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umers. >> reporter:d >> reporter: but ustry analysts see little relief on the market. >> it is hard to say where they will go, but seems aligned in the stars for them to rise in the short term. >> reporter: reasonses, a weak dollar, continues unrest in the middle east and continuing demand for oil products in the summer months, all leading to the possibility of a gas price surge even beyond today's grimmest predictions. >> if we get a hurricane season that hits the gulf of mexico in just the wrong spots, you're going to get a gasoline spike. it is really quite possible you could go well above $6 if we had a bad scenario late in the summer this year because of hurricane location. >> reporter: for some drivers, the car will be in the garage long before that. >> if prices go to five bucks, i'm definitely riding my bike everyday to work for sure. >> reporter: if you have to drive and cruising around looking for the cheapest price, don't forget to keep one eye on the fuel gauge. aaa is reporting an increase for the number of road service calls for those out of gas. >> the numbers over your shoulder are absolutely staggering, thanks. luann is the ceo of driving the - -- driving good morning. >> we have seen prices at $4 a gallon and mike reported it could go over $6 a gallon in some places by this summer. what's behind this? >> it used to be america had so much gas they could use and get it anywhere. libya being offline right now, 3 to 2%, that's huge because we have emerging countries using a lot more gasoline than they used to do. >> we just had that report in libya, the violence in libya led to moammar gadhafi stopping the exporting of oil. the truth is the u.s. doesn't get much oil, if any, from libya. why does that affect prices here? >> other countries have to get it somewhere else and get some of what we're using and pay more for it than what we would have paid and take that supply pie you have to divvy up in different ways. >> this is a supply problem? >> it's a supply problem because we have people that won won't -- don't want to use less. it does make any demand go up. >> interesting yesterday that president obama created this task force. he said, quote, to root out any causes of fraud or manipulation in the oil markets that might affect gas prices. is there really price gouging out there or is this purely political so the president can say, look, i'm concerned about oil and gas prices? >> i think the president is concerned but i think every president that has seen 5 or $6 a gallon has been concerned and has done this. so they've never really found price gouging, so it's not going to probably not happen now. it's a good political move. >> the ripples go far beyond the gas pumps with a story like this. memorial day, about a month or so away, people traveling a lot this summer, how does this impact consumer spending beyond what they're paying for gas? >> it will impact it in every way. the difference is in 2008, when we had this gas price raise before, the used cars weren't really in demand. because of the japanese shortage we're having and used car prices so high, if they want to sell the pickups right now, you can sell it at a good price and get a decent car that gets 40 miles to the gallon and some getting 50 miles to the gallon. i was at the new york auto show the last two days, one question i asked every executive, are you ready? they have been saying, yes, we're ready, have a fiesta with 40 miles to the gallon, mazdas, 40 miles to the gallon, chevy vault electr volt electric only tonight, at the film festival, revenge of the electric car. >> maybe a silver lining we will get better more fuel efficient cars out of this. gas, $3.85 a gallon and climbing. thanks so much. >> thank you. >> now, a check of the rest of the morning's top stories, savannah guthrie in for ann. >> good morning. republican john ensign of nevada officially resigns today amid an ethics probe of his extramarital affair with a staffer. the ethics committee ongoing for the last year and half, he insists he has done nothing wrong. paying out as much as $60 million to military families, jpmorgan is accused of mistreating. the bank acknowledged overcharging thousands of military families and wrongfully foreclosing on more than a dozen of them. the body of a missing north carolina honor student has been found. 16-year-old felicia barnes disappeared while visiting relativelies. her body and that of a nearby male were found near a dam in maryland. police are investigating to see if there is any connection between barnes and the other man. an american journalist captured in libya is now alive. she was allowed to call home thursday, the first her family heard from her since her disappearance two weeks ago, her family appeared on today show yesterday asking for information about her missing daughter. she was captured by forces loyal to gadhafi and currently in a tripoli jail. drone attacks killed 25 people in pakistan this morning as officials told nbc news, pakistan stopped u.s. forces from using an air base along the afghan border. it targeted a hideout and some civilians were among the dead. japan approved a $50 million budget today for reconstruction after the devastating earthquake and tsunami. the spending package is an estimated of the $300 billion caused by the disaster. it marks japan's largest public works effort since world war ii. christians around the world observe good friday today. thousands of pilgrims travel in the old city of jerusalem to walk and pray at the church of the holy accesepitkur. >> thank you, savannah. looking like the easter bunny today with your purple. >> is that a compliment? >> who doesn't love the easter bunny. >> i do. >> come on, more, more. anyway, we have severe weather to talk about, sadly, the areas that don't need it, from dallas, central texas, all the way to southwestern ohio, damaging hail and winds part of a system making its way with the warm front pushing up and heavy rain developing, rainfall amounts anywhere from 2 to 3 inches of rain. over the next 72 hours, they could get as much as 5 inches of rain in the mid-mississippi and ohio river valleys and have flashflood watch good friday morning to you. temperatures right now are on the chilly side especially in gilroy, 38. 38 in napa. 48 in san francisco. much cooler than it has been at this time any day this week. grab a jacket. something you can take off later. 68 degree is where we are headed. 67 in san jose and 71 in santa rosa. warmer today than yesterday. rain on the way sunday. i don't think it's enough to cancel your easter egg hunt. your latest weather. willie. >> al, thank you, a brand-new state-of-the-art prison in new hampshire sits empty this morning. that's not because there are to the criminals to lock up, just no money to open it. nbc's capitol hill correspondent, kelly o'donnell has details. kelly, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, willie. this is a very big and concrete example of the spending cuts and budget battle we saw here in congress. 276 million of your federal tax dollars paid to build it but the money to open it was cut. i went to northern new hampshire near the canadian border to see it. spring arrives late in new hampshire's north country. but a man maid delay is breaking hearts and wallets in the town of burrling. >> this is critical to us and will have an impact on businesses struggling to hold on. >> reporter: they're waiting on this, a new federal prison, carved out of a mountaintop, a medium security facility that will add more than 300 new jobs. construction wrapped up months ago but money needed to actually open was stripped when congress made cuts to this year's federal budget. new hampshire senator. >> we have a $276 million prison that's brand-new, standing empty, because congress isn't willing to put in about $28 million to get it started. >> reporter: that means no money to transfer inmates here and hire prison staff. >> i'd like to have a meeting to regroup. >> reporter: mark manages the local unemployment office where they've been desperate to see the prison jobs filled. >> with the congress delays, people are getting discouraged and stopped asking and waiting to see it become a reality. >> reporter: after paper mills and manufacturers moved out, they spent years to get a prison here and claims it could bring almost $40 million to the local economy. >> certainly counting on some employment. and generating spending in the down and county. >> reporter: the northland dairy barn restaurant has been in this family for 50 years. >> i can't believe they spend all that money to build a prison without having the funding to operate it once it's built. >> reporter: there's a price for not opening. it will cost taxpayers about $4 million this year to keep this facility maintained, secure and ready to go. that's with no inmates here. while democrats and republicans say painful budget cuts are necessary, shaheen calls this cut short-sighted. >> it doesn't make sense to cut in areas that affect public safety, which is an issue here with respect to starting up this new prison. >> reporter: so there actually isn't much partisan finger-pointing here. that's unusual. both democrats and republicans, especially from new hampshire, tried to save it. when the budget cutting was done, this just didn't make the cut. they have to wait until at least next year's budget fight to try to get it open. willie. >> a lot of people in new hampshire waiting for jobs to show up with the prison. thank you so much. 7:18. here's meredith. >> thanks. the big day is almost here, seven days and counting between the royal wedding of prince william and kate middleton. apparently natalie morales couldn't wait to get to london, at buckingham palace checking on the last minute preparations. good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning. i have been counting down like everybody else. the massive crowds are already here, just for the daily chan changing of the guard ceremony at buckingham palace. at this point in time william and kate will have just been married and all eyes trained on that very balcony right there awaiting their very first kiss as husband and wife. until then every last detail here, every last effort is being made to ensure everything is picture perfect. the bunting is up, the flags have been raised, with just one week to go, the finishing touches are all around, as london gets ready for the big day and the eyes of the world. at buckingham palace, they're sharpening the knives. >> the tension will ramp up. >> reporter: and polishing the family silver. >> double-checking, triple checking. >> reporter: the westminster boys choir is having its final rehearsal, with its young members being told not to eat chocolate or drink soda, to save their voices. the household cavalry is hard at work buffing and shining. those guards with the bear skin hats are rehearsing their steps and making sure uniforms are ship-shape. >> there's only one standard required for any state ceremonial occasion. that's excellence. we strive to achieve that and we are working very hard, very determined to make sure we do the job properly on the day. >> reporter: security is, of course, a major concern. the metropolitan police in scotland yard are taking no chances as they take on one of the biggest security operations in history managing threats from the ground and the air. >> reporter: people who want to come to london to peacefully protest can but they have to remember it's a national day of celebration, if we see anybody engaging in criminal behavior, we will act quickly and decisively. >> reporter: the man who will marry them next friday, the archbishop of canterbury is sharing his thoughts on the happy couple. >> i have been very impressed of the way they approached this event, thought through what they want for themselves and what they want to say. >> reporter: what kate reportedly won't say is the word obey when she takes her wedding gowns, following the example set by princess diana 30 years ago, instead, she will promise to comfort, love, honor and keep prince william. as the countdown continues, the princess bride is not withering under the strain. seen around town shopping perhaps for her honeymoon trusseau. most are excited about the wedding day celebration. >> i'm excited. think it will be pretty good. >> reporter: even mother nature is putting on a great show with record highs and not a drop of that famous london drizzle in sight. ♪ >> reporter: historically, the sun has always shown for royal weddings. hopefully i didn't just jinx it by saying it out loud. the only concern here, weather related concern here, those beautiful gorgeous picture perfect tulips behind me, they're in full bloom right now and they're doing every little bit of pruning and primping they can do to make sure they do not wilt before the big day. meredith, i know you're headed here tonight and see you tomorrow morning. make sure you're packing a lot of summer dresses. >> i will. i have a little bit of everything but i will add onto the summer dresses. thanks, nat, very much. just ahead, mel gibson breaks his silence. wait until you hear what he has breaks his silence. wait until you hear what he has to say about that as a buyer for t.j.maxx, i'm not just looking for deals, i'm looking for the hottest fashion. hot -- hot, hot. i get a lot of ideas just walking around the city, checking people out. it's like a fashion show out there. then, it's all about the deal. i negotiate directly with designers... so you get the savings. you know, the smartest fashionistas-- are really maxxinistas! t.j.maxx. let us make a maxxinista out of you. but trying to grow grass from seed in tough areas like deep shade, along the driveway, and where the kids play can be a little intimidating... until now. with scotts ez seed. it's scotts best grass seed, starter fertilizer and a growing material that absorbs water and expands to surround and protect the seeds, you'll get a thick, green scotts lawn even if you've never been successful with other seed before. the revolutionary scotts ez seed. grow grass anywhere. just ahead, the stars of the classic sit com "happy days" tell us why they are not so happy these days. >> plus, as we count down to will and kate's big day a glimpse at the royal wedding gown collection after the local news and weather. [ laughs ] ng... [ female announcer ] ...pretending... and the mouse went, "wha-wha-wha, why?" [ giggles ] [ female announcer ] ...seeing things differently... and then the boy bit the dragon! [ female announcer ] ...and for being with your favorite storyteller... [ grandpaoue quie t.'re quiet... [ female announcer ] ...and for being with your favorite storyteller... [ female announcer ] ...even after he goes home to nevada. [ grandpa ] and i love you when you're loud! [ female announcer ] hallmark recordable storybooks. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] doctors have been saying it forever. let's take a look. but they've never actually been able to do it like this. let's take a look. v-scan from ge healthcare. a pocket sized imaging device that will help change the way doctors see patients. that's better health for more people. good morning. it it's 7:26. it is weather day. a lot of events are happening in the area in honor of going green. christie smith is live in oakland where a biodiesel facility is taking place. we are at sirona fuels where the slogan explain what is they do. they take cooking oil and turn it into biodiesel. normally, this is sold more for commercial use. today, they are doing something different. they have a pump truck set up. anybody with a diesel car that can take that fuel can come in and fill up. normally, they don't do this sort of thing. this is in honor or earth day. they are selling it for 4:15 a gallon. they say it's cheaper than what you can get at a traditional station. this is kind of an example of how it comes in from restaurants. it had a little food on the bottom, takes four days, this is how it ends up and goes into your car. we are at 49th avenue and san leandro street. live in oakland, kristy smith, today in the bay. now it's time to check in with christina loren. >> we have fog but it's going to clear out by 10:00 a.m. this morning. on shore flow. the fog is back around your bridges and bodies of water. low 70s. by sunday, easter sunday, we are talking isolated showers. i don't think you need to cancel your outdoor plans but you want to keep that in mind. the pesky showers by sunday. 48 degrees in san francisco. 43 in navato and 45 in sunny vail. we are talking 68 in redwood city, 68 in oak larnd and a little rain on easter. back to you. >> thank you. we'll be back in 30 minutes. see you at 7:56. 7:30 now on this friday morning, the 22nd of april, 2011. take a live look at buckingham palace in london where the race is on to put finishing touches in place for william and kate middleton's wedding. you are invited to spend the morning with us as they tie the knot. our coverage kicks off at 4:00 a.m. eastern, so set the alarms and join us. meanwhile, inside studio 1a i'm m alongside willie geist in for matt today. what kate will be wearing has been a closely guarded history and there is plenty of history with royal wedding gowns. we have a rare glimpse at the palace's priceless connection. >> and the last royal wedding was that of prince charles and lady diana spencer in 1981. "today" was anchored by tom brokaw and jane pauley. they will stop by to talk about the event they covered. >> i think they will sabotage the desk, take it over. >> moving in on your territory. watch your back. >> plus, personal betrayal is how mel gibson describes the recordings of his infamous rants in his first major interview since their release. and why some members of the "happy days" gang aren't so happy. they are suing for millions of dollars. >> reporter: let's begin in florida where investigators arrested six people in connection with the gruesome death of a 15-year-old boy, a boy police say was lured to his death. kerry sanders is at the marion county jail with the ugly details. good morning. >> reporter: this is a particularly vicious crime. 15-year-old seth tyler jackson thought he was going to visit and make nice with his old girlfriend. this morning she's among those charged with his murder. 15-year-old amber wright, seth's one-time girlfriend in custody, charged with murder. she along with 18-year-old charlie elley could face the death penalty. seth jackson received repeated text messages and phone calls on sunday inviting him to this home in rural central florida. once there, deputies say he was confronted by the girls, two other teenage boys and a 20-year-old. later, detectives say amber's 37-year-old step-father helped sanitize the crime scene with bleach and allegedly disposed of seth's body. police say when seth arrived they bum rushed him and began to beat him. detectives say he was then tortured, bones broken. he was repeatedly shot and then his body was set on fire. the burned remains, swept into paint cans and dumped into a quarry. dive teams later recovered the remains. >> it was horrible. >> reporter: kerry williams was one of the last people to see seth alive. >> it's not like they just murdered him. they tortured him and torched his body. it's just very upsetting. >> you are charged with first-degree. >> reporter: 18-year-old michael vargo allegedly pulled the trigger. why was seth killed? detectives who have looked at the facebook page where seth professed his love for amber believe it may be a case of jealousy gone wrong. >> sometimes you think you have seen it all and they surprise you. in a case like this it goes to mother's outrage, your senses, your heart. >> reporter: residents here in marion county, florida, are horrified and angry. >> he's crazy. i don't understand how no one could hear the gunshots. >> reporter: hundreds gathered where seath was murdered to remember him and demand justice. >> what happened to him was wrong. you know, i hope they get life in prison. >> reporter: others want more. >> i hope they get the electric chair and they burn. burn. and we can all sit and watch them like they did with him. >> reporter: michael bargo, unemployed, living with his grandmother has a defense attorney. >> did he do it is a different question of can they prove it. i didn't reach did he do it. that's a moral question. i deal in proof. that's what i deal in. >> reporter: the judge has now ordered all of those arrested and here at the jail to be isolated from one another so they cannot discuss the stories with each other of what allegedly happened. >> a story so horrifying it's hard to believe it's true. kerry sanders, thank you so much. we turn now to al for a check of the weather. al? >> announcer: today's weather is brought to you by preen garden weed preventer. >> good morning. we have wildfires burning throughout the southwest. take a look at this one. this is in jefferson, colorado. in jefferson county, high winds fuelling the wildfires and they continue to burn throughout much of texas, albuquerque on into the southwest. we are continuing to see wildfires and no relief in sight. as we look and show you the temperatures around the country, we've got heat throughout the south. that's a big part of the problem. low humidities, below normal temperatures through the plains. bismark, 20 below the norms. dallas, 89. midland, 96. nashville, look for a high of 82 degrees today. well, we have kind of a cloudy start and fog out there as well this morning. particularly up in the north bay. later on today, a lot of sunshine on tap. warm conditions. temps in the 70s. 71 degrees in santa rosa. a little bit more mild in san francisco. 67 in oakland and 68 degrees in gilroy. a big holiday weekend on tap. the temperatures are going to be comfortable. a few pesky showers easter sunday. you need to keep track of your weather any time day or night go to weather channel on cable, online. meredith? >> al, thank you very much. members of the cast of the popular sit-com "happy days" are reuniting in a battle for money they say they are owed stretching back to the '70s. lee cowan is in los angeles with more. good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, meredith. you may remember the front of the house. it was the fictional home of the cunninghams that we saw every tuesday night. it was supposed to be in wisconsin, but it is actually a real life home in los angeles where the characters supposedly had so many happy days, but this week four members of the cast in addition to the estate of the late tom bosley filed a lawsuit claiming all the memorabilia, the lunchboxes, t-shirts, glasses, earned them little if nothing at all. ♪ >> reporter: it's not just the jukebox, everything about "happy days" is iconic. the fonz's leather jacket hangs in the smithsonian. but the show was also a merchandising bonanza. >> look how tough i am. >> reporter: the show's stars can't believe how much their images appeared on lunchboxes, board games, comic books. >> i have never played this. >> reporter: there are current items, too. t-shirts and mugs are available at the online store but it was the "happy days" slot machines that were one too many. >> somebody said, boy, you must be cleaning up. >> reporter: but mrs. c says she hasn't been. joanie said she's gotten only a few hundred dollars and for ralph and potzie, nothing. >> for 37 years, not a statement, not a dime. >> reporter: not for lunch boxes, t-shirts, games, figurines. >> not a statement, not a dime. >> reporter: in a lawsuit filed this week the actors claim they were stiffed out of millions in merchandise money because they allege paramount and now cbs who acquired the rights in 2006 never told them they earned it. >> they have taken the policy of don't ask, don't pay. you don't ask, we don't pay. >> i think we figured if they owed us money we'd get something. maybe we were naive about how business works. >> i've still got it. >> reporter: cbs acknowledged the actors are owed royalties. in a statement cbs says what's in dispute is the amount of money they are owed. their records claim only around $8,000 each. they are talking thousands owed and you guys are talking millions. big discrepancy. >> yes. >> reporter: very big. >> obviously their calculator broke. >> reporter: "happy days" was one of the most watched shows ever. appointment television on tuesday nights. are you worried at all that the lawsuit may look petty, given how much the show has given you all? >> petty? they're makinging mon money. they're collecting money and we are being cut out. what's petty about that? >> we worked hard. we deserve what's in the contract. there is nothing petty about that. >> reporter: cbs said it's open to more mediation but the ma matriarch of the family fears in the end they will be told to sit on it. tuz it make you angry? >> i have such low expectations. >> reporter: from people? >> from the business. i'm not angry at all. ♪ >> reporter: meredith, conspicuous in their absence are the show's other big stars, henry winkler and ron howard. the cast members think their contracts were worded differently although henry winkler said he supports his fellow cast members. ron howard had no comment. meredith? >> i'm angry for mrs. c. lee cowan, thank you very much. coming up, a teenager who spent the past six months faking her own pregnancy will explain why she did it. up next, a rare glimpse at the royal wedding gown collection, right after this. ♪ oh oh oh ♪ just love me ♪ oh oh oh ♪ just hold me ♪ oh oh oh ♪ just kiss me ♪ oh oh oh ♪ just want me -♪ lono-v-e ♪ love, love, love we expect a lot from our cheese. why did the cook get arrested? 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[ male announcer ] ask the doctor about once daily non-stimulant intuniv. ♪ imagine zero pollutants in our environment. or zero dependency on foreign oil. ♪ this is why we at nissan built a car inspired by zero. because zero is worth everything. the zero gas, 100% electric nissan leaf. innovation for the planet. innovation for all. >> announcer: today's countdown to the royal wedding is brought to you by pfizer. back now at 7:44 with more of our countdown to the royal wedding. everyone talks about what the bride wears on her special day. next friday, the eyes of the world will be on kate middleton. to celebrate the occasion the palace shared its treasured royal wedding gown collection with us. kensington palace is hosting a wedding celebration of its own by opening up its vault. in a breathtaking exhibit, royal wedding gowns, some centuries old, went on display in the late princess margaret's apartment. each dress is a treasured piece of history. >> each of these dresses embodies extraordinary moments of history. they show us a lot about attitudes toward marriage, something of the personality of each of these women who have worn the dresses and they show us a tremendous amount about the time each of these dresses is a product of princess margaret's wedding gown from 1960 is the most recent. her wedding to lord snowden was the first televised royal wedding in history. more than 20 million people tuned in to see her walk into westminster abbey. perhaps the most famous gown is queen victoria's. it this is dress that inspired brides to wear white wedding gowns. what's in this one? >> queen victoria's wedding dress. >> reporter: deidra, the curator at westminster gave us a look inside the wedding vault. >> she married prince albert on the 10th of february, 1840. >> reporter: 1840. >> 1840. that is this bodice of the dress, matching bodice and skirt made from ivy a'v ivory and sil. this is lace that was used to trim the dress. she was a very tiny person. >> she was very tiny. something people don't realize. i think she was about 5'1 a and 3/4. >> reporter: she would shop in the petite store if they had them. possibly. >> reporter: the royal palaces had more than 10,000 gowns in their collection. they are cared for at hampton courts conservation studio. princess charlotte's dress is the olympicsdest and most fragi >> hers is almost 200 years old. the older it is the more delicate it becomes. it requires a little bit more care. this dress, to be put on display, is requiring about 500 hours of treatment. >> reporter: conservators carefully mend the fine fabrics, stitch one out silk and repair the beading. the fabrics are delicate, yet grand and so heavy poor princess charlotte could barely stand in her dress. >> it had to be quite splendid. it had silver and beautiful silver detail on the top. we've done testing on the silver and it's quite pure and remarkable, it would have been quite heavy to wear this dress. >> reporter: these royal wedding gowns are truly priceless. each has its own story to tell. they are not just dresses, but a window into a time in history in the life of the royal bride who walked down the aisle. >> princess diana's dress is not a part of this collection, owned by the spencer family and part of a traveling exhibit currently in kansas city. don't forget, beginning monday, i'll be live in london with social reports of next week's wedding and be sure to catch an especially "dateline," kate middleton, her royal journey, right here on nbc. up next, a bombshell with mel gibson as he opens up about th infamous phone recordings for the very first time right after this. ur shoes. one day i'm on p of the world... the next i'm saying... i have this thing called psoriatic arthritis. i had some intense pain. it progressively got worse. my rheumatologist told me about enbrel. i'm surprised how quickly my symptoms have been managed. 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[ female announcer ] miracle-gro moisture control potting mix. success starts with the soil. [ female announcer ] miracle-gro moisture control potting mix. >>wanna try some sfx: breakfast on the go!? negative. that is not a bar. sfx: gzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzhhhh. humanize your morning. emerald breakfast on the go! good morning to you. it's 7:56. i'm marla tellez. a month after their daughter died during an alleged street race, a san jose couple is warning others will die if the racing continues. their daughter just left work march 20th when a mercedes crashed into her car. she was in a coma for seven days. her parents made the decision to stop respirators after her brain showed no more activity. >> just to let her know, go in peace. it was a very difficult moment, a few minutes left in her life. but, she was surrounded by so much love. >> the drivers of the two cars that were racing have both been charged with vehicular manslaught manslaughter. they face six years in prison. a man who sexually assaulted two women. this man here exposed himself to a woman near the stadium around 2:00 saturday morning. you are just looking at sketches, of course. ten minutes later, he attacked another woman. he is in his 20s with short, light brown hair. christina loren has a look at your friday and the weekend ahead. >> chances are, you are spending time with friends and family over the weekend and the weather will cooperate. cloudy conditions and nothing that would insinuate you need to cancel the outdoor plans. nothing heavy. isolated showers sunday, easter sunday, but nothing too substantial. for today, 70s. we are going to look at a very nice day today. lots of sunshine moving in. temperatures upper 40s to 50s. we'll see all the clouds clear out of here. the breeze builds and we end up at 67 degrees in oakland and 67 in san jose. let's time out the rain chances for you. looks like early sunday, then another round late sunday, clearing by monday. overall, a good easter sunday on tap. have a great one, marla. >> you, too. have a great weekend. we'll be back in 30 minutes. er. i am a chemistry aficionado. diphenhydramine. magnesium hydroxide. atheletes foot. yes. i'm a people pleaser. if elected, i promise flu shots for all. i am a walking medical dictionary. congratulations virginia. inflamed uvula. i'm virginia. i'm a target pharmacist and i'm here to answer your questions. ♪ it's 8:00 on this friday morning, april 22, 2011. wait, don't change. you have not wandered onto an aarp infomercial. >> maybe. >> i'm tom brokaw here with my pal jane pauley to celebrate 60 years of today. later this half hour jane and i will be talking about our years anchoring the "today" show. >> and among the highlights for us was 30 years ago, it was the summer of 1981, the wedding of lady diana spencer and prince charles. we'll look back at that wedding among so many other historic moments we shared together in a few minutes. >> and because it is our privilege to be here and stay inside and stay warm at our age we are going to throw it outside to meredith, willie and al. >> they get to wear the same color. >> they look like they haven't missed a day. >> how great is that? >> we'll get them out of the seats fast. they're getting comfortable. they look terrific. >> a big crowd for tom and jane. >> absolutely. i want to ask them actually if they had any inkling at the wedding in 1981 that maybe the marriage wasn't going to work out too well. you would be surprised what they have to say about it. what's going on? >> we have to catch up with tom and jane later. also ahead, a classical violinist breaking all the rules and earning a big name for himself in the process. jenna bush hager caught up with him and she'll share his story coming up. >> you have heard the phrase "nice guys finish last." it may also apply to women as well. what if you're a so-called nice girl? what can you do if you never get what you want? we'll show you how. you have gotten plenty and you're not that nice. >> oh! i'm nice. >> you're wonderful. >> the thing about nice girls, they don't know how to stand up for themselves. they're people pleasers. >> you have learned it over the years. >> yes, i just did it. let's go to the news desk. savannah guthrie is filling in for ann today. good morning. >> good morning to all of you. in the news, president obama says a task force led by the attorney general will look into the dramatic rise in gasoline prices. he told a town hall meeting thursday in reno, nevada, that the investigation will focus on price gouging and market manipulation. the national average for a gallon of regular gas is $3.84. it's up 30 cents in just the past month. senator john mccain is in libya today to show his support for the rebels fighting moammar gadhafi's forces. the top republican on the senate armed services committee, he said he wants the u.s. to do more to help the rebels who he calls heroes. in syria, tens of thousands of people are in the streets today demanding president asad's resignation despite his promises of reform. security forces have been firing live rounds and teargas to disperse the prodemocracy protests. in yemen, tens of thousands poured into the streets of the capitol today to demand that their president of 32 years abdul saleh resign. a man wanted for questioning in an attempted bombing at a mall. it happened on the 12th anniversary of the shooting rampage at nearby columbine high school. police are looking at if the event was deliberately planned to coincide with the anniversary. toyota is recalling suvs sold in the u.s. between 2007 and 2008 in order to fix an air bag problem. toyota also says it expects the global production to return to normal by november or december after last month's japanese earthquake and tsunami disrupted operations there. for more on the recall you can head to our website, finally, a washington state high school student faked being pregnant for six months to teach other students a lesson about prejudice. gabby rodriguez revealed thursday that her pregnancy had actually been a social experiment for her senior project. >> i made my senior year better by doing this because i get to, you know, say i made an impact in some of the students' lives here. >> reporter: overall rodriguez says the responses from student and staff have been positive. now back to meredith and willie. >> thank you very much. it's cold out here. >> it is. >> crazy cold. >> al needs to do something about it. >> what's with this, al? >> it's cold. >> well, thanks. >> can't get much by me. you know, 31 years ago when -- 30 years ago when jane and tom were doing the royal weddinging these young girls were nowhere near. what's your name? >> claire. >> meredith. >> the lovely mr. brokaw's grandchildren. let's see what's happening. grandpa is proud. nbc 13 wthr, raind a a thunderstorms. 58 degrees. as you look at the radar you can see we have he haavy rain in th mid section of the country. snow through the central and northern plains. a risk of strong storms texas into ohio. sunshine in the pacific northwest. sunny and warm on the gulf coast. afternoon showers in midatlantic. it's the magna vista high school show choir from ridgeway, vi good morning to you, well, it's a cool start, grab a jacket, but we're going to be in the 70s across many cities across the bay area, 71 degrees is the forecasted high in santa rosa, 67 fairfield and down through the south bay the warmest spot over all, 70 degrees in los gatos today. as we head through the holiday weekend, we do have a few chances for showers starting sunday early. i don't think it's going to be heavy light showers overall and then another round late sunday but clearing for the first part of the day. let's head down to willie. >> coming up next, we're excited about this. tom brokaw and jane pauley return to "today" to look at historic moments they covered including the royal ofedding o prince charles and lady diana. we'll catch up with them after this. tacy. who runs circles around asthma. and dan. he never lets high cholesterol get him too low. and amy with her arthritis well in hand. they go to walgreens... where their pharmacist not only refills prescriptions but gives advice... immunizations... and health tests. staying on top of your health starts right in your neighborhood. walgreens. there's a way to stay well. ♪ [ male announcer ] our 16 fresh-picked oranges have a new home. tropicana pure premium now comes in a clear bottle so you can see how much goodness is squeezed inside. ♪ good morning tropicana. the world's best juice never looked better. ♪ good morning you gotta try honey bunches of oats with almonds! it's got real, sliced california almonds with a third less sugar per serving than honey nut cheerios. wow! delicious! try honey bunches of oats with almonds! take toast... spread with i can't believe it's not butter... add jacques. he's french. oui! oui like! 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[ male announcer ] ask your doctor about cymbalta. imagine you, with less pain. cymbalta can help. go to to learn about a free trial offer. you know that comes with a private island. really? no. it comes with a hat. you see, airline credit cards promise flights for 25,000 miles, but... [ man ] there's never any seats for 25,000 miles. frustrating, isn't it? but that won't happen with the capital one venture card. you can book any airline anytime. hey, i just said that. after all, isn't traveling hard enough? ow. [ male announcer ] to get the flights you want, sign up for a venture card at what's in your wallet? uh, it's okay. i've played a pilot before. ♪ imagine zero pollutants in our environment. or zero dependency on foreign oil. ♪ this is why we at nissan built a car inspired by zero. because zero is worth everything. the zero gas, 100% electric nissan leaf. innovation for the planet. innovation for all. ♪ back at 8:10. this morning on our special series "60 years of today" tom brokaw and jane pauley. the year was 1976. jimmy carter was president, "rocky" was a box office sensation and tom and jane teamed up to anchor the "today" show. we'll catch up with them in a moment. first a look back. >> coming up this half hour. >> good morning. i'm tom brokaw with jane pauley. how are you? >> good morning. >> we were like the kids with the lead in the class play, i suppose. those young people, maybe they will amount to something some day. >> amazingly we forgot to put on the microphone. >> you have to keep the equipment warm. >> we had a brother-sister relationship. >> wait a minute. >> it was more fun than you know. ♪ >> we went everywhere. i saw every quadrant of the globe. >> welcome to the land of the rising sun or the city of pouring rain. >> having the confidence that tom was there was my insurance policy against anything that could happen anywhere in the world and it sometimes did. >> we had hostages taken in iran. >> iranian students continue to hold more than 50 hostages at the american embassy in tehran this morning. >> i remember i was awakened in the night saying somebody has murdered john lennon. >> beatle john lennon was shot and killed outside his apartment last night. >> it was like my life was set to music and, if so, it was the beatles music. >> the beatless belonged to my generation. i just put my head on the desk and sobbed. >> there was a kind of malaise in the country. ronald reagan comes along and promises to change things. >> president reagan was wounded yesterday during an assassination attempt on his life. >> when reagan was shot it's, oh, no, not again. >> not too long after that there was an assassination attempt on pope john paul. >> john paul ii was the target. >> people are wondering, what's going on in our world? >> good morning. a splendid morning. >> it is as they say a splendid morning. >> then the summer of 1981. it's charles and diana. >> we were on the edge of our seats, just because it was such a great show. and nobody does spectacle like the british royal family. >> we had been through so many big events. >> we made history. we covered history. >> there had been no bigger audience than the wedding of charles and diana. >> people waiting in the church didn't have the seat that we had. we had the front row seat. >> tom brokaw and jane pauley, good morning to you. >> good morning. >> brings back memories. >> it does. good and bad memories. >> 1981, tom. you're on "today," but your background, you were a white house correspondent. your boss comes up and says, we're going to cover the royal wedding. initial reaction? >> i had not been a royal enthusiast but it was one of the greatest weeks of my life. i had such a good time there. >> you were surprised? >> you couldn't help but be swept away by the tsunami of joyfulness, the pride of the british people. they were perfectly cast. charles was the most eligible bachelor in the world. hers was the face to launch a thousand magazines. the picture of innocence. it all played out perfectly. they had wonderful weather and no one does ceremony better than the united kingdom. and we had a front row seat. we were literally stationed in front of buckingham palace, as you will be, hang out with richard burton and michael caine. not a bad way to go. >> not bad. this is the book we have been given to prep, jane. >> it made my heart palpitate nervously. >> you had the same thing. >> i think i probably knew all the numbers, facts and how many yards of the dress and how many pearls and blah, blah, blah. >> once it starts, this goes out. >> it's completely irrelevant. you're just -- wow. it's like a 4th of july but during daytime and in slow motion because it's seven hours of coverage. this one spectacle after another. you just try to keep up. >> we are looking at the glass carriage. >> that was one of my memories was trying to get several hundred yards of fabric and a very large father of the bride in a glass carriage. there was generally concern that it wouldn't manage. >> at one point we were talking about reverence. we introduced to america tina brown who was not well known. she was nervous about what she could and could not say. she had a lot of inside information. on the first day, after the first appearance of diana i blurted out, my god, look at her feet they are as big as gun boats and tina knew she could say anything. >> you got criticism for that, too. leading up to the wedding, the assassination attempts on the president, the poepe, were we ready for something positive? >> i think so. a week after i got back i went back to climb the grand tetons and their wives and girlfriends had rented motels to watch the wedding. that was a commentary on what the country is looking for. a little joy, a little uplift. that was the beginning of it, i think. >> i think my immortality is as long as people remember princess diana and this wedding which will be a long time, i'm going to kind of be in the background. >> you said that tom knew all the facts and you were the impressions girl. your impression of the kiss? >> i was so impatient. you wanted romance. you wanted fairy tale. they stood there forever. i kept thinking, i might have even said it out loud. kiss her, kiss her. that kiss exaggerates the romance. i'm afraid that there wasn't the chemistry we wanted. >> you even sensed it then -- >> i had dinner a couple of times with people close to the court. women who knew the relationship and they all said the same thing. this is an arranged marriage. he has another girlfriend -- it was camilla. the queen will not approve of him marrying. that was known going in. we reflected that discreetly on the air. and we have never told the story before. the morning of the wedding, queen elizabeth asked jane to help her pick out a hat. >> of course, yes. >> and prince philip kept asking me, do i sit on the left or right? >> i'm helping to dress kate. >> they were so grateful they went into the vaults and came up with a rare heirloom which jane and i are prepared to give you. >> oh, how lovely! >> this comes from the ancient history. >> is this china? oh, thank goodness. >> a lovely piece of tin. thank you so much. >> do you have another for me? >> honey, i will let you have that one. tom, thank youll much. kate -- oh, my. kate! i'm getting ready. we're back after this. (child) because we read the books . (man) and watched the movies . and now we're living it. because i can fly with harry. follow me! because now i can turn my brother back into a human being. (narrator) from unforgettable adventures, to the wizarding world of harry potter, only at universal orlando resort. there's another way to minimize litter box odor: purina tidy cats. tidy cats premium line of litters now works harder to help neutralize odors in multiple-cat homes. and our improved formula also helps eliminate dust. so it's easier than ever to keep your house smelling just the way you want it. purina tidy cats. keep your home smelling like home. and all we need to do is change the way we're thinking about them. a couple decades ago, we didn't even realize just how much natural gas was trapped in rocks thousands of feet below us. technology has made it possible to safely unlock this cleanly burning natural gas. this deposits can provide us with fuel for a hundred years, providing energy security and economic growth all across this country. it just takes somebody having the idea, and that's where the discovery comes from. ♪ i've seen the sunrise paint the desert. witnessed snowfall on the first day of spring. ♪ but the most beautiful thing i've ever seen was the image on a screen that helped our doctor see my wife's cancer was treatable. [ male announcer ] ge technologies help doctors detect cancer early so they can save more lives. bringing better health to more people. ♪ with being fed on. we demand k9 advantix ii. it not only kills fleas and ticks, it repels most ticks before they can attach and snack on us. frontline plus kills but doesn't repel. any tick that isn't repelled or killed may attach and make a meal of us. so let's put our paws down in protest. no fetching, no friendship till we all get k9 advantix ii. join us at [ male announcer ] ask your veterinarian about k9 advantix ii. [ chuckles ] isn't easter fun, red? [ grunts ] not from my perspective! ♪ but one is so clever that your skin looks better even after you take it off. neutrogena® healthy skin liquid makeup. 98% saw improved skin. does your makeup do that? neutrogena® cosmetics. we are back at 8:21 with a 23-year-old violinist who is turning heads. jenna bush hager is here with the story. good morning. >> good morning. he's quite a talent. his love of the violin and his unique style is generating buzz and like so many brilliant artists who came before him, he was born speaking the language of music. ♪ >> i believe that i am a performance artist who sings, dances, speaks through the violin. >> reporter: he first picked up the violin at the age of 5 in seoul, korea. seven years later he was playing at the grammys. ♪ >> reporter: now 23, after years of practice, practice, practice, he's made it all the way to carnegie hall. he says his look is part of his art. >> i think that the classical music world has been sort of taking a nap. i'm here to wake them up. ♪ >> reporter: while studying at jou juliard, his teacher, izaak pearlman took notice of him. what has he taught you? >> he's reallile been the only man in my life who truly accepted me the way i was from the very beginning. no one had ever loved me so simply like this. >> he's a wonderful fiddle player, extremely musical and is very -- he's got the virtuoso way of playing that i like very, very much. >> reporter: the avant-garde style is shaking up the world of classical music. >> i never would have guessed that less than two years after graduating from julliard i would have made my carnegie halladay buy and would be sitting here with you today. >> reporter: in the world of beethoven and bach, not everyone was ready to embrace his edgy style. >> people said, you can't go to carnegie hall looking like this. i work very hard. it was a very moving experience to step onto that stage. very emotional. the audiences usually react with this collective -- [ gasps ] to know i have that impact, even not having picked up my violin, that's when the performance begins. it's the moment i am on stage. >> reporter: the moment of the first gasp. >> yes, absolutely. ♪ >> reporter: you said you are the viagra for classical music. >> and aspirin to pop culture, yeah. >> reporter: his ultimate goal is to bring mozart to the masses. >> my message is an artist is i want to bring classical music back to the mainstream culture. >> amazing. >> super phenomenal. great interpretations of the pieces. >> he was really good. i was impressed with it. >> i think he's going to make it really big. we'll be excited we saw him now in a small venue, you know, before everyone knew about him. >> reporter: but he says gaining acceptance has been an uphill battle. >> when you think about the great composers like mozart and beethoven, they were misfits as well. having been born a strange fruit, i like to say. i felt that i fell so far off the tree. ♪ >> all of those experiences are part of my art and part of the music. it's dedicated to the younger generation who really may go through similar experiences. the empowerment and the message of really, truly being yourself. >> reporter: he uses the pain of his past to inspire. ♪ >> he began his career performing at the grammys and says he hopes to step back o good morning, to you, it's 8:26 now. a suspect the serial robber from the bay area nabbed in colorado. the fbi says 34-year-old adam lynch of cord da madera is the so-called ho-hum bandit due to his laid back attitude during the robberies. he allegedly robbed a bank there. pg&e's top exec five is stepping down, he's taking hefty parting gift with him. peter darby is leaving after what he calls a challenging year. he takes with him a $35 million retirement package. he faced severe criticism after the san bruno explosion. he was also blamed for spending millions on proposition 16, which failed in june. the proposition would have made it difficult for cities and groups to buy their own power rather than going through pg&e. it is 8:27 now, we'll be right back with a look at your forecast. i'm not just looking for deals, i'm looking for the hottest fashion. i get a lot of ideas just walking around the city. it's like a fashion show out there. then, i negotiate directly with designers... so you get the savings. t.j.maxx. let us make a maxxinista out of you. good morning to up. well, we are noticing the marine layer is pushing on shore this morning, and we do have low clouds, fog overhead. right now looks like some of that fog is starting to lift and break apart, but overcast conditions as a result. later on the sun will break through the clouds, 70-degree weather. 51 degrees right now in hayward. turning over to the upper 60s, some low 70s. 68 degrees in gilroy. >> thank you, christina. we'll be back in about 30 minutes. "the today show" returns in less than a minute. 8:30 on this friday morning, april 22, 2011. a little chilly out here, but otherwise a beautiful spring day. we have a massive crowd gathered here on the plaza to enjoy the weather. i'm meredith vieira along with al roker, willie geist and savannah guthrie. matt has the morning off, as does ann. straight ahead, daniel radcliffe like we have never seen him before. harry potter himself now starring in "how to succeed in business without really trying." daniel and his costars perform live for us in a bit including john laroquette who has never been on broadway before. this is his first show. i think of him as a broadway star. i was shocked. >> and i guess these folks aren't here for me, but daniel radcliffe. and sunday is easter. and world renowned chef eric ripert is here with his tasty lamb stew. >> and are you a nice girl? >> i am. >> you are, too. >> maybe. we'll talk to the authors of a new book who say being mr. or miss nice gal is not the way. we'll talk to them. >> natalie morales made her way across the atlantic. she's in front of buckingham palace. looks like a marvelous spring day. she's there to give us the low-down on the last-minute preparations. just a week to go until the royal wedding. nat looking springlike herself. >> the weather there is so beautiful. here, not as nice. it's okay, but cold. >> right now the long-range forecast is looking nice. >> for us? >> upper 60s, low 70s. here, not so much. let's show you what's going on as far as easter weekend. sunshine in the pacific north west. rain in the northeast on saturday. a risk of strong storms through texas. sunny and warm through the southeast. easter sunday, egg harbor maine, 75. virginia, 85. egg harbor, wisconsin, 56. cotton city, 79 where the rain in the pacific northwest from texas into the mississippi river valley. wet in the northeast. good morning. our neck of the woods we're looking pretty good today. high pressure is building in, keeping thins nice and dry for today, but we've got some low clouds overhead this morning so make sure you give yourself plenty of time. 50 degrees oakland, 44 santa cruz, and 42 degrees in santa rosa turning over to the 70s and upper 60s later on today. and those clouds will haul out of here. we're talking about mostly sunny conditions and a building breeze later on today. 67 san jose. don't forget. you can check your weather, especially for easter sunday, day or night on weather channel on cable, online. >> coming up next, some much needed advice for so-called nice girls. looking to take charge at home and work. first this is "today" on nbc. back now at 8:35. this morning on "today's woman," nice girls. do you have trouble asking for what you want? afraid to push the envelope at home or at work? you may be a recovering nice girl and you're not alone. >> i have always been the nice girl. the nice girl, the nervous girl, the girl that always makes do. >> for whatever reason it gets passed on through the generations. i'm accused of that. >> women are realizing they need to look past the stereotypes to get what they want. >> they are always perceived as pushing boundaries. >> i think when my opinion is, you have to enjoy life and that is not so good as you think. if you just try it. >> lois and carol have written a book called "nice girls just don't get it." 99 ways to win the respect you deserve, the success you have earned and the life you want. what's a nice girl and why is that necessarily a problem? >> a nice girl is someone who behaves according to the rules she was taught in childhood. that's why we call it nice girl. okay? . but it's a problem when women overrely on behaviors they learned in childhood but they don't add adult assertive behaviors. >> you have five tips for nice girls looking to take charge of their lives. they include know what you want, believe you deserve it, communicate directly and concisely, be prepared for push-back and put yourself first. so if you are able to do that to know what you want, how do you get it without being perceived as pushy or rude? >> i think what's really important for people to understand is that we are not suggesting that nice isn't necessary behavior. nice is simply not sufficient, as lois described it. it's really about being assertive for what you need and at the same time keeping in mind the needs of other people. so in my frame of reference it's always a negotiation. >> as the lady in the piece put it, with assertiveness you can bring happiness. >> absolutely. our experience has been, and research shows, that what's good for women is good for men and good for families. and society more broadly. >> we have questions from recovering nice girls looking for help. the first one, an anonymous viewer e-mailed us and writings my moral hther-in-law has been g with us for 15 years. i can't take it anymore. i have had the discussion with my husband before and he seems to see nothing wrong with it. advise, please. this is no longer working and could destroy our marriage. >> this is a complex situation. she's been there 15 years. i think she'll need professional help. she needs somebody to broker a discussion between herself and her husband. it's all in the communication. why hasn't this been discussed before? it's been 15 years. so she's going to get push-back. she has to prepare for it and i think she needs help. >> she'll be challenged as to "why didn't you say anything". >> exactly, sooner. >> carol, standing up for yourself can be a challenge at work. michelle writes, help me ask for a raise. my colleagues got them and i did not. i have been at this company for seven years, have the credentials the company wanted for us. i was the first to get them and yet still no raise. your background is negotiation. how does she do it? >> the most important thing to realize is it isn't enough to go to an employer and say, i deserve a raise. you have to substantiate the value you bring. what is the business case from the employer's point of view? there are lots of ways to do it, but i encourage people to keep a brag book. make sure you are journalling your accomplishments so when it comes time to ask for a raise nu you are in a different situation because you can point to specifics. >> it's not can i get a raise, it's i deserve a raise. >> with the right tone of voice, of course. >> sometimes in seemingly small ways it can pay off, it doesn't have to be a big deal. maybe assertiveness in a small area can help you? >> in a restaurant, say a meal isn't prepared the way you want it. being willing to say, excuse me, i asked for this rare and it's really well done. i would really appreciate another meal. small ways really empower you. more importantly, meredith, they empower your daughters and the women around you. i think we owe it to everyone to exhibit those behaviors. >> maybe you start with the small ways to build up to bigger things like the raise or whatever it is in your life. >> absolutely. >> okay. thank you so much. the book is "nice girls just don't get it." up next in "today's kitchen," a delicious stew to spice up your easter meal. first this is ay" bc ♪ going to the bank without going to the bank... that's a step forward. with chase quickdeposit on your smartphone, you just snap a picture, hit send and done. chase quickdeposit. take a step forward and chase what matters. ♪ we just keep on keepin' on ♪ ♪ keep on >> announcer: today celebrates easter is brought to you by m & ms chocolate candies. can't resist them. >> we're back at 8:43. this morning a classic lamb stew for the holiday. eric ripert is chef at le le bernardin restaurant. good morning. >> what do you call this in french? >>. [ speaking french ] >> doesn't it sound better than lamb stew? how do we start off here? >> we have the lamb, very tasty and delicious. what you need to do is basically braise it because it's tougher than the leg of lamb. so i sauteed the lamb with some flour. you remove the lamb from the pan and deglaze with some white wine. >> explain deglazing. >> it means we are going to take some of the -- you see -- >> yes. >> the meet caramellized in the bottom. >> what did you put in? >> white wine. >> okay. >> then we have onions and garlic. >> all spring vegetables. >> carrots, a little bit of tomato. we have a bouquet garnis, basically parsley, bay leaf and thyme. you just put back the lamb. >> back in the same pan? >> same pan. we have the chicken stock. you add the chicken stock and we'll let it boil for about 45 minutes to an hour. >> 45 minutes once the chicken stock goes back in. >> and we don't have to worry about it. >> just leave it. >> then blanch some vegetables. that's a big word for basically boiling vegetables. we have turnips here. when they are tender, remove them. >> baby turnips? >> baby turnips. to stop cooking you put them in ice water. >> can i get baby turnips at any grocery store? >> they are simple to find. we'll add some of the peas that i have branched. baby carrots, string beans. >> these are separate from the other vegetables. >> they are separated because they cook in a different way. they will be cooked dark if we add them. >> a little bit of butter never hurt anybody. >> we just have to go now in the back and we are going to plate. so the butter will melt slowly. we have the stew. >> so that's after 45 minutes to an hour? >> to an hour. it should be looking like this. we just have to plate it, of course. so we are going to go like that. >> why do you like the lamb stew over the leg of lamb? >> the leg of lamb is delicious, no doubt. but it is much more expensive and to tell you the truth it's not as tasty as the lamb shoulder we braised. >> you like the taste of the stew better than the lamb? >> i do. >> it's easier to cook and less expensive. >> you don't have to worry about it. you just let it boil and then you can put some spring vegetables on top and it brings color on it. >> beautiful. >> we have the baby carrots, turnips, peas. >> that's it. so you're basically woshing with a pot here, a pot there. >> what i like is really to add a little bit of the sauce. you can see the consistency of the sauce? >> beautiful. >> it's like the reduction of the jus of the lamb and we have a little bit of that. we have one here, one here for you. >> i have to taste it, i'm sorry. i can't wait any longer. it looks delicious. >> it's very tender. actually the trick to know when the meat is cooked you go with a knife and go through the meat. the meat doesn't even stick to the knife. it means it's falling apart. >> breaks up on you. >> that means it's cooked. >> it's delicious. the best part for me is it's easy to cook. >> very easy. >> beautiful. >> you can cook for the entire family. here we have some braised white beans if you decide to do the leg of lamb. >> i'll stick with the stew. it looks easier. eric, happy easter to you. >> thank you. >> up next, a live performance from daniel radcliffe and the broadway cast of "how to succeed in business without really trying." [ male announcer ] beatrice earned her masters in education at a university with 20 years of experience combining claro and online teaching. and a 15 to 1 student to faculty ratio... to make learning more.. personal. today, she runs a thriving tutoring company that offers kids the same individualized attention she had. my name is beatrice hair, i teaundreds of kids one on one, and i am a phoenix. [ male announcer ] len more about the college of education at [ male anntwizzlers.en more abthe twist you can't resist.n >> announcer: the toyota concert series on "today" brought to you by toyota. he has won audiences over as the young wizard harry potter. now daniel radcliffe is conjuring up success on broadway starring as the overachiever j. pierpont finch opposite john larroquette in "how to succeed in business without really trying." daniel and john, good morning to you. >> good morning. >> hello, meredith. >> last time i saw you, daniel, you said you don't read reviews ever. they are saying you're great and that you are as well. both of you brilliant in what you are doing. when you decided to take on the roles did you have any idea what you were getting into? >> well, i think i had more of an idea than you. i had done a year of dance training because i knew i would have to dance in the show. nothing prepares you for th broadway. >> you trained 17 hours a week? >> nine. >> go with the 17. it sounds better. and you, john, you were talking before. we thought you had been on broadway before. >> i had the high class problem of being on a series and not able to donate the time necessary. as far as knowing what i was getting into, as soon as i knew this gentleman would be in it i knew i would be in for fun. >> was it intimidating in the beginning? >> god, yes. i use my body but i don't dance and sing. to concentrate on that, to get it right, i knew the comedy would come because i knew working with dan would be easy and we'd find the comedy. trying not to make a fool of myself on stage was the important part. >> you haven't done that for sure. it's a classic musical. to be part of it must be thrilling. >> it's amazing. we have a fantastic company. for me and john it's trying to keep up with these guyses. >> what number will you perform? >> tonight -- tonight? we're going it tonight as well. but this morning we'll do "brotherhood of man." >> take it away. >> thank you very much. >> you see, wally, even though we are all part of the cold corporate set-up, deep down under our skin there is flesh and blood. we're all brothers. >> some of us are uncles. >> ♪ now you may join the elks, my friend ♪ ♪ and i may join the shriners ♪ and other men may carry cards ♪ ♪ as members of the diners ♪ still others wear a golden key or small greek letter pin ♪ ♪ but i have learned there's one great club that all of us are in ♪ ♪ there is a brotherhood of man ♪ ♪ a benevolent brotherhood of man ♪ ♪ a noble tie that binds ♪ all human hearts and minds ♪ into one brotherhood of man ♪ your lifelong membership is free ♪ ♪ keep a-giving each brother all you can ♪ oh, aren't you proud to be in that fraternity ♪ ♪ the great big brotherhood of man ♪ ♪ ♪ no kidding. ♪ is there really a brotherhood of man ♪ ♪ you are a brother ♪ a benevolent brotherhood of man ♪ ♪ oh, yes, oh, yes ♪ i know the ties that bind ♪ all human hearts and minds ♪ into a brotherhood of man ♪ oh, yes ♪ your lifelong membership is free ♪ ♪ keep a-giving each brother all you can ♪ ♪ oh, aren't you proud to be in that fraternity ♪ ♪ the great big brotherhood of man ♪ ♪ oh, that noble feeling ♪ feels like bells are pealing ♪ down with double dealing ♪ oh, brother ♪ you, you got me ♪ me, i got you ♪ oh, that noble feeling ♪ feels like bells are pealing ♪ down with double dealing ♪ oh, brother ♪ you, you got me ♪ me, i got you ♪ you ♪ your life long membership is free ♪ ♪ keep a-giving each brother all you can ♪ oh, aren't you proud to be in that fraternity ♪ ♪ the great big brotherhood of man ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] daniel radcliffe, john laroquette and the cast of "how to succeed in business without really trying." a reminder, the final harry potter film premieres in july. we're back after your local news. good morning, it's 8:56 right now. higher ferry and bus fairs could see approval today from the golden gate bridge district. under this proposal, bus fares will go up 5% each year. some see hikes up to $1 as well. it will raise $2 thile the cash-strapped agency. we'll have a look at your weekend forecast right after the break. good morning to you. our temperatures have now climbed out of the 30s. we had a couple 30s earlier today. now we're in the upper 40s and low 50s across the board. cloudy conditions but not all day. mostly sunny skies by about 12 noon. 67 oakland, 67 san jose, 70s elsewhere. 71 santa rosa. as we head throughout tomorrow, a bit of a dropoff in temperature. more cloud cover rolls in and maybe showers saturday night into early sunday. nothing heavy, just light showers. back to you, marla. >> thank you for joining us. our next update is at 9:26. have a great weekend. paul ? oh, hey, charlene. what are you doing ? this is to help me with my online investing. i'm so overwhelmed by jargon and trading tools and data that i need to get as much blood to my brain as possible, just to make sense of it all. touch the ball. whoa ! get sharebuilder from ing direct. hey, my headache's gone. back now with more of "today" on ari back now with more of today on a friday morning, april 22nd, earth day. a great good friday crowd here on rockefeller plaza. i'm al roker. along with willie geist and savannah guthrie. natalie has already made her way to london for the royal wedding. you look right at home at buckingham palace. >> i'm hoping they'll just let me move right in. what do you say? actually i got to tell you this is the most stunning -- i was here just last november you recall. it was a little dreary and gray then but everybody was excited because they had just announced the engagement. to be here now a couple months later and see how gorgeous everything is, the weather couldn't be more perfect, al, as you know, you were telling me it's going to continue like this up through the wedding day so fingers crossed it actually does. i'm excited to be here, the first to arrive and hang through until the end, guys. >> almost makes it sound painful. hang through. you can hang it somehow, natalie. >> stay strong, natalie. >> find a way. >> well, in just a moment we've been talking about it all morning, pain at the pump. gas prices creeping higher overnight. this morning dire warnings from some experts. we could hit $6 a gallon in the coming months. hard to believe. we'll have the latest on that. >> also ahead, al, on today's real estate from california to texas to big sky country in montana we'll show you what you can get for $500,000 these days. it might give you some nice ideas about where you might want to relocate. >> plus we all know how the song goes. sunday, monday, happy day. no, don't sing. not an invitation. but for some of the cast of that hit '70s sitcom "happy days" things are not so happy these days. they're suing cbs for using their images without paying for them. we'll catch up and hear their stories. >> and of course ann is off today so savannah you got to check the morning's top news stories. >> indeed. in the news this morning americans around the country facing skyrocketing gas prices as the national average sits at $3.85 a gallon, 99 cents more than last year's price at this time. nbc's mike taibbi is in chicago this morning with the latest. mike, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, savannah. how are you? drivers in the chicago area are paying $4 plus and most cases plus a lot. at this station it's $4.59 for a gallon of regular unless you're willing to buy a car wash which on this raw, rainy day in chicago is not likely going to happen. president obama says it's such a concern to americans that he has ordered the justice department to look into all the reasons why the price at the pump is climbing so fast. to say the price of a gallon of gas is rising hardly tells the story. >> when i pulled up to the gas station i thought i'd probably have to get a second mortgage on my house to pay for it it was so high. >> reporter: in fact, six states in the district of columbia are now averaging more than $4 for a gallon of regular. >> every time you go to work a big chunk of your paycheck is being eaten up. >> reporter: that's why president obama in reno, nevada thursday to talk about the national budget, took time out to talk about the impact of gas prices on household budgets and efforts to minimize the pain at the pump. >> the attorney general is putting together a team whose job it is to root out any cases of fraud or manipulation in the oil markets that might affect gas prices. >> reporter: but industry analysts see little relief on the horizon. >> it seems all the stars are aligned right now for gasoline prices to continue to climb. >> reporter: the reasons? a weak dollar, continuing unrest in the middle east, and increasing demand for oil and energy products in the summer months all leading to the possibility of a gas price surge even beyond today's grimest predictions. >> it is really quite possible that you could go well above $6. >> reporter: but for some drivers the car will be in the garage long before that. if you have to drive and you're cruising around looking for the cheapest price keep one eye on the fuel gauge because triple-a is reporting a big increase in the number of road service calls, frustrated drivers who simply run out of gas. back to you, savannah. >> been there. mike taibbi in chicago this morning, thank you. senator john mccain has arrived in the rebel stronghold of benghazi, libya. mccain was an early supporter of military intervention there. he meets today with leaders of the opposition who he has referred to as his heroes. republican senator john ensign of nevada officially resigns today amid an ongoing ethics probe into his extra marital affair with a former staffer. the senate ethics committee has been investigating the issue for the past year and a half. ensign insists he has done nothing wrong. investigators have released new security camera images of the man wanted for questioning in an attempted bombing at a suburban denver mall. it happened on the 12th anniversary of the shooting rampage at nearby columbine high school. police are investigating whether the incident was deliberately planned to coincide with that anniversary. firefighters in west texas say two huge fires covering about 360,000 acres are both 75% contained now but they say it will be days before residents of a burned out lakeside community west of ft. worth will be allowed back to inspect their property. a washington state man is now charged with a federal hate crime. 36-year-old kevin harfam was named thursday in an indictment. he is accused of placing a bomb along the planned route of a martin luther king day parade last january. the bomb was found and disabled before it could explode. for all of you sleepy heads out there an aspiring engineer is hard at work so you can stay lazy. the university of florida student has developed joe on the go, a robot that not only serves as an alarm clock but it also makes your morning coffee and brings it right to your bed. now, that sounds like just what the doctor ordered. it is now 9:05. you're up to date. what do you think? >> rosie the robot from the jetsons. >> if it were rosie -- >> if it were rosie the robot, robot with an apron on it imtlae. >> yesterday we were talking about robots. a regular robot segment here. >> okay. >> all right. savannah, thanks. let's check on the weather now from al. no robots. >> no robots. all human. never touched by human hands this forecast. let's show you what's going on. we have severe storms stretching from central texas all the way to southwestern ohio, damaging winds, hail, and isolated tornadoes really from missouri on into indiana lifting warm front bringing in a lot of moisture. heavy thunderstorms and as we said, isolated tornadoes. rainfall anywhere from 3 to 6 inches of rain in the next 24 hours. could be double that in some areas locally over the next 72 hours and beyond and that's why we have flash flood watches and flood advisories as well and flood watches and flash flood watches stretching from missouri all the way to western pennsyl good morning to you. well, that marine push is back on shore flow bringing about cloudy conditions right now, but all those clouds will clear the bay area, and we will be left with a mostly sunny sky for the second half of your day and a breezy day as well. really mild temperatures, really on track with the seasonal averages, 70 degrees in los gatos, 69 in napa. big holiday weekend on tap, temperatures climb, we're expecting rainfall on sunday. and that's your latest weather. savannah? ♪ al, thanks. this morning on "countdown to the royal wedding," one week to go. natalie morales has made her way across the pond to buckingham palace with the latest on the last-minute wedding preparations. good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you. you know, buckingham palace always looks spectacular but now it's special, so everything is just magnificent. the tulips in full bloom. this time next week william and kate will have been married and will be inside enjoying a reception with about 650 of their closest guests. every little thing being planned to make sure everything is picture perfect. the bunting is up. the flags have been raised. with just one week to go, the finishing touches are all around as london gets ready for the big day and the eyes of the world. at buckingham palace they are sharpening the knives. >> the tension will ramp up. >> reporter: and polishing the family silver. >> double checking, triple checking. ♪ >> reporter: the westminster boys choir is having its final rehearsals. with its young members told not to eat chocolate or drink soda to save their voices. the household cavalry is hard at work, buffing and shining. and those guards with the bearskin hats are rehearsing their steps and making sure uniforms are ship-shape. >> there is only one standard required for any state ceremonial occasion and that's excellen excellence. we strive to achieve that and we are working hard to make sure we do the job properly on the day. >> reporter: security is, of course, a major concern and the metropolitan police and scotland yard are taking no chances as they launch one of the biggest security operations in their history, monitoring possible threats from the ground and from the air. >> people want to come to london to peacefully protest can do, but it is a day of national celebration. if we see anybody engaging in criminal behavior we will act quickly and decisively to deal with it. >> reporter: the man who will marry william and kate, the archbishop of canterbury is sharing his thoughts. >> i have been struck by the way in which william and catherine have approached this great event. they have thought through what they want for themselves and also what they want to say. >> reporter: apparently kate won't say "obey" following the example set by princess diana 30 years ago. instead, kate will promise to love, comfort, honor and keep prince william. as the countdown continues the princess bride is not withering under the strain. seen around town, shopping perhaps for her honeymoon trousseau. most in london are excited about what will be a day of celebration and joy. >> i'm excited about the royal wedding. i think it will be good. >> reporter: mother nature is putting on a show with record highs and not a drop of the famous london drizzle in sight. ♪ sun, sun, sun ♪ here it comes >> reporter: historically the sun has shown for royal weddings. so let's keep our fingers crossed that that's the case next friday. now, the only weather-related concern is ensuring these gorgeous tulips don't wither before the big day along with me. i feel like i'm in rio. i was there last week. the temperature is about the same. >> beautiful. i bet they have royal tenders for the tulips to make sure they are perfect. >> reporter: oh, yes, they have been pruning. >> don't forget, "today" will be live in london with special reports leading up to the royal wedding. on the big day we'll have complete coverage start at 4:00 a.m. eastern, 1:00 a.m. pacific time. for more on the big day and the royal family, download the free royal wedding app for the ipad, iphone and android. up next, your real estate reality check. what you can get for $500,000 or less. and later on bobby's style buzz, unique items created in limited editions that can dress up your wardrobe or home decor. first, these messages. this is really good. great flavor. it's really creamy, it's really tasty. ooh, wow! jamie lee curtis! it's activia. it's delicious. i am shocked. it's hard to believe it's that good for you. it's so good. try the fabulous taste of activia today. taste it, love it, or it's free. and now discover activia dessert. in rich, indulgent flavors like blueberry cheesecake. try activia dessert today. ♪ activia we expect a lot from our cheese. why did the cook get arrested? i don't know. he was caught beating an egg! [ laughs ] a cheese monger, a dairy farmer and a duck walk into this... wait a minute, have you heard this one? nice tie sir. is that a windsor knot? [ male announcer ] we take the time for our cheese to mature before we bake it into every delicious cracker because at cheez-it, real cheese matters. now you can brew over ice for delicious iced coffee or tea. hot or cold, keurig is the way to brew everyone's favorite cup in under a minute. choose. brew. enjoy. keurig. but sometimes i wonder... what's left behind? [ female announcer ] new purifying facial cleanser from neutrogena naturals. removes 99% of dirt and toxins without dyes, parabens, or harsh sulfates. so skin feels pure and healthy. [ female announcer ] new from neutrogena naturals. i think it can. one of the challenges for kayla being gluten-free is actually finding choices the whole family will love. then we discovered chex cereals. five flavors of chex are gluten-free, including the honey nut flavor, and that's amazing to a mom like me. as a parent you don't want to have to tell your kids "no" all the time. it's nice for me to be able to say "yes" to something that they want to eat. [ male announcer ] chex cereal. five flavors. gluten free. this morning on "today's real estate" what you can get for $500,000 or less. from a colonial with mountain views to a contemporary in the pacific northwest, barbara corcoran is here with beautiful homes you will want to see. good to see you. >> good morning. >> we want to go to bozeman, montana. this is gorgeous. we are talking just under $500,000. >> it's $499,500. it's a sophisticated college town, two hours north of yellowstone park. this is a big colonial house. almost looks make believe with a wrap around porch on 1.39 acres. but it has a ten-acre park around it and you don't have to pay the taxes. looks like julie andrews should pop off the porch and start singing. that's the living room. it's rustic. i think it's so simple in its design through the house. >> does it work? >> it works. come on. you will be comfortable here. we have a shot of the kitchen. unusual with the brick floors. all the appliances are updated. it has the new stuff where you want it, in the appliances. >> don't drop a glass jar. >> and i have worked on that. i know it makes your feet tires. this is unusual. i love that room. who couldn't sit there and feel loved and cozy with the fireplace. it works. there is a dining room with lots of sunshine. the wallpaper ought to be taken off. that's too personal. it has extra large windows, the beautiful french door. it lets sunshine in. it's modeled after a revolutionary war house and it looks like it's in that century. >> let's go to seattle , washington for just under $400,000. >> the house couldn't be more opposite. seattle is known for great coffee, great rock bands and has lots of tech jobs. this is a youthful, modern house that fits in with the attitude of seattle. it's an eco-friendly design. the exterior is wrapped to collect rain. it's covered in cedar and the floors have radiant heat. that's a big terrace that overlooks the mountains. you can see downtown seattle. a beautiful spot. the living room is sleek and stylish. it's meticulous. >> like out of a catalog. >> i love the floors. they are stained dark. the fireplace is nice. a thoroughly modern house. the kitchen is beautiful. it's got oak cabinets and slab counters. it's half bafake, half real and doesn't collect mold which is important in seattle. >> to mobile, alabama. lots of southern charge. >> they have had an influx of 5,000 jobs and capitol investments over $1 billion. i love that they took that house at dusk. it looks like a doll house. it's an 1854 house in an historic district. it looks small but it's 4,300 square feet big. those little dishes should be taken off the wall. but it's a great family kitchen. needs a bigger table there. the original details are throughout the house like 12-foot ceilings. that's an office. it's stunning. i haven't seen a better office, again, with its own fireplace. i want to sit there and get my work done. each bedroom has its own fireplace. there's the master bedroom. you can see the lightness in the place. kept the colors light. there is a gorgeous bathroom. everything about the house is gorgeous. i wish we could see that kid's bedroom. >> there you go. there's a better one. bigger than my living room. >> let's go to texas. this house is for $480,000. >> this is a bedroom community just a few minutes from dallas-ft. worth. it's what you would imagine a mansion to be in dallas. $479,900 with five big bedrooms. over 4,300 square feet with a saltwater pool, a porch with outdoor fireplace and your own putting green. there is a sweeping staircase in the formal dining room. look at that. looks like the commander in chief ought to march down that entry way. the living room is bigger than most hotel lobbies. the formal dining room has hand scraped wood floors. when you see the kitchen it looks so important. i can't imagine making a hot dog in there. the master bedroom, if you see it in a minute, there we go. >> dining room. >> a king has to sit there. that's where the king sleeps [ al trumpeting ] >> good to be the king. >> definitely. >> good to be barbara corcoran. thank you very much. >> thanks, al. >> good to see you. up next, not so happy days. the cast of the beloved sit com takes cbs to court. e!ay aye! we'll tell you why after these messages. it's pretty revolutionary. patented, actually. it takes a snapshot of your good driving habits, so you can save money. like a snapshot? that's what i'm talking about. in a sports car. show it to me. yes! i want to believe it! ooh! fierce! argh! love it. i think we have it. the snapshot discount. new, huge, and only from progressive. but one is so clever that your skin looks better even after you take it off. thy skin liquid makeup. 98% saw improved skin. does your makeup do that? neutrogena® cosmetics. now you can brew over ice for delicious iced coffee or tea. hot or cold, keurig is the way to brew everyone's favorite cup in under a minute. choose. brew. enjoy. keurig. well, members of the cast of "happy days" have reunited but not for a television special. it's a battle for money. >> they say they are owed money stretching back to the 1970s. lee cowan is in los angeles with more. lee, good morning. good morning. you might remember the outside of the house. that's the fictional home of the cunninghams we saw every tuesday night. it was supposed to be in milwaukee, but it's a real home in los angeles where the cast members supposedly had many happy days. but this week four of the cast members and the estate of tom bosley filed a lawsuit claiming the memorabilia like lunchboxes, t-shirts and glasses earned them little if nothing at off. ♪ >> reporter: it's not just the jukebox, everything about "happy days" is iconic. the fonz's leather jacket hangs in the smithsonian. but the show was also a merchandising bonanza. >> look how tough i am. >> reporter: the show's stars can't believe how much their images appeared on lunchboxes, board games, comic books. even board games. >> have you ever played this? i'm trying to learn it. >> i have never played this. >> reporter: there are current items, too. t-shirts and mugs are available at the online store but it was the "happy days" slot machines that were one jackpot too many. >> somebody said, boy, you must be cleaning up. >> reporter: but mrs. c says she hasn't been cleaning up. >> hello shortcake. >> reporter: joanie said she's gotten only a few hundred dollars. for rafflph and potzie, nothing. >> for 37 years, not a statement, not a dime. >> reporter: not for lunch boxes, t-shirts, games, figurines. >> not a statement, not a dime. >> reporter: in a lawsuit filed this week the actors claim they were stiffed out of millions in merchandise money because they allege paramount and now cbs who acquired the rights in 2006 never told them they earned it. >> they have taken the policy of don't ask, don't pay. you don't ask, we don't pay. >> i think we figured if they owed us money we'd get something. maybe we were naive about how business works. >> i've still got it. >> reporter: cbs acknowledged the actors are owed royalties. they have been working for more than a year to give them their due. in a statement cbs says what's in dispute is the amount of money they are owed. their records claim only around $8,000 each. they are talking thousands owed and you guys are talking millions. big discrepancy. >> yes. very big discrepancy. >> obviously their calculator broke. >> reporter: "happy days" was one of the most watched shows ever. appointment television on tuesday nights. are you worried at all that the lawsuit may look petty, given how much the show has given you all? >> petty? they're making money. they're collecting money and we are being cut out. what's petty about that? >> we worked hard. we deserve what's in the contract. there is nothing petty about that. >> reporter: cbs said it's open to more mediation but the matriarch of the family fears in the end they will be told to sit on it. does it make you angry? >> i have such low expectations. >> reporter: from people? >> from the business. i'm not angry at all. ♪ >> reporter: noticeably absent from the lawsuit are the other big actors, ron howard and henry [ female announcer ] this is not a prescription. this is stacy. who runs circles around asthma. and dan. he never lets high cholesterol get him too low. and amy with her arthritis well in hand. they go to walgreens... where their pharmacist not only refills prescriptions but gives advice... immunizations... and health tests. staying on top of your health starts right in your neighborhood. walgreens. there's a wa stay today we're going to surprise people with the taste of activia. that's good. wow. this is really good. great flavor! it's really creamy, it's really tasty. ooh! wow! jamie lee curtis! it's activia! it's delicious. i am shocked. it's hard to believe it's that good for you. it's so good. try the fabulous taste of activia today. taste it, love it, or it's free! and now discover activia dessert. in rich indulgent flavors like strawberry cheesecake. try activia dessert today. ♪ activia well, good morning, everyone. it's 9:26. no speed limit for now for bicyclists heading across the golden gate bridge. thursday bridge officials put off a decision to impose a 10-mile-an-hour speed limit for cyclists. they thought it help reduce accidents but the san francisco bicycle coalition sees problems with the proposal. it argues most bikers don't have speedometers and there are better solutions like increasing signs and marking separate lanes for bicyclists and pedestrians. a stretch of the pacific coast highway between carmel and big sur opened this morning. the section of highway 1 closed in march when chunks of the roadway crumbled and fell into the sea following a heavy storm. the reopening will bring relief to residents along a 50-mile stretch of the big sur coastline. they've been cut off by landslides on both the north and south from much of last month. you could say they're cautiously optimistic. they are hiring but still worried about the state's fiscal mess. today, many business leaders will meet with governor jerry brown at the business climate summit in san jose. more than half of silicon valley ceos polled by a local public policy group say they're worried about the business impact of government regulation, state employee pension costs and the budget impasse. 175 son valley cs took part in that poll. we'll be back with weather in just a minute. good morning to you. well, our temperatures are climbing, the sun is out, but we have mostly cloudy conditions overhead. 43 degrees in santa rosa. 50 in san francisco. turning over to the upper 60s and low 70s under mostly sunny skies later on today, those clouds will clear out of here and we're going to notice a building breeze as well. down right windy later on in the east bay hills. 66 degrees in san francisco, 68 redwood city, and 70 degrees in los gatos. our boys are back in town. giants play tonight at at&t park at about 7:15. if you're headed to the game, count on breezy conditions, mostly cloudy at that time and a temp of 57 degrees. holiday weekend shows a few showers on sunday but nothing too heavy. back to you. more local news in a half an hour. "the today show" returns in less than a minute. ♪ going to the chapel and we're gonna get married ♪ >> one week to go. the wait nearly over for kate middleton and prince william. for the 2 billion or so folks who will be watching them exchange vows next friday, all week we'll be live in london sharing the last-minute plans and developments. of course we'll cover the wedding live starting at 4:00 a.m. eastern, 1:00 a.m. pacific time on april 29th. going to be exciting. coming up on "today," decorating for easter. if you thought the marshmallow chicks were just to stuff the easter baskets, we have crafty ideas on how to use them for fun decorating projects. >> speaking of arts and crafts we'll check out small scale limited editions from jewelry to art work for the home to add a special something to your sense of style. >> first, jenna wolfe and amy robach are here with a preview of what's coming up on weekend "today." >> we are counting down to the royal wedding and saluting the veterans of world war ii getting a chance to see the memorial built in their honor. we'll travel with them as they head to d.c. for the very emotional truth. >> on a different note, reality catfights. >> yeah! wow. >> what a turn. >> made that turn on two wheels. >> it seems the ladies are always ready to rumble while the guys steer clear of the chaos. is this really how women act? no. then we'll meet the latest lip synching sensation. the teenager whose clips are watched by millions. he's good. we'll introduce you to the young man. those stories and more coming up this weekend on "today." >> from the sublime to the ridiculous. >> and then there's me. >> thanks, guys. al, how about the weather? >> let's see what's happening for easter weekend. tomorrow, rain from new england back through texas with a risk of strong storms, showers in central california. sunny and warm through the southeast and gulf coast and easter sunday, it's egg harbor, 75. eggleston, 85. heavy rain texas into the mid mississippi river valley. cotton city, 79. look for rain in the pacific northwest. everybody gets the yolk. it was quite a yolk. good morning to you, we're looking pretty good. we have high pressure firmly in control for today but a series of weak, low pressure systems will cross over the bay area over the course of your weekend and that means a 10% to 20% rain chance each and every day starting saturday, lasting through monday. 70 today in los gatos. we do have mostly cloudy skies overhead but all those clouds are going to clear the bay area and we will be left with mostly sunny skies. little bit of rain over the weekend. peeps? the other thing is eating them. the one thing you can do is eat them. for the peep wreath, take a wreath form, hot glue gun and glue them around. i think charlie and chloe think they taste good. >> all right. >> lots of colors. >> happy easter. we're back in a moment. first this is "today" on nbc. yeah! boom! hi, i'm a stunt man. and i love watching me on at&t u-verse tv. i can record up to four shows at once on a single dvr. i can even record a show in this room... ...and play it back in this room. honey, i just vacuumed. [ female announcer ] call now to get u-verse tv for only $29 a month for six months -- hd-ready dvr included at no extra charge. or get $300 back via promotion card with a qualifying u-verse bundle. ♪ [ stunt man ] drop into an at&t store and see how at&t u-verse offers more hd channels than cable. i look good. [ female announcer ] call now to get u-verse tv for only $29 a month for six months -- hd-ready dvr included. or get $300 back via promotion card with a qualifying u-verse bundle. enjoy tv like you've never seen before. call, click or hurry in today... whoa! hey! ♪ [ tires screech ] her! [ female announcer ] at&t. coming up on "today," kathie lee and hoda check out some extreme summer camps. >> that sounds dangerous. and some lucky ladies from the crowd on the plaza get an instant makeover. urt fi local. news and weather. happy easterer, everybody. sto stop. twizzlers. the twist you can't resist. well, good morning,everyone. it's 9:56. a surprise check on registered sex offenders in the south bay reveals a sex offender hot spot. the santa clara county task force checked in on 20 sex offenders living in the sterling and st. francis motels in santa clara just down the street from santa clara university. deputies showed up to make sure the offenders are living where they say they live and not violating parole. now, a woman living at the st. francis says she has no clue who her neighbors were. >> i'm very shocked. the landlord or the hotel person at the front desk should have alarmed us that this situation happened. >> the safe task force made 25 stops last night arresting three people. meanwhile, keep your doors and windows locked, that's the warning for those in san carlos, a home burglar making rounds. investigators say they're happening during the day when no one's home. the suspect getting through unlocked windows. the items targeted? computer, computer games and jewelry. let's check in with christina. good morning. >> good morning, scott mcgrew, we've got a nice day shaping up for us but as we head through the weekend, we do have slight rain chances. pesky rain showers possible saturday and sunday. 68 today, redwood city, and if you're joining us in the east bay, really warm, 68 degrees in concord, and much warmer by five to seven degrees. you'll notice the difference. this afternoon clouds start to clear out of here. our first rain chances arrive late saturday into early sunday. by monday, some of those showers hanging around, but next week overall looks warmer, dry, really good temperatures. 74 degrees as we head through wednesday. so that's a look at your forecast, back to you, scott. >> all right, thank you much. more local news in a half hour. "the today show" returns in about one minute. [ male announcer ] everyday, your car does a lot for you. do something for it. show it some love. chevron with techron. care for your car. captions paid for byn. nbc-universal television hey, everybody. we are so glad you're with us today. it's try day not dry day, friday. we look like two big easter eggs. >> we do. where is bobbie? >> i had no idea we were all dressed up in this daffodil yellow. >> we all got the memo. >> since it's try day, we are going to try something. we are going to try fried peeps. come on! you know how you can fry everything, oreos and twinkies, they take the peep. they put egg whites, graham cracker crumbs, shredded coconut and drop it in the fryer. >> clog and artery, at least. >> do they fry it. >> i don't like peeps regularly. but this? i love. >> i would just peel the skin off that. >> stick it on your thigh. that's delicious. >> peeps have been around forever, haven't they? they last a long time. >> doesn't that worry you a little bit, how long they might last in your stomach? what is the shelf life of a peep, 6,000 years? >> forever. i have two in my fridge that have been there forever. the marshmallow and corn syrup. a lot of that good stuff. i wonder if you've been wondering about this. why is easter so late this year. >> i'm wondering why spring is so late this year. it never falls before march 22nd, cody's birthday or after april 25th. it's always in the spring, the first sunday after the first full moon after the spring equinox. got it? >> nobody knows what that means. >> however if the full moon is on the equinox it's after the following full moon. so what happened? so why is it late? >> we don't know. >> here is something you're going to like. out there somewhere is a jellybean. you know how sometimes people say they see the virgin mary in a piece of toast? in this case they say tate middleton in a jellybean. >> i know. it really does sort of look like kate middleton. that's scary. >> thank you for the split screen. that's going to be auctioned off on ebay. somebody noticed it in a jar of jelly beans. >> they want to get like $600,000 for it or something. >> no. >> that's what they said in the meeting this morning. >> no, $815. >> no. >> no. that did not -- no. >> it's not just my eyes that are going, it's my ears, too i gave up on my thighs. still how much are they trying to get for it? >> $800. >> that's ridiculous. maybe wills will buy it for her for a wedding present. >> everyone seems to be -- it's weird about the wedding. a lot of people are talking about it. a lot of people aren't. >> a lot of people are talking about the fact why aren't they into it? there is going to be a lot of money spent to cover it, but i'll be curious. >> i want to see the wedding dress. i want to hear their vows and see their vows. >> it's always more interesting with the royals after the wedding. >> you know we are not going to england for the wedding. we've been banned from that. >> they've seen our show and said no thank you. >> we'll be here in new york in the states with most of you. we are going to be at trump's party. we are going to get dressed in our jammis at 4:00 a.m. because that's when it comes on. we'll be there with a mimosa or bloody mary. >> little sip of something, as my daddy used to say. >> we'll watch the royal wedding that way. >> you know what i was so happy to hear that children are happy about, most happy? it's not about stuff. there were 1,000 kids or maybe 800,000 kids. this was a group of english kids or were they bulgarian. >> whatever. go on. >> the number one thing on their list was playing with their friends. >> parents are always trying to give their kids presents and gifts. the number two, we should point us, is their birthday which means presents. >> it also is a party and with their friends. >> lower on the list were computer games, playing with toys and chocolate. >> i do this with hanna. my mom will give her something, but what she likes is do you want to play in the cloud and that's my big comforter. auntie hoda, can we play in the cloud? the idea of giving someone here is a silly band is like, okay, but the other is much better. >> my mom is a grandmother and great grandmother to lots of kids. when she would visit her grandchildren, they would go, grandma what did you bring us and she said, i brought you me. you're supposed to be excited about it. >> kids do want presents. >> grandma is bringing me her next week. that's my easter present. i love my mother, by the way. cass and i are flying down to florida. i am determined to get rid of this cold. we are going to go down to florida. frank is going off to see cody for the weekend. we are going different directions. we'll meet up again some time sunday evening. >> nice. it's going to be beautiful in florida. >> you're going to florida for a totally different purpose. i'm going for spiritual reasons. hoda is going for nooky. am i wrong? >> no. okay. >> there is a study that shows this. have you ever been in extreme pain? what do you do? whether putting your hand in an ice cold bucket of water. >> thanks, guys. >> or whatever. the deal is there is a study that says if you use four-letter words, it's easier to endure the pain than if you just sit there and say golly day and things you say. >> okay. we are going to have to be -- >> will they be able to bleep? >> cover up your mouth. hold on. one, two, three. >> mother. you do one. >> how about this, holy -- ow! what's the point of this? seriously? ♪ everyone has a story now it's starting to hurt. >> i'm taking mine out. >> you're such a wimp. i'm going to tell my frida funny. >> with your hand in there? >> morris, an 82-year-old man went to a doctor with his complete physical examination. a month later the doctor saw the man walking happily down the street. on his arm was a gorgeous young woman wearing red stiletto heels. the doctor said you're doing great. he said i'm doing exactly what you said to do, get a hot mama and be cheerful. the doctor said i didn't say that. i told you you've got a heart murmur and be careful. >> take the cloth. how was that? >> i've gotten used to pain in my life, hoda. you develop a tolerance for it. >> you know what it's time for? >> bobbie's buzz. >> bring her up. >> hello, bobbie. you look like a gorgeous daffodil. >> it's earth day. in honor of earth day i wanted buzz to go green. women here in the office are flipping for these thursday/friday bags. you get a canvas carry-all and you can take it to the grocery store. you'll reduce the amount of bags you use. >> it looks like a purse. >> yes. you want to reward companies that are sustainable. i'm a big fan of whole earth beauty. they are on the show today. they are not only organic ingredients, but packaged well. when we are done with the wine bottles, you can go to here is the best part. i want everyone at home to pay attention. if you recycle, they'll reward you with discounts, coupons and gift cards. they'll give you something back for going green. we need to protect the planet. >> yes, we do. >> this is the good message today. >> how much do we love bobbie? >> a lot. >> and our crew really loves bobby we won't say -- anthony. >> this is a big reveal. all week long we were telling you, >> we love it. >> we were looking at all these different things and we are going to judge the winner of the reuse contest. >> the other judges were martha stewart, lauren bush, ivillage, andy cohen and torri spelling. is she pregnant? >> a drum roll. do you remember the entries, the jump rope, all those different things. the bracelet i love. the winner is something this one liked. >> i voted for this. >> it was the clawfoot bath tub couch. >> not because i loved it so much but i thought about the impact on the environment. it takes up so much room that the room it would take up in a landfill could be a lot of zippers. >> jill morrison created that. she is the lucky winner and will win a trip to orlando with three guests four days, three nights at orlando universal parks. >> if you want to buy that tub, it is pricey. >> $1,700 big ones. >> for hoda, that's nothing. >> who has a claw bathtub. >> there's an art piece. there are so many people on etsy that do this. >> etsy likes us now. >> that's good. >> it's time for the friday ambush makeovers. >> feel my hand. >> it's freezing. you know, each year, olive garden sends over 100 of us to study the art of italian cooking. we learn from master chefs. we visit the local markets. we talk to the artisans. we learn all the little secrets of italian cooking and bring them back to share with you. inspired by italy, our new handmade puff pastries. generously filled with italian cheeses and herbs. try them with sauteed chicken breasts in a creamy garlic sauce or with braised beef in a balsamic demi-glaze. tonight at your olive garden. let's do this. you're a little early! [ female announcer ] prepare to ace your dental check-up. fight plaque and gingivitis and invigorate your way to better check-ups. new crest pro-health invigorating clean rinse. how are you getting to a happier place? running there? dancing there? how about eating soup to get there? campbell's soups fill you with good nutrition, farm-grown ingredients, id and can help you keep a healthy weight. campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do. want longer, stronger lashes? new almay one coat get up and grow mascara instantly lengthens. 98% of women saw healthy, longer lashes in 30 days. for your longest, most stunning lashes yet. almay get up and grow mascara. only from almay. only for me. that's ever happened to cinnamon. introducing cinnamon burst cheerios. 20% daily value of fiber bursting with the delicious taste of cinnamon. new cinnamon burst cheerios. prepare your taste buds. new cinnamon burst cheerios. delicious gourmet of gravy. and she agrees. with fancy fest gravy lovers, your cat can enjoy the delicious, satisfying taste of gourmet gravy every day. fancy feast, the best ingredient is love. we are back on this friday try day with more ambush makeovers. >> we have our contributors to the stars, louis lacari and jill martin. >> it was a breeze. >> i think we are starting off with miss pat sullivan, 62 years old from norfolk, virginia. she gave up coloring her hair 10 years ago. she wants a new look. >> when we told you we wanted to do this you said you were hesitant, then you said oh yeah. >> i never knew how to put on make-up and don't know how to style my hair. >> you tell me you're not looking for a new man, but if prince charming came along you would be open to it? >> oh, of course. i'm sure he's out there, too. >> i'm sure he is out there, too. all right, grandmother of two, are you ready to be the hottest grandmother in the country? >> absolutely. >> patty is here with her granddaughters taylor and >> patty is here with her granddaughters taylor and courtney and their other grandma reagan. keep your blind folds on. here is pat before. let's see the new you. come on out. >> are you guys ready? take off your blind folds. look at pat. >> that's quite the reaction. turn around. >> oh, lord! >> tell us about the hair. >> thank you, thank you. >> look at the difference. you look so much younger. >> prince charmings are lining up as we speak, by the way. i tinted her hair, made it the proper color for her skin tone. got rid of the gray. erased years. debbie gave her this simple round bob. make-up is very natural and soft. just a pinch of color. >> what do you guys think? >> i like it. >> you do? >> she doesn't look like herself? >> no. >> and the outfit, too. >> but i'm still me. >> big thing for spring/summer is picking a trench coat with a pattern or bright color. she likes polka dots. simple black dress from dk&y. >> can i say thank you? thank you. >> our second lady is jamie paterno. she is 55 years old from portland, oregon. she doesn't know how to put on make-up and relies on her daughter for beauty tips. she was thrilled when everybody approached her in the plaza. she is here with her daughter molly and husband joe. let's listen to her story. >> molly is busting. why do you want this for your mom? >> my mom is the best mom in the world. she does everything for everyone else. i'm excited for her to do something for herself. >> are you excited for this? >> i'm incredibly excited. >> i want to point out this fannie pack. we had a whole debate on the show. i think fannie packs are in. you guys agree? >> thank you so much. >> we are going to make you more trendy. ready to go? >> i'm ready. i'm ready. ready as i'll ever be. >> it's so great to make these people happy like this. they've got the blind folds on. let's take one last look at jamie before. bring the new jamie out now. oh, wow! >> oh, my goodness. >> all right. you ready? take them off. >> she looks great. >> molly is going to pass out. >> joe doesn't have a pacemaker, does he? take a look. >> who is that woman? >> that is jamie paterno. >> you look hot. you look so good. >> look right into the camera, please. >> look at the split screen. >> how fantastic is that? again, color, cut and make-up working together to make you look more beautiful and years younger. i warmed up the hair color. debbie gave her this mid length, long layered hair cup. keep the make-up natural, pop of lips for the summer. >> molly is crying. joe, too. >> what do you think? >> she is beautiful. >> jill, tell us about that gorgeous dress. >> look at this figure on her. she was wrong four sizes when she told me her size. look at the shoes. these are talbots. it's great to add a metallic pop to any outfit. >> just darling. >> where is pat? >> pat is off looking for a man. >> she is flirting with anthony. >> anthony is married, pat. thanks to everybody. >> good job. >> up next, sara with the photos that will make you say, what the? my recipe for french toast? take toast... spread with i can't believe it's not butter... add jacques. he's french. oui! oui like! [ male announcer ] four out of five agree it tastes as good as fresh butter with 70% less saturated fat than butter. [ kim ] you can have it all. we expect a lot from our cheese. why did the cook get arrested? i don't know. he was caught beating an egg! [ laughs ] a cheese monger, a dairy farmer and a duck walk into this... wait a minute, have you heard this one? nice tie sir. is that a windsor knot? [ male announcer ] we take the time for our cheese to mature before we bake it into every delicious cracker because at cheez-it, real cheese matters. we are back with one of our favorite segments we call "what the what?" >> miss sara has some of the bizarre photos you sent in. >> our first was sent in from amelia allen. this is a good advertising. to be fair, it's an ad for a social movement in vermont to help people get out are get more exercise. it took this girl -- >> that is awful. >> i want to meet the person that came up with that. >> it's catchy. it makes you look. >> okay. >> good advertising. >> donny loved it. >> our next one from melanie in california. she wrote, my husband and i saw this sign in a bangkok taxi. perhaps his reputation preceded him." >> i need some of those for people -- never mind. >> johnny howard from georgia. can you tell which one is teddy my dog? >> that's cute. >> it took me a while to find him. how cute. >> the bichon. >> that's cute. >> next up, debbie from glenn ridge, new jersey sent us this photo. >> it was between this and chocolate. >> cute. those are good. thank you. >> thank you, thank you. coming up next, a lot of interesting things. >> and donny is here. >> donny is in the house. >> we'll be cooking something delicious. [ male announcer ] is zero worth nothing? ♪ imagine zero pollutants in our environment. or zero dependency on foreign oil. ♪ this is why we at nissan built a car inspired by zero. because zero is worth everything. the zero gas, 100% electric nissan leaf. innovation for the planet. innovation for all. [ male announcer ] ragu, packed with two servings of veggies in every half cup of our now thicker, richer, healthy sauce. ragu has a great taste your family will love. ragu. feed our kids well. ragu has a great taste your family will love. you've been there. you pick out a makeup thinking it's your shade... until you actually try it out. now, i have a makeup that always gets it right. smart shade makeup instantly adjusts to match perfectly to your skin. almay smart shade makeup. only from almay. only for me. well, good morning, everyone. it's 10:26, i'm scott mcgrew. if you build a small town on treasure island what's that going to do to the traffic on the bay bridge? the vote last night, to go ahead with the first step to build a community on treasure island. the project consisting of 8,000 homes, several business complexes. first they'll start with a study which will try to predict just how bad the effect will be on the environment and traffic when this is all completed. the board is expected to vote on the actual project itself in june. back in the wild, seals swimming in the pacific this morning after making a full recovery. five elephant seals and one sea lion released at the state reserve beach yesterday. they were found in march suffering from malnoeyw thnu sie now they're strong enough to be on their own. we'll have weather in just a minute. [ female announcer ] most women in america aren't getting the calcium they need. but yoplait wants to change that. only yoplait original has twice the calcium of the leading yogurt. that's 50% of the daily value ♪ so pass on the new and we can help close this calcium gap together. to get you started, we're giving away a million free cups at yoplait dot com. the yoplait you love, now in a 4-pack. try it today. twizzlers. the twist you can't resist. good morning to you. well, we still have mostly cloudy conditions over most of the bay area. high pressure is in control, though, and it will clear a lot of that cloud cover out for the second half of your day. then our focus shifts to the possibility of some light rain over the weekend. we got a chance on saturday and sunday. nothing heavy. we can still make those outdoor plans and we could still see s pesky light showers move over the area. 70 degrees in santa cruz for today, and 71 degrees in santa rosa. first part of the day will be overcast and mostly cloudy. then the second half of the day we'll see the clouds clear out. mostly sunny conditions, a building breeze and as we head through sunday, 70 degrees, few showers but nothing too heavy, scott. back to you. all right. a week from today kate middleton and prince william will say i do and we'll bring it to you live here on nbc bay area starting with a special broadcast of "the today show" starting at 1:00 in the morning. we're going to have updates on "today in the bay" as well as 6:00 a.m. it will be carried live on youtube as well without commentary. that coming from the bbc, and we'll cover all the parties this coming friday. well, thank you for joining us. "the today show" continues next. let's be honest. men can be mysterious sometimes. they think differently than we do, act differently and behave differently than we do. >> they do. to help us understand them better, we called in our pal donny deutsche. >> we love him. >> hi, sweetheart. >> you look pretty today. >> we look like easter eggs. >> you look like laker fans. >> our first question is from a hoda. my best friend told me he loves me and wants to date. i don't like him that way. i don't know what to tell him because i don't want to ruin the friendship. >> first i would say give it a hard look because a relationship that comes out of a friendship is fantastic, if you can. give it, really go within yourself. is there any chance, what not? if not -- >> if there is no attraction -- >> if there is no attraction be really honest. relationships come and go. this is a lifetime friendship. i don't want to take a chance ruining the friendship. you value the friendship so much. that's happened to me a little bit. >> your feelings can change. >> you've got to get it right. >> you had chemistry with frank. >> frank was married at the time. i just didn't go there, hoda, like you would have. >> you hoda. >> next question, sara. >> this one is in from susan. i added my ex-husband as a facebook friend after being divor divorced. my current husband is a friend. >> step away from the facebook. bad news. that facebook is the land of ill doings. she was pretty in ninth great. don't do it. he has a right for being upset. get it off. >> it's communicating with him. >> of course. that's what it is. that seems to be the most harmless way. there are more affairs, more infidelities happening because you can go back in your past and start to relive your fantasies. not good. >> it's not realistic. >> melissa, is it normal when you notice your hubby staring at another woman and you say what are you looking at and he says nothing? >> get in on the game. the reality is we all look at other people. there is nothing wrong with that. i can notice a guy who is attractive. i don't want to be with him. say, wow, she is pretty hot, isn't she? it will throw him off guard that you're not threatened by it. if you see a guy is hot, it doesn't mean you don't love your husband or spouse. >> what if he does it all the time? >> if it's obnoxious, if you notice him going, he'll be taken aback and share it with him. >> still seems rude. >> i think so. >> you're telling me you've never, and your husband is very handsome and studly, you never noticed another attractive man you? don't lick his neck -- >> the times i have done that, not worked out well. >> i'm 28 years old, mother of two, married seven years to a man 16 years older than me. how do i spice it up? he is exhausted when he gets home from work, but i think woe enjoy that. >> age ofis not that big. if you get him started, we are into the game, if you know what i mean. >> we get that. >> this will not help me. >> not working. >> fun new ways to reuse items you otherwise would throw away. danny is with us. >> who booked him? >> i don't know but we like him. ! [ chanting ] do it! 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[ female announcer ] think a thick cream is the only way to firm skin? challenge the need for such heavy measures with olay. new regenerist micro-sculpting serum for firmer skin in 5 days. pretty heavy lifting for such a lightweight. [ female announcer ] olay regenerist. don't suffer waiting for your pills to kick in. add alaway. for fast eye itch relief that works in minutes and lasts up to 12 hours. only alaway comes from bausch & lomb. for fast eye itch relief, add alaway. for fast eye itch relief, want longer, stronger lashes? new almay one coat get up and grow mascara instantly lengthens. 98% of women saw healthy, longer lashes in 30 days. for your longest, most stunning lashes yet. almay get up and grow mascara. only from almay. only for me. ♪ imagine zero pollutants in our environment. or zero dependency on foreign oil. ♪ this is why we at nissan built a car inspired by zero. because zero is worth everything. the zero gas, 100% electric nissan leaf. innovation for the planet. innovation for all. summer camp is usually a place for kids to take it easy from the busy school year. >> sara haines is here with a few camps that offer more than marshmallow roasting and swimming. >> summer camps have gotten extremely specialized to keep up. this isn't your grandmother's summer camp. that's not just because it still looks like winter. this is a spring preview of secret agent camp in california. campers fly, leap and climb to new heights of espionage training in camouflage. campers choose between 16 specialized week-long camps ranging from fashion and motor sports to a culinary institute and hollywood stunt camp. >> i kept on doing everything i could to be able to come to this camp just to do stunts. i just love it too much. >> josh williams wants to become a professional stunt man. other campers like his friend remington davis have different goals. >> i always wanted to be a lawyer and i've always been fond of acting. >> do they have a lawyer camp? >> no. i wish. >> that sounds like fun. >> what did you do today, son? >> well, i argued and some more arguing. think i won the case. >> he did the acting camp. around the country, there are hundreds of speciality overnight camps. for aspiring illusionists there is tannon's magic camp in pennsylvania. for rock stars in training there is camp jam. for kids with a need for speed, there is even a flight camp at randolph macon academy in virginia. the american camp association has accredited more than 2,000 camps including the id chain of technical and computer camps. brandon frank has been attending since he was 7. he xcels in sports and art, but the camps let him embrace his technical side. >> i think i get a lot out of it. i think the instructors are good and they teach us a lot. >> he learned so much he founded his own app design business with seven apps in the itunes store. back in california, pali adventures camp director says a great camping experience comes down to fun. >> campers learn best when they are having fun. that's the main focus when a camper comes here, they have to have fun. they will learn by accident almost. >> those camps were just the tip of the iceberg. kids and their parents can choose specialized camps for extreme sports, the arts. in case you were wondering, there is a journalism camp for budding reporters. >> i should have gone to one of those. >> thank you, sara. >> we've got tips for parents prepping their kids. >> nice to see you. >> these are older kids we saw on this feast. we wonder when the right time is for sleep away camp. >> sleep away camp around age 8, maybe age 7 if you have a kid ready to go. you have to listen to the signals your child is sending. if you have a child who is separating from you and good on sleep away play dates or visiting relatives, that is a good sign. >> some kids get upset. there is homesick and something really bad. how do you know the point is, maybe take your kid out? >> when we are going straight to the call home at the very first week of camp and they say i want to come home, but i think at that point you've done your research, hopefully met with the director of the camp, hopefully talked about what their policies are about homesickness. a good camp will keep your kid occupied and know how to manage those emotional moments. >> should you say to your child, you're going to stick this out. this may be hard, but this is part of life learning how to commit to something and stick it out. >> i think you have to tow a hard line. you have to read that. that is very individual based on your kids. some kids need time. don't sign up just for a week of sleep away camp. give yourself a little time. the first week might be hard for the first time camper. >> you went to sleep away camp? >> i did. i remember getting home sick the first day of school, new faces. by the end of the week you think you'll never be able to live without these people, keep in touch for life. you always survive. >> when frank's first daughter vicki was at camp when shoo he was little she hated it so much. she sent him a letter saying, i'm going to jump out the window. he wrote her back and said you're on the first floor. >> nice piece. >> thanks for coming to visit us. >> up next, chef gavin cason. "know the species, know the stain." lanolin-free coat, i know it's an alpaca. walks in here, looks says "hey look, it's a llama!" cleaning the stain like he would a llama stain. time he's wasting. ♪ call 1-800-steemer now on "today" we are going to celebrate easter with delicious bruchb ideas. easter sunday is a popular time to gather families and friends for lunch. >> instead of serving the traditional ham or lambs, gavin casson is here to make a tart. >> we'll change it up and keep it vegetarian. this is going to be a crimini mushroom chart. we start the pan with olive oil and garlic. we'll roast off the mushrooms. you can use any mushrooms you want for this. >> these you prefer? >> i prefer these because i think they are very affordable. i think anybody can get them. that's important. >> is there any nutritional value to mushrooms? >> of course there is. it's all about how much do you eat and how much fat you put with the mushroom. >> but they are not high in calories? >> no. >> little pinch of salt. >> whenever you cook mushrooms, when you add the salt you, have to know it's going to drain the moisture. the water comes out and you have to let the water evaporate. you get this right here. >> what's happening down here? >> we'll sweat some shallots, which we've done and garlic. >> would you add a quarter of those? >> i would love to. >> we'd all this cream right here. >> oh, dear. >> i didn't say healthy, i said vegetarian. two eggs. then you blend that. we can blend it, if you want. you blend that quickly. that's our custard. we have this tart shell which has not been baked yet. we are going to dock it. we'll take the fork, put that all over it what this does is this helps the dough from rising up when we bake it. another way to stop the rising is we put this piece of parchment paper over and pour these rocks on, rocks, pebbles, marbles, rice. >> take them off before you serve them or you'll break grandma's molars. >> this is called the blind bake. take all those mushrooms. put that in the base. >> the ones you didn't grind up. >> onions. do you want to grab the fontina cheese? >> is that what this is? >> it's nice and prepped for us. >> you pour it and pop it. >> pour this mixture over like this. >> let's head to the eating department. >> eating and drinking. >> yes. come on, gavin. >> sara shows up in time to eat. >> cut in. >> what are we drinking? >> this is the smash and grab. >> of course it is. that's how she got jay. >> stop it. you'll ruin my relationship. >> champagne, lemon, mint, simple syrup and bitters. >> did you say whiskey? >> yes. >> what do you call this? >> a fontina and crimini tart. we'll have this for easter. >> next week we have darius rucker. >> and we'll get you ready for the big royal wedding. >> happy easter. -- captions by vitac -- never in my lifetime did i think i could walk 60 miles in 3 days. 60 miles compared to what a cancer patient goes through is a walk in the park. from the moment i registered, people started immediately supporting me. i walk with my sister. our relationship has gone to a whole new level because of training together. you meet the most wonderful, inspiring people. when you accomplish those 60 miles, it's truly life-changing. 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