was guilty a long time ago. >> reporter: the defense team submitted more than 80 letters defending the actors. the judge said he considered the letters and felt the sentence was necessary. kristen? nenext, a ridee thahat could soooon be all o over ththe moon. yoyou're a a target for r chronic kikidney diseae. yoyou can alreready have i t and d not know i it. if y you havave chronicc kikidney diseaease your k kidney healalth could depepend on whatat you do tot. ♪♪far-xi-g-ga♪ your k kidney healalth could depepend on whatat you do tot. fafarxiga is a a pill thatat s in thehe kidneneys toto help slowow the progrgren of chrhronic kidneney diseas. farxrxiga can cacause serious se effectcts includining dehydrata, ururinary tracact or genitital t infefections in n women and d, and low w blood sugagar. ketotoacidosis i is a serious s side effecect that mayay lead to d deat. ketotoacidosis i is a serious s side effecect a rarere, life-thrhreatening bactcterial infefection ketotoacidosis i is a serious s side effecect in t the skin ofof the perineumum could occccur. stop takaking farxigiga andl yoyour doctor r right awayy if y you have sysymptoms of thihis bacteriaial infecti, anan allergic c reaction,, or ketetoacidosis.s.