were putting 30 seconds on the clock for each one. Lets do the first one. We have the clock up. Ready . Okay. First day on the job, right . Kimberly and lauren. Appropriate. Nothing too short. Nothing too scandalous. Accessories. I got you. We need help. Okay, guys. Do i zip you up or is that inappropriate . It feels inappropriate. Get her shoes. There we go. Okay, times up. This is tough. Im going to have to give this one i think to team tamron and willie because shes actually dressed. And she even has a bag. And she looks fantastic with the shoes. Great outfit. Sorry about that. You look great. This is all about the first date. 30 seconds on the clock. Are you guys ready . Oh, lets go. 30 seconds on the clock. First date. Nothing too revealing. We want sexy, but sophisticated. I like that choice, natalie. Nice. This is cute. This is cute. I like that you guys divide and conquer. This is good strategy. Cute dresses from t. J. Maxx. I love these dresses. A little maggie london. Can we get that shoe on her . I love that you go for the accessories. This is cute. You want a little help zipping . Zip you up. Lets pull this down. Okay. Um come on, get the shoe on. Okay. I think again, to willie and tamron. Go, girl. Go get that man. Youre going to get next one. Its not enough time. Its not enough time, i know. Last one. I have a feeling this is all you. Okay, meeting the inlaws. 30 seconds on the clock. Okay, go go, go, go. Meeting the inlaws. Like a cute little necklace. Lets get a cute bag for her. A little bag. Lets get her some flats. Get her in flats. These are a little ripped. Easy shoes to get in on. Thats a good point. Those are from zappos. Great jewelry from charming charlies. Cute. You guys might be twins. Oh yeah, thats cute. Fabulous. Dont step on that. Hangers. Okay, guys. Times almost up. Oh. Oh. Okay. Purely because i like this outfit better, im giving it to al and natalie. Its not a complete skunk. All right. So i think the winner of this fashion faceoff is going to go to team tamron and willie. A fabulous fashionable prize for you guys. Here you are. Its a microphone trophy. And whats the tiein to fashion with the microphone. No tiein. Its what we had in the prop department. I will cherish it always. You look beautiful. Thanks for playing along with us, ladies. You guys did such a good job. I like the dividing and conquering. It was all tamron. Liliana vazquez, thanks so much. Thanks to all of our models. This will look good in your office. Were back in a moment. This is today on nbc. [ wind howling ] [ female announcer ] it balances you. [ water crashing ]. It fills you with energy. And it gives you what you are looking for to live a more natural life. In a convenient two bar pack. This is nature valley. Delicious granola bars made with the best ingredients in nature. Nature valley. Nature at its most delicious. Time for the big show, ladies. What do you got . As they like to believe. You know what . We brought cleaning tips, coming up. Its big. Its big. Wow. Were also talking about hollywoods next generation is here. Gia coppola and valjack kilm val kilmers son. And youre going to play who knew. And paws for chicago. Its a great organization. And were going to have an update on the smackdown i h well, good morning, everyone. 9 56. Im scott mcgrew. An update to news we brought you 30 minutes ago. A high school in richmond was in lockdown after a shooting near campus. The driveby shooting happened near john f. Kennedy high, just before 9 00 this morning. This is near the intersection of south 41st street and cutting boulevard. A student was shot in the leg. We are now told he is in the hospital with a serious injury. No other injuries reported. Unfortunately, no suspect Information Available at this time. Police say theres no current threat to the school or students or staff on campus. We do have a crew headed to the scene and you can see, we have a helicopter there. Well bring you more information as it comes into our newsroom. Lets check your very hot forecast with christina. Good morning good morning to you, although it doesnt feel like morning out there. Were already in the 70s, on our way to the upper 90s today in the south bay. 96 for the peninsula. 88 degrees in San Francisco. Meanwhile, about 98 degrees, very warm today in the trivalley, and 97 in wine country. Hottest day of 2014, as we head into tomorrow, a little bit of cooling, and then we really kick in that cooling. Heat will simmer over the weekend. Well show you what that means. After all, about that time to start thinking about the weekend. Heres your drive with mike inouye. Were just seeing now traffic actually start to break apart, a little bit here northbound, the 101 just north of 680. Look at this entire stretch of the bay shore freeway on our maps. Jammed traffic for the entire stretch. Thats not a good map at all. Well, well just get back to another live picture as i tell you what was going on, and ill smack the computer. We are looking at a slower drive from northbound 101 from hellier past this shot. This is the last of your big, big slowdowns for the south bay. But it ripples back to northbound. Still slow approaching the bay bridge toll plaza. Well try to find out what happened to the city of San Francisco on the maps coming up in a half an hour. The answer to treating your dogs fleas and ticks is staring you right in the face. Nexgard from the makers of frontline® plus its the only chew that kills both fleas and american dog ticks. Vets recommend it, and dogs, well theyre begging for it. Nexgard is for dogs only and hasnt been evaluated for use in pregnant, breeding or lactating dogs. Reported side effects include vomiting, dry flaky skin, diarrhea, lethargy and lack of appetite. Use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures. Recommended by vets. Loved by dogs. From the makers of frontline® plus. Announcer from nbc news, this is today with Kathie Lee Gifford and hoda kotb live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. Hello, everybody, and that means you. Its winesday wednesday, may 14th. Delighted that youre joining us today. Whats up, hodi . Hey, we have an update on a show that we gave you yesterday. You guys, if you saw our program yesterday, you couldnt have missed this. Kathie lee and real estate guru Barbara Corcoran had this smackdown. This was awful, okay . They were each making over homes, and it got nasty. So i dont know what clip we have, but lets just take a little sneak peek of what happened yesterday. More than 10,000. About 35,000. At least im honest about what i say. I was told we could spend 10,000 thats kathie lees house. I spent 10,000. Because it was 10,000. Not 35,000. Definitely the wraparound porch. Bad idea. Mine is much neisser and neater, much better. More expensive. Exactly. So one for barbara. Yeah. Hoda got involved. Lets put it that way. I was just i was an innocent bystander while those two by the way, it just escalated. And it was tense on the set. It wasnt like a normal segment. We could feel it. So anyway, we decided wed ask the viewers what they thought. And people really chimed in with facebook comments. Okay. Jan lang said, im sorry, but kathie was the automatic winner this morning on the redos of yards. Christina taylor said kathie lee has much better taste in updating homes. Jennifer rich said, i enjoyed the segment with barbara. It made me literally laugh out loud. And there were other comments that you can see for yourself on our Facebook Page that we didnt cherry pick. One person thought barbara should be sent to the big house. All right. So we decided we wanted to ask people whose house did you like better, kathie lees or barbaras . Here are the voting results. Most of you thought that kathie lees was better here. And i didnt spend 35,000. House number two, people voted for barbaras. Yep, because she spent tons more money. Kathie lee won number three hands down. Isnt that cute . There you have it. What did she say, it looked like hansel and getle lived there . What did she say to me at the end, stay out of my pool stay out of my ballpark. And then she wasnt speaking much after it was over. Frank and i, in the 28 years weve been married, have done almost 30 either real estate transactions, because we like to buy and fix and sell, or and well over that in terms of renovations. Its not something i make a living at, but its something i enjoy. So thank you very much, everybody. All right. So there. Anyway, we want to update you on a very important story. But i just want you to know, the next time were doing this, its with you and me. Now, go on to the next story, hod. Anyhoo. We have an update on the jayz Beyonce Solange battle in the elevator. That was a smackdown. That was a smackdown. We have new information thats not been confirmed through anyone, but we got it from various papers. Okay. Anyway, the New York Daily News claims that the brawl started because jayz wanted to go to an afterparty with rihanna with rihannas people, and beyonce was not going to go. So i guess solange said to jayz, why dont you just go home . And then explosion. Now, theres another report that says earlier at the met ball, solange had a group of friends who were there uninvited who kept dropping jayzs name. When they got to the afterparty, i think. Jayzs, like, i dont know you. I dont blame him for that. You know, the good thing in life is to learn, dont go to parties youre not invited to. It never ends well. You try to sneak in, and its terrible. Its so embarrassing. Loser. But beyonce seemed to extend the olive branch on her instagram page, on her feed, she put old pictures of her and her sister, solange. Just old pictures of them hanging out. She didnt put any comments. Just posted photos. So fans started posting their own comments, blood is thicker than water. Im so confused. A sisters bond cannot be broken. Where were you when she was beating up your husband in an elevator . Anyway. This is what we always have to say. We here at nbc reached out to the couple and solange for comment. What happened . Guess what . Nobody called us back. No. All right. So jimmy fallon, his show is on fire. And we do hear that our names came up again on his show. So lets see what he had to say this time. You know how theyve been saying for years that drinking a glass of red wine every day is supposed to be good for you . Not anymore. Now they say a glass of red wine has no health benefits. Kathie lee and hoda were, like, duh, youve got to drink the whole box. Duh. You do. That is, like, so funny. Okay. So if youve ever watched been watching your local news, you know how sometimes they interrupt your program that youre really into because there happens to be breaking news. Theres a tornado or a storm or some breaking crime news, whatever. Well, it happened in sioux falls, south dakota, and they had to break in because there were tornadoes coming. Which is a serious, serious thing. Well, there was a show that happened to be on at the time, once upon a time. It was the finale, and everyone was all amped theyre all expecting something from frozen. Frozen thing was happening. Let it go, let it go they said be careful, there are tornadoes coming. And the viewers are livid. They dont want to live. They just want to see the show. The local anchor was very upset. Her name is shawn cable. Thats not her name. Thats her coanchor. Shawn cable posted the clip on youtube. Lets watch it. Okay. I felt bad for having to interrupt folks tv show, but i tell you what i tell you what, quit calling and ripping shawn for being on the air to save peoples lives. That is proof right there that they heard it on kssy. No show is as important as someones life. You arent going to go on the air if its not important. Absolutely. And people just berated our station for him being on the air. But i tell you what, if it was your home and your neighbors, you would feel differently. So please, please dont do that. Thats not nice. I like her. Wow she just went for it. I want her to have a smackdown with barbara, too. Lets get the two of them in an elevator and see what happens. They did say that there was, i guess, a tornado did touchdown. Yes. Yes, it did. Anyway. It would have been all right sort of like Donald Sterling. Youve just got to stop. You know what it is . You know, it got worse. Well, its all about tone. I think she had a point. She had a great point. Just say look, heres the thing. We have to interrupt programming. But what they could also do and many shows do, you lead the show on and you do a squeeze box so you can see in the other box. Scroll along the bottom. Or scroll. There are other options. But you know what i think she was doing . Venting . No. I think she really was standing up for her friend because he got all the brunt of it because he was the face of the announcement. Yes. She was doing what i would do for you, hoda. Not the other way around. What are you talking about . As we saw your true colors yesterday. With what . With Barbara Corcoran. No, i launched a couple of innocent grenades. I just wanted to see a fire bomb happened when you put fire on the fire. Last night, we have to get to this because its so good, the voice was on, and they eliminated two of the five. So there are only three standing. So the two who made it were the kid with the cowboy hat. Okay . Okay . Really . Yes. And the other guy who you love so much who looks like jack from josh. The one who looks like jack osbourne. Okay. So anyway. I like how we do our own show. Allegedly. What do you want . Here are the bottom three, and were going to play them and youre going to guess who was saved by twitter. Okay. Blown away every brick every bone every second all blown away why why you got to be so blind wont you open up your eyes its just a matter of time till you find not got me ten feet off the ground okay. Those three, kathie. I saw it, so i have to confess, but who would you choose . You mean youre telling the truth . Wow i saw it. I think i would have saved i think i would have saved the last girl. Yeah. You would be in agreement with the other folks from twitter. But heres something interesting. Her names christina. Good for her. Shes very talented. I thought she was going to be one of the first couple picked. They said that Justin Bieber tweeted, you know, lets save this girl. Lets save christine. In order to save someone on twitter, you just have to retweet it. So hes got a gazillion followers. So all you does is have everyone tweet and then retweets. I think she should be because i think shes terrific. Of the other two, you liked i like the ones they picked. When you get down to the last five, theyre great singers. I know. Hopefully theyll all have careers of some sort in the music business. We were talking about this, its surprising that a twitter save saved the last one. I wonder who was the third one in terms of votes. I dont know. Well, i care. Shakira doesnt have any singers left, so she just sits there now and watches. Is she the only one . Everybody else has one. And youre just going to have to get over it. If i can get over Barbara Corcoran, you can get over that. Youre still not over it. The finals start next monday. Maybe you havent seen this yet. Its cute. Its a mother son wedding dance. We usually see brides with their dads, but now we get to see a groom with his mom, so lets take a look at this one. The season [ playing Michael Jacksons billie jean thriller look at mom. Wow jump on it mom is hot. Mom is adorable. Julia and wes ryan. From san antonio. I imagine them practicing. Come on, mom, lets do it again. They were apart. They had to do it that way. Great. Anyway, that was great. Ryan said it was all his moms idea. She looks like a fun mom. I wish my children thought i was fun. They do. They do. All right. Alec baldwin was arrested yesterday. Stop it yes, he was. He was riding his bike. Wrong way on fifth avenue. You cant do that. He was arrested because he didnt have i. D. He didnt have it. They say he got belligerent. A photographer from intouch weekly. Happened to be there. How convenient. Anyway, he was charged with Disorderly Conduct and has to go to court in july. He was mad. And he tweeted something. He tweeted this. New york city is a mismanaged carnival of stupidity that is desperate for revenue and anxious to criminalize behavior once thought benign. He also tweeted the name and badge number of the female officer who arrested him, but he gave the wrong last name. But he has a habit of tweeting out like remember when he got he has to vent. He got into a tussle with a barista at starbucks and upset with a Flight Attendant because she told him to turn off his game and he tweeted out her. Tweeting everyone. I just want to give a big thankyou to the north shore and the Katz Institute for womens health. I went yesterday. I know. Hodi gave a speech. I took a picture of all your fans. Wow you never rest. Youre crazy. A great bunch of people. A quick shoutout to all the lovely ladies and gentlemen who were at this event. Thank you. You know where i get to go today . Where . I get to go spend an hour and a half with dolly parton. Sirius radio. Have fun. Maybe you can come over with me. Okay. Their faces may be new to you, but their names have been famous in hollywood for decades. From the movie palo alto, gia coppola and jack kilmer. Sound hey, this is where we grow the mustard seed that makes frenchs yellow mustard. 100 natural from me to you. With 40 more free, theres more to love. Frenchs. Naturally amazing. Their type 2 diabetes. With noninsulin victoza. For a while, i took a pill to lower my blood sugar, but it didnt get me to my goal. So i asked my doctor about victoza. He said victoza works differently than pills, and it comes in a pen. And the needle is thin. Victoza is an injectable prescription medicine that may improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. It is not recommended as the first medication to treat diabetes and should not be used in people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. Victoza has not been studied with mealtime insulin. Victoza is not insulin. Do not take victoza if you have a personal or Family History of medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you are allergic to victoza or any of its ingredients. Symptoms of a serious allergic reaction may include swelling of face, lips, tongue or throat, fainting or dizziness, very rapid heartbeat, problems breathing or swallowing, severe rash or itching. Tell your doctor if you get a lump or swelling in your neck. Serious side effects may happen in people who take victoza including inflammation of the pancreas pancreatitis which may be fatal. Stop taking victoza and call your doctor right away if you have signs of pancreatitis, such as severe pain that will not go away in your abdomen or from your abdomen to your back, with or without vomiting. Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. Taking victoza with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. The most common side effects are nausea, diarrhea, and headache. Some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. If your pill isnt giving you the control you need. Ask your doctor about noninsulin victoza. Its covered by most health plans. Talk about talent running in the family. The new movie palo alto features a new generation of hollywood faces whose names should sound familiar to you. Its directed by gia coppola, granddaughter of legendary director Francis Ford Coppola and niece of sofia coppola. A lot of coppolas out there, and theyre all talented. It stars jack kilmer, son of val kilmer. Jack plays teddy trying to navigate all the angst and awkward crushes that come with being a teen. Take a look. Youre crazy. No, im not. Yeah, you are. Why do you say that . Because you just dont care about anything. I wish i didnt care about anything. But i do care. I care about everything too much. What do you mean . Whatever, teddy. I think youre the one who doesnt care, not me. What do you mean . I care about you. Hello. Hi, guys. Welcome. Whats it like are you comfortable watching yourself . This is your first acting job, right . Yeah, yeah. And your first directing job. How do you feel . Is it awkward . Tell us the truth. It is a bit awkward. The first time i saw it, it was kind of like a little more paralyzing, the fear. But then, like, i guess after the third time, it really kind of, like, i was able to, like, attach, like, detach myself from i dont know. It was, like, not be embarrassed and actually enjoy the film, which was really cool. Do you try to get the actors into character . Hes a young man, 18 years old, but how did you get them in the head space you needed them in to hit the point . We just were a really small film and it felt like we were all collaborating and working together. 17, his senior year of high school, so he was a real teenager. Did you make him do, like, writing exercises . We did the rehearsal period for, like, a week. We just really played games and got to know each other. It was really fun. James franco is very much involved. The whole thing is based on short stories that he wrote. He plays a coach. Yes. In this. But how did he choose you to be the director, and how did you choose jack in it . Because you never directed, and youve never acted. So tell that little story. Please. I met james in a very, like, by chance kind of random way. Dont we all . Everybody meets james that way. Yeah. But i had just finished college as a photography major, and i sent him my photograph. He was looking for a director for his movie. Had had you do a little test, right . 45minute test . I did a test after i did separate screenplays. I did it with my friends, and i got to, like, figure out what was working and not working. Wow, it just runs in the family. No kidding. So you took short stories that he did. And did you pick and choose the ones you wanted, or did he say to you, these are the ones id like for you to run with . No, he just said pick what youre drawn to, and he gave me a lot of liberty but was very supportive at the same time. We dont have much time, but id love to know what your grandfather said about the film and what your mom and dad said to you. Did your dad see it yet . Yes, he saw it. He really enjoyed it. Hes always supported it. Did he give you tips or did he say, son, youre doing it right . He just told me to, like hes just, like, breathe. That helps. Tell the truth. Good. Has your grandfather seen it . Yeah, my familys super excited. Well, you guys are well, well on your way. Congratulations. Were happy for you. Palo alto is in select theaters right now. Were celebrating graduation with a fun game called who knew . And how to finally get that mildew out of your bathroom. Im so excited about that one. Counting seconds. Were going to be cleaning shortcuts after this. The day we rescued riley was a truly amazing day. He was a matted mess in a small cage. So that was our first task, was getting him to wellness. Without angies list, i dont know if we could have found all the services we needed for our riley. From contractors and doctors to dog sitters and landscapers, you can find it all on angies list. We found riley at the shelter, and found everything he needed at angies list. Join today at angieslist. Com for better color. Ip new colorsensational™ the buffs from maybelline, new york. Only the truest flesh tone pigments for our most honest, naked look. Precious oils for that sensuous feel. Naked or nothing. New colorsensational™ the buffs maybe its maybelline. Soof our new bushs bakednk beans video game . I think im getting the hang of it. Okay, now pick up the specially cured bacon hit it with the brown sugar now roll that beautiful bean footage yes bushs baked beans are slowcooked according to our secret family recipe for a big flavor. High score you get to put your name on the wall of fame whoa game over. Aww, youre no fun. Enjoy bushs baked beans. Still made from our secret family recipe. Its College Graduation season, so why not put those degrees to good use with a game of who knew . Here is the question to get you started. What was the name of the college in animal house . Very important. Was it farnsworth college . Faber college . C, fieldstein college, or d, Fellows College . You know who i was talking about that with yesterday . Who . Patricia heaton was doing my podcast. And she said the same thing, that that was a good frat kind of a movie. Theyve gotten so, so raunchy now. By the way, her new movie, i love it, you guys its so fun. Its called moms night out. Moms night out. Its a great pgrated, take your family to see it. Go. And colace® capsules, for comfortable relief from occasional constipation, announces the 50,000 spa wellness giveaway. Couldnt you use a spa visit colacespa. Com to win weekly they have more time to travel back in time. Try new childrens zyrtec® dissolve tabs. Childrens zyrtec® is clinically proven to relieve kids allergy symptoms for a full 24 hours. New childrens zyrtec® dissolve tabs. Good morning, everyone. 10 26. Im scott mcgrew. A high school in richmond no longer on lockdown after a shooting the near campus. The driveby shooting happened near john f. Kennedy high, just before 9 00 this morning. This is near the intersection of south 41st street and cutting boulevard. A 14yearold student was shot in the leg. Were told that he is expected to survive. No other injuries reported and there is no suspect Information Available at this time. Police say there is no current threat to the school or students or staff on campus. We have a crew at the scene. We will update you during our next newscast at 11 00. Well take a look at weather and traffic coming up after the break. Welcome back now. We have a really hot day shaping up. You can see, nice, clear sky over sunol. The heat is on, and were on our way to about 97 degrees in the south bay, 98 degrees in the east bay today, 97 in the north bay, and even San Francisco getting very warm at about 88 degrees. So today will officially be the warmest day of 2014. As we head into tomorrow, just a touch cooler, and then, that heats really going to simmer as we get into this weekend. Well show you your sevenday forecast today at 11 00. Right now, lets check your drive and say good morning to mike inouye. Good morning and a better morning. A little better for 101. This live shot does show traffic jamming up north of 680. That entire stretch of roadway from capital expressway up past sjc, just starting to come above, about 25 miles per houring on average. Our friend willy, he called him and said, is the northbound side as bad as i think it is . No, its worse. Jammed the entire stretch. Northbound 237 also slow. Same with southbound 880. Late slowing coming out and the rest of the bay a lot better. More local news coming up in a half hour at 11 00. See you then. We are back with more of today on this winesday wednesday, ready to play our weekly trivia game we like to call who knew because thats what it is and because its the season for College Graduations. Were about to test your knowledge of fun collegiate facts. Hoda has been sweet enough because of my knee to go across the street ready to hand out 100 bucks to anyone who gets the answers right because she feels guilty because she was so awful to me yesterday with Barbara Corcoran. And to those who dont, they get one of my fantastic, unbelievable cds. Yes. So here to help me is kat cohen, ceo and founder of the Education Consulting Company Called ivy wise. Nice to see you, sweetie. Before the break we asked this question. What was the name of the college in the movie animal house . Farnsworth . Faber . Fieldstein or Fellows College . Kat, whats the answer . Faber college. The screenplay was based on short stories written by chris miller that were published in National Lampoon magazine. Those stories were based on his fraternity experiences at dartmouth college. At dartmouth. Amateurs compared to kids these days, right . Okay. All right, hoda. If thats your real name. It is my real name. Are you ready . Where are you graduating from . Bank Street College of education on the upper west side. So shes very smart. Heres the first question. Which country superstar graduated from East Tennessee State University with a degree in advertising . Shania twine . B, Blake Shelton . C, Kenny Chesney or d, faith hill . Can i see those again . Uhhuh. Im going to go with Blake Shelton. Blake shelton. Oh, what a bummer. She gets a kathie lee cd. If youre trying to make up to me, hoda, its not working. Okay. Whats the real answer . Its Kenny Chesney. And he was actually part of a blue Grass Program at school. And he selfreleased a demo album a year before he graduated. Wow. He is talented. Very talented guy. Okay, hoda. Another graduate. Whats your name and where you from . Brianna, and im from Millersville University in pennsylvania. See all the smart people here . Second question, more than half of fulltime undergraduates will complete their fouryear degrees in how much time . Im going to say b, four years. Oh stop it, stop it. What is the correct answer . The correct answer yeah. Its actually six years. And according to the department of education, fewer than 40 of fulltime firsttime undergraduates starting a fouryear degree will graduate within four years. And its actually almost 60 who graduate in six years. Okay, i think well go back to hoda but not if she continues with her may habehavior. By the way, this girl graduated from 3 1 2 years. Im alyssa and i went to allegheny college. Which celebrity did not get into Georgetown University as a freshman but was later accepted as a transfer student . Michael jordan . Ashley judd . Bradley cooper . Or wanda sykes . I want to say ashley judd. You may want to say it, but shes wrong. Well, the answer is actually bradley cooper. Who went on to graduate with honors from Georgetown University where he became fluent in french. He sure did. And he later went on to get his msa in acting in new york. I love it when he speaks french. Okay. All right, hoda. All right, lets see if we can give away some money. Where are you from . Whats your name . Kalisha from south carolina. The members of hootie the blowfish met while students at the university of south carolina. Finish this lyric to one of their biggest hits. Hold my hand wanna be because you cant hear it. Yes. Were rocking out to it. We cant hear it hold my hand wanna be because hold my hand and i want thna be with you im gonna love you the best that, the best that i can im gonna kill her. I really am. Whats the lyric . The lyric is i want to best that, the best that i can. Its a great story because mark bryan overheard Darrius Rucker singing in the shower at the dorm that she shared. And thats how they got started. So many bands have actually met in college. The doors started at ucla and Dave Matthews band and public enemy just to name a few. Thanks to you and thanks to hoda. Okay. They love your cd. Right. Talking about who knew how to remove pen ink from your favorite leather purse. That is important right after this. [ female announcer ] hands were made for playing. Legs, for crossing. Feet. Splashing. Better things than the joint pain and swelling of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. If youre trying to manage your ra, now may be the time to ask about xeljanz. 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Cascade platinum fights cloudy residue 3x better than the competing gel and helps keep your dishwasher sparkling. Cascade platinum. And helps keep your dishwasher sparkling. Guy from tvslashsteak eaterslashsteak lover. I want a cut thats tender, thats juicy and thats aged just right. And thats exactly what i have with these allnatural steaks from walmart. And heres a tip to serve em up right steaks, like kids, need naptime. Im totally serious. After grilling, give your steaks a 10minute nap before slicing and every bite will taste like a dream. Get out there and throw one on the grill today try allnatural steaks from walmart today. Theyre 100 guaranteed or your money back. Are you tired of spending half your weekend cleaning up pet hair or scrubbing the bathroom tiles . Well, were about to make your life a whole lot easier with tips to get you outside enjoying the spring weather in no time. Bruce has an entire book of them. Its called who knew . Household shortcuts. By the way, were suing you, but anyway. Thanks for that. Plaintiff meet defendant. Lets talk about getting rid of water stains on wood, okay . So if you would dab this. You know what happens if you dont use a coaster, this is what happens. Now, if one of you would take this rag and just rub over that. You saw that water stain. Yeah. Put a little elbow grease in there. Look at that. Takes it right out. It is gone. This is also great for i dont like this. I am a little youre going to make someone very happy one day. Very nice. This is great for crayon stains, too. On walls. Thats good to know. Also if your kids get gum in their hair. You can use mayonnaise. Lets talk also about wood stains. If youve got nail polish, you might want to use remover but you dont because it will take off the stain. What is this stuff . Hair spray. Why am i doing all the work . Because youre standing there. Youve got to give a little more rough and tough. Okay, not working. Trust me. Get hoda in her with her Michelle Obama guns here, and lets see this happen right now. Oh, my word. In about five minutes, this will be gone, okay . Yeah, hod. Keep going. Five minutes. If youve got mothers day flowers, you want to spray this underneath the petals or any flowers, cut flowers, this will keep them for about a week longer. How to keep your flowers fresh. Underneath them. Underneath them. Are you going to write on that . Im going to write on this with pen. Again, hair spray. Are you kidding . Oh, my gosh. Its great on the shinier kind of leather. If its distressed, it doesnt really work, but look at that. And believe me, this is going to work in a couple of minutes. Who knew . Lets talk about smells in your house. If you would take some of that vanilla extract, take some of these balls and put the vanilla with the gotton ball. Dunk them in . Dunk them in there, please, if you would and put them in our vacuum cleaner bag. Wet like that . Whats going to happen is, were going to put this on. If we can. And now when we turn this on, you are going to smell how do you turn it on . Can you smell the vanilla coming out . If we get our nose down there, maybe. Yeah. Right . So think about this. Now when youre cleaning your house, right . Its like the illusion of baking. Youve been baking all day and really youre just cleaning. Im taking your word for it. Ive got allergies. Do you smell it . Yes. Can you put any sort of a scent in there . Any sort of scented oil. As you clean the house, you will be oh, my gosh. I like it. What now . We are spraying some fabric softener and water, about onethird fabric softener and water. On pet hair. This is the worst thing to vacuum up. This will eliminate the static electricity. Lets do that same thing again. My thing again here. Do you let it dry all the way before you vacuum it . About a minute or so. All you have to do now, it will come right up, okay . Yeah. So think about, right . How about that . Thats just fabric softener. Fabric softener, the sheets, get rid of stinkbugs. You know those disgusting stinkbugs . No. You dont know what stinkbugs are . Gods most disgusting creature. If you put screens on inside and out, most of the stinkbugs will not come in. That is a tip for everyone. Who knew . Lets go here. What is that . Lets talk about these bleach pens that are so popular. These are great. You know what theyre best for . What . You just put this on your grout in the bathroom. You dont have to do anything else. In about an hour, it will all be gone. Joanne. Grout in her bathroom. Disgusting bathroom in her house. Formerly disgusting bathroom. Now look how beautiful. Thats great. It works. Genius. By the way, all great ideas. Who knew . Who knew . Thanks a lot. Go to klgandhoda. Com. How one incredible woman got thousands of pets out of shelters and into loving homes. How you can take one to your home right after this. Look. Aww oh john dont wallow john iin ice cream. S over. Im not wallowing in ice cream. Its the new dannon oikos greek frozen yogurt. Half the fat of regular ice cream. Its so irresistibly thick and creamy didnt expect you to be enjoying yourself so soon couldnt resist, mmm its such a good source of protein too no, im talking about this john, already . that was mine. Hi mom. Hi sweety. Try the new dannon oikos greek frozen yogurt. Dannon. Announcer amazing women on today is brought to you by cetaphil skin care. The gentle power achieves amazing results. Were back and were highlighting an amazing woman making a powerful difference in a gentle way. Chicago entrepreneur paula was shocked to learn tens of thousands of homeless pets were being euthanized in her own city every year, so she decided to do something about it. Reporter in 1997, paula took a handful of pets from chicagos city pound and paraded them up and down the citys busiest shopping district to raise awareness and find safe homes for them. Ten years later, paws chicago opened its doors. Its mission was to stop euthanizing homeless pets within the city. Today that shelter is the largest nokill organization in e midwest. And at paws chicago, the animals are able to live in rooms instead of cages with music playing throughout the building. And since its inception, the number of homeless pets euthanized in the city has declined by nearly 70 . And paula has united more than 31,000 cats and dogs with new families. I pick him reporter including this little guy, my best friend, blake. So now hes your best friend. Great. Were having a good day here. Paulas here along with a few of her friends. She brought some friends. Hi, paula. Congratulations. Thank you. 31,000 . Yes, and thats just since we opened our Adoption Center in 07. Were you shocked when you learned the numbers . Absolutely. I love animals. And if i dont know, think of all the americans who have no clue what happens to animals. Are you finding it more and more because people are in tough economic times, they just cannot care for them because of the expense of a pet . Yes. It has gotten much worse, but i will say because theres more awareness now, people are rallying and getting involved. And that was really why we started paws chicago, was to engage the community and solve the problem. And its a unique facility, isnt it. Tell us what makes it different from some of the other places. We have a whole comprehensive nokill model, so it is the Adoption Center where the animals are not in cages. Theyre in rooms. Theyre given walks. Theyre given full medical treatment at our Medical Center which is separate from our Adoption Center. And then they get a guarantee. So any animal thats adopted out, god forbid something happens, we always will take the animal back and it will not be killed. You want to see this happen in every major city. Yes. Were working with shelters all across the country to train and teach them and also with donors. If you live in a community and you want to know, you know, they say theyre nokill, but what should they be doing to really know these animals are protected . So we help the public and other shelters. And these guys that we have here bonnie clyde. Bonnie clyde. So cute. And theyre up for adoption . They are. And theyre from a shelter on long island. Somebody should take both so theyre not separated. How about this guy whos shredding our cards . This little one, oh, my gosh, from a shelter, a little terrier. Adorable. Rin tin tin. Just adorable. Yes. What were you doing before this . Well, my husband and i started a Small Community bank, and we grew the company from 15 employees to 1,100. We became the Largest Community bank in illinois. And then we sold it a year ago. But during the time we were growing our company, we found out about what was happening to anima animals. And we actually used some of the facilities in our company to do adoption events, to house animals because we just started from scratch. And then we started getting volunteers. And we really realized that you can leverage, you solve problems in a business, you can solve problems in the nonprofit world. And that was really what this is about, solutions. And this is a solvable problem. So if people are experiencing problems around the country, they can get in touch with you and youd be happy to help them . Absolutely. To develop the nokill model. What about the little kitty . This ones from chicago. Oh, the best kitty, argo, available for adoption. So everybody in the nation contact chicago paws, right . Paws chicago. Paws chicago. Also if you want to look into these guys, go to our website, klgandhoda. Com for more information. And if you know an amazing woman like paula whos making a powerful difference in a gentle way, we want to hear about it together with our sponsor, cetaphil, we are hosting a contest called gentle yet powerful. Go to klgandhoda. Com to nominate someone you know and were going to select a winner to join us right here next month. And while were talking about adorable pets, wait until you see these. More of those fun videos you send us. But first, this is today on nbc. We want to let you know that bruce was able to get all of that nail polish off that wood from earlier. It just took a little bit more elbow grease. Before and go. After. All done. Nice. Thats a new piece of wood. No. Pretty useless, but its good now. Time to take a look at your adorable pets doing some pretty cool tricks. We asked us to send us videos of your perfect pooches or fearless felines and you did. If you want to put a smile on your face, take a look at this. Hello. Hello. Dance. Come on. Close the door. Stay. Stay. Jump. Hello. Hello. Good boy. Now say i love you. I love you. I love you, hodi. Oh, my gosh i love you, hodi. All right. Tomorrow, how to get something for nothing. Plus were going to bake up some dump cakes. Dont ask. One of the easiest, most delicious desserts youre ever that just sounds awful. And how to turn your child into a college graduate. Dont worry. Ill take care of this. By 12. Have an awesome wednesday, winesday. Im off to be with dolly parton. Hodas going to come with me and make up to me all day long. Have an awesome day. See you all tomorrow. Right now at 11 00, a Bay Area High School scare is over. Police lift a lockdown at Kennedy High School in richmond after a shooting near campus. A student was shot in the leg in a driveby this morning. As he recovers, officers are trying to track down the shooter. Good morning to you. Thank you for joining us. Im peggy bunker at 11 00. We have more on that story coming up. But lets begin now with a story thats impacting everyone across the bay area. That would be this microclimate weather alert. Taking a look at some different hot spots here. San francisco, palo alto, and san jose, where we will be flirting with 100degree temperatures. Well have Team Coverage in place this morning, looking at this bay area

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