company's long time accounting firm is now cutting ties with the trumpa organization saying the financial statements it prepared almost a decade can no longer be viewed as reliable. that paperwork is at the center of investigations whether the former president's company broke the law by inflating its assets. the accounting firm also says the documents as whole don't show material skrep seesz, which the trump organization is taking as vindication tonight in a statement claiming this renders the investigations against it moot. but experts say getting a letter like this is highly unusual and could suggest significant issues with those financial statements. lester. >> thank you. in brunswick, georgia today, the issue was race. did three men convicted of murdering ahmaud arbery do so because he was black? it's the central question as their federal hate crimes trial got under way. here's blayne alexander. >> reporter: it's the case that help launch a wave of protests over racial injustice. tonight a georgia jury must decide whether