>> that's a good one. yahoo did this survey. the number one man women would love to kiss at midnight is not surprising, is it? >> no. >> george clooney. he's number one. johnny depp comes in second. there are clooney women and there are johnny depp women. >> you either go for one type or the other. i am going to kiss a celeb at midnight, frank gifford. if he weren't there? got to be hugh jackman. >> can i tell you? >> yeah. >> now that you -- after we saw that show. >> his show on broadway i think is closing right around now. >> there is something both sexy and funny and real. >> and sweet. >> i might have to share that. >> might have to change your vote? >> i was going to do clooney. >> you didn't think it through. >> there is a woman on our web page who posted this funny thing. she keeps going, what does mommy always tell daddy? to think things through. the kid just bursts out laughing. i love it. >> somebody is listening. men would like to kiss jennifer aniston. she is having a big year. she was chosen the sexiest woman of all time. a woman who didn't make that list that surprised so many people does come in second -- >> what is that? that's like slurping? >> that's my mother eating a steak. halle berry came in second place. i'm sorry. i've been interviewing halle berry the last 20 years. up close and personal, i don't think i've ever seen a more beautiful woman. she is unbelievable. >> the people we want to never bring home for the holidays. >> definitely not kissing, just don't want to bring them home. >> snooki is the female. >> oh, why not? she's a lot of fun. >> and charlie sheen is the man. >> and he is, too. >> they're a lot of fun. you know who we would like to party with? seth rogen. i think he's funny. i like the guy "forgetting sara marshall." jason segal. who do you want to kiss? >> bradley cooper. >> she didn't even think about it. >> that's a good one. barely got the question out. >> let's talk about driving while stressed out. that is something women have and men have. if you're driving in the car and your husband/boyfriend is next to you, does that elevate your stress level when he's in the passenger's seat? >> the woman is driving and the man is in the passenger seat? >> women say that makes them stressed when their boyfriend or husband is next to them. >> they rarely let you do it. they have to common tate on it. >> they have to be bossy. [ horns honking ] >> what is that? >> we need sound effects? >> frank hurt his leg the other day. we were running to a movie and he hurt it really. i rushed to get the car and met him. i'm telling you, all the way home the man told me everything i was doing wrong. you're going too fast. watch out around this corner. i'm going, would you stop it? somehow i got him home safely. >> it's the opposite. if we're in the passenger seat and the man is driving, it doesn't raise their stress level. >> of course not. they are a man in control. they are not going to stop for directions. they are screaming at their gps thing. not frank. >> those gps things, i don't like them. >> they're often wrong. >> turn left in 1/4 mile and there is one left right there you think do they mean a 1/4? you go further and there is nothing. it's gone. >> you're supposed to listen for the little sound then go. >> i like to have more lead time. >> i want to know the people who are talking to me in that car. >> who is sirius really? who is that person in the gps? it's over. >> i'm breaking up with siri. >> siri is breaking up with hoda. >> i ask her all kinds of things. i'm like, where is city bank? i cannot understand. >> like you need one more thing in your life to get upset about. >> i'm lathered about it. >> this latest survey surprised me a little bit. the world's most visited tourist attractions from "travel and leisure" magazine. >> the world's most visited. here they are. the top five. niagara falls is number five. >> both sides. >> las vegas, nevada, is the fourth most visited tourist attraction. >> i wonder why. >> this is interesting. number three is union station in washington, d.c. >> that makes no sense to me though it's a beautiful facility. it's gorgeous. >> getting on the train at union station in d.c. is a real treat. >> you feel like you're in a time warp. like you're in a bag, lavish movie. it's just so glorious. >> and it's like a little mall. you can go shopping. there are stores. >> yes, hodi. >> number two? >> central park. not the empire state building, not the statue of liberty, but central park. >> and the number one world's most visited tourist attraction is -- >> times square. >> go figure. it's thursday. you know what that means? >> oy. >> i get to have fun. this guy in front is going to play along with us. i picked a song i enjoy a lot. >> who is this? >> this is called my keepon. he is just going to dance with us to this song i'm about to play. this is called "tight rope" by a woman named janelle monet. you know how i like sweaty dance songs. think of this like "dream girls" but like now. it's hip "dream girls." that's what this is. ready? >> i'm feeling stress. ♪ ♪ some people talk about ya ♪ they know all about ya >> it's about tipping on a tight rope. >> he didn't like it either. >> ready? jumping on the tight rope. >> you always say am i ready? ready for what? >> do you see "dream girls?" ready? can you picture the "dream girls" now? does it feel like it? >> no. does jay have the same taste in music that you do? >> jay likes what i like. >> you found the perfect man. >> this is crazy. it's never over. here is what's great about this. >> this is terrible. she must be a lovely person. i liked "dream girls." they had a fabulous score. okay, hoda. >> it does remind me of that air era but more modern. >> is it okay or not okay to have overly optimistic new year's resolutions? >> kathie lee says probably not. you're only human. >> i learned not to make them any more. that's part of wisdom. that's part of getting old, you realize what's the point? i'm not going to keep them and i'll feel worse about myself than i feel now. hoda says, yes, it is okay. new year's resolutions are meant to be made and broken. you make up the rules? personally, i've made the same resolutions since the early '90s. to clean her purse. lose ten pounds and get organized. >> same ones every year. >> you don't need to lose 10 pounds, but you do need to get organized. >> i do get organized every now and then. >> enough to show up here every morning. up next -- >> "time" magazine's photos of the year. great moments in history. right after this. a picture is worth a thousand words. we know that. the past year left us with no shortage of stories. the folks at "time" magazine pored through countless photos. >> and they rounded up the photos of the year. hey, ladies. >> it's not easy. how many images would you say? >> thousands of pictures. >> let's get started with some of the greatest hits here. the first is a volcano in chile. >> tell us about this image. beautiful. >> this is an extraordinary image of the volcano erupting in june. look at this picture, the sky, the drama. the power. >> wow. >> although it's sort of a dramatic and dangerous activity, it is so beautiful. it's such a beautiful thing. nature is terrible and wonderful at the same time. >> the next photo is in vancouver where there were the huge riots and a picture of this couple smooching. >> this is after the canucks lost the stanley cup and people were desperately upset and took to the streets. but apparently this couple is over it. they are no longer upset. they've got other things on their mind as the riot police move through. >> it almost looks like it could be a scene from a movie. >> it turns out she had been hurt and he was comforting her is what they later told us on the "today" show. i like that kind of comforting. >> mouth-to-mouth. >> next up we call this the flying rhino because that's what it is. tell us about this image. >> this is a rescue picture of a black rhino being rescued out of a poaching area in south africa. it's so surreal. it's so surprising. >> what i love about this picture, it's such an unnatural thing to happen to this poor rhino to be preserved and in order for nature to keep going the way it needs to. >> it doesn't look like he is putting up a stink though. bungee jumping. >> next up, usually you don't get to see these shots but this is inside the situation room. hillary clinton was singled out a lot in this picture. >> this is an amazing picture. what i love is we are not seeing what they are looking at. we are just seeing their expressions, especially hillary clinton. this is when they are monitoring the mission with osama bin laden. >> they didn't know at that time how it was going to end up. >> exactly. >> that is a great picture. >> joplin, missouri, was such a heartbreaking scene. i know you guys probably got thousands of pictures. this stood out to you. why is that? >> i love this picture personally because you can see the devastation there, but you can also see right there, right in the center of the picture fireworks going off. do you see that? >> is that what that is? >> it's a july picture. it's july 2nd. i think that is a celebration that shows, to me, no matter how bad things get, the human spirit comes through. >> how do you comb through thousands of pictures. i remember those imamgs were so horrific. >> there are so many, but i think the combination of hope and inspiration and devastation is great. >> on a lighter note. >> a sweet note. >> prince william and kate. there are so many iconic images. this one stands out for so many reasons. >> the little girl on the left is adorable. >> the little girl on the left grace makes this photo. you can see the pomp and the circumstance, billions of people watching. it's a global event and there is just one kid who's had enough. she is done. >> it's so honest. >> there are people who felt that way about the wedding, i think. >> very noisy, right? >> very noisy. >> she is adorable. the next image we have is an image, this was iconic, just recently, too. these guys getting pepper sprayed by a police officer and lots of cameras around. all kinds of cameras. >> he must have known it. >> this is a picture last month of one of the occupy protestors. what is stunning is the posture of the policeman and the casualness almost. >> it's like he is watering the lawn. >> interesting. that caused a lot of controversy that picture. the last one you have is a boy playing with a tennis boy. but this isn't any ordinary boy. >> for those who don't recognize that, that is downtown aubadoban and that is the house where osama bin laden was captured in the picture earlier. as you see, life goes on. this little boy, obviously, he does not know the most wanted criminal in the world is living next door. he is more focused on that ball he has to catch. >> great pictures, you guys. >> thank you so, so much. >> our pleasure. they never fail to make us laugh. >> webtastic videos. right after this. you go next if you had a hoveround power chair? the statue of liberty? the grand canyon? it's all possible with a hoveround. tom: hi i'm tom kruse, inventor and founder of hoveround. when we say you're free to see the world, we mean it. call today and get a free hoveround information kit that includes a video and full color brochure. dennis celorie: "it's by far the best chair i've ever owned." terri: "last year, 9 out of 10 people got their hoveround for little or no money." jim plunkitt: "no cost. absolutely no cost to me." breaking news...when you call today, we'll include a free hoveround collapsible grabber with the purchase of your power chair. it reaches, it grabs, it's collapsible and it's portable. it goes wherever you go. get it free while supplies last. call the number on your screen to get your free video, brochure and your free hoveround collapsible grabber. call the number on your screen. it's not new toys they want. he doesn't want the latest video game. the gifts they want can't be wrapped. these kids just want to be healthy... and go home with their moms and dads. that's what we're fighting for at st. jude children's research hospital. st. jude's research labs may not be in your community but our discoveries are. we've changed how the world treats brain tumors, leukemia and sickle cell. and no family is turned away because they can't pay. our discoveries today could save a child you know, tomorrow. so if you have health children, give thanks... give thanks. da las gracias. give thanks for the healthy kids in your life and give to those who are not. go to st. jude.org or shop wherever you see our magnifying glass. we are back with sara's special series we call webtastic. when sarah digs up the next video. >> as we get ready to ring in 2012 we are looking back at our favorite webtastic videos from the past year. >> we saw a lot of laughing baby videos this year. one of the most memorable baby mica who got a real chuckle out of his dad's job rejection letter. >> by the way, his dad marcus has gotten a job since then. he is an editor for an educational publishing company. >> of course he is. you want to follow that kid the rest of his life. wouldn't you love to know what he's going to become? he's great. >> you have another video with a dad. >> we fell in love with tom whose son found him dancing to britney spears. take a look. ♪ ♪ >> look at that move. >> bless his heart. it's probably motivation to lose a little weight. good for him. >> next you remember the katy perry loving college students who got snowed in. did i mention they're all guys? ♪ do you ever feel like a plastic bag ♪ ♪ drifting through the wind wanting to start again ♪ do you ever feel just so paper thin ♪ like a house of cards ♪ one blow and you're caving in ♪ cause there's a spark in you ♪ you just got to ignite ♪ the light ♪ and let it shine >> very sexy. we have a lot of dancing videos out there, didn't we? >> the dancing ones made it big. check out zola the break dancing gorilla. ♪ >> i love it. they added the music later, i guess? >> yeah. >> how funny is that? >> i love it. >> sara, thanks. these are some gems. still to come, the movies you'll be look being forward to in 2012. plus, he said, she said, picking the right wine or bubbly to bring in the new year. >> and actress jane fonda is back. she's going to whip us in shape after this. we are back with more on "today." it's hard to believe 2012 is days away. a whole new year of blockbuster films and movie madness. >> we have a sneak peek at the hottest flicks to expect in the new year. >> it's going to be a good year for movies. a lot of good buzz. stuff i've seen a little bit of. it looks promising. >> let's talk about fairy tales, shall we? let's begin there. >> fairy tales are very hot. >> the same fairy tale. >> exactly. there is a "jack in the beanstalk" movie and a "hansel and gretel." and two big snow white movies. they are up against each other. the first one is "mirror mirror" with julia roberts as the evil queen, lilly collins and your friend army hammer. >> they made this movie in montreal. he said it was the most unbelievable experience. >> it looks funny. the other snow white is called "snow white and the huntsman." it's probably more action-packed. that has charlize theron in it. >> now we're going back to some super heroes. >> "the amazing superman." they are starting all over with andrew garfield, this fantastic british actor. he's brake at spizer -- spiderman. >> he was also in "social network." >> and great stuff on british television. they have emma stone in this one. she is playing a different character from the comic books. >> staying on the superheroes, you have "the avengers." >> that goes way back. >> it goes round and round. this is the ultimate fan boy superhero movie. it's got ironman, thor, black widow and the hulk. >> who directed that? >> it was josh wieden. they are all six giant superheroes in this movie together. >> another action film is "john carter." tell us about that. it's a family film? >> it it a fascinating property that started out in 1912. it was about a guy who is a sported to mars.r and he gets a. on mars he discovered that he has superhero strength. he meets, as you do, a hot marsh princess in a bikini. right? >> i would expect nothing less. >> the interesting thing about this is that andrew stanton who directed wall-e and "finding nemo," this is his first action movie from pixar. >> i'm excited about this one, "rock of ages." >> i bet you are. >> the broadway musical is fun. it's big '80s, big hair music. it's a jukebox musical. adam shekman is doing the movie. it has tom cruise as an aging rocker with hair down to his bottom. >> it's a little tongue and cheek. >> it's very campy looking. >> the next pick is a remake of sorts, "dark shadows." >> remember the soap opera? >> it was from the tv show, barnabus collins. remember the house would shake every time they closed the door? it was a crazy tv show. >> it had such a cult following. >> tim burton and johnny depp, both of them could go home every day and watch that. they made a movie version of it. michelle pheiffer is in it. >> here is a big one, "the hunger game." >> it takes place in the future. there are kids taken from the provinces. they are taken to the capital and they have to fight to the death for the entertainment of the people in power. it's a young adult novel, but fairly dark and sophisticated. the novels are fantastic. they are great. this movie, the first one comes out this year. it's already just such a big deal. >> when we came over to your offices, you were talking about "hunger games." we went, what? >> you saw it on the cover, that's going to tank. >> we just said what is it? >> we would have been better. >> we've got to run. your last pick "the dark knight rises." >> the new batman movie. >> have a great holiday, sweetie. >> thank you. the holiday season ain't over yet. >> how to handle those awkward family and work situations. you know what we're talking about. car insurance, it's a bit like asking if they want a big hat... ...'scuse me... ...or a big steak... ...or big hair... i think we have our answer. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. for sudden cardiac death. i was 23 years old. i wasn't overweight. i never dreamed this would happen to me. when the doctor told me i had three blocked arteries, i felt like i was punche in the gut. i found out that one in three women die from heart disease. how did i not know that ? from wanting to ask for a receipt for a horrible gift to not being invited to a co-worker's new year's party we have to deal with awkward situations, but help is here. >> he writes the advice column for "the new york times" and is author of the new book "social qs." and "today" contributor harriet cole is etiquette expert and president of harriet cole media. >> welcome again, kids. >> every year my sister gives me the ugliest christmas present imaginable. this year was no exception, but she removes all the tags and store info so i can't return them. i don't think she is regifting, that's not her style. but can i ask her where she got them to try for an exchange? sandy, is her name. >> shout out to your kindergarten teacher. we get what we get and we don't get upset. you open the box, you smile, you give your sister a hug and you put it wherever you're going to put it. >> give it to goodwill. >> thank you. >> but it's your sister. you know what families do? stop giving the adults gifts. give gifts to the children. >> that worked in our family. >> it works. >> risking hurting someone's feelings? >> you can't tell your own sister? that speaks to other issues. >> i love awkward stuff. >> my best friend is giving a fancy new year's eve dinner. i accepted weeks ago, but i just found out that the man of my dreams, who i had a crush on forever, is going to be at another party. can i dump the dinner and switch to the other party instead? >> no. you cannot. what you could do -- >> why? >> it's rude. you can attend both. at holiday time, we often go from one party to the next. call the host in advance and say i won't be able to stay the whole time. this is how long because i'm dividing my evening. >> but the man of your dreams? she doesn't even know him. he's not going to be the man of her dreams, i promise you. to really bum out your best friend for her big fancy party? not good. >> chasing the dream. if they were your best friend you could say, look, look. >> that's true. >> i feel i could say, hoda, do you mind? >> i would say go. then we wouldn't speak again. >> do you have to send a thank you note if you go to a friend's house for dinner? >> they call it the bread and butter note the next day? it's very nice to send a handwritten note, but at least call. >> a co-worker is throwing a new year's eve party i learned about on facebook, but she didn't invite me. i thought we were pretty close. >> apparently not. >> can i tell her she hurt my feelings. >> what is her name, carole? guess what? i didn't get invited to bradjalina's christmas party. and somehow -- >> get over it. >> if you're the only one not going, that says something about your relationship. i don't think saying you hurt my feeling is is the thing to do. that's even further -- >> maybe her 2012 resolution could be to work on the friendship if she wants to be invited next year. >> or say hope you have a great party. maybe you forgot to invite you. >> or spike the punch with something nasty. >> all right, kids, thank you, thank you. >> now we're getting somewhere. >> next, choosing the right wine to ring in the new year. >> we're going to find out what he said and she said. right after this. good morning. i'm meteorologist chris warren with your weather channel forecast. the southern half of the country will be half. we do have a couple clippers working through the northeast and the great lakes, going to bring rain and snow showers. accumulations as far as snow goes, an inch to a few inches, otherwise, breezy conditions after a windy thursday things are calming down. but picking up in the pacific northwest. temperatures still very mild for this time of year. the end of 2011, finishing very mild for the plains. look at montana and billings. 50 degrees and 60s and 70s for temperature readings once again. then on saturday, we're going to see some snow, plenty of sunshine. a few showers in the northeast on saturday on your new year's eve. then for new year's day, thing also be improving and cooling down, as well. temperatures still mild on new year's eve and new year's day. we have that front draped down from the great lakes to the gulf coast. 40s and lower 50s. keep that in mind for this weekend, because those mild temperatures will be going away. that system pushes out. snow, that's an indication that we have the cooler air moving in. behind that system, teens and 20s. these are daytime highs in minneapolis and chicago. that pushes off and we see that cold air move into place. now these highs on tuesday for boston and new york only in the upper 20s. that's your tuesday forecast. we're going to continue to stay cool right on into wednesday. and remember, you can check up with "wake up with al," stephanie and al weekdays on the weather channel at 6:00 a.m. i habe a cohd. yeah, i toog nyguil bud i'm stild stubbed up. 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[ deep breath ] thank you! that's the cold truth! it's time for "today's" countdown to the new year. he said/she said. 2012 is right around the corner. there is no better way to ring in the new year than with bubbly. >> we put our experts to the challenge to find splurge and field worthy wines. >> two of our favorite people. >> they are duking it out today. >> we are. >> you get to go first. >> basically, we are doing a couple of series of bubblies. we have under $20 and under $40 bubblies. we want you to taste and see which one you would like better. take a little peek on the pink bubbles. >> that's nice. >> i tend to like less expensive champagnes. >> these are both under $20 and really good. >> they are really good. >> you still have to choose. >> you wouldn't go wrong on them. >> this is much more full bodied. this is fruitier. >> i'm going to go with that one. >> it's a split. >> that was a cava from spain. >> this is from the south of france. that's mine. this is $20. >> i didn't mean it wasn't great. >> two wines at about $40. one is california sparkling wine, rose, as well. one is piper heisack champagne from france. >> tell us what you like. >> this is unfair, because we don't get to drink. >> that is good. i like that. >> a little too fruity for me. >> taste this one. champagne from the champagne region of prance. >> i like this one. >> this one is mine. you like mine. >> we don't have a winner yet. >> girly. >> the question is one of these wines comes from a big old honking bottle and another comes from a little tiny box. >> we want to know which comes from the big container and the box. take a sip. >> a lot of wanes come in alternative packages these days are great. they're high quality. >> here is the red. >> then a nice fruity red wine, a cabernet. these are good party wines. >> i know exactly which one came from the box. it was the champagne. what do you think? >> i'm going to go with the red wine just to have fun. >> the answer is -- >> the red came from the box? these are both affordable wines. that is only 25 bucks. >> this is black box, $5 for one of these. that's three glasses in there. >> that's three glasses? >> only one for you. >> get down here some lovely lamb. we're doing lamb over here, lamb leg. >> we have 30 seconds. >> let's just drink. >> cheers, you guys. >> is there a winner here? we love both of them and we have a crown and some shades. >> let's give one the crown and one the shades. >> coming up next, oscar-winning actress jane fonda. leotards and leggings, jane fonda does it all. with more than 20 workouts, she revolutionized the fitness industry in 1982 with "jane fonda's workout." it's still the top home grossing video of all time. >> unbelievable. jane is back with two fitness dvds for baby boomers. they are called "trim, tone and flex" and "firm and burn." she is here to teach us how to burn it. your outfit looks oddly familiar. >> do you believe this? >> i went into storage and quite by accident i discovered the original. it's on the cover of my first book. in those days it was dvd. >> it's big on you. >> it's getting roomy. >> that bothers us. >> we're getting annoyed. >> it still works. >> i can't believe it. how do you maintain this body. i know it's working out, obviously, and eating, too. >> i eat well. i have good genes. my dad was long and lanky, my brother is really long and lanky. i work out regularly. i can't run any more. >> you've got a titanium something, don't you? >> titanium hip, all the bells and whistles go off in the airports. so you can't do what you used to do, so you do what you can do. >> your workout videos from the '80s are different than the ones coming out now. how are they different? >> as you can see in the old days it was a lot of jumping up and down. i can't do it any more. a lot of people who are older can't do it any more. so there is no impact. you've got to maintain your muscle mass. you've got to be flexible and all those good things. i just do things that don't have impact that are easier, but allow you to continue to function independently. you want to be able to get in and out of chairs without help, in and out of cars without help. >> weight training is a big deal. >> weight training, no matter how old you are is good. we tend to lose muscle mass. you can increase your muscle mass no matter how old you are. >> you're going to show us right now. >> we want to know how to do this working out. >> sara is going to join us even though she is 2 years old. >> let's start with a lat workout. that's the back. >> leg closest to the chair is forward. lunge back with the other leg. i'm going to use both weights with one hand. >> they are each three-pointers. >> right. then you lift and down. back is flat. >> is my back flat? >> that's good. lift and down. >> for a novice, how heavy should the weights be? >> i'd start with three pounds. i'm using two three pound weights. >> how many times would you do this? >> i would do this for about 15 times and then i do it twice. one set of 15 then another set of 15. >> you can do a half hour every day, would you say, of exercise? >> i do about 40 minutes of aerobics. if the weather is like outside today, ten minutes on a bike, ten minutes on a treadmill, ten minutes on an elliptical. i get bored. no jumping up and down. here is another one. you don't have to lean over. this is for the shoulder. lift one arm up and one arm out and lower. then the other side. so we are working our shoulders, the deltoid muscles. at the same time because we are thinking one goes up, one goes to the side, we are working our brain. we are exercising our brain. >> i likey. >> this seems simple till you keep doing it a few times. >> you're not even doing what i'm doing. >> i'm doing it my way. i don't want to knock you down. >> jane, all of it is in your dvd. we wish you good luck with everything and the future which is a long, long run. >> thank you. >> all the best to you. >> thank you. >> what's happening tomorrow? >> look back at some of the crazy fun stuff we've done over the year. >> plus a special new year's ambush makeover edition. see you tomorrow. have a good one, everybody. -- captions by vitac -- www.vitac.com [ cheers and applause ] captions by vitac [ cheers and applause ]