i wawas diagnosesed with afi. ththe first ininkling ththat somethihing was wrorg was s i started d to noticee that i cououldn't do t things without lolosing my brbreath. i coululdn't make e it throrough the aiairport, and every y like 20 oror 30 yas i hahad to sit d down anand get my b breath. evevery physicical exertioin seememed to exhahaust me. and d finally, i went t to the hospspital wherere i was diagnosesed with afifib. when i firstst noticed s sympt, whwhich kept c coming and d g, i i should havave gone to the dococtor and d told themm what w was happenining. instead,d, i tried to let it t pass. if you e experiencee irregugular heartbtbeat, hearart racing, , chest pain, shorortness of b breath, fatat, or light-h-headedness,s, yoyou should t talk to y your doctoror. afib i increases t the risk of stroke e about 5 titimes i i want my y experiencece to helelp others u understand the sysymptoms ofof atrial fifibrillationo. whenen it comes s to your heal, this is nono time to w wait.