that bag an unfinished sweater that barbara was knitting for her great grandson ethan a loose end that needed to be tied up >> i love knitting >> reporter: by the hands of bettina knowles. >> it just felt really, really good to show kindness to a stranger >> reporter: they were connected through loose ends, a group stitched together last september by jen simonic and masey kaplan to finish craft projects by loved ones who've passed away >> it's a great way to be able to help somebody get through a grieving process >> these projects, whether it's a sweater or mittens or a scarf, these are things that are just really filled with love, aren't they >> it's a tangible gesture of love. and wearing something that someone made for you special feels good >> reporter: they got more than 5,000 volunteers known as finishers with 200 projects in the works and 20 now complete. including that sailboat sweater >> when she handed it to me, oh, my goodness i was already emotional. and -- yeah.