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to the seats of the ballpark, the eyes of law enforcement will be watching. >> there's a lot more preparation and interaction with everyone you can imagine. from the san francisco police department, fire department, fbi, secret service, just to name a few. >> major league baseball and the giants will supply security inside the stadium. outside, san francisco police will handle the expected crowds. >> we have reallocated resources to accommodate large amounts of people that will be in the area. so you'll see us around. >> reporter: the coast guard and other ayensies will patrol the boats expected in mccovey code and the coast guard will have an additional presence on the water. >> law enforcement teams riding ferries in and out, doing sweeps. a k-9 unit as well. >> reporter: since the games are at night they're asking fans to be extra vigilant. >> the main thing is we want people to look out for one another and be safe, be aware of surroundin surroundings. it's a big city. >> reporter: a big city about to step into the international spotlight. >> the only thing that's same, we're playing a baseball game and we're sold out. everything else is different. >> reporter: joe rosato jr. as the giants go through the one last workout before game one the team had their spend the afternoon answering questions and questions and more questions. >> well, it's gotten to be like the super bowl. laura banky has covered those is live from at&t park with the details of today's world series media day. we can only imagine, laura. >> reporter: tit could get wild out here, you never know. the giants are working out where they feel comfortable, in the cage behind me. they timely get this world series party started. as you guys mentioned, they're not the only ones working today. san francisco is the center of the sports world right now. throngs of media members have arrived and arrived just in time. because today media day is an event in and of itself. it's not as wild as super bowl media day but it isn't tame either. the players answer all sorts of questions from reporters from around the globe. just consider it an element of the world series experience. it's going on both in the field and off the field. and the players are just loving it. >> this is really good atmosphere. a lot of people, you know, as far as the shirts go, kind of like i said talking about it before, embracing me, kind of, you know, it is what it is kind of thing. and having fun with it. you know, you see all the pablo hats or panda hats and brian wilson fear the beard shirts. things. just something for them to play on and have fun with. it's good. i mean, i think it's -- gets them involved and feel like they're, you know, part of the team. >> reporter: all right. i asked aubrey huff if all of this has sunk in now that's it's media day and his first media day at the world series. he said not really. he's feeling pretty loose. tomorrow, though, when he takes the field for the actual game one is going to be a different story, when it's going to be real. we have less than 24 hours before that moment finally occurs. i think i can speak for all of us, guys. we're ready for baseball. >> that's for sure. i was just thinking the super bowl you have that two-week period where all of this goes on. this was two or three days. >> crunched together. >> that's right. >> thanks, laura. >> we'll check in with you later on. their husbands have become superstars. they've been at their side every step of the way. the wives of the san francisco giants have endured eight months away from their homes in many cases and have earned more airline miles than many people do in a lifetime. summer ross, you may have heard of her husband, cody, says whether it's the world series or just a spring training game, it's always nerve-racking but she says you get used to it. >> all my kids know, and i've been doing it for so long that at the end of off season, i'm like, i'm ready. i'm ready to pick up and move and ready for it to start. at the end of the season i'm ready for it to be over. >> summer ross said her playoff mvp husband and his teammates are simply proving to the world what she already knew. that they are winners. and indeed they are. right now on, ten big differences between dallas and san francisco. chili versus garlic fries. everything is bigger in texas we know. check for the latest on giants news. while the fiorina campaign is reassuring voters the gop senate candidate, carly fiorina, is cancer free tonight. she's in the hospital, though, undergoing treatment for an infection. as patrick healy from our nbc station in los angeles shows us the immediate impact is she's off the campaign trail a week before the election. >> reporter: this afternoon this event in a business south of palm springs was to be one of two campaign stops for senate candidate carly fiorina. instead congresswoman mary bono mack spoke for her. >> she'll be healthy and on the campaign trail as soon as doctor allow her to. >> reporter: when she announced her candidacy last november fiorina explained her short hair, diagnosed with cancer, she'd completed chemo and radiation treatment after a double mastectomy. she was often running taking only brief time off of the campaign in july for her final planned reconstructive surgery. her health not an issue until this morning's sudden and unexpected announcement. she came down with an infection associated with the reconstructive surgery and as a result admitted to the hospital to receive antibiotics to treat this infection. unquote. >> they're generally not life threatening but can be anywhere from annoying. >> reporter: chief of the surgical oncology division focuses on treating breast cancer. not involved in fiorina's treatment, he discusses in general terms the potential infection complications with tissue or implant reconstruction. >> sometimes a short course of intravenous antibiotics over a period of days in the hospital is adequate. for more significant infections you might have to reoperate the patient and have her be there a considerable amount of time. >> reporter: according to the campaign statement, carly is upbeat and her doctors expect her to make a quik and full recovery and be back on the campaign trail soon. unquote. >> we don't know how this is going to play out. >> reporter: this does not necessarily hurt fiorina's chance to catch senator boxer whose lead the polls put in the single digit range. >> i think there will be some sympathy for fiorina. they want to send a message, i am not defined by my cancer. i can perform. >> if boxer mishandles it it could turn around. >> reporter: the boxer campaign issued a statement offering well wishes to fiorina as boxer appeared in san jose. when a reporter asked boxer, herself, to comment on the illness, before boxer answered her aides escorted her out of the room. patrick healy for nbc bay area news. a guilty verdict today, where a jury found three defendants guilty of murder in the killing of former las gatos bar owner. we're live at the main jail in san jose where the defendants will stay another month then the sentencing comes. >> reporter: both sides agreed there are no winners in this case. a case that left one man dead and five men going to prison. some for the rest of their lives. the family of mark achillee comforted each other outside the courthouse. the men charged with killing mark achillee, guilty of first-degree murder. >> we're stronger and our faith is stronger for the outcome. so thanks. thanks for everything. >> reporter: the case centered around a love triangle that turned into a murder for hire case. paul garcia bought two bars from mark achillee but they both dated the same bartender. today the jury ruled garcia hired a hit man for $9,500 to kill achillee. >> he lied to the police and he lied on the stand. and while i understand why he lied, he was lying. he didn't want to be convicted of murder. and he got caught up in his lies. >> reporter: garcia now faces life without parole. his lawyer still contends the murder was drug related and had nothing to do with the love triangle. he's not blaming the jury. >> this jury worked harder than any jury i've ever seen. they -- i believe they put their heart and soul into it and they kept asking for evidence. >> reporter: the jury also found the hired gunman and middle man guilty of murder. no one was celebrating outside the courthouse nor outside one of the los gatos bars. >> i know the dad, he's a wonderful man. i feel for him. >> reporter: glad it's over, though? >> yeah. i feel for the family. >> reporter: the family who already buried one man, another family now stands to lose theirs. for life. and two other suspects are already serving lighter sentences after reaching a plea agreement with the prosecution. one of those suspects testified against his friends. live in san jose, nbc bay area news. >> thank you, damian. for the second time in a week medical worker who helps care for inmates has been attacked inside a bay area facility. a nurse was hurt yesterday after a man being processed into the martinez jail suddenly attacked her. the sheriff's department says the inmate faked a seizure. when medical staff responded he picked up a lamp and struck the nurse in the head. that nurse remains hospitalized tonight. her condition hasn't been released. the attack comes several days after a psychiatric nurse was robbed and killed by a patient at a napa state hospital. prosecutors filed court papers today demanding jail time for former b.a.r.t. police officer johannes mehserle convicted in july of involuntary manslaughter of killing oscar grant at a b.a.r.t. station. prosecutors ae want him to be so prison but do not say for how long. involuntary manslaughter has a sentencing range up to four years. mehserle could get a total of more than 14 years for using a gun. that is left to the discretion of the judge. days before the election an embarrassing mistake for a bay area county. what it left off the ballot and what it's going to take to fix it. after the break the silicon valley software deal that had everyone looking up. literally. and if you h looked up anywhere today a lot of sunshine, clear and cool. temperatures already dropping into the 50s right now and the coldest night of the season upon us, frost advisory for parts of the north bay. we'll have details on that and we're also tracking two s the timeline aweek. the timeline ahead. he did you know the bay area is home to an airline? and in true silicon valley fashion, it's leading the way when it comes to technology. nbc bay area's business and tech reporter scott budman is here with today's big deal. >> it's a deal that has two silicon valley companies working together. good news for those of you who like technology when you fly and for those on the ground, it was a reason to look up. this is what the cloud looks like literally. this is what it looks like virtually. while attendants served drinks on the ground, sky writers spelled out the news in the air. virgin america, the airline based in silicon valley, has embraced the valley's leading search engine, google. >> go with the folks who know how to do this best then we do what we do best. >> reporter: virgin replaced microsoft based products with google apps while working to make your flying experience more high-tech. >> at some point you should be able to see iptv, do hp streaming. the whole world is out there. you should be able to -- when you're on, you know, up in the sky. >> reporter: the writing's on the wall or it's in the sky. more technology is going to find its way both down here and up here. >> more and more people are mobile. we do more of our work, not just in our personal lives but in our work lives from our phone than we do on our pc anymore. so moving our application to the cloud and accessing them when we're up in the clouds on the plane is mainstream. >> reporter: we're not quite there yet, but things are looking up. it's not the first time these two companies have worked together. two years ago they combined on an april fool's joke plclaimingo be working on the first settlement on mars. now they say they'll stick to software. >> thank you. decision 2010 coverage. the push to legalize pot hitting the airwaves. joseph mcnamara slowing his support behind prop 19 in a new tv ad. >> let's be honest. the war against marijuana has failed. >> in the ad mcnamara says taxing and controlling cannabis would generate billions of dollars for local communities. cut down on violent crime and put cartels out of business. right now, the 35-year law enforcement veteran is backing up his claims. san jose state university hosting a prop 19 debate between mcnamara and ron allen of the international faith based coalition. leaders in contra costa county are scrambling to fix a mistake on the ballot. one issue never made it to the printer. nbc bay area's christie smith shows us the bad ballot and what's being down to fix the blunder. >> reporter: there's plenty to choose from in contra cost ra county this election. one issue is missing. >> one of the voters noticed and called us last friday and we went, uh-oh. >> reporter: steven is the county clerk. for nearly 3,000 voters looking to pick seats on the central contra costa sanitary district the contest did not appear on the sample ballot or mail-in ballot due to a coding error. >> we've gotten it right before. we made the mistake here. we're going to look to getting through the election and then revisiting how we double check this. >> reporter: caught in the snag, voters dropping off the bad ballots. they had no idea. >> it's great to know. it's a shame it didn't happen, but i'm glad somebody's taking care of it. >> reporter: will you vote again? >> yes, i will. >> reporter: meantime, updated ballots will be at the polls or have been mailed out depending on how you vote. >> if they've already voted and sent in their ballot, they can send this one in. we'll hold the first one. if they choose to vote the second one, we'll void the first one and count the second one. if they choose not to or can't send in the new ballot, we'll count the old ballot. >> reporter: in martinez, christie smith, nbc bay area news. and ahead in our decision 2010 coverage, larry gurstin joins us live to talk about the bloc of voters that may decide the governor's race and we have a look at a new poll as well. one bay area middle school got the coolest workout ever today. oakland raiders led students at roosevelt middle school in a pep rally. the school received a $25,000 grant as part of the keep gym in school program. one of four schools nationwide to receive that grant. >> we know how important it is for you guys to stay physically fit and to stay active. i loved pe class growing up. >> the national football league is trying to boost fitness and physical education in schools nationwide. >> you said that, you're my kind of woman. >> i recognize who he is. all righty. jeff ranieri is standing by to let us know what's coming our way weather wise. we have a couple events we have our eyes on this week. >> cold weather tonight and rainfall. you guys are anchors. i could not approach to get that name right. all right. take a look at today's highs. it was on the cooler side. 5 to 7 degree the below average. 66 in redwood city. 68 in san jose. for the north bay after a cold start, nice rebound, close to 70 degrees in santa rosa. sun setting. it's magnificent out there. look at this. right now, looking toward the golden gate bridge, trans-america building, no clouds in sight. no fog in sight. 63. that's going to set us up for the coldest night of the season tonight. 65 right now in oakland. a beautiful array of colors across the city skyline. winds northwest at 7 miles per hour. right now we're in somewhat of a cooler flow here across most of the bay area, but what we are watching, of course, is two different systems this week. the first one lining up out here. that area of low pressure close to a thousand miles away at this point. looks to move in by thursday at this point. of course, that could pose a little bit of a problem for game two of the world series. we're going to have more on that forecast coming up. we want to get to the immediate though, tonight. those cold temperatures with upper 30s and pockets of low 40s in the north bay. also back toward the east bay. 46 in livermore. 46 in san jose. you get a little bit outside urban centers in the east and south bay and temperatures will be in the upper 30s. not much warming as well by 10:00 a.m. tomorrow. 11:00 a.m., mid 50s for inland spots. temperatures upper 50s to near 60 at the coastline. tomorrow, game one, giants, at&t park. it's dry right now from the first pitch through 8:00 p.m. temperatures on the cooler side there with the mid 50s. little bit of wind. it will feel like the low 50s out there. after a major system in the midwest ripping throughout chicago and minneapolis, starting to dry out. hundreds of delays from this storm system that ripped through today. now that heavy rain is pushing right into new york, washington, and down here into the carolinas and atlanta. some severe weather with this if you're heading anywhere east, expect potential major delays tonight. coming up we'll have details on our storm. one timeline. and also on that frost advisory for the north bay. >> jeff, see you then. thank you. just ahead, many parents pay a lot of fees to store their child's umbilical cords, but did you know there's a free alternative? and it may be evente a betters a li fe ar state is in a real mess. and i'm not going to give you any phony plans or snappy slogans that don't go anywhere. we have to make some tough decisions. we have to live owiine. we have got to take the power from the state capitol and move it down to the local level, closer to the people. and no new taxes, without voter approval. we have got to pull together not as republicans or as democrats but as californians first. at this stage in my life, i'm prepared to do exactly that. ♪ ♪ great work everybody! now freshly remodeled, your target has never been better. as you may know expected parents are inundated with information about banking their baby's umbilical cords. they contain special stem cells that might be used one day as a treatment for particular rare diseases. privately banking cord blood is very costly. eric ka edwards looks at a public blood bank that's free and may have a better chance at one day saving your child. >> hello, sweetie. >> reporter: like so many parents, kara and robert price anticipated banking mia's cord blood if it's needed some day. >> everyone's interested in it. it's the matter of accessing it or having the finance to do it. >> reporter: private banks can charge thousands of dollars for collection and storage. they were able to store mia's cord blood for free using a special kit provided by a private bank at duke university medical center. >> donating their baby's cord blood could save a life and it's a great thing to do as something that used to be discarded as medical waste. >> reporter: cord blood contains substitutes that can be used for substitutes of bone marrow for rare genetic diseases. the diseases are so rare it's unlikely parents like the prices will use their baby's cord blood. it's more likely another family could. unrelated donors have often better cord transplant matches. >> typically a baby's own cord blood would still be at risk o that cancer or carry that disease so it couldn't be used for that baby. >> reporter: can be used for any patient found to be a match. >> that's the best part about the whole deal is that it's helping. somebody, somewhere, sometime. >> reporter: if not for baby mia, then for future generations. erica edwards, nbc news. paul, the world cup predicting octopus, has died. paul shot to fame this summer for predicting all of germany's world cup games and predicting the world cup final between spain and the netherlands. paul accurately predicted seven games by choosing a walnut in the box of the team playing in the current game. officials at the western germany zoo where paul lived say the two-year-old died of natural causes. apparently before he made any world series predictions. >> i think they just strained him too much with all those predictions. >> too much work. >> poor paul. we're counting every vote. california candidates scrambling for attention in days before the election. why it may come down to one group of minority voters. also tonight the right to feel safe at school. the new rules against bullies across the country. and pg&e says it has found several leaks since the san bruno explospany iswhat the com address that problem. [ male announcer ] with jerry brown, it's just one dishonest smear after another. and another. just a dishonest politician, trying to hide his record of failure. the real brown plan? more spending on out-of-control state pensions. more favors for the big teachers union, blocking education reform. more job-killing taxes and regulations. more of the same old failure from sacramento. job killer jerry brown. always more taxes, more spending, and more lost jobs. it's tuesday. that means we're a week away from the election. both parties are making their final push. hispanic voters are a big bloc for democrats. telemundo reports on concerns why latinos may not come out to vote. >> reporter: this virginia resident said he will continue voting for democrats. >> translator: with the democrats we seem to be fine. we will go nowhere with the republicans. >> reporter: according to the pew hispanic center, 65% will vote for the democratic candidate in their congressional district. 22% say they will vote for the republican. but more and more hispanics are identifying themselves as independents. >> translator: nobody is going to hold me back. republican or democrat. i am free and i will do what i want. >> reporter: many democrats worry that most of their latino constituency won't be motivated to participate come election day. in these upcoming midterms, republicans have a real chance at taking back control of congress. only 51% of latinos registered to vote said they would participate on november 2nd, compared to 70% of the general population. bad news for democratic candidates like loretta sanchez who is in a tight race in district 47 in california against the republican. >> translator: in this coming election if latinos don't come out and vote, i lose. >> reporter: in fact, only 28% of hispanic democrats say they are paying attention to the election. compared to 44% of hispanic republicans. >> in states where there are no contested elections, generally speaking voter participation and voter turnout tends to be lower because there isn't as much interest in the election. latinos are in some states where that may be the case. >> reporter: 1,400 hispanics polled, many of those who said they would vote cited immigration as a key issue, especially since the senate failed to approve the dream act which would legalize thousands of undocumented students. washington. let's talk about this issue with our political analyst larry gurstin. latinos a voting bloc the democrats have to have. polls suggest that's happening particularly in the governor's race. >> looks like it's going to be about 31-and it's a good question to ask. will they come out in enough numbers? the proportion seem to be going where most thought it would. look at the polls here, the last couple and see what's happening with brown and whitman, shows where the latino vote is going, disproportionately to brown. it shows the undecided vote seems to be going away toward brown. >> all right. well, brown, whitman and arnold schwarzenegger sat down together in an unusual forum moderated by matt lauer at the woman's conference in long beach. lauer threatened to arm wrestle the governor for an answer as to which candidate which best lead the state. watch. >> it's not about me endorsing someone. what's relevant is california moves forward and we have an environmental policy that stays alive that does not get destroyed and taken up by oil companies that are spendi ining millions of dollar against our environmental policies. this is democrats and republicans and business leaders, everyone working together. i'm not going to disrupt that relationship. i'm going to continue on and run through the finish line and after i vote on november 2nd i will tell you. and then we can do the arm wrestling. >> well, read between the lines. clearly schwarzenegger finds more of an ally in brown when it comes to prop 23. interestingly the crowd jeered when brown offered to end and pull his negative ads if whitman would do the same. and she agreed but only to a point, larry. >> we talk about the october surprise. we're always wondering when and if it will happen. we see two of them this time around. they're both unfortunately for republicans the way it looks now. whitman got booed rather loudly. this is going to play on the front pages tomorrow morning. of course, fiorina's in the hospital. who would have expected it? that is a bit of a surprise. >> quickly on to that senate race. how could that impact this race with fiorina sitting there and for how long we don't know? >> we don't know how long. it could cut one of two ways. people may be sympathetic, vote for her more. people may say, she's not there, we're going to go with someone who's not sick. you don't want to be out of the game a week away from the end of it. that's for sure. >> new numbers, another poll out shows this race, too, is starting to shift toward the democrats. >> it looks, again, the latinos will fall into the same place they're falling with brown. remember, we talked all along about how latinos were so critical, familiarparticularly democrats. look at the l.a. times poll. the most recent poll, suffolk university poll. in both cases what we do see widening? a margin of error, tom, but a widening. >> if the republicans have the senate by the end of november 2nd, they need this race, they're still spending. >> they put $8 million -- national republican party put $8 million into this race including $3 million just yesterday. >> one week left. larry gurstin, thank you. we'll be seeing you frequently. count on nbc bay area news for coverage on election night. we'll start coverage when the polls close on 11-2 and comcast. brian williams and the nbc news political team begin special coverage of the national races followed by a special 11:00 p.m. one-hour newscast with your complete bay area and california election coverage. >> thank you, gentlemen. pg&e repaired 38 gas leaks since last month's san bruno pipeline explosion. regulators forced the power company to examine its 6,000 mile network after the pipeline rupture that killed eight people. four of the leaks were found on transmission lines, which are large lines similar to the ones that exploded september 9th. the others were on smaller distribution lines or other types of quick. pg&e said it did not find serious issues with the 16 miles of pipeline in the san bruno area. the pentagon changing the way it handles secrets because of the wikileak scandal. the website posted half a million secret pentagon documents about the wars in iraq and afghanistan. the pentagon said wikileaks has more classified documents and videos. security experts have been examining the pentagon's information system for the last 60 days and are expected to make recommendations on how to plug those leaks any day now. schools around the country are getting some guidance from washington on how to fight back against bullies. after a rash of suicides by students who had been hurt or intimidated, the department of education is now making it clear what schools should do. a letter sent to schools across the country includes guidance on when bullying becomes a civil rights violation. in a survey, 55% of boys and 33% of girls admit they, themselves, bullied, teased or taunted someone in the last year. 44% of boys and half of girls say they've been victims, too. the school district that canceled their prom rather than let a girl bring her girlfriend will have to pay for it. constance mcmillan sued the school after she was told she could not bring her date, so the school canceled the prom last spring and parents sponsored a different dance but students went to another party instead. a judge has ordered the school district to pay $81,000 in legal fees. san jose police hunt for two men connected to a string of robberies. also, new video of their violent takeovers. do you know who they are? plus turning to a higher power for the world series. stars. we'll check in with the bay area astrologist, her exciting predictions for the series. all right. yocan see a lot of stars tonight with those clear and cold conditions. possibly the coldest neeht of st the season we see coming our way. a frost advisory in effect for the north bay. we'll have details on that. plus, we'll bey. tracking t different storms and some rain coming up. tonight at 11:00, hmo, any health care choice can be confusing. new laws for the coming year can make deciding harder. single and healthy, two kids with asthma, your needs and choices might be different than last year, but there are easy ways to break down your enrollment options and decide where to spend your health care dollars. learn exactly how to make the best choices for your health care benefits tonight at 11:00 after "parenthood" on nbc bay area news. a cannabis club robbery was caught on tape. we have surveillance video released by the san jose police department which shows the armed takeover of the monterey road dispencery. two suspects are seen in the video. one points the gun at two employee, orders them to the floor and ties them up. the other one grabs cash and pot. police believe the same suspects are responsible for a similar cannabis club robbery on september 18th in san jose. a large wave is being blaled for sweeping two women off a beach and into the ocean yesterday. sadly one of the women doesn't survive. the monterey county sheriff's office says lifeguard at caramel river state beach reached one woman quickly but took the coast guard 90 minutes to find the second woman with a helicopter and couldn't be revived. she's identified at 63-year-old ann huffy of england. the women were wading in the water while their husbands took a walk on the beach. san francisco is home to the first ever ocean climate change center. the national marine sanctuary unveiled its new center today. the idea is to bring together federal, state and local experts to look at climate change on the california coast from sonoma to santa cruz county. their first project is to look at the sea rising along the san francisco bay. we want to see rising is the san francisco giants. >> rising. >> victory. right? >> yes, indeed. >> laura banky is there to witness the whole thing. are you seeing people rising to victory? >> laura's not there. we'll talk to laura in a couple minutes. you see the giants going through a workout on the eve of the world series. first we're going to hear about the weather from jeff ranieri. >> yes, tom. look at this. a live shot there our helicopter looking over the bay near the golden gate bridge. clear skies leading to the coldest night of the season. i'll have details on the frost advisory coming up. also look at game one and game two ofne the giants' world series forecast coming up. make it billions worse man'sl by eliminating the capital gains tax for wealthy investors, including herself. economists say her plan will "rip a hole in the budget" and is "deeply flawed". analysts for the l.a. times say whitman's plan is a "pure handout" to the rich creating a "huge risk" to schools and public safety. jerry brown's against this unfair giveaway because it will take billions from our children when we can least afford it. get california working again-for all of us. state budget cuts are crippling my classroom, so i can't believe the sacramento politicians cut a backroom deal that will give our state's wealthiest corporations a new billion dollar tax give-away, a new handout that can only mean larger class sizes and even more teacher layoffs. but passing prop 24 can change all that. prop 24 repeals the unfair corporate give-away and puts our priorities first. vote yes on prop 24, because it's time to give our schools a break, not the big corporations. san francisco mayor gavin newsom declares this san francisco giants pride week. it begins tomorrow. it started last spring, didn't it? this is a live look, isn't that pretty? glowing orange for the occasion. city hall is that way, too. the mayor wants everyone to show off san francisco pride by wearing orange and black and putting up giants signs or banners. he has more than just a little to lose if the giants don't win the series. he made a bet with dallas' mayor he'll have to dress in a rangers jersey and do community service in the lone star state if the giants lose, that is. if they win, the mayor of dallas has to do the same here. there's also some texas barbecue and san francisco crab on the line. >> don't mess with san francisco. okay. will the stars align for cody ross? what does the future look like for tim lincecum? we can guess at the giants' future. one bay area woman says she has very special insight. andrea is a sports astrologist. she studies the stars and planets to make world series forecasts. >> put in the first date, place and time of birth. my computer and software casts what's known as a birth chart. that's the strengths and potentials. then i compare and contrast it to what's happening currently. >> she says if she had a minute with the coach she would tell him to bump lincecum and put in matt cane. at least for the first few games. >> astrologically i would have put cane in number one. cane's chart looks really super strong. wednesday still looks very strong. thursday. i would have put cane number one. chart had a little edge over m timmy. >> she's not related to him. she wonders why the game starts at 4:57 and not 5:00. could be because of commercials and break down, but she said there could be an astrological answer. do you know why it starts at 4:57 and not 5:00? >> i have no clue why it starts at 4:57. probably something to do with the ratings, a measurement at 5:00. >> not with the stars at all? >> i expect it's a marketing gimmick. i'll make sure nobody watches up two minutes before they turn to the world series. >> i have another kind of forecast, not relying on a crystal ball. relying on our expensive weather computers as we head into tomorrow night and also for game two of the world series. we could have rainfall impacting the bay area. let's take a look at our weather almanac for today. temperatures cooler than average. 68 in san jose. generally 5 to 7 degrees below where we should be this time of year. oakland at 69. san francisco at 64. running around back in the weather center, i wanted to grab one more shot of the tower, magnificent lit up in orange because of the giants and the world series, game one which is tomorrow. as we've been mentioning. we have a frost advisory in effect for tonight. coldest air of the season. and we also want to make mention here of a high surf advisory, winds 20 to 40 miles per hour. if you're going to be heading out anywhere in the waters be extremely cautious. it's dangerous out there right now. otherwise here for tonight, coldest air of the season. once again. temperatures 33 to 37 degrees. patchy frost possible from santa rosa to novato. remember the pets and of course also those plants. right now, temperatures dropping with those clear skies. already 59 in san mateo. low 60s in san jose. in the east bay, temperatures in the low 60s. obviously for tomorrow morning we're going to start cold with 40s. tomorrow, still staying on the cool side with 60s and two different systems we're tracking here over the next seven-day period. the first system to move in, now about 850 miles here offshore. that looks to impact us here as we head throughout thursday with some rain back in the forecast. also temperatures staying on the cold side. the second system is going to be moving in as we move throughout saturday. that is way out there. so as we head into tomorrow, it's going to be cool for wednesday. it will stay dry as well for game one of the world series. then by thursday, a chance of rain late in the forecast. let's get a look at the timeline on this system. 7:00 p.m. wednesday, chance of spotty showers in the north bay. as we head throughout 6:00 a.m. thursday, mainly north bay showers. it's kind of stalling out and taking its time. then by 6:00 p.m. on thursday, that rain starts to push throughout san francisco and the peninsula. and that will linger, of course, into friday with more rain back in the mix. game one, wednesday, it's dry for the game. temperatures in the 50s throughout the seventh inning. game two thursday, calling for a chance of showers. that first pitch. that chance of showers lasting throughout the game with mid 50s. the rain doesn't look as heavy as it did the past couple days for the game. looks like we may be okay on that. mid to upper 30s in the north bay. tonight it is going to be cold. need the blankets and may need to click on that heat. temperatures in the 60s throughout the south bay tomorrow. and for the peninsula also more mid 60s right up into san mateo and san francisco. oakland also expecting mid to upper 60s as well into concord and for the north bay. after a cold start, a nice rebound. santa rosa expecting temperatures to pop up to the upper 60s. seven-day forecast and the weather channel on cable or online. see for halloween, right now at this point there's a chance of rain in the morning on sunday, but it looks like we could have just maybe a few spotty showers for the trick-or-treaters. >> everything breaks just the right way here we might get through this real important week. >> you're not happy about that all, right? >> you need to work on your forecast. >> to our visitors from texas we prepared something nice for you. an orange sky. >> beautiful. >> to remind you you're taking on the giants. that is beautiful. isn't it? >> and laura banky is at at&t park. we missed you before. you weren't where you were supposed to be. >> reporter: you're just jealous you're not out here right now. >> i am. how could you tell? >> reporter: i know. i know. it's a good place to be. i love my job. the workouts are pretty much all wrapped up at at&t park. giants left the field 20 minutes alle ago. they're done for the day. all that's left is the last pitch of the world series less than 24 hours away. before the giants and rangers could get to that, they had to get through media day. that's not always an easy task. you know it's the world series when on the eve of game one baseball takes a back seat. kind of. >> it's pretty nice. obviously never been a part of something like this. media day in philly was pretty big. this is pretty cool, you know? like i said, i've been waiting nine years to get in a situation like this. i would do it all over again in a heartbeat. >> reporter: the arrival of the national press, media day is sometimes less about the sport and more about the players answering the questions of everyone from reporters to interns. as "the tonight show" ♪ had me a blast >> yes, yes. i did brown eyed girl. >> after i retire there's not going to be any of these. i enjoy every minute of it, don't mind it at all. we all have to have fun. >> this is the biggest stage in our sport this time of year. so that's going to bring a lot of attention. >> reporter: the bottom line craziness and all, being here beats the alternative. >> everyone's excited about this and how the fans have really backed us up and jumped onboard. i think it's -- you know, it's just a great story. >> this is great. this is what we always played for, you know, when we were little kids and, you know, this is where we want to be. we're blessed and fortunate to be here right now. >> reporter: ah, good times. let's get back to the baseball aspect of things. it's the second straight series for the giants that has featured a game one matchup of ace versus ace. this time the two cy young award winners, tim lincecum and cliff lee. both of them are ready to go in appropriately the year of the pitcher. lincecum has gotten off to a solid start in his playoff career beginning with 14 strikeout effort when he shut down the braves in the nlds. lee picked up right where he left off last october when he was with the phillies. the rangers ace has never lost a playoff game, 7-0. eight career post season starts. that includes three wins already this post season. both of them are ready to show their stuff on a world series stage. >> just try to pitch well and, you know, great to get this opportunity. i mean, it's a once in a lifetime kind of thing. you know, prior to this year i didn't know if we'd ever get here or what was going to happen or how far we get. we got the right tools and brought the right people in at the right time and, you know, we're here now. >> i was in between. i didn't, you know, i didn't want to have to face them or want to have to face the giants. i mean, i let that series play out. i pulled for those guys individually, but i didn't mind seeing them get beat either. just because they got rid of me. >> reporter: pitching not the only story line here for this world series. how about the guys behind the plate? one of those guys is guaranteed to win a world series championship ring no matter which team goes home with the trophy. that's the former giants fan favorite, traded to the rangers midway through this season. though he's now wearing enemy colors he's still happy to be back in san francisco. >> oh, wow, amazing feeling. i could not describe it right now. it's an incredible feeling i have just coming here to the bay where i spent 3 1/2 years. it's an amazing feeling. >> reporter: well the giants and rangers not the only ones working hard now before this world series begins. the players can't play baseball without bats. that is where louisville slugger comes in. they've been working overtime these days. their factory is making specially engraved bats for the giants and the rangers hitters. each player, how cool is this, coach, trainer and manager all receive a world series bat. louisville slugger has made these world series bats since the very first fall classic back in 1903. and your comprehensive giants world series coverage plus the full sports net central team, is on comcast sports net. change the challenge to csn plus for channel locations or watch streams live. log on to for the details. that does it from at&t park. we're going to sign off for the last off day before things get going tomorrow night. 4:57 is the first pitch. tim lincecum, cliff lee. we're ready to go. >> we're ready to go, laura. tomorrow night at this time they'll be playing. >> give regdso t my regards to . >> we'll be right back. i'm among 30,000 employees who used to work for hp. i was supposed to retire there. carly fiorina changed all that. [ cheri ] fiorina laid off 30,000 people. and she shipped our jobs to china. and india. i had to pack my bags and i was out the door that night. we even had to train our replacements. she didn't need 5 corporate jets. [ farrell ] one hundred million for herself. fiorina never cared about our jobs. not then and not now. [ boxer ] i'm barbara boxer and i approve this message. not then and not now. ["knock on wood" playing] every five minutes, chase pays for someone's eligible credit or debit card purchase. [beep] chase picks up the tab. it could be you. chase picks up the tab. it's another great reason to bank with chase. chase what matters. sign up at a branch today. single or healthily, kids with asthma, hmo, hsa, medicare, health care choices can be confusing for all of us. new laws for the coming year may make it harder to decide. tonight at 11:00 the easy steps to break down your enrollment options and choose where to spend health care dollars. learn where to make the best choices for your health care at 11:00 on after "parenthood." 26 cities including san francisco are filled with zombies. crowds of zombies are taking over major cities from munich to hong kong over a 24 hour period. the walking dead stagger down the embarcadero this afternoon. put down that chain saw, they're not after brains. they're after ratings. it was a worldwide promotional or shall we say publicity stunt by fox tv. which has a new drama about zombies, about to debut. >> i could use that costume saturday. >> can't wait. >> the rangers are from arlington, the bet stands. we're still talking about texas barbecue versus the old -- >> i say ranger zombies. >> good night, everybody. >> bye-bye. [ male announcer ] with jerry brown, it's just one dishonest smear after another. and another. just a dishonest politician, trying to hide his record of failure. the real brown plan? more spending on out-of-control state pensions. more favors for the big teachers union,

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