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of the ocean. what he is saying about hitting rock bottom today, monday, march 26, 2012. >> announcer: from nbc news this is "today" with matt lauer and ann curry live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. good morning. welcome to "today" on a monday morning. i'm matt lauer. >> and i'm ann curry. matt, your exclusive interview with the wife of robert bales comes as new details are, merging about what happened. >> and they are chilling details. military prosecutors now believe that sergeant bales returned to the base during the attack and then headed back out to kill more civilians. did mrs. bales see any signs that her husband may not have been fit to be deployed? even with all the information you've heard about this story over the past couple of weeks, i think you'll be surprised to hear what she has to say. also coming up, dick cheney's weekend heart transplant. the former vice president of course is 71 years old. and even though he has waited longer than most to receive his donor heart, some are questioning whether someone that old should be getting one ahead of younger patients who are also waiting. dr. nancy sneiderman will weigh in on that story. also this morning, madonna's new video has sparked some controversy including the fact that she is seen smoking a cigarette. now the controversy is growing with new photos showing the pop star's 15-year-old daughter lighting up. some are saying like mother, like daughter. we'll be talking about that coming up this morning. a lot to get to, but we begin with new details on the murders of 17 afghan civilians allegedly by an american soldier. we'll hear exclusively from his wife in a moment. but first, nbc's jon yang is at fort leavenworth in kansas with the latest. good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, matt. this morning, we have learned new details about what military prosecutors believe happened that night, that night that ended with 17 afghan civilians dead, 13 of them women and children. military prosecutors allege the deadly rampage came in two waves, with staff sergeant robert bales returning to base after the first attack and then slipping out again. if the prosecution can prove that, it could be a problem for the defense. >> i think it's going to be extremely difficult for his defense to allege that this was all the result of post traumatic stress. >> reporter: in afghanistan, u.s. military officials said they have paid about $50,000 each to the families of the dead and $11,000 to the wounded. substantial sums in a country where the average household makes only around $300 a year. one official told nbc news the amount reflects the extraordinarily devastating nature of the incident. >> i think more than anything, it's to asage our own guilt this happened. >> reporter: bales now faces formal charges that he did with premeditation murder 17 afghan civilians, including four women and nine children. he is also charged with six counts of attempted murder. the charge sheet includes grisly details saying that bales tried to murder one afghan girl with a gunshot wound to the head. bales was read the charges inside the facility of fort leavenworth where he is being held in solitary confinement. >> he is kind of in shock about the whole thing. he's emotional, very emotional. he's holding up ok. you know, he's kind of like a deer in the headlights. >> reporter: he's told his attorney he has a spotty memory of the night of the shootings, remembering only things before and after the incident. analysts say bales' road to trial will not be speedy. >> this is a long process, and it will be many, many months if not more before we see a case like this go to trial. >> reporter: court proceedings in this case are scheduled for joint base lewis mccord in washington state near seattle. that's closer to where bales' wife and two small children are. but military officials say there are no plans to move him there anytime soon. matt? >> jon, thank you very much. staff sergeant bales' wife is speaking out for the first time. we sat down with her over the weekend and i asked her about the situation her husband is in. >> i was actually at the grocery store that morning. and got a phone call from my parents. and they said, well, it looks like a u.s. soldier, some afghan civilians were killed by a jblm soldier. >> and when you got home, did you hear the story expanded upon first before you heard bob's name mentioned? >> i saw 38-year-old staff sergeant, and i don't think there are very many of those. and i probably prayed and prayed that my husband wasn't involved. and then i received a phone call from the army saying that they would like to come out and talk to me. and i was relieved because when you get a phone call, you know that your soldier is not deceased. >> can you remember what they said? >> i remember they held my hand and they just said that perhaps, you know, they thought that he had left the base, and gone out and perhaps killed the afghan civilians. and that was really the only sentence, and i just started crying. >> tell me what you believe. >> i just -- it seems to me like -- i just don't think he was involved. >> so you think this is all mistaken identity? do you think this is -- is he being made a fall guy for someone else? >> i don't know. >> 17 people were killed. >> right. i don't know enough information. this is not him. it's not him. >> how do you get your head around that kind of news? >> it's devastating to hear. and it's -- it hurts. it hurts my heart. you know, it's just very, very saddened. >> this is a guy you describe as your best friend. >> right. >> and he's being charged with first degree murder. in other words, premeditated. that he planned this. >> it's very unbelievable. i just -- all i can think of is what happened, what led up to it. i don't -- we don't have all the -- i feel like i don't have all the information. >> when i asked what kind of dad he was, you said he was so involved in with children. he loves children. >> he loves children. he's like a big kid himself. >> and he is accused of killing nine children. >> right. >> innocent children. >> i have no idea what happened, but he would not -- he loves children. and he would not do that. it's heartbreaking. i can't imagine losing my children, so my heart definitely goes out to them for losing all of their children. >> is it possible in your mind that this is just the stress of war? >> that's what i thought of, yeah. it seems like this mission was different than the iraq tours. so more intense. >> how did you get word that he would be deployed a fourth time? >> it was a big shock because we weren't on the schedule to be deployed again. to be honest with you, he didn't want to miss out on any more of his kids' lives. when he joined, he had wanted to go to afghanistan. going to afghanistan didn't worry him. it was more about being just away from the family more time. >> how did you two deal with it? >> i was upset, you know, because i was hoping -- i was planning my next phases with my family. and being able to share with m him. >> prior to being deployed to afghanistan, his fourth deployment overall, he would have been screened at the base here, right? >> right. >> he would have gone through a physical screening and mental screening. >> right. >> are you completely confident that he was absolutely ok to be deployed that fourth time? >> yes. yep. >> there were no issues? >> no. >> there have been some reports that during his deployment in iraq there were two injuries. he suffered what was called a brain injury, a traumatic brain injury. what can you tell me about that? >> the only time i ever heard about any of those things is after he got back. i was kind of -- he kept a lot of it from me. >> so he suffered a traumatic brain injury. you're his wife by that point. he's communicating with you on a regular basis. and you never heard about it? >> no. nope, not until he came back and said that he had been blown up. he shielded me from a lot of what he went through. he is a very tough guy. >> do you believe that your husband ever showed signs of ptsd prior to this deployment or during this deployment? >> i don't know a lot about the symptoms of ptsd. so i wouldn't know. he doesn't have nightmares, you know, things like that. no dreams. >> trouble concentrating? >> uh-uh. >> erratic behavior shifts, anything like that? >> no. >> is there a question we should be asking ourselves about the stresses and strains that we put our military personnel under through these multiple deployments? what do you think about that? >> i think what's missing is the human aspect. they are first and foremost humans. they are trained to be warriors to protect our freedoms. and people don't see the human side. >> your husband was trained to be a warrior. >> proudly. to defend his country. >> and yet he may have seen some things during that time as a warrior that adversely affected him. >> i would say that a lot of people that have been deployed to iraq and afghanistan have seep a lot of things that affected them. it can't not affect you. >> you've spoken to him twice on the phone. did you say, sweetheart, did you do this? >> no, no. >> i mean, as a spouse, wouldn't you want to ask that question quickly? honey, why are they saying these things about you? >> not on a monitored phone call. so we couldn't -- we couldn't discuss those details. he was -- seemed a bit confused. as to where he was and why he was there. >> will there come a time when you get to see bob where you look him straight in the eye and ask him? >> probably. >> probably. >> probably. >> not definitely? >> i don't think i'll have to ask him is what i mean. i think he'll tell me what happened. from his point of view. >> he is -- it seems headed for trial. i mean, if this all progresses the way it seems to be progressing. that's going to be a very costly situation. >> it is. it is. and so we actually have set up a fund, a defense fund, on bob's behalf. >> do you feel you're going to have any trouble convincing people to contribute to a defense fund given the horrific nature of the crimes he's accused of? >> you know, i think that all soldiers, all people, deserve the best defense that they can get. i believe he deserves the best defense, to know what happened. >> the u.s. military believes its evidence is as strong as carrie's faith in her husband. i think some people looking, carrie, will watch and say that you're in denial. when you read that there's surveillance video, that he walked back to the base and turned himself in, how do you square that and still say, i don't think he was involved? >> i used to believe that everything i read was true or most things were true, and now as i'm reading a little bit of these, some things are true and some things aren't true. so i'm waiting to hear what actually is true. >> so if it turns out that he is on surveillance video, or that somebody in a position of power says, yes, he did turn himself in and hand over his weapon after this, will that change your mind or will nothing change your mind? >> i don't think anything will really change my mind in believing that he did not do this. this is not what it appears to be. >> as we mentioned, mrs. bales has set up a defense fund for her husband. to learn more about that, you can visit our website at it's 13 minutes after the hour. here's ann. now to the trayvon martin case. it has been one month since the florida teenager was shot and killed by a neighborhood watch volunteer. new witnesses are now coming forward as supporters of the shooter to defend his actions. nbc's ron allen is in sanmugam fo san -- sanford with the latest on this. >> there is a huge rally planned for later today that the organizers hope will draw a bigger crowd than the 25,000 or so who were here just a few days ago. they'll be here to send a loud message to the police, george zimmerman, and his supporters who claim that he is an innocent man. >> the incident that occurred i believe mr. zimmerman was acting in self defense. >> he cried for days after that shooting. >> and i don't believe that george zimmerman is a racist. >> george zimmerman supporters have launched a public campaign to defend himself in the court of public opinion. >> justice! >> reporter: against an unrelenting demand for zimmerman's arrest. thousands even donned hoodies in solidarity with trayvon martin's family in churches across the country. zimmerman's defenders insist it was the teenager who attacked first, knocking zimmerman to the ground, in a scuffle that left the crime watch volunteer with a broken nose, gash in his head, and grass-stained clothes, and ended with a fatal bullet in martin's chest. >> if what george claims is true, none of this would have happened if trayvon had just said, i'm staying with my parents. >> trayvon martin had no such duty. we believe he never knew who this strange man was who confronted him. >> reporter: and there are now witnesses coming forward like mary kutcher, who says she heard cries of distress out her open back window that night. >> it sounded young. it didn't sound like a grown man is my point. >> reporter: she said she is speaking out now because she does not believe zimmerman's claim of self defense. she heard the fatal gunshot. >> the crying stopped. and if it was zimmerman that was crying, or whining or whatever because he was hurt or -- i think it would have continued. >> reporter: martin's family maintains if zimmerman did what crime watch volunteers are supposed to do, their son would be alive today. >> neighborhood watch is to watch and call the police. he has a license to carry that weapon, but he does not have a license to carry that weapon as if he is a patrolman. and that's what he was doing that day. he played police. >> reporter: later today, martin's parents will have their first meeting with the special prosecutor just appointed by the governor to investigate this case. they are also going to make a very public plea for justice before the sanford city commission here, another reason why so many thousands of people are coming to this town to support them. ann? >> ron allen, thank you. george zimmerman's attorney craig sonner is joining us, along with his longtime friend. good morning. >> good morning. >> george zimmerman first pursued and shot an unarmed boy. how does he justify that as self defense? >> first of all, i think we need to let the investigation come forward and all the facts in the case come out. i think it's going to tell a different story than the way it's been related and portrayed in the media so far. >> what we do know is that george is a 250-pound man, and that this boy, the 17-year-old boy, is of slender build. the question is, how would he have seen this boy as a threat to his life? >> i think that that's all the evidence that needs to come out. i think some of the things you mentioned are not quite accurate. and i think when the evidence comes out, it will show that george zimmerman was acting in self defense in this case. and when the rest of the evidence comes out, the fact that -- the one fact we do know, and that i can disclose at this point, george zimmerman suffered a broken nose, injury to the back of his head, and signs of a scuffle, grass stains on the back of his shirt. >> but as a member of a neighborhood watch, he is supposed to watch, not to confront. he was actually told as we heard on the 911 call not to confront. why did he even come face-to-face with trayvon martin? >> those are all excellent questions, and they'll be answered when all the evidence from this case is released, once it comes to light, because my point in coming forward right now being in the media is not to litigate this case here this morning but to bring to light the fact that this case has taken on a whole different meaning because it's been interpreted as being a racial issue, and it's not a racial issue. george zimmerman is absolutely not a racist. whatever happened that night was in self defense. >> let's ask joe, who's known zimmerman for many years. joe, can you say with absolute certainty that george is incapable of racial profiling? >> incapable of racial profiling, yes, i can. i can say that george was acting as a neighborhood watch captain in a neighborhood that had been violated by a number of crimes, and that's why he was watching and saw someone that he didn't recognize. and that's why he called the police. because of all of the criminal activity that had been going on in his neighborhood. >> nevertheless, you have said that he has shown remorse for the shooting of this unarmed 17-year-old boy. in what ways has he expressed this remorse? >> he -- i started to try and get in touch with george not long after i realized that it was just snowballing. but soon thereafter, through his mother-in-law, i learned that he couldn't stop crying for days after the shooting. i mean, george is just a genuine human being. and he was out there performing his duties as a watch captain because he cares for his neighborhood, because he cares for his neighbors. this is -- we don't know what happened from the time george got out of his vehicle and by the time the shot went off. >> we know that he has placed -- >> but i do know that george -- i do know that george first of all does not weigh 250 pounds. i do know that george thought he was doing the right thing by keeping an eye out for his neighborhood. >> we also do know that george zimmerman has placed 46 calls to 911 since 2004. that he wanted but failed to get a job in law enforcement. is it fair to call him obsessed in his position? was he obsessed in his position as a neighborhood watchman? >> maybe i think dedicated is a more better word for it, because george is a semester away from getting his criminal justice degree. i have no idea why he had been or even if he had attempted, you know, to become a law enforcement officer previously. i do know that he was working fulltime and going to school fulltime and was close to finishing and getting his degree and pursuing that dream. i didn't even know george had a gun. >> should a jury decide this case? >> if charges are filed, a jury will decide this case. >> all right. thanks -- >> ann, can i point out something? >> just a few seconds left, joe. go ahead. >> i understand. historically in florida law enforcement has been very forthcoming with the evidence. this is a case of the police department with a history of racial injustices that was trying to do the right thing, and they are trying to do the right thing. there's a lot of mistruths out there. >> bottom line, we have a 17-year-old unarmed boy that's been killed. is there any question in your mind that this should be litigat litigated, it should be facing a jury? >> from what i know, no. from what i know, the bottom line is there was a life and death struggle, in that instance, and someone was going to die. >> all right. well, on that note we'll have to leave it. craig sonner and joe oliver, thank you both. of course to be continued. and now a check of the morning's other top stories with natalie morales. president obama's health care law heads to the supreme court for review this morning. the justices are weighing the legislation that would extend health coverage to more than 30 million americans. the law has become mired in partisan debate and is opposed by 26 states. a decision is expected in june. meanwhile, the president is in seoul today where he is calling on north korean leaders to pursue peace. he took aim at pyongyang, saying, quote, there will be no more rewards for provocations. those days are over. the brutal slaying of an iraqi american woman in her california home has police investigating the possibility of a hate crime. the 32-year-old was found nearly beaten to death next to a note saying, go back to your country, you terrorist. she was taken off life support this weekend. police say the family had received a similar threatening note earlier this month, but did not report it. and it could be a return to golfing glory for tiger woods who won his first pga tour in 30 months since his sex scandal rocked his personal life and rattled his reputation. woods won the arnold palmer inhave i have i -- invitational on sunday. it is now 7:22. you're up to date right now. back to ann, matt, and maria. >> thank you very much. maria la rosa is in for al. a spring chill coming back to the northeast. that's the big story here. the midsection still quite warm. possible severe weather there. and rain and snow in the it's going to be a pretty nice day today. we're going to see the sunshine, breaks of sun at least. intervals of cloud thicken up in the afternoon. temps in the 60s, 65 in s jose, 60 in black hawk, and 60 degrees up in marin county. by 7:00 a.m. tomorrow morning, we're tracking showers on the radar at this time. so make sure you enjoy the sunshine while it lasts. got rain in the works, just about every day this week. >> ann back over t and back over to you, ann. coming up, new photos of 15-year-old lourdes lighting up as her mother, madonna, smokes in her controversial new video. we'll get to that. but first, this is "today" on nbc. [ female announcer ] here in california, our schools need help. the largest class size in the nation. 47th out of 50 in per-student funding. but right now, we can make history with a ballot measure to send every k-through-12 dollar straight to our schools. to every school and every child. not to sacramento. it's the only initiative that can say all that. check out our online calculator and find out how your school would benefit. visit today. coming up we'll have the latest developments in a search for a missing california teen. >> and why kim good morning, everyone. the time now is 7:26. i'm john kelly. this morning, a san francisco man under arrest charged with killing a family inside their engel side district home. officers arresting 35-year-old bin ty luke sunday morning. he's expected of killing a family of five discovered dead on friday morning. police say this was a targeted attack. >> here to reassure the public that this incident was specific to 16 house street. >> well, the victims have not officially been identified by the coroner. and we have learned they were not shot to death as police previously reported but they died from blunt trauma. police would not say whether they are still searching for additional suspects. time now to check on your monday forecast. let's say good morning to christina loren. >> taking a live look at downtown san jose, a mix of sun and clouds, we'll see the clouds increase throughout the day today ahead of a front that will bring us rain tomorrow, but it's the mostly clear start making for cold conditions. grab a jacket, 42 degrees in san jose, area of low pressure starts to move onshore through tonight. this is a potent storm, maybe 1 to 2 inches of rain in the north bay. as it moves onshore, the first light showers up in the north bay late tonight. spreading to the south tuesday morning and then we're talking about a wet pattern that lasts all the way through wednesday. we'll get a few more pesky showers as we head through the end of the week. let's check your drive right now with mike. >> south bay friends, we have your traditional slowing. focus for 85 right around 17. 280 in the middle of the screen at 880 jamming up at the red. and 101 traditional slowing up to the airport. and some flooding reported right around 880. likely a busted sprinkler because it's dry right now as christina said for now. southbound 101, slows approaching the earlier accident scene. still active there at university avenue. car went off the roadway in through fencing, presented a distraction for the southbound side but the peninsula drive is just fine as you pass to the san mateo. >> thank you very much. and for the latest updates, check us out on nbc bay area on facebook. we'll also have another local news update in one-half hour from right now. the "today" show rolls on. we'll see you in half an hour. ♪ [ male announcer ] for our families... our neighbors... and our communities... america's beverage companies have created a wide range of new choices. developing smaller portion sizes and more low- & no-calorie beverages... adding clear calorie labels so you know exactly what you're choosing... and in schools, replacing full-calorie soft drinks with lower-calorie options. with more choices and fewer calories, americaer b'scoageviempe s an are delivering. with more choicei love when and fewer caloi get to do a morning talk show. as a fashion blogger, i'm always talking about t.j.maxx. i tell people how to look like a million bucks without spending it. fashion direct from designers. savings direct to you. t.j.maxx. let us make a maxxinista out of you. 7:30 on this monday morning. it's the 26th of march, 2012, with madonna's controversial new video for her song "girl gone wild" has been slapped with viewing aid restrictions on youtube. so some of the attention is on madonna smoking a cigarette. take a look at these new photographs of her 15-year-old daughter lourdes lighting up herself. is this a case of like mother, like daughter? we're going to have a lot to talk about regarding that. >> madonna always stirs controversy. >> i think that's what happens. she kind of aims for it. inside studio 1a i'm ann curry alongside matt lauer. and also just ahead the latest on the recovery of former vice president dick cheney, who, as we just heard, has been given a new heart over the weekend. >> speaking of somebody who tends to stir controversy. the 71-year-old was on the transplant list for 20 months. his case has reopened debate over whether rules should be changed to favor younger patients. coming up we'll talk about that with dr. nancy synderman. >> also we're going to talk about a change of heart for kim kardashian after initially laughing off last week's flour bombing, she's now reportedly planning to press charges. so what's behind this action? and should other stars who are victims of this kind of stunt, you've seen several of them of late, should they also do the same? >> also everyone wants their wedding to go off without a hitch but one couple didn't mind when their big day was crashed over the weekend by the queen of england. that's pretty cool stuff. we're going to have details on that. >> but we begin this half hour with new details in the search for missing california teen sierra lamar. nbc's kristen dahlgren is at the volunteer search command center in morgan hill, california, with more. kristen, good morning. >> good morning, ann. over the weekend, the family joined in the search. this case is one that continues to baffle investigators. you'll recall that early on searchers found sierra's cell phone. they found a bag with her clothes inside. but since then, there has been no sign of the teen. on sunday, sierra lamar's father steve, hiking through canyons, over hills. >> there's got to be more. >> reporter: he spots a bone from an animal. but for a moment fears the worst. >> it's natural. i have nightmares still. you know, every night. >> reporter: now ten days after the petite 15-year-old was last seen, for her family every day brings fresh agony. >> it gets harder and harder. but we're hanging in there. you know, we're hopeful. >> reporter: there are vigils almost every night. her friends sporting red shoes, the kind sierra likes to wear. her face smiles out from flyers that dot the town. more than a week since she was last seen getting ready for school, her only clues are a cell phone and a bag with her clothes neatly folded inside, found on the side of the road within two miles of her house. authorities think they're the same clothes sierra was wearing in this picture, she took the morning she disappeared. >> our county crime lab, our criminalists there will do some further testing. we're hoping some further information will be gathered as a result. >> reporter: the fbi searched her mom's house, where sierra was last seen, and investigators have questioned registered sex offenders in the area. though sierra's father is say registered sex offender, officials insist he is not a person of interest. perhaps no one understands the family's pain quite like michael lee, whose sister michelle was missing for four months before her body was found last year. >> no one expects this situation to happen to them. it just does. >> reporter: he's now working with the klaas kids foundation to help organize the volunteer search for sierra. >> it's so important for the families to keep being pro-active. to keep searching. >> reporter: so that's what the lamar family does. hoping that something will lead them to sierra. >> i'm desperate right now. i'm desperate to find any -- any clue. >> reporter: now today authorities are evaluating, trying to decide how to proceed with their search. meantime, there are more volunteer public searches planned for later this week. ann? >> all right, kristen dahlgren, thank you so much. clint van zandt is an nbc news analyst and a former fbi profiler. clint, good morning. >> good morning to you. >> either sierra lamar was taken against her will or she ran away. which possibility seems most plausible, clint? >> i think at this point, ann, ten days into it, the authorities, the fbi, they would have had a chance to look at any social media that she had been on. her e-mails, her cell phones, her texts, her tweets, anything like that. i think they would have been able to either identify that she was planning on running away, or at least planning on staying someplace overnight by now. they would have been able to identify who was going to assist her, help her, drive her. if they haven't found that in ten days, i think they have to start erring on the side that she may well have been a victim of kidnapping. >> well, on sunday, after this all-out search, they stopped and reviewed. what did that tell us? are they back on square one? >> i don't know that they're back on square one. they've covered a lot of ground. when a victim goes missing, you think of her home, in this case, like the bull's-eye of a target. and you start to move away from that ring further and further away. this is what the authorities have done in the search for her so far. realize, ann, that it was a week ago friday that she disappeared. but her mother and her mother's boyfriend left the house, supposedly, before the victim did. so we can't actually say she even left the house, other than one search dog that was able to take her scent to the end of the driveway, close to where she would have caught the bus. she never got on that bus, so, ann, i think investigators have to consider the possibility that someone that came along, she was either the random victim, target, a victim of opportunity, or someone had seen her out there daily at that bus stop and made a decision they were going to go for her. that's why they have the stop that we're going on last friday, trying to identify at the roadblock anyone who might have seen any activity that remotely might have been related to her disappearance seven days prior to that. >> all right. clint van zandt, we really appreciate your perspective this morning. thank you so much >> thank you, ann. >> and now let's get a check of the weather from maria larosa who is in for al this morning. >> good morning, ann. and waking up to a bit of a chill here in the northeast. and it's going to get colder. take a look at where we're sesesereezeze warnings andhehe advisories. they stretch from indianapolis to charleston to d.c. to philadelphia. so we are seeing temperatures tomorrow morning down into the teens and the 20s. factor in the winds, which could be 10 to 20 and windchills perhaps in single digits in some spots. overall today it's going to be warm through the midsection. a chance of severe weather in the northern plains, and it continues to be wet and rainy across the pacific northwest. good monday morning to you. we're going to see a really nice afternoon with temperatures in the 60s. i'm meteorologist christina loren. 65 in morgan hill, 60 degrees in walnut creek. if you're looking for the sunshine, we are going to lose it by this time tomorrow morning. we've got a lot of rain on the way lasting through wednesday. thursday and friday, lighter, pesky showers. but warm conditions up to 70 degrees on friday. we'll get a round of clearing saturday into sunday, so outdoor plans this coming weekend will be better on sunday. >> and believe it or not, happily married after 47 years? >> yes, very happily married. we're very lucky. all right. you can always check your weather 24 hours a day, by the way. go to >> they have a sense of humor, maria. coming up, the debate over former vice president dick cheney's heart transplant. should a patient's age factor in the equation? dr. nancy synderman will be weighing in. i'm doing my own sleep study. advil pm® or tylenol pm. the advil pm® guy is spending less time lying awake with annoying aches and pains and more time asleep. advil pm®. the difference is a better night's sleep. quaker oats. in every way, a super grain. ♪ super for the fiber that helps fill us up. super for the energy it gives to get us going. super for the oats that are so good for our hearts. ♪ super for how it makes us... super. quaker oats. energy. fiber. heart health. super people eat super grains. every week they lower thousands of prices and check over 30,000 competitor prices. check out that low price. you want to grab one? grab two. 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[ announcer ] at h&r block, we guarantee you won't leave money on the table. don't risk your refund. call 1-800-hrblock or visit and never settle for less. ♪ i've got a little secret, too ♪ ♪ i've got a mad little crush on you ♪ [ female announcer ] it's always better when there's a little more to love. introducing our silky smooth dove chocolate bar. you know who you are. you can part a crowd, without saying a word. you have yet to master the quiet sneeze. you stash tissues like a squirrel stashes nuts. well, muddlers, muddle no more. try zyrtec®. it gives you powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin® because zyrtec® starts working at hour 1 on the first day you take it. claritin® doesn't start working until hour 3. zyrtec®. love the air. ♪ sunlight says get up and go ♪ mountain-grown aroma coming through ♪ ♪ a new challenge waits for you ♪ ♪ ♪ jumpin' into something new ♪ you really see all you can do ♪ ♪ ♪ the best part of wakin' up ♪ is folgers in your cup back now at 7:41. former vice president dick cheney is recovering at a virginia hospital this morning after receiving a heart transplant over the weekend. a surgery that has some questioning how hospitals determine which patients receive priority. dr. nancy synderman is nbc's chief medical editor. nancy, good morning. >> good morning, matt. >> dick cheney can cause all kinds of controversy if he orders a cup of tea. but talk to me about this list and how it works. >> well, people say it's unlikely that a 71-year-old jumped the line. but nonetheless, this has raised a lot of ethical questions, moral questions, about whether the vice president, in fact, should have received his heart ahead of other people. and, raises the question, how old is too old to receive such a precious transplant. 71-year-old former vice president dick cheney was on a waiting list for 20 months before his successful heart transplant surgery this past weekend. longer than most patients. still, the news was met with controversy. >> because if mr. cheney was 55, there wouldn't be any discussion. >> reporter: more than 3,000 americans are on the national waiting list for a heart transplant. but every year, hundreds die before they receive a new heart. when a patient cheney's age receives such a scarce, life-extending organ, some doctors request whether hospitals are depriving younger patients, who typically survive longer after the surgery. bioethicist dr. art kaplan writes on the blog, in a system in which donors hearts are very scarce, shouldn't the young, who are more likely to benefit both in terms of survival and years of life added, take precedence over the old? more than 70% of heart transplant recipients live at least another five years. but long-term survival is slightly lower for those over the age of 65. >> that's always a judgment call, knowing that background. is a person who's going to get the transplant who's older more likely to do well than the average? >> reporter: mr. cheney has a long history of heart problems. he had his first heart attack at age 37 while irrunning for wyoming's sole house seat. his second came six years later followed by a quadruple bypass in 1988. he suffered two more heart attacks, including one in 2000 during the florida recount after which he and george w. bush took office. his fifth heart attack came in 2010. after that, doctors installed a special device known as a left ventricular assist device to aid his ailing heart. a device he later showed nbc's jamie zbangle. >> you just -- you deal with it. you take whatever the doctors recommend the latest step, and i've been able to live a full, normal, active life. >> cheney and family have released a statement saying that while they don't know the donor, they will be forever grateful for this life-saving gift. matt, you said he's controversial even if he's ordering a cup of tea. it does raise a question whether this were any other 71-year-old, would we be talking about this. >> this lating list, when you're on this list is it like the tellty counter, you take a number and it's first come, first serve? or do they take into consideration things like age, other health issues and prognosis? >> they take into factor a lot of parameters. how bad your heart is sand if you don't have it, will you die. he had really run out of options. age, how good your kidneys and lungs are. then there's the whole thing about tissue typing. you just can't get anybody else's heart. and if you have the means and the access to a private jet, you can register at various transplant centers around the world -- >> you can get there quickly. >> steve jobs did that with his liver. and he may have done that. but he had this at the hospital where he had some previous surgeries. >> is there indication he was given priority? >> there is no indication. he did wait for 20 months. which is a long time. but the question is, always, this is what the ethicists will talk about, was there a younger person who didn't get the heart, and he did, and will his prognosis be just as good? the overall stats are that for five years, there's a 70% survival rate. >> real quickly he'll be on immunosuppressant drugs for the rest of his life. >> which means he's more at risk for infection and some tumors. these are not unconsequential drugs. >> thank you very much. appreciate it. it's 7:46 now. up next the wedding crasher one couple will never forget. the queen. and madonna's 15-year-old daughter lourdes caught smoking. we'll talk about tha this one's for all us lawn smiths. grass gurus. doers. here's to more saturdays in the sun. and budgets better spent. here's to turning rookies into experts, and shoppers into savers. here's to picking up. trading up. mixing it up. to well-earned muddy boots and a lot more spring per dollar. more saving. more doing. that the power of the home depot. break out the gardening gloves. miracle-gro garden soil is now 3 bags for 10 bucks. have 46 grams of whole grains... mmmm. ...and a touch of sweetness. you'll be delighted to discover how good they taste. you know, those farmers, those foragers, those fishermen.... for me, it's really about building this extraordinary community. american express is passionate about the same thing. they're one of those partners that i would really rely on whether it's finding new customers, or, a new location for my next restaurant. when we all come together, my restaurants, my partners, and the community amazing things happen. to me, that's the membership effect. a big lunch doesn't mean a big price. start with a savory soup or a fresh salad. then choose a texas toast half sandwich, like our classic turkey, served with fries, all for just 6 bucks at chili's. [ dog yelps ] [ sneezes ] [ female announcer ] what can she do? she can get answers at walgreens. with guidance and information to help her make smart choices for her allergy needs. like allegra -- only allegra combines fast, non-drowsy 24-hour relief from allergies. right now, a 30 count is just $17.99. find answers at walgreens. there's a way to stay well. do about medicare and social security... security. that's what matters to me... me? i've been paying in all these years... years washington's been talking at us, but they never really listen...'s not just some line item on a budget; it's what i'll have to live on... i live on branson street, and i have something to say... [ male announcer ] aarp is bringing the conversation on medicare and social security out from behind closed doors in washington. because you've earned a say. so, has madonna's 15-year-old daughter lourdes picked up a bad habit? she's photographed smoking a cigarette here in new york city. well, that looks like definitely a bad habit. you know, is there a connection when a mother smokes, that a child is more likely to smoke? >> we've seen pictures of madonna smoking in the past. when one parent smokes it's more likely that the child will smoke. the real problem is, when you start to smoke as a teenager, it changes the chem city in your brain, it's really hard to kick the habit later. the earlier you start the more likely you are to be addicted. >> madonna is seen smoking in a new video. although her publicist says she has not started smoking again, even though some pictures did surface back in 2010. we don't know if she's smoking at home. but clearly in the new video she's seen with a cigarette. >> this video almost too hot for youtube. has a teen rating on it, as well. >> exactly. >> i've got to go see it. >> it really goes to the fact that children are little ducks and emulate the behavior they see. >> on a lighter note. >> an unlikely wedding crasher. you're welcome to stay here, nancy, on this one. queen elizabeth surprised a british couple when she made an unexpected appearance at their ceremony. apparently this couple had booked a manchester town hall for their wedding and then were told at the time there was a vip holding an event in the other wing of the same facility. they didn't know it was the queen until their wedding day, and look who showed up. >> and he invited the queen jokingly. and she politely declined. >> declined. >> she knows how to curtsy. >> and the queen stayed and posed for pictures. those are pictures that will last a lifetime. >> they were shocked. they said they'll never get over the fact that she actually showed up with prince philip. my thought is every wedding, every family has a weird uncle charlie who has more than one glass of wine at the wedding. how do you make sure he doesn't do something stupid. >> body blocks in the back room. >> well, thank you so much. >> that was funny. >> let's talk about something else. we're going to be talking about kim kardashian. >> that's a nice segue. the queen to kim kardashian. >> i have to. >> anyway, she actually flour bombed the bride. >> kim kardashian wants to press charges now. 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[ female announcer ] infections of the nose and throat and slow wound healing may occur. do not use nasonex until your nose has healed from any sore, surgery or injury. eye problems, including glaucoma or cataracts may occur. have regular eye exams. nasonex can increase your risk of getting infections. avoid contact with infections like chicken pox or measles while using nasonex. side effects may include headache, viral infection, sore throat, nosebleeds, and coughing. nasonex is there for you, anytime of year. ask your doctor if nasonex is right for you. battle speech right? may i? capital one is issuing a venture double miles challenge. show us how much you spent last year and we'll give you 2 miles for every dollar spent on your travel reward card. up to 100,000 miles! hawaii, here we come. claim your miles at today! what's in your wallet? can you play games on that? not on the runway. no. good morning, everyone. time now 7:56. i'm john kelly. two high-profile families turning out to help search for the missing teenager in morgan hill. law enforcement holding the largest organized search yet for sierra lamar. among those who turned out to support sierra's family mark claus whose own daughter was kidnapped and murdered back in 1993. michael lei, the brother of michelle lei who went missing for months before her body was found last fall. meantime, volunteer searches starting tomorrow morning and anybody who would like to take part in this should check in at burnett elementary school in morgan hill starting at 8:00. time now to check in with christina loren for a little show and tell on your good morning. a beautiful, mostly clear sky and a cold start as a result. tomorrow morning tracking showers on the radar at this time. enjoy the sunshine and 60s we have for you today. 65 in morgan hill, 62 in los gatos. a high around 62 in concord and the 50s by the water. come tomorrow at this time, we're tracking showers, we're expecting quite a bit of rainfall over the course of tuesday into wednesday. lighter showers on the way for thursday, friday, and saturday. we'll get some clearing saturday into sunday. let's check your drive with mike. >> two accidents to tell folks about for 880, top of your screen. at the off-ramp there. southbound side south of there, both clearing from the roadways, both showed the slowing for 880 off of 238. jamming down toward union city on that east bay side. starting to slow down, especially southbound approaching the san mateo bridge and highway 92. the slow continues down toward the palo alto and the earlier accident has cleared and here's your northbound into traffic flow and northbound 1012 and 28. and for the latest updates, check us out on nbc bay area, that's facebook. we'll have another local news update in one-half hour from right now. [ female announcer ] here in california, our schools need help. the largest class size in the nation. 47th out of 50 in per-student funding. but right now, we can make history with a ballot measure to send every k-through-12 dollar straight to our schools. to every school and every child. not to sacramento. it's the only initiative that can say all that. check out our online calculator and find out how your school would benefit. visit today. 8:00 now on a sunday morning. the 26th day of march, 2000 twelve twelve. we've got a chance -- bright skies, and an enormous crowd out here on the plaza. i'm matt lauer along with ann curry, and coming up, more on this embarrassing moment for kim kardashian on the red carpet last week. a woman walked up to her and dumped flour all over her in an attempt to make a statement and get attention. at first kim kardashian said she wasn't going to press charges. now apparently she's reconsidering. the question we'll ask this morning is should celebrities and politicians, who are the victims of these kinds of attacks, press charges to bring these assaults to an end. to set a deterrent. we're going to be talking about that. >> because there has been a rash of these kinds of incidents. also coming up we're going to meet four young friends who are behind the show called the buried life. they're coming out behind a book. you're seeing them there. a couple of things on their list including playing basketball with the president, and they got to also present a computer to schools that needed one. anyway they're crossing off these things off their bucket list on a young age. we want to ask them about this how they came up with the list when they're so young. >> where on your bucket list would be streaking at a soccer game? >> it would never be on my bucket list. >> maybe when i was 20. never happen now. >> also ahead, tony robbins is a guy who's helped everyone from presidents to oprah winfrey, and he's got some great ways to help you reach your full potential. i like this guy a lot. he always has great advice and he's going to share some of that with us in just a little while. >> you always feel better after you pay a little attention listening to tony robbins. anyway, we also are better informed when we pay attention to natalie morales who has a check of the top stories. >> good morning, ann and matt. good morning, everyone. nato says a man wearing an afghan army uniform shot and killed two british soldiers this morning inside a base in southern afghanistan. meantime, the wife of an american soldier charged with killing 17 afghan civilians told matt earlier on "today" that her husband, staff sergeant robert bales, is brave and courageous. kari bales says she does not feel like she'll ever believe that her husband was involved in the killings. the connecticut woman malled by a neighbor's pet chimpanzee three years ago says the state's current governor shares some of the blame. charla nash says governor dan milloy the former mayor of stamford knew the chimp was dangerous because it had escaped and roamed the city six years earli earlier. pope benedict makes his first official visit to cuba today. kerry sanders is in cuba with more. buenos dias, kerry? >> good morning, natalie. this is the first time in more than a decade that a pope has visited cuba. despite the tropical breeze this year it might be a frosty reception because of what pope benedict xvi said because of this country's former government, which is communism. he said it is evident that marxist ideology as it was conceived no longer responds to reality. the altar is ready, setting the stage, literally. and among cubans, especially those who remember pope john paul ii's historic visit here 14 years ago, there's a rock star excitement in anticipation of today's mass. how do you feel? >> oh, very proud. proud to participate. >> it's exciting? >> yeah. of course. >> reporter: fidel castro once promised all 11 million cubans their communist government would take care of them, cradle to grave. but today, it's the catholic church that helps feed the elderly. political expression is still sense orred. but the government at time here tolerates some opposition groups like the so-called women in white. some americans traveling to cuba to see the people believe the pinched, government isolated economy here, is an opening for the holy father. a surprise to you to find such a beautiful church? monsignor harrington from brooklyn is already here in cuba. >> it's important to say that the church doesn't embrace one particular economic system or political system. i think that what the church does is speaks to values. >> reporter: while the dissident group the women in white have been allowed to protest in this country before, not here, not today. state security reportedly arrested several of those women about 18 miles from here. now after the pope arrives here and meets with president raul castro, he'll eventually make his way to havana, the capital, where he'll meet with the architect of cuba's communist revolution, fidel castro. natalie? >> all right, kerry sanders in santiago, cuba. thank you, kerry. now here's brian williams with a look at what's coming up tonight on "nbc nightly news." >> good morning. coming up tonight, diabetes is one of the biggest public health epidemics in this country, but could there be a breakthrough toward a potential cure? we have to report a discovery that could be a life saver for millions of people. we'll have that for you tonight on "nightly news." natalie, for now, back to you. >> thank you, brian. now for a look at what's trending today, our quick roundup of what has you talking online. a fantastic journey has made "titanic" director james cameron a top search term on google and a trending topic on twitter. he's become the first person to dive solo in a mini sub to the earth's lowest point, the bottom of the seven mile deep mariana trench. cameron tweeted just arived at the ocean's deepest point. hitting bottom never felt so good. he spent several hours down there collecting samples, and of course shooting 3-d footage. last night's return of "mad men" is say top google search and the toast of twitter as well. the retro hit launched its fifth season after a hiatus that kept fans waiting 18 months to find out what don draper's been up to. and the internet is buzzing about jonathan antoine who wowed his way to a standing ovation with this duet on "britain's got talent." ♪ the 17-year-old said he does not want to be compared to former contestant susan boyle, the scottish song bird who became an unlikely global recording star. what a voice he has. 8 8:06 right now. let's go back outside to maria with a check of your weather. hey, maria. >> good morning, natalie. i've been told that these wonderful, very energetic girl scouts have been saving up money since kindergarten to come to new york. how's the trip been so far? >> fun and exciting. >> and you go back to virginia? >> yes. >> all right. enjoy the rest of your day here in new york. let's pick another wonderful city, hagerstown, maryland, where todayt iod sunny and breezy, 58 degrees. and wait for those windchills tomorrow morning acrot much of the east. looking at the national satellite radar picture, not a whole lot going on for the midsection. but you do have that big pacific storm ready to head onshore. still showers and mountain snow in the pacific northwest. well, we're going to see aa pretty nice day, especially when you put it in perspective. rain on the way tomorrow, just about every day this week. enjoy the sunshine out there. 65 in morgan hill. 63 in san jose, 58, that's it, for the valley. 61 in the peninsula in san mateo. through the week, look at the rain on the way. tuesday and wednesday, a good sized storm. thursday and friday, lighter, pesky showers. temperatures still climbing into the 70s. have a fantastic day. >> and back inside to you. >> all right, maria, thank you so much. coming up why kim kardashian is talking about pressing charges after being flour bombed. right after this. eat good fats. avoid bad. don't go over 2000... 1200 calories a day. carbs are bad. carbs are good. the story keeps changing. so i'm not listening... to anyone but myself. i know better nutrition when i see it: great grains. great grains cereal starts whole and stays whole. see the seam? 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[ grunts ] not from my perspective! ♪ three, four... [ guy 1 ] oh man. eight hours building swedish furniture! yes! use available entune with bing to find ready-made media cabinets! yeah, it's good. yeah. my dolphin tattoo isn't even cool in an ironic way! what? use available nav to get to a laser clinic. ooh! nice! yeah! [ male announcer ] be a winner with the all-new prius c from toyota. ♪ from toyota. (belhi.ings) good morning. big news. we're spreading the word about new honey bunches of oats fruit blends and their unique taste combinations. like peach/raspberry... and banana/blueberry. we're telling everyone. with one flavor in the granola bunch and one on the flake. try some. mmm! two flavors. in harmony. yummy. four nutritious grains and two big fruit flavors to make your day bunches better. we're back now at 8:11 with the so-called flour bombing of kim kardashian. she took it in stride. but now she may be having a change of heart. "today" national correspondent amy robach is here with the latest on that. amy, good morning. >> matt, good morning. it happened on thursday night during a charity event to promote kardashian's newest fragrance. and now after some time to reflect, kardashian is considering pressing charges against her assailant. kim kardashian is used to the firestorm that comes with fame. but nothing could prepare her for what happened on this red carpet. while talking to reporters, a woman comes up and tosses a big bag of white flour over her head, calling her a fur hag. she called her a fur haag. kardashian wasn't wearing fur at the time. she seemed to take it in stride, going in to a private room, composing herself, and returning to the event. even telling tmz in a phone interview the next day that she tried to get over it. >> it was crazy, but i just, you know, tried to laugh it off. i went up to my room. i dusted off my jacket, used a blow dryer to get all that powder out of my hair. >> reporter: her mother kris jenner tweeted, i am so proud of my daughter for handling the situation so professionally and with such poise. the flour thrower was detained by police, but later released. at first kim decided not to press charges. even though she told tmz she thought what the person did was wrong. >> whatever your beliefs are, if, you know, you're acting in a violent way and doing something that's illegal, that's not okay and that's bullying. and i don't, you know, i don't promote that. >> reporter: it appears now after further reflection she has reportedly decided to press charges in the next few days. kim kardashian is not the only person who has been targeted. last month at the oscars, actor sacha baron cohen covered e! host ryan seacrest in fake ashes. even politicians have had glitter bombs flown on them by those who disagree with them on the campaign trail. none of these people decided to press charges. >> kim is definitely sending a message. don't mess with me. and if you do, you're going to hear from my lawyer. >> reporter: peta, the people for the ethical treatment of animals, says it was not behind the flour incident. but told nbc news, the activist acted from the heart. something kim doesn't seem to have. if anything, kim should get a life, the very thing that she denies animals. peta also said it is willing to help pay the protester's defense bills. the charity has done battle with kardashian before. it criticized her in 2010 for repeatedly wearing fur coats and named her as one of the worst people or organizations of the year when it came to animal welfare. >> star jones is a former prosecutor and legal commentator. bonnie fuller is editor in chief of good morning to both of you. both the same question, what's the upside, what's the downside to going ahead and pressing charges. >> the upside of making sure this person is arrested for assault and battery is that people will know for certain that you may not put your hands on another human being, regardless of what you think. kim kardashian was assaulted. and i think the entire incident is vile, and disgusting. if it was acid, if it was a knife, we'd be talking about marla hanson, we'd be talking about jennifer capriati. >> i agree. the upside is that she takes a stand, and she says for all celebrities, you cannot attack us. and you can't attack us as a prank, or as anything else. the downside is that it could drag this case on for months, and continually give press to the attacker. >> we are probably talking about, if charges are filed, and if they are prosecuted, a fine. don't people -- >> up to six months in jail. >> probably going to be a fine in this. we've seen people who've done a lot worse things not get jail time. so wouldn't a fine be considered the price of doing business for people who want to make a statement and get publicity? >> listen, they're going to get their publicity. but what is essential, matt, is the charity, we haven't even talked about it. so people were at work. this is kim's job. her job is to go out and promote a fragrance at a charity event. we don't go to other people's jobs and commit assault. that's inappropriate. >> bonnie your website reported that a man named skylar stone is allegedly the guy behind it -- not the one who actually dumped the flour. that was a woman. what do you know about this person? >> yes, what we found out is that skylar stone could have set this woman up. he is a prankster. he had a show called "con" that was an comedy central, and he tweeted, gee, kim, i was baking a cake in the lobby of the london hotel, that's where it happened, and i don't know what happened but i was all thumbs. >> would he be the target, star, of the charges, or only the woman who actually dumped the flour. >> if there was some proof that there was a collaboration, if he aided and abetted, if he was the one who gave her the opportunity, he could be charged, also. >> real quickly, bonnie, what's the overall reaction been to this? >> sympathy for kim. which is a good thing, because she doesn't have a lot of sympathy since the divorce from -- the divorce filing from kris humphries. >> ladies, thank you both. appreciate it. up next, what's on your bucket list? we'll catch up with a group of friends helping others live out their dreams. right after this. ♪ i woke up to a feeling ♪ every little thing has meaning ♪ ♪ i woke up to a light bulb on ♪ every little thing is possible now ♪ [ female announcer ] we've added a touch of philadelphia cream cheese to our kraft natural cheese to make it creamier. so whatever you make isn't just good, it's amazing. ♪ life is amazing with the love that i've found ♪ [ female announcer ] and to make a creamier sandwich, try new kraft touch of philadelphia slices. but the chemicals that can end up on your face may not be so beautiful. ♪ that's why there's new puristics totally ageless powered by a naturally derived collagen builder, puristics measurably reduced the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles in 100% of women after just 3 weeks. beautiful, younger looking skin. that's puristics, the power of pure. have 46 grams of whole grains... mmmm. ...and a touch of sweetness. you'll be delighted to discover how good they taste. battle speech right? may i? capital one is issuing a venture double miles challenge. show us how much you spent last year and we'll give you 2 miles for every dollar spent on your travel reward card. up to 100,000 miles! hawaii, here we come. claim your miles at today! what's in your wallet? can you play games on that? not on the runway. no. you know who you are. you can part a crowd, without saying a word. you have yet to master the quiet sneeze. you stash tissues like a squirrel stashes nuts. well, muddlers, muddle no more. try zyrtec®. it gives you powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec® is different than claritin® because zyrtec® starts working at hour 1 on the first day you take it. claritin® doesn't start working until hour 3. zyrtec®. love the air. they claim to be complete. only centrum goes beyond. providing more than just the essential nutrients, so i'm at my best. centrum. always your most complete. what do you want to do before you die? a group of friends decided to take their bucket list one step further by fulfilling not only their own dreams but the dreams of strangers, as well. they chronicled their adventures in the mtv series "the buried life." take a look. >> we want to go out there. some of our dreams. fix it up and hit the road. the goal was simple, our list. everywhere we went we asked the question, what do you want to do before you die? >> i'd love to qualify for a supercross. >> i think to say i love you to my mom. >> to everybody who doesn't have a pair of shoes in america, i want to put a pair of shoes on them. why? because i want to be the sole of america. >> we risk our lives to define us, to bring us together, and we share a dream, of our inner most desires. >> i want to show that i can do something that's bigger than the world. >> sometimes all we need to make them real. >> there's nothing in the world -- >> is a little help. >> johnny duncan, dave and ben. i was going to practice that. 19 off their slist called write a best-selling book. good morning, gentlemen. >> good morning. >> great to have you here. so listen at an age when many people don't even think about their mortality, what was it that caused the father of you to do so. >> i think young people experience, or everybody experiences, there's so much going on in life, that you kind of want to figure out who you are. you know, you're exposed to so many things. we call this the buried list because we felt we were buried by all these experiences. we wanted to push it aside and find our true selves underneath the mess. >> so what you did was made a list of 100 things you want to accomplish before you died. and you have checked off 80 of them. and you're hoping to check off one more with this book. things like, playing basketball with president obama. >> yeah. >> how was that? by the way, did you ask him what he wanted to do before he died? >> we did. he actually surprised us on the courts at the white house and we asked him, and he said, be an announcer on sportscenter for a day. >> ah-ha. hopefully now that that's out that will eventually happen. i think that maybe that could happen. some of the crazy things that you guys have done have been -- we should probably talk about that really quickly. you've gone what, bull riding. >> yeah, we've ridden bulls, streaked soccer stadiums. we delivered a baby. yeah. it was an exciting time. >> you certainly are not going to bore your grandkids. >> absolutely not. >> but what has it done for you to have made this list and to now be able to say that you've done the crazy things like this? >> well, you know, for us when we started this we're all going through different things, you know. some of us were kind of depressed and some of us -- john was really mad at our generation for not protesting. we were all going through different things and felt inspired for some reason. and we felt that we could do anything. you know? and really, this book, we wanted to recreate that feeling for other people. that you could do whatever you want if you just put your mind to it. >> thinking about other people is a real theme in this. because for every turn you can check something off your list you want to check off someone's wish for someone else. >> yeah. >> including you have this experience at this school in louisiana. you want to tell us about it? >> well, yeah, we were in -- we were actually in l.a. and we found out, we asked the teacher what he wanted to do before he died and he said he wanted to get computers for his classroom, they didn't have any computers. so we actually raised enough money for three new computers, and gave them to the school as a surprise. that's been the coolest part. for everything we do we try to help someone else out. that's actually like in all the elements that we do, for the book, for every book that we sell, a. we talk with a lot of kids around the country. that's like a major theme kids are going through. it's very important for us to talk about that and try to support it. >> giving voice to your own wishes but also to others is a theme in this book. you have people writing you on twitter and facebook. one writes i want to do a handstand at the south pole so i can say i held up the world. you've got that on one hand. on the other hand a mother writing two years ago my son was diagnosed with severe autism. i want nothing more than to have my son be treated as an equal. before i die i want to hear him say, i love you, mom. how has being so open, opening up your arms, to the true wishes of yourselves, and the wishes of others, in this kind of raw way, changed who you are? >> well, i think it's made us feel whole. you know, when we started this we felt so directionless, kind of purposeless. we were just drifting. to be able to delve into other people's lives and experience what they struggle with, or what keeps them down, it's kind of given us a camaraderie. >> it's really ultimately all about that question, what do you want to do before you die? and it really cuts through, you know, the -- it cuts through all the bad -- >> you can say crap. you can say it. >> cuts through all the crap and really gets to what's important. what are the things? everyone's got these lists. everyone has these things they want to do before they die. it's about answering that question honestly. >> it's about living purposefully and not being at the end of your life and saying oh, i wish i had. >> yeah. i think it's about being curious, too. you know, like we -- you can never know everything. why not ask someone else about their life? see what they want to do before they die. see if you can learn from them. >> the book is called what you ont d t bo good morning to you. it is 8:26 now. i'm laura garcia-cannon. a rave party with a deadly history is returning to the bay area. pop 2012 will be at oakland aur cal arena. it features pulsating light with rays. lawmakers trying to ban the event. in 2010, two died at a cal palace event. 8 went to the hospital, 70 were arrested on drug charges. time to check the commute. it is getting congested. a number of accidents popping up. look to the center of the screen. northbound 280 at 880. one car in the fast lane. watch for activity. should clear it soon. 85 approaching 280 and again approaching fremont boulevard, an accident there causing slowing into sunnyvale and mountain view. also slowing northbound approaching palo alto. car accident moving to the shoulder and southbound approaching 84, a disabled vehicle blocking one lane southbound. san mateo bridge, good volume of traffic. a tow truck there in the middle of the screen has left. laura, back to you. thank you very much and thank you for joining us. for the latest traffic and news updates, check out nbc bay area on facebook. [ female announcer ] here in california, our schools need help. the largest class size in the nation. 47th out of 50 in per-student funding. but right now, we can make history with a ballot measure to send every k-through-12 dollar straight to our schools. to every school and every child. not to sacramento. it's the only initiative that can say all that. check out our online calculator and find out how your school would benefit. visit today. 8:30 now on this monday morning. it's the 26th of march, 2012. the start of a new work week. but these people have managed to stretch out their weekend by another day. and we're happy to be among them outside i'm ann curry alongside matt lauer and natalie morales. and al, by the way, is off. something we're very excited about, that is a networkwide project called honoring our heroes. >> i want to say that you are probably the inspiration behind this. we're very proud of that. nbc news in cooperation with the u.s. chamber of commerce giving unemployed veterans a fighting chance to find jobs. it can be difficult because off. times the skill sets of these veterans can be difficult to define. we're going to talk about that with nbc's tom brokaw and retired general stanley mcchrystal, and we'll also tell you how you can take part in a jobs fair in the coming days. >> that's right. >> great we're excited about that. also you all know that learning a new language is say difficult thing. but we're going to meet an amazing young man, just 16 years old, get this he already speaks 23, yes that's right, 23 languages. we're going to meet him and also put him to the test. we're going to grill him. >> like -- [ speaking foreign long ] what language is that? >> dutch? >> a totally made up language. >> meantime, a guy who never makes it up is john robbins. he has a series on the oprah network talking about how to take adversity and turning it into something positive. how to shift the way you think and having something good come out of it. it's always a pleasure having him in our studio. >> all right. lots to get to. first let's get a check of the weather from maria larosa. >> good morning, guys. we have a lot of birthdays on the plaza. your name and where are you from? >> freda. indiana. >> happy 18th birthday. all right, if your birthday is today here's what you can expect. for this afternoon, sunshine in the northeast. winds are going to be picking up. that's going to lead to windchills by tomorrow morning. keep that in mind. still really warm, record hypotension along with the slight risk in the northern plains. still warm to the south of that system. bitterly cold tomorrow morning in the northeast. we're talking single digit or perhaps teen windchills from new york to boston. good morning to you. well, we're going to see sunshine today, rain tomorrow. i'm meteorologist chris teep a lore the 60s aren't bad when you consider we arelon track with seasonal afrmg. 65 in morgan hill, 65 in danville, and 61 in oakland. heading through the next few days, rain moves in. heavy showers tomorrow and wednesday. then thursday and friday, lighter spring like showers with temperatures still able to climb into the upper 60s and low 70s. have a fantastic monday. >> and you can get a look at your weather 24/7 at the weather channel for matt, back to you. >> all right, maria, thank you very much. up next, helping our heroes, our special initiative to help find jobs for our returning veterans. back now at 8:35 with a special initiative across the platforms of nbc news called "hiring our heroes." we've partnered with the u.s. chamber of commerce to help unemployed veterans get back into the workforce. on wednesday, jobs fairs will be held at fort hood, in chicago, new york city, and online. and nbc's tom brokaw is here with more on this story. hey, tom, good morning. >> ann, it's a big problem in this country. last year the veterans of the wars in iraq and afghanistan had a jobless rate that was almost 30% higher than the national average. and over the next five years, another 1 million men and women will leave the active duty ranks, come home to a civil society. how they fit in to our struggling economy depends a great deal on how their skill set is understood by american business. >> good morning, again, everybody. >> reporter: when mike came out of the nuclear submarine navy in '92, he joined the national guard. and then got called up to iraq and afghanistan. >> got quarterly 27 bravo. >> reporter: he's back on the job now as a maintenance coordinator at the indian point nuclear power plant. you probably were thought of as the old man by the young troops that were under you. >> i was. i was. the national guard tends to be a little older. but i was still one of the older guys. >> reporter: are you a better man for having served? >> i believe i am. i think i'm a better employee and a better leader. >> reporter: there is say tradition of american business drawing their leadership from the military ranks. in the aftermath of world war ii the tidal wave of returning veterans threatened to swamp a recovering american economy. but their military experience created a wealth of team players. innovative thinkers, bold leaders. one studied at length by harvard business school historian nancy cain. >> it's pretty clear that those 16 million, again, mostly men coming back, turned out to be a huge boom for the american economy and american society. >> reporter: over time, they proved to be the driving force behind an unprecedented march to prosperity. >> we've got a high pressure turbine and this is our generator. >> reporter: when you were in iraq and afghanistan, slightly different environment. >> absolutely. >> reporter: when you were overseas, because of the company that you worked for, did you have concerns about your job security when you came home? >> not at all. >> reporter: entergj supported his deployment. veteran hiring is for the company, not out of sympathy, but for investment in the bottom line. >> there's a real need to bring this talent in, bring skills. the military really invests in its servicemen and servicewomen that's a competitive advantage to tap into. >> it's not like we can download the software for commitment and a sense of one's own role and importance in service to a larger end. you can't just buy that. and you can't get it in a week-long training session. >> reporter: although the military emphasizes teamwork and goal achievement, both critical skills in the business world, veterans face anion hill battle in the job market. 1 million are unemployed. 30% under the age of 24 are jobless. generally, what did you think of the young people who were serving under you? >> they're amazing. they're amazing. they are willing to do whatever it takes to accomplish the mission. they're mission focused. they believe in what they're doing. they're just very willing to learn. >> reporter: what is it that they have to do that's different when they come back to a civilian society and want to get a job? >> we need to better communicate to corporate america how that translates. because, it's not a college degree. it's not a bachelor of science. you wrote a book called "the greatest generation" and i think what we have right now is the next greatest generation. i think the leaders of tomorrows are being forged and have been forged, you know, in that crucible of iraq and afghanistan. >> and, mike wright and energy, that's how it's supposed to work. but we have an all-volunteer service and it is critical that our veterans have the same kind of positive experience in the military as in the working world that mike wright has been able to have. i think it's also worth noting that mr. wright had two children of age and based partly on their father's experience they've both decided to join the military and make that part of their lives. >> thank you, tom. we now want to bring in four-star general stanley mcchrystal, a former commander of u.s. and international forces in afghanistan and joint special operations command. welcome, as well. i know you've told me i can call you stan although it feels uncomfortable. let me start with you. >> call me general, call him stan. >> you know, where is the disconnect? we have the most highly trained, the most experienced fighting force in history of this country, and the world. why do we have a 30% unemployment rate for veterans under the age of 24? >> i think we need to understand where soldiers come from. because i think it's difficult sometimes to appreciate what they bring. the average young person will have been in high school and they're thinking about joining the military. particularly during war time. sometimes out of college. that's their focus. they're not focused on what other job, they're not focused on preparing a resume. in the military we stress team. we stress learning your individual skill. but putting that together is part of a larger team. and what that does is, it subordinates the idea that i am special as an individual. and so, when a person moves on to back into society they sometimes lack the connections, networks that they might have developed over that time. but also, they haven't thought about writing resumes. they haven't thought about telling someone how being a cannoneer or infantryman translates into being a great leader. >> we were in the same boat after ard war two in that many of the millions who came home had not even graduated from high school. how was it that this country enabled them? what did we do that allowed them to become the greatest generation? >> well, in part, it was because everybody was involved in world war ii. we have a society in which 99.5% can put these wars entirely out of their mind. in world war ii, everybody participated. there was meat rationing going on. people were growing more food. everybody was working in the wartime industry. and when they came home from world war ii, everything needed to be done. we needed to build houses and build highways and build big dams and build new industries so there was a job for everyone. it was a different time. these young people are coming back during the greatest economic downturn since the great depression, obviously. and also the skill set now is much, much different. in those days you could go to work in a factory, and you could stand there and put parts on the car, that would be fine. a lot of these factory lines are computerized. there's a different skill set that is required. and we all have to be conscious of that. we have no greater obligation, i think, as a society than to knit ourselves back together at the end of these two very difficult wars. >> one of the things that might be a travesty is if this ability, at least the can-do mission oriented, get it done, kind of attitude that people in the military have, these veterans coming back after these wars, also many of them at a very young age have command experience it just seems that it might be a travesty if that energy is not used to help fuel this economy that really needs it, stan. >> i think it would be an enormous opportunity missed because we've got not just technical skills but this wealth of very rich leadership experience, real dealing with the stresses and strains, and making themselves stronger in that -- through that turmoil. >> and one of the bigger issues in addition is that there's a national security question. if these guys don't find jobs, what will encourage young men and women to go into the military. >> there's a great, great quote from general george washington, who said that if we don't take care of the current generation of veterans we won't have future veterans when we need them. >> all right. general stanley mcchrystal and mr. -- >> general -- >> tom brokaw, thank you both. again we've partnered for the u.s. chamber of commerce for a series of job fairs this wednesday. we'll be live from one of them aboard the "uss eintrepid" here in new york city. to find out how you can attend go to and coming up next, famed life coach on how you can overcome life's major obstacles. s okay, people, let's get started. pete, did you forget yours? me pete, me use pen! (laughter) sorry i'm late, i was in the 16th century looking for pete's pen. (laughter) guys, guys. take it easy, ok? pete's mom is videochatting me, and she wants her pen back! ok, alright, well. i just got one. so... yeah, you've got a little... yep, i can feel the wet patch. don't look at it. when it's on your mind, it's on ebay. this spring, you'll be the bolder, the better. i love when i get to do a morning talk show. as a fashion blogger... i tell people how to look like a million bucks without spending it. i'm always talking about t.j.maxx. everyone looks so fresh for spring... and this is the bohemian vibe. and yes, stripes are back. tj's is a great place to find those perfect designer pieces for less. fashion direct from designers. savings direct to you. born fashionista... self-made maxxinista! t.j.maxx. let us make a maxxinista out of you. back now at 8:46. and with one of the most listened to men in the world, tony robbins has worked with everyone from nelson mandela to bill clinton. he's even walked on fire with oprah. and now he's turning his attention to ordinary people overcoming daunting challenges in his new series called breakthrough with tony robbins on the oprah winfrey network. good morning. >> good morning. >> anyone who knows you knows that breakthrough, knew that breakthrough would be back. congratulations. >> thank you very much. >> and you've got six episodes that focus on changing life. overcoming great adversity, and finding a new way of thinking about things. give us an example. >> well, i take a couple that originally living together, mostly people that when you watch their story you see them change in 30 days, immediately you say, i have no problems. what's the most extreme? so imagine a couple going off to be married, the most important day of their life, right as the nuptials are done in mexico there's a tradition where they jump in a swimming pool. the wife jumps in, the husband jumps in fully clothed and hits a cement step and becomes a quadriplegic instantaneously. now he's sitting in a chair, she's his caretaker, she'll never have children. he thinks he's frozen. she's afraid to leave the house. i've got to rewrite their story. if you tell somebody they're going to listen to me, i said i'm going to scree eight an experience for him that will be extraordinary. so to get him out of the house, i brought him to fiji. he went to the most beautiful place, the journey of self. i took him sky diving. this is a guy who couldn't imagine going across the room. i took him to play basically rugby, with quadriplegics who are in these chairs that look like they're out of mad max. his dream before this happened was to be able to race cars in the desert and never finished it when he was able-bodied so he built a car in three or four days with his friends, could drive it with his arms and i got in the right seat, went 85 miles an hour with him. >> this kind of experience, the idea of proving that there's a greatness, even despite an obstacle is the timing of it is so interesting because the country is going through so much and so let me ask you about a new story that about this story about the killing of trayvon martin. based on the way you think about things, how might his family, how might our nation, overcome and rise from this, learn and grow greater from this? >> it's a great question. i think there's no easy answer to this one. it appears to be a massive injustice the way it's been handled so far. we don't have all the facts that most people would say this guy at least should be charged. so it's pretty hard for the family to get over this because there's a time for everything. and this is a time when they'd be angry and sad. and the only thing i could say that would make a difference for them really is if we do rise up. i think we get retolerate in politics, with our legal system. i think if enough people are outraged enough there's enough communication, if something good comes out of this the good is going to be, out of some kind of tragedy and injustice some good kinds to come. if we won't settle for this type of thing in pockets of america then i think their parents can feel like there was some meaning in the passing. what gets people over pain is trying to get deeper meaning. we've all had experiences in life that were horrific. we never want to go through it. when you look back on it and say because i went through that, i have a deeper desire to help or a care more or i'm stronger. every one of us who makes it through can have either post traumatic stress, or post traumatic growth. what i'm committed to is showing people how do you grow out of the worst experiences so that out of them, some incredible goodness or greatness can come. >> you know, i think oprah winfrey is so lucky to have you on her network. >> i love to be with her. >> does she get to pick up the phone and call you every time she wants to have advice? is that what she gets to do now? >> i think most of us call oprah for advice. she's doing quite well. i'm there to help in any way i can. but i think she's really helped me get my message out. and we're doing a program here at radio city music hall next monday night for a life class. she tried to bring what she does to people. >> well, i would not bet against either of you. tony robbins, thank you so much. >> thank you. >> that's a big handshake. breakthrough with tony robbins premieres tonight on the own network. coming up next, we're going to meet a 16-year-old who can speak not three, not four, but 23 languages. but first this is "today" on nbc. some of you some of you watching right now may be able to speak a second or even a third language but what about 23? 16-year-old tim donor can. here is a small sample of his unique talent. [ speaking in foreign languages ] >> tim donor is with us now. >> >> wow. crazy. >> where do you even find time to do this? >> very good question. like any other academic interest you make time for it i think. of course i dedicate most of my summers to learning languages and most of the time on the weekends but it's just something i can do. >> do you just have a lucky brain or did your parents or school do something specific to elicit this aptitude? >> i don't think so. i get asked that question very often, is this some sort of innate brain capability but i think it just takes a lot of dedication, interest, organizational skills. it's really something that i think anyone can do. there's nothing special about me. >> do you have a photographic memory? i think that would probably help in something like this. >> i'm not sure. i've asked that question a lot. it is very easy for me to remember things. most of the time when i'm speaking in a foreign language i see the script in front of me which is very helpful. so could be. i'm not quite sure. >> you speak hebrew, arabic, russian, hindu, farsi, yiddish, dutch, german, french just to name a few of the languages you speak. we'll put you to the test. >> okay. >> if you can translate this into farsi. a bilingual person can speak two languages fluently a trilingual three. but what if a person could teach themselves 23 languages sometimes in only one week. not a real test. >> okay. a bi-lingual person i don't know if there is a word in farsi for that but -- [ speaking in foreign language ] >> but who's going to check it? >> it sounds good to me. >> have you ever said, mixed it up and had like four different languages omntence? ne sentence? >> of course. all the time. good monday morning. it is 8:56. i'm laura garcia-cannon. yahoo! is shaking up its board of directors. late last night, they appointed three new directors to the board. it pits the company against one of the biggest investors. love's investment company has 6% of yahoo! shares. the move will force him to try to gain more control of the company. yahoo! is near a major reorganization event which could lead to thousands of layoffs. let's check the forecast with meteorologist christina loren. how are we looking? >> looking good. clouds increasing ahead of an area of low pressure that will bring rain. but it will hold off until tomorrow. good news, today 60s and limited sunshine, but you will see some. get some vitamin d. 61 by tuesday, showers wednesday. have a great monday. saving you money -- now, that's progressive. call or click today. i'm suzanne shaw. legislation has been introduced to kill all plans for high speed rail. nbc bay area thinks it is premature to pull the plug. the new high speed rail leadership has just forged new partnerships with regional rail lines. caltrain, for example, would get a share of bullet train funds to upgrade and electrify their existing rails. this would serve all of us in the bay area sooner than the original plans. in 20 years, california's population is expected to reach almost 50 million. we have to improve our transportation network to support a 21st century economy. we agree with governor brown, given a choice between building more freeways and airport runways, high speed rail is the better alternative. constructive criticism will force important revisions, but let's keep planning. tell us what you think at we're back now with more of "today" on a monday morning. it's the 26th day of march, 2012. we've been spoiled with incredibly warm temperatures here in the northeast over the past couple of weeks. we're more in the seasonable range this morning. temperatures in the probably mid 50s, and out on the plaza, nice to see them. along with ann curry and willie geist. savannah's on assignment. al is also taking a little time off. got a lot to get to in this half hour. we're going to talk more about the wife of staff sergeant robert bales. he's the american accused of killing 17 afghan civilians a couple of weeks ago. we sat down for an exclusive interview with his wife. what she had to say about his arrest, and i will tell you, she says she does not believe he could have been involved in this. this, as new details in that case are emerging. we're going to have the latest for you coming up in just a couple of minutes. >> really a fascinating interview. also coming up this morning we're going to talk about panic attacks. did you know that women get them more than men? in fact. so we're going to talk about the symptoms, what may be triggering them, and how do you know if you're suffering just a panic attack or maybe something more serious like a heart attack. we'll get the four one one on that. >> one thing that gives people panic attacks is money. we're going to do spring cleaning this morning of your finances. we're going to show you how to tidy up your savings and spending with small changes to put more cash in your pocket ofry month. >> excellent. before we go any further a little congratulations in order to our very own jill rappaport. jill received a genesis award over the weekend for her work with animals. in particular her bow to wow series on the show and other series she's done. these are considered to be the oscars of the animal world. so forever jill will be known as genesis award winner jill rappaport. >> bravo! >> we're very, very proud of you. >> all right, natalie's standing by at the news desk with a check of the news. >> good morning, matt, ann and llie. the w f a american soldier charged with killing 17 afghan civilians is speaking out for the first time. in an exclusive interview with "today," kari bales told matt that her husband, staff sergeant robert bales, is brave and courageous. >> seems to me like, i -- i just don't think he was involved. >> you think this is all mistaken identity? do you think this is -- is he being made a fall guy? for someone else? >> i don't know. >> 17 people were killed. >> right. i don't know enough information. i -- this is not him. it's not him. >> have you -- how do you get your head around that kind of news? >> it's devastating to hear, and it's -- it hurts my heart. you know. very, very saddened. >> this is the guy you described as your best friend. >> right. >> and he's being charged with first degree murder. in other words, premeditated. that he planned this. >> it's very unbelievable. it just -- all i can think of is what happened. what led up to it? i don't -- we don't have all the -- i feel like i don't have all the information. >> i ask what kind of dad he was. you said he was so involved with his children. he loves children. >> he loves children. he's like a big kid himself. >> he is accused of killing nine children. >> right. >> innocent children. >> i have no idea what happened. but he would not -- he loves children. and he would not do that. it's heartbreaking. i can't imagine losing my children. so my heart definitely goes out to them for losing all of their children. >> if it turns out that he is on surveillance video or that somebody in a position of power says, yes, he did turn himself in, and hand over his weapon after this, will that change your mind, or will nothing change your mind? >> i don't think anything will really change my mind in believing that he did not do this. this is not what it appears to be. >> and kari bales also said that she wasn't sure that she'd ever need to ask her husband if he carried out the attack. she said she believes he'll tell her what happened from his point of view some day. the parents of trayvon martin are meeting for the first time today with a new special prosecutor appointed by florida's governor. their unarmed son was shot and killed by a neighborhood watch volunteer one month ago. the parents will also make a public plea for justice before the sanford florida city commission. meantime supporters of the shooter, george zimmerman, have launched a public campaign to defend him, insisting it was the teenager who attacked first. president obama's health care law heads to the supreme court for review this morning. the justices are weighing the legislation that could extend health coverage to more than 30 million americans. the law has become mired in partisan debate and is being opposed by 26 states. a decision is expected in june. the president is in seoul today, where he's calling on north korean leaders to pursue peace. he took aim at pyongyang, saying, quote, there will be no more reward for provocations. those days are over. the brother of mohammed merah is facing preliminary murder and terrorism charges. he denies any involvement in the string of shootings in toulouse, france, that left seven people dead. mohammed merah died last week after claiming responsibility for the attacks and facing off with french police in a 32-hour standoff. and a video that attracted more than 6 million youtube hits, and a mention even on this program, has been revealed as a hoax. it appeared to show a man using muscle power and a giant pair of high-tech wings to fly. but a dutch filmmaker now admits it was all a fake. it should go as no surprise that "the hunger games" gobbled up the weekend box office taking in $155 million in ticket sales. that's the third highest debut in film history. "21 jump street" came in second, and dr. seuss the lorax fell to third. it's six minutes past the hour. back outside to maria with a check of your weather. >> good morning, natalie. we are so honored and really privileged to be breaking some news here. you said yes. >> i did. >> and you're engaged. what are your names? >> andy. >> vicky. from columbus, ohio. >> friends and family they're going to get hitched. these are your hotel guests. this may or may not be one of your towels. congratulations. >> thank you. >> taking a look at the weather across the country. we are expecting a chance for some stronger thunderstorms into parts of the northern plains, the dakotas included a slight risk of hail, maybe some tornadoes as well. plus the rest of the country, a cool breeze moving into the northeast bringing some chilly temperatures to the northeast, especially tomorrow morning. meanwhile the midsection still quite warm and stormy across the pacific northwest. sun and clouds. to the weixf i'm meteorologist christina loren. we are dry today. showers on the way tomorrow. 59 degrees in dublin 58 in oakland, and 59 degrees in berkeley. we're going to keep temperatures in the 60s just about all week long inland, but we're dealing with a lot of rain, one to two inches in the north bay as we round out tuesday and wednesday. wednesday, a showery pattern. >> "today's health" is brought to you by lenscrafters. >> thanks, maria. this morning on "today's health," panic attacks. it's estimated that at least 20% of american adults will suffer from a panic attack at some point in their lives. so how do you know if you're having one? and what are the triggers? dr. carrie peterson is an internist and contributor to "women's health" magazine. >> good morning. >> this is very common actually. start with basics. what is a panic attack? >> a panic attack is a sudden episode of intense fear. and it comes without warning, and it comes without any apparent reason. >> mm-hmm. >> when it happens you get these severe physical reactions. they can be so frightening that some people may even think that they're having a heart attack or that they're even dying. but some people may only have one or two in their lifetime. but some people may have multiple attacks and they may have a tremendous fear of having another. >> and then that triggers the panic attack in itself. >> when people have that. that's called panic disorder which is a more extreme condition. and panic disorder can be very disabling. it can really interfere with your everyday activities. but it can be treated effectively. and so can panic attacks. >> before we get to the symptoms, you said it's often hard to pinpoint what exactly causes or triggers them. but what do we know? what generally are some of the things that might lead you down that path? >> well, what we do know is that they can be triggered by highly stressful events. like the loss of a family member or the loss of a job. but we don't know why these stressful events actually trigger an attack in some people and not in others. we do know that they run in families. they are genetic. and that may be thought to be due to some faulty neural wiring. what brain scans have shown is there's an excess release of stress hormones, similar to what you would see in a fight or flight reaction when you're faced with a threat. but in people who have panic attacks the same thing happens without the threat. >> right. and some symptoms you were talking about. they can mimic sometimes a heart attack. everything from chest pains, rapid heart rate, sweating, trembling, shortness of breath, hypervent ration, a sense of impending doom or death. how do you know that you are just dealing with a panic attack versus something more serious? >> i think the first time around you won't know. which is why it's so important to see your doctor to get a terror diagnosis. they'll be able to do the proper test to see if there's something related to your heart. but if you've experienced it before then that knowledge is empowering and you'll know going forward what you are experiencing. >> and, of course, how you respond to that panic attack, if you're starting to feel one coming on, is so important as well because you don't want to make the situation even worse or become sort of uncontrollable in your response, right? >> absolutely. >> so what should you do? >> one of the first things is to realize that panic attacks are not life threatening. while they feel very uncomfo uncomfortable they are not posing a threat to your health. when they happen the next thing you should do is sit tight. don't try to resist the attack, embrace it, acknowledge it, know it's only going to last about 20 to 30 minutes maximum. rather than freaking out and fighting it, just tell yourself this is going to pass and just do some deep breathing to calm yourself instead. and what you can do during the attack is also distract yourself. do something that's comforting to you, be it watching tv, or calling a friend or a family member. something that you can control because you feel so out of control during the attack. and then, as a last resort, go to the emergency room, if you're really still not sure what's going on, you feel like something is terribly wrong, go to the e.r. the doctor can assess you. they can determine whether this is a panic attack or not and it can be very reassuring. >> again you were talking about sometimes if you've had one, then you start to get nervous, and think about it too much and perhaps it may trigger another attack down the road. how do you avoid that from happening? >> right. after you've had your first attack going forward it's critical to try to manage your time. so first, when you've had one, get back to your normal life as quickly as possible. now it may take a few days because you may be a little anxious that this happened. if you're noticing that it's happening -- that you're more anxious more than one to two days then you should really see a doctor, instead. >> and there are prescription drugs. xanax has been used. what are your thoughts, because it has been in the news late lay? >> it has. sedatives, xanax is in the class of, these are very effective for aborting the symptoms of a panic attack. but they can be dangerous if they're combined with sleeping pills, alcohol or painkillers. they can also be addictive. so while they're a very effective therapy your doctor will educate you about this and will probably monitor your usage closely. >> all right. well doctor, great information as always, thanks so much. >> thanks, natalie. >> coming up next, spring cleaning your finances. easy ways to put away some cash and build your savings. and later on raising confident young girls in a world of mixed messages. i'm here with karen and her bffs and we are talking about activia. i've been eating activia and i feel great! i'm used to having irregularity. i feel like that's normal. if you are not feeling like trying this on, that's not normal. activia helps with occasional irregularity when eaten 3 times a day. feeling regular to me was a new feeling... i came to find my 'new normal' and i love it! ♪ activia and try new silky, fruity acviharvest t picks. another way to enjoy activia. that's 50% off lenses, including bifocals, no-lines, even sunglasses made with your prescription. so hurry in. sale ends april 1st. lenscrafters. so hurry in. sale ends april 1st. hershey's air delight. experience light and airy, melty bubbles. made from pure, delicious hershey's milk chocolate. hershey's air delight. multi-policy discount. paperless discount. paid-in-full discount. 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(belhi.ings) good morning. big news. we're spreading the word about new honey bunches of oats fruit blends and their unique taste combinations. like peach/raspberry... and banana/blueberry. we're telling everyone. with one flavor in the granola bunch and one on the flake. try some. mmm! two flavors. in harmony. yummy. four nutritious grains and two big fruit flavors to make your day bunches better. this morning on "today's money," simple saving. nbc's personal finance correspondent sharon epperson has some easy tips to make the most of your money to put some cash back in your pocket. sharon, good morning. >> good morning. >> this is a great time to think about your money. tax season, you're either giving too much away or getting some back. the question of what to do with it. >> exactly. everyone says, things i should be doing but are you doing them? having them written down is a goal to try to do them. >> we talk a lot about the importance of paying down credit card debt but i also want to save some money. can i do both? >> you can do both and you should do both. if you have credit card debt, particularly 13% or 14% interest you want to pay down that credit card debt as quickly as possible but you don't want to neglect your savings. you need to do both and put a little toward each. definitely pay the minimum that you can on the credit cards. if you can make an extra payment, as well, that's very good. >> boost your retirement contributions. >> well, this is a good time to think about this. because a lot of people know about their 401(k). that's an autopilot. you can put $17,000 into that this year. what you may not realize is if you forgot in 2011 to make an i.r.a. contribution, you still have until april 17th to do that. you can put $5,000 in that. so this year, this calendar year you can make a $10,000 contribution, $5,000 for 2011 tax year and $5,000 for 2012. so that's a great way to boost your retirement savings. >> you also in many cases getting some free money out of the deal, your employer will match at least some of the funds. >> that's absolutely right. federal and state taxes together, say 30%, every $100 you're putting in that's only costing you $70. if you get a matching contribution for some of your money, that's free money on top of that. >> i don't know much about money but i know to take free money whenever it's available. >> exactly. >> another one you recommend, schedule automatic savings. how does that work? >> i love online banking. i do online banking for everything. and one of the things you want to do is make sure that you automate whether it be payroll deductions or whether it's just automating putting some of the money into your savings every month. you put 50 bucks a month into a certain account it helps. some companies will allow you to put your money into different buckets so you can take that payroll reduction or money and put it into a checking account at two different savings accounts. one for long-term, one for short-term. it helps you keep to those goals. >> 50 bucks a month at the end of the year ats up. your next time, a good time to adjust your payroll withholding. >> so this is the time everyone's like oh, i'm getting this huge refund from the irs. i got $3,000. well that means for every month you're paying an extra $250 that could have gone into your pocket. you want to look at the money taken out of your paycheck that goes to the irs, and make sure that it's really what you need to pay. you don't want to overpay because that's money you could use, cash flow that you could have during the year. >> the refund feels good but you could have that money in savings. okay not a bad idea right now to give your insurance a makeover. what does that mean? >> a lot of people don't think about the fact that if you combine your auto and your home insurance you can get a deduction. or you can get a savings. maybe a discount, i should say. and also you kind of often pay that monthly. or you try to pay it in installments. if you're able to pay that in one lump sum you may be able to save some money. you always want to look at what discounts are available for you and look at your deductible, as well. when you raise the deductible, that can also save you money. that means you have money to cover that deductible. but there are a lot of things looking on the insurance arm that can save you money. another thing people may neglect is trying to decide between term and whole life insurance. there's always a big debate about that. generally term is far cheaper and it's so inexpensive if you don't have it you really need to. i'm surprised how many people i find who have children, who have a spouse, they don't have insurance. >> good idea about once a year review your insurance, compare costs with other companies. your last one sounds like a simple one. take care of yourself. you're saying going to the gym can make you money? >> some companies will give you 50 bucks, up to 500 bucks for doing things making yourself healthier while you're working. but the other reason why you want to stay healthy is think about what your life is going to be like 30 years from now and how much health insurance is going to cost. how health care costs are going to cost. and you want to make sure that you're as healthy as possible and so it's a savings that's actually a lifelong savings to make sure that you take care of yourself. >> almost enough, sharon, to make me go to the gym. sharon epperson, thank you so much. >> good to be here. >> if you'd like more information on saving money visit coming up, the secret superfoods hiding in plain sight. right in your kitchen. we'll tell you what theyre a. . i'm al ways . looking out for i'm al small ways to be more healthy. like splenda® essentials™ no calorie sweeteners. this bowl of strawberries is loaded with vitamin c. and now, b vitamins to boot. coffee doesn't have fiber. unless you want it to. splenda® essentials™ are the first and only line of sweeteners with a small boost of fiber, or antioxidants, or b vitamins in every packet. mmm. same great taste with an added "way to go, me" feeling. splenda® essentials™. get more out of what you put in. we're as passionate about cheese as you are. so inspired by the popularity of italy's most famous cheese, we've created three new parmesan dishes. new grilled chicken parmesan, featuring chicken fresh off the grill as well as grilled shrimp or grilled steak. all with a savory parmesan crust. for a limited time only, it's our passion for parmesan for people who really like parmesan. olive garden. when you're here, you're family. now for just $6.95 you can create your own lunch. with one of six choices, like a half a flatbread. plus unlimited soup or salad. conquer your busy day. burn! let's do it! ♪ hi. [ female announcer ] outlast your day, any day, with secret's 48-hour odor protection technology. new secret outlast. had kraft mac & cheese without me. so this time, i took precautionary measures. looking for these? [ rattling ] [ male announcer ] kraft macaroni & cheese. you know you love it. that's been wrapped in a flaky crust stuffed with a gooey center toasted up all golden brown then given a delicious design? a toaster strudel. pillsbury toaster strudel. so fun. coming up the everyday superfoods you may actually be eating right now. >> plus teaching girls that beauty isn't just skin deep. we've got some strategies for raising confident daughters. hi! i brought champagne. wow! the best in the world. ...some chocolates swiss! ah...the best in the world. oikos greek yogurt from dannon. really? wait until you try it. so creamy thick and fresh tasting dannon oikos berry flavors beat chobani 2:1 in a national taste test. mmmm... this may be the best in the world. oikos greek yogurt possibly the best yogurt in the world. good morning. it is 9:26. i'm jon kelley. a san francisco man is under arrest, charged with killing a family at their home. officers arrested the 35-year-old sunday morning. he is suspected of killing a family of five discovered dead friday morning. police say this was, in fact, a targeted attack. >> i want to continue to reassure the public this incident was specific to 16 howth street. >> the victims haven't been identified by the coroner, but we learned they were not shot to death as previously reported but from blunt trauma. quick thinking firefighters are credited with evacuating costco warehouse. it happened in concord. a pipe ruptured releasing refrig. rant into the air. luckily for shoppers, a concord base fire crew was shopping in the store at the time and helped get everybody out safely. it was vent lated and then reopened severalrslater. nobody was injured. a check of traffic and weather after the break. welcome back. 9:28. today, mild, dry conditions with clouds increasing ahead of this low pressure slated to bring rain tomorrow. talking one to two inches before wednesday. wednesday, dealing with a rainy pattern, on and off showers just about all day. enjoy the sunshine and 60s while they last. 63 in san jose. seven day spells out the story for the week. rain just about every day, heaviest in the course of tuesday and saturday. let's check the drive. >> south bay, couple spots mostly moving smoothly. 280 at lee, reports of a number of cars in an accident. one car may be on top of another car. we're tracking it. we'll get details on impact and injuries. no details on that yet. a motorcycle accident off the shoulder here, 880 past oakland past the coliseum, and note did you know bart especially from newark, dep rethere. thank you very much. we have another update in a half hour. see you then. the "today" show rolls on. multitalented model christie brinkley has graced more than 500 magazine covers worldwide and will be heading back to broadway performing in chicago next month. she's been in the headlines recently for her ongoing feud with her ex-husband peter cook. we're going to talk with her all about it, tomorrow here on "today." >> meanwhile, just ahead this morning, raising confident girls. according to a recent survey a majority of moms, 54%, describe their daughters as beautiful. and about 15% said smart. so if you're trying to emphasize brains over beauty, your daughters could be getting some mixed messages. we'll have advice for giving them the confidence they need from the inside out. i can't wait for that segment as the father of a little girl. >> start with beautiful and go for brains, there you go. we're also going to be visiting with the class of 2020. kidding we've been following since kindergarten and this morning a tough life lesson that one fourth grade girl is learning from her family and how she's turning it into something beautiful. >> and later, eating healthy doesn't mean you have to eat chia seeds or asahi juice. from eggs, avocados, chocolate and superfoods in your kitchen right now. we'll tell you what they are and the health benefits. but first al is off this morning. maria larosa is here with a check on the weather. >> good morning, guys. ready for the chill? it's coming. >> oh, no. >> after a warm spell, afternoon temperatures in the great lakes and the northeast cool today, but it is going to be rather cold tomorrow so keep that in mind. record-setting heat potentially once again through the midsection. and of course the pacific northwest, the west coast still a bit below average. a chance for severe storms along a front in the northern plains. otherwise sunny to the south and in the northeast. so as the winds pick up, still very unsettled across the pacific northwest. with rain and more mountain snow. well, today is going to be one of the dryer days of the work week. good morning, i'm meteorologist christina loren. 63 for san jose, 59 in san francisco. look at what's headed our way by 9:00 a.m. tuesday. rainy just about all day tomorrow, and not just tomorrow that we have to deal with wet weather, thursday into friday, a few light showers and another round of rain saturday into sunday. hope you have a fantastic monday. >> natalie, back to you. >> all right, thank you, maria. coming up next, the keys to raising confident young girls. right after this. it's the little things in life that make me smile. spending the day with my niece. i don't use super poligrip for hold because my dentures fit well. before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. even well-fitting dentures let in food particles. super poligrip is zinc free. with just a few dabs, it's clinically proven to seal out more food particles so you're more comfortable and confident while you eat. so it's not about keeping my dentures in, it's about keeping the food particles out. 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"today's parenting" is brought to you by quaker oatmeal. this morning on "parenting today," raising confident girls. every parent wants her daughter to grow up to be strong, smart, and successful women. but in a world filled with mixed messages that often highlights beauty over brains, parenting a young woman can be daunting. here with some advice is a kolgs robi ludwig, contributor to good morning, robi. >> good morning. >> so much to talk about here. i'm very interested in this as the father of a young girl. we do put an awful lot of emphasis on appearance in our society. >> it's true. in fact, did a survey and found what adjectives did mothers use when describing their daughters. you're beautiful. so clearly, listen, we live in a world where beauty does count. but if that's the only message your send to your child it's a dangerous one because really, we're comparing ourselves to images at one point that aren't even really real. and you don't want to give your child that there's only one trait that matters. >> so how do you fight what's happening in society? because as you say the reality is you go out into the world and people will judge a woman on her looks. you open up magazines, it's all about appearance. how do you fight that? >> you have to remember that as a parent, your voice counts. in fact, it lives inside your child for the rest of their lives. so if you help your daughter understand that, yes, looks are important, but often what they're comparing themselves to are airbrushed images or there are many successful people in the world who are not only attractive, but they're smart, and confident, then that message will get through to your child. >> and maybe when you're giving a compliment to your daughter lead with smart. >> and also confident. so when you're looking at your daughter, point out, you know, i really like how thoughtful you are with your friends. or, wow, you are such a great cook. or oh, you're so organized. in fact, you're more organized than mommy. you're pointing out things that she's good at. and you're noticing her strengths. and really, part of having high self-esteem is knowing what you're confident and good at. >> i love the second one. share your daughter's passion. explain that one. >> you want to plug in to what your daughter likes. and this sends the message, what she likes and what she is turned on by really matters to you. so you really are following your daughter's lead and you're also sending the message, you don't need to be exactly like mommy and daddy. you can be like yourself, and have your own interests, and we will follow those interests and expose you to those interests. >> and expand into some fields dominated by boys like science. >> math and science and we're seeing women, you know, representing all areas these days, which is terrific. >> your next tip, teach her to claim her own strengths with pride. >> right. >> what does that mean? >> men are really good at this. but sometimes little girls or women have a hard time saying, you know what, i'm really great with vocabulary. or i'm a fabulous reader. or i'm a fabulous runner. you don't want to necessarily encourage them to say it to every single person that they meet. but basically have a knowledge of themselves. it's wonderful because they're going to need it in terms of going out into the world and being resilient. and the person who is confident about the many areas that they have strength in, they tend to be the more humble people. >> now, what's the best way for a parent, a father like me, to be supportive when a young girl is struggling with her self-esteem, maybe hearing things at school from friends that are making her feel bad about herself. what can i do as a dad? >> well, listening is learning. you basic i want to listen to your child, reminder of all of her strengths and why she was special, remind her how you are there for her as a parent. and you may want to tell a story about something that happened to you in childhood or somebody who's prominent, who went through something similar and came out the other end. but basically the job of a parent is to help your child make sense of what's going on in their lives. >> we're running out of time. but i want to get to point out positive female role models that we see in public. but also incorporate everyone in your daughter's circle. family, friends. how do you pull that off? >> basically tell your baby sitters, your extended family that you want your child to know that she's smart and to identify the areas in which she's good at. it's not just about beauty. it's the total package, a person that feels good about themselves, it starts in the home and they know that there are lots of areas that they're good at and strong. >> great advice. and you said the right thing. parents have the strongest voice. >> they really do. it lives on forever. so your voice counts the most. >> robi, thanks so much. great to talk to you this morning. coming up next, two young girls sharing a lot of inner beauty and confidence while helping a family member along the way. and later, from chocolate to yogurt the secret superfoods right there in your kitchen. first, though, these messages. 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[ male announcer ] what if we could keep enough plastic waste to cover all of manhattan out of landfills each year? the equivalent of 140 million trash bags, gone. by using new glad trash bags, designed with reinforcing bands to be stronger with less plastic waste, we can. ♪ it's a small change that can make a big difference. ♪ we're as passionatenge thaabout cheese as you are.nce. so inspired by the popularity of italy's most famous cheese, we've created three new parmesan dishes. new grilled chicken parmesan, featuring chicken fresh off the grill as well as grilled shrimp or grilled steak. all with a savory parmesan crust. for a limited time only, it's our passion for parmesan for people who really like parmesan. olive garden. when you're here, you're family. now for just $6.95 you can create your own lunch. with one of six choices, like the new pizzaiola calzone. plus unlimited soup or salad. hershey's air delight. experience light and airy, melty bubbles. made from pure, delicious hershey's milk chocolate. hershey's air delight. in our "class of 2020" series we are following a group of students from their first day in kindergarten to their high school graduation. >> in their latest writing projects the fourth grade students are being asked to create a superhero. for two sisters a self-less act of kindness is proving that heroes come in many sizes and ages. >> you have the last three days to get your superhero work done. >> ruby is hard at work on her comic book. >> that's the psychic. >> for the story ruby needs to come up with imaginary powers for her superhero. >> she has a lot of things. >> at home ruby and her sister violet have tapped in their own creative powers to help a family member hundreds of miles away. ruby's aunt delia has spent the last 2 1/2 years behind bars in arizona. >> east main, please. >> serving prison time for check fraud and two duis. wondering if her family will ever forgive her for the mistakes she's made. >> when a person goes to jail the whole family goes with them. i mean it's just been extremely hard. but, these kids have been my luck. >> reporter: when delia went to prison, ruby and violet's parents made the decision to tell the girls where their aunt was, and why. >> i had to talk to them about the influence of drugs, and decision making and what that impact has made on why she's in jail. >> dear aunt d., i left grandma -- >> reporter: when ruby and violet learned about their aunt's situation they started writing letters. >> p.s., i love you so, so much. >> dear ruby, i hope you had a super christmas. >> reporter: delia wrote back, sharing everything about her life in prison. >> i miss my kids something awful. >> what was it like getting to know her through letters? >> it was -- it was really cool. >> they made these. >> reporter: at one point when delia was only allowed to receive postcards ruby and violet came up with a creative solution. flooding their aunt with little pieces of original artwork and a lot of love. >> the pictures and those words helped support her through her darkness. >> reporter: the girls' postcards inspired delia to show off her own love of drawing. what was it like when you got this? >> it made me feel really happy. i was just amazed how she could do this. love your artwork, keep it up, you're fantastic. >> when you read those words how does it make you feel? >> kind of sad. >> what has it taught you about your aunt and what she's been through? >> when people hear that she's been in prison for a little while, they sort of think she's a bad person. but she didn't. >> if i wasn't going to duck seed for myself i would do it for them. because they believe in me. they believed in me first before i believed in myself. and that's what's carried me through all of this. >> in january, delia's dad captured her first seconds of freedom on the day of her release. >> i didn't think they were ever going to let me out. >> after spending time with her parents and her three kids delia headed west to see her nieces in california. >> hi! >> hi. >> she's funny, kind and amazing girl. i have faith in her. >> you think she's changed? >> i think she's moved forward. change is a big context. moving forward is easier to accomplish, i think. ♪ >> welcome. >> thanks. >> come on in. >> what's it like for you to know that ruby and violet have had such an impact on delia? >> it's really special for me. they are really good kids. and they've got great, big hearts. >> and we are happy to report that delia already has a job. she's looking at college programs to earn a degree so she can use her love of drawing to some day become an art therapist for children. >> oh, wow, that's a great story, natalie. delia got as much out of that as the kids did. >> the girls are amazing. >> still to come, secret superfoods. you probably already have some of them at home. ♪ [ male announcer ] for our families... our neighbors... and our communities... america's beverage companies have created a wide range of new choices. developing smaller portion sizes and more low- & no-calorie beverages... adding clear calorie labels so you know exactly what you're choosing... and in schools, replacing full-calorie soft drinks with lower-calorie options. with more choices and fewer calories, america's beverage companies are delivering. never in my lifetime did i think i could walk 60 miles in 3 days. 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(man) register today for the... because everyone deserves a lifetime. this morning on "eat smart today" secret superfoods. you don't need a specialty grosser to find foods that pack a punch. carrie glasson say registered nutritionist and the founder of nutritious light meals dotcom. no shopping for the kind of food you can't even print out. >> exactly. >> like apples. >> they're probably already in our pantry. so, let's start with apples. >> why is it a superfood? >> i'm sure your kids even know that apples are good for you. >> an apple a day. >> exactly. there's fiber, there's vitamin c. but apples are also packed with flavonoids. they're the compounds that give fruits and vegetables their color. one specific flavonoid that's high in apples is quercetin and it is involved in the breakdown of complex carbohydrates so it helps control our blood sugar levels. it also acts as an antihistamine and anti-inflammatory. so it helps prevent heart disease. i like to slice them, super, super thin. >> like a chip. >> exactly. like eating a chip. you can eat them slowly and also couple them with something savory like hummus or bean dip. just an interesting way to eat apples. >> a little protein kick. okay. >> next up, coffee. >> now too much coffee can send you into overdrive but we always hear about the benefits. so it's true. >> exactly. it is true. this is one food where i would say don't add it in if you don't consume it. but if you do there are health benefits. it gives your metabolism a little kick-start. not enough to start drinking it to lose weight. we know that caffeine is say stimulant, it keeps us alert. also compounds in coffee that help control our blood sugar levels and people that drink coffee are less likely to become diabetic than non-coffee drinkers. >> who knew. >> that's a benefit. no more than 250 milligrams a day. >> one or two cups. >> one to two cups a day. >> yogurt. >> i like to add it -- sprinkle coffee beans onto yogurt. or you can even stir them into a smoothie for a little kick as well. >> that's a great idea. speaking of yogurt. and yogurt is also a superfood. so you have -- here we're not talking about the sweet kind. this is -- >> traditional yogurt. >> higher protein packing yoeg urlt. >> we know that yogurt has calcium and protein. many yogurts also have probiotics. you do have to read the label to tell you the benefit. probiotics are the healthy bacteria that when eaten regularly improve our immune system and our digestion. our digestive tract is 70% of our immune system. it's important to keep that healthy bacteria in there. also may prevent certain cancers. i like to add grains like quinoa or wild race to improve the texture. also you can use it as a dip. make it savory and use it as the base of a dip instead of sour cream. >> that's a great idea. okay and eggs. >> eggs are also a superfood. we know that they're great for us, have great protein. what else is it about eggs that make it so good? >> eggs are also a great superfood because they're versatile and they're inexpensive. but they also, you mentioned that they are complete protein. so they coline. it is super important for memory loss. you don't want to -- or to prevent your memory loss. you want to get that and it's found in the yolks. so you do want to get the yolk in. a great way to get it in without adding a lot of fat is just poaching an egg. or make a healthy egg salad with some yogurt and herbs and surprises. >> that's interesting. and avocados. >> we know the monounsaturated acids, also loaded with carotenoids. they act as an anti-inflammatory. we love that. help protect us from everything from toxins to stress. this is a dip made with avocado or a dressing you can use on a salad. yogurt, balsamic vinegar and avocado. you can water it down with lemon juice. >> two super foods, the yogurt and the avocado. >> and finally the best, dutch chocolate. antioxidants, as it to your morning oatmeal. >> i love that. >> go for it. >> carrie glassman, great information. thanks so much. >> thank you. >> still to come this morning -- >> a couple of american idols first your local news. >> have a great day, everyone. good morning to you. it is 9:56 right now. i'm laura garcia-cannon. two high profile families are helping with the search in morgan hill. it is the largest search yet for sierra lamar, missing now ten days. among those that turned out, mark klaas, whose daughter was kidnapped and murdered in 1993. also on hand, michael le, brother of michelle le. >> that's why people who have been through it, you just feel so much for them. if you find anything, it tears you up. >> meantime, volunteers will be searching tomorrow morning. anyone that wants to participate should check in at burnett elementary school in morgan hill starting at 8:00 a.m. let's look at the forecast with meteorologist christina loren. >> rain on the way starting tomorrow. enjoy the brief dry period for you. it will last all day today. and we get first showers in the north bay tonight as an area of low pressure moves on shore. for us, it will increase clouds. today you saw that happening now. live picture of san francisco. tomorrow, rain returns, tomorrow morning at this time, tracking showers on the radar. all works out like this. for today, we talk about 60s. 63 in fremont. tomorrow, holding on to the 60s, but heavy rain, turning to showers by wednesday. check the drive with mike. >> down to the south bay. this is the last of the big incident, northbound 280 around lee or meridian. a lot of activity. we had reports of one car on top of another. took awhile to clear. no major injuries. we have reports that the roadway just cleared as you approach the 880 interchange. things clear up from 87 downtown. northbound 101, slow there as well. we have a sigalert towards the on ramp there, blocking one lane, a distraction. san mat aoh, good option. >> good to know. thank you for joining us. for the latest traffic and updates, check out nbc bay area on facebook. chevron with techron. care for your car. [ male announcer ] for our families... our neighbors... and our communities... america's beverage companies have created a wide range of new choices. developing smaller portion sizes and more low- & no-calorie beverages... adding clear calorie labels so you know exactly what you're choosing... and in schools, replacing full-calorie soft drinks with lower-calorie options. with more choices and fewer calories, america's beverage companies are delivering. captions paid for by nbc-universal television hey, everybody. so good to see you. is fun day, monday, it is march 26. >> look who's back. >> i know! >> look who is back. >> i know! >> rested? >> we were down in the keys for the week and it was the best weather -- all winter it's been amazing. you know because you've been going down to palm beach. it's just been glorious. went three times to alabama jack's, of course. >> of course you did. >> always take bambino. but this particular time i met a new man -- i'm just warning everybody right now. i have met a new man and i am in love. and his name is liam. he's there with bambino. he's 20 months old. he's the most beautiful little boy -- from brooklyn! so we're not going to have to be apart. i can see him in brooklyn! >> wait, is bambino in your purse? >> yes. small dogs you have to bring them in little bags. so i literally -- that little boy, his dad's standing right behind -- we were very big with the young set there. >> does bambino enjoy the flight, the whole thing? >> you know what? frank surprised me. when i got to the airport he had bam with us. because he was saying, no, we're not taking bambino. frank goes, i knew you wouldn't speak to me the entire ten days if you were missing the baby. cass came down with boo-boo and we had a ball. thanks. it's just a beautiful, beautiful place. and when the weather is gorgeous, you know -- >> you exercise -- >> walked every morning. prayed for you every single day. you had a lot of guys with you and kelly pickler, you wanted to say thank you to all of them. >> we had a bunch of country music singers, as you guys know. every one of them sang a little something. >> good! >> okay? so just we want to remember them and just give a big thank you. let's just take a listen to some of our co-hosts singing. >> i was waiting for to you hit the low note. hit the first low note out of the park right there. it's like -- ♪ yeah >> i like it. i like it. ♪ go to work do your best ♪ don't ask much your common sense ♪ ♪ never let your praying knees get crazy an love like crazy ♪ >> come on! ♪ some day when our dream world finds us and these hard times are gone ♪ ♪ i feel like making hoda love ♪ hoda love ♪ i feel like making hoda love ♪ hoda love sing it hoda love >> god made honky-tonk angels ♪ ♪ too many times married man stay they're still single that has made a many good girl to go wrong ♪ >> oh, yeah. >> beautiful! they're all so talented. that's what i love so much about the country stars, they'll just break out and start singing. their talent goes with them. they're not mass produced in a recording studio. you know? >> lee brice did this thing where he did a whole segment where he sang. i have to tell you, he just melted my heart. do we have just a teeny bit of him singing -- ♪ i probably eat more drive-through chicken ♪ ♪ i'd take a few strokes off my golf game if i'd have never known your name ♪ ♪ still be driving that old green nova ♪ ♪ i probably never would have heard of yoga ♪ >> he was great. >> yeah. yeah. >> he kind of twinkles his eyes when he looks at you, he looks into your eyes and into your soul. >> and hoda's gone! >> you had a great weekend -- >> i was in palm beach and i spoke at this club called the palm beach forum club. this is the only picture i have because i took it from the podium. that was it. nice bunch of people. they want to hear their kathie lee gifford stories. where is she? i'm like hello. >> i'm supposed to speak on little b political subjects. >> we're not doing "favorite things" right now but it is part of my week. >> i think you should. >> can we hear a little of this song, please? there's a group called jars of clay. ♪ ♪ i want to fall in love with you ♪ >> these are four guys that got together in college and now 18 years later, still traveling the world an their latest cd is called "the shelter." i went two times i went to see them. once was at our friend's home. what these guys are doing -- and they do 200 concerts a year or something like that. they're huge, huge, huge. supposed to be in the inspiration world. but one of them, the lead singer, dan, had gone to africa and had never been and he saw some people in a dry river bed digging. digging. and then putting their faces in the holes. he said to the guide, what are those people doing? he said they're drinking. it's unbelievable how much disease is carried through dirty, dirty water. people trying to battle aids are drinking dirty water. what these guys do, they pay all of their own expenses and they go into a private only and people invite their friends to come and hear a house concert. all acoustic. then we raise money for their mission which is called blood water mission. and can you go to they have now -- you know that $1 -- $1 pays for clean water for an african for an entire year. so we raised a ton of money. they're coming to our house this summer. >> they are? >> you'll have to come up and see them. that's from their first cd but this is their 12th. so that's for you. i love these guys. one of my favorite things when i was a young girl was crosby, stills, nash and young and they often sound like that to me. great harmonies. such wonderful guys. they now bring clean water to over 600,000 people in africa yearly. >> love it. >> god bless them. they're doing great stuff. we have a music theme going here. "britain's got talent" was on. there was a guy who stepped out on the stage who did not look like a singer. i don't know how you describe a singer. >> he did not. >> he was a 17-year-old and he caught everybody by surprise. he started singing. simon cowell looked at him originally like, oh, gosh. >> like only simon can. >> then the guy opens his mouth and singed like an angel. let's listen. ♪ >> that's that gorgeous song "the prayer" that sleceline dio and andreabo bchlocelli. >> he's going to go far. how about our children's voice thing we are doing? >> this is the biggest competition of them all. i love how they make it look like our chairs turn. >> we had to move them. >> with our feet. >> these are kids between the ages of 8 and 16. kids are going to come in and sing for us. we're going to have blindfolds on so we won't be able to see the child. then we're going to decide whether or not they're going to make the cut. we're in trouble. >> the parents are going to be furious. we have a little entrant right now? >> yeah. >> okay. ♪ >> okay. >> allrightee. >> let's hear the next one. >> is this riveting tv or what? ♪ >> allrightee. >> it is so much fun to hear kids sing like really adult songs. you know? they should be singing stuff like "twinkle twinkle little star," but "we could have had it all." we're 6 years old but we could have had it all. >> our contest goes through march 30th. go to submit your videos and stuff. we're going to start april 10th. that's when it all happens here. >> i saw one other concert. we have a gorgeous cultural center down there that actually 12 years ago we indoctrinated it. i was the first performer there. i had told them -- i had a 50-piece orchestra. i said you guys put in a sound system like none other and people will come. well they've had everybody from tony bennett, willie nelson. everybody. i also went to see diana krull who was terrific! terrific! if you get a chance to go see diana krull, go do that, too. here's a great story. there was a british couple that was going to get married at the manchester town hall. they thought why don't we invite the queen to come. >> they heard the queen would be in the building that day. >> they sent her an invite and she sent her regrets, said sorry, i'm not going to be able to make it. which i'm sure they were not surprised. >> took it graciously. >> lo and behold, guess who showed up at their wedding? >> they got punk'd. >> the queen and prince philip showed. >> they must have freaked out that they were there. >> i guess the queen didn't have anything else to do that day. >> she's just wandering through. >> very sweet. >> would that just put a damper on the party or what? i doubt she got in a conga line or started doing -- what is it you do -- the chicken dance? >> how funny would that be? >> somebody should do that. somebody should do the queen and philip doing the chicken dance at the wedding. >> yes. >> this is so good especially right now. >> haven't you used this before? this is the second time around for this. >> i don't care. because you need it. okay? >> i had mine done last night. you need it. >> i need it. look. >> hoda woman, let's do it now. >> if your roots are poebing out and you don't want to get your hair colored because you just did it and you keep feeling like you've just done it? you buy this. you spray this stuff on your hair. it doesn't go away until you wash it with shampoo. they have different colors. >> it really is great stuff. >> can you believe that my color is dark blonde? that's ridiculous. >> yeah. yeah. >> my sister keeps reminding me. you just take it and spray it and it works. >> i've done it here. right here is where you really need it -- >> you're too close. >> do it -- you moved! oh, my gosh! >> is it on my face? anyway, that's a good one. also, this is so crazy. i'm going to tell you not to buy these because you're going to be addicted. this is jiff to go. you know what's in here? chocolate and peanut butter. you take it, you open it, you take strawberries -- maybe it is only chocolate. peanut butter and chocolate spread. you dunk a strawberry in it. >> oh, my god, that's going to be awesome. >> it's so good. >> in the meantime, i will tell you about the other one, my other favorite thing because i wasn't here last week -- mac. this is unbelievable lipstick. if you want to just do no makeup like i did all week long and just a little color on your lips, this color is so drop-dead gorgeous. it's called -- sheen supreme. it's $14.50 and it's so hot, they will only let you order four at a time. >> i hate when they do that. >> i know! >> is it really all over? >> yeah. miss sara's not feeling so well today. we send our love to her. fan of the week. >> emily rickerson from gainesville, florida. wnvu, channel 9. she watches us on an airplane, even at the dentist, outside the studio, she's always got it on. her favorite part of the show is "today's pop." she says you give good advice because you think it through. she says we all go through the ups and downs, you make our day. >> we love reading that. >> you know where she's going? >> where? >> the grand bohemian hotel in asheville, north carolina. it's right where the "hunger games" movie was filmed. >> that's going to be the hottest tint in the world now. >> this trip includes five days, four nights, a welcome package, massages, you go to the poseidon spa. you get a "hunger games" reusable tote. and round trip airfare for two. >> i haven't seen that movie yet. >> hotel and airfare accommodations provided by the grand bohemian hotel. asheville is gorgeous, by the way. gorgeous. >> i want to see "the hunger games." >> i'm going tonight because you know who we have on our show on thursday? stanley tucci. >> but i don't even get the premise. >> i will let you know because it does sound like kids killing kids is not -- i think we have to go and be educated before we discuss. coming up next, not everything's coming up roses and daffodils in hollywood. we've got all the celebrity news you can handle riger aht this. >> we'll be right back. it's si. a body at rest tends to stay at rest... while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can actually ease arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis, staying active can be difficult. prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain so your body can stay in motion. because just one 200mg celebrex a day can provide 24 hour relief for many with arthritis pain and inflammation. plus, in clinical studies, celebrex is proven to improve daily physical function so moving is easier. and celebrex is not a narcotic. when it comes to relieving your arthritis pain, you and your doctor need to balance the benefits with the risks. all prescription nsaids, like celebrex, ibuprofen, naproxen, and meloxicam have the same cardiovascular warning. they all may increase the chance of heart attack or stroke, which can lead to death. this chance increases if you have heart disease or risk factors such as high blood pressure or when nsaids are taken for long periods. nsaids, including celebrex, increase the chance of serious skin or allergic reactions or stomach and intestine problems, such as bleeding and ulcers, which can occur without warning and may cause death. patients also taking aspirin and the elderly are at increased risk for stomach bleeding and ulcers. do not take celebrex if you've had an asthma attack, hives, or other allergies to aspirin, nsaids or sulfonamides. get help right away if you have swelling of the face or throat, or trouble breathing. tell your doctor your medical history and find an arthritis treatment for you. visit and ask your doctor about celebrex. for a body in motion. every week they lower thousands of prices and check over 30,000 competitor prices. check out that low price. you want to grab one? 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[ female announcer ] this easter... bring a tradition... out of its shell. rice krispies®. i did it! you did! time for "today's buzz." we feed you all the hollywood news you can handle. on today's menu, everything from kim kardashian flour bombing reaction to madonna's latest music video controversy. >> here with all -- >> new album, new controversy. >> staff writer, maureen o'connell. we saw kim get flour bombed over and over. she decided to file charges. >> zhee. initially she laughed it off and said she wouldn't press any charges. now she came out and said this is bullying and i don't condone it and says she's thinking about pressing charges now. >> i think once people start pressing charges we probably won't see it happen as often. >> reminding me of sacha baron cohen. >> it is assault. >> you don't do that in civilized society. you don't throw stuff at people. >> what if it had been something else. >> i think it is totally uncivil to do this. >> i think someone should stop that. we talk about the glitter bombers, the ones that throw glitter at the politicians. you're right, if it ever escalates beyond that. people say just laugh it off, so what. but i can see where it would be a little bit disconcerting with that happens. >> first, somebody made a good point earlier. i guess it was bonnie fuller. saying this is how she makes her living and we wouldn't go into somebody's real estate office and do something like that to somebody. i understand people are passionate about their feelings but that's not the best way to make your point. >> big, big day for "the hunger games." big weekend. >> who's going? >> i thought it -- with all the hype, i thought it would be the biggest ever. >> it made $155 million in this weekend. third highest domestic take ever on an opening weekend. remember normally these big blockbusters come out on holidays or summer. it is sort of unusual moment to do it. it was really big, it did very well. they said actually the breakdown is about like 60% women, 40% men. not like "twilight" where it is all teen girls. this is more even split but young. >> huge teens. >> it's pg-13 but some people are saying it is violent but they don't show so much of the violence. they're doing like shaky camera. >> they are such violent books an everybody's wondering how can you possibly get that to the pg-13, but that's who's going to see it. >> we don't want to judge yet but it is kind of disturbing if you only know that about it. i'm going to see it tonight and hopefully talk about it tomorrow. >> miley cyrus. is she engaged? >> rumors are flying because she tweeted a picture of a manicure with a suspiciously large rock on her ring finger. remember, she's in a relationship with the 22-year-old "hunger games" star liam hensworth. she's been lovey-dovey with him on the red carpet. this morning one of her friends, the "new york post" is reporting, they aren't actually engaged though she certainly didn't step up to deny it. >> interesting. well, in the past she's been the one that everybody knew. i never heard of him until they did that one movie together. now he's going to be the big deal with this. it is going to change the dynamic of the relationship a little. >> so madonna, there's always a controversy, especially when she has more music out. she has a new video. >> her new music video came out for "girl gone wild" and youtube actually is censoring it a bit in that only people over the age of 18, you have to be logged in to your google account to watch it. there are some bare bottoms, people rubbing themselves, things they said weren't appropriate for under the age of 18. madonna's publicist compared it to when "justify my love" came out. mtv wouldn't play it. it was a windfall for madonna because she ended up selling it. so she made a lot of money off it. >> this is the same person who was upset with m.i.a. that gave the wave with an appendage during the super bowl. is this hypocrisy or what is this? >> it's so silly. they play this perpetual game of like what they can or can't do right on the edge. she's willing to say that m.i.a., it was wrong because it ruined her moment. but now -- she still keeps going. >> in ten seconds, lourdes was caught smoking a cigarette. >> age 15. yep. obviously it is a lot more complicated when you have the paparazzi following you everywhere, she was photographed smoking a cigarette on the street in new york. >> that would upset madonna, i would think. she's so into health. when most people started smoking they didn't know the health risk. but everybody knows about it now. >> thank you very much, maureen. still to come, how to get away without washing your hair one more day. >> i like that. and and other quick beauty fixes. but first these messages. and we are talking about activia. i've been eating activia and i feel great! i'm used to having irregularity. i feel like that's normal. if you are not feeling like trying this on, that's not normal. activia helps with occasional irregularity when eaten 3 times a day. feeling regular to me was a new feeling... i came to find my 'new normal' and i love it! ♪ activia and try new silky, fruity activia harvest picks. another way to enjoy activia. but sometimes i wonder... what's left behind? [ female announcer ] purifying facial cleanser from neutrogena® naturals. removes 99% of dirt and toxins without dyes, parabens or harsh sulfates. so skin feels pure and healthy. [ female announcer ] from neutrogena® naturals. had kraft mac & cheese without me. so this time, i took precautionary measures. looking for these? [ rattling ] [ male announcer ] kraft macaroni & cheese. you know you love it. well, it's not gonna clean itself. want me to get dad? no thank you. viva's all i need. look at that! still in one piece. yeah, so's the towel. [ female announcer ] grab a roll and try it on your toughest mess. still to come, spring cleaning. these little nookz as and crann around the house and also, clay aiken is here. >> what is he eating? >> we're going to leave with you a little performance from an "american idol" nn erp,-u country singer lauren alaina. can hold you back. men uncover more touchable skin with a nivea breakthrough. the first 48-hour moisturizing relief formula with hydraiq and provitamin b5 in a light, non-greasy lotion. love your skin. show it. share it. new extended moisture from nivea. touch and be touched. now bring the world a touch closer. join our million moments of touch movement and be entered in nivea's daily date night sweepstakes. every week they lower thousands of prices and check over 30,000 competitor prices. check out that low price. you want to grab one? grab two. [ male announcer ] that's the walmart low price guarantee! see for yourself how much it can save you. that make kids happy. and even fewer that make moms happy too. with wholesome noodles and bite sized chicken, nothing brings you together like chicken noodle soup from campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do. good morning. it is 10:26. i'm marla tellez. a rave party with a deadly history is returning to the bay area. pop 2012 will be at oakland's oracle arena saturday. it features pulsing lights and pounding music associated with a rave. lawmakers have tried to ban the event and ones like it since 2010 when two died from drug overdoses. eight others wept to the hospital and people were70 peo arrested on drug charges. we will have a look at the forecast and traffic after the break. welcome back. the calm before the next storm. we are sandwiched between systems. you can see the clouds ahead of the next system. not bringing rain to the bay area until late tonight, only in the north bay. then showers spread to the south heading throughout your tuesday and wednesday. the storm is a rather large storm, so we're talking one to two inches of rain in the north bay. overall today will be breezy and mild. tomorrow, the rain returns. steady rain just about all day long areas north of golden gate bridge. let's check the drive with mike. specifically the dumbarton bridge is what we're talking about. from fremont streets, you have an issue. can't use the pa say oh on ramp. they closed it for the cement truck. big rig on its side. use dakota on ramp. slowing between 880 and the toll plaza. south bay, slow down 880 at 237. accident has yet to clear, causing a slow down there. just off to the shoulder. there you go for the south bay drive. coming up at 11:00, could your pinterest account get you sued. see yothen we're back with more of "today" on this fun day, monday, with some spring cleaning tips. it happens every time the sun shines into your house -- what you thought was spic n' span clean is all of a sudden covered by dust and smudge marks. >> we have tricks of the trade to get those little annoyances around the house taken care of. the lifestyle editor at >> good to see you. >> we are going to help you get really clean for spring. >> a lot of people have flat screen tvs or other types of tvs. >> you don't want to scratch it. use actually a coffee filter. it is clean and it won't scratch at all. you can wipe everything off. >> do you use windex or anything? >> you don't need anything. it works great for commuter screens, too, or mirrors. >> my ipad is so disgusting right now. i'm going to try that. >> paper towels sometimes leave some of that dust behind. you definitely don't want to scratch it. >> these are nasty. whose is this? >> that looks like yours. >> i know. with makeup on it. >> you never want to spray anything on any of these devices. what you can do is actually just use a nice clean pink eraser. it will take off all the little grime. >> that's such a good thing. >> it will clean it right off. can you do it on tv remotes -- >> it's not working on hoda's. >> if it is really kakd on, you might have to work on it a little bit. >> keyboard. you can turn it upside down and shake it and everything but sometimes you'll see there's still dust in there. you really want to get in there. >> or pizza or anything, right? >> could be some crumbs. >> you can use just a mascara wand. you can clean it first with like shampoo or makeup remover. this can really get in there and just get the bristles down and it will clean it. >> that's my favorite when you're at work and you don't have one of those, you just take a post-it note and you can go in through -- and it will pick it right up and it pulls it all right off! >> that's smart! >> better yet, don't eat pizza around it to begin with. >> exactly. >> so copper, brass, sometimes gets this film on it. what works is good old-fashioned ketchup. squirt some on. what you're going to do is rub it. tomato is acidic and it really gets in there and it will clean it right up. then you wash it off with a damp cloth. you'll have it shiny again. it will take off some of the tarnish. >> what does that do in your system? i eat so much ketchup. i love it. >> i think it is a bit of a problem. but what do i know. >> then silver. if you're having holidays, passover, if you want to clean some of your silver, you just take some toothpaste. it works wonders. it is so easy. just squirt a little bit on. >> any kind, right? >> any kind of toothpaste. whatever brand you like. it makes it really clean. it is like cleaning up right there already. can you just rinse it. >> that is awesome. >> and keep going. >> vases are a pain. they really are because can you put them in the dishwasher and still stuff gets stuck in the bottom. >> what you want do is fill it with soapy water. just like this. then if you put some just raw rice in it. >> advice like -- >> then -- >> have rice sitting next to the toilet so when -- >> do that a couple times and it will get off all the grime. >> this is one i have trouble with occasionally when i light candles. you can't get the wax out. you take a knife and you're -- >> right. >> some of this doesn't come off. glycerin that you can buy at the supermarket which is famous for enemas -- >> i was going to say, is that like a suppository? i've heard of them. >> it is good and cleaning all kinds of things. it is good with wax, it just helps get it up. it softens it and it will slide like right off. can you kind of clean the whole edge. >> all good tips. >> thank you so much. coming up next, from singer to celebrity aparentist, clay urisp. umtrw nded a trump. >> and we surprised him. >> yes, we did. she needs help from me. and her medication. the exelon patch -- it releases medication continuously for twenty-four hours. she uses one exelon patch daily for the treatment of mild to moderate alzheimer's symptoms. [ female announcer ] it cannot change the course of the disease. hospitalization and rarely death have been reported in patients who wore more than one patch at a time. the most common side effects of exelon patch are nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. the likelihood and severity of these side effects may increase as the dose increases. patients may experience loss of appetite or weight. patients who weigh less than 110 pounds may experience more side effects. people at risk for stomach ulcers who take certain other medicines should talk to their doctor because serious stomach problems such as bleeding may worsen. people with certain heart conditions may experience slow heart rate. [ woman ] whenever i needed her, she was there for me. now i'm here for her. [ female announcer ] ask the doctor about your loved one trying the exelon patch. visit to learn more. ourself visit at olive garden. choose from 6 items like the new calzone, or half a flatbread, or a half panini. have it with unlimited soup or salad, and get plenty of breadsticks. it's your lunch, your way, and it's just $6.95 at olive garden. time out. sweet. [ female announcer ] with charmin ultra soft, you can get that cushiony feeling while still using less. designed with extra cushions that are soft and more absorbent and you can use four times less. charmin ultra soft. hey, becky. hey...uncle steve. [ male announcer ] for life's bleachable moments [ male announcer ] who can clean your toilet thirty-six hundre[ ding ]a year? scrubbing bubbles toilet cleaning gel. it's flush-activated to prevent buildup of lime scale and hard water that cause toilet rings. the freshest way to keep a toilet clean. [ toilet flushing ] flush after flush. [ female announcer ] s.c. johnson. a family company. how about the beat of a healthy heart? campbell's healthy request soup is delicious, and earned this heart, for being heart healthy. ♪ feel the beat? it's amazing what soup can do. [ speaking in japanese ] yeah, do you have anything for a headache... like excedrin, ohhh, bayer aspirin... ohh, no no no. i'm not having a heart attack, it's my head. no, bayer advanced aspirin, this is made for pain. [ male announcer ] bayer advanced aspirin has microparticles, enters the bloodstream fast, and safely rushes extra strength relief to the sight of your tough pain. feel better? yeah...thanks for the tip! [ male announcer ] for fast powerful pain relief, use bayer advanced aspirin. clay aiken reached stardom almost ten years ago during the second season of american adol. since then he has authored a best selling book and has appeared on broadway. >> but he had a lisp until he appeared with us on last night's episode of "celebrity apprentice" to victory by creating the ultimate beach experience. >> what was going on there? what was even happening? >> forget about him, i'm missing my old hair. how are you? >> i'm good. we threw a party and you guys surprised us. >> the donald called and we went. what are you going to do? >> i'm glad you did. you made it lively. >> how grueling is the celebrity aparentist business? everyone who is on it says it is tough. >> it is about 20 times tougher than "idol." >> really. >> i just did something with jack wagner the other day who's on another reality show and it's 15 times harder than any other reality show. you're up at 5:00 a.m. you don't get done until 10:30. six days a week and it is stuff you don't know how to do. >> sounds like "dateline" with hoda. >> who got voted off last night? >> last night patricia velasquez, very first latina super model was voted off -- i'm so used to saying "voted off." was "fired" last night. but i was okay with that because that means i did not lose. >> you get along with everybody? there can be a lot of cat fights. >> don't lie. >> you know what? naturally -- naturally, you put people in a room with -- who are all type a personalities and it can be difficult. i'll say last week i had a little issue with pen gillette. next week i have a little bit of an issue with pen gillette. >> why is that? because he can be a pain, let's be honest. >> you know what? i don't like to admit it but it is probably because we're too much alike. and he's so -- he's so smart! that's not how we're alike necessarily but he's very smart. he's probably a threat to me and so that can scare you a little bit and turn you into -- make you do things you wouldn't normally do. >> we should point out, have you your hoodie on. this is not by accident. >> i didn't accidentally leave it on. it's just kind of a silent statement in memory of trayvon martin and hoping for justice in that situation. >> we all are, of course. >> clay, it is a little chilly, also. >> you have a new album coming out? >> today. today. we have a new album out today called -- >> who's "we"? >> it's not just one person who puts all their work into it. i'm singing. you hear me singing but linda etter performs with me. >> one of the greatest voices god ever gave everybody. >> they're songs i grew up listening to when i was younger, songs from the '50s and '60s and some new stuff as well. >> your fans i remember were all called playmates when they came out on the plaza. they were at the party, too. is it still the same kind of fan for this cd? >> i think so. i think the thing about "idol" when i did it, lauren alaina may have a little different but when i was on we did songs from the '60s. that's not too much of a departure -- "unchained melody" which i sang on "idol" and i love singing is on this album. it is not too big a departure. >> it is always good to see you, sweetie. god bless. root for clay and all the other contestants on the celebrity apprentice sundays at 9:00, 8:00 central on nbc. >> how to fix that chipped ithout a trip to the nail salon. yep. ♪ my heart skips a beat ♪ my heart is playing tricks on me ♪ [ female announcer ] introducing new special k granola bars. ♪ i can't break through with 4 grams of protein. and 4 grams of fiber. finally, a granola bar that makes your heart skip a beat. a snack that loves you back. what will you gain when you lose? ♪ ...skips a beat ri what will you gain when you lose? when i think about how lucky i am that i've had a pur water filter remove 99% of lead and microbial cysts... [ sniffs ] and then i think about the water that hasn't. [ whimpers ] i-i don't know. it doesn't seem fair. had kraft mac & cheese without me. so this time, i took precautionary measures. looking for these? [ rattling ] [ male announcer ] kraft macaroni & cheese. you know you love it. so it can feel like you're using nothing at all. but new neosporin® eczema essentials™ is different. its multi-action formula restores visibly healthier skin in 3 days. new neosporin® eczema essentials™. [ facilitator ] what do you smell? takes me outdoors. sort of a crisp, fresh feeling. [ facilitator ] go ahead and take your blindfold off. [ laughs ] [ male announcer ] the febreze set & refresh. breathe happy for 30 days, guaranteed. is really my mother. they keep asking me if the dirty guy is really my son. these viva towels really are tough, even when wet! [ mike ] that's my real father, cleaning up a real mess on a real grill. see? [ female announcer ] grab a roll and try it on your toughest mess. never in my lifetime did i think i could walk 60 miles in 3 days. (woman) the goal is to bring an end to breast cancer. (woman) there's no doubt in my mind that komen's funding helped saved my life. the 3-day is my opportunity to help save others' lives. (woman) i'll never stop walking, not till we find a cure. it is the most rewarding experience i have ever had in my entire life. (man) register today for the... because everyone deserves a lifetime. we've all had that moment where we're headed out the door and notice a chipped nail -- >> or maybe just overslept a little leaving you no time to wash your hair and dry it before you left the house. >> marie claire's beauty director is here. >> these are quick and easy beauty disasters. you can wake up and first thing is with some undereye bag. that's the first place where a little bit of stress, not enough sleep, maybe a hangover can show up. >> hey, careful. >> you want to show up at your meeting looking really bright and perky. really, take an antihistamine in the morning and get the flobloo flowing so that the fluids under your eyes get moving. can you put eye cream in the fridge to keep it a little bit chilled and that will also get circulation going. and then you just want to use a high-coverage concealer. put a little on. emily here has got some already on the left eye. you'll see the difference. then on the right eye. >> boy, what were you doing last night, honey? >> in the corner. in the corners, underneath the bag. can you go back over with the highlighting concealer and just go underneath the brow and right under the bag to brighten up the eye. >> if i sleep on my back, i don't have bags. >> how about sleeping on your back then? >> because i flip over. >> i'm sorry you had to hear that. >> tell us how to make yourself tanner. >> there's nothing worse. >> look at these streaks. they can be really off-putting. what happens is you put on yourself tanner, and then you go to bed and the sheet can kind of pick up some of the formula. if you get some streaks, a tanning oil from st. tropez called tan detox. you buff it off. you can actually rub it off an the color will get more even. dry it so there is no more oil left and can you use a gradual tanner, something like the jergen's glow and that will just even out the color. lavender and lemon. >> it smells good. >> you can't see the places -- >> you can't tell. fabric or any dry skin will create some streaks. you want to moisturize really well beforehand. >> we're talking chipped nails. look who's with us? >> it's our producer. >> a chipped nail. how embarrassing! >> she chipped her nail polish. what you want to avoid doing is picking at it. if you chip a nail or break a nail, you want to kind of do a quick fix. so instead of trying to just go over it with polish, actually buff it down so there are no ridges. then go over it with the polish itself. >> if you don't have the color in your purse handy -- >> if you don't have the polish in your purse handy, put a little clear coat on it. or if you break a nail, you also don't want to rip it off because it can cause an infection. use a little piece of tape. >> you can put a band-aid on. that works every single time. >> no problem. >> a last-minute zit, take it down with ice to tone down the inflammation. if you don't have any zit cream, use aspirin and crush that up and put it on your -- >> aspirin's good for everything! >> wow. >> if you must squeeze your zit, you want to put a warm suppress on it first to clean -- >> everyone squeezes. >> what's better than that? come on. >> nothing. nothing. >> absolutely do not use your finger. fingernails can have a lot of bacteria. use two q tips and squeeze with that. >> if your hair's greasy -- it's only a little. >> just a little greasy. can you actually use some dry shampoo. you just spray a little. then flip your hair over, brush it through, it will give you a little bit of extra volume and soak up. >> thank you, sweetie. you look good. up next, country singer and "idol" runner-up, lauren alaina is here with a performance. she is one great singer. see life in the best light. outdoors, or in. enses auy filter juste right amount o, ask for transitions adaptisit you local sigc transitiand lenses that fit your life. sight for sore eyes. >> announcer: "the "toyota concert series" on "today" -- brought to you by toyota. >> even though she came in second place, lauren alaina is living the life of an "american idol" winner. she performed at grand ole opry. >> it should be no surprise that the 17-year-old georgia native's very first album debuted at number two on the billboard country album charts, called "wildflower." we're so happy you are with us. >> congratulations, sweetie! that's very unusual, especially for someone as young as you are. >> 17 years old. >> i am 17. >> you're beautiful. >> what does it feel like to be 17 and on top of the charts? >> yeah, what's that like? >> well, it's pretty cool, i must say. i never expected it. i grew up dreaming about it. then i tried out for "american idol" and all of a sudden, everything changed. >> we're going to see why. because you are going to sing us the new hit called "georgia peaches." right? all right! lauren alaina. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> yeah! woo! >> miss lauren, you were great! thank you so much. tomorrow, living alone and why so many of like it that way. and t.j. jakes is in the house to talk to us about forgiving. cheeseburger macaroni? [ female announcer ] cheeserburger macaroni hamburger helper. now even cheesier and tastier. helpers. forty dishes, all delicious. gives us the most nutritious of gifts. but only when they are ready to be given. that's why green giant picks vegetables at their peak. ...and freezes them fast, locking in nutrients ...for you to unwrap. ♪ ho, ho, ho. green giant

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