This is how to run a restaurant. Sets up a table for eight. Little candles. Sets the little fireplace for us, and we had our own little private dinner up there, which was so much fun. I cant believe that. Regis had me in such stitches. Did he . In such stitches. I wasnt going to say anything today, but its in the news. Its in the newspaper. He is going to fox sports. He is all excited about it. Its going to be his own show at 5 00 starting its a group thing, right . He will be on at 5 00, and then i think he said august through super bowl. Im excited for him. Reg, he will be 82 in august. I said how long of a deal did you sign . Love to needle. One year. One year. Oh, my gosh. Im excited for him. He loves sports like crazy. Everybody he is sick of everybody saying yes we missed you. Why did you retire . He never retired. He moved on. He moved on. I remember from that book signing i had when he showed up and the place exploded. I continue. It was out of control, and he just by stepping into a situation, he blew it up. He was so thrilled to be able to do that for you that day. What did he say . He said hello to moda. Anyway whatever. You know what, he is not the only one that cant get your name. Behave yourself with chelsea today, okay . Chelsea is here again. Oh, look at her. Bored. Shes not reading the times, is she . No, i cant read. Had to show her to the ladies room this morning. Everything turned out okay apparently. Shes handcuffed. This is perfect. She cant leave. She tried to get out of being on the fourth hour, and thats all right. We have our knives all sharpened get her out of the so sorry. Reading with one hand. Let somebody bring her in when its her time. Its going to be explosive had when shes here. We hear that theres a funny piece of video thats out there. Now, if you have ever been pulled over by the cops, usually youre nervous. Youre in the car, and you want to do everything just right because you dont get a ticket because maybe he will show some mercy for you. In russia a guy pulled over, and he had the hottest new russian gadget in his dashboard, and i guess its an animal that repeats things that you say. It says what you say. What do you think . [ speaking russian ] oh, thats cute. Its kind of set up because it seems very, very much like a setup to me. He got his license. He has a camera rolling. He has yeah. Its very funny. Its very funny. We dont care. All right. What is the batman come to life story . I wasnt listening. There was a guy that theyre trying to find. He solved this crime. In this case this guy is dressed like batman. He is a little overweight, batman. Unidentified. He is in a batman suit. He walked a berkeley suspect into a Police Station and turned the guy in. The 27yearold support was arrested of fraud, and batman left. Why would the crook go with batman . Why did he go along . Why wouldnt he . Who cares . We a great fad diet. Were thinking of trying it. I like the whole point of this diet. Okay. Its out of britain. Its a new diet. So what happens is for two days in the week you eat you almost fast. You eat like 500 calories, and the other five days you can eat what you like. Youre not supposed to pig out on those five, but on the two days that you dont eat much your stomach shrinks. Okay. Then when you do the five days it doesnt want as much . It doesnt want as much until the last day, and then you shrink it again. Its like the cave man days. When a cave man would go out and get meat, and everybody would eat it, and for two days the wife would say where is the food, and they would have to go get it. Their stomach would shrink again, and the meat would come. Im going to have to ask frank if thats true. Hell know. By the way, we got a big reaction to our segment on lying on whether you should lie to your spouse about things. Remember we were talking about if you have a steamy dream and your spouse said what did you dream about, should you say i had a steamy dream about your best friend. I had a steamy dream, but it was about frank. I forgot to tell him. Did you really have one . I did. I was surprised it was about him. Isnt that nice . Yes, it is. But we had that big discussion, and then over the weekend he went ask got up, got the car, and came here to new york, and got somebody to do something to his hair and came home and goes what do you think of my hair . Do you like my hair . I had to do what i said. I do. Honey, do you really want me to answer that . Yes. I told him i didnt like it, and then ill never ask you again. This is the good thing about us getting older. 20 minutes later, how do you like my hair . He forgot that he told me not to ask. Never mention it again. So its all is well with us. Its all good. Were learning to deal with all of his little changes in life with a lot of humor. That lying thing did spark a lot about whether or not you should tell your spouse the truth at all times and what you should keep from them. I thought it was interesting. It wont change your behavior because youre afraid to tell a woman that shes killing you, taking all the skin off your body. You wont tell her the truth. I didnt want to hurt her feelings, okay . People have feelings too. All right . All right. We better get to we have our favorite things. Lets hear yours. Over the weekend i went up to essex, connecticut, because i had fallen in love with a womans art, and i found out that she was going to be at the art essex art museum. Its up there, and a lovely, lovely, lovely place. This is who this woman is. Her name is ann h. Nielsen. Its called angels in our midst. Its one of the most beautiful books. You can get it. Ann nielsen fine art. Com. The book is 70. Its expensive. Its a lovely, like, mothers day gift or a Birthday Gift or Something Like that, but you can buy her prints, which a lot of people, do or she has gorgeous, gorgeous paintings. One of the loveliest, loveliest people i have ever met. I just adore her work. Everybody that was there was just like they didnt want to leave because it just brings such peace and so she signed this to you, hoda woman. How beautiful . This is for you. I love this. That was my favorite thing. Beautul. Now mine, of course, seems trivial, once again, but i have this is so good. Vaseline. No, this is so good. Lets say you were in the shower and you want to put lotion on. Let me show you how it works. On your scabs. I dont have scabs ony legs. You spray it like that. Then you rub it in. Yeah. See . You are making the prisoners go crazy right now. Its better because than having to skirt it in your hand and rub it in. Its a spray, and its more convenient because im lazy. I hear you cleaned your apartment over the weekend. I did. I bagged up, you guys, six big lawn trash bags full of tshirts and junk, okay . And theyre all in bags, and i gave it away to charity. I love it. You gave junk to charity. Nice, hoda. A lot of them had tags on. Sara, what do have you . Sticking with the trivial, its a mac lipstick. Its a new shade. Some fans say you always have a great nude lip, and its called peach stock. You can get it at Mac Cosmetics or sephora. I have to say it is a color that if you are looking for your eyes to pop, like you want to play down the leps, i learned this from mary, this is the one. Peach stock. Very pretty. This, of course, is the first week of the new month, and we always have everyone has a moment i was singing to reg. On his 87th birthday the other night. Boy, did i clear a room. Boydy clear a room. 36yearold daniel from marlboro, new jersey, and his girlfriend mindy. This really moved me when i read it. While he and his girlfriend were visiting his mom right after the hurricane this past fall in the florida hospital. Daniel had, like, severe stomach pains. He was admitted to the hospital himself. His mom passed away just a couple of days later, and two days after that daniel was diagnosed he is a young, beautiful man. Stage four rare its called peritonium cancer in his small bowel. He remained in the hospital for another month and his girlfriend mindy stayed right by his side. They missed christmas, of course, new years, and everything, losing his mom, but he wanted he called and said he wanted to honor his girlfriend for staying with him through all of that. She never left his side when he had surgery. They are on the phone. Daniel and mindy, how are you, guys . Good. How are you . Oh, we look so forward to meeting you this thursday. We do too. Daniel, how are you feeling right now, hon . Are you up for the trip . Im working my way there. Its a goal to get there, and, you know, every day ive had new challenges even with being in the hospital, but i look forward to it. We look forward to meeting you guys. Were going to honor your girl and honor you as well for all that you have been through too. So many people have been through so much since hurricane sandy. Well see you on thursday, okay . All right. Bye, guys. Bye, guys. Heres the news. She cannot escape now. No, no. More lies, sex, videotape, and knowing Chelsea Handler, more excuses. Shes here, and well have our way with her, which shell probably enjoy, knowing her. Next. O sleeping. Where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep. And lunesta® eszopiclone can help you get there. Like it has for so many people before. When taking lunesta, dont drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. Walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. Lunesta should not be taken together with alcohol. Abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations, or confusion. In depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. Alcohol may increase these risks. Allergic reactions such as tongue or throat swelling occur rarely and may be fatal. Side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness, and morning drowsiness. Ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. Then find out how to get lunesta for as low as fifteen dollars at lunesta. Com. Theres a land of restful sleep. We can help you go there on the wings of lunesta. Mikes being healthy and chewing like a man. With one a day vitacraves for men. Its a gummy multivitamin with more b vitamins, which help convert food to energy, and help mike do manly things, like wrestle bears and take out the garbage. One a day vitacraves for men. Are proven to be effective pain relievers. Tylenol works by blocking pain signals to your brain. Bayer advanced aspirin blocks pain at the site. Try the power of bayer advanced aspirin. I will say this, i dont know if you are going to take this as a compliment, but because of my relationship to you and kodaba, i felt like you would be the safest people to do that to. Our good friend, in quotes, Chelsea Handler trying to make us feel important after skipping out op our show. Forgiven, except the kodaba part. We invited her to promote her third season of her e show called after lately. This is where were supposed to be gracious and welcome you. You guys really know how to beat a dead horse. We killed it, havent we . Enough already. Its over. Cheers to that. I would, but you guys have turned into such lushes. I mean its because of you. I know. I take credit for that. Yes, you do. Now, you left chewy on the plane, you said . He just stays in the overhead bin until i come back, so its totally cool. Everyone is cool with it. The airline is cool with it. Everybody is the passengers. Well, its fun when he falls out in the middle of the flight and he roll says down the aisle like a bowling ball. Its like a floor show for the passengers, right . He is very funny. I mean, he is really his talents are actually better used on the show after lately which is on tonight on e at 10 30. I want to make sure everyone knows what time its on, because i didnt know. He is actually better because then he can kind of just spout off things. On my show we give him words to say or sentences. Sentences. Theyre words with one syllable, but on after lately he gets to talk, and he is very funny. He actually is. This is my favorite project ever. I love doing the show. After doing this show, you do a daily show after a while, and you are, okay, you get used to it. After lately we get to reenact different kind of situations that have happened between me and the writers and, like, cathy made Heather Mcdonald cry. We got to reenact that. She deserved it. Well have to do that next season. Yeah, she did deserve it. She totally deserved it. It wasnt hard to make her cry. You have jay leno on. Jay leno is on the show tonight. I tell him what a piece what i think of him. Charlize theron. Everyone is saying her name wrong. Its actually theron, so people need to pronounce it correctly. Kate beckensdale is on this season. Johnny knoxville. Its a really funny show. I didnt know what to expect. It is great fun. You are on the show too. I had a great time. You were a really good sport. If you invite jay leno, does he know he is going to get skewered. Yeah, jay leno knows whats up. He knows what i think of him. Hes okay with it. Thats why we get along so well. Did you watch the tonight show and say i dont care for him. What sparked it . We slept together several times. I know. He is married, so, obviously, we were with his wife as well, so it was a threeway. You know what so many people dont realize about you, when you are not cop lating in one form of another, you are a darn nice person. I try to be nice. I try to be nice to make up for the rest of the time that im being the way that i am, so im very i try and be generous, you know, because i want people to think that i have a good heart. I kind of do. Its just kind of what about she proved it to me when i was telling you about you on the new york best seller list. She gets out her fancy phone and orders 20 books. One of my fancy phones. I was on a rotary phone. For me thats a fancy phone. What about your boyfriend . Were you hanging around the oscars . I think i saw some pictures of you. I had a Little French braid updo. That also makes me look i like braids. Very heidi in the mountains. Whats happening there . Were in love. Sometimes were in like, and sometimes were in love. Were in love. And sometimes in lust. This morning i couldnt turn on the shower. It was only on scalding hot, and he is flying back from dropping his daughter off. Im, like, how do you turn the shower on in this dump . You just turn it left. It doesnt get any colder. He goes, well, some people like hot showers, you weirdo, and then i hung up and ill see you in a couple of hours and hopefully ill be in a better mood. You guys might as well be married. I was able to find a shower that did work down the hallway. I didnt know there was another one. Thats been quite a while for you. Its been four months. Four months. I think im going to propose. We love you, chelsea. Awesome. Great fun. 10 30. Thank you for having me back, ladies, after all our turmoil. We are so over that. Not so soon, baboon. After a while crocodile. No, no. Baboon. After a while crocodile. Please. The feud continues tonight when im on, whenever its on. When is that happening . Youre not off the hook yet. All right. Well, could it be you . Well reveal our fan of the week. Its probably not you. 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We are back with our fan of the week when we surprise one of our viewers with a shoutout and a giveaway trip. Its probably not you, but sara knows who it is. Our winner this week is megan barlow from New Hampshire who watches us on whdh channel 7. As part of a set of triplets, meagan and her sister, hillary, do everything togeth, including watching our show. They always try and convince their brother, kyle, to watch, but im guessing that failed. Being fulltime students at the university of New Hampshire doesnt get in their way. They schedule their classes around the show, which is always a great recommendation. All serious students should. We like them a lot. We hope they can part with their snuggies long enough to go to fort lauderdale, florida. You go. You enjoy a three night stay at the westin beach resort and spa. The trip includes dinner, two roller sage treatments, and round trip airfare for two. The hotel and airfare were provided by the westin beach resort and spa. The average temperature yearround is 82. Ben affleck takes the paparazzi to protect his daughter. Theres lots of celebrity buzz. That was scary. Do it again. And then again. 6 hey. Theyre coming. Yeah. British. Later. Sorry. Ok. Four words. Scarecrow in the wind. A baboon. Monkey . Hot stew saturday . Ronny hey jimmy, how happy are folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico . Jimmy happier than paul revere with a cell phone. Ronny why not . Anncr get happy. Get geico. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. In the middle of the night it can be frustrating. Its hard to turn off and go back to sleep. Intermezzo is the first and only prescription sleep aid approved for use as needed in the middle of the night when you cant get back to sleep. Its an effective sleep medicine you dont take before bedtime. Take it in bed only when you need it and have at least four hours left for sleep. Do not take intermezzo if you have had an allergic reaction to drugs containing zolpidem, such as ambien. Allergic reactions such as shortness of breath or swelling of your tongue or throat may occur and may be fatal. Intermezzo should not be taken if you have taken another sleep medicine at bedtime or in the middle of the night or drank alcohol that day. Do not drive or operate machinery until at least 4 hours after taking intermezzo and youre fully awake. Driving, eating, or engaging in other activities while not fully awake without remembering the event the next day have been reported. Abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations, or confusion. Alcohol or taking other medicines that make you sleepy may increase these risks. In depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. Intermezzo, like most sleep medicines, has some risk of dependency. Common side effects are headache, nausea, and fatigue. So if you suffer from middleofthenight insomnia, ask your doctor about intermezzo and return to sleep again. Fresh from Barry Manilows triumphant closing on broadway, this is fun day monday with tuesdays buzz only because rob was there. Mondays buzz. I dont care. Hollywood news you may have missed over the weekend. Justin bieber had the worst birthday ever. He is only 18. Its naughty but nice Huffington Post columnist. I understand where we were going. Get with the program. Lets start with bieber. He did tweet out that he had the worst birthday r. He is 19 and in london doing concerts. He went to a nightclub in london. Is that legal at 19 . Yes. In london you can be 18 to drink, 16 to actually have somebody else order you a drink, and 5 to drink at home. Im not making it up. There was people in his entourage that were under age and were not allowed in the club. Justin just tweeted back out if you think will smith would let his 14yearold son go to a club, you are silly. He is saying that jaden wasnt there. Underage kids were. But there were some kids werent 18 years old. He was banned from going into a club he enjoys going into. So now theres a whole debate. The club is saying were sorry, but rules are rules. I respect the club for doing that. I really do. There are lots of places he can go and have a drink. He is saying that wasnt the case. He just didnt have a very good time at that club and wont be going back. Oh, lord. Oh, bieber, stop. So we have a new addition to the nbc family, and her name is heidi klum. Isnt that amazing . Shes joining americas got talent. Im going to play devils advocate. Everybody knows heidi and they adore her. What makes her an expert on peoples talent . This is a very good point. Heidi really has is shes made a career of being a beautiful lady. Shes incredible. Project runway was her idea. Shes the executive producer. She put that whole, whole process together. Yes. You are not answering the question. Well, what im trying to say i mean okay. You whan i mean . Like hello. She starts today. The reason we they have their name in the big x, and i think she brings some glamour too. But its nice to see like what someone is wearing and oh, shes howie is back. Wow. They took off more than your skin this weekend. Thats rude. Im still in pain. Wow. Ben affleck went to pick up you. Ben affleck went to pick his daughter up from school. A bit of a scruffle with the paparazzi. There are some reports that he tried to kick them. However, what his friends are saying is that that isnt true. He was kicking his leg out saying you should be this far away from me and my children. He couldnt use his arms because he was carrying his daughter. Shes only 4 years old. This is a preschool. There it is. Im told by many people that he is saying please keep this far away. You know, when it comes to your kids, i get that. I really, really, really do. They make a lot more money if they get the kids in the picture and get you angry at them because of the kids. The price of the pictures go up. We see them unusual. Hard to keep them separate, but they did go to school, and they do have regular lives. They try to have them. They try, and i think we should respect that. Lets talk about the cast of modern family. They were in an elevator. They were in there with some other people, and they got stuck for an hour. Lets watch a teeny bit of the tape. Then we want to hear what you have to say about it. Get us out. Get us out. Get us out. Get us out they were in there for an hour. Thats a long time. An hour is kind of a long time. You know how people start to what . Smell a little bit after about an hour. Come on. Lets be honest. Theyre in kansas city to do a charity event. No good deed goes unpunished. Actually they got stuck in the elevator. They were there for an hour. Eventually they got out, and jesse tweeted thank goodness the firemen in kansas city are cute. Apparently a bunch of handsome men got them out. They went then, and everybody it was a wonderful night. That was cool. All right. Thanks. Handled it beautifully, in other words. We love you. We dont know why, but we do. A little kung fu fighting. Did sara just do it . Wait. What happened . She broke her hand. If sara can do it wow. Both tylenol and bayer advanced aspirin are proven to be effective pain relievers. Tylenol works by blocking pain signals to your brain. Bayer advanced aspirin blocks pain at the site. Try the power of bayer advanced aspirin. With hotwires low prices, i can afford to visit chicago for my first big race and l. A. For my best friends wedding. Because when hotels have unsold rooms, they use hotwire to fill them. So i got my hotels for halfprice men hotwire hotwire. Com asionaconstipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating . Yes one Phillips Colon Health probiotic cap each day helps defend against these digestive issues. With three strains of good bacteria. [ Phillips Lady ] live the regular life. Phillips. All right, leif garret is a martial arts expert. Oh, my god. I was just thinking that. A marshall artist who holds the current world record for the fastest board breaker. He chops 487 boards in one minute with one hand. Better than leif garrett. Lake. 1,000 boards in 24 hours, and is he going to attempt it at an event called breaking barriers. And its all to help kids. Way to go, lake, if thats your real name. It is. What got you involved with kids and this charity . I grew up in the martial arts, and it was something that i would lean towards to give me guidance and direction, and i realized even in instructing kids how many values and benefits there are, and thats how all of a sudden i came with breaking barriers because their eyes light up when they break through that board and feel that sense of empowerment. Its exciting and excel i will rating. Is it about using the right part of your hand and the right part of the power. Its the focus and intensity and the drive. All the things we teach. Sara broke her wrist. Something didnt go quite the way we hoped. Tell us about folks at home. If they want to participate in this charity, they can buy a block. You visit our website, and you get to register for one of those boards theyre going to be breaking that day. 100,000 in one day. Were breaking through 100,000 barriers for kids. How easy is this . Show us. How hard is it . Who is going to make a fist and drive right through it . I have a wounded oh, who cares . Drive right through. Hand tight, and just twist right through. One, two, and three. Ow. See . You just broke through obesity. Lets hear it. Hoda woman. Whether its hunger. We want to help these kids. Show us what you are going to wow. Right here really . We partnered up with so many great foundations. Andy roddick has partnered with us. Tony keith has partnered with us. How many are we talking about down here . Right now this is actually 70 boards, and this represents what i have to go through each and every minute over those 24 hours. All of these in one minute for 24 hours straight. Each one for a child. Are we ready . Inow how it hurts. One, two, three. Yes. One, two, three. Go. I want to see your hand. Oh, my god. Are you kidding me . Does your mother know youre doing this . You broke your hand too. Did you break it here . No, i think were good. I think were good. Did you almost break it . A little bit. Maybe. No, he is fine. Its fine. He is bleeding. Thats unbelievable. Let me check. For more information about breaking barriers, you guys, visit our website klgandhoda. Com. Make a fist. Come to mama. Do you feel okay . Well take care of you, lake. Dont you worry. Go ahead, hoda. Ive got it. Are you all right . Ive got it. She dropped 14 sizes. Jean sizes. Its okay, lake. Yes. Heres your sevenday forecast. Keep you up to date. Of course, were all keeping an eye on the wrinter storm making its way through minneapolis on chicago. Its snow for you today. Louisville and atlanta is just going to be rain for you. But this could be a big know maker. And you can see these temperatures rather low in the northern fringes here. 31 degrees in minneapolis. In the 40s in new york city, and in boston, 63 in atlanta. As we head into tomorrow, then were going to watch this system start to correct towards the east. Thats when its going to get towards the midatlantic. And we could see some significant snowfall in places like washington, d. C. And the temperatures coming down a little bit there. Check out florida, 66 degrees for you in orlando. 53 in denver. By thursday, the system now making its way out of the country. So were just seeing a little bit of snow and winter activity right along the northeast. But here comes the next system as they do this time of year. Rain in San Francisco and snow to places like the Cascade Mountain 37ss a little bit of snow as we get into some of the mountain areas. The temperatures in the 40s, also rebounding there in florida. Back into the 70s for you in orlando. By saturday, a pretty big rain event all the way to houston right on up to minneapolis. Chicago, youll be looking at 43 degrees. 65 in atlanta. Sunday, more of the same as the system begins to stay right there in center of the country. Not moving quickly. And you can see were back into the warm temperatures in florida. 49 degrees for you on the east coast. Then on monday, we have in new orleans, right on up through chicago. Looking 39 degrees into the northern reaches of minnesota. So keep an eye out for wake up with al. All weather stories, 5 30 to 7 00 a. M. On the weather channel. Have given way to sleeping. Tossing and turning where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep. And lunesta® eszopiclone can help you get there. Like it has for so many people before. When taking lunesta, dont drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. Walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. Lunesta should not be taken together with alcohol. Abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations, or confusion. In depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. Alcohol may increase these risks. Allergic reactions such as tongue or throat swelling occur rarely and may be fatal. Side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness, and morning drowsiness. Ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. Then find out how to get lunesta for as low as fifteen dollars at lunesta. Com. Theres a land of restful sleep. We can help you go there on the wings of lunesta. It is time for look at me now, the joy luck club. This woman lost 276 pounds. She is 49yearold theresa. Before we bring her in, lets take a look at her amazing story. Hi. My name is theresa. Growing up i was an emotional eater. I learned at a young age that food made the good times better and the sad times more bearable. When my father died, i was only 8 years old and wellmeaning adults tried to comfort me with an extra scoop of ice cream or grandmas rice pudding. Food became my escape. I learned to hide my pain behind a bag of chips or cookies and i became addicted to all things sugary. I went back to college at 42, and by the time i had graduated, i weighed 428 pounds. I could barely walk across the stage to receive my diploma. I was in constant physical pain and was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. Before long i became dependent on a cane and then a walker to get around. One morning i woke up, and i decided i no longer wanted to live like an invalid. I dumped the bottles of soda into the sink, emptied my sugar bowl in the trash and began to count calories. At first i told no one about my efforts, but once i made that decision, i never looked back. Today i am a walking miracle. I am 276 pounds lighter and 14 jean sizes smaller. If i can go from a wheelchair to a treadmill and lose the equivalent of two adults, anybody can do it. Wow. Wow. Were joined by the leader of the joy fit club, joy bauer. This is unbelievable. She went from a wheelchair to a treadmill, and she really shows you the power of will. Everybody wonders, how did she do it . She didnt follow a specific diet. She got calorie smart. She started reading labels, and she bought a book that had calories, and she just ate better. I want to show you a few things that were very surprising to her. In the past she was buying something that sounds healthy, the canned pears, but in heavy syrup. This is 350 calories. 20 packets of sugar in here. If you go to the natural, natural juice, then its onlying 210, but even better, a regular pear, 100 calories. Then when she was cooking, she would take the oil. She would pour it right into the pan. Glug, glug. It would be about two table spoons. 340 calorie brz you add the food. Now a mister. She just sprays it right on. I didnt pump it. You know, its about a teaspoon, and covers the whole surface. Only 40 calories. Lets meet her. I cant wait. Here is theresas picture before. All right, theresa. Come join the joy fit club. Come on, girl. Oh, my god. Are you kidding . No. You are kidding. Oh, my gosh. Wow. Oh, my gosh. Look at that waistline on you. You are unbelievable. Bombshell. How long did it take you from the day you made that decision to lose all the weight . About 22 months. It was two years on friday. Congratulations. You said joy was saying the treadmill, so you get moving on that. Is that the exercise you get . I do now. November 1st was the first time i stepped on a treadmill. At first how difficult was it for you . Well, i had a dress and high heels on the treadmill at my college where i work, and i walked down and said will you show me what this is about . Thats the first thing i said. Where is the seat belt . I got on that, and i walked and i walked and i walked and i felt like i was running a marathon. You know what, thats incredible. I love that you made the decision one day. You didnt tell a soul, and then you just took it and ran with it. People dont even recognize her now. I bet. What do people say when they see you if they havent seen you in a while . They dont know who i am. When i go home at christmas or the holidays, people that i went to church with every day, people that i worked with, people that knew me, they dont know who i am. What do they say when they realize its you . Its a miracle. Its a miracle. Same thing i say. Thank you. Nice to meet you. Congratulations. All right. The better weather, thank you lord, is coming. Jill martin has your must haves for spring. First, this is today on nbc. Unbelievable. [ female announcer ] going to sleep may be easy, but when you wake up in the middle of the night it can be frustrating. Its hard to turn off and go back to sleep. Intermezzo is the first and only prescription sleep aid approved for use as needed in the middle of the night when you cant get back to sleep. Its an effective sleep medicine you dont take before bedtime. Take it in bed only when you need it and have at least four hours left for sleep. Do not take intermezzo if you have had an allergic reaction to drugs containing zolpidem, such as ambien. Allergic reactions such as shortness of breath or swelling of your tongue or throat may occur and may be fatal. Intermezzo should not be taken if you have taken another sleep medicine at bedtime or in the middle of the night or drank alcohol that day. Do not drive or operate machinery until at least 4 hours after taking intermezzo and youre fully awake. Driving, eating, or engaging in other activities while not fully awake without remembering the event the next day have been reported. Abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations, or confusion. Alcohol or taking other medicines that make you sleepy may increase these risks. In depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. Intermezzo, like most sleep medicines, has some risk of dependency. Common side effects are headache, nausea, and fatigue. So if you suffer from middleofthenight insomnia, ask your doctor about intermezzo and return to sleep again. I took something for my sinuses, but i still have this cough. [ male announcer ] a lot of sinus products dont treat cough. They dont . [ male announcer ] nope, but alka seltzer plus severe sinus does it treats your worst sinus symptoms, plus that annoying cough. [ breathes deeply ] oh, what a relief it is [ angry gibberish ] thank goodness for spring being around the corner. Its time to add color back your daily routine stwloosh from the latest trends in home and fashion, to beauty projects and fun gadgets, today contributor and people style watch contributing editor jill martin. Author of a new book coming up in a couple of weeks. Thank you. The 26th. I saw it in your dressing room. We have you on our schedule, baby. In the meantime. In the meantime, spruce up your home. All customized. You see all the Different Things here. Then this is the best. Each of your families are in this xo board. Look. You just cut out these little pictures. Its about 30. What a great gift. This will spruce up any room. Great gifts for spring. Great. Look at little ella. Ella got something. Ella got something. Adorable. Control yourself please, hoda. I have three trends for spring that i think everyone can relate to and sort of match up with things already in your closet. White is the new neutral. Your favorite. I put on my white shoes already. You cant see. The pumps are from kohls. This bag is 30 from h m. I wanted to show all the Different Things. Modify watches. You can switch in and out. All the Different Things that you could sort of get and its just inspiration. You say you can wear white now. All yearround. Winter white girls. We want to wear it, dog gone it. This is the tropical, which really means flowers with a little kick. This is from target under 30. Just great items all around. Use this as inspiration, and also a little, you know, sexiness from victoria secret. Which you will not be wearing. I love. Im so glad this is back. The lucite collection from dillard, and look at these sandals with the lucite. Just a touch of it. Moving into beauty. Loreal paris usa under 10 or at drug stores. Great colors for the spring. And then these inspired by the wizard of oz that comes out this week. Just a few things i want to share with you. What wizardry is this . All the Different Things. Like an emerald city, and each of the palates are, like, glenda the good witch. I cant wait. I love these. You are going to love this. These are for iphones. You store in it your credit card and genius. I have one key. Not my keys, but would you show that to camera so people can see that . You open it. See how you have everything in there. If you go running or something, you have everything with you. And the sweat doesnt get to your credit card. Right. Yeah. And then how do i know . And then you charge these beauties for three hours, and then you get a few more hours of time on your iphone. Theyre charging. Oh, theyre cute. They are cute. And then this is fabulous. What is it is this. Sugarfina. This is my idea. Oh, is that amazing . These are these are a champagne necklace in there. These are candy . Theyre candy olives. Each is inspired by a different alcohol. Thats for rum. You have here i know were leaving, but champagne bears, martini olives. Tomorrow Ricky Schroeder is a doll, and Mary Lou Henner and pregnancy trends of the year. Jeff mod modern family. I just wanted children. Jeff from coparenting. Lets do this. We were designing a family. Custody, finances. Jeff what about sex . What specifically did you want to know . Jeff share donors and adoptions. Wanted one little kid and we ended up with 12. Jeff theyre creating loving families in unconventional ways. This is all about love. [ applause ] hello roll it [ Cbs Television distribution ] jeff all right. A little about me. Im recently married. I worked with my wife on this show. And im learning how to be a dad to two amazing kids in a blended family. Im hosting a talk show cause theres a lot to talk about. This is the adventure. Welcome to the show. Thank you very much. Have a seat. So, today were talking about modern families. Im part of a modern family in that lisa, my wife, and i have two kids from her previous marriage. Im a parent. They have other parents. Its a beautiful, beautiful blended family. But theres all kinds of new families and coparenting is a very big trend. Im very excited to be talking about this today. Rachel is with us. Rachel, come on up. [ applause ] how are you . Im great. Jeff all right. So lets talk about this coparenting. You knew when you were little, i want to be a mom . Absolutely. That was my dream. Jeff but you were missing the man to make it happen . In a sense . Yes, but i didnt really want that. I just wanted children

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