The Labor Department reportling the economy created 160,000 new jobs in the month of august, slightly below expectations. The Unemployment Rate still fell to 3. 7 , the lowest since december of 2008. But the decline came mostly because fewer americans are actually looking for work. The number of jobs created for the few previous months revised downward as well. The holidayshortened week saw light volume. The dow up 90 points on wednesday on strong auto sales. The s p 500 and nasdaq having their best days in almost two weeks. The u. S. Auto sales had great numbers in august. Ford and chrysler were each up 12 . Big news in telecom and tech. Firefighter came home with a phone company of its own. The Software Giant acquiring Finnish Company nokias handset business for 7. 25 billion. Verizon acquired vodafones stake in Verizon Wireless for 130 billion in cash and stock. Huge deal. The deal is the Third Largest merger and acquisition transaction ever. The markets had been waiting and watching for the jobs report, mix in a little fed speculation, some syria worries and we have on interesting recipe for the week. Joining me to interpret it all is byron wien. Good to have you on the program. Great to be here, maria. We got the jobs report out on friday. The economy creating 169,000 new jobs. That was below expectations. How would you characterize . I would say it was disappointing and the revisions were disappointing. The economy the most recent numbers, the purchasing managers index, some of the other numbers, the revision of the gdp for the second quarter, those were all favorable. So people were thinking the economy has been developing more momentum. One of the more interesting points was the fact that the Participation Rate in the jobs market has fallen to like 30plusyear low. People have stopped looking, theyre not participating in the jobs market. Theyve given up. Its too frustrating to look for a job. Theyve sent out hundreds of resumes, they get few interviews and no jobs come from it. Do you think this number on friday will sway policymakers and the fed. Thefection twoday meeting on the 17th and 18th, a lot of people thought that would the meeting that the fed would begin slowing down the bond purchases, the tapering, if you will. Does it sway people . My feeling is that if Monetary Policy was stimulating the economy, the economy was not Strong Enough for them to taper so they shouldnt taper. On the other hand, i think threequarters of all the monetary easing goes into the financial markets, keeping Interest Rates down, sending stock prices up. So it doesnt help the real economy that much. So i think they recognize that now and i think theyre going to do some tapering because they think theres a certain futility in monetary easing, at least as far as the economy is at some point. Do you think they should do it in two weeks . The economy isnt Strong Enough. They have it hasnt done as much real good for the economy and they feel they have to start tapering some time. You mentioned Interest Rates. This week, the tenyear yield hit above 3 . What does that mean . Is that a magic number where people say, if i can get 3 in fixed income, why would i put money in stocks. The longterm yield on the tenyear treasury has been twice that level. 3 is kind of a magic number. I think the more important part of it is is what it will do to 30year mortgage rates. I think its already pushed them up 100 basis points and it will have some impact on housing and housing was one of the favorable aspects of the u. S. Economy. Byron, youre not buying this recovery. No, no, im buying what is it doing to take to move the needle on this economy, do you think . Fiscal stimulus. Tax policy . Well, tax policy is one of the things. In 2010, we had a 1. 5 trillion budget deficit and the economy was 15 trillion then. Today we have a 17 trillion budget deficit. Theres no appetite in congress to do it. Lets talk Federal Reserve and the new head. You know larry summers. I do. What do you think the issues would be if he were to become chairman . Is he the guy to take over for bernanke . There are two people for sure one, larry summers. Larry summers wants them and so does obama. s going to have a little trouble getting confirmed. Its a question of whether or not obama wants the fight. Look at it from obamas standpoint. Hes got three fights ahead of them syria, a serious one, the debt ceiling, another one, and the confirmation of the new fed chairman. I think of all those three, the fight on the fed chairman is the one hes most likely to abdicate on. And then he picked janet yellen. It could go either way . Yes. As far as the heart attacks are concerned, how do you advise investors . Will the nervousness be unending . The markets done very well over the last two years. People have made a lot of money. There should be a reasonable amount of caution in everybodys portfolio mix. Well leave it there. Byron, good to have you on the program. Great to be here. Thank you so much. Up next, on the money, the stakes in syria are rising. A look at the cost and effectiveness of the white houses road ahead in the middle east. Bill cohen joins me. And later, from hot wings to hot bons, ill sit down with a former hooters girl whos in charge of one of todays hottest franchises, cinnabon. Were back in one minute. Welcome back. The president is presenting his case to congress having lawmakers to take action against syria. It is an action that would clearly have an impact across the middle east and the global community. William cohen is the former senator and was secretary of defense in president clintons cabinet. Mr. Secretary, good to have you on the program. Thanks so much for joining us. Good to be with you. Members of congress debating on the course of action in syria. The nation will hear from the president on tuesday, next week. What do you think will happen . Well, the president has to make a powerful and persuasive case because the American People, at least according to current polls, very much overwhelmingly against it, i should say. He has an uphill battle in terms of getting the members of the American People to call their elected officials and say, weve changed our mind, we support this. Its going to be difficult. I think his principal goal right now in addition to addressing the nation is to convince the individual legislators that thats overwhelming evidence that assad has used chemical weapons, that this is a violation of International Law or norms and that action must be taken. I think he also has an obligation to go to the United Nations, even though president putin and the chinese president , xi jinping, may veto the action. Its important for the president to lay out irrefutable evidence that this has been done by assad and that the United Nations has to enforce its International Rules or risk being dismissed as futile to return to it in the future and being powerless and therefore irrelevant. Do you think anything changed on friday when president putin came out and said, if the u. S. Launches a military strike against syria, i will defend and i will go with syria . The russians have been supporting the syrian government. They continue to do that. I think that the real issue is, would the russians be willing to risk going to a cold war with a country that is in the process of disintegrating . I kout it. Nonetheless, they can be a force for great competition. It would complicate any air attac attacks. How likely is it that russia backs syria and others get involved . Iran backs syria . Theyre doing it now. Iran is backing syria. Iran has been the pipeline through which syria is the pipeline through which iran is funneling money and weapons to hezbollah in lebanon. They might intensify their support. Thats one of the calculations that hopefully our war planners are taking into account. What if . What happens after, the dayafter scenario that iran either sends more fighters in, hezbollah possibly considers launching a rockets attack upon israel . Sending more fighters into the battlefield in syria all of these have to be taken into account. You were secretary of defense during president clintons strikes against kosovo in the late 1990s. Can surgical strikes in syria be as effective as those were . I dont think so. I think its very difficult when youre talking about syria to talk about surgical strikes having that kind of an impact. Number one, when this notion of surgical strikes sounds antiseptic, clean and bloodless. Its not. It kills combatants but also innocent people. You can expect assad to lay out the innocent people who have been killed by these strikes for all the political propaganda hell derive out of that. Secondly, the strike that is contemplated, unlike the one that we launched in kosovo, we were taking down bloesvich over a 78day period. President obama is planning a short, limited strike. Should president obama have just gone it alone and not asked congress for permission . I think he should have consulted with congress. The paradox is if you go it alone very quickly, youre likely to have very few international supporters, which we dont have at this particular moment. If you wait too long, youre likely to have many more opponents. So its one of those where you have to make a decision if youre going to go get as many supporters as you can, do it as quickly as you can and then be accountable for it. So secretary of state general electric, secretary of defense chuck hagel went to the senate this week. Did they make the case for you in terms of the necessity and efficacy of limited airstrikes . I would have problems if were talking about just firing a shot across the bow. That to me doesnt make any sense. I think if were going to degrade his capability, then that means we have to take out his airfields, his aircraft, something that will really punish him and degrade him and deter him from ever using the chemical weapons. Were not going to be striking chemical weapons sites. I would want to do enough damage so this is a signal saying, dont every think about using chemical weapons again. By the way, were also adding our support to the rebels which we promised two years ago, which we havent complied with. In terms of the potential longterm costs financially, personnelwise, secretary hagel estimating limited strikes to cost tens of millions of dollars. But we know a tomahawk missile alone reportedly costs more than 1 million each. In libya more than 100 those were fired. Whats your estimated cost . 200 million probably. Thats a low cost. Thats the minimum in terms of cost. And that runs into a bigger question. Congress has imposed a sequester, which is cutting the Defense Budget by significant amounts, 45 billion in this past 5 1 2 months. Now were going to add at least a quarter of a trillion dollars to the debt. Or to force the department of defense to cut it out of other things. It will have to take it how of operation and maintenance. That means you will fly fewer aircraft, sail fewer ships, train fewer pilots, have fewer mechanics, et cetera, et cetera. It doesnt come without a cost. And its one that has to be recognized by the congress and the country. Mr. Secretary, great analysis. We appreciate your time tonight. Great to be with you. Up next, on the money, they are sticky and sweet. But cinnabon is rolling in some serious dough. Find out how this billiondollar bakery is raising its profile unbelievable. Shhhhh in our day, we didnt have uverse high speed internet. Yeah, our babysitter didnt have a million ways to serve mom up on a silver platter. We had to count sheep to fall asleep. And i always worried that i was creating an overcrowded sheep farm. In my head. Never looked like that farmer took proper care of those sheep. Too much . A little. [ male announcer ] connect all your wifienabled devices with uverse high speed internet. Rethink possible. Welcome back. Tenacity, smart and a dash of luck has helped former hooters girl kat cole rise to the ceo seat. Kat, good to have you on the program. You worked for hooters for 16 years. You were a hooters girl for how many years . A couple of years. How did you get your big break . Youve obviously climbed the corporate ladder from hooters waitress to president now of cinnabon. How did you do it . I was a little bit lucky that the company was growing and needed young talent. I worked very hard to prove myself. And there were killer Women Leaders in that company, which surprises most people, who gave me opportunity to take leadership roles when i was 18 and 19 years old. I had a constant pursuit of education to make up for what i lacked in experience, i was a constant learner and student of the industry and the business. Isnt that wonderful. What did you learn at hooters, do you think, that actually helped you with your so many things. The company was on a rocket ship. Only three countries outside of the United States had hooters when i started and there were 33 when i left. Just the experience of International Expansion was a very unique opportunity. Cinnabon is actually doing very well, thriving these past several years. Company approaching 1 billion in sales. Youre overseeing that. How do you find new Franchise Partners and keep current partners in the black . There are really only two things to do to get Franchise Partners excited about growth. One is build the equity of the brand. We do that through our multichannel growth. And the other way is to have a laser focus on those Franchise Partners profitability. Weve focused on building the value of the brand with a great team and drawing cost out of the operating system with the expertise of focus brands and great Franchise Partners. In doing so, youve expanded into supermarkets, product licensing deals. One of your newest products is cinnabon kcups with Green Mountain coffee. Whats the priority . Our Growth Strategy is multichannel. Theyre both priority. Its about building the value of the brand. They have that memory of the aroma with their family shopping, traveling. The logo and the brand has meaning. That then creates demand and trial for new products in groceries. Based on your customers spending habits, how would you characterize the economy right now . I think the consumer is back but theyre different. Theyre looking for more value for their dollar. Theyre looking for Higher Quality for their discretionary dollars. Nearly 60 cities, we saw demonstrations, just last week, fighting for an increase in hourly wages, the right to form unions. Did cinnabon workers take part in the strike . In some of our venues, we had workers that participated in the strike. You worked on both sides. You could really understand the plight. Are you for or against an increase in the minimum wage . It wasnt that long ago that i was making 2. 13 an hour working as pa hooters girl. I definitely no what its like trying to schlep yourself around trying to pay the bills. Im not for such severe hikes that it would hamper growth of business and whats fueling the meager growth in our economy. Small businesses to go out of business. The health care legislation, how are you preparing your Franchise Partners to comply with the new Health Care Law . It is really difficult to help prepare our Franchise Partners for the Affordable Care act. No one knows the fine details. We share with them what information we can thats coming from the government. Were there for them as we look at how we have to evolve the labor model to support the increase in cost. And we tell them to take care of their people. This is scaring me throughout our interview and this cinnabon is asking me to have it. This roll right here, 880 calories, one of these is 880 calories . Yes, it is. Across the world, we have this effort to lose weight. How are you changing cinnabon to adapt to the publics changing tastes . The key is first protect the quality. People want to treat themselves. They want to indulge but not with something thats not worth it. The second way is variety and choice. The minibon, our second top seller, only has 300 calories. Our focus is give people more choice so they can indulge the way they want to. When theyre ready to go for the gusty, we have the most delicious possible 880calorie treat that they could absolutely have. Kat, thanks so much. Thank you. Up next, a look at the news this upcoming week that will have an impact on your money. And the first facelift for yahoo . Does it mean a new chapter for the business . Back in a moment. For more, check out our website. I hope youll follow me on twitter and on google plus. Look for mariabartiromo. On monday, Technology Titans along with hundreds of Startup Entrepreneurs will convene in san francisco. Well see if any news comes out of that. Tuesday, apple reveals the next generation iphone at its company headquarters. Also on thursday, dell shareholders will vote on the raised offer and a special dividend of 13 cents. On friday, retail sales figures on deck at the end of the week. A hightech maker. Yahoo unveiled a new logo this year. The first redesign in the companys 18year history. The purple color stays but the font and style was changed by a team headed by ceo marissa mayer. Not a detail was overlooked. She wrote about the design. Quote, just to add a bit of whimsy, she said. Tell me what you think on email or on facebook. Will a logo and tilt change impact the companys fortunes . That will do it for us today. Thanks so much for joining us. Next week, pimcos founder, bill gross, will talk Interest Rates and the implications as they move higher. Keep it right here. We are on the money. Have a great week, everybody. See you again next weekend. Rumor are true. Valerie harper will dance. Hi everybody. Welcome to access hollywood. Weekend edition im shaun robinson. Despite having terminal cancer, valerie will compete on dancing with the stars along with show girl, osbourne, science guy, glee star and even a snook aechlt but valerie name that topped the list. I want people to be inspired and take action in their own lives. Thats great. That inspires me. Reporter diagnosed with terminal cancer only given months to live back in january, cut to september and myself harper puts on dancing shoes to seek the mirror ball alongside partner tristan. The oldest

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